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  • Cover

  • Table of Contents

  • Smart Choices

  • Letters to the Editors

  • 50, 100 & 150 Years Ago

  • News & Analysis

  • By the Numbers: The Roots of Homicide

  • Profile: Six Billion and Counting

  • Technology & Business

  • Cyber View

  • The Wireless Web

  • The Internet in Your Hands

  • The Promise and Perils of WAP

  • The Future Is Here. Or Is It?

  • The Third-Generation Gap

  • Operating on a Beating Heart

  • The Power of Memes

  • Nabada: The Buried City

  • Better Decisions through Science

  • Working Knowledge: The Hard and the Soft

  • The Amateur Scientist: Down among the Micrograms

  • Mathematical Recreations: Million-Dollar Minesweeper

  • Books: Apocalyptic Optimism

  • Wonders: Hybrid Vigor!

  • Connections: Getting High

  • Anti Gravity: Founding Father of Invention

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OCTOBER 2000 $4.95 www.sciam.com New Tools for Operating on a Beating Heart SPECIAL REPORT Memes:The Genetics of Culture • Making Smarter Decisions • The Lost City of Nabada Robotic Surgery W WEB IRELESS Handheld Internet WAP Gateways Cellular Networks THE FUTURE OF Copyright 2000 Scientific American, Inc. October 2000 Volume 283 www.sciam.com Number 4 3 Coronary bypass operations are among the most common lifesaving surgeries, but the need to put the patient on life support has great- ly added to its risks. New techniques and robotic surgeons are changing all that. The Power of Memes Susan Blackmore Could the major influence in human evolution have been our penchant for mimicking everything from survival skills to gaudy fashions? The author argues provocatively that a talent for handling memes — ideas and practices transmitted through imitation —is what defines our nature. With counterpoints by Lee Alan Dugatkin, Robert Boyd and Peter J. Richerson, and Henry Plotkin 64 Contents 38 SPECIAL INDUSTRY REPORT COVER STORY The Internet in Your Hands New handheld devices and faster data networks will more efficiently tap into the Internet’s resources from practically anywhere. by Fiona Harvey The Promise and Perils of WAP The Wireless Applications Protocol allows cell phone users to connect to the Internet, but the technology has serious limitations. by Karen J. Bannan The Future Is Here. Or Is It? How will Web phones become popular if it costs $4 to send one e-mail? by David Wilson The Third-Generation Gap Which wireless broadband technologies will deliver desktop-level Web access? by Leander Kahney Operating on a Beating Heart Cornelius Borst 58 74 Nabada: The Buried City Joachim Bretschneider Excavations in northern Syria reveal a me- tropolis founded 4,500 years ago that had a culture rivaling those of Babylon and the other fabled cities of the Fertile Crescent. 46 40 50 54 Copyright 2000 Scientific American, Inc. 4 MATHEMATICAL 94 RECREATIONS by Ian Stewart Be a Minesweeper millionaire. WONDERS by the Morrisons 99 Hybrid vehicles are ready to roll. CONNECTIONS by James Burke 100 ANTI GRAVITY by Steve Mirsky 104 END POINT 104 About the Cover NEWS & ANALYSIS 16 October 2000 Volume 283 www.sciam.com Number 4 24 Illustration by Slim Films. Contents BOOKS A photographic exploration of Robo sapiens, the next step in machine (and human) evolution. Also, The Editors Recommend. 96 82 Better Decisions through Science John A. Swets, Robyn M. Dawes and John Monahan Every day, important and complex yes-or-no diagnostic decisions are made throughout medi- cine, industry and society. Sta- tistical methods of making those choices could dramatically improve the outcomes. 82 FROM THE EDITORS 6 LETTERS TO THE EDITORS 8 50, 100 & 150 YEARS AGO 12 P ROFILE 30 Biologist Paul R. Ehrlich still ponders population and biodiversity disasters. TECHNOLOGY 34 & BUSINESS Publius enables anyone to post anything—even illegal materials—on the Web anonymously. CYBER VIEW 37 Sun Microsystems’s Java boils over. Meanwhile, Microsoft’s C# sounds flat. THE AMATEUR SCIENTIST 90 by Shawn Carlson High-precision scales bring balance to home labs. WORKING KNOWLEDGE 88 Contact lenses: something in your eye? Scientific American (ISSN 0036-8733),published monthly by Scientific American,Inc.,415 Madison Avenue,New York,N.Y.10017-1111.Copy- right © 2000 by Scientific American,Inc. All rights reserved.No part of this issue may be reproduced by any mechanical,photographic or electronic process,or in the form of a phonographic recording,nor may it be stored in a retriev al system,transmitted or otherwise copied for public or private use without written permission of the publisher. Periodicals postage paid at New York,N.Y.,and at additional mailing offices and also Standard A enclosure postage paid (for edition “50000”only). Canada Post International Publications Mail (Canadian Distri- bution) Sales Agreement No.242764.Canadian BN No.127387652RT;QST No.Q1015332537.Subscription rates: one year $34.97, Canada $49,International $55.Postmaster: Send address changes to Scientific American,Box 3187,Harlan,Iowa 51537.Reprints available: write Reprint Department,Scientific American,Inc.,415 Madison Avenue,New York,N.Y.10017-1111;(212) 451-8877;fax :(212) 355-0408 or send e-mail to sacust@sciam.com Subscription inquiries:U.S.and Canada (800) 333-1199; other (515) 247-7631. Printed in U.S.A. Worries about an East Coast tidal wave are all wet. 16 A homemade earthquake. 