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S T P 1270 Effects of Radiation on Materials: 17th International Symposium David S Gelles, Randy K Nanstad, Arvind S Kumar, and Edward A Little, Editors ASTM Publication Code Number (PCN): 04-012700-35 ASTM 100 Barr Harbor Drive West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959 Printed in the U.S.A Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sat Dec 26 19:17:39 EST 2015 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions author ISBN: 0-8031-2016-8 PCN: 04-012700-35 ISSN: 1050-7515 Copyright 1996 AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS, West Conshohocken, PA All rights reserved This material may not be reproduced or copied, in whole or in part, in any printed, mechanical, electronic, film, or other distribution and storage media, without the written consent of the publisher Photocopy Rights Authorization to photocopy items for internal, personal, or educational classroom use, or the internal, personal, or educational classroom use of specific clients, is granted by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) provided that the appropriate fee is paid to the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923; Tel: (508) 750-8400; online: http://www.copyright com/ Peer Review Policy Each paper published in this volume was evaluated by three peer reviewers The authors addressed all of the reviewers' comments to the satisfaction of both the technical editor(s) and the ASTM Committee on Publications To make technical information available as quickly as possible, the peer-reviewed papers in this publication were prepared "camera-ready" as submitted by the authors The quality of the papers in this publication reflects not only the obvious efforts of the authors and the technical editor(s), but also the work of these peer reviewers The ASTM Committee on Publications acknowledges with appreciation their dedication and contribution to time and effort on behalf of ASTM Printed in Ann Arbor, MI August 1996 Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sat Dec 26 19:17:39 EST 2015 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authorized Foreword This publication, Effects of Radiation on Materials: 17th International Symposium, contains papers presented at the symposium of the same name, held in Sun Valley, Idaho on 2023 June 1994 The symposium was sponsored by ASTM Committee E-10 on Nuclear Technology and Applications David S Gelles of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Richland, WA; Randy K Nanstad of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Oak Ridge, TN; Arvind S Kumar of the University of Missouri in Rolla, MO; and Edward A Little of University College in Swansea, United Kingdom presided as symposium chairmen and are editors of the resulting publication Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sat Dec 26 19:17:39 EST 2015 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authorized DEDICATION Peter Hedgecock 1931-1992 Peter D Hedgecock contributed significantly to the success of ASTM Committee E-10 on Nuclear Technology and Applications Peter has been the Chairman of Subcommittee El0.02, on Radiation Effects on Structural Materials until the time of his sudden death His colleagues within ASTM acknowledge his high degree of professionalism, organization, and enthusiasm Peter was trained as a metallurgical engineer at the University of London and was licensed in the United States as a metallurgical, corrosion, and nuclear engineer His knowledge and experience extended beyond that of nuclear structural materials, since he had extensive exposure in the aerospace industry and as an expert witness in accident reconstruction and component failures Peter was a gentleman and a friend We will miss him Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sat Dec 26 19:17:39 EST 2015 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authorized Contents Overv|ew D s GELLES, R K NANSTAD, A E KUMAR, AND E A L r I T L E xiii MODELING OF CONTROLLING MECHANISMS IN R P V STEELS Mechanisms Controlling the Composition Influence on Radiation Hardening and Embrittlement of I r o n - B a s e A l l o y s - - v k NIKOLAEV AND V v RYBIN P r e s s u r e V e s s e l E m b r i t t l e m e n t P r e d i c t i o n s B a s e d o n a C o m p o s i t e Model of C o p p e r Precipitation and Point Defect Clustering R E STOLLER 25 T h e B & W O w n e r s G r o u p P r o g r a m for Microstructurai Characterization and Radiation Embrittlement Modeling of Linde 80 R e a c t o r V e s s d W d d s - - w A PAVINICH AND L S HARBISON 59 Irradiation Embrittlement Modeling of Linde 