INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 3767-2 Fourth edition 2016-09-01 Tractors, machinery for agriculture and forestry, powered lawn and garden equipment — Symbols for operator controls and other displays — Part 2: Symbols for agricultural tractors and machinery Tracteurs, matériels agricoles et forestiers, matériel moteur pour jardins et pelouses — Symboles pour les commandes de l’opérateur et autres indications — Partie 2: Symboles pour tracteurs et matériels agricoles Reference number ISO 3767-2:2016(E) © ISO 2016 ISO 3767-2:2016(E) COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT © ISO 2016, Published in Switzerland All rights reserved Unless otherwise specified, no part o f this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO’s member body in the country o f the requester ISO copyright o ffice Ch de Blandonnet • CP 401 CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland Tel +41 22 749 01 11 Fax +41 22 749 09 47 ii © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO 3767-2:2016(E) Contents Page Foreword iv 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Scope Normative references Terms and definitions General Colour Development of new symbols Adaptation of symbols as digital display icons General agricultural equipment symbols Agricultural tractor symbols Harvesting machinery and equipment symbols 16 Combine harvester symbols 24 Cotton harvester symbols 30 Forage harvester symbols 36 Sugar cane harvester symbols 39 Windrower symbols 46 Agricultural sprayer symbols 47 Baling equipment symbols 53 Agricultural implement symbols 57 Bibliography 59 © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved iii ISO 3767-2:2016(E) Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies) The work o f preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters o f electrotechnical standardization The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part In particular the different approval criteria needed for the di fferent types o f ISO documents should be noted This document was dra fted in accordance with the editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part (see Attention is drawn to the possibility that some o f the elements o f this document may be the subject o f patent rights ISO shall not be held responsible for identi fying any or all such patent rights Details o f any patent rights identified during the development o f the document will be in the Introduction and/or on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see Any trade name used in this document is in formation given for the convenience o f users and does not constitute an endorsement For an explanation on the meaning o f ISO specific terms and expressions related to formity assessment, as well as information about ISO’s adherence to the WTO principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following URL: Foreword - Supplementary in formation The committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC 23, Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry, SC 14, Operator controls, operator symbols and other displays, operator manuals This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition (ISO 3767-2: 200 8), which has been technically revised Many new symbols have been added A list of all the parts in the ISO 3767 series can be found on the ISO website iv © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 3767-2:2016(E) Tractors, machinery for agriculture and forestry, powered lawn and garden equipment — Symbols for operator controls and other displays — Part 2: Symbols for agricultural tractors and machinery Scope T h i s c u ment s ta nda rd i z e s s ymb ol s for u s e on op erator control s and o ther d i s pl ays on agric u ltu l trac tors a nd mach i ner y NO TE fore s tr y I S O 767-1 co vers com mon s ymb ol s th at ap p l y to mu ltip le typ e s o f agr ic u ltu l trac tors a nd m ach i ner y, m ach i ner y, a nd p owere d l awn a nd ga rden e qu ipment I S O 767-3 covers s ymb ol s ga rden e qu ip ment I S O 767- co vers s ymb ol s p or tab le NO TE for fo re s tr y fo r p owere d l awn a nd m ach i ner y I S O 767-5 covers s ymb ol s for m a nu a l fore s tr y m ach i ne s I S O 70 0 a nd I E C 417 c a n b e co n s u lte d for add itio n a l i nter n atio n a l l y s ta nda rd i z e d s ymb o l s o f p o tenti a l rele va nce to agr ic u l tu l trac tors a nd m ach i ner y Normative references T he fol lowi ng c u ments are re ferre d to i n the tex t i n s uch a way th at s ome or a l l o f thei r content s titute s re qu i rements o f th i s c u ment For date d re ference s , on ly the e d ition cite d app l ie s For u ndate d re ference s , the late s t e d ition o f the re ference d c ument (i nclud i ng a ny amend ments) appl ie s ISO 3767-1:2016, Tractors, machinery for agriculture and forestry, powered lawn and garden equipment — Symbols for operator controls and other displays—Part 1: Common symbols IEC 80416-1, Basic principles for graphical symbols for use on equipment — Part 1: Creation of graphical symbols for registration ISO 80416-2, Basic principles for graphical symbols for use on equipment — Part 2: Form and use ofarrows IEC 80416-3, Basic principles for graphical symbols for use on equipment — Part 3: Guidelines for the application of graphical symbols Terms and definitions For the pu r p o