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Tiêu chuẩn iso 01089 1980 scan

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0 International Standard f@ 089 a44 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION*MEX&lYHAPOAHAA DPrAHM3AUMR n0 CTAHAAPTb43ALWl*ORGANlSATlON Electrode taper fits for spot welding Dimensions Emmanchements coniques First edition - 960-03-1 UDC P ij is- Descriptors tolerances d’&ectrodes pour machines B souder par points equipment electrodes, - Ref No resistance welding electrodes, spot welding, DE NORMALISATION - Dimensions 621 791 763.1 039 : welding INTERNATIONALE spigot and socket joints, taper, IS0 069-1 960 (E) dimensions, dimensional Price based on pages Foreword I S0 (the national ti onal I nternational standards Standards interested Organization in sti tu tes i s carried i n a subject for (I S0 ou t th rou g h for whi ch Standardization) member bodies) I S0 technical a technical be represented on that commi ttee I nternational i n li aison also take Draft the I nternational member by the I S0 Standards bodies for adopted approval by the before Every member body governmental and n on - i n the work technical their of I nterna- has been set up has the right to organizations, part federati on of developing acceptance commi ttees are ci rcu lated as I nternational to Standards Cou n ci l I nternational Standard Wel din g allied and I t has been I SO, work commi ttees committee governmental, with i s a worl dwide The I S0 processes, approved by the 089 was developed and was member by Technical circul ated bodies Committee to the member of the fol l owi n g cou ntri es Belgium I reland Poland Brazil I srael Romania Bulgaria I taly Spain Canada Japan Egypt, Arab Rep of Rep U ni ted of Mexico Germany, F R New I ndia i n July 44, 978 : Switzerland Korea, France I SO/TC bodies Kingdom U SSR Zealand Norway The member bodies on technical grou n ds of the fol l owi ng cou n tri es expressed disapproval of the docu m en t : Czechoslovakia Sweden This I nternati onal of wh ich I nternational Printed in Standard i t constitu tes Switzerland cancels a technical Organization for and replaces I S0 Recommendation revision Standardization, 980 R 089-1 969, I NTERNATI ONAL I S0 STANDARD Electrode taper fi ts for spot welding equipment 089-1 980 (E) - Dimensions Scope This and I nternational and tolerances caps, tables the of Standard of electrode electrode where field adaptors, electrode application lays down the taper di mensions taper fi ts for spot welding electrode force F, , , ax h olders given and for electrode simi lar diameter Designation Example = of designation d, in I S0 089 - fi t A 16 Marking Electrode ti on Dimensions di m ensi ons shall be as given in the drawings and h olders I nternational (except example The electrode A and d, , and is n ot exceeded th i s tables taper fi t type parts, of an electrode 6m m : the A 16 : the with Standard number shall of th i s taper i n accordance be marked wi th I nternational the with designa- Standard) ; for I S0 089-1 980 (E) Type A for spot Type weldi ng (strai ght electrodes for th ru st) Spot spot (eccentric weldi ng electrodes loadin g) wel di ng electrode Type for C electrode caps Electrode cap Gaug e Electrode adaptor electrode d3 2) The between an d d7 are size its or h older Cooling I * a t of th e outside 1, pipe2) gaug e dimensions cooling pi pe circumference at sh ou l d an d the be th e datum su ch cooling l ine th at of th e th e hole taper cross-sectional in the electrode area of its bore is approximately equal to th e area of the an n u l u s formed I S0 Tabl e - Di m en si on s for type 089-1 980 (E ) A Di m en si on s in m i l l i m etres E l ectrode Taper El ectrod e force’ F ) max fi t kN A IO / IO / ! / 5 ) A 13 13 ;;, 1 ( ( 11 / 13 16 20 fi s5 I 19 1 1 25 10 I 25 40 24 5 21 31 16 32 50 31 14 23 40 25 40 63 39 16 29 50 40 Tabl e - Di m en si on s for type B Di m en si on s in m i l l i m etres El ectrod e force1 El ectrod e F max fi t kN - > I B 13 13 I 31 1 7 IO 26 I - $5 / 19 / 25 B 32 B 25 40 24 32 50 31 I :5 40 40 63 Tabl e - 9, I1 I I I 16 Di m en si on s - I 10 50 16 type 25 - - I - for 40 I 39 15 I I - 40 C Di m en si on s in m i l l i m etres El ectrod e El ectrod e fi t d6 F force’ ) max kN I) For i n form ati on c 13 13 10 C 16 16 12 c 20 15 I O, 20 10 13 10 15 93 1 5 63 on l y

Ngày đăng: 05/04/2023, 09:23


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