80 Weld Metals R J McELROY AND A L LOWE, JR 68 Modeling of Irradiation Embrittlement and Annealing/Recovery in P r e s s u r e Vessel S t e e l s - - R G LOTr AND P D FREYER 86 T h e Modeling of Irradiation Embrittlement in Submerged-Arc W d d s - C J BOLTON, J T BUSWELL, R B JONES, R MOSKOVIC, AND R H PRIEST 103 The Modeling of Irradiation-Enhanced Phosphorus Segregation in Neutron I r r a d i a t e d R e a c t o r P r e s s u r e V e s s e l S u b m e r g e d - A r c Welds s G DRUCE, C A ENGLISH, A J E FOREMAN, R J McELROY, I A VATYER C J BOLTON, J T BUSWELL, AND R B JONES 119 R e s e a r c h to U n d e r s t a n d t h e E m b r i t t l e m e n t B e h a v i o r o f Y a n k e e / B R S u r v e i l l a n c e P l a t e a n d O t h e r O u t l i e r R P V S t e e l s - - A FABRY, J VAN DE VELDE, J L PUZZOLANTE, T VAN RANSBEECK, A VERSTREPEN, E C BIEMILLER, R G CARTER, AND T PETROVA 138 MICROSTRUCTURE STUDIES ON R P V STEELS Electron Microscopy and Small Angle Neutron Scattering Study of Precipitation in Low Alloy S t e e l S u b m e r g e d - A r c W e l d s - - T J WmLtAMS AND W J PHYTHIAN 191 Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sat Dec 26 19:17:39 EST 2015 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authorized Radiation Damage Studies Using Small-Angle Neutron Scattering-G ALBERTINI, F CARSUGHI, R COPPOLA, F RUSTICHELLI, AND M STEFANON 206 Damage Structures of Proton Irradiated Fe-0.3wt.%Cu Alloy A K1MURA, H SHIBAMOTO, H YUYA, M HASEGAWA, S YAMAGUCHI, AND H MATSUI 220 Mitigation of Irradiation Embrlttlement by Annealiug A D AMAYEV, A M KRYUKOV, V I LEVIT, P A PLATONOV, AND M A S O K O L O V 232 Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of WWER-440 Reactor Vessel Metal After Service Life Expiration and Recovery A n n e a l - I V GORYNIN, E V NESTEROVA, V A NIKOLAEV, AND V V RYBIN 248 A Microstructural Study of Phosphorus Segregation and lntergranular Fracture in Neutron Irradiated Submerged-Arc Welds p J E BISO4LER 260 AND R K WILD C H A R P Y IMPACT R E S P O N S E OF R P V STEELS Effects of Annealing Time on the Recovery of Charpy V-Notch Properties o f Irradiated High-Copper Weld M e t a i - - s K ISKANDER, M A SOKOLOV, AND R K NANSTAD 277 In-Service Embrittlement of the Pressure Vessel Welds at the Doel I and I I Nudear Power Plants R GERARD, A FABRY, J VAN DE VELDE, J.-L PUZZOLANTE, A VERSTREPEN, T VAN RANSBEECK, AND E VAN W A L L E 294 The Toughness of Irradiated Pressure Water Reactor (PWR) Vessel Shell Rings and the E f f e c t o f S e g r e g a t i o n Z o n e s N M BETHMONT, I.-M FRUND, B HOUSIN, AND P SOULAR 320 Low Temperature Embrittlement of RPV Support Structure Steel-F M D BOYDON, R J McELROY, G GAGE, AND W J PHYTHIAN 331 Effects of Neutron Flux and Irradiation Temperature on Irradiation Embrittlement o f A 3 B S t e d s - - M SUZUKI, K ONIZAWA, AND M KrZAKI 351 The Interpretation of Charpy Impact Test Data Using Hyper-Logistic Fitting Functions J L HELM 363 Uncertainty Evaluation in Transition Temperature Measurements-C BRILLAUD, H AUGENDRE, AND M BETHMONT 375 Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sat Dec 26 19:17:39 EST 2015 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions O n I m p a c t Testing of Subsize C h a r p y V-Notch Type S p e c i m e n s - M A SOKOLOVAND R K NANSTAD 384 Reconstitution: W h e r e Do We S t a n d ? m E VANWALLE 415 The Reconstitution of Charpy-Size Tensile SpecimensmT VAN RANSBEECK, E VANWALLE,A FABRY,J L PUZZOLANTE,AND J VANDE VELDE 442 Notch Reorlentation of Charpy-V Specimens of the B W R P h i l i p p s b u r g T h r o u g h Reconstitution E VANWALLE,A FABRY,T VANRANSBEECK, J.-L PUZZOLANTE,L VANDE VELDE, K TULKE,AND W BACKFISCH 458 Variations in C h a r p y I m p a c t Data Evaluated by a R o u n d - R o b i n Testing P r o g r a m m A S u m m a r y - - A L LOWE,JR 487 T h e E m b r i t t l e m e n t Data Base 0EDB) and Its Applications J A WANG, F B K KAM,AND F W STALLMANN 500 Surveillance Programme for WWER-440/Type 213 Reactor Pressure V e s s e l s - - S t a n d a r d P r o g r a m m e , Re-Evaluation of Results, S u p p l e m e n t a r y P r o g r a m m e - - M BRUMOVSKY, P NOVOSAD, AND J ZDAREK 522 STRENGTHAND TOUGHNESSISSUES IN RPV STEELS Application of Micromechanicai Models of Ductile F r a c t u r e Initiation to Reactor Pressure Vessel M a t e r i a l s m R CHAOUADI,P DE MEESTER E VAN WALLE, A FABRY, AND J VAN DE VELDE 531 O n the Effect of Flux a n d Composition on I r r a d i a t i o n H a r d e n i n g at ~ G R ODP,-IIE G E LUCAS, R D KLINGENSMITH, AND R E STOLLER T h e Dependence of Radiation H a r d e n i n g a n d E m b r i t t l e m e n t on I r r a d i a t i o n T e m p e r a t u r e - - a B JONES AND T J WILLIAMS 547 569 HFIR Steels E m b r i t t l e m e n t : The Possible Effect of G a m m a Field C o n t r i b u t i o n m t REMEC, J.