s e s o f th i s c u ment, the fol lowi ng term s and defi n ition s apply ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses: — IEC Electropedia: available at — ISO Online browsing platform: available at © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO 3767-2:2016(E) 3.1 symbol graphical symbol visually perceptible figure used to transmit in formation independent o f language Note to entry: It may be produced by drawing, printing or other means Letters, numerals and mathematical symbols may be used as symbols or symbol elements For some specific applications, groups o f letters (for example, AUTO, STOP) are used as symbols or symbol elements Note to entry: Letters and numerals are not registered by ISO/TC 145/SC or published in ISO 7000 unless they are symbol elements embedded in graphical symbols 3.2 icon digital display icon digitized (pixelated) representation o f a graphical symbol, usually used on a reconfigurable electronic display screen or graphical user inter face (GUI) Note to entry: A single symbol can be represented by multiple icons, each o f a di fferent size, pixel count or colourization 4.1 General Except where indicated in subsequent clauses, symbols shall be used as shown in this document 4.2 Selected symbols, which are shown in outline form in this document, may be filled in actual use for enhanced clarity o f reproduction and improved visual perception by the operator, except as otherwise specified for individual symbols, and in accordance with IEC 80416-3 Limitations inherent in some reproduction and display technologies can require increased line width or other minor modifications o f symbols Such modifications are allowed, provided that the symbol remains conceptually unchanged in its basic graphical elements and is easily discernible by the operator 4.3 4.4 To improve the appearance and perceptibility o f a graphical symbol, or to coordinate with the design o f the equipment to which it is applied, it can be necessary to modi fy the symbol as indicated in IEC 80416-3 (for example, to change the line width or to round the corners o f the symbol) Such modifications are allowed, provided that the essential perceptible characteristics o f the symbol are maintained 4.5 For actual use, all symbols shall be reproduced large enough to be easily discernible by the operator Follow IEC 80416-1 for the proper sizing o f symbols Symbols grouped together in a display or on a set o f controls should be scaled to the same degree relative to the corner marks o f the symbol original as shown in this document in order to maintain the correct visual relationship among the symbols Symbols shall be used in the orientation shown in this document, unless rotation or mirror imaging is specifically allowed for individual symbols Most symbols are constructed using a building block approach in which various symbols and symbol elements are combined in a logical manner to produce a new symbol 4.6 In some cases, symbols may be used in conjunction, without being combined into a composite symbol, to convey the same meaning as the composite symbol 4.7 4.8 Symbols are generally intended to replace a word or words with a graphical image that has the same meaning for all operators, regardless of their native language However, the use of a graphical symbol to identi fy a control or display does not preclude the use o f words in conjunction with that control or display © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO 3767-2:2016(E) I f a symbol shows a machine or parts o f a machine from a side view, a machine moving from right to le ft across the symbol area shall be assumed I f a symbol shows a machine or parts o f a machine from an overhead view, a machine moving from bottom to top across the symbol area shall be assumed 4.9 Symbols on controls and displays shall have a good contrast to their background A white or lightcoloured symbol on a black or dark-coloured background is pre ferred for most controls Displays may use either a white or light-coloured symbol on a black or dark-coloured background or a black or darkcoloured symbol on a white or light-coloured background, depending upon which alternative provides the best visual perception When a symbol image is reversed (for example, from black-on-white to whiteon-black or vice versa) this reversal shall be done for the entire symbol 4.10 4.11 I f symbols are cast, moulded, embossed or stamped into a surface, the symbols shall be visually distinct from that surface without dependence on colour Symbols shall be located on or adjacent to the control or display that is being identified Where more than one symbol is required for a control, the symbols shall be located in relation to the control such that movement o f the control towards the symbols shall e ffect the function depicted by that symbol 4.12 4.13 Arrows used in symbols shall form to the requirements o f ISO 80416-2 IEC 80416-1 shall be consulted for the general principles for creating symbol originals IEC 80416-3 should be consulted for guidelines for the application o f symbols 4.14 ISO/IEC registration numbers are shown for symbols which are registered in ISO 7000 or IEC 60417 NOTE Symbol originals are approved and registered either by ISO/TC 145/SC and published in ISO 7000 or by IEC/SC 3C and published in IEC 60417 In some cases, modified or application symbols, rather