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4851403 Ob09798 832 INTER NATIO NAL STANDARD IS0 11519-3 First edition 1994-06-15 AMENDMENT 1995-04-01 Road vehicles - Low-speed serial data communication Part 3: Vehicle area network (VAN) AMENDMENT Véhicules routiers - Communication en série de données vitesse basse Partie 3: Réseau local de véhicule (VAN) AMENDEMENT Reference number I S 1151 9-3:1994/Amd.l:1995(E) Ob09777 7 IS0 11519-3:1994/Amd.1:1995(E) Foreword I S (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies ( I S member bodies) The work of preparing international Standards is normally carried out through I S technical committees Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work I S collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)on all matters of electrotechnical standardization Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote Amendment to International Standard I S 11519-3:1994 was prepared by Technical Committee lSO/TC 22, Road vehicles, Subcommittee SC 3, Electrical and electronic equipment I S 11519 consists of the following parts, under the general title Road vehicles - Low-speed serial data communication : - Part I: General and definitions - Part 2: Low-speed controller area network (CAN) - O Part 3: Vehicle area network (VAN) I S 1995 All rights reserved Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher International Organization for Standardization Case postale 56 CH-1 21 Genève 20 Switzerland Printed in Switzerland II W Ob09800 230 IS0 115193:1994/Amd.l:1995(E) o IS0 Road vehicles - Low-speed serial data communication Part 3: Vehicle area network (VAN) AMENDMENT I Page iv Insert new page v and the following Introduction Introduction Validation tests on vehicles have been conducted on the basis of I S 11519-3:1994 The speed of data transmission has been increased up to 250 kTS/s with the same reliability providing that: - Filter description and system characteristics are more precisely given, and - parameter specifications of the transceiver are improved Amendment to IS0 11519-3 details the necessary changes to the 1994 Standard Page 79 Add a new clause before clause 8, to read as follows 7.6 Alternative up to 250 kTSIs This clause describes the network interface up to 250 kTS/s The definition of TS (Time Slot) is according to clause 7.2.3 Bit encoding of I S 11519-3 (VAN) 250 kTS/s is corresponding to 125 kbit/s in Manchester coding and 200 kbit/s in Enhanced Manchester coding 7.6.1 System description Functional block diagram This block diagram is given in figure 52 = 4851903 Ob09801 157 = ~ IS0 11519-3:1994/Amd.1:1995(E) o IS0 TRANSCEIVER Driver we irec vcc I w I irec Idom I Idom I Receiver I FILTER L I DL I I Polarization c Figure 52 -250 kTS/s VAN bus interface Pol W 4851903 Ob09802 093 oIS0 IS0 11519-3:1994/Amd.1:1995(E) Filter section The diagram is given in figure 53, together with the parameters Data c2 CI - R2 I DataB Parameter Recommended value - c1 100 pF c2 120 pF R1 100 R2 1800 Comments Tolerance 50 V I 25 10 % n V 114 W continuous i 1/16 W continuous, n I 114 W continuous W during 0 ms I Figure 53 -250 kTS/s filter Cable characteristics Value Test condition and description Parameter Cg-data I Overall l capacitance between ground and Data o I typical I max I I I 200 Unit pF/module I ~ Cg-dataB Cdata-dataB Coverall Overall capacitance between ground and DataB O 200 pF/module Overall capacitance between Data and DataB O 100 pF/module = Cg-data + CgdataB + CgData-DataB; by node connected and V offset ground in nominal mode or 0,7 V offset in degraded O 200 pF/module Overall cable length O 20 m mode ~ Lcable Overall resistor isolation between ground and data RISOLg-data I RISOLg-dataB I Overall resistor isolation between Data and DataB I RISOLdata-dataB I Overall resistor insulation between Data and DataB kn 50 ~~ ~ ~~ ~ - r2,r Overall serial resistor of Data or DataB between nodes RCOND T I T T ~knl ~ O R System characteristics Number of nodes connected to the network I Parameter mode I Test condition and description ~~ Number of nodes connected to network I Value I typical I max I Unit ~ 12 node f M 4853903 Ob09803 T T M o IS0 IS0 11519-3:1994/Arnd.l:1995(El Timing characteristics Parameter Value Test condition