X-RAY EMISSION AND ABSORPTION WAVELENGTHS AND TWO-THETA TABLES SECOND EDITION Sponsored by ASTM Committee E-2 on Emission spectroscopy Prepared by E W WHITE G G JOHNSON, JR ASTM Data series DS 37A Price $54.00 AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS # 1916 Race Street Philadelphia, Pa 19103 BY AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS Library of Congress No 72-115226 ISBN 0-8031-2005-2 NOTE The Society is not responsible, as a body, for statements and opinions advanced in this publication Printed in U.S.A May 1970 1970 contents PAGE Foreword iv Two-Theta Table I Periodic Table 47 Two-Theta Table II 51 Foreword limitation for many applications Clinochlore is now in extensive use— especially in microprobe applications where it is suited ideally to the analysis of oxygen [3] Its mechanical and chemical stability are particularly useful in soft X-ray applications Another trend in analyzer crystal usage is to employ more than one orientation of the same crystal This has become especially popular for LiF, ADP, EDDT, and quartz The X-ray line designations and column headings have been rendered much more readable in this edition, thanks to the availability of a special IBM print train This train, owned by the Joint Committee on Powder Diffraction Standards, carries most of the Greek letters as well as large and small type, upper and lower case, and prime characters As a result the table has the appearance of being printed from set type The situation with regard to satellite lines has been reviewed extensively It was decided to delete most of the satellite lines given in DS-37 from this table The reason is that apparently most of them were identified originally from X-ray films in which they were recognized as undulations in intensity within emission bands or broad wavelength tails The identification of many of them as real satellite lines is now in doubt Correctional formulas are being used more and more in quantitative X-ray fluorescence and electron microprobe analysis Fundamental to all these correctional formulas is knowledge of the X-ray absorption edge wavelength (energies) for each of the elements in a given matrix Tabulations of absorption edges are usually quite separate from the emission line wavelength tables This edition integrates the absorption edges in a manner that makes them quite easily retrieved This wavelength table has been compiled with the use of high resolution spectrometers in mind It is realized that for many spectrometers, not all of the lines listed will be resolved; but it is believed better to have the lines listed, although unresolved, than to have the lines resolved and go unidentified or even misidentified The chemical effect on X-ray spectra is now common knowledge among X-ray fluorescence and microprobe users It is observed as changes in line wavelength, shape, and relative intensity The wavelength shift is strongest for the light element K-lines Because the K-line peak shifts are often quite large they must be taken into account when "peaking" the spectrometer for even routine analysis For this reason, one column (A) has been used in this table to designate the X-ray emission spectrography (X-ray fluorescence) and the electron microprobe are two basic techniques for elemental chemical analysis X-ray fluorescence instruments are now used routinely for the determination of all elements fluorine and heavier The more efficient X-ray excitation by electrons used in the microprobe makes it feasible to work with all elements boron and heavier Lithium and beryllium also can be detected in the microprobe although