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Rhee Journal of ASTM International Selected Technical Papers STP 1521 JAI Testing and Use of Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants Testing and Use of Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants In-Sik Rhee JAI Guest Editor ISBN: 978-0-8031-7507-5 Stock #: STP1521 STP 1521 www.astm.org Journal of ASTM International Selected Technical Papers STP1521 Testing and Use of Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants JAI Guest Editor: In-Sik Rhee ASTM International 100 Barr Harbor Drive PO Box C700 West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959 Printed in the U.S.A ASTM Stock #: STP1521 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data ISBN: 978-0-8031-7507-5 Copyright © 2012 ASTM INTERNATIONAL, West Conshohocken, PA All rights reserved This material may not be reproduced or copied, in whole or in part, in any printed, mechanical, electronic, film, or other distribution and storage media, without the written consent of the publisher Journal of ASTM International (JAI) Scope The JAI is a multi-disciplinary forum to serve the international scientific and engineering community through the timely publication of the results of original research and critical review articles in the physical and life sciences and engineering technologies These peer-reviewed papers cover diverse topics relevant to the science and research that establish the foundation for standards development within ASTM International Photocopy Rights Authorization to photocopy items for internal, personal, or educational classroom use, or the internal, personal, or educational classroom use of specific clients, is granted by ASTM International provided that the appropriate fee is paid to ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, P.O Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, Tel: 610-832-9634; online: http://www.astm.org/copyright The Society is not responsible, as a body, for the statements and opinions expressed in this publication ASTM International does not endorse any products represented in this publication Peer Review Policy Each paper published in this volume was evaluated by two peer reviewers and at least one editor The authors addressed all of the reviewers’ comments to the satisfaction of both the technical editor(s) and the ASTM International Committee on Publications The quality of the papers in this publication reflects not only the obvious efforts of the authors and the technical editor(s), but also the work of the peer reviewers In keeping with long-standing publication practices, ASTM International maintains the anonymity of the peer reviewers The ASTM International Committee on Publications acknowledges with appreciation their dedication and contribution of time and effort on behalf of ASTM International Citation of Papers When citing papers from this publication, the appropriate citation includes the paper authors, “paper title”, J ASTM Intl., volume and number, Paper doi, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, Paper, year listed in the footnote of the paper A citation is provided as a footnote on page one of each paper Printed in Bay Shore, NY January, 2012 Foreword THIS COMPILATION OF THE JOURNAL OF ASTM INTERNATIONAL (JAI), STP1521, Testing and Use of Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants, contains only the papers published in JAI that were presented at a Symposium on Testing and Use of Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants held during December 6, 2010 in Jacksonville, FL, USA The Symposium was sponsored by ASTM International Committee D02 on Petroleum Products and Lubricants The Symposium Chairman and STP Guest Editor is Dr In-Sik Rhee, U.S Army TARDEC, Warren, MI, USA Contents Overview vii USDA Programs to Support Development and Use of Biobased Industrial Products C A Bailey Application of ECLs and Today’s Legislation P Laemmle and P Rohrbach Characteristics of PAG Based Bio-Hydraulic Fluid G Khemchandani and M R Greaves 17 Polyalkylene Glycols as Next Generation Engine Oils M Woydt 25 Characteristics of Base Fluid in Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants B Kusak, G Wright, R Krol, and M Bailey 47 Compatibility of Vegetable Oil Based Lubricating Greases With Different Mineral Oil Based Greases A Kumar, S Humphreys, and B Mallory 58 Luminescent Bacteria as an Indicator Species for Lubricant Formulation Ecotoxicity J Sander, T Smith, and P Bilberry 75 A New Way to Determine the Biodegradability of Lubricants by a Biokinetic Model I.