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Tiêu chuẩn iso 15876 5 2017

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© ISO 2017 Plastics piping systems for hot and cold water installations — Polybutene (PB) — Part 5 Fitness for purpose of the system Systèmes de canalisations en plastique pour les installations d’eau[.]

INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 15876-5 Second edition 2017-01 Plastics piping systems for hot and cold water installations — Polybutene (PB) — Part 5: Fitness for purpose of the system Systèmes de canalisations en plastique pour les installations d’eau chaude et froide — Polybutène (PB) — Partie 5: Aptitude l’emploi du système Reference number ISO 15876-5:2017(E) © ISO 2017 ISO 15876-5:2017(E) COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT © ISO 2017, Published in Switzerland All rights reserved Unless otherwise specified, no part o f this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO’s member body in the country o f the requester ISO copyright o ffice Ch de Blandonnet • CP 401 CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland Tel +41 22 749 01 11 Fax +41 22 749 09 47 copyright@iso.org www.iso.org ii © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved ISO 876-5 : 01 7(E) Page Contents iv Introduction v Scope Normative references Terms and definitions, symbols and abbreviated terms Fitness for purpose of the j oints and the piping system 4.1 General 4.2 Internal pressure test 4.3 Bending test 4.4 Pull-out test 4.7 Leaktightness under vacuum Bibliography Foreword Thermal cycling tes t Pres s ure cycling tes t © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved iii ISO 15876-5:2017(E) Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies) The work o f preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters o f electrotechnical standardization The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part In particular the different approval criteria needed for the di fferent types o f ISO documents should be noted This document was dra fted in accordance with the editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part (see www.iso org/directives) Attention is drawn to the possibility that some o f the elements o f this document may be the subject o f patent rights ISO shall not be held responsible for identi fying any or all such patent rights Details o f any patent rights identified during the development o f the document will be in the Introduction and/or on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see www.iso org/patents) Any trade name used in this document is in formation given for the convenience o f users and does not constitute an endorsement For an explanation on the meaning o f ISO specific terms and expressions related to formity assessment, as well as information about ISO’s adherence to the World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following URL: www.iso.org/iso/foreword.html ISO 15876-5 was prepared by the European Committee Standardization (CEN) Technical Committee CEN/TC 155, Plastics pipings systems and ducting systems, in collaboration with ISO Technical Committee ISO/TC 138, Plastics pipes, fittings and valves for the transport offluids, Subcommittee SC 2, Plastics pipes and fittings for water supplies, in accordance with the Agreement on technical cooperation between ISO and CEN (Vienna Agreement) This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 15876-5:2003), which has been technically revised with the following changes: — introduction o f polybutene random copolymer (PB-R) and renaming existing polybutene (PB) into polybutene homopolymer (PB-H); — revision o f specifications for conditioning o f samples A list of all parts in the ISO 15876 series can be found on the ISO website iv © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved ISO 15876-5:2 017(E) Introduction The System Standard ISO 15876, o f which this document is Part 5, specifies the requirements for a piping system when made from polybutene (PB) The piping system is intended to be used for hot and cold water installations In respect o f potential adverse e ffects on the quality o f water intended for human consumption, caused by the