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TECHNICAL (formerly Published INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDlZATlON*ME~YHAPO~HAR REPORT 7468 ISO/DATA , second edition, 978-1 -01 ) 981 -01 -01 OPrAHHJAUHR llD CTAH~APTM3Al.&lH.ORGANlSATlON INTERNATIONALE Summary of average stress rupture properties steels for boilers and pressure vessels Rt%umt5 des caracttkistiques moyennes The information given in this represented in IS0 Technical 2604/W, which specify quality experimental data themselves, de contrainte de rupture pour /es aciers corroyb if et apparels ~_ It cancels and replaces the first and Ref No ISO/TR 7468-1 981 (E) : steels, rolled products, unalloyed steels, alloy steels, manganese steels, molybdenum steels, chromium-molybdenum chromium-molybdenum steels, B pression document was obtained by co-operative testing amongst a number of the IS0 member bodies Committee 7, Steel It was used as a basis for establishing International Standards IS0 26041 to requirements for the various forms of the steels concerned Because of the potential usefulness of the the IS0 Council decided to publish them in a reference document UDC 669.1 4.01 8.452 : 539.4 : 620.1 72.251 Descriptors of wrought pour chaudibes This first edition of ISO/TR 7488 contains new and revised data, as described in the Introduction the second edition of ISO/DATA which were published in 975 and 978 iii DE NORMALISATION boilers, pressure vessels, mechanical properties, creep rupture strength, rupture stress steels, nickel- F ii- Price based on 49 pages I nternati onal Pri n ted in Org an i z ati on Swi tz erl an d for Standardi zati on, 981 ISO/TR 7468-1 981 (E) Summary of average stress rupture properties steels for boilers and pressure vessels of wrought INTRODUCTION IS0 DATA No published in 975 contained average stress rupture values for grades of steel Since that time, additional data have been analysed or assessed for several of these grades, and for further grades The new and revised stress rupture values and updated asterisks, as indicated in the following table, agreed by ISO/TC 7/SC IO in May 975, are included in this document, which therefore contains the stress rupture values for all boiler and pressure vessel steels at present in IS0 2604/l to IS0 2604/l\/ (1 975) The master curves used for the derivation of the values, for times of 000 to 250 000 h, are also shown The values contained in this document will be subject to review as more data become available Page Steel Carbon steel (Semi killed and Si killed) Revised values Carbon steel (Si and Al killed) Revised values Carbon manganese steels Revised values Carbon steel - Stress relieved Revised values 10 Carbon manganese steel - Stress relieved Revised values 11 0.3 % MO steel Updated asterisks 12 0.5 % MO steel New values 14 /2%Crl/2%Mol/4%Vsteel Updated asterisks 16 % CrMo steel - Annealed - Normalised and tempered New values New values 24 26 % Cr % MO steel - Annealed - Normalised and tempered Revised values Revised values 28 30 8%Cr Updated asterisks 38 2%NiMosteel Notes on tables Chemical composition The limits of chemical composition for which the properties apply are the ranges of chemical composition of the test material used in the assessment, except where these fall within the relevant range specified in IS0 2604/l to IS0 2604/l\/ (1 975) In such cases the specified limit is listed Quantity and duration of data The quantity and duration of data in these tables are the data used to derive the values in the average rupture stress tables The asterisks in the average rupture stress tables are based on the total data available, which are given in the appropriate ISO/TC 7/SC O/ETP documents, reference to which is made at the top of each set of tables ISO/TR 7468-1 981 (E) Extrapolation The values given in the tables are average stress rupture values derived and the data show