and description TS Time Slot duration without resynchronization (DE input) TDelay Propagation delay time between DE logical input for one node to RO, R1, and R2 logical outputs from any node Tsample Sample point of protocol controller typical max Unit 3,96 4,04 W O 0,6 1,2S W 12/16 12/16 12/16 TS Number of pulses IS0 pulse type Magnitude no load Duration Source impedance Period V, = 36,5 V Td = 400 ms R ì = n V, = -50 V s 50 ta = ms Ri = 10 Continuous stress capability (automotiveapplication) The network interface is designed to withstand - 24 V and +24 V voltages on Data and DataB lines Ground offset between nodes I Parameter I Value Test condition and description ~~ ~ I I Offset between the nodes in nominal mode (for worst case parameters of cable and interface) ~ Vnode-deg I Offset between the nodes in degraded mode (for worst case parameters of cable and interface) -2 -0,7 I I typical O I I max +2 +0,7 I I unit V V ~ Nominal mode: The network uses Data and DataB line for communication Degraded mode: In this case, one line is broken-down and the network uses Data or DataB line for communication 7.6.2 Transceiver description Driver section b I Parameter Irec l I Test condition and description i Value I twical I max I unit +1,8 DE = 1; Vdata = -5 V to +3,75 V; VdataB = + , V to +10 V +1,6 +2,0 mA DE = 1; Vdata = +3,75 V to +5 V; VdataB = +O V to + , V -0,lO +2,0 mA -0,lO +0,10 mA DE = 1; Vdata = +5 v to +i0 V; VdataB = -5 V to O V ~~ DE = O; Vdata = +1.25 V to +10 V; VdataB = -5 V to +3,75 V Idom DE = O; Vdata = O V to + , V; VdataB = +3,75 V to +5 V DE = O; Vdata = -5 V to O V; VdataB = +5 V to +lo V DE = 1; Vdata = -5 V to +10 V; VdataB = -5 V to +10 V Overshot +60 mA -0.10 +60 mA -0,lO +o, 10 mA -0.10 +0,10 mA 10 mA -5 +5 % +45 Current overshot during transition recessive > dominant +50 M- I Static matching of current output TON Propagation delay of dominant current from recessive state to dominant state 200 ns TOFF Propagation delay of dominant current from dominant state to recessive state 200 ns I 485L903 Ob09804 966 o IS0 IS0 11519-3:1994/Amd.l:1995(E) Receiver section Parameter VMCR ZMC ZMD CMC CMD I I I I I OFFr HYSdif HYSSr TDEL TEDH Value Test condition and description I I tvoicai I max I Common mode I 0,5 I Common mode impedance I loo I Differencial mode impedance I 100 Input capacitance between input and ground I Differential input capacitance between inputs I Unit I 4.5 I v I 10 I PF 10 I PF I I I I R and R2 comparators offset -25 O +2 mv Differential comparator input hysteresis 150 200 250 mV R1 and R2 comparator input hysteresis 150 200 250 mV 150 ns I Propagation delay for high to low transition, input overdrive mV l Propagation delay for low to high transition, input overdrive mV Polarization section Parameter Value Test condition and description ZGT Output impedance POL used by filter I mA output POL current typical Frenquency = 1MHz max Unit 200 n 100 n VGTint Internal reference for R1 and R2 used by comparators 2,315 2,5 2,625 V VGText Output voltage POL I mA used by filter 2,315 2.5 2,625 V Frequency S kHz m Li851703 Ob07805 T IS0 11519-3:1994/Amd.l:1995(E) o IS0 ICs 43 040 10 Descriptors: road vehicles electronic equipment data communication equipment, data processing, information interchange, local area networks, vehicle area networks, data transmission, data link layer, physical layer Price based on pages IS0 LI1519 PT*3 94 D 4851903 0565263 77T D I NTERNATI ONAL STANDARD IS0 11519-3 First edition 1994-06-15 Road vehicles - Low-speed serial data communication - Part 3: Vehicle area network (VAN) Véhicules routiers - Communication en série de données basse vitesse Partie 3: Réseau local de véhicule (VANI Reference number I S 11519-3:1994(E) I S 11519 P T * 94 48511903 05b52b4 826 W IS0 11519-3:1994(E) Contents Page Scope Normative references Definitions and abbreviations 3.1 Definitions 3.2 List of abbreviations Presentation of architecture 4.1 General 4.2 Reference to OS1 model Description of LLC sublayer 5.1 LLC service specifications 5.2 Error management at LLC level 5.3 Error recovery management at LLC level 10 10 Description of the MAC sublayer 10 6.1 Specification of MAC service 10 6.2 Structure of MAC frames 6.3 Specification of Medium Access