product covered by ISO 15876 (all parts): — ISO 15876 (all parts) provides no in formation as to whether the product may be used without restriction in any o f the Member States o f the EU or EFTA; — it should be noted that, while awaiting the adoption o f verifiable European criteria, existing national regulations concerning the use and/or the characteristics of this product remain in force Requirements and test methods for material and components o f the piping system are specified in ISO 15876-1, ISO 15876-2 and ISO 15876-3 ISO/TS 15876-7 gives guidance for the assessment of formity This document specifies the characteristics o f fitness for purpose o f the piping systems At the date o f publication o f this standard, System Standards for piping systems o f other plastics materials used for the same application include ISO 15874, ISO 15875, ISO 15876, ISO 15877, ISO 21003 and ISO 22391 © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved v INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 15876-5:2017(E) Plastics piping systems for hot and cold water installations — Polybutene (PB) — Part 5: Fitness for purpose of the system Scope T h i s c u ment s p e c i fie s the ch arac teri s tics o f the fitne s s s ys tem s , i ntende d to b e u s e d for water, whe ther or no t i ntende d for pu rp o s e o f p olybutene -1 (PB -1) pipi ng ho t a nd cold water i n s ta l l ation s with i n bu i ld i ngs for huma n s u mp tion, (dome s tic s ys tem s) a nd for the conveya nce o f for he ati ng s ys tem s , under design pressures and temperatures according to the class of application (see ISO 15876-1) T he de s ignation p olybutene i s u s e d to ge ther with the abbrevi ation PB th roughout th i s c u ment This document covers a range of service conditions (application classes) and design pressure classes For values of TD, Tmax and Tmal in excess of those in ISO 15876-1 : 016 , Table , th i s cument es no t apply NO TE I t i s the re s p o n s ibi l ity o f the pu rch a s er o r s p e c i fier to m a ke the ap propr i ate s ele c tion s fro m the s e a s p e c ts , ta ki ng i nto acco u nt thei r p a r tic u l a r re qu i rements a nd a ny rele va nt n ation a l re gu l ation s a nd i n s ta l l ation practices or codes I t a l s o s p e c i fie s the te s t p a rame ters for the te s t me tho d s re ferre d to i n th i s c ument I n conj u nc tion with the o ther p ar ts o f I S O 76 , it i s appl ic able to PB pip e s , fitti ngs , thei r j oi nts a nd to j oi nts with comp onents o f o ther pl as tics and non-pla s tic s materia l s i ntende d to b e u s e d water installations for ho t and cold Normative references T he fol lowi ng c u ments are re ferre d to i n the tex t i n s uch a way th at s ome or a l l o f thei r content s titute s re qu i rements o f th i s c u ment For date d re ference s , on ly the e d ition cite d appl ie s For u ndate d re ference s , the late s t e d ition o f the re ference d c ument (i nclud i ng a ny amend ments) appl ie s ISO 1167-1, Thermoplastics pipes, fittings and assemblies for the conveyance of fluids — Determination of the resistance to internal pressure — Part : General method ISO 1167-2, Thermoplastics pipes, fittings and assemblies for the conveyance of fluids — Determination of the resistance to internal pressure — Part 2: Preparation of pipe test pieces ISO 1167-3, Thermoplastics pipes, fittings and assemblies for the conveyance of fluids — Determination of the resistance to internal pressure — Part 3: Preparation of components ISO 1167-4, Thermoplastics pipes, fittings and assemblies for the conveyance of fluids — Determination of the resistance to internal pressure — Part 4: Preparation of assemblies ISO 3501, Plastics piping systems — Mechanical joints between fittings and pressure pipes — Test method for resistance to pull-out under constant longitudinal force ISO 3503, Plastics piping systems — Mechanical joints between fittings and pressure pipes — Test method for leaktightness under internal pressure of assemblies subjected to bending ISO 13056, Plastics piping systems — Pressure systems for hot and cold water — Test method for leaktightness under vacuum © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved ISO 876-5 : 01 7(E) ISO 15876-1, Plastics piping systems for hot and cold water installations — Polybutene (PB) — Part 1: General ISO 19892, Plastics piping systems — Thermoplastics pipes and fittings for hot and cold water — Test method for the resistance of joints to pressure cycling ISO 19893, Plastics piping systems — Thermoplastics pipes and fittings for hot and cold water — Test method for the resistance of mounted assemblies to temperature cycling Terms and definitions, symbols and abbreviated terms For the pu rp o s e s o f th i s c u ment, the term s and defi n ition s , s ymb ol s a nd abbrevi ate d term s given i n I S O 76 -1 apply ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses: — IEC Electropedia: available at http://www.electropedia org/ — ISO Online browsing platform: available at http://www.iso org/obp 4.1 Fitness for purpose of the j oints and the piping system General I ntende d combi nation s o f materi a l s o f pip e s and fitti ngs , e g PB -R pip e s and PB -H fitti ngs , sh a l l the corresponding requirements of the pipe materials fu l fi l Table 1, using the indicated f f parameters given in 4.2 to 4.7 have characteristics conforming to the requirements of the pipes given in the applicable clauses When te s te d i n accordance with the appl ic able te s t me tho d s a s s p e ci fie d i n , as appl ic able, the combi nation s o PB typ e s or pip e s a nd fitti ngs s l l For the tes ts described, the fittings shall b e connec ted to the pip e with which they are intended to be used Table s p e c i fie s the te s ts appl ic able for e ach d i fferent typ e o f j oi nti ng s ys tem covere d b y th i s c u ment Table — Joint tes ts Jointing s ys tem Tes t Internal pressure test Bending test Pull-out test T herm a l c ycl i n g te s t P re s s u re c ycl i ng te s t Vacuum test a a Tes t p arameters SW EF M Y Shall conform to 4.2 N N Y N N N N Y N N Y Y Y Y Y Shall conform to 4.3 Shall conform to 4.4 Shall conform to 4.5 Shall conform to 4.6 Shall conform to 4.7 Y Y Tes t metho d ISO 1167-1, ISO 1167-2, ISO 1167-3 and ISO 1167-4 ISO 3503 ISO 3501 ISO 19893 ISO 19892 ISO 13056 S W — S o cke t we lde d j o i nt E F — E le c tro - fu s io n j o i nt M — M e ch a n ic a l j o i nt Y — Denotes test applicable N — Denotes test not applicable 4.2 Internal pressure test When tested in accordance with ISO 1167-1, ISO 1167-2, ISO 1167-3 and ISO 1167-4 using the test parameters given in Table or Table f or the relevant cla s s e s , the j oi nt a s s embl ie s s l l no t le a k © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved ISO 876-5 : 01 7(E) The test pressure, pJ f , p J = pD × or a given ti me to fa i lu re and te s t temp erature s l l b e de term i ne d b y Formula (1): σP σ DP (1) where p J σP σDP p NOTE D i s the hyd ro s tatic te s t p re s s u re , i n b a r s , to b e ap p l ie d to the j o i nt a s s e mb l y du r i n g the te s t p e r io d ; i s the hyd ro s tatic s tre s s va lue, i n megap as c a l s , for the pip e materia l corre s p ond i ng to ti me to failure/test temperature points given in Table or Table is the design stress value, in megapascals, for the pipe material as determined for each class ; and l i s te d i n I S O 76 -2 ; is the design pressure of bar, bar, bar or 10 bar, as applicable bar = 10 N/m = ,1 M P a T a b l e — D e r i v a t i o n o f t e s t p r e s s u r e , J p f , o r P B - H Application M a xi mu m de s ign temp eratu re , max, in °C Design stress of pipe material, σDP Test temperature a, Ttest, in °C Test duration, t, in h , in M Pa H yd ro s tatic s tre s s o f pip e m ater i a l , Test pressure, pJ , in bars, for a design pressure, pD, of: bar bar bar 10 bar Number of test pieces a σP, i n M P a G enera l l y, the h i ghe s t te s t temp e ratu re i s ta ken to b e ( e xi s ti n g te s t fac i l i tie s , the h i ghe s t te s t te mp e ratu re correspond to the given test temperatures b C lass C las s C lass C las s 5,5 b 6,3 8,4 10,5 5,5 b 7,2 9,6 12,0 7,7 b 9,2 12,2 15,3 5,6 8,4 11,2 14,0 80 5,72 95 000 6,0 T fo r 80 5,04 95 000 6,0 70 5,46 80 000 8,2 90 4,30 95 000 6,0 max + 10) °C with an upper limit of 95 °C However, to match T cl a s s e s a nd i s a l s o s e t at ° C T