-A W A N G , AND F B K K A M The Influence of Metallurgical Variables on the T e m p e r a t u r e Dependence of I r r a d i a t i o n H a r d e n i n g in Pressure Vessel SteelswG R ODETrE, G E LUCAS,AND R D KLINGENSMITH 591 606 Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sat Dec 26 19:17:39 EST 2015 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions auth Effects of P r o t o n I r r a d i a t i o n on Positron Annihilation and M i c r o - V i c k e r s H a r d n e s s of F e - C - C u Model A l i o y s - - n SHIBAMOTO,K KOYAMA,H YUYA M H A S E G A W A , A KIMURA, H MATSUI, AND S Y A M A G U C H I 623 Ductile F r a c t u r e M e c h a n i s m s in an A302B Modified R e a c t o r Pressure Vessel SteeI L J CUDDY, M P MANAHAN, G BRAUER, AND J MARTINKO 637 F r a c t u r e Toughness T e s t Results of T h e r m a l Aged R e a c t o r Vessel M a t e r i a l s - - M J DeVAN, A J LOWE, JR., AND J B H A L L 660 T h e Effect of C o n s t r a i n t on Toughness of a Pressure Vessel S t e e l - K EDSINGER G R ODPSllE, G E LUCAS, AND B W I R T H 670 T h e Effects of T h e r m a l Annealing on F r a c t u r e Toughness of Lo w U p p e r Shelf W e l d s - - M , A SOKOLOV, R K NANSTAD, AND S K ISKANDER 690 Evaluation o f E m b r i t t l e m e n t in a Pressure Vessel Steel by F r a c t u r e R e c o n s t r u c U o n - - a WJRTH, K EDSINGER, G R ODETYE, AND G E LUCAS 706 FERR1TIC AND M A R T E N S I T I C STEELS T h e M i c r o s t r u c t u r a l Stability and Mechanical Properties of Two Low Activation M a r t e n s i t i c Steeis M VICTORIA,E BATAWl.C BRIGUET, D GAVILLET,P MARMY, J PETERS, AND F REZAI-ARIA 721 Influence of T h e r m o m e c h a n i c a l T r e a t m e n t on I r r a d i a t i o n M i c r o s t r u c t u r e s in an O D S F e r r i t i c SteeI E A LrrrLE 739 Effect of B o r o n on Post I r r a d i a t i o n Tensile Properties of Reduced Activation F e r r i t i c Steel (F-82H) I r r a d i a t e d in H F I R - - K SmBA, M SUZUKI, A, HISHINUMA,AND L E PAWEL 753 I r r a d i a t i o n Effects on Base Metal and Welds of 9Cr-lMo (EM10) Mar t en si t i c Steel A ALAMO,J L SERAN,O RABOUILLE,J C BRACHET,A MMLLARD, H TOURON, AND J ROYER 761 E v a l u a t i o n o f the U p p e r Shelf E n e r g y for Ferritic Steels from M i n i a t u r i z e d C h a r p y S p e c i m e n D a t a - - H KURISHITA I SHIBAHARA, M NARUI, S MIZLTTA, AND H K A Y A N O 775 O n the Role of S t r a i n Rate, Size and Notch Acuity on Toughness: A C o m p a r i s o n of T w o Martensitic Stainless Steels G E LUCAS, G R ODETYE, K EDSINGER, B WJRTH, AND J W SHECKHERD 790 Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sat Dec 26 19:17:39 EST 2015 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions au A U S T E N I T I C STEELS M i c r o s t r u c t u r a l Evolution of AusteniUc Stainless Steels I r r a d i a t e d In a Fast R e a c t o r - - o v 8ORODIN, V V BRYK, V N VOVEVODIN, I M NEKLYLrDOV, V K SHAMARDIN, AND V S NEYSTROEV 817 Effects of Helium/DPA Ratio, Alloy Composition and Cold Work on M i c r o s t r u c t u r a l Evolution a n d H a r d e n i n g of SgNi-Doped Fe-Cr-Ni Alloys N e u t r o n - I r r a d i a t e d at 4650C H KAWANISHI, M L HAMILTON, AND F A G A R N E R 831 Swelling, Mechanical Properties a n d Structure of Austenitlc High-Nickel Alloy I r r a d i a t e d in a Fast R e a c t o r - - v K SHAMARDIN,V S NEUSTROEV A V POVSTYANKO,T M BULANOVA,Z E OSTROVSKY,A A KUZNETZOV, I P KURSEVrrCH,AND V A NIKOLAEV 842 Effects of Metallurgical Variables on Swelling of Modified 316 a n d Higher Ni Austenitic Stainless Steels I SHIBAHARA,N AKASAKA,AND S ONOSE 858 O n the F u n d a m e n t a l s of Radiation Damage in F C C Materials: A R e v i e w - 874 W SCHULE A n Investigation of Microstructures and Yield Strengths in Irradiated Austenitic Stainless Steels Using Small Specimen T e c h n i q u e s - M B TOLOCZKo, G E LUCAS,G R ODETIE, R E STOLLER,AND M L HAMILTON 902 I r r a d i a t i o n H a r d e n i n g a n d Loss of Ductility of Type 316L(N) Stainless Steel Plate Material Due to N e u t r o n - I r r a d i a t i o n - - M G HORSTENAND M I DE VRIES Fatigue Crack P r o p a g a t i o n by C h a n n e l F r a c t u r e In I r r a d i a t e d 316 Stainless Steeims JrrSUKAWA,A HISHINUMA, AND M SUZUKI 919 933 F r a c t u r e Toughness of I r r a d i a t e d Candidate Materials for I T E R First Wall/ Blanket S t r u c t u r e s - - D J ALEXANDER, J E PAWEL, M L GROSSBECK, A F ROWCLIFFE, AND K SHIBA 945 I r r a d i a