not as readily as the heavier elements Fundamental to the successful use of these techniques is the proper application of X-ray emission line and absorption edge wavelength data, together with calculated values for the Bragg diffraction angles of the analyzing crystals The trend is toward the analysis of specimens having increasing complex chemistry as well as toward utilization of X-ray emission line shifts (soft X-ray spectroscopy) to determine how elements are chemically bonded in a given specimen These developments have created a need for reference tables in convenient form This volume is the second edition of such tables It provides a listing of all X-ray emission lines (160 A* and shorter), incorporating some 3400 first order lines, absorption edges, and the calculated two-theta values for 23 commonly used analyzing crystals Since publication of the first edition as ASTM Data Series DS 37, X-Ray Emission Line Wavelength and Two-Theta Tables in 1965, [I]1 several developments have stimulated preparation of a new edition Taken singly, perhaps none of these developments would warrant a new edition, but together they represent a major advancement over the earlier version New analyzing crystals are being developed continually The most important recent advances have been made with materials that are not single crystals in the usual sense These include increased use of the so-called pseudo-crystals or Langmuir-Blodgett preparations of soap films Lead stearate continues to be the most commonly used pseudocrystal, although the laurates and lignocerates are now commonly used also The newly developed synthetic graphite sold by Union Carbide under the trade name "Ucar" [2] may be the precursor to an important new family of analyzing materials This graphite is really a highly oriented polycrystalline material giving a rather broad rocking curve (^0.4 deg), but its very high reflection efficiency more than offsets this J The italic numbers in brackets refer to the list of references appended to this Foreword IV magnitude of shift that one might encounter for the K-series lines This will be useful in deciding whether or not one needs to repeak the spectrometer during intensity measurement of a given set of standards and unknowns It is impossible to assign accurate relative intensity values to X-ray lines even within a given series (K, L, M, etc.) of a given element The reason is that observed relative intensities are dependent upon a host of experimental parameters including: energy of the X-rays or electrons causing the excitation; self-absorption within the sample; wavelength-dependent response or efficiency of the crystal and detector The self-absorption effect is the primary basis for the observed chemical effect among the L-series lines The La to L/3 line intensity ratio may vary by a factor of two to five, depending on the element and experimental conditions used Nevertheless, it is important to know whether a given line can be expected to be seen as quite strong, weak, or very weak Extensive search of the literature failed to provide us with enough information to assign such values for this table The only recourse was to experimentally collect the required data This was done using an Applied Research Laboratories Model EMX microprobe The results of dozens of spectral scans (K, L, and M Series) have gone into arriving at the values used in this compilation The major exception to this is with regard to the relative intensities among the third period element K-series where we have used mostly the relative intensity from several publications of Baun and Fischer Most