International Standard INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION*MEX,lYHAPO,ltiAR Hand-held pneumatic threaded fasteners measurements Outils pneumatiques B main pour Sassemblage OPTAHHJAl.WR @$ 6544 a!ql@!@ n0 CTAHIIAPTH3AUHM~ORGANlSATlON INTERNATIONALE DE NORMALISATION assembly tools for installing Reaction torque and torque impulse d’.Mments de fixation filet&s - Mesurages du couple de rkaction et de Simpulsion de couple - 1981-11-01 `,````````,,,,`,,,`,`,``````,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - First edition UDC 621.642 : 621.683 Descriptors : pneumatic equipment, Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Ref No pneumatic tools, torque, measurement, symbols, IS0 6644-1981 (EI tests Price based on pages Licensee=Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ/9976803100 Not for Resale, 08/08/2007 19:06:04 MDT Foreword (the International Organization standards institutes national Standards is carried body interested in a subject for Standardization) (IS0 member out through for which right to be represented on that committee in liaison with Draft International the IS0 Standards Standard Compressors, member committees committee International before Every of Intermember has been set up has the organizations, governmental by the technical committees their acceptance as International IS0 6544 was developed pneumatic bodies are circulated Standards to by by the member bodies France Belgium Germany, Czechoslovakia Arab United ISO/TC 118, to the of the following countries F R Sweden : Romania Kingdom United Kingdom USA Poland body International Committee and was circulated Netherlands Rep of Finland No member machines, 1930 Austria Egypt, by Technical tools and pneumatic in September It has been approved Printed technical federation of developing Council International is a worldwide The work ISO, also take part in the work adopted bodies for approval IS0 a technical and non-governmental, the member bodies) expressed Organization disapproval of the document for Standardization, 1981 in Switzerland Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Licensee=Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ/9976803100 Not for Resale, 08/08/2007 19:06:04 MDT `,````````,,,,`,,,`,`,``````,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - IS0 national INTERNATIONAL ISO6!544-1961( STANDARD `,````````,,,,`,,,`,`,``````,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - Hand-held pneumatic threaded fasteners measurements assembly tools for installing Reaction torque and torque impulse Introduction This International measurement hand-held Standard of reaction pneumatic fasteners and covers torque assembly specifies how the and test method torque tools such for E) for impulse installing measurements References IS0 31, Quantities, units and symbols from threaded should be IS0 1000, Si units and recommendations multiples and of certain other units for the use of their evaluated IS0 2787, Such methods a) are important enabling impulse manufacturers from assembly ized method technical b) and to offer giving users torque for threaded on test joints those standardized reaction products under instructions torque torque correlated information from torque tools - Accep- IS0 3534, Statistics IS0 5393, - Vocabulary and symbols Rotary pneumatic on tools IS0 - 5941, Preferred pneumatic Performance assembly tools for threaded test Compressors, pneumatic tools and machines - pressures impulse are measured test of IS0 5393 of application specifies and torque for installing on how measured Definitions and symbols rates that are in accord- in the performance Standard torque tools and torque standardized and field reaction pneumatic technical impulse pneumatic with a standardfasteners specified This International of measure and percussive fasteners with Scope tion their and torque The values of reaction to tools in accordance Rotary tance tests purposes specifications; reaction ance with for the following 3.1 a test method impulse threaded The following definitions national Standard from fasteners data should 3.1.1 hand-held joint and pneumatic gives are specific to this Inter- Definitions’) for evalua- be evaluated and symbols installed when torque : The peak torque installing a threaded assembly tool fastener transmitted to the by use of a hand-held and presented 3.12 This torque International control Standard applicable to assembly Impacting, reaction when held pneumatic tools In the case of stall type measured is directly operator tools, pulsing not covered only the reaction or ratcheting torque assembly can be tools are 3.1.3 operator reaction when held pneumatic torque installing : The peak torque a threaded assembly force installing fastener transmitted to the by use of a hand- tool : The peak a threaded assembly force fastener transmitted to the by use of a hand- tool 1) Where reference is