-S Rhee 83 Thermal Oxidative Stability of Vegetable Oils as Metal Heat Treatment Quenchants E Carvalho de Souza, G Belinato, R L Simencio Otero, É C Adão Simêncio, S C M Augustinho, W Capelupi, C Conconi, L C F Canale, and G E Totten 94 136 Use of Vegetable Oils and Animal Oils as Steel Quenchants: A Historical Review—1850-2010 R L Simencio-Otero, L C F Canale, and G E Totten Overview Environmental safety and compliance has recently become the most significant worldwide issue The generation of the potentially hazardous wastes by Petroleum not only cause both short and long term liability with respect to environmental damage, but can result in deteriorated mission performance and high cleanup costs For the last several decades, there has been an interest in Environmentally Acceptance (EA) Lubricants, especially, among agricultural, construction, forestry, lumber, and mining industries where involuntary or accidental fluid leakage or spillage is detrimental to the environment Another good reason to use EA lubricants is to develop a market for US grown agricultural feedstocks and to reduce on overseas petroleum crude oil Currently, the biobased based lubricants are considered as EA lubricants due to their environmental properties such as a high biodegradability The biobased lubricant is currently formulated with oils extracted from renewable resources such as plants, crops, trees or animals These types of fluids are considered less toxic and more biodegradable that conventional petroleum based oils The U.S Department of Agriculture (USDA)’s biobased product guideline also defines exactly what products and how much concentration of renewable product associated with final product would be considered as a biobased product In response to the demand of biobased lubricants, many oil companies have formulated biobased lubricants for the limited applications To explore further develop this technology, researches have already been or are being conducted in the broad science field using biobased oils ASTM D.2.12 Subcommittee on Environmental Standards of Lubricants has a responsibility to promote the knowledge and the development of standards to measure environmental persistence of lubricants (e.g., biodegradation, ecotoxicity and bioaccumulation) To hold a forum for discussions related to current trends for EA lubricants, the Subcommittee 12 has initiated to have the first Environment Symposium on Testing and Use of Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants which was held on December 6, 2010 at Jacksonville, Florida The purpose of this symposium was to provide details on current research efforts to advance use of biobased and other environmentally acceptable lubricants, and to develop new and improved environment test methods Thirteen symposium papers were presented on the various topics related to the fundamentals of biobased lubricants, industrial trends, applications, new test methods, and environmental policies All presentations were very innovated and well received from more than 400 attendees Most of papers were published on the Journal of ASTM International after peer reviewed and ten papers among them were selected for presenting in STP These papers are presented here vii Finally, the editor would like to acknowledge that this STP is a product of tremendous diligent efforts of many people In particular, editor would like to thank ASTM D.2.12 symposium organizing committee, all of the authors, paper reviewers and session chairs who devoted their valuable time for this endeavor Special thanks are due to Mary Mikoajewski, David Bradley, Suze Reilly and Linda Boniello for their enduring support, constructive feedbacks, and timely assistance Dr In-Sik Rhee Symposium Chairman and JAI Guest Editor U.S Army Tank, Automotive Research Development and Engineering Center Warren, Michigan viii Reprinted from JAI, Vol 8, No doi:10.1520/JAI103565 Available online at www.astm.org/JAI Carmela A Bailey1 USDA Programs to Support Development and Use of Biobased Industrial Products ABSTRACT: Nonfood, nonfeed uses of agricultural and forestry materials offer the best opportunities to realize the full economic potential which agriculture and forestry can play, beyond the traditional food, feed, and fiber markets U.S Department of Agriculture (USDA) has a portfolio of programs that support research, development, and commercialization of biobased lubricants as well as other industrial products that can replace petroleum-based products, such as plastics, paints, coatings, and adhesives The National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) administers competitive grant programs to support basic and applied research through the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative, and pre-commercialization research is supported through the Small Business Innovation Research program www.nifa.usda.gov NIFA collaborates with the Department of Energy through joint solicitations for the Biomass Research and Development Initiative, which supports developmental research and demonstration