he hyd ro s tatic s tre s s e s g i ven T he ° C , b a r, ye a rs , co ld wate r re qu i re ment, b ei n g h i ghe r, de te r m i ne s th i s va lue (s e e I S O 76 -1) © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved ISO 15876-5:2017(E) Table — Derivation o f test pressure, p J , for PB-R Class max, in °C Design stress of pipe material, σDP Test temperature a, Ttest, in °C M a xi mu m de s ign temp eratu re , 80 5,16 95 000 4,9 T , in M Pa Test duration, t, in h H yd ro s tatic s tre s s o f p ip e m ater i a l , Test pressure, pJ , in bars, for a design pressure, pD, of: bar bar bar 10 bar Number of test pieces a σP, i n M P a 4,5 b 5,7 7,6 9,5 G e ne l l y, the h i ghe s t te s t te mp e ratu re i s ta ke n to b e ( e xi s ti ng te s t fac i l i tie s the h i ghe s t te s t te mp eratu re correspond to the given test temperatures b fo r max + 10) T Application Class Class 80 5,12 95 000 4,9 70 4,33 80 000 7,3 4,5 b 5,8 7,7 9,6 6,8 10,2 13,5 16,9 Class 90 4,13 95 000 4,9 4,8 7,2 9,5 11,9 °C with an upper limit of 95 °C However to match cl a s s e s a nd i s a l s o s e t at ° C T he hyd ro s tatic s tre s s e s g i ve n T he ° C , b a r, ye a rs , co ld water re qu i reme nt, b e i n g h i ghe r, de te r m i ne s th i s va lue (s e e I S O 76 -1) I n s p e ci a l c i rc u m s ta nce s i f j oi nt te s ts accord i ng to th i s s ub clau s e c au s e le a ks re s u lti ng elongation i nduce d de formation s , a te s t pre s s u re may b e de term i ne d (relative to a de s ign p erio d o f ye a rs) for from from d i fferenti a l the s tre s s a nd cre ep data the d i fferent materia l s u s e d 4.3 Bending test When tested in accordance with ISO 3503 to the applicable pressure for the 20 °C, h condition given in Table or Table 5, as applicable, using a bending radius equal to the minimum radius of bending for the pip e s as re com mende d b y the s ys tem s uppl ier, the j oi nt a s s embly s l l no t le a k T h i s te s t i s on ly appl ic able to pip e s th at are de cla re d a s b endable b y the s ys tem s upp l ier Table — Test parameters for bending test of PB-H max, in °C Design stress of pipe material, σDP Test temperature, Ttest, in °C M a xi mu m de s ign temp eratu re , T , in M Pa Test duration, t, in h H yd ro s tatic s tre s s o f p ip e m ater i a l , Test pressure, pJ , in bars, for a design pressure, pD, of: bar bar bar 10 bar Number of test pieces a σP, i n M P a Class 80 5,72 20 15,5 14,3 a 16,3 21,7 27,1 Application class Class Class 80 5,04 20 15,5 70 5,46 20 15,5 14,3 a 18,5 24,7 30,8 14,3 a 17,1 22,8 28,4 Class 90 4,30 20 15,5 14,5 21,7 28,9 36,1 T he ° C , b a r, ye a rs , co ld water re qu i reme nt, b e i n g h i ghe r, de ter m i ne s th i s va lue (s e e I S O 76 -1) © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved ISO 15876-5:2017(E) Table — Test parameters for bending test of PB-R Class Maximum design temperature, Tmax , in °C Design stress of pipe material, σDP, in MPa Test temperature, Ttest, in °C 80 5,16 20 15,3 Test duration, t, in h Hydrostatic stress o f pipe material, σP, in MPa Test pressure, pJ , in bars, for a design pressure, pD, of: Number of test pieces a Application class Class Class 4 bar bar bar 10 bar 14,1 a 17,8 23,8 29,7 80 5,12 20 15,3 70 4,33 20 15,3 14,1 a 18,0 24,0 29,9 14,2 21,3 28,3 35,4 The 20 °C, 10 bar, 50 years, cold water requirement, being higher, determines this value (see ISO 15876-1) Class 90 4,13 20 15,3 14,9 22,3 29,7 37,1 4.4 Pull-out test When tested in accordance with ISO 3501 using the parameters given in Table , the joint assemblies shall withstand the pull-out force, without being separated The force, F, shall be calculated from Formula (2): π (2) F = dn × p D where: F is the force, expressed in newtons (N); n is the nominal outside diameter o f the pipe, expressed in millimetres (mm); d p is the design pressure of bar, bar, bar or 10 bar, as applicable, expressed in megapascals D [in the case o f the classification “All classes”, the design pressure shall be 10 bar, expressed in megapascals (MPa)] Table — Test parameters for pull-out test Maximum design temperature, Tmax , in °C Test temperature, in °C Test period, in h Pull-out force, in N Number of test pieces All application