17 Black holes in galactic doughnuts. 18 Quantum effects writ large. 23 Genetic parental bickering. 24 The pace of neural death. 26 By the Numbers The roots of homicide. 22 News Briefs 28 28 16 18 Copyright 2000 Scientific American, Inc. From the Editors6 Scientific American October 2000 ERICA LANSNER D ecisions, decisions. We all make them every day, and thank heaven mine are always right, but can you imagine the anxiety felt by those people with flawed judgment? blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah Take the stressful lives of diagnosticians in medicine and industry, whose choices tip the balance between life and death. In their perfect world, diag- noses would be easy because the evidence would unambiguously and without fail point to the true underlying condition. In their slightly less perfect world, knowl- edge of the occasional misdiagnoses would be tempered by certainty that they had caused a minimum of damage. But our world is the planet Earth, where the motto is “Not for the Squeamish.” And yet there is hope. As the authors of “Better Decisions through Science” con- vincingly argue, beginning on page 82, statistical aids can often improve diagnoses. Moreover, this mathematical approach —don’t worry, it’s fairly simple—works even with decisions that have traditionally been seen as qualitative and subjective, such as parole assessments of violent felons. I strongly recommend this article to politicians, managers, physicians, educators and any- one else routinely making tough choices; it will make you think. This article inaugurates a series of collaborations be- tween S CIENTIFIC AMERICAN and Psychological Science in the Public Interest, a new journal from the American Psychological Society (APS, www.psychologicalscience. org). Leadership in the APS recognized that the public’s awareness of psychological research is poor. The best and most reliable findings are lost in the haze of headline-grabbing reports that of- ten make conflicting or spurious claims. PSPI will therefore publish “white papers” summa- rizing the conclusions of a jury of experts that has weighed the published evidence on topics of national concern. Future issues may consider such matters as: Do smaller class sizes improve students’ academic achieve- ment? Is controlled drinking a safe alternative to abstinence for alcoholics? Can gink- go and other herbal products enhance cognitive function? To help disseminate these findings as widely as possible, Scientific American is working with the authors of the PSPI scholarly papers to publish versions aimed more at the general public. Our hope is that these articles will inform political and social discussions to good effect. S peaking of smart decisions, voters in the Kansas primaries have rebuffed the anti- evolutionists seeking reelection to that state’s board of education. Last year, you will recall, that panel rewrote the curriculum guidelines to eliminate requirements that evolution be taught to biology students —and it had the hubris to pretend that this raised the educational standards. Lunacy. I’d make a quip about cryptocreationists being extinct except that, sadly, these Kansas specimens are far from the last of their species. Here’s hoping nonetheless that the Sunflower State’s response echoes elsewhere. EDITOR_JOHN RENNIE Smart Choices EDITOR IN CHIEF: John Rennie MANAGING EDITOR: Michelle Press ASSISTANT MANAGING EDITOR: Ricki L. Rusting NEWS EDITOR: Philip M. Yam SPECIAL PROJECTS EDITOR: Gary Stix SENIOR WRITER: W. Wayt Gibbs EDITORS: Mark Alpert, Graham P. Collins, Carol Ezzell, Steve Mirsky, George Musser, Sasha Nemecek, Sarah Simpson CONTRIBUTING EDITORS: Mark Fischetti, Marguerite Holloway, Madhusree Mukerjee, Paul Wallich ON-LINE EDITOR: Kristin Leutwyler ASSOCIATE EDITOR, ON-LINE: Kate Wong ART DIRECTOR: Edward Bell SENIOR ASSOCIATE ART DIRECTOR: Jana Brenning ASSISTANT ART DIRECTORS: Johnny Johnson, Heidi Noland, Mark Clemens PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR: Bridget Gerety PRODUCTION EDITOR: Richard Hunt COPY DIRECTOR: Maria-Christina Keller COPY CHIEF: Molly K. Frances COPY AND RESEARCH: Daniel C. Schlenoff, Myles McDonnell, Rina Bander, Sherri A. Liberman EDITORIAL ADMINISTRATOR: Jacob Lasky SENIOR SECRETARY: Maya Harty ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER, PRODUCTION: William Sherman MANUFACTURING MANAGER: Janet Cermak ADVERTISING PRODUCTION MANAGER: Carl Cherebin PREPRESS AND QUALITY MANAGER: Silvia Di Placido PRINT PRODUCTION MANAGER: Georgina Franco PRODUCTION MANAGER: Christina Hippeli ASSISTANT PROJECT MANAGER: Norma Jones CUSTOM PUBLISHING MANAGER: Madelyn Keyes ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER/VICE PRESIDENT, CIRCULATION: Lorraine Leib Terlecki CIRCULATION MANAGER: Katherine Robold CIRCULATION PROMOTION MANAGER: Joanne Guralnick FULFILLMENT AND DISTRIBUTION MANAGER: Rosa Davis ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER, STRATEGIC PLANNING: Laura Salant PROMOTION MANAGER: Diane Schube RESEARCH MANAGER: Susan Spirakis PROMOTION DESIGN MANAGER: Nancy Mongelli SUBSCRIPTION INQUIRIES sacust@sciam.com U.S. and Canada (800) 333-1199, Outside North America (515) 247-7631 DIRECTOR, FINANCIAL PLANNING: Christian Kaiser BUSINESS MANAGER: Marie Maher MANAGER, ADVERTISING ACCOUNTING AND