t i o n Behavior of Weidments of Austenitic Stainless Steel Made by Various Welding Techniques K SHIBA, T SAWAI, S JITSUKAWA, A HISHINUMA, AND J E P A W E L 971 H e l i u m Effects on the Reweldability a n d Low C y d e Fatigue Properties of Welded Joints for Type C r l N i l l M o T i a n d 316L(N) Stainless Steels s A FABRITSIEV AND J G VAN DER L A A N 980 Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sat Dec 26 19:17:39 EST 2015 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions auth BRILLAUD ET AL ON THE USE OF LASER EXTENSOMETER 1149 Two other types of tensile specimens have been adapted to laser extensometry The targets are machined directly on the specimen, during the electroerosive machining process This involves the double wing specimen used to characterize the fuel cladding tubes (Fig 7a), as well as a subsize tensile specimen used to characterize bolts taken from the internal reactor structures (Fig 7b) FIG An example of target on double wing specimen (a) and subsize specimen (b) In the case of creep tests on fuel cladding tubes, the deformation is measured directly on the external diameter of the specimen The device was designed to allow simultaneous testing of samples "stacked" in the same plane A microcomputer is used to acquire the data, as well as controlling the movement of the laser, at time intervals suited to the creep rate (Fig 8) FIG -Photograph of creep test device Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sat Dec 26 19:17:39 EST 2015 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authorized 1150 EFFECTSOF RADIATION ON MATERIALS: 17TH VOLUME Temperature tests The furnaces used are designed to allow the passage of the laser patch and to carry out tests up to a temperature of 400~ For tensile tests, a tubular type furnace is used, which opens into two half-cylinders in a longitudinal plane A space has been incorporated into the closure plane of the furnace between the two half-cylinders for the passage of the laser patch directly in front of the specimen (Fig 9) FIG -Device for tensile test in environmental chamber with laser extensometer Very accurate alignment of the various parts (transmitter, receiver, furnace and specimen) is essential For creep tests, the furnace is a parallelepiped with a window on either side of the specimens, for the passage of the laser patch In order to avoid reflections towards the transmitter and the receiver creating interference, the glass in the windows is not set perpendicular to the axis of the beam Dynam~ ~ s ~ The use of laser extensometry for dynamic tests is more delicate By its design (revolving mirror), the signal received by the receiver is a discontinuous signal, whose period depends on the type of mirror (number of faces) used and the rotation speed of the motor The type of laser described in section is referenced as a "600 Hertz" laser, as the time between two successive signals received is 1/600 seconds, or approximately 1.7 ms During this period, no measurements are carried out, although the specimen continues to deform Recording variations in the deformation of a specimen placed in the laser patch thus leads to a signal sampled at a frequency of 600 Hz This frequency constitutes one of the limitations of the laser in measuring deformation for high-speed tests In fact, the Shannon condition states that a signal must be sampled at a frequency at least twice the maximum frequency of the signal to be measured Then, it is possible to rebuild the real signal from the sampled signal without loss of information At a sampling frequency of 600 I-Iz, signals whose frequency spectrum extends up to 300 Hz can thus, in theory, be recorded In practice, for simple readouts or temporal processing (calculating maxima, Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sat Dec 26 19:17:39 EST 2015 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authorized BRILLAUD ET AL ON THE USE OF LASER EXTENSOMETER 1151 slopes, build-up times etc.), a factor of 10 is generally assumed between the sampling frequency and the maximum frequency of the signal to be measured in order to obtain a sufficient number of measuring points Fatigue tests Laser extensometry can be used for monitoring the deformation of a specimen under cyclic stress However, in addition to the limitations regarding test frequency described above, the effect of averaging, intended to improve the measurement accuracy, must also be taken into account Considering a sinusoidal variation in the deformation of the specimen during a fatigue test, averaging of the laser leads to the following: a reduction in the sampling frequency by a factor n (n being the