classes — 23 1,5 × F Class Application class Class Class Class 80 90 80 90 70 80 90 95 F F F F 3 3 4.5 Thermal cycling test When tested in accordance with ISO 19893 using the parameters given in Table 7, the pipes, fittings or joints, as applicable, shall withstand the test without leakage © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved ISO 15876-5:2017(E) T he te s t for flexible pip e s s l l on ly b e u s e d when the manu fac tu rer de cla re s that the pip e c a n b e b ent to the figu ration s hown T he b end i ng rad iu s sh a l l no t b e s ma l ler tha n the m i n i mu m de clare d b end i ng rad iu s I n a l l o ther c a s e s , the te s t for rigid pip e s sh a l l apply Table — Test parameters for thermal cycling M a xi mu m de s ign temp eratu re , Highest test temperature, in °C Lowest test temperature, in °C Test pressure, in bars Nu mb er o f c ycle s Tmax +2 80 90 20 pD 80 90 20 70 80 20 000 000 pD 000 a Class 90 95 20 pD pD 000 O ne s e t o f fitti n gs i n acco rd a nce with the figu ratio n s hown in ISO 19893 E ach c ycle s h a l l co mp r i s e o ne c ycle i s Class , in °C Number of test pieces a Application class Class Class +1 at the highest test temperature and 15 +10 at the lowest (i.e the duration of min) The tensile stress, σt, used to calculate the pre-stress force required in ISO 19893 shall be calculated b a s e d on E -mo du lu s va lue s ob ta i ne d — PB -H : 45 M Pa; — PB -R: 3 M Pa NOTE for given grade s o f PB -H and PB -R Typic a l va lue s a re a s fol lows: The tensile stress can be calculated using Formula (3): (3) σ t = α × ∆T × E where σt i s the ten s i le s tre s s , e xpre s s e d i n me gap a s c a l s (M Pa) ; α i s the co e ffic ient o f therma l e xp an s ion e xpre s s e d i n re c ipro c a l kelvi n s (1/K) ; Δ T E i s the temp eratu re d i fference, e xpre s s e d i n kelvi n s (K ) ; i s the mo du lu s o f ela s tic ity, expre s s e d i n megap as c a l s (M Pa) I n th i s cu ment, the a) α = 1,3 × 10 b) Δ c) E −4 fol lowi ng va lue s apply: K−1 ; T = K; = to be obtained for given grade of PB-H and PB-R 4.6 Pressure cycling test When te s te d for le a k tightne s s parameters given in Table u nder pre s s ure c ycl i ng in accord ance with ISO 19 u s i ng the , the pip e s , fitti ngs or j oi nts , a s appl ic able, s l l no t le a k © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved ISO 876-5 : 01 7(E) Table — Tes t parameters for pressure cycling C haracteris tics P re s s u re c ycl i n g Requirement No leakage Test temperature Number of test pieces Fre quenc y o f te s t c ycle s N u mb er o f c ycle s method 23 °C 10 000 ISO 19892 (3 ± ) c ycle s p er m i n Test pressure limits for a design pressure of: bar bar bar 10 bar 4.7 Tes t Tes t p arameters Upper limit 6,0 bar 9,0 bar 12,0 bar 15,0 bar Lower limit 0,5 bar 0,5 bar 0,5 bar 0,5 bar Leaktightness under vacuum When tested for leaktightness under vacuum in accordance with ISO 13056 using the parameters given in Table 9, the change in vacuum pressure shall not be greater than 0,05 bar Table — Tes t parameters for leaktightness under vacuum C haracteris tics Leaktightness under vacuum Requirements Change in vacuum p re s s u re ≤ , b a r © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved Tes t p arameters Test temperature Test duration Test pressure Number of test pieces 23 °C 1h Tes t metho d ISO 13056 − 0, bar ISO 876-5 : 01 7(E) Bibliography [1] ISO 76 -2 , Part 2: Pipes [2 ] ISO 76 - , Plastics piping system for hot and cold water installations — Polybutene (PB) — Plastics piping system for hot and cold water installations — Polybutene (PB) — Part 3: Fittings [3 ] [4] Plastics piping systems for hot and cold water installations — Polybutylene (PB) — Part 7: Guidance for the assessment of conformity I S O/ T S 76 -7, C E N/ T R , Plastics piping systems — Guidance for the installation inside buildings of pressure piping systems for hot and cold water intended for human consumption © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved ISO 15876-5:2 017(E) ICS  23.040.20; 91.140.60 Price based on pages © ISO 2017 – All rights reserved

Ngày đăng: 12/04/2023, 21:05


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