COORDINATION: Constance Holmes DIRECTOR, ELECTRONIC PUBLISHING: Martin O. K. Paul OPERATIONS MANAGER: Luanne Cavanaugh DIRECTOR, ANCILLARY PRODUCTS: Diane McGarvey PERMISSIONS MANAGER: Linda Hertz MANAGER OF CUSTOM PUBLISHING: Jeremy A. Abbate CHAIRMAN EMERITUS John J. Hanley CHAIRMAN Rolf Grisebach PRESIDENT AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Gretchen G. Teichgraeber VICE PRESIDENT AND MANAGING DIRECTOR, INTERNATIONAL Charles McCullagh VICE PRESIDENT Frances Newburg Scientific American, Inc. 415 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10017-1111 PHONE: (212) 754-0550 FAX: (212) 755-1976 WEB SITE: www.sciam.com Established 1845 editors@sciam.com ® A fusion of math and psychology can improve decision making. From the Editors Copyright 2000 Scientific American, Inc. Letters to the Editors8 Scientific American October 2000 Letters to the Editors I n “A Scourge of Small Arms,” Jeffrey Boutwell and Michael T. Klare write that “insurgent leader Charles Taylor invaded [Liberia] with only 100 irregular soldiers armed primarily with AK-47 assault rifles.” That a few rebels or government-backed soldiers could take over a whole coun- try or slaughter hundreds of thousands should be enough to shock us into taking action. But can we realistically expect to prevent future Charles Taylors from ob- taining a scant 100 light weapons? Can we really prevent a government from ob- taining and distributing weapons to its supporters? It seems that a much more practical — and long-lasting—solution would be to ensure that civilian populations in threat- ened countries are permitted to defend themselves, their families and their homes from rebellion and insurrection, instead of being forced to remain helpless as they are lined up and executed. No way could a band of 100 hope to succeed in attack- ing a properly defended village, let alone an entire country. JAMES TERPENING via e-mail I would suggest that there are tens of thousands of workshops in the world that could manufacture a simple recoil- operated automatic weapon but perhaps only a few score that could make ammu- nition for it. Surely ammunition control is a much better bet than gun control. The guns are there; the ammunition must be continually supplied. F. D. REDDYHOFF Ornaisons, France Boutwell and Klare reply: T he telling point about Charles Taylor igniting a decades-long civil war in Liberia is not that his initial force was just 100 armed men but that his forces received continuous sup- plies of weapons through illegal channels year after year. Tighter control of ammunition to areas of conflict is but one of many op- tions being seriously studied by governments and international organizations, although initial assessments are mixed regarding its ultimate feasibility. In Sierra Leone, Liberia and other countries, arming civilians has only worsened the conflict, not prevented it. Such weapons are invariably stolen by rebels or used by crim- inals, or they ignite armed conflict where there was none. Only well-trained, well-disciplined soldiers of the national government or an in- ternational peacekeeping force can provide a real solution to internal conflict. Incredible that a whole article could be written on this topic without mention- ing the epidemic of small arms–related deaths in the U.S. How arrogant, blind and shameful. BRYAN CEBULIAK Mansfield, Queensland, Australia Having used an M16 rifle, I can verify that they do not fire at 750 to 900 rounds per minute, as listed in the chart “Supply and Demand” on page 50. The M16A2 ri- fle, for example, has a sustained rate of fire of only 12 to 15 rounds per minute. Given the fact that a soldier would need to constantly replace the magazine, it would be impossible to get a rate of fire of 750 to 900 rounds per minute. ISAAC ERBELE Cadet Private First Class, U.S. Military Academy Editors’ note: T he “rounds per minute” number reflects the rate at which a gun can put one round through the reloading and firing cycle. As CPFC Erbele rightly points out, the actu- al number of rounds a soldier can fire in a minute is limited by factors such as how ammunition is fed into the gun. In “The Human Cost of War,” Walter C. Clemens, Jr., and J. David Singer attempt to make the case that in wars of this cen- tury, civilian deaths have outnumbered military deaths. I believe, though, that a more thorough review of the historical data will show that warfare has almost al- ways been more devastating to civilian populations than to military opponents. It is only when you have a very disci- plined, professional military force, under the direction of leaders who make a con- scious effort to minimize civilian suffer- ing, that you will find exceptions to this trend. ROBERT HENDERSON Portland, Ore. EDITORS@SCIAM.COM READERS HAVE ON MORE THAN ONE OCCASION expressed the opinion that this magazine has no busi- ness wading into political waters, and, indeed, the spe- cial report “Waging a New Kind of War” [ June] drew many such objections. Editor in chief John Rennie re- sponds: “Science and technology are pervasively influ- ential on culture and politics. People who take a de- tached, utopian view of science might prefer that SA confine itself to discussing ‘pure science’ rather than any of these social concerns. But this is narrow-minded and wrong. Science has an obligation to determine the facts, such as they are, but it also has an obligation to discuss the consequences of its findings. So if research can address, for example, whether turning children into soldiers causes them psychological harm that can be un- derstood in the long term as a giant public health issue, you bet we’ll cover it.” THE_MAIL CROAT SOLDIER fires from what was a bedroom window onto a street in Mostar, Bosnia-Herzegovina, in 1993. JAMES NACHTWEY Magnum Copyright 2000 Scientific American, Inc. Letters to the Editors10 Scientific American October 2000 Letters to the Editors Clemens and Singer reply: W e agree that, throughout history, wars have often killed more civilians than warriors. Each war, however, is different. During America’s Civil War more civilians died in the South than in the North, but over- all most casualties were soldiers. As the chart in our article shows, relatively few civilians died in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870–71. Many times more Austrian and German sol- diers died in World War I than civilians. The Korean War was bloody, but China and the U.S. suffered only military losses. Recent bloodshed in the Balkans, in Africa and in Chechnya has probably raised the ra- tio of civilian to combatant deaths —precisely because the combatants are not disciplined professional troops. Many are part-time sol- diers, and many deaths are the result not of combat but of outright massacres. When fighting is between neighbors, civilian suffer- ing will be high. Perhaps the recruiting of children as soldiers [“Come Children, Die,” by Neil G. Boothby and Christine M. Knudsen] has “never played so large a role in war- fare as it does today,” but neither were child soldiers “bit players” in the past, and this was true long before the 1930s. Drummer boys accompanied troops into combat from the 1600s through the late 19th century, and many pre- teenage males served on warships in the age of fighting sail, including Admiral David Farragut, who commanded a war- prize vessel at age 14. Apprentice sea- men and cadets in their early teens saw action in World War I. Prior to the 1930s, children and young teenagers fought and performed hazardous duties in many imperial settings, in Latin American wars and in the bitter guerrilla fighting of 1807–14 in Spain. ROGER BEAUMONT Bryan, Tex. Letters to the editors should be sent to edi- tors@sciam.com or to Scientific American, 415 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10017. Sandra Ourusoff publisher saourusoff@sciam.com new york advertising offices 415 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10017 212-451-8523 fax 212-754-1138 Denise Anderman Associate Publisher danderman@sciam.com Wanda R. Knox wknox@sciam.com Darren Palmieri dpalmieri@sciam.com detroit Edward A. Bartley Midwest Manager 248-353-4411 fax 248-353-4360 ebartley@sciam.com los angeles Lisa K. 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Mercouri St. Gr 116 34 Athens, GREECE tel: +301-72-94-354 sciam@otenet.gr Ke Xue Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China P.O. Box 2104 Chongqing, Sichuan PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA tel: +86-236-3863170 OTHER EDITIONS OF SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN ERRATUM “Deconstructing the Taboo,” by Gary Taubes [Scientific American Presents: Building the Elite Athlete, Fall 2000], incor- rectly states that a review by Jonathan Marks of the book Taboo, by Jon Entine, had appeared in Human Biology. The re- view has not been published but is sched- uled, according to that journal. Copyright 2000 Scientific American, Inc. 50, 100 and 150 Years Ago12 Scientific American October 2000 OCTOBER 1950 MICROSURGERY—“To work in the Lilli- putian world of the cell, one obviously needs Lilliputian instruments. In recent years such high-precision instruments have been developed, and microsurgery on cells, known as micrurgy, has become an important part of the study of proto- plasm. With a micromanipulator one can cut a cell into tiny fragments, remove the cell’s nucleus or even its chromosomes, and inject fluids into either the nucleus or the cytoplasm.” PREJUDICE—“Of the many tension areas within our society the one we investigated was ethnic hostility —a polite term for racial prejudice. Our research supports the hypothesis that the individual’s stereo- types are not only vitally needed defense mechanisms but are persistent, even un- der the impact of such immediate and re- alistic experiences as service with Jews and Negroes under conditions of war. Once a stereotype is formed, it is not easily changed. One can assume that as long as anxiety and insecurity per- sist as a root of intolerance, efforts to dispel stereotyped thinking or feelings of eth- nic hostility by rational pro- paganda is at best a half- measure. —Bruno Bettel- heim and Morris Janowitz” OCTOBER 1900 THE GALVESTON DISASTER— “The special report by Isaac M. Cline, the Local Fore- caster of the Weather Bu- reau at Galveston, verifies in the main the press re- ports of the recent disas- trous hurricane. For a short time after 6:15 P.M. a maxi- mum velocity of 100 miles per hour was recorded be- fore the anemometer blew away. The tide at the Fore- caster’s residence at 7:30 P.M. is estimated in the re- port to have been 15.2 feet and rose, during the next hour, nearly 5 feet addi- tional. ‘These observations,’ says Mr. Cline, ‘were carefully taken.’ By 8 P.M. a number of houses which had drifted and lodged against the Forecaster’s house overthrew the building, and thirty-two persons out of the fifty who had taken refuge in it were hurled into eternity, in- cluding Mrs. Cline. The report states ‘conservative estimates place the loss of life at the appalling figure of 6,000.’ ” ALEUTS OF ALASKA—“The Aleuts of Alaska are skillful hunters, and the Russian gov- ernment used to furnish them with sup- plies in exchange for furs. The disappear- ance of the food-bearing animals owing to persistent slaughter has made exis- tence more difficult to them. In the con- struction of their native boats, or ‘bi- darkas,’ the Aleuts are extremely inge- nious and they manage them with wonderful skill. The bidarka is made of a frame of wood, covered over with the skin of the sea lion. The highest honors of chieftainship are conferred upon the best ‘oarsman.’ ” ANIMAL PLAGUES—“In the Department of Agriculture’s Biochemical Division, the first work in the production of an anti- toxine serum for hog cholera and swine plague was carried out experimentally in 1892. A soluble ferment was discovered in the cultures of the hog cholera germ and the relation of this enzyme to immu- nity was demonstrated. During the past three years anti-toxine serum for both hog cholera and swine plague have been prepared on a large experimental scale with very satisfactory results.” ELECTRICITY FIGHTS FIRE—“The firemen of Paris have an improved apparatus, which has been recently introduced for the purpose of enabling the firemen to reach and extinguish fires more rapidly than heretofore. Our illustration shows the electric fire-pump under way. The same electric motor which propels the carriage drives the pump as soon as the vehicle comes to a standstill at a fire.” OCTOBER 1850 MOONSCAPE—“The most remarkable fea- ture of the lunar surface is the great num- ber of rings, or craters, which almost en- tirely cover it, overlaying, intersecting and apparently elbowing each other out of the way. It is now pretty well demon- strated that these rings were the result of intense volcanic action at some remote period. In six-eighths of the lunar volcanic moun- tains, there was a cone in the center of the ring. The same thing is observed on extinct volcanic moun- tains on the earth, the cone in the center being the fruit of the last efforts of the expiring volcano. The moon has a propor- tionately larger surface area in relation to its mass than does the earth, and this fact was sufficient to explain the greater num- ber of volcanic discharges that cover the surface of the moon.” KOPS— “The city of Pitts- burgh has now two bodies of night watchmen, one appointed by the Mayor, and the other by the Police Committee. Their duties, so far, have been confined to arresting each other.” Galveston Hurricane, Bruno Bettelheim on Prejudice FROM SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN 50, 100 & 150 Years Ago ELECTRIC FIRE-PUMP Paris, 1900 Copyright 2000 Scientific American, Inc. News & Analysis16 Scientific American October 2000 I f you perused any of several metro- politan newspapers along the East- ern seaboard this summer, you might have imagined a disaster of hurricane proportions striking the coast on a clear, blue day. With a sudden crum- bling of the seafloor, the Atlantic Ocean would rise up and flatten Virginia Beach and Cape Hatteras. Giant waves might even surge up the Potomac River and flood the U.S. capital. The notion of a tsunami striking the mid-Atlantic coast is startling —those dis- asters tend to hit earthquake-prone lo- cales of the Pacific Rim, where land slipping along underwater faults sloshes the sea into threat- ening swells. But despite the breathless news reports, a long string of ifs and buts stretches between an imminent threat of an East Coast tsunami and its newly discovered potential cause: underwater landslides. The landslide concern stems from new indications of looming instability atop the slope between the shallow continental shelf and the deep sea, off the coasts of North Carolina and New Jersey. Enormous cracks northeast of Cape Hatteras could be an un- derwater landslide in the mak- ing, three scientists suggested in the May Geology. Mud suddenly breaking loose and tearing down- slope could displace enough wa- ter to swamp the nearby coast- line with tsunami waves some five me- ters (15 feet) high —an event comparable to the storm surges of Hurricane Fran, which ravaged North Carolina in 1996. The day after the media caught wind of the report, television helicopters were landing on the lawn of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachu- setts, the workplace of the report’s lead au- thor, Neal W. Driscoll. Elsewhere, Driscoll’s colleagues Jeffrey K. Weissel of Columbia University’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Ob- servatory and John A. Goff of the Univer- sity of Texas at Austin were also fielding calls from eager reporters. “We underesti- mated the excitement the paper would cause,” Weissel says. What the scientists knew —and what many news accounts failed to empha- size —was that although a tsunami would be devastating, the potential risk was re- markably unclear. At the time, the re- searchers had no idea when a landslide