projects USDA is the lead Federal agency for implementing the BioPreferredSM purchasing program Many products, including lubricants, have been officially designated as biobased and must be given first preference for purchase by Federal agencies, thus creating a tremendous market pull for new products through the purchasing power of the Federal government This program will allow agencies to meet their environmental goals with products that can also meet performance requirements and are cost competitive (www.biopreferred.gov) Through partnerships with industry, Academia and other Federal agencies, these programs are making a significant contribution to the development and adoption of alternative technologies to increase energy independence and to open new opportunities for agriculture Manuscript received November 10, 2010; accepted for publication April 26, 2011; published online July 2011 U.S Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Washington, DC 20250-2210 Symposium on Testing and Use of Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants on 16 December 2010 in Jacksonville, FL Cite as: Bailey, C A., “USDA Programs to Support Development and Use of Biobased Industrial Products,” J ASTM Intl., Vol 8, No doi:10.1520/JAI103565 C 2011 by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Copyright V Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959 182 JAI  STP 1521 ON ENVIRONMENTALLY ACCEPTABLE LUBRICANTS TABLE 11— Spread activation energies and maximum cooling rates for a series of vegetable oils Quenching Medium Sunflower oil Coconut oil Palm oil Mineral oila Groundnut (peanut) oil Castor oil Cashew nut shell oil (CNS)d Spread Activation Energy, J/moleb Maximum Cooling Rate,  C/s Temperature at the Maximum Cooling Rate,  Cc 16 960 17 243 18 149 18,506 24 409 24 950 18 906 42 42 41 38 35 29 35 661 663 662 750 735 747 741 a Mineral oil was designated as SN 150 The spread activation energies were determined using a dynamic contact angle analyzer and Type 304 stainless steel substrate from the equation: Dh/Dt ¼ A exp(Ea/RT) c The cooling curve results were obtained quenching a cylindrical 20 mm diameter  80 mm Type 304 stainless steel probe with a thermocouple inserted into the geometric center that was preheated to 850 C by immersion into 2000 mL of the quenchant d CNS oil is not a triglyceride It is a natural resin found in the honeycomb structure of the shell of a cashew nut which contains approximately 90% anacardic acids and 10% cardol b The dynamic spreading activation energy (Ea) on a type 304 stainless steel substrate was determined using the dynamic contact angle analyzer according to an Arrhenius plot of the form (y ẳ mx ỵ b) of the parameters in the equation [82] Dh=Dt ¼ AexpEa =RTị where: Dh/Dt ẳ rate of contact angle relaxation, Ea ¼ activation energy of the liquid (J mole), R ¼ gas constant (8.314 J/mol K), T ¼ absolute temperature (K), and A ¼ Arrhenius pre-exponential constant The results in Table 11 show that the highest maximum cooling rate was obtained for the vegetable oil with the lowest spreading activation energies on stainless steel Conversely, castor oil exhibited the lowest maximum cooling rate and it exhibited the highest spread activation energy The correlation of spreading activation energy with heat transfer is a more complicated analysis when comparing aqueous quenchants with vegetable and mineral oils which requires the calculation of two dimensionless parameters, u and s, which represent contact angle and time variables, respectively For this data analysis, the reader is referred to Prabhu and Fernandes [83] SIMENCIO-OTERO ET AL., doi:10.1520/JAI103534 183 Carvalho et al utilized a commercial code designated as HT-MOD5 (heat treating modeling) to simulate heat treatment processes used in their work [84] This code is also used to calculate heat transfer coefficients as a function of time by solving an inverse heat transfer problem [85] The model is based on a numerical optimization algorithm which includes a finite element module for calculating, with respect to time and space, the temperature distribution and its coupled microstructural evolution In this case, since an Inconel 600 probe was used that does not undergo microstructural phase transformation, only heat transfer coefficients were calculated using Eq The boundary conditions were calculated using Eq     1@ @T @ @T @T ỵ ỵ Q ẳ cq rk k r @r @r @z @z @t (1) where: T¼ temperature, K¼ thermal conductivity, c ¼ specific heat, q ¼ density, r, z ¼ positions in the cylindrical coordinate system where r ¼ radial position and z is the axial position, and Q ¼ heat source by enthalpies of phase transformations k @T ẳ hT  Tm ị @n (2) where: Tm ¼ the temperature of the quenching medium, T ¼ the temperature of the metal, and n ¼ refers to the nodal position