than the registered symbol originals, are standardized in this document 4.15 When letters or numerals are used in a symbol, the font shown shall not be considered definitive Other fonts may be used so long as the letters and numerals remain legible 4.16 Symbols in this document are shown within marks that delimit the corners o f the 75 mm square basic pattern from IEC 80416-1 Corner marks are not part o f the symbol, but are provided to ensure consistent presentation o f all symbol graphics Colour When used on illuminated displays, the following colours shall have the meanings indicated: — red denotes a failure, serious malfunction or operating condition that requires immediate attention; — yellow or amber denotes a condition outside normal operating limits; — green denotes a normal operating condition Development of new symbols Prior to developing a new symbol, a search should be conducted for previously standardized symbols with the same or similar meaning to what is needed ISO 7000 and IEC 60417 (both available in database form) are compilations o f internationally standardized symbols which can be use ful both for finding appropriate symbols that not appear in ISO 3767 and for generating concepts that can be used in the development o f new symbols 6.1 © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO 3767-2:2016(E) New symbols shall be developed in accordance with the principles o f ISO 3767-1:2016, Annex A IEC 80416-1 should be consulted for general principles for the creation o f symbols Arrows shall be in 6.2 accordance with ISO 80416-2 Different arrow forms have different meanings according to ISO 804162 Care should be taken to use the correct arrow form Following the guidelines of ISO 3767-1:2016, Annex A makes possible the development o f symbols appropriate in graphical form and content for international standardization and ISO 7000 registration Symbols proposed for standardization in this document shall include a short explanation o f the unction or expected use o f the symbol 6.3 f NOTE IEC 80416-1 uses the term “description” for this type o f in formation and provides guidelines for writing descriptions for symbols intended for standardization in ISO 7000 or IEC 60417 The descriptions for symbols standardized in this document can serve as examples Adaptation of symbols as digital display icons Symbols can be adapted for use as digital display icons on visual display units, reconfigurable displays or other electronic displays Such adaptations should follow the principles o f ISO 80416-4 Special care should be taken to ensure that digital display icons preserve the visual impression o f the symbol from which the icon is adapted The same principles regarding use o f colour with symbols apply to the use o f colour with digital display icons General agricultural equipment symbols No 8.1 Graphical symbol ISO/IEC registration number Symbol title and description ISO 7000-1657 Area worked To indicate the area that has been worked by a machine To identi fy the control for speci fying an area 8.2 ISO 7000-1658 Area worked per hour To indicate the area that has been worked by a machine per hour of operation 8.3 Work distance travelled To indicate the distance that has been travelled by a ISO 7000-2177 machine during work 8.4 Application rate per area, general To indicate the application rate (for example, of seeds or fertilizer) per area ISO 7000-3188 © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO 3767-2:2016(E) No Graphical symbol 8.5 Symbol title and description ISO/IEC registration number ISO 7000-3037 Machine immobilizer To identi fy the control th at i m mob i l i z e s the m ach i ne to prevent its unintended or unauthorized movement To indicate that the machine is in the immobilized condition 8.6 ISO 7000-3130 Total area worked To i nd ic ate the to ta l a re a th at h a s b e en wo rke d b y the machine in the given time period 8.7 ISO 7000-3244 Area remaining to work To i nd ic ate the a re a th at rem a i n s to b e wo rke d b y a m ach i ne T he to ta l a re a to b e worke d i s s p e c i fie d a nd the actual area worked is subtracted to determine the area remaining Agricultural tractor symbols No Graphical symbol 9.1 Symbol title and description Tractor (side view of machine) To identi fy the trac to r Us e a s a b a s e s ymb ol from for ISO/IEC registration number ISO 7000-2133 a s ide ( p ro fi le) view de velop i ng trac tor s ymb ol s th at u s e a s ide ( p ro fi le) view 9.2 Tractor (overhead view of machine) To identi fy the trac to r from a n o verhe ad ( p l a n) vie w T h i s s ymb ol i s vie we d from the p ers p e c tive o f a ISO 7000-2134 person looking at the tractor from above the machine Us e a s a b a s e s ymb ol 9.3 for de velop i ng trac tor s ymb ol s that use an overhead (plan) view Tractor, forward direction of movement (side view of machine) ISO 7000-1666 To identi fy the control th at move s the trac to r i n the forward direction To indicate that the tractor is moving forward 9.4 Tractor, rearward direction of movement (side view of machine) ISO 7000-1667 To identi fy the control th at mo ve s the trac to r i n the rearward direction To indicate that the tractor is moving rearward © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO 3767-2:2016(E) No 9.5 Graphical symbol ISO/IEC registration number Symbol title and