might occur (if ever), no mathematical predictions of the waves that might be generated and no evidence of a tsunami ever having struck the mid-Atlantic coast in the past. Still, Weissel maintains that “the paper would have been incomplete without a portion on tsunamis.” At the heart of the scientists’ concern is the grow- ing evidence that underwater landslides — not earthquakes alone—pose a tsunami threat [see “Tsunami!,” by Frank I. Gonzá- lez, Scientific American, May 1999]. Oceanographers conducted the first in- tensive investigation of this theory after the 1998 Papua New Guinea tsunami. At least 2,200 people died —drowned, im- paled on mangrove branches or bludg- eoned by debris —when waves up to 15 meters high struck the country’s north coast. A magnitude-7.1 earthquake had rocked the area only minutes before, but the waves were up to five times larger than expected for a quake that size. When oceanographers inspected the nearby sea- floor, they found evidence of a landslide that could have enlarged the tsunami. Two rare landslides in the western At- lantic also fuel the tsunami concern. In 1929 an earthquake-triggered landslide off Newfoundland’s Grand Banks spawned a tsunami that killed 51 people. A simi- larly massive slide occurred some 20,000 years ago just to the south of the cracks discovered off the North Carolina coast. Had scientists detected those cracks 10 years earlier, before underwater landslides were a suspected cause of tsunamis, their interpretations might have been differ- ent, Weissel says. But in light of this new historical evidence, his team couldn’t ig- nore the possibility. Frank I. González, leader of the National Oceanic and At- mospheric Administration’s tsunami re- search program in Seattle, agrees: “I think these guys were right on to call attention to the potential tsunami risk.” Based on sonar images, the cracks have News & Analysis Killer Waves on the East Coast? Underwater landslides off the mid-Atlantic could trigger a tsunami, but the likelihood appears slim OCEANOGRAPHY_HAZARD PREDICTION JOHNNY JOHNSON (map); BATHYMETRY IMAGE COURTESY OF JEFFREY K. WEISSEL Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory GIANT GAS BLOWOUTS, which may have cratered the seafloor off the North Carolina coast, could presage underwater landslides. Potential blowouts (not shown) also lie off New Jersey. POSSIBLE GAS BLOWOUTS CONTINENTAL SHELF ALBEMARLE–CURRITUCK SLIDE (20,000 YEARS AGO) ATLANTIC OCEAN Cape Hatteras NEW JERSEY AREA OF DETAIL NORTH CAROLINA VERTICAL EXAGGERATION 15:1 20 KM Copyright 2000 Scientific American, Inc. Scientific American October 2000 17www.sciam.com turned out to be giant craters —some five kilometers long and two kilometers across —that the team now thinks formed from eruptions of gas trapped in the sedi- ments. What’s more, additional gas is still waiting to blow. The researchers don’t know when the past blowouts occurred, but they have reason to think they could have been explosive: such eruptions have destroyed oil rigs that penetrated gas de- posits in the Gulf of Mexico and the North Sea. In the July 14 Science, a second team re- ported another potential cause of seafloor blowouts. Peter B. Flemings and Brandon Dugan of Pennsylvania State University noted that explosions of waterlogged sed- iments could have carved several mysteri- ous submarine canyons about 150 kilo- meters east of Atlantic City, N.J. During an Ocean Drilling Program re- search cruise in 1997, Flemings and the crew drilled into one-million-year-old mud that contained up to 65 percent wa- ter. The soggy sediments were buried so fast that the water had nowhere to go. But the pressure caused by being buried 600 meters below the seafloor means that deep erosion could unleash the water with a bang. Flemings and Dugan didn’t mention tsunamis in their journal article, but the media didn’t miss the connec- tion. “I just continually remind people that we haven’t done any work on whether a tsunami would be generated,” Dugan says. Such a prediction would be difficult to make, anyway. It takes a sudden flow of a large volume of mud to create a tsunami; the scientists don’t know whether the canyons formed quickly —in one explo- sive event —or eroded over tens of thou- sands of years. Even today, muddy seeps and geysers bleed off trapped water little by little. Nor is it clear whether gas blowouts farther south would stabilize the slope by reducing the pressurized gas or destabi- lize it by rendering the shelf edge more precariously balanced than before, Weis- sel says. The fact is that landslides may never occur in either region. And until scientists can estimate the frequency of landslides —whatever the cause—it will be impossible to calculate the probability of a future tsunami. From Dugan’s per- spective, the bottom line is this: “Are these blowouts preventable? No. Should people be worried? No.” —Sarah Simpson FRIEDER SEIBLE U.C.S.D. Structural Engineering (top); RICARDO GUTHRIE U.C.S.D. Communications (bottom) S AN DIEGO—July 11 was a slow day for earthquakes in southern Cali- fornia —except at the Powell Struc- tural Research Laboratory at the University of California at San Diego, where a magnitude-6.7 temblor battered and bruised a $400,000 experimental home. Built atop a giant shake table, the two-story, fully furnished wood-frame house rode out the simulated earthquake surprisingly well, but the building’s con- tents were reduced to a shambles. Part research, part public education and part silly-season entertainment, the event was covered live on several television channels and on the Internet (video clips are available at www.curee.org). Before- hand, principal investigator André Filia- trault explained that the shake test was part of a $7-million project, funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, to assess and improve the seismic behav- ior of wood-frame buildings —the kind in which nearly all Californians live. Such buildings sustained $12 billion in damage during the 1994 Northridge earthquake. Four siren blasts then heralded the earthquake itself. As cameras rolled, a com- puter-controlled hydraulic ram shoved the table back and forth, precisely repro- ducing the motions recorded by accelero- meters near the epicenter of the North- ridge earthquake. For the first five seconds, as the early ar- riving primary seismic waves rumbled through the structure, the house did little more than tremble. Then the larger-am- plitude secondary waves arrived, jolting the house sideways with an acceleration of 1 g and a peak velocity of 40 inches per second. An unanchored water heater overturned, flooding the living room floor and rupturing its connection to the (nonexistent) gas supply. File cabinets, bookshelves and tables were also upend- ed, while upstairs a speaker landed on a child’s bed and bounced onto the floor. Heavy clay planters fell from upper-story window ledges into the direct path of anyone who might have been exiting the building. The 15-second simulated earthquake had been billed as the “ultimate jolt” and was expected to “severely damage” the house. Some onlookers were thus disap- pointed when the house neither fell down nor suffered any visible structural damage beyond minor cracking in the ex- terior stucco and the interior drywall. Fili- atrault himself expressed some surprise at the outcome, because earlier shake tests, conducted before the stucco and drywall were applied, had caused much more ex- tensive damage. “This seems to indicate MODEL HOME (top) survived a simulat- ed magnitude-6.7 earthquake, although the furnishings didn’t fare as well (bottom). Riding the Rumble A $400,000 house is given a good shaking in the name of science EARTHQUAKES_ENGINEERING News & Analysis Copyright 2000 Scientific American, Inc. News & Analysis News & Analysis18 Scientific American October 2000 JASON WARE Galaxy Photography; NASA, CHANDRA X-RAY OBSERVATORY CENTER, AND STEPHEN S. MURRAY AND MICHAEL GARCIA Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (inset) that wall-finish materials, which are usu- ally neglected at the design level, actually have a tremendous effect on a building’s response to an earthquake,” he said. But he reserved final judgment until the out- put of more than 300 sensors embedded in the structure has been analyzed, a task that will take several months. According to project manager John F. Hall, a civil engineer at the California In- stitute of Technology, many wood-frame buildings would not perform as well as the one subjected to the U.C.S.D. test. A large number of homes were built prior to the introduction of modern construc- tion codes and have insufficient founda- tion anchoring and shear-resistant ele- ments, such as plywood panels. Also, Hall says, the stucco on older homes tends to be deteriorated and would not hold up to prolonged shaking. Researchers plan to construct buildings to precode stan- dards and then study the effects of vari- ous retrofitting techniques on their be- havior on the shake table. A type of wood-frame building that performed especially poorly in the North- ridge earthquake was the “tuck-under” apartment building, in which one side of the first floor consists of open-entry park- ing space. According to Hall, such struc- tures yield unevenly as seismic waves pass through. So researchers at the Uni- versity of California at Berkeley are devis- ing an entire tuck-under apartment com- plex on a shake table even larger and more powerful than the one at U.C.S.D. Unlike that one, the Berkeley table moves along all three axes. Thus, the test, scheduled for a few months from now, should chal- lenge the building with the closest thing possible to an earthquake —short of the long-awaited rupture of the East Bay’s Hayward Fault. —Simon LeVay SIMON L EVAY is co-author of The Earth in Turmoil: Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Their Impact on Humankind. O ne of the great accomplish- ments of astronomy over the past century has been to ex- plain stars. Despite their amazing variety, stars all go through the same basic life cycle, driven by a few basic processes such as gravitational collapse and nuclear fusion. Now astronomers are on the verge of a similar synthesis for galaxies. From the diffuse band of light we call the Milky Way to the blindingly bright quasars near the edge of known space, galaxies all take shape in much the same way: through mutual interactions and —according to the latest findings— the exertions of supermassive black holes. Black holes are notoriously destructive, but their creative potential has gradually come to light. Observations of quasars in the 1960s and 1970s suggested that only a giant hole —a mass of a million or