A plot of the heat transfer coefficients as a function of the centerline (core) temperature of the ASTM D6200 12.5 mm (diameter)  60 mm cylindrical Inconel 600 probe when quenched in the vegetable oils and two petroleum oils of this study are shown in Fig 24 It is interesting to note that both of the petroleum quench oils Microtemp 157 (T 157), an unaccelerated (slow) oil, and Microtemp 153B (T 153B), an accelerated (fast) oil, exhibit full-film boiling This is typically not observed for any of the vegetable oils evaluated in this study As expected, the Microtemp 157 slow oil exhibited a longer full-film boiling duration than did the Microtemp 153B fast oil Furthermore, the Microtemp 153B fast oil exhibited a significantly higher maximum heat transfer coefficient at a higher temperature than the Microtemp 157 slow oil which was comparable to the vegetable oils evaluated A comparison of the maximum heat transfer HT-MOD is a commercial code which is available from: KB Engineering S.R.L.; Florida 274, Piso 3, Of 35 (1005) Buenos Aires – Argentina; Tel: (54-11) 4326-7542; Fax: (54-11) 4326-2424; Internet: http://www.kbeng.com.ar/en/ 184 JAI  STP 1521 ON ENVIRONMENTALLY ACCEPTABLE LUBRICANTS FIG 24—Heat transfer coefficient as a function of the centerline (core) temperature of the ASTM D6200 12.5 mm (diameter)  60 mm cylindrical Inconel 600 probe when quenched in a series of vegetable oils and two petroleum oils: Microtemp 157 (T 157), an unaccelerated (slow) oil, and Microtemp 153B (T 153B), an accelerated (fast) oil coefficients exhibited by the vegetable oils in this study show that they decreased as follows: sunflower> corn> soybean> canola> cottonseed Canale studied the impact of oxidative stability on the cooling curve performance of pure soybean oil and also for castor oil which was identified earlier as a potentially interesting basestock for quenchant formulation [86,87] The accelerated oxidation test was used previously by Bashford and Mills in their study to characterize the performance of antioxidants to stabilize petroleum oil quenchants [88] The oxidation test was conducted by adding 2000 mL of the vegetable oil into a 2300 mL glass beaker (12.5 cm diameter, 19 cm in height) which was then heated using an electrical resistance immersion heater to 150 2 C for 12 with agitation (The agitation was provided by an electrically driven propeller mixer with speed settings of 0–10 and a setting of was used.) While the fluid was being agitated with the propeller stirrer, it was also simultaneously aerated using a gas sparge tube at L air/hour After 12 of heating with agitation and aeration, the electrical resistance immersion heater, aeration system, and agitation was automatically shut off for 15 during which time the fluid was cooled to 125 2 C in using the refrigeration system shown in Fig 25 The fluid was reheated again with agitation and air sparging and these FIG 25—Schematic illustration of the accelerated oxidation system: (a) heating, agitation, and blow air into the oil sample, and (b) refrigeration system SIMENCIO-OTERO ET AL., doi:10.1520/JAI103534 185 186 JAI  STP 1521 ON ENVIRONMENTALLY ACCEPTABLE LUBRICANTS FIG 26—Molecular structures of Irganox L 57 and Irganox L 109 15 cycles (12 heating ỵ 15 off þ3 cooling) were repeated over the test duration of 48 h A schematic illustration of the test system is shown in Fig 25 Based on the cooling curve analyses of “new” and oxidized vegetable oils by ASTM D6200 [65], it was evident that both soybean oil and castor oil exhibited significantly greater variationa in cooling performance relative to conventional petroleum oil quenchants These results emphasized that it is necessary to identify effective antioxidants that not compromise the favorable toxicological and biodegradation properties of these oils if they are to gain substantial use in the heat treating industry as replacements for petroleum oil quenchants Komatsu et al followed up the earlier work conducted by Canale and evaluated two typical antioxidants for vegetable oils, in this case, soybean oil was used [89] The antioxidants were Irganox L57 (butylated/octylated diphenylamine) and L109 (an aromatic hydroxy ester-Hexamethylene bis [3-(3,5-di-tertbutyl-4-hydroxyphenyl) propionate] which were used as supplied by Ciba Especialidades Quı´micas Ltda6 at 1.0 % by weight in the soybean oil The chemical structures of these antioxidants are shown in Fig 26 Cooling temperature-time and cooling rate curves for soybean oil with no additives and soybean oil containing % of Irganox L57 and Irganox L109 are shown in Table 12 Neither antioxidant exhibited a significant effect on the cooling curve properties relative to pure soybean oil [89] It was reported that while both L-57 and L-109 did exhibit antioxidant inhibitory effects, the Irganox L109 was