published 26 tables have used a constant set of relative L-series intensities for all elements However, there are quite drastic changes with increasing atomic number, and they have been taken into account here Relative intensities have been determined for the M-series lines No attempt has been made to assign N-series line intensities as these are seldom used analytical lines and we were unable to experimentally measure N spectral series No attempt has been made to include an index of refraction correction All wavelengths are given in units of A* as introduced by Bearden [4] Data in the second portion of this book, as in the earlier edition, is ordered on the basis of increasing wavelength This arrangement makes possible the phasing in and out of crystals during just their useful X range This allows compilation of 2d value for a total of 23 analyzing crystals Such a phasing is, of course, not feasible in the first section where the data are ordered primarily on the basis of increasing atomic number Description of Table The table is divided into two major sections separated by a periodic chart showing the major lines of each element The first section presents all wavelength lines and X-ray absorption edges shorter than 160 A* Data in this section are listed on the basis of atomic number (Z = -» 98) with decreasing X within each element The two-theta values are shown for a selection of the 15 most commonly used analyzing crystals The second section gives all the lines shown in the first section arranged on the basis of increasing wavelength Lines having a relative intensity of 1.0 or less are carried only to the third order The more intense lines are carried to a maximum of the tenth order or until nX exceeds 160 A.* The column headings and explanation of the symbols used within each column are as follows: The two columns under the heading El show the accepted chemical symbol for each element The Line designation usually gives the Siegbahn notation (Ka, L/3, etc.), but when that is not established then the level designations are used to show the two levels involved in the transitions The comment column (c) carries certain comments according to the following key: / or C A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O R $ X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X where: / indicates value was interpolated from data for neighboring elements C indicates value was calculated from other transitions for the same element R indicates that the "best" measured value was rejected by Bearden and Burr in their least-squares energy level adjustment Hence the original value has been replaced by the adjusted value obtained by Bearden and Burr * indicates that this line does not represent a dipole transition and hence will be usually quite weak $ denotes a transition in which the electron in the initial state occupies a level that is unoccupied in the ground state of the isolated atom These lines have been called "semi-optical" lines and were so designated in X-Ray Wavelengths However, since the experimentally observed radiation comes from a solid target (in some cases, a chemical compound rather than a pure element), the transitions can be attributed mainly to solid state or chemical effects or both The N column denotes the diffraction order from the Bragg equation, nX = 2dsin0 The / or relative intensity column indicates the relative intensity of a given line, within a given series for a given element and order of diffraction Obviously the actual intensity will vary from order to order in a manner dictated primarily by the structure factors of a given crystal