description Tractor, forward direction of movement (overhead view of machine) I S O 70 0 -2 To identi fy the control th at move s the trac tor i n the forward direction To indicate that the tractor is moving forward T h i s s ymb ol i s viewe d 9.6 fro m the p ers p e c ti ve o f a person looking at the tractor from above the machine Tractor, rearward direction of movement (overhead view of machine) ISO 7000-2136 To identi fy the control th at move s the trac tor i n the rearward direction To indicate that the tractor is moving rearward T h i s s ymb ol i s viewe d 9.7 from the p ers p e c ti ve o f a person looking at the tractor from above the machine Tractor, ground speed ISO 7000-2179 To identi fy the d i s p l ay th at s hows the grou nd s p e e d of the tractor To indicate the ground speed of the tractor 9.8 ISO 7000-3131 Tractor, ground speed, automatic control To identi fy the control th at ac tivate s the autom atic mode for tractor ground speed To indicate that tractor ground speed is in the automatic control mode 9.9 ISO 7000-3132 Tractor, target ground speed To identi fy the control th at s e ts the ta rge t grou nd speed of the tractor To indicate the tractor target ground speed 9.10 ISO 7000-1663 Tractor, front wheel drive To identi fy the control for the trac tor front whe el drive To indicate that the tractor front wheel drive is in normal operation mode 9.11 Tractor, front wheel drive, off or not available To identi fy the control th at s witche s o ff the trac to r front wheel drive To indicate that the tractor front wheel drive is switched off or is otherwise not available 9.12 Tractor, front wheel drive, automatic operation To identi fy the control for Negation of ISO 7000-1663 ISO 7000-2420 the autom atic o p eration o f the tractor front wheel drive To indicate that the tractor front wheel drive is in automatic operation mode Front wheel drive is engaged and disengaged auto m atic a l l y b a s e d on op erati n g co nd ition s © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO 3767-2:2016(E) 15 Windrower symbols No 15.1 Graphical symbol ISO/IEC registration number Symbol title and description Self-propelled windrower (side view of machine) To identi fy the s el f-p rop el le d wi nd rower from ISO 7000-3220 a s ide ( p ro fi le) view Us e a s a b a s e s ymb ol for de velopi n g wi nd rower s ymb ol s th at u s e a s ide ( pro fi le) vie w 15.2 Self-propelled windrower, forward direction of movement (side view of machine) ISO 7000-3221 To identi fy the control th at move s the s el f-prop el le d windrower in the forward direction To indicate that the windrower is moving forward T he wi nd rower i s s hown i n the s ide ( p ro fi le) view 15.3 Self-propelled windrower, rearward direction of movement (side view of machine) ISO 7000-3222 To identi fy the control th at move s the s el f-prop el le d windrower in the rearward direction To indicate that the windrower is moving rearward T he wi nd rower i s s hown i n the s ide ( p ro fi le) view 15.4 Self-propelled windrower, ground speed ISO 7000-3294 To identi fy the d i s p l ay th at s hows the grou nd s p e e d of the self-propelled windrower To indicate the ground speed of the self-propelled windrower 15.5 Self-propelled windrower, ground speed, automatic control I S O 70 0 -3 To identi fy the control th at ac tivate s the autom atic mode for windrower ground speed To indicate that windrower ground speed is in the automatic control mode 15.6 Self-propelled windrower, target ground speed ISO 7000-3296 To identity the control th at s e ts the ta rge t grou nd speed for the windrower To indicate the windrower target ground speed 46 © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO 3767-2:2016(E) 16 Agricultural sprayer symbols No Graphical symbol 16.1 ISO/IEC registration number Symbol title and description Self-propelled sprayer (side view of machine) To identi fy the s el f-p rop el le d s prayer fro m ISO 7000-2203 a s ide ( p ro fi le) view Us e a s a b a s e s ymb ol for de velop i ng s prayer s ymb o l s th at u s e a s ide ( p ro fi le) view 16.2 Self-propelled sprayer (overhead view of machine) To identi fy the s el f-p rop el le d s prayer overhead (plan) view T h i s s ymb ol i s vie we d from for an the p ers p e c tive o f a p ers on lo o ki n g at the s p rayer Us e a s a b a s e s ymb ol fro m fro m ab ove the m ach i ne de velop i ng s prayer s ymb o l s that use an overhead (plan) view 16.3 ISO 7000-3223 Self-propelled sprayer, forward direction of movement (side view of machine) ISO 7000-2204 To identi fy the co ntrol th at mo ve s the s el f-p rop el le d s p rayer i n the fo r wa rd d i re c tio n To i nd ic ate th at the s p rayer i s mo vi ng 16.4 fo r wa rd Self-propelled sprayer, rearward direction of movement (side view of machine) I S O 70 0 -2 To identi fy the co ntrol th at mo ve s the s el f-p rop el le d s p rayer i n the re a r wa rd d i re c tion To i nd ic ate th at the s p rayer i s mo vi ng re a r wa rd 16.5 Self-propelled sprayer, forward direction of movement (overhead view of machine) ISO 7000-3224 To identi fy the co ntrol th at mo ve s the s el f-p rop el le d s p rayer i n the fo r wa rd d i re c tio n To i nd ic ate th at the s p rayer i s mo vi ng T h i s s ymb ol i s vie we d from the p ers p e c tive o f a p ers on lo oki n g at the s p rayer 16.6 fo r wa rd fro m