number of points on which averaging is carried out), filtering of the sinusoidal deformation signal With regard to the first point, compliance with the Shannon condition lead to the following relationship : 600 2n Averaging 16 points thus leads to a maximum test frequency of 19 Hz Above this value of 16 points, the deformation signal will be undersampled, and it will no longer be possible to obtain the deformation value The effect of filtering is reflected in an attenuation of the signal amplitude, which depends on its frequential components (harmonics) In the case of a sine wave of frequency f, attenuation of the peak-to-peak amplitude occurs Attenuation factor 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Signal frequency (Hz) 0 I I I I I I I 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 FIG lO -Attenuation factor versus signal frequency for different averaging (4, 8, 16 and 32 points) Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sat Dec 26 19:17:39 EST 2015 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authorized 1152 EFFECTSOF RADIATION ON MATERIALS: 17TH VOLUME The diagram in Figure 10 gives the attenuation curves for various averaging values To return to the actual deformation value during the fatigue test, it will thus be necessary to : oversample the laser signal, if necessary, to obtain a sufficient number of points to be able to describe perfectly the deformation signal The signal can be reconstructed by using the Shannon formula : x(t)= )-" x(kAt) Where z t At x(kAt) x(t) = = = = time value of recalculated point, laser sampling rate, signal value at time kAt, signal value at time t take into account the effect of attenuation due to averaging Accuracy of measurements The accuracy of laser measurement will be determined under static conditions by prior calibration At room temperature, and with averaging of 64 points, the amplitude of the fluctuations around the mean value is approximately one micron If the number of averaging points is reduced, this ampIitude increases At high temperature, the convection currents inside the furnaces cause disturbances in the measurements The amplitude of the fluctuations, again with averaging of 64 points, then rises to approximately microns The uncertainty regarding the mean values of the signals at room temperature and under high temperature conditions is nonetheless very low, and of the same order of magnitude, provided that sufficient points are included for the required accuracy Conclusion and outlook The ombroscopy technique has been adapted to the measurement of strain for mechanical characterization of materials in order to solve some difficulties which have been encountered, particularly regarding tests on irradiated materials in a hot laboratory The main advantages of this technique are the followings : a single piece of equipment capable &coping with the most frequent mechanical tests, Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sat Dec 26 19:17:39 EST 2015 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authorized BRILLAUD ET AL ON THE USE OF LASER EXTENSOMETER 1153 the absence of contact with the specimens, and thus ease of use in hot cells, particularly for tests at high temperature, the possibility of measuring deformations on small specimens during mechanical tests, The prospects for future development include: the use of this technique for toughness tests on CT specimens the possibility of using analog signals to control test machines increased measuring accuracy Reference [1] E Vrignaud - Contr61e dimensionnel par nappe laser - Application aux empreintes 61astom~res et crayons combustible Groupe de travail "Laboratoires chauds et td6manipulations" des Communaut6s Economiques et Europ6ennes 15-16 Juin 1993 Avoine France Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sat Dec 26 19:17:39 EST 2015 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authorized STP 1270-EB/Aug 1996 Author Index A Dunlap, J A., 1047, 1057 Akasaka, N., 858 Alamo, A., 761 Albertini, G., 206 Alexander, D J., 945 Amayev, A D., 232 Augendre, H., 375 E Edsinger, K., 670, 706, 790 Edwards, D J., 1057 Ehrlich, K., 1109 Eichhorn, F., 1123 English, C A., 119 B Backfisch, W., 458 Batawi, E., 721 Bethmont, M., 320, 375 Biemiller, E C., 138 Bischler, P J E., 260 B6hmert, J., 1123 Bolton, C J., 103, 119 Borden, M J., 1047, 1057 Borodin, O V., 817 Boydon, F M D., 331 Brachet, J C., 761 Brauer, G., 637, 1123, 1134 Briguet, C., 721 Brillaud, C., 375, 1144 Brumovsky, M., 522 Bryk, V V., 817 Bulanova, T M., 842 Buswell, J T., 103, 119 F Fabritsiev, S A., 980 Fabry, A., 138, 294, 442, 458, 531 Foreman, A J E., 119 Freyer, P D., 86 Frund, J.