Method (MAC) Description of physical layer 23 42 48 49 7.1 Specification of physical service 7.2 Encoding/decoding and synchronization sublayer 7.3 Line transmitter/receiver 7.4 Connector 7.5 Communication medium 53 76 79 79 79 8.1 At LLC sublayer level 79 8.2 At MAC sublayer level 79 Electrical parameters O I S 1994 All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical including photocopying and microfilm without permission in writing from the publisher International Organization for Standardization Case Postale 56 CH-121 Genève 20 Switzerland Printed in Switzerland II I S 11519 P T * 94 4853903 O565357 577 IS0 11519-3:1994(E) U Scope o f the document Beyondthescopeofthedocument Supervisor Application Presentation Session Transport Network Data link - Unsuccessful attempt count -IS Repeat attempt count Acceptance filter MAC Frame test Data encapsulation/ decapsula tion ~ ~~ Serializing Medium access control function Physical Binary encoding/decoding of characters Line break (bus status) Electric encoding/ decoding of characters synchronization I 1-2 I Line interface I 1-1 I Connector parameters Medium parameters Figure B.l - Breakdown by layers in accordance with OS1 model 91 IS0 L L L ï P T * 94 4851903 05b5358 403 IS0 11519-3:1994(E) M-Clock e r r o r M-Bus e r r o r M-Hsyn M-Bit to transmit M-Transmission code Violation M-Bit received M-Reception code Violation M-Collision detection 0-Clock e r r o r 0-Bus error 0-Hsyn 0-Bit t o transmit 0-Transmission code Viola tion 0-Bit received 0-Reception code Violation 0-Collision detection o1 O0 Control Binary encoding/decoding of characters Electric encoding/decoding of characters Figure 6.2 Tab Direction B.l - Interconnections between different sublayers - Dialogue signals between sublayers PL1 and PL2 Definition Signal indicating a clock corrector overflow Bus error PL1 to PL2 Signal indicating the presence of a dominant level of longer duration than the Start Of Frame symbol Hsyn PL1 to PL2 Synchronized clock which enables PL2 to generate characters and to recognize the characters received Bit to transmit PL2 to PL1 Binary value of next bit or (part of) symbol to transmit Transmission code PL2 to PL1 Signal which permits disabling and enabling of electric coding of each binary value to be sent Bit received PL1 to PL2 Binary value of the bit or (part of) symbol read on the bus Reception code violation PL1 to PL2 Signal indicating a rule violation in the corresponding bit code (Manchester-L or Enhanced Manchester) tection 92 Signal, updated at each received bit, which indicates that a collision has occurred (transmit bit different than received bit) IS0 11519 PT*3 = 4851903 0565357 34T IS0 11519-3:1994[E) Table B.2 - Physical layer BT: O T u n Dominanti bit - I I Reception BT TCV: Transmission Code Violation BR: Bit Received RCV: Reception Code Violation O IEmission Bit to Transmit R: Recessive level D: Dominant level Signal on bus BT: Bit to Transmit Enhanced Manchester TCV: Transmission Code Violation Table B.3 - Data link layer Dominant bit uncoding D O u BR: Bit Received RCV: Reception Code Violation NRZ Dominant bit coding R: Recessive level D: Dominant level Manchester O Recessive bit uncoding O Recessive bit coding O Manchest e r D 93 IS0 11519 P T * 4851903 0565360 Ob1 Hcor Synchronization counter Edge received Resynchronization point I I I I I I I I I I ! Transmission point Hsyn Collision detection and bit l e v e l sampling Acquisition by PL2 o f received value (BR RCV CD) The value must be stable [prior t o this signal Acquisition by PL1 o f next value t o be transmitted (ET TCV) I Transmit bit presented bythePL2sublayer i111 1111 Received bit presented by the PL1 sublayer The value must be stable prior to this signal Figure B.3 94 - Bit synchronization: Bit NRZ 11111 IS0 11519 P T * 94 rn 4853903 0565363 TT8 rn IS0 11519-3:1994(E) Hcor Synchronization counter I l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l I IIIIIlIIIIIIII I l I I I I I I 12 16 20 24 28 32 I I I I Edge received I l I I l l Resynchronization point Collision detection and time slot level sampling Sampling o f time slot l e v e l - bit validation error indication l I I I I I I I I I I l l I I II I I I Il t t l I I Transmission point Hsyn