ab ove the m ach i ne Self-propelled sprayer, rearward direction of movement (overhead view of machine) I S O 70 0 -3 2 To identi fy the control th at mo ve s the s el f-p rop el le d s p rayer i n the re a r wa rd d i re c tion To i nd ic ate th at the s p rayer i s mo vi ng re a r wa rd T h i s s ymb ol i s vie we d from the p ers p e c tive o f a p ers on lo o ki n g at the s p rayer 16.7 fro m ab ove the m ach i ne Self-propelled sprayer, ground speed ISO 7000-3297 To identi fy the d i s p l ay th at s hows the grou nd s p e e d o f the s el f-p rop el le d s prayer To indicate the ground speed of the self-propelled s p rayer © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved 47 ISO 3767-2:2016(E) No 16.8 Graphical symbol ISO/IEC registration number Symbol title and description Self-propelled sprayer, ground speed, automatic control ISO 7000-3298 To identi fy the control th at ac tivate s the autom atic mo de for s prayer grou nd s p e e d To indicate that windrower ground speed is in the automatic control mode 16.9 ISO 7000-3299 Self-propelled sprayer, target ground speed To identi fy the control th at s e ts the ta rge t grou nd speed for the s p rayer To i nd ic ate the s p rayer ta rge t grou nd s p e e d 16.10 ISO 7000-2206 Self-propelled sprayer, centre frame To identi fy the control for the s p rayer u n it centre frame To indicate the operational status of the centre frame 16.11 ISO 7000-2207 Self-propelled sprayer, centre frame, raise To identi fy the control th at i s e s the s p rayer u n it centre frame To indicate that the centre frame is being raised or is in the raised (up) position 16.12 ISO 7000-2208 Self-propelled sprayer, centre frame, lower To identi fy the control th at lowers the s p rayer u n it centre frame To indicate that the centre frame is being lowered or is in the lowered (down) position 16.13 ISO 7000-3226 Sprayer, left boom To identi fy the control for the s p rayer b o om To i nd ic ate the op eration a l s tatu s o f the s p rayer b o om T h i s s ymb ol s hows the le ft b o om I t m ay b e m i r ror i m age d for “s prayer, r ight b o om” (s e e 14) If one control operates both the left boom and right b o o m u s e th i s s ymb ol T h i s s ymb ol i s viewe d from the p ers p e c ti ve o f a person looking forward along the longitudinal axis of the machine 16.14 Sprayer, right boom To identi fy the control for the s p rayer r ight b o o m Mirror image of ISO 7000-3226 To i nd ic ate the o p e ratio n a l s tatu s o f the s p raye r right boom If one control operates both the left boom and right boom use ISO 7000-3226 (see 16.13) T h i s s ymb ol i s viewe d from the p ers p e c ti ve o f a person looking forward along the longitudinal axis of the machine 48 © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO 3767-2:2016(E) No Graphical symbol 16.15 Symbol title and description ISO/IEC registration number ISO 7000-2209 Sprayer, left boom, raise To identi fy the control th at i s e s the s p rayer le ft boom To indicate that the left boom is being raised or is in the raised (up) position If one control raises both the left and right booms use th i s s ymb ol T h i s s ymb ol i s vie we d from the p ers p e c tive o f a person looking forward along the longitudinal axis of the machine 16.16 Sprayer, left boom, lower ISO 7000-2210 To identi fy the control th at lowers the s p rayer le ft boom To indicate that the left boom is being lowered or is in the lowered (down) position If one control lowers both the left and right booms use th i s s ymb ol T h i s s ymb ol i s vie we d from the p ers p e c tive o f a person looking forward along the longitudinal axis of the machine 16.17 Sprayer, right boom, raise ISO 7000-2211 To identi fy the control th at i s e s the s p rayer right boom To indicate that the right boom is being raised or is in the raised (up) position If one control raises both the left and right booms use I S O 70 0 -2 (s e e ) T h i s s ymb ol i s vie we d from the p ers p e c tive o f a person looking forward along the longitudinal axis of the machine 16.18 Sprayer, right boom, lower ISO 7000-2212 To identi fy the control th at lowers the s p rayer right boom To indicate that the right boom is being lowered or is in the lowered (down) position If one control lowers both the left and right booms use ISO 7000-2210 (see 16.16) T h i s s ymb ol i s vie we d from the p ers p e c tive o f a person looking forward along the longitudinal axis of the machine © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved 49 ISO 3767-2:2016(E) No 16.19 Graphical symbol ISO/IEC registration number Symbol title and description ISO 7000-3227 Sprayer, fold left arm, in and out To identi fy the control th at fo ld s the a r m o f the s p rayer i n to the tra n s p o r t p o s itio n o r o ut to the operating position T h i s s ymb ol s hows m i r ror i m age d for fold i ng o f the le ft a r m I t m ay b e fold “s prayer, r ight a rm , i n a nd o ut” (see 16.20) If one control folds and unfolds both the left arm and the r ight a rm u s e th i s s ymb ol T h i s s ymb ol i s viewe d from the p ers p e c ti ve o f a person looking forward along the longitudinal axis of the machine 16.20 Sprayer, fold right arm, in and out To identi fy the control th at fo ld s the r ight a rm o f the Mirror image of ISO 7000-3227 s p rayer i n to the tra n s p o r t