much more effective, however, still far poorer than the stability afforded by fully formulated petroleum oil-based quenchants Pedisˇic´, et al studied the quenching performance of rapeseed oil containing various unidentified additives [90,91] Although they found that the Ciba Especialidades Quı´micas Ltda Address: Av Prof Vincente Rao, 90 CEP: 04706900, Sa˜o Paulo, Brazil Internet: http://www.cibasc.com SIMENCIO-OTERO ET AL., doi:10.1520/JAI103534 187 TABLE 12—Effect of Irganox L-57 and L-109 on the cooling curve performance of soybean oil Soybean Oil Cooling Parameter CRmax,  C/s TCRmax,  C CR700,  C/s CR300,  C/s CR200,  C/s t300 C, s t200 C, s a a None Irganox L-57 1.0% Irganox L-109 1.0% 76.3 642 65.0 14.6 2.2 16.0 31.5 79.5 676.3 74.7 15.7 3.2 15.3 30.0 79.0 671.1 74.1 13.5 3.2 15.8 30.5 Obtained by ASTM D6200 at a quench bath temperature of 40 C and with no agitation performance, including oxidation stability was improved, it was still poorer than that exhibited by petroleum oil A study of vegetable oil chemistry was conducted to determine the effect of the molecular variation of the triglyceride structure for five vegetable oils: canola, soybean, corn, cottonseed, and sunflower oils The ester composition was determined by gas chromatography Additionally, 13C NMR spectroscopy analyses and conventional chemical analysis for the iodine number and acid number were also conducted The results showed that the vegetable oils used in this study contained varying amounts of total unsaturation in the order of [92] Soybean  sunflower> canola  corn> cottonseed Various literature reports have shown that the relative reactivity of the fatty acid esters is [93] Stearic ð1Þ < oleic ð10Þ < linoleic ð100Þ < linolenic ð200Þ These differences in relative oxidative stability are due to the degree of resonance stabilization of the unsaturation in the fatty ester Using these relative reactivities and the fatty ester composition determined by gas chromatography, the vegetable oils used in this study would be expected to exhibit the following order of relative stability [92] Canola> corn> cottonseed> sunflower  soybean In addition to illustrating the problem with using the non-discriminative iodine number which only indicates total double bond content without regard for the relative susceptibility to oxidative attack, these data also show that commercially available, uninhibited, non-genetically modified soybean oil is potentially among the least stable of the vegetable oils to oxidation [92] The vegetable oils used in this study were structurally characterized by 13C NMR which provided a quantitative summary of the different types of olefinic functionality present in the different vegetable oils Inspection of a tabular 188 JAI  STP 1521 ON ENVIRONMENTALLY ACCEPTABLE LUBRICANTS summary of this data shows substantial differences in the distribution of the olefinic functionality These 13C NMR olefinic groupings may be used together to correlate the oxidative stability performance of the vegetable oils as previously reported by Adhvaryu [94] An attempt to model viscosity, quenching performance, and oxidative stability properties with respect to the total fatty acid content of the triglyceride structure and also molecular structural parameters based on 13C MR spectroscopic analysis using multiple linear regression analysis was also discussed Although the results were much better for the analysis of the 13C NMR data relative to simple fatty acid analysis, additional work is still required to obtain results which are reflective of the actual thermal processes involved [92] Summary A review of the use of animal and vegetable oils for hardening steel from approximately 1860 until the present time is provided here It has shown that the use of these oils to quench steel has been known for hundreds, and probably thousands, of years During the latter half of the nineteenth century, the most common oils used as quenchants were whale oil and linseed oil, either individually or as blends with various other components, with whale oil being the most common During the first half of the twentieth century, the use of whale oil continued to be preferred although supply and cost issues were beginning to emerge and it was increasingly recognized that petroleum oil was a much more oxidatively stable and lower cost alternative to both whale oil and linseed oil, in addition to other vegetable oils such as cottonseed and rapeseed oils and animal oils such as fish oil, lard, and neatsfoot oil As World War II approached, potential supply issues related to the safety and availability of whale oil and also petroleum oil led to increased research for both alternative quench oils and also technologies for increasing the stability and, therefore, lifetime of their use During the beginning of the latter