-M., 320 G Gage, G., 331 Garner, F A., 831, 1038 Gavillet, D., 721 G6rard, R., 294 Gorynin, I V., 248 Griffiths, M., 1088 Grossbeck, M L., 945 Grosse, M., 1123 C Carsughi, F., 206 Carter, R G., 138 Chaouadi, R., 531 Chernov, I I., 1013 Chung, H M., 1068, 1077 Cierjacks, S W., 1109 Coppola, R., 206 Cuddy, L J., 637 H Hall, J B., 660 Hamilton, M L., 831, 902, 1057 Harbison, L S., 59 Hasegawa, M., 220, 623 Helm, J L., 363 Hishinuma, A., 753, 933, 971 Horsten, M G., 919 Housin, B., 320 D De Meester, P., 531 DeVan, M J., 660 De Vries, M I., 919 Druce, S G., 119 I Iskander, S K., 277, 690 1155 Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sat Dec 26 19:17:39 EST 2015 Copyright9 bybyASTMlntcrnational www.astm.org Downloaded/printed University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authorized 1156 EFFEC'FS OF RADIATION ON MATERIAl_S: 17TH VOLUME Jitsukawa, S., 933, 971 Jones, R B., 103, 119, 569 K Kalashnikov, A N., 1013 Kalin, B A., 1013 Kam, F B K., 500, 591 Kawanishi, H., 831 Kayano, H., 775 Kelzenberg, S., 1109 Kimura, A., 220, 623 Kizaki, M., 351 Klingensmith, R D., 547, 606 Kolitsch, A., 1134 Koyama, K., 623 Kryukov, A M., 232 Kurishita, H., 775 Kursevitch, I P., 842 Kuznetzov, A A., 842 L Levit, V I., 232 Little, E A., 739 Loomis, B A., 1068, 1077 Lott, R G., 86 Lowe, A L., Jr., 68, 487, 660 Lucas, G E., 547, 606, 670, 706, 790, 902, 1057 M Maillard, A., 761 Manahan, M P., 637 Marmy, P., 721 Martinko, J., 637 Matsui, H., 220, 623 McElroy, R J., 68, 119, 331 Meylogan, T., 1144 Mizuta, S., 775 Moskovic, R., 103 MSslang, A., 1109 N Nanstad, R K., 277, 384, 690 Narui, M., 775 Neklyudov, I M., 817 Nesterova, E V., 248 Neustroev, V S., 842 Neystroev, V S., 817 Nikolaev, V A., 3, 248, 842 Novosad, P., 522 O Odette, G R., 547, 606, 670, 706, 790, 902 Onizawa, K., 351 Onose, S., 858 Ostrovsky, Z E., 842 P Pavinich, W A., 59 Pawel, J E., 753, 945, 971 Peters, J., 721 Petrova, T., 138 Phythian, W J., 191, 331 Picker, C., 995 Platonov, P A., 232 Povstyanko, A V., 842 Priest, R H., 103 Puzzolante, J.-L., 294, 442, 458 R Rabouille, O., 761 Remec, I., 591 R6zaiAria, F., 721 Rowcliffe, A F., 945 Royer, J., 761 Rustichelli, F., 206 Rybin, V V., 3, 248 Salathe, P., 1144 Sawai, T., 971 Schtile, W., 874 Schut, H., 1134 S6ran, J L., 761 Shamardin, V K., 817, 842 Sheckherd, J W., 790 Shiba, K., 753, 945, 971 Shibahara, I., 775, 858 Shibamoto, H., 220, 623 Smith, D L., 1068, 1077 Sokolov, M A., 232, 277, 384, 690 Solovyev, B G., 1013 Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sat Dec 26 19:17:39 EST 2015 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authorized INDEX 1157 Sommer, W F., 1047, 1057 Soular, P., 320 StaUmann, F W., 500 Stefanon, M., 206 Stoller, R E., 25, 547, 902 Stubbins, J F., 1038, 1047, 1057 Suzuki, M., 351, 753, 933 T Tavassoli, A.-A., 995 Toloczko, M B., 902, 1057 Touron, H., 761 Tulke, K., 458 U Van Ransbeeck, T., 138, 294, 458 Van Veen, A., 1134 Van Walle, E., 294, 415, 442, 458, 531 Vatter, I A., 119 Verstrepen, A., 138, 294 Victoria, M., 721 Voyevodin, V N., 817 W Wang, J.-A., 500, 591 Wareing, J., 995 Wild, R K., 260 Williams, T J., 191, 569 Wirth, B., 670, 706, 790 Urbanic, V F., 1088 V Van der Laan, J G., 980 Van de Velde, J., 138, 294, 442, 458, 531 Y Yamaguchi, S., 220, 623 Yuya, H., 220, 623 Z Zd',~rek, J., 522 Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sat Dec 26 19:17:39 EST 2015 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authorized STP 1270-EB/Aug 1996 Subject Index A Accelerator Production of Tritium, 1047 Accelerator Transmutation of Waste, 1047 Activation, 1109 Aluminum alloys, 1047, 1057 American Society of Mechanical Engineers codes, 320 Annealing, 3, 248, 277, 660, 1038 aluminum alloys, 1047 damage state differences, 86 embrittlement mitigation, 232 fracture toughness effects, 690 helium bubble, 1013 model alloys, 623 post-irradiation, 331 recovery, 86, 277 ASTM standards A302B, 138, 637 A508, 320 A533B, 531 A588, 331 E8, 442 B Binary alloy, Blanket structure, 945 BN-600, 842 BOR-60, 842 Boron-10 dope, 753 Brown modulus hardening model, 191 C Carbides, 220 Carbon, 623 surface layer, 1134 Cavity, 739, 831 growth, 531 Channel fracture, 933 Charpy data, 790 Charpy impact, 363, 375, 487, 531 test, 775 Charpy shift, 103, 331, 351, 637 Charpy specimen, 706 examination, 260 Charpy tensile specimens, 442 Charpy tests, 375, 761 Charpy transition temperature recovery, 232 Charpy-V notch bars, 458, 670 shift, 351 specimens, 138, 294, 384 tests, 191, 320, 415, 761 transition temperature, 277 transition temperature shift, 68 Chromium, 721 Cladding, fuel, 858 Cleavage, 790, 1068 Cleavage fracture, 706 Cleavage initiation, 670 Cluster, 3, 547 helium influence on, 831 point defect, 25 Coarsening, 86 Composition effects, 547, 606 Concentration factor, elastic stress, 775 Constraint effects, 670 Copper, 547, 606 alloy, 220, 623 dependence, 637 embrittlement, 103 precipitates, 25, 59, 191, 220, 331,569 steels, 351 welds, 68, 277, 294 Corrosion, 1088 Crack propagation, fatigue, 933 Crack tip opening displacement, 706 Creep properties, 995 creep-fatigue, 995 Creep tests, 1144 Crowdions, dynamic, 874 Curve fitting, 363 1159 Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sat Dec 26 19:17:39 EST 2015 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authorized 1160 EFFECTS OF RADIATION ON MATERIALS: 17TH VOLUME D Damage, 103, 119, 945, 1088 black spot, 220 copper effect on, 59 cross sections, 68 displacement, 1068 ductile, evolution, 531 amma ray, 547 w temperature, 331 matrix, 569 models, 138, 874 neutron displacement, 1077 states, differences, 86 structures, 220 studies, 206 Density, 1038 change, 1077 dislocation, 1088 Detection analysis, 1134 Deuterium uptake, 1088 Dislocation density, 1088 Dislocation loops, 842 Dislocation structure, 817, 858, 1038 Displacement damage, 1068 Displacement rate, 25, 591 Doel I and Doel II, 294, 442 Doel IV, 531 Dose rate, 191, 1109 dependency, 119 effect, 351 Dose use, 569 Ductile brittle transition behavior, 1068 temperature, 721, 790 Ductile fracture, 531, 637, 790 Ductility, 637, 753, 919, 995 helium effects on, 1068 temperature effects on, 842 Dynamic Helium Charging Experiment, 1068, 1077 E Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis, 1134 Elastic stress concentration factor, 775 Electron beam welding, 971, 980 Elongation, 753 Embrittlement, 86, 294, 569, 637 evaluation by fracture reconstruction, 706 ferritic-martensitic, 945 iron-based alloys, irradiation, 68, 86, 103, 138, 320, 351 beltline materials, 522 steel, 606 phosphorus segregation and, 119 predictions, 25 radiation, 232, 500, 591 Erosion, 487 Error analysis, 487 European standards, 458 Extensometer, 1144 Fast Flux Test Facility, 831, 1038 Fatigue crack propagation, 933 Fatigue, 995 load, 933 low cycle, 980 tests, 721, 1144 Finite element, 531 modeling, 670 First wall/blanket structure, 945 Fisher model, 68 Fitting functions, 363, 375 Flow stress, 637 Flow structure, 248 Fluence, 232, 1047, 1057, 1088 end-of-license, 637 monitors, 591 Flux, 547 neutron flux, 351, 522 Fracture appearance transition temperature, 68 Fracture, cleavage, 706 Fracture, ductile, 790 Fracture energy, 458 Fracture initiation, 670 Fracture, intergranular, 103, 260 Fracture reconstruction, 670, 706, 790 Fracture toughness, 138, 415, 458, 660, 690 temperature effects, 945 tests, 721 Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sat Dec 26 19:17:39 EST 2015 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authorized INDEX 1161 Frank loops, 831, 933 G Gamma rays, 547, 591 Gamma scanning, 522 Grain boundary, 995, 1077 segregatmn, 103, 119, 260 H Hardening, 25, 68, 191, 248, 351, 831 barrier, model, 902 composition influence on, irradiation, 547, 606, 623, 902, 919 neutron irradiation, 331 radiation, 569, 1123 Hardness, 902 measurements, 294, 637, 761 micro-Vickers, 623 Heat affected zone, 294, 500 cracking, 980 Heat treatment effects, 606 Heavy Section Steel Irradiation Program, 384 Helium, 591, 753, 831, 902 bubble growth, 980 bubbles, 206 damage, 1077 Dynamic Helium Charging Experiment, 1068 implantation, 980 ion-implanted, 1013 High Flux Isotope Reactor, 547, 591, 753, 971 High Flux Reactor, 919 Hyperlogistic functions, 363 J J-integral, 945 L Laser, 1144 Lateral expansion, 458 Lateral shift method, 232 Lattice parameters, 1088 Lead, 522 Linde 80 welds, 59, 68, 138, 660 Load-deflection response, 138 Low activation materials, 721 M Manganese, 547 Materials Open Test Assembly, 831 Metal inert gas welding, 971 Metallography, 248 Microscopy, 59 confocal, 670, 706 Microstructure, 86, 103, 874, 919 aluminum alloys, 1047 austenitic stainless steels, 902 characterization, 59 defect, weldments, 971 dislocation, 1038 effects, 547 evolution, 220, 637, 817, 831, 1013 support steel, 331 WWER-440, 248 Micro-void coalescence, 260 Modeling, 191 barrier hardening, 902 copper precipitation, 25 damage, 138 damage, radiation, 874 Impact testing, 384, 775, 995 finite element, 670 Charpy, 363, 375, 487 irradiation embrittlement, Intergranular failure, 190, 260, 68, 86, 103 1068 irradiation hardening, 220 Intergranular fracture, 103, 260 mechanistic, 331 International Thermonuclear micromechanical, 531 Experimental Reactor, 933, 945 one-interstitial model, 874 Interstitials, 874 phosphorus segregation, 119 Iron alloys, point