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Bug reporting system

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Cấu trúc

  • 1. Problem Definition

    • 1.1. Problem Abstraction

    • 1.2. The Current System

    • 1.3. The Proposed System

    • 1.4. Boundaries of the System

    • 1.5. Hardware and Software Requirements

      • 1.5.1. Minimum Requirements

      • 1.5.2. Recommended Requirements

    • 2.1. Users of the System

    • 2.2. System functions

  • 3. Architecture & Design of Project

    • 3.1. Data Flow Diagram

    • 3.2. Entity Relationship Diagram (Table Design)

    • 3.3. Database Structure

    • 3.4. Screen Design

  • 4. Checklists

    • 4.1. Check List of Validation

    • 4.2. Submission Checklist

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Báo cáo kỳ 2 Aptech Đồ án làm về Hệ Thống Báo Cáo Lỗi

Hanoi-Aptech Computer Education Group 120 Bug Reporting System Documentation Group 120 Group Member Trần Thanh Tùng Vũ Hải Đăng Trần Ngọc Ảnh Hoàng Trung - Hanoi, <10>/<2009> - Bug Reporting System Page 1 of 21 Hanoi-Aptech Computer Education Group 120 INDEX 1.Problem Definition 3 3.Architecture & Design of Project 5 4.Checklists 21 Bug Reporting System Page 2 of 21 Hanoi-Aptech Computer Education Group 120 1. Problem Definition 1.1. Problem Abstraction To day, with special development of information technology, management as more easily. Information Technology helps a lot in the management of information, access information quickly to help us save time, costs, and improve management effectiveness. With some retail product of companies, Due to some arrears in the delivery of the product, or due to some failures occurred for the product, they want to start up a front end business (like the After- Sales support system of the firm), where the customers can lodge their complaints, or reports regarding their concerns either by calling to the help desk lines or through the mail ids as provided in the product menu and on the bill receipt of the product. Applications “Bug Reporting System” meet the requirements as: it is a standalone application, it was built to record the complaints/reports lodged and their status, so as track the service provided and as to ensure that there will be the timely service. 1.2. The Current System Currently if a product is corrupt, Customers must bring companies directly for warranty. employees must complete warranty information warranty customers. it is time consuming, and labor. sometimes the customer data is lost or confused. management of documents related to warranty customers is also very complex and difficult. 1.3. The Proposed System The software we build really will bring many benefits to enterprises. Warranty registration scanning solution quickly, easily managed. Help corporate employees work easier, less error occurs. bring the trust of customers for companies 1.4. Boundaries of the System 1.5. Hardware and Software Requirements 1.5.1. Minimum Requirements Hardware Requirements: • Pentium III 2.6Ghz or over. • Ram 512MB • Hard disk require over 1 GB free Software Requirements: • Windows 2000 hoặc phiên bản mới hơn Bug Reporting System Page 3 of 21 Hanoi-Aptech Computer Education Group 120 1.5.2. Recommended Requirements Hardware Requirements: • Pentium IV 2.6Ghz or over. • Ram over 512MB • Hard disk require over 1 GB free Software Requirements: • Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/ Vista/ Windows7. 2. Customer Requirements Specification 2.1. Users of the System  Admin  Users 2.2. System functions Users functions:  Order managements: o View list of the custormer, order details. o Update status of order, address change.  Acount department: o View order details, custormer details. o View/Update/Delete account detail.  Dispatch team: o View order details, custormer details. o Update orders status.  Call center: o Search. o Lodge and update complaint. o Check complain status.  Technical support: o Track comlaint o Update complaint status o View complaint Admins function: o View details order, custormer, and uers o Update/Delete/Cancel users Bug Reporting System Page 4 of 21 Hanoi-Aptech Computer Education Group 120 3. Architecture & Design of Project 3.1. Data Flow Diagram Level 0: Level 1: Bug Reporting System Page 5 of 21 Bug Reportin g Admin Order managements Dispatch team Call Center Account Department Technical Support Dispatch team Admin Call Center Order managements Account Department Technical Support Authentcatio n 1 Complaint 4 User 5 Manage Order 2 Dispatch team Account Department Order managements Call Center Admin Hanoi-Aptech Computer Education Group 120 User Level 2: User, pass User Bug Reporting System Page 6 of 21 Login 1.1 Logout 1.2 Chang e info 1.3 Admin Dispatch team Account Department Order managements Call Center Technical Support Admin Dispatch team Account Department Order managements Call Center Technical Support Manage Account 3 Admin Dispatch team Account Department Order managements Call Center Hanoi-Aptech Computer Education Group 120 User Custormer Complaint Bug Reporting System Page 7 of 21 View 2.1 Add 2.2 Edit 2.3 Admin Account Department Call Center View 3.1 Edit 3.3 Add 3.2 Admin Order managements Account Department Dispatch team Dispatch team Edit 4.1 Add 4.1 View 4.1 Admin Technical Support Call Center Order managements Delete 3.4 Hanoi-Aptech Computer Education Group 120 User Bug Reporting System Page 8 of 21 View 5.1 Edit 5.1 Add 5.1 Admin Hanoi-Aptech Computer Education Group 120 3.2. Entity Relationship Diagram (Table Design) Bug Reporting System Page 9 of 21 Hanoi-Aptech Computer Education Group 120 3.3. Database Structure 3.3.1. Custormer: store customer information No. Column name Data type Size Binding Notes 1 CusID Int Primary key Identity(1,1) Custormer code 2 CusName varchar 50 Not null Custormer name 3 CusAddress Varchar 500 Not null Custormer address 4 CusPhone Varchar 15 Not null Custormer phone 5 CusEmail Varchar 50 Not null Custormer email 6 CusStatus bit Not null Custormer status 7 DispatchNo Varchar 20 Not null Dispatch number 3.3.2. Order: Store billing information No. Column name Data type Size Binding Notes 1 OrdID Int Primary key Identity(1,1) Order code 2 CusID int Not null, Foreign key References Custormer 3 OrdDate DateTime Not null Order date 4 OrdAddress varchar 500 Not null Receive address 5 OrdPhone Varchar 15 Not null Receive phone 6 OrderName Varchar 50 Not null Receive name Bug Reporting System Page 10 of 21 [...]... Education Group 120 3.4.4 Account department Bug Reporting System Page 16 of 21 Hanoi-Aptech Computer Education Group 120 3.4.5 Call center Bug Reporting System Page 17 of 21 Hanoi-Aptech Computer Education Group 120 3.4.6 Dispatch department Bug Reporting System Page 18 of 21 Hanoi-Aptech Computer Education Group 120 3.4.7 Technical support Bug Reporting System Page 19 of 21 Hanoi-Aptech Computer Education... FullName Varchar 5 Status bit Bug Reporting System 30 Password account user Not null 50 not null Type user Not null Fulll name user Not null Status user Page 13 of 21 Hanoi-Aptech Computer Education 3.4 Group 120 Screen Design 3.4.1 Form login 3.4.2 Form Admin Bug Reporting System Page 14 of 21 Hanoi-Aptech Computer Education Group 120 3.4.3 Order Management Bug Reporting System Page 15 of 21 Hanoi-Aptech... complain information No 1 Column name ComID Data type Size Int Binding Primary key Notes Complain code Identity(1,1) 2 ComDescription 3 CusID 4 ProID 5 ComDateReceive 6 ComDateFixed 7 ComStatus Bug Reporting System varchar 500 Not null Complain description int Not null, foreign key Custormer code, references Custormer table int Not null, foreign key Product code, references Product table datetime Not... 4 UserName Varchar Foreign key, references Users table Employee name up payment 5 OrdID Int Foreign key, References Order table, Not null Order code 30 3.3.7 Product: Store product information Bug Reporting System Page 12 of 21 Hanoi-Aptech Computer Education No 1 Column name ProID Data type Group 120 Size Int Binding Primary key Notes Product code Identity(1,1) 2 CateID int 3 ProName varchar 4 ProPrice... Trần Thanh Tùng Hoàng Trung Vũ Hải Đăng Trần Ngọc Ảnh Trần Thanh Tùng Hoàng Trung Vũ Hải Đăng Trần Ngọc Ảnh Trần Thanh Tùng Hoàng Trung Vũ Hải Đăng 40% 40% 20% 0% 40% 40% 20% 0% 30% 50% 20% 0% Bug Reporting System Implemented by Evaluation Page 20 of 21 Hanoi-Aptech Computer Education Group 120 4 Checklists 4.1 Check List of Validation Option Validate Form fields are not empty Yes Input match Yes Product... Particulars All pages are active All links are working properly The form will not spell The colors used in the color pages are popular Components are added to form active Incorrect data to be reminded Bug Reporting System Yes No NA yes Yes Yes Yes Comments Yes Yes Page 21 of 21 4.2 S u b m i s s . Education Group 120 Bug Reporting System Documentation Group 120 Group Member Trần Thanh Tùng Vũ Hải Đăng Trần Ngọc Ảnh Hoàng Trung - Hanoi, <10>/<2009> - Bug Reporting System Page 1. Update/Delete/Cancel users Bug Reporting System Page 4 of 21 Hanoi-Aptech Computer Education Group 120 3. Architecture & Design of Project 3.1. Data Flow Diagram Level 0: Level 1: Bug Reporting System Page. 120 User Bug Reporting System Page 8 of 21 View 5.1 Edit 5.1 Add 5.1 Admin Hanoi-Aptech Computer Education Group 120 3.2. Entity Relationship Diagram (Table Design) Bug Reporting System Page

Ngày đăng: 06/05/2014, 20:35