and orientation Occasional intensities left blank indicate that the intensity is very weak and unknown The unresolved Kaiafe line intensity is given as 150, or the integrated intensity of the lines Z is the numerical value for the atomic number The value for R is the primary literature source according to the following key: R = 0, the reference is Cauchois [5] where the wavelength was in kX units R = 1, the reference is Cauchois [5] where the wavelength was in A units R = 6, the reference is Bearden [6J where the wavelength is in A* units The KeV value was determined by dividing the wavelength of each line (first order) or absorption edge into the value for hv 12.396 ex.: KeV = XA* Lambda is wavelength in A* Wavelengths which appear as 31.599999, for example, should be understood to be 31.6 The series of 9s is due to the finite word length and numerical representation of certain numbers on a binary computer P is precision of data given in terms of 10- This figure represents the number of significant digits to the right of the decimal point in the Lambda column A is given only for the K-series lines where applicable Also given in terms of 10_ Table summarizes the pertinent data about each crystal used in generation of the 26 values as tabulated Silicon (111) and germanium (111) both give zero intensity second order diffraction For that reason, 20 values for all second order diffractions for these crystals have been generated as blanks TABLE 1- -The 23 analyzing crystals used to develop the two-theta data Crystal Designation Lmel Llign Lstear Llaur Chlor KAP RbAP Mica Gypm ADP EDDT PET Qtz ADP Graph Ge Si ADP NaCl LiF LiF Qtz Topaz VI Bragg Diffraction Indices, \M Lead melissate Film Lead lignocerate Film Lead stearate Film Lead laurate Film Clinochlore 001 100 Potassium acid phthlate Rubidium acid phthlate 100 Muscovite 002 020 Gypsum 101 Ammonium dihydrogen phosphate Ethylenediamine D-tartrate 020 Pentaerythritol 002 a-Quartz 100 200 Ammonium dihydrogen phosphate Graphite (also 101 a-Quartz) 002 111 Germanium Silicon 111 112 Ammonium dihydrogen phosphate 200 Sodium chloride 200 Lithium fluoride 220 Lithium fluoride 203 a-Quartz 303 Topaz Crystal Name 2d A* 160 130 100.7 70 28.392 26.632 26.121 19.840 15.19 10.64 8.808 8.742 8.52 7.50 6.708 6.532 6.2709 6.14 5.6410 4.0267 2.848 2.7490 2.7120 References [1] White, E W., Gibbs, G V., Johnson, G G., Jr and Zechman, G R., Jr., X-Ray Emission Line Wavelengths and Two-Theta Tables, ASTM DS-37, American Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race St., Phila., Pa., 1965, 283 pp [2] Gould, R W., Bates, S R and Sparks, C J., "Application of the Graphite Monochromator to Light Element X-ray Spectroscopy," (in press) [5] Baun, W L and White, E W., "Clinochlore: A Versatile New Analyzing Crystal for the X-ray Region 5-27 A," Analytical Chemistry, Vol 41, 1969, pp 831-832 [4] Bearden, J A., "X-ray Wavelengths," Reviews of Modern Physics, Vol 39, No 1, 1967, pp 78-124 [5] Cauchois, Y and Hulubei, H., Constantes Selectionnees Longuers d'onde des Emissions X et d'Absorption X, Hermann & Cie, Editeurs, Paris, 1947 [6] Basic data as presented in Ref 4, with minor revisions and supplied by J A Bearden, June 1969 on punched IBM cards Acknowledgments The authors wish to thank ASTM for financially supporting preparation of this table We are very grateful to Professor J A Bearden of Johns-Hopkins University and Professor A F Burr of New Mexico State University for many useful discussions on problems of X-ray wavelength measurements Professor Bearden kindly supplied us with a punch card set of the basic wavelength data W L