p o s itio n o r o ut to the operating position If one control folds and unfolds both the left and right arms use ISO 7000-3227 (see 16.19) T h i s s ymb ol i s viewe d from the p ers p e c ti ve o f a person looking forward along the longitudinal axis of the machine 16.21 Spray solution tank To identi fy the fi l l p oi nt fo r To identi fy the conta i ner ISO 7000-2213 the s p ray s o lutio n ta n k fo r the s p ray s olutio n To i nd ic ate the o p eration a l s tatu s o f the s p ray solution tank 16.22 ISO 7000-2214 Spray solution tank, pressure To identi fy the control th at s e ts the ta rge t, m i n i mu m o r m a xi mu m p re s s u re i n the s p ray s olutio n ta n k To identi fy the d i s p l ay th at p rovide s i n for m atio n ab out the s pray s olution ta n k pre s s u re To i nd ic ate the s p ray s o lutio n ta n k p re s s u re 16.23 Spray solution tank, solution level I S O 70 0 -2 To identi fy the control th at enters the volu me c ap ac ity o f the s p ray s o lutio n ta n k To i nd ic ate the volu me o f s pray s olution u s e d o r remaining in the tank 16.24 ISO 7000-3228 Spray solution tank, level, high (full) To i nd ic ate th at the vo lu me le vel o f l iqu id i n the s p ray s olutio n ta n k i s h igh (ab ove a s p e c i fie d th re s hold) 16.25 ISO 7000-3229 Spray solution tank, level, low (empty) To i nd ic ate th at the vo lu me le vel o f l iqu id i n the s p ray s olutio n ta n k i s low ( b elow a s p e c i fie d th re s hold) 50 © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO 3767-2:2016(E) No Graphical symbol 16.26 Symbol title and description Spray solution tank, agitator To identi fy the control for ISO/IEC registration number I S O 70 0 -3 175 the agitator lo c ate d i n the s p ray s olutio n ta n k To indicate the operational status of the agitator 16.27 ISO 7000-3176 Spray solution tank, aerator To identi fy the control for the aerato r lo c ate d i n the s p ray s olutio n ta n k To indicate the operational status of the aerator 16.28 S p r a y s o l u t i o n t a n k , f i l l i n ISO 7000-3300 g To i nd ic ate th at the s p ray s olutio n ta n k i s b ei ng fi l le d 16.29 S p r a y s o l u t i o n t a n k , f u l l r e f i l l s e t t i n g ISO 7000-3230 To identi fy the control th at s e ts the s ele c te d ta n k le vel va lue to the 16.30 fu l l ta n k c ap ac ity Spray solution tank, draining ISO 7000-3301 To identi fy the control th at d i n s the s pray s olution tank To i nd ic ate th at the s p ray s olutio n ta n k i s b ei ng drained 16.31 ISO 7000-2216 Spray solution pump To identi fy the control for the s pray s olution pu mp To i nd ic ate the op eratio n a l s tatu s o f the s p ray solution pump S ymb o l m ay b e ro tate d ° orientation 16.32 fo r a cle a rer vi s u a l Spray solution pump, pressure ISO 7000-2217 To identi fy the control th at s e ts the ta rge t, m i n i mu m o r m a xi mu m pre s s u re for the s p ray s olutio n p u mp To identi fy the d i s p l ay th at p ro vide s i n for m ation ab out the s p ray s o lutio n p u mp pre s s u re To i nd ic ate the s pray s olutio n p u mp p re s s u re S ymb o l m ay b e ro tate d ° orientation 16.33 fo r a cle a rer vi s u a l Spray nozzle; spray nozzle, off ISO 7000-2219 To identi fy the control th at s witche s o ff the s pray no z z le o f the agr ic u ltu l s prayer To i nd ic ate th at the s p ray no z z le i s s witche d o ff © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved 51 ISO 3767-2:2016(E) No 16.34 Graphical symbol ISO/IEC registration number Symbol title and description ISO 7000-2218 Spray nozzle, on To identi fy the control th at s witche s o n the s p ray no z z le o f the agr ic u ltu l s p rayer To i nd ic ate th at the s p ray no z z le i s s witche d on 16.35 ISO 7000-3177 Spray nozzle pressure To identi fy the control th at s e ts o r adj u s ts the s p ray nozzle pressure To identi fy the d i s p l ay th at p rovide s i n for m atio n ab out the s pray no z z le pre s s u re To i nd ic ate the s p ray no z z le p re s s u re 16.36 ISO 7000-3178 Hours sprayed To indicate the elapsed time that has accumulated wh i le s p rayi ng s i nce the l a s t re s e t 16.37 ISO 7000-3231 Sprayer, left boom light To identi fy the control for the l ight th at i l lu m i n ate s the s prayer b o o m To i nd ic ate the o p eratio n a l s tatu s o f the s p rayer boom light T h i s s ymb ol s hows the le ft b o om l ight I t m ay b e m i r ror i m age d for “s prayer, r ight b o om l ight” (s e e 16.38) If one control operates both the left boom light and the r ight b o om l ight u s e th i s s ymb o l T h i s s ymb ol i s viewe d from the p ers p e c ti ve o f a person looking forward along the longitudinal axis of the machine 16.38 Sprayer, right boom light To identi fy the control for the l ight th at i l lu m i n ate s Mirror image of ISO 7000-3231 the s prayer r ight b o om To i nd ic ate the o p eration a l s tatu s o f the s p rayer r ight boom light If one control operates both the left boom light and right boom light use ISO 7000-3231 (see 16.37) T h i s s ymb ol i s viewe d from the p ers p e c ti ve o f a person looking forward along the longitudinal axis of the machine 16.39 S p r a y s o l u t i o n t a n k , f i l l i n g b y o To identi fy the control (“pu l l- on” n b o a r d p fu nc tion) u m p ISO 7000-3302 th at fi l l s the s