a + 20 % scatter about this average value in accordance with ISO/TC 71 % lO/ETP - SG/N 58, The extent to which test data can be reliably extrapolated depends on the number and duration of the tests Three basic factors are involved : temperature, time and stress Experience suggests that reliable extrapolations may be made, covering a range of + 25 ‘C about each test temperature, on the basis of a series of tests from at least five casts of steel, the longest test of each series exceeding a certain minimum duration a) EXTENDED TIME EXTRAPOLATION The confidence which can be placed upon such properties will be related to the extent of extrapolation, and extrapolations time extrapolations” exceeding approximately three times the above minimum duration are described as “extended Stress rupture properties are normally listed at the time intervals shown in the table below, which defines where “extended time extrapolation” is applied Test duration (in hours) exceeded by data points from 5* casts et temperatures within 25 “C of that specified Durations (in hours) beyond which the term “extended time extrapolation” is applied I 80 000 250 000 I I I 70 000 50 000 30 000 20 000 000 200 000 50 000 00 000 50 000 30 000 * Results from tests in progress may be included if above the lower 20 % scatter band limit at the appropriate duration Values which have involved “extended time extrapolation” are marked with an asterisk in the table of estimated average rupture stresses contained in this report When such values are used, account should be taken of the quantity and duration of the test data on which they are based b) EXTENDED STRESS EXTRAPOLATION This applies where values have been obtained by extending the parametric master curves to stresses beyond the range for which tests were carried out Such values, which are subject to greater uncertainty compared with other values, are shown in parentheses The numbers of test points shown in the tables of quantity and duration of data include results from tests still in progress where these lie above the lower 20 % scatter band limit Abbreviations used in the tables AC air cooled FC furnace cooled quenched 00 oil quenched WQ water quenched T tempered is0 isothermally thk thickness dia diameter sq square transformed ISO/TR 7468-1 981 (EI Symbols used in the equation of the parametric master curve p b) creep rupture parameter T temperature, log t log, o of time to rupture, h u stress, N/mm2 K NOTES Values read off the graphs presented in this report may be subject to discrepancies introduced by the method of reproduction the values presented in tabular form should be taken as being correct In all cases Throughout this document, a point is used as the decimal sign ISO/TR 7468-1 981 (E) ,: CARBON STEEL Supersedes CONDITIONS (Semi killed and 81 kIlled) Prop&lee agreed March 974 (Baaed on IS0 document I90/TCl7/SCl~TP-SGeecretariat ISOdoct -rt rSO/TCl7/9clO/ETP-ffi~ecretartat 23) 28 OF STEEL TO WHICH THE PROPERTIES 0.07 0.005 0.32 0.003 Seat rreatment Products Form Plates Tubea Cl0 000 ooo20 000 400 450 500 292 461 463 41 55 33 RUPTURE Temperature ‘C Note: - 277 255 233 21 93 73 54 36 118 02 89 77 68 60 52 30 000 h 251 228 206 85 64 44 24 07 91 79 68 59 51 41 * Valuee which have involved () Values whloh’have involved This minimum 0.050 0.050 Normallsed NormaHeed and Tempered? Hot Finished Hot FInIshed and Tempered1 t See page All wrought product forms ARE BASED Test Duration, h 20 000 30 000 30 000 50 000 Number of Test Points Available 18 16 16 50 000 70 000 >70 000 19 STRESSES N/mm2 000 h 380 390 400 41 420 430 440 450 460 470 480 490 500 51 520 max 0.30 0.50 0.40 OF DATA UPON WHICH THE PROPERTIES Temperature ‘C AVERAGE + Size mm - 75 thk 6.5 -435 thk x 25 - 91 dia 78 - 305 tbk + - 25 dfa 25 - 46 thk x 575 - 1 94 dla Forglnga AND DURATION mill - 0.24 - 0.330 - 0.80 - 0.048 899 - 95O’C AC 850 - 920.C AC + T500 - 