made to this International Standard, it is to be understood that indicated values of reaction torque, reaction force, reaction torque impulse and reaction force impulse correspond to measurements made at an effective inlet pressure of 6,3 bar and the tool adjusted in such a way that the test torque level equals the rated torque of the tool If for any reason the test pressure is other than 6,3 bar, the test pressure must be specified each time a torque is cited Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Licensee=Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ/9976803100 Not for Resale, 08/08/2007 19:06:04 MDT IS0 6544-1981 (E) 3.1.4 reaction threshold during time torque a tightening between a low : Duration cycle time torque exceeding 3.1.7 test in this International Standard actual test torque rate joint of reaction values specified The reaction is the time span torque level on the torque time curve 3.1.8 rated when torque over the reaction 1, = impulse (Itvt) : The torque time span of the tightening cycle defined dation by reaction force pistol force impulse grip wrenches in the handle is of primary (I& : Applicable and other to wrenches with at low term used for mean torque rate joint at an effective control the highest in accordance Symbols with tools, setting test pressure 3.2.2 the - Symbols and units in table con- recommen- of 6,3 bar according to IS0 31 and The subscripts used in this International Stan- used in this International Standard are in table and units Quantity Symbol Unit MA Installation 43 Reaction torque N.m FR Reaction force N t Reaction time S b Effective length of tool (length of lever arm of an applicable type wrench measured from the centre of the grip handle to the spindle centre) RM Reference test joint RL Actual IL Torque h Reaction MT Threshold IF Reaction torque N.m rate for the low torque m rate N.m/rev torque rate for the low torque impulse measured torque on joint rate test joint with torque rate RL torque force N.m/rev N.m.s N.m.s impulse N.m impulse Table N.s - Subscript Subscripts Designation U Low time limit for impulse measurements d High time limit for impulse measurements M Torque A Installation R Reaction a Momentarily r Momentary `,````````,,,,`,,,`,`,``````,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - applied reaction F Force H High torque rate joint L Low torque rate joint T Threshold = 1OOkPa Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS of the torque applicable The symbols dard are given interest torque test the rated torque the manufacturer’s and units are chosen 1000 when given lbar on the Symbols 3.2.3 11 measured is tested angle when Table For torque and an effective 3.2 $+4,dt IS0 3.1.6 torque tool : The specific of 6,3 bar’) trol means impulse 3.2.1 wrenches, mean the on the low torque value is determined reaction : The when torque measured pressure 3.1.5 level t, and a high time limit t,, corre- limit sponding to the threshold (see figure 1) time torque conditions, Licensee=Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ/9976803100 Not for Resale, 08/08/2007 19:06:04 MDT IS0 6544-1981 (El Methods torque for measurement 4.1 rules for tests General 4.1.1 All measurements International sons and against Standard of reaction torque and the reaction force divided by the effective length M, carried out in compliance shall be performed with accurate instrumentation, existing standard methods with this by competent which is equal to the installed torque of the tool = MA FR =- MA b per- is calibrated These relationships are valid regardless of how the tool is held or mounted 4.1.2 Air supply turer’s specification and lubrication consistent with the manufac- shall be provided 4.3 4.2 General observations 4.2.1 High torque On high torque mely short short to reach torque rate joints, the tightening Torque of time, the 4.3.1 The reaction is applied which present process is defined by is determined torque for a very by the time required level and the delay time But for a rigidly tool M, mounted = Ma, and in this case of the release mechanism has been installed demonstrated torque influenced that and the reaction by the mass inertia the relationship torque torque can be both Likewise higher the reaction the installed torque force can be both divided higher by the effective (:Ma The reaction length reaction torque-time torque and lower The function than attempts torque of on high standard measuring torque operator rate joints would yield results which used between for measuring accurate curve M, in the special No dynamic following shown by the torque of the torque in figure t, and t,, are triggered on the torque-time means of is plotted impulse a as a from the by a threshold or the torque torque setting amplifier It Stanthat 4.3.2 The reaction force impulse is defined by with Standard, and force integrator simulates IF this International it must be realized values of reaction be obtained mounted is recorded Alternatively of time for evaluation torque-time operators torque impulse that can be = s::Fr dt Ma but F, = 6’ for a rigid mount The reaction force from the reaction the tool and the operator As a consequence joints, rig that reaction correspondence by human at the time of writing devices and have not been encouraging are in complete I) of the tool the scope of this International standard operator conditions stress experienced Nor are there, any known force in a test characteristics is considered to be beyond dard to determine such the actual reaction torque integrator Time limits Various (See figure dt is the size of the oper- and lower than the installed force = between and reaction of the tool, ator and the way the tool is held by the operator only impulse measurements is of extre- to the fastener h It torque impulse rate joints duration period Torque and torque relations effects are valid that for high torque torque and reaction case when are present the tool rate force can is rigidly in this case and the : = MA FR impulse torque can consequently be calculated impulse + These relations holds the tool force coincides 4.2.2 are also approximately true when in such a way that the direction with Low torque his straight the operator of the reaction 4.3.3 When torque rate joint the result is a function the reaction torque rate joints and consequently rate joints, the dynamic the reaction impulse is measured of the torque on a low rate of the joint arm Ideally the measurement of reaction torque rate joint should be performed rate corresponding On low torque torque effects is equal are negligible to the installed torque is increased The corresponding to an angular torque impulse on the low on a joint with the torque displacement of 360’ from 50 % to 100 % of the test torque torque rate is denoted as the level RNI `,````````,,,,`,,,`,`,``````,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Licensee=Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ/9976803100 Not for Resale, 08/08/2007 19:06:04 MDT IS0 6644-1981 (El I Time, td Figure For practical reasons it is acceptable impulse on a low torque RM The actual torque denoted to measure reaction - Torque-time torque rate joint with a lower torque rate than rate of the low torque rate joint is curve corresponds full turn is denoted The reaction measured value of the reaction torque torque The moment shall be effective IL impulse can then be calculated corresponding to torque rate R, from of not less than one 2) 4.3.7 tool shall be rigidly mounted of inertia small moment as and stick-slip 4.3.8 Threshold parts in the test joint in relationship of the rotating to but evenly the parts of the tool rate of a test joint is measured slowly effects of rotating possible of inertia When the torque evaluation The assembly as shall be tightened IM = IL x RM 4.3.4 displacement (see figure R, corresponding impulse to an angular (360°) 4.3.6 The t the joint in order to exclude inertia problems torque settings (MT) for shall be 10 % of the test torque torque impulse level in the test stand 4.3.5 The assembly low torque In a diagram where of the angular the resulting 50 % and straight tool shall be tested the required displacement curve torque 100 % of the is plotted of the input must essentially values shall amount of more than transducer transducer test not level line between The slope the torque deviate from of this rate of the joint a straight 10 % of the test torque the torque corresponds rate of the high torque increase line rate joint displacement level the torque rate of the low torque increase shall be mounted within shall be such that of less than level 30° rate joint of shall be such that from 50 % to 100 % of the test torque of a The torque the tool drive end and amplifier shall have flat fre- & % from influence from the displayed on a digital fixed operator voltmeter to 1000 Hz in the test stand Peak torque to prevent values or corresponding any should be fast response equipment level means 4.3.9 Torque impulse of a torque The torque-time fast recording device torque impulse values specified measurements transducer to provide in 4.3.8 integrator torque be made by as specified in on a sufficiently exceeds Alternatively torque recorded by means and displayed Licensee=Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ/9976803100 Not for Resale, 08/08/2007 19:06:04 MDT to the basis for calculation over the time when same time span is directly torque-time are and an amplifier curve may be recorded `,````````,,,,`,,,`,`,``````,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS by means amplifier in line between The transducer response reading level rotation The torque are to be made a peak by an from 50 % to 100 % of the test torque to an angular and The tool shall be rigidly 4.3.10 The torque measurements drive of the test joint, be