pray s olution ta n k b y me a n s o f the p u mp o nb o a rd the s p rayer To i nd ic ate th at the s p ray s olution ta n k i s b ei n g fi l le d b y the onb o a rd p u mp 52 © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO 3767-2:2016(E) No Graphical symbol 16.40 ISO/IEC registration number Symbol title and description S p r a y s o l u t i o n t a n k , f i l l i n g b y n To identi fy the co ntrol (“p u s h- on” u r s e p u m fu nc tio n) p ISO 7000-3303 th at fi l l s the s p ray s o lutio n ta n k b y me a n s o f the nu rs e o r external pump To i nd ic ate th at the s p ray s olutio n ta n k i s b ei ng fi l le d b y the nu rs e pu mp 16.41 ISO 7000-3232 Spray solution tank, rinse To identi fy the control th at r i n s e s the s pray s olution ta n k b y me a n s o f the onb o a rd cle a n water ta n k To i nd ic ate that the s pray s olution ta n k i s b ei ng ri n s e d 16.42 ISO 7000-3304 Educator To identi fy the control th at ac tivate s the onb o a rd i nduc tion hop p er to lo ad chem ic a l i nto the s p ray solution tank To indicate that the educator is in operation 17 Baling equipment symbols No Graphical symbol 17.1 Symbol title and description ISO 7000-3233 Round baler (side view of machine) To identi fy the b a ler from Us e a s a b a s e s ymb ol for ISO/IEC registration number a s ide ( pro fi le) vie w de velop i ng b a ler s ymb ol s th at u s e a s ide ( p ro fi le) view 17.2 ISO 7000-3234 Round baler tailgate, open To identi fy the control th at o p en s the b a ler ta i l gate a nd a l lows the b a le to b e ej e c te d from the b a ler To indicate that the baler tailgate is in its open (up) position 17.3 Round baler tailgate, close I S O 70 0 -3 To identi fy the control th at clo s e s the b a ler ta i l gate To indicate that the baler tailgate is in its closed (down) position 17.4 Round baler ramp, down ISO 7000-3342 To identi fy the control th at lowers the b a ler mp to its down position To indicate that the baler ramp is in its down position © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved 53 ISO 3767-2:2016(E) No 17.5 Graphical symbol ISO/IEC registration number Symbol title and description ISO 7000-3343 Round baler ramp, up To identi fy the control th at i s e s the b a ler mp to its up position To indicate that the baler ramp is in its up position 17.6 ISO 7000-3344 Bale, eject To identi fy the control th at ej e c ts the b a le baler To indicate that the b ale i s b ei ng ej e c te d 17.7 from from the the b a ler ISO 7000-3179 Round bale To identi fy the control for the b a l i n g fu nc tio n s To indicate the operational status of the baling functions Us e a s a s ymb ol element i n the de velo pment o f rel ate d s ymb ol s 17.8 Bale diameter I S O 70 0 -3 45 To identi fy the control th at s e ts o r adj u s ts the b a le diameter To i nd ic ate the s p e c i fie d or ac tu a l b a le d i a me ter 17.9 ISO 7000-3236 Bale mass; bale density To identi fy the control th at s e ts o r adj u s ts the s p e c i fie d b a le m a s s or b a le den s ity To i nd ic ate the m a s s or den s ity o f the b a le 17.10 ISO 7000-3346 Variable core bale To identi fy the control th at s ele c ts the va r iab le core bale option To indicate that the bale is a variable core bale 17.11 ISO 7000-3347 Variable core bale, diameter To identi fy the control th at s e ts o r adj u s ts the diameter of the variable core bale To i nd ic ate the s p e c i fie d or ac tu a l d i a me ter o f the variable core bale 17.12 ISO 7000-3180 Bale netting To identi fy the control for the b a le ne tti n g fu nc tion To indicate the operational status of the bale netting function 54 © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO 3767-2:2016(E) No Graphical symbol 17.13 ISO/IEC registration number Symbol title and description ISO 7000-3237 Bale twining To identi fy the control for the b a le twi n i n g fu nc tion To indicate the operational status of the bale twining function 17.14 Bale twine spacing ISO 7000-3181 To identi fy the co ntrol th at s e ts or adj u s ts the twi ne spacing on bales To indicate the twine spacing on bales 17.15 Bale wrap ISO 7000-3348 To identi fy the control th at wrap s the b a le with a protective cover To indicate the operational status of the bale wrap 17.16 Bale end wraps, number ISO 7000-3182 To identi fy the control th at s e ts or adj u s ts the nu mb er of end wraps on bales To indicate the number of end wraps on bales 17.17 Bale, left end wraps, number ISO 7000-3183 To identi fy the control th at s e ts or adj u s ts the nu mb er of left end wraps on bales To indicate the number of left end wraps on bales 17.18 Bale, right end wraps, number ISO 7000-3184 To identi fy the control th at s e ts or adj u s ts the nu mb er of right end wraps on bales To indicate the number of right end wraps on bales 17.19 Bale wrap location, start position I S O 70 0 -3 To identi fy the control th at s e ts or adj u s ts the s ta r ti ng position of bale wraps To indicate the starting position of bale wraps 17.20 Bale wrap location, end position ISO 7000-3238 To identi fy the co ntrol th at s e ts or adj u s ts the end i ng position of bale wraps To indicate the ending position of bale wraps © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved 55 ISO 3767-2:2016(E) No 17.21 Graphical symbol ISO 7000-3239 Bale, re-extension To identi fy