Baun of the Air Force Materials Laboratory contributed many useful ideas The data of W L Baun and D W Fischer of the same Laboratory constituted the main source of information about relative intensity and wavelength of the third period (Na -» Cl) satellite lines and emission bands The suggestions of H W Pickett of General Electric X-ray also are acknowledged E W White G G Johnson, Jr Materials Research Laboratory, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pa DS37A-EB/May 1970 Two-Theta Table I Copyright © 1970 by ASTM International www.astm.org El Line C H I Z H Lambda P 10" Lael (Film) Llign (Fill.) Lstear (Fila) Llaur (Fila) 45 75 28 70 HI 38 1.906 0.762 0.190 1.902 1.901 65.03999 65.07996 65.09999 65.17598 65.19098 4 47.97 48.00 48.02 48.08 48.09 60.04 60.08 60.10 60.18 60.19 80.46 80.52 80.55 80.67 80.69 136.60 136.78 136.87 137.21 137.28 100 70 20 29 100 73 45 59 52 1.521 0.950 1.709 0.949 0.569 65.19199 65.26498 65.26799 65.29999 65.34000 3 2 48.09 48.15 48.15 48.17 48.21 60.20 60.27 60.27 60.31 60.35 80.69 80.80 80.80 80.85 80.91 137.28 137.61 137.62 137.77 137.95 NT Mp H3-«5 Ln N5-N6.7 100 47 45 66 45 25 71 0.568 1.325 0.189 0.567 0.189 65.45998 65.49899 65.50000 65.54997 65.70000 48.30 48.33 48.33 48.37 48.49 60.47 60.51 60.51 60.56 60.71 81.09 81.15 81.15 81.23 81.45 138.50 138.68 138.69 138.92 139.63 Hf Eu Rb As Rb Mp Ma La, Lp, La2 45 100 100 35 10 72 63 37 33 37 1.697 1.131 1.694 1.317 1.692 65.72699 65.75999 65.86469 65.89870 65.92589 4 48.51 48.54 48.62 48.64 48.67 60.74 60.78 60.88 60.92 60.94 81.49 81.54 81.70 81.75 81.79 139.75 139.91 140.41 140.58 140.71 Tm Ga Al Ub Y Mp LB, SKa* M2-H« LI 45 35 50 69 31 13 41 39 1.503 1.125 1.499 0.375 1.685 65.99199 66.13799 66.16537 66.19998 66.20668 3 3 48.72 48.83 48.85 48.88 48.89 61.01 61.16 61.19 61.23 61.23 81.89 82.11 82.15 82.20 82.21 141.03 141.76 141.90 142.07 142.10 Sr Al Pd M Se Lp, SKa, Me-N« SKa' Lp3,» 45 50 2 38 13 46 13 34 1.871 1.4 96 0.561 1.493 1.490 66.23898 66.29362 66.29997 66.43793 66.56799 3 3 48.91 48.95 48.96 49.07 49.17 61.32 61.33 61.47 61.60 61.27 82.26 82.35 82.35 82.56 82.76 142.27 142.54 142.58 143.29 143.97 Cu Al Pr Al Al La,,2 Ka, Ma Ka,/2 Ka, 100 100 100 150 50 29 13 59 13 13 0.930 1.486 0.929 1.486 1.486 66.67999 66.71471 66.71500 66.72107 66.73383 3 5 49.26 49.29 49.29 49.29 49.30 61.72 61.75 61.75 61.76 61.77 82.93 82.98 82.98 82.99 83.01 144.57 144.75 144.75 144.79 144.86 Hi Mn Rb Br »g LI LI LI La,,2 28 25 37 100 35 47 A 0.743 0.556 1.482 1.480 0.3 70 66.77197 66.86998 66.90880 66.99680 67.00000 4 49.33 49.41 49.44 49.51 49.51 61.81 61.91 61.95 62.04 62.05 83.07 83.22 83.28 83.41 83.42 145.06 145.60 145.82 146.31 146.33 Dy Th Au Re Cl Ma N4-N6 Mz, Ma Ln 100 66 90 2 79 100 75 10 100 17 1.293 0.369 1.660 1.842 0.184 67.12999 67.13998 67.19398 67.28998 67.32999 49.61 49.62 49.66 49.74 49.77 62 18 62.19 62.25 62.34 62.39 83.62 83.63 83.71 83.86 83.92 147.07 147.13 147.44 148.01 148.25 Si H B Sm Sb KB MB Ka MS My 10 14 10 45 74 100 45 62 100 51 1.836 1.835 0.183 1.100 0.733 67.52998 67.56999 67.59999 67.62000 67.67999 3 2 49.93 49.96 49.99 50.00 50.05 62.59 62.63 62.66 62.69 52.75 84.23 84.29 84.34 84.37 84.46 149.47 149.72 149.91 150.03 150.42 As Sn Ga Si Tm La,,2 M3-N« La, f2 Kp, Ha 100 33 50 100 31 10 14 100 69 1.282 0.7 32 1.098 1.829 1.462 67.69629 67.71997 67.75200 67.78000 67.84000 3 2 50.06 50.08 50.11 50.13 50.17 62.76 62.79 62.82 62.85 52.91 84.48 84.52 84.57 84.61 84.70 150.52 150.67 150.88 151.06 151.46 Hf Sb Cl Kr Th Ma LB3 11 Lp, 03-P,,5 100 72 37 10 100 17 35 36 90 6 6 1.644 1.826 0.183 1.636 0.182 67.85098 67.87599 67.89999 68.18399 68.20000 50.18 50.20 50.22 50.45 50.46 62.92 62.95 62.97 63.27 63.28 84.72 84.76 84.80 85.24 85.26 151.53 151.70 151.86 153.84 153.96 Rb Ru Zn Lu Tb Lp, M3-M5 Ln MB MB 10 45 45 6 6 1.817 0.181 0.906 1.631 1.266 68.20699 68.29999 68.39999 68.40900 68.54399 3 50.47 50.54 50.62 50.63 50.73 63.29 63.39 63.49 63.50 63.64 85.27 85.41 85.57 85.58 85.79 154.01 154.69 155.45 155.52 156.59 Re Hi *b Hb Sr Np Ln N4-N6 LI Lp6 Tb Cu Ta Pr Te Ha Lp, Ma up H.-O, Ag Dy Rh Mn Lu M «o, 10 10 10 H 37 44 30 71 65 6 6 Chlor (001) 281 KAP (100) RbAP (100) (lica (002) Gypa (020) ADP (101) EDDT (020) PET (002) Qtz (100) ADP (200) Graph (002) El Line Sr Lo^ Sg SKa4 Sr La2 Br MB Ce fig Sm Ho lig MS SKa3 Mi H2-M, SK«« Fe LB, Zr LI Tb »S-Ii6,7 Ns-N&,7 Pt Tl Nb W Rb Mz, Mz, Mr Ma, LB6 Se Pd Br W Tb Lfl, Mr L83,, H*z Ma Zr Zn Ce Ta Sc C N Lambda P A 10" 10 100 38 12 10 10 38 48 45 68 45 58 12 100 62 1 42 12 6 20 26 40 100 12 70 92 Lnel (Film) Llign (Pilm) Lstear (Film) Llaor (Pilm) 1.806 1.26a 1.804 0.541 1.443 68.62799 68.65439 68.69699 68.69998 68.73599 4 50.80 50.82 50.85 50.86 50.88 63.73 63.76 63.80 63.80 63.84 85.92 85.96 86.03 86.04 86.09 157.27 157.50 157.86 157.88 158.19 0.902 1.262 1.081 0.180 1.259 68.75000 68.76662 68.81999 68.89999 68.93495 3 2 50.90 50.91 50.95 51.01 51.04 63.86 63.87 63.93 64.01 64.05 86.11 86.14 86.22 86.35 86.40 158.31 158.46 158.93 159.66 159.98 0.718 1.792 1.2 53 0.179 0.356 69.03998 69.18500 69.23000 69.29999 69.59998 « 1 51.13 51.24 51.28 51.33 51.57 64.16 64.31 64.35 64.43 64.74 86.57 86.79 86.86 86.97 87.44 161.00 162.50 162.99 163.78 167.74 78 10 81 100 41 10 100 74 10 37 6 6 1.602 1.777 0.355 1.775 1.775 69.64200 69.73999 69.79999 69.82999 69.84200 3 51.60 51.68 51.73 51.75 51.76 64.78 64.89 64.95 64.98 64.99 87.51 87.67 87.76 87.81 87.83 168.41 170.12 171.34 172.01 172.30 35 34 H 100 46 H 35 10 100 74 100 65 6 6 1.419 0.532 1.596 1.773 1.240 69.88640 69.89996 69.90298 69.91998 70.00000 3 51.80 51.81 51.81 51.83 51.89 65.04 65.05 65.06 65.07 65.16 87.90 87.92 87.92 87.95 88.08 173.47 173.87 173.97 174.52 M,,stl2,3 A 40 LI 30 5 100 58 Ma 10 45 73 MB Ln 21 0.177 0.884 0.883 1.765 0.353 70.00000 70.09999 70.20000 70.23000 70.25998 51.89 51.97 52.05 52.07 52.10 65.16 65.26 65.37 65.40 55.43 88.08 88.23 88.39 88.44 88.49 Na Kr Fe Sr Lu SKas La,,, La,,? LI Mot 11 100 36 100 26 38 100 71 1.058 1.586 0.705 1.582 1.581 70.30199 70.35298 70.35999 70.52579 70.55998 3 52.13 52.17 52.18 52.31 52.34 65.47 65.53 65.53 65.71 65.74 88.55 88.64 88.65 88.91 88.97 Er Mo Si Na Rb Ma Ms-N, SKa, SKd, LB, 100 68 42 10 14 10 11 10 45 37 1.405 0.351 1.754 1.052 1.752 70.56000 70.59998 70.66544 70.71599 70.75899 3 3 52.34 52.37 52.42 52.46 52.49 65.74 65.79 65.86 65.91 65.95 88.97 89.03 89.13 89.21 89.28 6 Si SKa3 Na O Na SC SKa3 Ka SKa» LI 14 10 10 11 100 11 21 1.752 1.050 0.525 1.047 0.348 70.76764 70.82999 70.85999 71.02199 71.17999 3 3 3 52.50 52.55 52.57 52.70 52.83 65.96 66.03 66.06 66.23 66.40 89.30 Yb Ge Si Si Si MB LB, Si, Sir,,, Ka, 45 70 35 32 10 100 14 10 150 14 10 50 14 1.567 1.218 1.740 1.739 1.739 71.18098 71.22499 71.25420 71.26244 71.27908 3 5 52.83 52.87 52.89 52.90 52.91 66.40 66.44 66.47 66.48 66.50 89.96 90.03 90.08 90.09 90.12 Ni As Na Co V LB, L83*4 Ka,,2 Ln LB, 21 28 33 100 11 27 10 23 0.869 1.388 1.041 0.694 0.519 71.35500 71.43199 71.46059 71.47998 71.63997 3 2 52.97 53.03 53.06 53.07 53.20 66.69 66.71 66.88 66.58 66.66 90.24 90.36 Ho Sn Gd Ca Zn MS Ky MS LB, L6, 1.383 0.691 1.209 0.345 1.034 71.71999 71.75995 71.77798 71.87997 71.89799 3 53.26 53.29 53.31 53.39 53.41 66.97 67.01 67.03 67.14 67.15 90.83 90.90 90.92 91.09 91.12 1.379 0.172 0.172 1.197 1.709 71.92000 72.09999 72.18999 72.51299 72.51999 3 53.42 53.57 53.64 53.90 53.90 67.18 67.37 67.46 67.81 67.81 91.16 91.45 91.60 92.12 92.14 Se La,,2 Nb n2-nt Nb Hz Ga LB3.4 Ta Ma 6 6 45 67 100 50 45 64 A 10 20 26 30 100 34 1 41 1 41 31 10 100 73 6 6 Chlor (001) 89.40 89.45 89.70 89.96 90.41 90.44 90.70 282 KAP (100) BbAP (100) Mica (002) Syps (020) ADP (101) EDDT (020) PET (002) gtz (100) ADP (200) Graph (002) El Line La KB Th Ns-N6,7 Ca Let112 Er M»-Ns V Lor,,2 Lambda P & 104 45 57 90 A 100 20 68 100 23 Lael (Fila) Llign (Fils) Lstear (Film) 0.85U 0.341 0.341 0.171 0.511 72.54999 72.63998 72.65997 72.70000 72.75000 2 2 53.93 54.00 54.02 54.05 54.09 67.85 67.94 67.96 68.01 68.06 92.18 92.33 92.37 92.43 92.51 F Ni F Cr Hf SKor11 Lot,,2 SKa' Ln MB 10 30 100 28 35 24 45 72 0.681 0.851 0.680 0.510 1.697 72.79999 72.80499 72.87994 72.89996 73.02998 3 3 54.13 54.13 54.19 54.21 54.31 68.11 68.12 68.20 68.22 68.36 92.60 92.60 92.73 92.76 92.97 Ne Ge Br Co Bb Ka,,2 La,,2 Lp, LI Li, 100 10 100 32 35 35 27 10 100 37 0.848 1.188 1.526 0.678 1.694 73.04999 73.05269 73.12589 73^16797 73.18298 4 54.33 54.33 54.39 54.43 54.44 68.38 68.38 68.46 68.50 68.52 93.01 93.01 93.13 3.20 93.23 Ag Gd Bb F Yb «5-H, Ma Laij Ka Mat 47 100 64 10 10 37 100 9 100 70 0.508 1.185 1.692 0.677 1.521 73.19998 73.21999 73.25099 73.27997 73.34099 2 54.45 54.47 54.49 54.52 54.57 68.54 68.56 68.59 68.62 68.69 93.26 93.29 93.34 93.39 93.49 10 48 100 30 10 39 48 100 67 0.506 1.012 1.685 0.337 1.347 73.50000 73.52399 73.56299 73.59998 73.59999 54.69 54.71 54.74 54.77 54.77 68.86 68.88 68.93 68.96 68.96 93.75 93.79 93.86 93.92 93.92 45 69' 24 A 10 57 13 13 1.503 0.500 0.833 1.499 1.4 96 74.24098 74.34000 74.39999 74.43605 74.58032 2 3 3 55.29 55.37 55.42 55.45 55.57 69.65 69.76 69.82 69.86 70.02 95.00 95.16 95.26 95.32 95.57 60 79 13 46 66 0.996 1.660 1.493 0.331 1.325 74.63998 74.65999 74.74266 74.79999 74.85599 3 3 55.61 55.63 55.70 55.74 55.79 70.08 70.10 70.19 70.25 70.31 95.67 95.70 95.84 95.94 96.04 34 100 42 100 45 100 13 1.490 0.166 0.331 0.496 1.486 74.88899 74.89999 75.00000 75.02998 75.05405 1 55.82 55.83 55.91 55.93 55.95 70.35 70.36 70.47 70.50 70.53 96.09 96.11 96.28 96.33 96.37 150 13 50 13 45 63 37 35 33 1.486 1.486 1.153 1.482 1.317 75.06120 75.07556 75.25000 75,27238 75.31279 5 3 4 55.96 55.97 56.11 56.13 56.16 70.53 70.55 70.74 70.76 70.81 96.39 96.41 96.71 96.75 96.82 100 35 10 100 72 35 36 10 50 10 45 71 1.480 1.644 1.636 0.490 1.631 75.37138 75.38998 75.75998 75.89996 76.00999 56.21 56.22 56.52 56.64 56.73 70.87 70.89 71.29 71.44 71.56 96.92 96.95 97.59 97.83 98.02 100 60 68 100 69 10 52 29 0.978 0.162 1.4 62 0.649 0.811 76.07999 76.29999 76.31999 76.39996 76.42999 2 56.78 56.96 56.98 57.04 57.07 71.64 71.88 71.90 71.99 72.02 98 14 98.52 98.56 98.70 98.75 ca M3-H, Zll LCE|f2 Y LI Cd Mz Ho Ha TB Me Cr U Al Al LI Hi SKa4 SKa3 Nd Au Al Pd Dy MB Mz, SKa" H,,502 MB Se flo Mo Bh Al LS3., M3—Ms M3-N, Mr Ka, Al Al Eu Bb As Ka,.;, Kl2 MB Ll 19, Br Hf Kr Sn La La,,2 Ma LB, B,-Oa,3 MB Nd Er Tin Te Cu Ma N5-N6,7 Ma M3-N, Ll Mn Ba Bu Zr Dy LB, «-y Ma-N, M2-M, Ma 30 25 100 56 44 40 100 66 0.649 0.972 0.486 0.162 1.293 76.43994 76.50000 76.50000 76.70000 76.71999 2 2 57.08 57.13 57.13 57.29 57.31 72.03 72.10 72.10 72.31 72.34 98.77 98.87 98.87 99.22 99.26 Eu Nb Br Sn Ga Ma Hj-N, Hj-N, Ms-o3 13, 100 63 1.131 0.323 0.161 0.4 82 1.125 76.71999 76.79999 76.89999 77.09999 77.16100 1 57.31 57.37 57.45 57.62 57.67 72.34 72.42 72.53 72.75 72.82 99.26 99.40 99.57 99.93 100.04 10 A H 55 2 10 45 10 42 10 3 41 35 50 35 31 Llaac (Film) Chlor (001) 283 KAP (100) RbAP (100) Bica (002) Gjpi (020) ADP (101) EDDT (020) PET (002) Qtz