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Tiêu chuẩn iso 01337 1980 scan

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I n tern ati on al , N TE RN AT, ON AL ORG AN , ZAT, ON Wrou g h t 99, 85 FOR S TAN D ARD I ZATl ON W, , E ~ YH AP O~ H AA coppers %) - St an d ard D P TAH H B AU M R ( h avi n g Ch emi cal IlO @ 337 a* g !4 @ C TAH AAP TH AU M WOR G AN l S ATl ON m i n i mu m composi t i on I N TE RN ATI ON ALE copper DE t en t s an d f orms ch i mi q u e et of N ORM ALI S ATI ON of wrou g h t prod u ct s Cu i vres Fi rst H U DC corroyk edi t i on (de - t en eu r en cu i vre mi n i mal e de 9, %) - Composi t i on f ormes Descri pt ors : copper, el ectri cal I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n corroyb Ref I S0 990- 05- 01 669 - composi ti on , d e s prod u i t s rol l ed prod u cts, properti es, met al mech an i cal bars, wi re, properti es, met al sh eet, met al pl ates, pl ates, met al stri p, metal N o tu bes, forgi n gs, 3 7- 9 ( E) profi l es, ch emi cal desi gn ati on Pri ce based on pag es Foreword I S0 ( the I nternati onal Organi zati on nati onal stan dards i nsti tutes nati onal Stan dards i s carri ed body ri ght i nterested i n a subj ect to be represen ted an d non- govern mental , Draft I nternati onal the member the I S0 ou t on that Standardi zati on) member th rou gh for whi ch wi th before Stan dard Copper an d copper I S0 al l oys, I t h as been approved techni cal work Every member organi zati ons, al so take part govern mental i n th e work by the techni cal commi ttees thei r acceptance as I nternati onal are ci rcul ated 937 was devel oped an d was ci rcul ated by th e member bodi es by Techni cal to th e member Stan dards of the fol l owi ng Commi ttee bodi es cou ntri es to by Bel gi um Hu n g ary Roman i a Bul gari a I ndi a Sou th I tal y Spai n Chi l e J apan Ch i n a Korea, Dem Czechosl ovaki a Korea, Rep Fi nl and Neth erl an ds of th e fol l owi ng Stan dard i t consti tutes I nternati onal Rep of Swed en cou ntry cancel s a techni cal Organi zati on Pri nted i n Swi tzerl and I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n Afri ca, P Rep of Swi tzerl and Tu rkey of USA expressed di sapproval of th e docu men t on : Uni ted I nternati onal : Pol an d F R Can ad a body 26, 979 Norway France grou n ds I SO/TC i n J an u ary German y, of wh i ch of I nter- h as been set u p h as th e Austral i a techni cal federati on devel opi ng commi ttees commi ttee I nternati onal of Austri a Th e member @ i s a worl dwi de Th e Counci l I nternati onal Thi s I S0 I SO, adopted for approval bodi es) a techni cal commi ttee i n l i son Stan dards bodi es for (I S0 for an d Ki n gdom repl aces I S0 Recommen dati on revi si on Standardi zati on, 980 R 337- 971 , IS0 337-1 980 (E) INTERNATIONAL STANDARD Wrought coppers (having minimum copper contents of 99,85 %) - Chemical composition and forms of wrought products Scope and field of application This International Standard specifies the chemical composition of wrought coppers, having minimum copper contents of 9993 %, and lists their electrical properties and the forms of wrought products in which they are currently available in commercial quantities References ISO/TR 97/l, Copper and copper a//oys - Terms and definitions - Part : Materials ) ISO/R 1 9Qf , Copper and copper alloys - Code of designation - Part : Designation of materials ) Definitions For the purpose of this International Standard, the definitions given in ISO/TR 97/l apply Chemical composition If the purchaser’s requirements necessitate limits for any element not specified in table , these should be agreed upon between the supplier and the purchaser The designations used are in accordance with the principles laid down in ISO/R 1 90/l Electrical properties The electrical properties of these coppers, in the annealed temper at x) OC, are given in table Forms of wrought products and mechanical properties The forms of wrought products, in which these coppers are available, are given in table The mechanical properties for all forms of wrought products for which the symbol X is given, are defined in the following International Standards : - IS0 634, Wrought copper and copper alloys - Rolled flat products (plate, sheet, strip) - Mechanical properties - IS0 635, Wrought copper and copper alloys - Round tubes for general purposes - Mechanical properties - IS0 636, Wrought copper and copper alloys Condenser and heat exchanger tubes - Mechanicalproperties 2) - IS0 637, Wrought copperandcopperalloys - Solid products supplied in straight lengths - Mechanical properties - IS0 639, Wrought copper and copper alloys - Drawn solid products supplied in coils or on reels - Mechanical properties - IS0 639, Wrought copper alloys - Extrudedsections - Mechanical properties - IS0 640, Wrought copper alloys - Forgings Mechanical properties 1) Under revision 2) At present at the stage of draft I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n IS0 337-1 980 (E) Table - Chemical composition Chemical Designation Cu-ETP Cu-FRHC CU-FRTP Cu-OF CU-HCP’) composition % Average density kg/dm3 Cu (+ Ag) 99.90 83 Cu (+ Ag) 99,90 83 Cu ( + Ag) 99,85 8.9 Cu ( + Aa) 99.95 8.9 Cu (+ Ag) 99,95 83 P 0,001 to 0,005 I Cu (+ Ag) 99.90 CU-DLP 83 P 0,005 to 0,01 I Cu ( + Ag) 99,85 CU-DHP 8.9 P 0,01 to 0,050 I When produced from an oxygen-free base, the oxygen content shall not exceed 0,001 % Table - Electrical properties in the annealed temper at20°C NOTE - For specification purposes, maximum mass resistivity shall be quoted The values given to five significant figures are specification values Approximate rounded values are for information only I CU-ETP’) Maximum mass resistivity Q4l ,2 0.1 328 0,15 596 0,15 328 0.15 596 = 0,178 0.15 328 0,1 61 = 0,1 59 Equivalent values for guidance only 0,01 241 544 57:OO 58 00 ‘::;8 = 0,222 I 1 ) Wire is usually supplied with maximum resistivitv of 0,01 241 Q.mmz/m at 20 OC (minimum conductivity1 00.0 96 IACS or 58,00 m/fi.mm*), unless otherwise specified Other forms, however, are only so supplied if agreed between the supplier and the purchaser 2) Electrical property requirements should be agreed between the supplier and the purchaser Table - Forms of wrought products NOTE - Where no symbol is given, the form is not considered of importance for that type of wrought copper but it does not necessarily indicate that such a product cannot be manufactured KEY : X - main manufactured forms (X) - forms manufactured in smaller quantities, for example in certain countries only or for special purposes 1) Profiles made by extruding or by a combination of extruding and drawing 2) Tubes for general purposes 3) Also for condenser and heat exchanger tubes I n tern ati o n al Org an i z ati o n fo r S tan d ard i z ati o n

Ngày đăng: 05/04/2023, 09:24

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