890°C Bars QUANTmY APPLY j Detatle of Materials Actually Tested :hemical :ompoeition L (m/m) 82) 00) Mn level was selected 50 000 h 238 21 93 71 50 29 110 94 80 89 60 51 41 00 000 h 50 000 h 200 000 h 250 000 h 21 96 73 51 29 09 92 78 67 57 48 207 84 60 37 116 BE* 82* 70* 60* 50* 99* 75* 51 ” 28* 07* 90* 76* 64* 55* 44+ 92* 67* 43* 21 * 01 * 84* 71 * 60* 50* extended time extrapolation extended etrese extrapolation ) ) See noter On PeUe eince lower level8 are known to reduce atrees rupture propertiee ISO/TR 7468-1 981 (E) Strees N/m& 500 200 50 80 60 40 30 20 -0.08 -0.1 P ((I) = logt- 0.677261 = a+ b T- 500 C Sl'EEL(SEMIANDSiKILLED) -0.06 (log 3) + c -0.04 (log -0.02 a)* + d (log d3 + e (log u1 -TEMPERATURERANGE 380-520% ISO/TR 7466-1 961 (E) CARBON STEEL (Si and Al wed) Properties agreed March 974 (Baaed on IS0 document ISO/TC1 7/SClO/ETP-SG(Secretariat Supersedes Is0 document ISO/TC1 7/SClO/ETP-SG@ecretariat 23) 28 82) 00) CONIHTIONS OF STEEL TO WHICH THE PROPERTIES APPLY Range for which Data are Expected to Apply Agreed by TC1 7/SClO/ETP mln max 0.30 0.50 - 0.40 0.050 0.050 9.01 1 Normallaed Normalised and Tempered? Hot Finished Hot Finished and Tempered? t See page Details of Materials Actually Tested Chemical Composltion % (nl/f?l) Heat Treatment C 0.1 - 0.1 85 Si 0.01 - 0.32 Mn 0.36 - 0.79 P 0.007 - 0.029 s O.Oll- 0.028 Al (sol) 0.01 - 0.1 02 i 880- 950CAC 899 - 9259: AC + T 600°C Form Tubes Products Plates Bars Forgings 1 Size, mm 4-28thk 38 - 94 x dia - 50 thk 20 dia All wrought product forms 25 thk gUANTITY AND DURATION OF DATA UPON WHICH THE PROPERTIES ARE BASED Temperature Y.2 ’ 50 000 Number of Test Points Available 400 450 500 30 61 24 6 2 AVERAGE RUPTURE STRESSES N/mm2 femperature “C 380 390 400 110 420 430 440 ? 50 460 -1 71 4HO 490 500 51 520 Note: + 000 h 21 97 81 66 51 38 25 112 00 89 78 67 57 47 37 30 000 92 76 61 47 33 20 07 95 84 73 63 52 42 31 h 50 000 83 67 52 38 25 112 00 68 77 66 56' 46* 35f h 00 000 h 71 * 55f 41 * 27* 1 4' 02* 90* 78* 67* 57' 47* 36* * \‘alues which have involved extended tlme extrapolation () Values which have involved extended strees extrapolatlon 50 000 h 64' 49* 34* 21 * 08’ 96* 84’ 73* 62: 52* 41 * VW* 200 000 h 59* 44* 30* 1 6* 04* 92* ao* 69* 250 000 55f 40* 26* 1 3+ 01 * 89* 58* 48* 37* (23)’ ) See notea on pace ) This minimum Mn level was selected since lower levels are known to reduce stress lvpture properties 77* 66' 55* 45' 34* h ISO/TR 7468-1 981 (E) Stress, N/mma Coefficient of equation master curve a = 41 87.51 75 b = SSG~4.-I296 c = -3351 49999 for 00 80 60 40 30 20 10 0.1 0.1 0.1 P (a) = T (log t + 20.429050) C STEEL, Si + Al KILLED 0.1 = a + b (log cd + c (log d* - TEhQERATURE RANGE 380-520°C (R/21 62) CARBON MANGANESE Supersedes Iso document CONDI TIONS (Semi killed or fully killed carbon manganese steels including Nb treated steels) STEELS ISO/TCI OF STEEL Properties agreed March 974 (Based on IS0 document ISO/TCl7/SClO/ETP-SG (Secretariat 81 ) 99 ) 7/SClO/ETP-SG(Secretariat 23) 28 TO WHI CH THE PROPERTI ES APPLY Range for which Data are Expected to Apply Agreed by TCl7/SCl O/ETP Details of Materials Actually Tested Chemical Composition % (m/m) Heat Treatment C 0.09 Si 0.006 Mn 0.80 P 0.008 S 0.001 Nb 0.001 860 - 960°C AC 840 - 960°C AC + T550 - 720°C ForgLngs QUANTI TY AND DURATI ON 400 450 500 AVERAGE ‘emperature “C 380 390 400 41 420 430 440 450 460 470 480 490 500 51 520 Note: RUP Normalised Normalised and Tempered? Hot Finished Hot Finished and Tempered? t See page 1 OF DATA UPON WHI CH THE PROPERTI ES 70 000 16 21 3 RE STRESSES N/mm2 000 h 291 266 243 221 200 80 61 43 26 110 96 84 74 65 58 30 000 h 262 237 21 92 71 51 32 115 99 86 74 65 57 50 (44) * Values which have involved () Values which have involved 50 000 h 248 223 200 77 56 36 118 02 87 75 65 57 50 (44) (37) 00 000 h 50 000 h 200 000 h 230 000 h 227 203 79 57 36 117 00 85 73 63 55 (4 7) (41 ) (32) 21 90 