Tackling Disparities in Influenza Vaccination in Primary Care It Takes a Team TACKLING DISPARITIES IN INFLUENZA VACCINATION IN PRIMARY CARE IT TAKES A TEAM Hoàng Thị Hằng hanght1416@gnail com WARM UP[.]
TACKLING DISPARITIES IN INFLUENZA VACCINATION IN PRIMARY CARE: IT TAKES A TEAM Hoàng Thị Hằng hanght1416@gnail.com WARM-UP List current kinds of vaccine Difference between “Vaccination”, “inoculation” and “immunization” What are the aspects of prevention? Explain Is influenza Vaccination necessary? Why/why not? Vaccine type Vaccines of this type on U.S Recommended Childhood (ages 0-6) Immunization Schedule Live, attenuated Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR combined vaccine) Varicella (chickenpox) Influenza (nasal spray); Rotavirus Inactivated/Killed Polio (IPV); Hepatitis A Toxoid (inactivated Diphtheria, tetanus (part of DTaP combined toxin) immunization) Subunit/conjugate Hepatitis B Influenza (injection) Haemophilus influenza type b (Hib) Pertussis (part of DTaP combined immunization) Pneumococcal; Meningococcal VSuboptimal OCABULARY (a) of less than the best standard/quality Ex: a score of is optimal, less than is suboptimal Disparity (n): difference Uptake (n): the use of sth Caveat /ˈkæviæt/ (n) a warning Scenario (n); a description of things may happen Hypothetical (a) possible Sequential (a): following time/order (Sequence) Nest (v): to group 10 Account for: take up 11 Invariable (a): always the same, never changing 12 Mutable(a): that can change, likely to change mutate 13 Conundrum /kəˈnʌndrəm/ a question 14 Entail (v): involve (the job entails a lot of hard work) 15 Designate (v) to assign job 16 Champion (v) to speak in support of sb 17 Embed (v): to fix sth into sth else 18 Huddle (v) to gather together 19 Eligible /ˈelɪdʒəbl/ (a): able to have sth (Only those over 70 are eligible for the special payment.) 20 Outreach (n) program 21 Debrief (v) to ask SO questions officially 22 Impending (a) that is going to happen very soon FEASIBLE ENTAIL EMBED ELIMINATE IMPENDING An operation to remove glass that was _ in his leg This diet claims to toxins from the body The job in the hospital a lot of hard work There is likely to have an shift toward EBM It's just not _ to manage the business on a part-time basis ADAMANT MUTABLE PROACTIVE SCENARIO Managers must be in identifying and preventing potential problems As the virus is , you need to be vaccinated The government remained that there was no more money available The worst-case is that they need to close the clinic MAIN POINTS Paragraph 1: General view Paragraph 2: introduction Paragraph 3: How the research was carried out Paragraph 4: caveats accompanying the findings Paragraph 5: key barriers & facilitators among minority pts Paragraph 6: pts’ cultural attitudes in disparities in influenza vaccination Paragraph 7: skeptical pts’ attitudes- refusal of a vaccination Paragraph 8,9,10, 11, 12: science of teamwork’s guidance Paragraph 13: conclusion READ & TAKE NOTES Group 1: read paragraphs 1 Group 2: Read paragraphs 1,2,3, 8 12 CAVEATS Internet surveys omit those with lower web access Pt’s response to a hypothetical scenario not reflect how they actually act Not account for No of office visits KEY BARRIERS & FACILITATORS AMONG MINORITY PTS Primary care key source minority groups Sequential & nested barriers at Community, provider, & pt level Community barriers: access to affordable insurance, availability of primary care physician & language access Vaccination rates reflects: pt- primary care health care team PT’S CULTURAL ATTITUDES IN DISPARITIES IN INFLUENZA VACCINATION Racial & ethnic minorities: less favorable attitudes less seek out/request vacc Pt requests affect clinicians’ behavior (tests, referrals, prescriptions, preventive services) Few clinicians not to administer the vaccines even pts request During busy visits primary care physicians neglect vacc, SKEPTICAL PT ATTITUDES pts: refuse, reconsider and informed discussion & shared decision-making Miss opportunity = failing to explore a pt’s concern & beliefs Pt’ attitudes & beliefs: be mutable GUIDANCE Leadership & commitment from primary care clinicians improved vaccination rates for minority pts organized systems for improving rates oof vaccination regular meetings with reports address cultural barriers Using alerts Embedded with electronic health record alerts should be coupled to standing orders staff qualifications, state law Outreach to pts improve rates and reduce disparities Outreach is coupled to others interventions, effect dramatic Emergence of accountable care organization creates opportunities for better primary care _ public health ->> local campaigns minority communities provision of influenza vaccinations within schools, work places, churches