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Mỗi buổi sáng thức dậy hoặc trước khi đi ngủ, sau khi thực hành bí quyết Carnegie, bạn bốc thăm một tuyên bố. Nó sẽ là ý tưởng khởi đầu ngày mới của bạn.

1 Hướng dẫn sử dụng Bạn nên in màu file này. Sau đó cắt các tuyên bố riêng ra. Cuộn tròn từng cái, rồi cho vào một cái lọ đủ lớn để chứa và có thể xáo trộn chúng bằng cách lắc nhẹ. Mỗi buổi sáng thức dậy hoặc trước khi đi ngủ, sau khi thực hành bí quyết Carnegie, bạn bốc thăm một tuyên bố. Nó sẽ là ý tưởng khởi đầu ngày mới của bạn. Gửi lời chúc thịnh vượng, thành công, hạnh phúc đến bạn và gia đình! Phạm Hồng Chiến MillionFriendsMore@gmail.com http://my.opera.com/MillionFriendsMore http://www.facebook.com/MillionFriendsMore THINK BIG AND ACT BIG Small thinking and small actions lead to being both broke and unfulfilled. Big thinking and big actions lead to having both money and meaning. The choice is yours! GET SUPPORT OR CREATE A TEAM Don’t try to do it on your own. Find a good financial planner who can help you track and build your net worth by organizing your finances and introducing you to a variety of vehicles for saving and growing your money. INCREASE YOUR VALUE You’ll be paid in direct proportion to the value you deliver to the marketplace. If you’re not earning a lot of money right now, it’s because you’re not delivering a lot of value. CHOOSE BOTH Poor people think: “either/or”; rich people think “both”. You can be kind, generous, loving, spiritual, balanced, do work you love, and be really, really rich! DEVELOP THE CHARACTERISTICS OF SUCCESS To get rich and stay rich, develop the following characteristics: a positive attitude, integrity, trust worthiness, courage, persistence, a hardworking mentality, high energy… and be an expert in at least one area. 2 THINK RICH AND ACT RICH Thoughts lead to feelings, wich lead to actions, wich lead to results. If you choose to think and act like rich people do, you can create the results that rich people create. FOCUS ON GROWING YOUR MONEY If you want to get rich, focus on making, keeping, and investing your money. If you want to be poor, focus on spending your money. BE ACCOUNTABLE FOR IN EVERYTHING IN YOUR LIFE Rich people believe that they create their lives. Poor people believe that life happens to them. If you want to be wealthy, you must believe that you’re the one causing your success, mediocrity, or struggle. GET PAID FOR RESULTS, NOT TIME Wealth Rule #1: No Limits on Your Income. Rich people choose to get paid based on results; Poor people to get paid based on time, wich is limited. Rich people believe in their ability to deliver it; Poor people live in fear and need “guarantees”. BE BIGGER THAN ANY PROBLEMS The secret to success is not to try to avoid, get rid of, or shrink from your problems. The secret is to grow yourself so that you’re bigger than any problem. PLAY THE MONEY GAME TO WIN Rich people play the money game to win. Their goal is to create massive wealth and abundance. Poor people play the money game to not lose . Their goal is survival and security. WORK ON YOU You are the root of your financial success or failure. If you work on the roots, the “fruits” will take care of themselves. MANAGE YOUR MONEY Until you can show that you can handle what you’re got, you won’t get any more. The habit of managing your money is more important than the amount. 3 EXPECT TO SUCCEED Rich people expect to succeed. They have confidence in their abilities and their creativity, and they believe that they can always find a way to reach their goal. FOCUS ON YOUR NET WORTH The true measure of wealth is net worth, not working income. To build the net worth, you need to increase your income, your saving, and your investment returns… and decrease you cost of living by simplifying your lifestyle. LET GO OF PLAYING THE VICTIM You can be victim or you can be rich, but you can’t be both. Every time you blame, justify, or complain, you’re “slitting” your financial throat. LEARN TO LIVE IN YOUR HIGHER SELF Respond to all situations from your love-based “higher” self rather than reacting from your fear-based “lower” self. You’ll not only be happier, you’ll get richer, too. DECIDE THAT YOU’RE WORTHY If you say you’re worthy, you are. If you say you’re not worthy, you’re not. Either way, you’ll grow into your story. BECOME CONSCIOUS Consciousness is observing your thoughts and actions so that you can live from true choice in the present moment rather than being run by programming from the past. COMMIT TO BEING RICH Commitment means “to devote oneself unreservedly”. Once you commit to being rich, the universe will assist you, guide you, support you, and even create miracles for you. THINK LONG-TERM Rich people think long-term: They balance their spending on enjoyment today with saving and investing for freedom tomorrow. Poor people think short-term: They live based on immediate gratification. BELIEVE THAT YOU’RE ENOUGH If you believe that you’re “not enough”, you’ll validate that belief and create the reality that you don’t have enough. But if you believe that you’re more than enough, you’ll create more than enough in every part of your life. 4 GET RICH SO YOU CAN HELP OTHERS If you have the wherewithal to get rich, it’s your duty to do so, so that you can help others who don’t have wherewithal. (If you’re reading these card, you have the wherewithal.) FORGET “COMFORTABLE” GO FOR “RICH” If your goal is to be comfortable, chances are you’ll never get rich. But if you goal is to be rich, chances are you’ll end up mighty comfortable. APPRECIATE WHAT YOU HAVE Focus on that you’re grateful for in your life. If you don’t appreciate what you have, you won’t get any