67 44 24 05 89 76 65 56 (49) (42) (34) 206* 81 ’ 5F 35’ 1 5’ SF 82* 70* 60* 52* (44)* (37)’ 99* 74’ 50* 28* 08* 91 * 77* 66* 56* (48)* (41 )* (32)’ extended time extrapolation extended stress extrapolation ) See notes on page ) ISO/TR 7468-1 981 (E) Stress, N/mm’ 500 00 80 60 40 30 20 10 -0.25 x (1 0-l) -0.30 -0.35 -0.40 P (u) = -0.45 -0.50 -0.55 log t - 3.04 T-600 2% Cr-MO-V-(W) STEEL (R, = 790/940 X’mrn’i Temperature Range 500-650°C (791 7) 35 ISO/TR 7466-1 961 (E) 8Cr 8Ni STEEL Properties agreed May 969 (Based on Is0 document ISO/TC1 7/SClO/ETP-SG CONDITIONS OF STEEL TO WHICH THE PROPERTIES Range for which Data are Expected to Apply Agreed by TC1 7/SClO/ETP mill Ill&X 0.04 0.1 00 2.00 0.045 0.030 7.00 20.00 8.00 3.00 980 - llOO°C AC OQ or WQ C 0.04 - 0.1 Si 0.1 - 0.90 Mn 0.34 - 92 P 0.01 - 0.034 S 0.004 - 0.031 Cr 5.59 - 9.67 Ni 7.79 - 2.70 050oCAC 982- 1 35OC Q 093’C WQ + T 871 - 995OC Heat Treatment Form Products Size, mm Bars Plates Tubes Forgings I 9UANTITY AND DURATION 2.5 - 40 dia 75 thk 8.5 - 25 thk 52 thk OF DATA UPON WHICH THE PROPERTIES r < 000 ooo20 000 Number 566 600 649-650 700 732 AVERAGE Iemperature oc 550 560 570 580 590 600 61 620 630 640 650 660 670 680 690 700 All wrought product forms Test Duration, Temperature oc RUPTURE STRESSES, 000 h 76 64 52 42 31 22 113 04 95 87 79 73 67 61 55 48 19 27 79 29 18 1 1 20 ooo000 30 ARE BASED h 30 ooo000 50 r I > 50 000 of Test Points Available 1 N/mm2 30 000 h 47; 35f 26* 1 5: 05* 96* 88* 80* 74 67 61 55 50 44’ (40)’ (35)* 50 000 h 00 000 h 34* 23* 1 3* 03* 94* 85* 78’ 72* 65’ 58’ 52’ 47* 41 * (36)* 1 5* 05; 981 89* 81 ’ 74* 68’ 61 ’ 55* 50’ 45+ (40)’ (35)* (30)* (27)’ (23)* W)* (W* 50 000 h 200 OOOh 08* 99’ 89* 81 * 74’ 67’ 60* 54* 49’ 43’ WV* (34)* (30)* 02* 93’ 84’ 76’ G9* 62* 56’ 50* 45* (40)* (35)* (31 )* (27)’ (24)f (26)* * Values which have involved extended time extrapolation ( ) Values which have involved extended stress extrapolation i ) (21 )’ (23)’ (20)’ In analysing the data on austenitic steels, the Secretariat made no differentiation However, attention is drawn to the fact that boron-containing boron-free casts properties than boron-free steels 36 26) 31 ) APPLY Details of Materials Actually Tested Chemical ‘Composition % (m/m) (Secretariat 250 000 h 97* 88; 79* 73* 66* 59* 53* 47’ 42* (37)* (33)’ w)* (25)* w)* between boron-containing and steels normally exhibit h&her see notes on page fSO/TR 7468-1 981 (E) Stress, N/mma 500 400 300 200 50 00 80 60 40 30 20 0.1 22 x (lOE) 0.1 26 0.1 30 0.1 34 0.1 35 0.1 42 (l.l.l(; I ’ :; I : 0.1 54 P ((3) = T (log t + 0.94) 8% Cr 8% Xi STEEL Temperature Range 550-700°C (791 8) 37 ISO/TR 7488-1 981 (E) 8% Cr 2% NiMo STEEL Properties agreed May 975 (Baaed on IS0 document ISO/TCl7/SClO/ETPSG@ecretariat Updated as IS0 document ISO/TC1 7/SClO/ETP-SGgecretariat 04) 38 27) 32) IF - !STEEL TO WHICH THE PROPERTIES APPLY Range for which Data are Expected to Apply Agreed by TCl’I/SClO/ETP max Details of Materials Actually Tested Chemical Composition % (m/m) Iieat Treatment C 0.01 - 0.1 Si 0.1 - 0.84 Mn 0.30 - 2.06 P 0.0090.044 S 0.003 - 0.035 5.80 - 9.02 Cr MO 2.00 - 3.35 si 8.99 - 4.70 B 0.0001 - 0.008 N 0.01 - 0.070 927 - 400% AC 000 - 1 25°C OQ 050% AC + T600 - 850°C 0.04 0.1 00 2.00 0.045 0.030 6.00 2.00 0.00 8.50 3.00 5.00 95O/llOO”C AC, CQ or Products QI‘AXITY I AXl DLXATION OF DATA ON WHICH THE PROPERTIES ARE BASED I I Temperature "C Ii00 Ii25 20 000 531 00 650 ti75 700 732 I 774 74 110 54 70 67 Ii1 II 1 20 Ii30 3In, fi40 fB.50 cicin Ii70 GHO cino -00 71 720 730 '40 750 245 226 21 1 95 79 64 49 36 23 111 99 89 nn 74 65 59 53 48 44 39 224 204 87 71 55 39 25 112 00 89 79 ‘2 64 57 51 46 41 371 33' 30 I io 000 50 000 42 22 43 42 A\‘E:RAGES RUPTVRE STRESSES N/mm2 I‘rmprmturc 30 000 h 000 h ‘C 550 243 260 560 570 580 5llO GOII 20 000 30 000 Number of Test Points Available 97 461 81 Test Duration h 000 -

Ngày đăng: 05/04/2023, 14:40