a bil- lion suns —could power them, and by the late 1980s mammoth holes had taken the credit for all kinds of anomalously lu- minous galaxies. The pace of discovery has accelerated lately, helped along by the ultrahigh resolution of the Hubble Space Telescope and the Very Long Base- line Array radio telescope. Stars and inter- stellar gas clouds near the center of many a galaxy are moving abnormally fast, whipped up by the gravity of a colossal unseen body —most probably a hole, al- though alternatives both prosaic (dense star clusters) and exotic (neutrino balls) have not been ruled out. The count of supermassive holes is now up to 34, and two remarkable trends have emerged. First, supermassive black holes appear not just in quasar or quasar- like galaxies but in unostentatious ones, too. In fact, the only requirement seems to be an ellipsoidal shape: either an ellip- tical galaxy or a bulge in an otherwise flat galaxy, as in our Milky Way. Completely flat galaxies lack large holes. Second, the mass of each hole is roughly proportional to the mass of the ellipsoidal host (as esti- mated from its brightness). Holes weigh in at 0.15 percent of the mass of their el- liptical galaxies or bulges. The Milky Way’s modest hole befits its modest bulge. A third trend has now been discovered by two teams writing in the August 10 As- trophysical Journal Letters: Karl Gebhardt and John Kormendy of the University of Texas at Austin, Douglas Rich- stone of the University of Michigan, and their colleagues; and Laura Ferrarese of the Univer- sity of California at Los Angeles and David Mer- ritt of Rutgers Universi- ty. These researchers found that the mass of a black hole is related to the average velocity of stars within its ellip- soidal host, even in ar- eas beyond the hole’s di- rect influence. In fact, within the error bars, the velocity correlation is perfect. It almost has the status of a new law of nature, akin to Kepler’s laws of plane- tary motion. “I’m surprised it’s as tight as it is,” Richstone says. Although the two teams disagree as to the precise formula for this correlation, both analyses imply that black holes are somehow tailor-made for their galaxies. But how? Did the black hole come first and then determine the mass of the ellip- soid, or was it the other way around? Kor- mendy points out that the stellar velocity depends not just on the mass of a galactic The Hole Shebang Black holes and galaxies may be entwined from birth ASTRONOMY_BLACK HOLES BLACK HOLE in the Andromeda Gal- axy’s central bulge has 30 million times the mass of the sun. The Chan- dra X-Ray Observatory has spotted gas spiraling into the hole (arrow in inset). Copyright 2000 Scientific American, Inc. [...]... wine buff; adores chocolate; devoted bird-watcher clined The impassioned and soon Designed to inprofessor underestimated fluence the then upcoming 30 Scientific American October 2000 Profile Copyright 2000 Scientific American, Inc STEVE STARR SABA Profile B I O LO G I ST _ PA U L R E H R L I CH 32 Scientific American October 2000 Profile Copyright 2000 Scientific American, Inc JENNIFER JOHANSEN SOURCE:... intellectual property.” Scientific American October 2000 News Briefs Copyright 2000 Scientific American, Inc D ATA P O I N T S Down with E-reading? News Briefs PSYC H O LO GY The Sky’s the Limit P refer reading Scientific American in print rather than at our Web site? 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The coding software converts the Web page from HTML, the common language of the Internet, to WML, which is optimized for text-only displays The WAP gateway then prepares the document for wireless transmission www.sciam.com Scientific American October 2000 Copyright 2000 Scientific American, Inc 47 Lost in the Translation WAP networks have to strip down Web pages to make their content suitable for the small... www.ntia.doc.gov/osmhome/allochrt.pdf on the World Wide Web www.sciam.com Scientific American October 2000 Copyright 2000 Scientific American, Inc 49 Wireless Web Special Report The Future Is Here Or Is It? How will Web phones ever become popular if it takes 10 minutes and costs $4 to send one e-mail? by David Wilson 50 Scientific American quickly find that small screens and meager services can cost big bucks “The truth is,... IO, by Ron Miller Scientific American October 2000 News & Analysis Copyright 2000 Scientific American, Inc RON MILLER; BLACK CAT STUDIOS (inset) News & Analysis ellipsoid but also on its size: the smaller the ellipsoid, the faster its stars move This extra effect, he argues, is what makes the velocity correlation so much better than the brightness correlation To have an extra-heavy black hole, a galaxy . S.A. ul. Garazowa 7 0 2-6 51 Warszawa, POLAND tel: +4 8-0 2 2-6 0 7-7 6-4 0 swiatnauki@proszynski.com.pl Nikkei Science, Inc. 1-9 -5 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 10 0-8 066, JAPAN tel: +81 3-5 25 5-2 821 Svit Nauky Lviv. Manager 41 5-4 0 3-9 030 fax 41 5-4 0 3-9 033 dsilver@sciam.com chicago rocha & zoeller media sales 31 2-7 8 2-8 855 fax 31 2-7 8 2-8 857 mrrocha@aol.com kzoeller1@aol.com dallas the griffith group 97 2-9 3 1-9 001. Palmieri dpalmieri@sciam.com detroit Edward A. Bartley Midwest Manager 24 8-3 5 3-4 411 fax 24 8-3 5 3-4 360 ebartley@sciam.com los angeles Lisa K. 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