defect clustering, 25 Iron-copper alloys, 220 radiation embrittlement, 59 Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sat Dec 26 19:17:39 EST 2015 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authorized 1162 EFFECTS OF RADIATION ON MATERIALS: 17TH VOLUME Modulus hardening model, 191 Molybdenum, 547 N Neutron activation dosimeters, thermal, 591 Neutron displacement damage, 1077 Neutron fluence, 232, 690 Neutron flux, 351, 522 Neutron-induced activation, 1109 Neutron irradiation, 842 Neutron scattering, 59, 191, 206 Nickel, 547, 606, 831, 842, 1038 alloys, 1013 Niobium, 1088 Nitrogen implantation, 1134 Notch depth, 775 O Optical microscopy, 59 Oxide-dispersion-strengthened ferritic steel, 739 Oxygen, 1134 P Particle-matrix interface, 817 Phase stability, 858 Phase transformation, 817 Philippsburg, 442, 458 Phosphorus, 103, 119, 547, 606, 831 segregation, 260 Plant life management, 415 Point defect concentrations, 874 Positron annihilation, 623, 1134 Power Reactor Embrittlement Data Base, 500 Precipitates, 206, 1077 copper, 25, 59, 103, 331, 569 formation, irradiation-induced, 1123 phosphide, 858 vanadium, 1123 Proton irradiation, 220, 623 R RCC-M, 320 Reconstitution, 415, 442, 458, 522 Recovery, annealing, 86, 277 S Sampling strategies, 375 Scanning, 522 Scanning electron microscopy, 706 Scattering neutron, 59, 191, 206 small angle neutron, 1123 small angle X-ray, 1123 Segregation grain boundary, 103, 119 phosphorus, 260 radiation-induced, 817 zone effects, 320 Shear punch, 902, 1057 Size distribution, 206 Small angle neutron scattering, 191, 206, 1123 Small angle X-ray scattering, 1123 Solid solution, Spallation neutrons, 1047 Standards (See also ASTM standards) European, 458 Steel, 68, 375, 384, 547 A302B, 138 A508, 320 A533B, 351, 531 austenitic, 831, 842, 858, 971 austenitic stainless, 817, 902, 945, 980, 995 embrittlement evaluation, 706 Fe-C-Cu alloys, 220, 623 Fe-Ni-Cr, 831 ferritic, 591, 739, 775 ferritic/martensitic, 753, 945, 1109 ferritic stainless, 945 low alloy, 191 martensitic, 721, 761 martensitic stainless, 790 ODS ferritic, 739 plate, 569, 919 SA-508, 660 SA-533, 660 stainless, 817, 919, 933, 980 support structure, 331 tool, 1134 Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sat Dec 26 19:17:39 EST 2015 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authorized INDEX 1163 VVER-440, 1123 WWER-440, 232, 248, 522 Strain, 1144 Strain localization, 637 Stress concentration factor, elastic, 775 Stress intensity factor range, 933 Stress relief, 606 Support structures, 331 Surveillance program, 522 Swelling, 817, 842, 1038 resistance, 858 void, 739, 1077 T Tearing modulus, 945 Temperature dependence, 119, 606 Tensile tests, 531, 721, 761, 1144 ductility, 919 proof strength, 995 properties, 753, 919, 971 spallation neutron environment, 1047 specimens, 442 strength, 1068 ultimate, 753 tensile-shear correlation, 1057 Test Reactor Embrittlement Data Base, 500 Thermal aging, 294, 320, 637, 660, 690 Thermal dependence, swelling, 1038 Thermal desorption spectrometry, 1013 Thermomechanical treatment, 739 Toughness, 670, 790, 995 ferritic-martensitic steel, 945 properties, 277 segregation zone effects, 320 Transition curves, 458 Transition electron microscopy, 902 Transition temperature, 277, 458, 547 Charpy, 232 ductile to brittle, 384, 721 fracture appearance, 68 measurements, 375 nil ductility, 363 shift, 351, 487 Transmission electron microscopy, 59, 248, 1068 aluminum alloys, 1057 helium bubble investigation, 1013 microstructure analysis, 971 Trend curve, 103, 138 dose use, 569 validation, 260 Tritium, 1057, 1068, 1077 U UK Magnox Embrittlement Model, 68 Uncertainty evaluation, 375 Upper shelf energy, 277, 363, 384, 487 fulfillment, 458 miniaturized vs full-size specimens, 775 single cycle heat effect on, 637 weld material, 531 V Vacancies, 874 Vanadium-based alloys, 1068, 1077, 1109, 1123 Voids, 206, 637, 842, 1038 growth, 858 swelling, 739, 1077 W Wear resistance, 1134 Welds, 86, 248, 569, 971 copper, 277 cracking, 980 EB, 761 Linde 80, 59, 68, 138 materials, 500 metals, 995 nickel, 294 stud gun, 442 submerged arc, 59, 103, 119, 191, 260, 660 TIG, 761 upper shelf, 690 Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sat Dec 26 19:17:39 EST 2015 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authorized 1164 EFFECTS OF RADIATION ON MATERIALS: 17TH VOLUME upper shelf, low, 690 welding techniques, 415, 971 Wrappers, fuel assembly, 842 WWER-440 reactor vessel, 232, 248, 522 Y Yield, 442 Yield strength, 25, 59, 68, 351, 384, 637 Yield stress, 706, 753, 902 X X-ray diffraction, 1088 X-ray scattering, small angle, 1123 Z Zirconium, 1088 ISBN 0-8031-2016-8