half of the twentieth century, the use of petroleum oil-derived quench oils were predominant, although during this time considerable research was conducted to understand the fundamental cooling properties exhibited by both animal oils and vegetable oils by leaders in the field of steel hardening including Tamura, Rose, and others By the close of the twentieth century, instabilities of supply and costs related to the use of petroleum oils to formulate industrial oil products such as quenchants became a critical issue but perhaps no issue was more compelling than government regulations that necessarily required the use of primarily vegetable oils, those based on rapeseed and canola oil, because of their biodegradability and toxicity advantages relative to petroleum oil Currently, in addition to various performance advantages such as more uniform cooling during quenching, there continues to be increased interest in the formulation of vegetable oil-based quenchants Research has focused not only on the biodegradability and toxicity of the vegetable oils but also on the affect of additives on their performance properties, especially the ability to maximize their oxidative stability In addition, research is also underway to develop genetically engineered seeds for use in formulating industrial oils that exhibit SIMENCIO-OTERO ET AL., doi:10.1520/JAI103534 189 superior oxidative stability and also offer the potential for a broader range of viscosities Commercial products are currently available, which are mostly based on rapeseed (Europe), canola (North America), and palm (Asia) oils Acknowledgments The writers acknowledge their appreciation to CAPES (Coordenac¸a˜o de Aperfeic¸oamento de Pessoal de Nı´vel Superior) and Universidade de Sa˜o Paulo (USP) for the financial support of this work Without their support, this work would not have been possible APPENDIX A Interconversion of Viscosity Scalesa Kinematic Redwood Saybolt Redwood Saybolt Viscosity, Engler No.1 Universal Kinematic Engler No.1 Universal cSt Degrees Seconds Seconds Viscosity, cSt Degrees Seconds Seconds 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 * 5.5 * 6.0 * 6.5 * 7.0 * 7.5 * 8.0 * 8.5 * 9.0 * 9.5 10.0 10.2 10.4 10.6 10.8 11.0 11.4 11.8 12.2 1.0 1.06 1.12 1.17 1.22 1.16 1.30 1.35 1.40 1.44 1.48 1.52 1.56 1.60 1.65 1.70 1.75 1.79 1.83 1.85 1.87 1.89 1.91 1.93 1.97 2.00 2.04 28.5 30 31 32 33 34.5 35.5 37 38 39.5 41 42 43.5 45 46 47.5 49 50.5 52 52.5 53 53.5 54.5 55 56 57.5 59 … … 32.6 34.4 36.0 37.6 39.1 40.7 42.3 43.9 45.5 47.1 48.7 50.3 52.0 53.7 55.4 57.1 58.8 59.5 60.2 60.9 61.6 62.3 63.7 65.2 66.6 20.0 20.5 21.0 21.5 22.0 22.5 23.0 23.5 24.0 24.5 25.0 26.0 27.0 28.0 29.0 30.0 31.0 32.0 33.0 34.0 35.0 36.0 37.0 38.0 39.0 40.0 41.0 2.9 2.95 3.0 3.05 3.1 3.15 3.2 3.3 3.35 3.4 3.45 3.6 3.7 3.85 3.95 4.1 4.2 4.35 4.45 4.6 4.7 4.85 4.95 5.1 5.2 5.35 5.45 86 88 90 92 93 95 97 99 101 103 105 109 113 117 121 125 129 133 136 140 144 148 152 156 160 164 168 97.5 99.6 101.7 103.9 106.0 108.2 110.3 112.4 114.6 116.8 118.9 123.2 127.7 132.1 136.5 140.9 145.3 140.7 154.2 158.7 163.2 167.7 172.2 176.7 181.2 185.7 190.2 190 JAI  STP 1521 ON ENVIRONMENTALLY ACCEPTABLE LUBRICANTS Kinematic Redwood Saybolt Redwood Saybolt Viscosity, Engler No.1 Universal Kinematic Engler No.1 Universal cSt Degrees Seconds Seconds Viscosity, cSt Degrees Seconds Seconds 12.6 13.0 13.5 14.0 14.5 15.0 15.5 16.0 16.5 17.0 17.5 18.0 18.5 19.0 19.5 2.08 2.12 2.17 2.22 2.27 2.32 2.38 2.43 2.5 2.55 2.6 2.65 2.7 2.75 2.8 60 61 63 64.5 66 68 70 71.5 73 75 77 78.5 80 82 84 68.1 69.6 71.5 73.4 75.3 77.2 79.2 81.1 83.1 85.1 87.1 89.2 91.2 93.3 95.4 42.0 43.0 44.0 45.0 46.0 47.0 48.0 49.0 50.0 52.0 54.0 56.0 58.0 60.0 70.0 5.6 5.75 5.85 6.0 6.1 6.25 6.45 6.5 6.65 6.9 7.1 7.4 7.65 7.9 9.2 172 177 181 185 189 193 197 201 205 213 221 229 237 245 285 194.7 199.2 203.8 208.4 213.0 217.6 222.2 226.8 231.4 240.6 249.6 259.0 268.2 277.4 323.4 Note: For higher viscosities, the following factors should be used Kinematic ¼ 0.247 Redwood Saybolt ¼ 35.11 Engler, Engler ¼ 0.132 Kinematic Engler ¼ 0.0326 Redwood, Redwood ¼ 4.05 Kinematic Saybolt ¼ 1.14 Redwood, Saybolt ¼ 4.62 Kinematic Kinematic ¼ 0.216 Saybolt, Kinematic ¼ 7.58 Engler Engler ¼ 0.0285 Saybolt, and Redwood ¼ 30.70 Engler Redwood ¼ 0.887 Saybolt The first part of the table mark with an * should only be used for the conversion of kinematic viscosities into Engler, Redwood or Saybolt viscosities, or for Engler, Redwood and Saybolt between themselves They should not be used for conversion of Engler, Redwood or Saybolt into kinematic viscosities a This table was obtained from Reference [96] References [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] Totten, G E., Bates, C E., and Clinton, N A., “Quenching Oils,” Handbook of 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