the control 17.22 ISO/IEC registration number Symbol title and description for b a le re - e x ten s ion ISO 7000-3349 Twining/netting, extend To identi fy the control th at e x tend s the twi n i n g or netting To indicate that the twining or netting is being extended or is in the extended position 17.23 Twining/netting, retract I S O 70 0 -3 To identi fy the control th at re trac ts the twi n i ng o r netting To indicate that the twining or netting is being retracted or is in the retracted position 17.24 ISO 7000-3240 Non-calibrated bale diameter To identi fy the control th at s e ts o r adj u s ts the non-calibrated diameter of the bale 17.25 Twine wrap To identi fy the control I S O 70 0 -3 51 for the twi ne wrap fu nc tion To indicate the operational status of the twine wrap function Us e i n conj u nc tion with I S O 70 0 -3 (s e e 17.1 ) 17.26 Netting wrap To identi fy the control I S O 70 0 -3 for the ne tti n g wrap fu nc tion To indicate the operational status of the netting wrap function Us e i n conj u nc tion with I S O 70 0 -3 (s e e 17.1 ) 17.27 Bale, longitudinal rotation ISO 7000-3186 To identi fy the control th at s e ts o r adj u s ts the magnitude of longitudinal rotation of the bale To indicate the magnitude of longitudinal rotation 17.28 Bale information management system To identi fy the control for I S O 70 0 -3 the s ys tem th at p ro vide s information about the bale To indicate the operational status of the bale i n for m atio n m a n agement s ys tem 56 © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO 3767-2:2016(E) No Graphical symbol 17.29 Symbol title and description Bale, full size To identi fy the control that specifies the size o f bale ISO/IEC registration number ISO 7000-3354 that is considered full size To indicate that the bale is at its specified size 17.30 Bale, undersize To indicate that the actual bale is smaller than its ISO 7000-3355 specified size 17.31 Bale, oversize To indicate that the actual bale is larger than its ISO 7000-3356 specified size 18 Agricultural implement symbols No Graphical symbol 18.1 Symbol title and description Towed implement, width To identi fy the control that sets or adjusts the width ISO/IEC registration number ISO 7000-2184 of the towed implement for use in determining area worked or similar data To indicate the width of the towed implement This symbol is viewed from the perspective o f a 18.2 person looking at the tractor and implement from above the machine Two-axle wagon To indicate that a two-axle wagon is connected to the tractor ISO 7000-2595A This symbol may be used with a numeric indicator o f 18.3 the number of wagons connected to the tractor or of the numerical order of this wagon among those connected to the tractor ISO 7000-2595B ISO 7000-2595A (see 18.2) and ISO 7000-2595B (see 18.3) are alternative symbols with the same meaning 18.4 A i r f l o w ; a i r f l o w v e l o c i t y ISO 7000-3357 To identi fy the control that sets or adjusts the air flow velocity in the air seeder To indicate the air flow velocity © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved 57 ISO 3767-2:2016(E) No 18.5 Graphical symbol ISO/IEC registration number Symbol title and description Front seed bin I S O 70 0 -3 To indicate that the seed bin is in use To indicate the amount of seed in the seed bin T h i s s ymb ol s hows the front s e e d b i n I t m ay b e mirror imaged for “rear seed bin” (see 18.6) If one control folds both the left arm and the right arm u s e th i s s ymb ol 18.6 Rear seed bin To indicate that the rear seed bin is in use To indicate the amount of seed in the rear seed bin Mirror image of I S O 70 0 -3 18.7 Granular fertilizer bin ISO 7000-3241 18.8 Foam marker ISO 7000-3187 To indicate that the granular fertilizer bin is in use To indicate the amount of fertilizer in the granular fertilizer bin To identi fy the control th at rele a s e s m a rker a r m T he fo a m fo a m from the m a rker i s u s e d to identi fy the outer limit of the area that has been planted, fertilized o r s p raye d 58 © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved ISO 3767-2:2016(E) Bibliography [1] [2] [3 ] [4] [5 ] [6] ISO 3767-3, Tractors, machinery for agriculture and forestry, powered lawn and garden equipment — Symbols for operator controls and other displays—Part 3: Symbols for powered lawn and garden equipment ISO 3767-4, Tractors, machinery for agriculture and forestry, powered lawn and garden equipment — Symbols for operator controls and other displays — Part 4: Symbols for forestry machinery Tractors, machinery for agriculture and forestry, powered lawn and garden equipment — Symbols for operator controls and other displays — Part 5: Symbols for manual portable forestry machines I S O 767-5 , ISO 7000,1) Graphical symbols for use on equipment — Registered symbols Basic principles for graphical symbols for use on equipment — Part 4: Guidelines for the adaptation of graphical symbols for use on screens and displays (icons) IEC 60417,1) Graphical symbols for use on equipment I S O 416 - 4, 1) f Browsing Platform (OBP), The grap hical symb o l co llectio ns o © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved I S O 0 and I E C 41 can b e p reviewed and p urchas ed o n the O nline 59 ISO 3767-2:2016(E) I C S ; Price based on 59 pages © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved