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MiCon 78: OPTIMIZATION OF PROCESSING, PROPERTIES, AND SERVICE PERFORMANCE THROUGH MICROSTRUCTURAL CONTROL A symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee E-4 on Metallography AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS Houston, Tex., 3-5 April 1978 ASTM SPECIAL TECHNICAL PUBLICATION 672 Halle Abrams, Bethlehem Steel Corp G N Maniar, Carpenter Technology Corp D A Nail, Cameron Iron Works H D Solomon, General Electric Co editors List price $53.50 04-672000-28 IS ^AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS I/1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa 19103 Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sun Jan 19:09:21 EST 2016 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authorized Copyright ® by AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS 1979 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 78-74560 NOTE The Society is not responsible, as a body, for the statements and opinions advanced in this publication Printed in Baltimore, Md July 1979 Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sun Jan 19:09:21 EST 2016 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authorized Foreword The symposium on MiCon 78: Optimization of Processing, Properties, and Service Performance Through Microstructural Control was held in Houston, Texas, 3-5 April 1978 Sponsored by Committee E-4 on Metallography of the American Society for Testing and Materials, the symposium was also cosponsored by The Metallurgical Society of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, the International Metallographic Society, and the Houston Chapter of the American Society for Metals Dr Halle Abrams, Bethlehem Steel Corporation, G N Maniar, Carpenter Technology Corporation, D A Nail, Cameron Iron Works, and Dr H D Solomon, General Electric Company are editors of this publication The success of the First MiCon Symposium, on which this ASTM special technical publication is based, was the outgrowth of two years of effort on the part of several individuals and technical societies The MiCon Organizing Committee was the driving force behind this undertaking, and thanks are due to members of this committee, in particular to Dr Charles Hays, General Chairman of MiCon 78, J A Richardson, IMS Liaison, and J D Blanchard, ASM Houston Liaison Thanks are also due to P S Gupton, ASM Houston Chapter, Dr A G Gray, ASM, J J Palmer, ASTM, R J Gray, IMS, and Dr Kinrad Kundig, TMS/AIME Finally, an expression of appreciation goes to Dr Dan Albrecht, IMS, for his invaluable help in the formative stage of MiCon Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sun Jan 19:09:21 EST 2016 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authorized MiCon symposia are the responsibility of the MiCon Organizing Committee The members of the committee for MiCon 78 and their responsibilities were: Dr Halle Abrams, Bethlehem Steel Corporation, Chairman, Steels Session James D Blanchard, Rolled Alloys Inc., ASM Houston Liaison Dr William D Forgeng, Jr., U.S Steel Corporation, ASTM Committee E-4 Liaison Dr Charles Hays, Dept of Mechanical Technology, University of Houston, General Chairman Gunvant N Maniar, Carpenter Technology Corporation, Chairman, High Temperature Alloys Session Don A Nail, Cameron Iron Works, Technical Chairman and Organizing Committee Chairman James H Richardson, The Aerospace Corporation, IMS Liaison and Organizing Committee Secretary Dr Harvey D Solomon, General Electric Company, Chairman, Stainless Steels Session and TMS/AIME Liaison Dr Martin G H, Wells, Colt Industries Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sun Jan 19:09:21 EST 2016 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authorized The MiCon Organizing Committee is deeply appreciative of the support of MiCon 78 by the following corporations: AVCO Corporation Buehler, Ltd Cameron Iron Works, Inc Carpenter Technology Corp Cooper Industries, Cooper Energy Services Division Deere and Company General Electric Company, Corporate Research and Development Center Houston Lighting and Power Ladish Company Shell Development Company Sun Petroleum Products Company Universal-Cyclops Cyclops Corporation Wyman-Gordon Company Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sun Jan 19:09:21 EST 2016 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authorized Related ASTM Publications Unified Numbering System for Metals and Alloys, DS 56A (1977), $49.00, 05-056001-01 Quantitative Surface Analysis of Materials, STP 643 (1978), $21.50, 04-643000-39 Surface Analysis Techniques for Metallurgical Applications, STP 5% (1976), $15.00, 04-596000-28 Bearing Steels: The Rating of Nonmetallic Inclusion, STP 575 (1975), $22.25, 04-575000-02 Metallography—A Practical Tool for Correlating the Structure and Properties of Materials, STP 557 (1974), $24.25, 04-557000-28 Temper Embrittlement of Alloy Steels, STP 499 (1972), $10.00, 04499000-02 Introduction to Today's Ultrahigh-Strength Structural Steels, STP 498 (1971), $3.75, 04-498000-02 Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sun Jan 19:09:21 EST 2016 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authorized A Note of Appreciation to Reviewers This publication is made possible by the authors and, also, the unheralded efforts of the reviewers This body of technical experts whose dedication, sacrifice of time and effort, and collective wisdom in reviewing the papers must be acknowledged The quality level of ASTM publications is a direct function of their respected opinions On behalf of ASTM we acknowledge with appreciation their contribution ASTM Committee on Publications Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sun Jan Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant 19:09:21 to License EST 2016 Agreement No further r Editorial Staff Jane B Wheeler, Managing Editor Helen M Hoersch, Associate Editor Ellen J McGlinchey, Senior Assistant Editor Helen Mahy, Assistant Editor Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sun Jan 19:09:21 EST 2016 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authoriz Contents Introduction STEELS Summary—Steels Session Design of Higli Hardness, Tough Steels for Energy-Related Applications— V F ZACKAY 10 Microstructural Control in Microalloyed Steels—MORRis COHEN AND S S HANSEN 34 High-Strength Microalloyed Pipe Steels Resistant to Hydrogen-Induced Failures—c PARRINI A N D A DE VITO 53 Evaluation of Steels for Arctic Line Pipe—HALLE ABRAMS AND G J ROE 73 Control of Microstructure by the Processing Parameters and Chemistry in the Arctic Line Pipe Steels—CHIAKI OUCHI, JUNICHI TANAKA, iSAO KOZASU, A N D KOSHIRO TSUKADA 105 Structure-Property Relationships for Pearlite-Reduced Mo-Nb Steels FinishRolled Moderately Below Ara^A p COLDREN, G T ELDIS, AND G TITHER 126 Controlled Processing of Molybdenum Bearing Line Pipe Steels—o w DELVECCHIO, J E HOOD, AND D B MC CUTCHEON 145 Influence of Microstructure on the Temper Embrittlement of Some Low-Alloy Steels—R VISWANATHAN 169 Effects of Composition and Gage on the Microstructure of A533-B Steels— R P SMITH AND R A SWIFT 186 High-Hardenability Carburizing Steels for Rock Bits—D E DIESBURG 207 Discussion—Steels Session 230 STAINLESS STEELS Summary—Stainless Steels Session 261 Relationship Between Microstructure and Properties in Stainless Steels— F B PICKERING 263 Possibilities for Microstructural Control During Hot Working of Austenit Stainless Steels—BERTIL AHLBLOM A N D WILLIAM ROBERTS Copyright Downloaded/printed University by ASTM Int'l 2% (all rights by of Washington (University of 636 MICON 78 that you made concerning the tandem use of the electric arc furnace and the AOD furnace I think that one of the benefits of this process is that both pieces of equipment are utilized for the purpose that they best The electric furnace is very efficient for melting, but it is not the most functional equipment for refining Using the electric furnace—I don't know other's experiences—but having worked in our melt shop, I've always felt that there was a lot of witchcraft (melter's art) associated with electric furnace refining, watching melters read carbon tests, and perform other steps that seem to be shrouded in an aura of mysticism that challenged metallurgical explanation By contrast, transferring a heat to the AOD vessel for refining, the process adheres to metallurgical theory Refining is being done in a device that is thermodynamically sound The operator knows exactly how much oxygen is needed to blow the carbon to the level desired, and when it's completed, the metallurgist says lo and behold, it works just like the textbook says it would Answer: L W Lherbier—Not having worked as a melter, I can sympathize with your witchcraft, and I think it may apply to all melting techniques, not just the electric furnace However, a computer calculation is not going to make a heat every time In fact, when a heat does not final as forecast, the experience of the melting person is necessary to correct the failure Question: Dr M K Koul^—Vd like to comment on this thing that everybody looks at, the AOD process as the solution for all problems But one thing you have to see is that when you were making very high purity alloys, in the past, melters placed very very severe specifications on the raw materials they used That is, raw materials Uke chromium, manganese, nickel, and other alloying elements Now, when you go to the AOD process, one of the incentives there is to go to low-cost material—high carbon chrome and things like that And for 15 cents a pound or 20 cents a pound, you are not going to get very high purity material as compared to electrolytic chrome or electrolytic manganese So when you look at a process bringing in AOD, you should think about this, if you are going to get very high purity alloying elements with the AOD process combination with the electric furnace Answer: L W Lherbier—ThaA's true However, I think you have to recognize what the end application is, and what the customer requires Customers are generally open to suggestions that potentially will reduce the cost of the metal that they're buying And although for critical rotating parts you're locked in in many cases, if you present enough evidence ' Foote Mineral Co., Exton, Pa Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sun Jan 19:09:21 EST 2016 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authorized DISCUSSION ON HIGH-TEMPERATURE ALLOYS SESSION 637 they will give you a lot of deviation so that you can make some changes and perhaps go a lower cost route Comment: Dr Koul—You see, in titanium alloys, for example, half of the load is taken away from the melters and producers by the raw material producers, so that the raw material producers supply a very pure material at high price What I'm saying is that you cannot put similar specifications on the producers of low-cost ferro alloys You are going to have to everything in your shop This should be kept in mind when you talk about very high purity materials Forging and Processing of High-Temperature Alloys by A J DeRidder and R Koch Question: Dr R Cremisio^—^I think that we rarely get a chance to see such an excellent review, particularly on a new technology such as powder forging I may have missed it, but I didn't see anything about argon entrapment Does that mean this problem is pretty well licked? Answer: R Koch—^I don't really have a lot on argon entrapment I presume it would occur; I haven't recognized it as argon entrapment We see small voids Much of the powder we see has a lot of very small voids in it, and apparently during a mechanical property test is they're at a Umit of being small enough, they don't have a great impact on mechanical properties Review of Superalloy Powder Metallurgy Processing for Aircraft Gas Turbine Applications by J L Bartos Question: F Sczenzenie—^In talking about your success on forging the as-HIP parts, you mentioned that you raised the gamma prime solvus Would you explain that please? Answer: Dr Bartos—^The gamma prime solvus of powder metallurgy Rene 95 is higher than in the conventional cast plus wrought version The slight change in chemistry—reducing the carbon and chromium contents—raises the solvus in powder metallurgy Rene 95 to 2120 to 2150°F This 25 to 50°F increase in solvus temperature relative to cast plus wrought Rene 95 permits a higher solution temperature in as-HIP that is largely responsible for the competitive property levels However, the higher solvus has very little effect on the forged powder parts, since the solution temperature is much lower than that used on as-HIP parts Question: F Sczenzenie—A second question You mentioned that in order to control gas porosity, you were going to finer powder particle ' Materials Technology Associates, Clinton, N Y Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sun Jan 19:09:21 EST 2016 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authorized 638 MICON 78 sizes I normally associate finer powder with higher specific surface and more potential for gas problems Could you explain your rationale and what powder size ranges you're working in? Answer: Dr Bartos—Finer powders generally mean more surface area, which raises concerns about the oxygen and nitrogen contents However, these interstitial levels are still at acceptably low levels in the finer mesh powder we've evaluated On the other hand argon, the gas that causes porosity problems, doesn't react with powder surfaces, so the increased surface area of finer powders is not a concern The major benefit relative to porosity levels derived from finer powders is the fact that most of the powder particles containing entrapped argon are eliminated The nature of the argon atomization process results in a substantial number of hollow particles, primarily concentrated in the larger size range, which contain entrapped argon This entrapped argon cannot be removed by evacuation and causes porosity in the HIP compact By screening down to a finer particle size, many of these larger hollow particles are eliminated, thus reducing the overall quantity of argon contained in the compact Both the number and size of argon pores are reduced substantially by utilizing a finer mesh powder General Electric is currently evaluating the feasibility of using powders in the -100 to -150 mesh size range Question: M Woulds^—I'm glad at last someone is recognizing powder metallurgy as its own production technique, and not something you can convert castings and forgings into On that line, with your development of AF 115, is any work being done by you or anyone else in the field in going one step beyond, that is, taking an elemental phase dispersion type powder and blending? That is to say, taking gamma prime with a high hardener content and a matrix powder alloy and combining them; this way, one could have an alloy with high tungsten, that because of segregation in a VIM system could not be easily cast Answer: Dr Bartos—We've never attempted to process Rene 95 in the manner you suggest The technique you describe sounds like mechanical alloying, something we've never considered for superalloy rotating components like turbine disks We've always felt the best way to achieve the desired high level of homogeneity is to use prealloyed powder production techniques Homogeneity is going to be a problem when you try to mix a dozen or more different elements together to make a typical superalloy On the other hand, prealloyed powders, in which every powder particle has essentially the same composition, are a much more efficient method of achieving homogeneity rather than relying on some exotic blending * Certified Alloy Products, Long Beach, Calif Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sun Jan 19:09:21 EST 2016 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authori DISCUSSION ON HIGH-TEMPERATURE ALLOYS SESSION 639 technique to distribute all elements uniformly We don't feel that blending techniques are really practical at this time Question: M Woulds—What about two or three master alloys with different phases, rather than all the elements? Answer: Dr Bartos—We feel the same type of problem, inhomogeneity, would still be present, especially when different input master alloy particle sizes are involved Mr Koch showed you how powders segregate by particle size even though they're the same composition The distribution of all elements by this mechanical mixing technique may lead back to the segregation present in cast plus wrought products— locally high concentrations of certain elements Since homogeneity is one of the principal desirable features of powder metallurgy processing, pre-alloyed powder appears to us to be the best production technique at this time Question: M Hart^^—How the cyclic rupture properties compare for the as-HIP microstructure versus the cast and wrought necklace microstructure Answer: Dr Bartos—^The cyclic rupture properties of as-HIP Rene 95 are essentially equivalent to those of the cast plus wrought product containing a duplex necklace microstructure Mr Koch showed that a fine-grained, fully recrystaUized wrought structure yields lower cyclic rupture properties than the duplex necklace structure The as-HIP structure is essentially fine grained, but it's not recrystaUized in the same manner as the cast plus wrought product, and it also is given a different heat treatment Apparently, the microstructure produced during HIP combined with the heat treatment results in improved cycUc rupture relative to that of the conventional forged fine grain product Cyclic rupture is a property prone to fairly significant scatter, so slight differences may be hidden We're still gathering data to evaluate this question but from what we've seen so far, there doesn't seem to be a great difference in the cycUc rupture properties of the three forms of Rene 95—as-HIP, HIP plus forge, or conventional necklace microstructure cast plus wrought Super Waspaloy Microstructure and Properties by D J Deye and W H Couts Question: G N Maniar^^—Is it mandatory that you keep the carbon low? Because it seems you refine the grain size by keeping gamma prime out to inhibit the grain size '" Cameron Iron Works, Houston, Tex " Carpenter Technology Corp., Reading, Pa Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sun Jan 19:09:21 EST 2016 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authorized 640 MICON 78 Answer: D J Deye—In order to develop the best tensile and low cycle fatigue properties, we feel that it is necessary to keep the carbon content low We forged conventional chemistry Waspaloy using the same forging parameters that we used for Super Waspaloy and showed an improvement in the tensile and low cycle fatigue properties However, it was not to the extent that we saw with Super Waspaloy Question: G N Maniar—Did you have to balance any elements such as titanium or boron when you lowered the carbon or did you keep them the same? Answer: D J Deye—The titanium content was increased and the boron content range was tightened up Question: Kuang-Ho Chien^^—What is the difference in stress rupture ductility between conventional Waspaloy and Super Waspaloy? Answer: D J Deye—At the higher temperatures, the rupture ductility for Super Waspaloy was slightly higher than that for conventional Waspaloy At the lower temperatures, that is 1350°F, the rupture ductilities were equivalent Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of INCOLOY Alloy 800 After 14 Years of Service as a Catalyst Tube in a Steam-Methane Reformer by W L Mankins and D E Wenschhof Question: L Thompson^^—We've been working on the age-hardening in commercial heats of Alloy 800H ourselves The investigation has been directed at five heats supplied by Huntington Alloys, and in the asreceived condition, we find titanium carbides, titanium carbonitrides, and M23C6 type carbides all present in small amounts We have aged these alloys at 538,593,649,760, and 816°C (1000,1100,1200,1400, and 1500"?) for times approaching 20 000 h The maximum aging response was observed at 593 and 649''C (1100 and 1200°F) with the aging response at the other temperatures much lower The majority of the age-hardening was observed to occur within 500 to 10(X) h of exposure We have performed extensive transmission electron microscopy to look for the gamma-prime phase and other precipitating phases, as well as, extraction analyses similar to those that you've performed We did not observe any gamma-prime precipitation within 1000 h of exposure However, we have observed gamma-prime after aging 4000 to 8000 h What we observe are small, spherical precipitates coherent with the matrix, with strain fields around the precipitates of the order of 100 A in diameter The precipitates themselves are not resolv" Cameron Iron Works, Houston, Tex ' ' General Atomic Co., San Diego, Calif Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sun Jan 19:09:21 EST 2016 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authoriz DISCUSSION ON HIGH-TEMPERATURE ALLOYS SESSION 641 able, but, by the size of the strain fields, they are certainly much smaller and are probably of the order of 30 A or so in diameter The only consistent observation we've made within the 500 to 1000 h exposure time period has been the precipitation of MjaCe carbides at the grain boundaries At (A9°C, (1200°F) they form a continuous network along the grain boundaries that could possibly inhibit slip transferral from one grain to the adjacent grains No cross-slip has been observed for this alloy At higher temperatures 760 and 816°C (1400 and 1500°F), we see the carbide present much as you did, as very large, discrete carbides, and at these temperatures no strong aging response was found No gamma-prime precipitation has ever been observed to form at these higher temperatures in our lab At lower temperatures, the kinetics for the precipitation of MjsCg are retarded and the aging response is delayed There is still, however, much work to be done in this alloy system, and the results that you present are very interesting I should also mention that I'm having four experimental heats melted at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, through the University of California, with controlled variations in carbon, aluminum, and titanium, and hopefully some of the confusion will be cleared up within the next year Question: R Anderson^*—Do you think that this problem of the gamma-prime precipitates dissolving in your extraction electrolyte might be a similar reason for not finding gamma-prime m 718, where it's often been postulated and some people have said it's there, but it's difficult to show in extraction? Answer: W L Mankins—I really believe it is It's a good question and my own personal feeling is that you extract it Let's assume it's there You extract it It falls down to the bottom of your beaker and is simply chemically digested, particularly if it's real fine So you go to look for it, and it isn't present Question: Dr W Jones—For the component that you discussed, was there any thermal fatigue superimposed on the low static loading during its life? In other words, was there any creep—^fatigue history? Answer: W L Mankins—^I couldn't be specific about that, but creep damage was one of the things we did examine the tube for In cutting it all apart, many more micros were made than were shown in this presentation—we did examine it for creep damage It was very minimal or if there was creep damage, it was not sufficient that I was willing to say that it was observed " Universal Cyclops Specialty Steel, Bridgeville, Pa Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sun Jan 19:09:21 EST 2016 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authorized 642 MICON 78 Question: Dr W Jones—In ferritic and austenitic stainless steels that we've been looking at, which were mechanically tested at 1100°F, we find that in creep-fatigue conditions very long hold times and therefore relatively few cycles at modest strain ranges, that we find there are enough vacancies generated during the fatigue cycles to greatly influence the kinetics of, in these cases, carbide precipitation And it may be here, in this case, that if you have marginal phase stability, that if you happen to have the right high-temperature history and extra vacancies, that in some cases people will find the marginally stable gamma-prime primarily as a result of enhanced kinetics, while others may never see it Answer: W L Mankins—One comment on that One of the ideas that gets batted around a little bit on this subject is that the observed strengthening may result from a pre-precipitation phenomena, such as GP zones or some other pre-precipitation occurrence Comment: L Thompson—I'd like to emphasize one point that I glossed over earlier That is that we saw two strengthening responses— one after a short aging time, up to about 1000 h, and then one after a longer period of time that seemed to be consistent with when we have observed gamma-prime precipitation By far, the stronger of the two happened to coincide with the precipitation of M23C6 carbides at the grain boundaries Some of this work is documented in a paper by R E Villagrana and his associates that will appear in Metallurgical Transactions in July 1978, while considerable other documentation has been made in General Atomic Company's Department of Energy quarterly progress reports for the Generic Technology Program Comment: D J Deye—You showed a pretty significant improvement after 120 000 h, but you have any 200 000-h pipe data? Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sun Jan 19:09:21 EST 2016 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authorized STP672-EB/JUI 1979 Index Corten B, 58 CoTaC, 505 Cr-Mo steels, 169-185 Cr-Mo-V steels, 169-185 Custom 450, 367-380 EX-32, 207-229 EX-55, 207-229 HK-40, 502-504 HSLA steels, 35-51, 53-72, 73-104, 105-122, 145-167 HS-188, 510 HastelloyX, 500-511,529 IN-100, 541-542, 558-560 IN-102, 500 IN-626, 500 IN-738, 505-507 IN-706, 508-510, 537 Inco Alloy D, 510-512 Incoloy 800, 500-501, 616-631 Inconel 751, 593-594, 596 MC 20, 406-429 Mo-Nb steels, 126-143 N-155, 594 Ni-Cr-Mo-V steels, 169-185 NiTaC-13, 505 Nimonic 80A, 500, 526-529, 592 Nimonic 90, 529 Nimonic 100, 529 Nimonic 115,500,501 Nimonic PE-16, 497 Pyromet31,544, 597 Pyromet CTX-1, 528, 534, 537539 Pyromet CTX-2, 537 Accelerated cooling in controlled rolling, effect on microstructure and properties in Arctic steels, 112-119 Acicular ferrite, 145-146 Aging In hydrogen environment, 382-392 Precipitation in Custom 450, 370-375 Alloy additions Effect on hardenability in carburizing steels, 208-210 Effect on strength in ferritic SS, 272-274 Effect on toughness in ferritic SS, 274-278 Effect on strength in austenitic SS, 279-282 Effect on Arg in line pipe steels, 110-112 In high temperature alloys, 529-530 In microalloyed steels, effects on SSCC, 58 Alloy design in steels, 13-17 Alloy type A286, 529, 533, 534, 537, 542 A535 B, 186-206 AF 115, 576 ASA, 52 Astroloy, 541, 551, 560 643 Copyright by ASTM Int'lb y(all reserved); Sun Jan 19:09:21 EST 2016 Copyright' 1979 ASrights I M International www.astm.org Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authorized 644 MICON 78 Rene 95, 541, 551, 560, 565-577 SAE 4800, 207-229 SAE 9300, l

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