a straight torque quency as a function the limits of 20 % and 100 % of the test torque plotted Torque torque and the joint line is used to calculate Between on both a high and a rate joint 4.3.9 impulse of the threshold over the of an electronic on a digital voltmeter IS066441981(E) Test torque level (Mean torque) test torque level Figure 4.3.11 A complete sequences, torque joint test one recording rate joint is composed torque and a second It is recommended of two and torque sequence - High different impulse and low torque - test mean Mean pressure of test results The test readings taken 4.4.2 results the tightening with be calculated as mean values - data and test results other relevant Actual torque high torque - low torque b) c) Mean reaction rate, in newton rate in newton torque on high torque - on low torque Where as per 4.5 with mean mean metres per revolution mean in reaction force on newtons in newton reaction high torque torque at 6,3 bar effective over the time span of exceeds threshold values - mean torque metre impulse on high torque rate seconds reaction torque low torque impulse (I,), adjusted rate joint in newton to the metre seconds mean actual measured low torque reaction rate joint torque impulse in newton metre (1,) on seconds per revolution in newton installation impulse reaction in newton e) rate joint recorded metres metres force torque ance with 4.3.4 : be in accordance rate joint mean reaction recorded shall applicable, from metres torque Where calculated mean joint mean reaction force in newton seconds - mean reaction in newton 4.2 : - joint used in the test : : rate joint applicable, from rate shall be presented tool data in a test form rate of the test joint - calculated torque : joint - torque as applied cycle when in 4.3.8 reference a) low of as per 4.3.11 The following together shall reaction recorded specified 4.4.1 on rate d) Evaluation force to run the tool ten times on each test joint 4.4 reaction newtons on a high on a low torque rate joints force force torque impulse impulse impulse impulse on high shall be in accord- torque on low torque rate rate joint seconds in f) Effective air pressure at inlet (test pressure) `,````````,,,,`,,,`,`,``````,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Licensee=Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ/9976803100 Not for Resale, 08/08/2007 19:06:04 MDT IS0 6644-1961 (El 4.5 Test form The following test has been made in accordance Model IS0 2787, kg : IS0 6393, and IS0 6544 Serial number Torque range Operating N.m : : - N.m conditions mounted air pressure Setting pressure : control The tool is rigidly Effective Free speed at 6,3 bar supply N.m Type of torque of torque Compressed Length Type of machine Rated torque bar at inlet control means (if other than air pressure) air temperature of hose and internal Type of lubricant : OC : diameter @ m : mm Test conditions Barometric Instrumentation Reaction High torque torque Calculated Effective High torque Mean force Low torque N.m rate N.m/rev reaction tool length, temperature OC measurements torque Ambient % rate test Mean torque Actual bar pressure Relative humidity Standards Weight International Subject Manufacturer with force (for applicable b, used in calculation wrenches rate rate test Mean torque Actual rate torque N.m/rev only) : m rate test : N Low torque Meanforce: rate test N `,````````,,,,`,,,`,`,``````,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS N.m Licensee=Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ/9976803100 Not for Resale, 08/08/2007 19:06:04 MDT IS0 6644-1981 (E) Reaction High torque torque Mean torque impulse measurements rate test impulse : N.m.s Low torque rate test Mean torque impulse (adjusted Set threshold torque : N.m Mean measured Set threshold Calculated Effective High reaction tool length, torque Test impulse b, used in calculation (where torque torque low torque impulse: N.m.s rate) : N.m.s N.m applicable) Low torque rate test Mean force impulse force : to the reference N.s m rate test Mean force impulse N.s remarks `,````````,,,,`,,,`,`,``````,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - NOTE - Where reference is made to this International Standard, it is to be understood that indicated values of reaction torque, reaction force, reaction torque impulse and reaction force impulse correspond to measurements made at an effective inlet pressure of 6,3 bar and the tool adjusted in such a way that the test torque level equals the rated torque of the tool If for any reason the test pressure is other than 6,3 bar, the test pressure must be specified each time a torque is cited Reported Approved by : by : Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISO No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Date : Date : Licensee=Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ/9976803100 Not for Resale, 08/08/2007 19:06:04 MDT