Acquisition by PL2 o f received value (BR,RCV CO) Acquisition by PL1 of next value to be transmitted (BT, TCV) bit counter incrementing H l The value must be stable prior t o this signal Bi t t o transmit presented by the PL2 sublayer Received bit presented by the PL1 sublayer Possible delay time about d r i f t o t clocks between edges received Figure B.4 The value must be stable prior t o this signal - Bit synchronization: Bit Manchester 95 IS0 1 P T * = 4851903 05b53b2 93Y IS0 115193:1994(E) B.5 Signals exchange rules between PL1 and PL2 sublayers The rules governing the exchanges between PL1 and PL2 sublayers are based on the use of the Hsyn clock: - The acquisition of the signals from the PL2 sublayer to the PL1 sublayer must be made on the rising edge of Hsyn - At the interface, these signals must be present a t least half a corrected clock period (Hcor) before the synchronized clock (Hsyn) appears - The acquisition of the signals from the PL1 sublayer to the PL2 sublayer must be made on the falling edge of Hsyn - At the interface, these signals must be present at least half a corrected clock period (Hcor) before the synchronized clock (Hsyn) appears See figure 8.5 6.6 Exceptions to this signal exchange rules Two signals can be acquired or generated asynchronously: - the clock error signal, - the bus error signal The time duration must be at least superior to the synchronized clock period (H syn) B.7 Timing diagram for various dialogue signals between PL1 and PL2 sublayers See figure B.6 Hcor I a Hsyn a I l I I e e Transmitted data by PL1 to PL2 Transmitted data by PL2 to PL1 Figure 8.5 96 - Information exchange rule between PL1 and PL2 sublayer = IS0 11519 P T * 94 it851903 0565363 W IS0 11519-3:1994(E) Hcor I l I I I O 16 32 ka 64 I ao l I I l I I I I 96 112 128 141, 160 176 192 208 Hsyn BT O TCV O BR I RCV CD Signal on bus I 97 4853903 0565364 707 W IS0 11519 P T * 94 Hcor I I I I I I I I I I I I l I O 16 32 48 64 80 96 112 128 144 160 176 192 208 Hsyn BT TCV BR RCV CO O Signal on bus Figure B.7 98 - Dialogue for signalling reception of SOF in Enhanced Manchester IS0 33519 PT*3 m 0565365 643 m I S 11519-3:1994(E) Hcor I I I I 32 O I I 64 I I I 96 128 I I I I 160 I I 192 I I I I 224 Hsyn BT O TCV O BR O RCV O CU O Signai on bus O FCS Figure B.8 EOD ACK EOF I IFS - Dialogue for generation of End Of Frame with positive acknowledgement reception in Enhanced Manchester 99 IS0 11519 P T * H 4853903 O565366 T IS0 115193:1994(E) Hcor I I O I I 32 I I I 96 64 I I 128 I I 160 I I 192 I I I I 224 Hsyn ET O TCV O ER O RCV O CO O Signal on bus O Not ACK FCS Figure B.9 EDO ACK I IFS - Dialogue for generation of End of Frame without positive acknowledgement reception in Enhanced Manchester 1O0 EOF IS0 I11519 P T * 4851903 0565367 4Lb IS0 11519-3:1994(E) Hcor I I I I I 32 O I I 64 96 I I I I I 128 I I 160 I I 192 I I I I 224 Hsyn BT TCV ER RCV CO Signal on bus O Positive ACK FCS Figure B.10 EO0 ACK EOF I IFS - Dialogue for signalling reception of End Of Frame with positive acknowledgement reception in Enhanced Manchester 1o1 IS0 LL5L9 P T r 94 m 0565368 m Hcor I I O I I 32 I I 64 I 96 I I 128 I I 160 I I 192 I I I I 224 Hsyn BT O TCV O BR O RCV O CO O Signai on bus O FCS Figure B l l EO0 ACK EOF IFS - Dialogue for signalling reception of End of Frame without positive acknowledgement reception in Enhanced Manchester 102 I IS0 LL5L9 P T + 94 4853903 O565369 299 IS0 11519-3:1994(E) Hcor I O I I I 32 I I I I 96 66 I I 128 I 160 I I I 192 I I I 224 Hsyn BT O TCV O BR O I I I RCV O CO O Signal on bu5 I O I Figure B.12 Viol I EOF I IFS - Dialogue when violation of code occurs in Enhanced Manchester 103 IS0 LL5L9 P T * 94 œ I I 4853903 b TOD œ IS0 11519-3:1994(E) Hcor ~~ I O l I 32 I I 64 I 96 I 128 I I 160 I I 192 I I I I 224 Hsyn BT O I I TCV O BR O I I RCV O CO O Signal on bus O Figure B.13 104 I I - Dialogue when collision detection occurs in Enhanced Manchester I S 11519-3:1994(E) ICs 43.040.10 Descriptors: road vehicles, electronic equipment, data communication equipment, data processing, information interchange, local area networks, vehicle area networks, data transmission, data link layer, physical layer Price based on 104 pages

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