more… because the universe thinks it’s not important to you, and therefore you don’t need any more. BE WILLING TO DO WHAT’S HARD If you’re only willing to do what’s easy, life will be hard. But if you’re willing to do what’s hard, life will be easy. BECOME A GREAT LEARNER Rich people constantly learn and grow. Poor people think that they already know. Every master was once a disaster… you can learn to be great at anything. STRETCH YOUR COMFORT ZONE Your “comfort zone” is in direct proportion to your “money zone.” Be willing to do what’s uncomfortable. It’s the only time you’re growing. GET FINANCIALLY EDUCATED Take the time and energy to learn about money, business, and investments. Then choose an investment area to become an expert in, and begin investing in it. SEE EVERY DOLLAR AS A “SEED” Rich people see every dollar as a “seed” that can be planted and invested to earn a hundred more dollars, wich can then be replanted to earn a thousand more dollars. CHOOSE YOUR THOUGHTS WISELY You can choose to think in ways that will support you in your happiness and success… instead of ways that don’t. 5 FOCUS ON OPPORTUNITIES Rich people see opportunities; poor people see obstacles. Rich people see potential growth; poor people see potential loss. Rich people focus on, rewards, the people focus on rewards, the poor focus on risks. DECIDE THAT MONEY IS IMPORTANT. Anyone who says that money isn’t important doesn’t have any. Rich people understand the importance of money and the place it has in our society. MANAGE THE TRAIN YOUR MIND You have the natural ability to install self-empowering thoughts in your mind at any time, simply by choosing to focus on them. Yes, you do have the power to control your mind. DEVELOP AN EMPOWERING MOTIVATION FOR SUCCESS If your motivation for acquiring money or success comes from a nonsupportive root such as fear, anger, or the need to “prove” yourself, your money will never bring you happiness. Practive coming from “purpose and joy.” EMBRACE RESPONSIBILITY Most people run from responsibility - that’s why they’re broke. Rich people are willing to take on big responsibilities - that’s why they’re rich. OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS Start a business full or part-time, work on commission, get a percentage of revenue or company profits, or get stock options. The vast majority of millionaires became rich by being in their own business. PROMOTE YOURSELF Rich people are willing to promote themselves and their value. Poor people think negatively about selling and promotion. Resenting promotion is one of the greatest obstacles to success. FOCUS ON CONTRIBUTION Your life isn’t just about you. If you want to be rich in the truest sense of the word, you must contribute to other people’s lives. 6 BUY ASSETS Rich people buy assets, things that will most likely go up in value. Poor people buy expenses, things that will definitely go down in value. Rich people collect land, poor people collect bills. BELIEVE YOU CAN BE RICH Put your attention on the traits, strengths, and virtues that allow you to believe you can - and deserve to be - rich. SOLVE PROBLEMS FOR PEOPLE A person in any business or job is nothing more than someone who solves problems for people at a profit or for pay. To get paid more, solve more problems for more people. BE THE BEST AT WHAT YOU DO To get paid the best, you must be the best. Rich people are experts in their field, middle-class people are mediocre in their field, and poor people are poor in their field. GET CLEAR ON WHAT YOU WANT The number one reason most people don’t get what they want is that they don’t know what they want . Clarity is power. Rich people don’t send mixed messages to the universe; poor people do. USE POWER THINKING With positive thinking, we believe that our thoughts are true. Power thinking recognizes that nothing has mening except for the meaning we give it. And since we’re making up a story anyway, we might as well make upone that support us. DON”T LISTEN TO BROKE PEOPLE Rich people take advice from people who are richer than they are. Poor people take advice from their friends, who are just as broke as they are. PRACTICE BEING A GOOD RECEIVER Rich people are excellent receivers; poor people are not. Poor people don’t believe that they’re worthy of receiving; rich people do. 7 ASSOCIATE WITH SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE Birds of a feather flock together. The rich associate with successful people; the poor often associate with unsuccessful people. Energy is contagious. If you want to fly with the eagles, you’ll have to stop swimming with the ducks. ADMIRE RICH AND SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE Rich people admire other successful people; poor people resent them. If you view wealthy people as bad in any way, you can never be rich, because how can you be something you don’t like? ENHANCE YOUR ENERGY Everything is energy! Money is energy. Big money takes big energy. So get into shape, eat properly, and get enough rest! . http://www.facebook.com/MillionFriendsMore THINK BIG AND ACT BIG Small thinking and small actions lead to being both broke and unfulfilled. Big thinking and big actions lead to having both money. miracles for you. THINK LONG-TERM Rich people think long-term: They balance their spending on enjoyment today with saving and investing for freedom tomorrow. Poor people think short-term:. mixed messages to the universe; poor people do. USE POWER THINKING With positive thinking, we believe that our thoughts are true. Power thinking recognizes that nothing has mening except for

Ngày đăng: 07/05/2014, 15:57

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