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INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 286-2 Second edition 2010-06-15 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — ISO code system for tolerances on linear sizes — Part 2: Tables of standard tolerance classes and limit deviations for holes and shafts Spécification géométrique des produits (GPS) — Système de codification ISO pour les tolérances sur les tailles linéaires — Partie 2: Tableaux des classes de tolérance normalisées et des écarts limites des alésages et des arbres Reference number ISO 286-2:2010(E) © ISO 2010 ISO 286-2:2010(E) PDF disclaimer This PDF file may contain embedded typefaces In accordance with Adobe's licensing policy, this file may be printed or viewed but shall not be edited unless the typefaces which are embedded are licensed to and installed on the computer performing the editing In downloading this file, parties accept therein the responsibility of not infringing Adobe's licensing policy The ISO Central Secretariat accepts no liability in this area Adobe is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated Details of the software products used to create this PDF file can be found in the General Info relative to the file; the PDF-creation parameters were optimized for printing Every care has been taken to ensure that the file is suitable for use by ISO member bodies In the unlikely event that a problem relating to it is found, please inform the Central Secretariat at the address given below COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT © ISO 2010 All rights reserved Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or ISO's member body in the country of the requester ISO copyright office Case postale 56 • CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel + 41 22 749 01 11 Fax + 41 22 749 09 47 E-mail copyright@iso.org Web www.iso.org Published in Switzerland ii © ISO 2010 – All rights reserved ISO 286-2:2010(E) Contents Page Foreword iv Introduction .v Scope Normative references 3 Standard tolerances Limit deviations for holes .4 Limit deviations for shafts Presentation of Tables to 32 .4 Annex A (informative) Graphical review of tolerance intervals for holes and shafts 45 Annex B (informative) Relationship to the GPS matrix model .50 Bibliography 52 © ISO 2010 – All rights reserved iii ISO 286-2:2010(E) Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies) The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights ISO 286-2 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 213, Dimensional and geometrical product specifications and verification This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 286-2:1988), which has been technically revised It also incorporates the Technical Corrigendum ISO 286-2:1988/Cor.1:2006 ISO 286 consists of the following parts, under the general title Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — ISO code system for tolerances on linear sizes: ⎯ Part 1: Basis of tolerances, deviations and fits ⎯ Part 2: Tables of standard tolerance classes and limit deviations for holes and shafts iv © ISO 2010 – All rights reserved ISO 286-2:2010(E) Introduction This part of ISO 286 is a geometrical product specification (GPS) standard and is to be regarded as a general GPS standard (see ISO/TR 14638) It influences chain links and of the chain of standards on size in the general GPS matrix For more detailed information on the relationship of this part of ISO 286 to the GPS matrix model, see Annex B The need for limits and fits for machined workpieces was brought about mainly by the requirement for interchangeability between mass-produced parts and the inherent inaccuracy of manufacturing methods, coupled with the fact that “exactness” of size was found to be unnecessary for most workpiece features In order that the fit function could be satisfied, it was found sufficient to manufacture a given workpiece so that its size lay within two permissible limits, i.e a tolerance, this being the variation in size acceptable in manufacture while ensuring the functional fit requirements of the product Similarly, where a specific fit condition is required between mating features of two different workpieces, it is necessary to ascribe an allowance, either positive or negative, to the nominal size to achieve the required clearance or interference ISO 286 gives the internationally accepted code system for tolerances on linear sizes It provides a system of tolerances and deviations suitable for two types of feature: “cylinder” and “two parallel opposite surfaces” The main intention of this code system is the fulfilment of the function fit The terms “hole”, “shaft” and “diameter” are used to designate the types of feature of cylinders (e.g for the tolerancing of the diameter of a hole or shaft) For simplicity, they are also used for two parallel opposite surfaces (e.g for the tolerancing of the thickness of a key or the width of a slot) The pre-condition for the application of the ISO code system for tolerances on linear sizes for the features forming a fit is that the nominal sizes of the hole and the shaft are identical The previous edition of ISO 286-2 (published in 1988) had the envelope criterion as the default association criterion for the size of a feature; however, ISO 14405-1 changes this default association criterion to the twopoint size criterion This means that form is no longer controlled by the default specification of size In many cases, the diameter tolerances specified in this part of ISO 286 are not sufficient for effective control of the intended function of the fit The envelope criterion specified in ISO 14405-1 may be required In addition, the use of geometrical form tolerances and surface texture requirements may improve the control of the intended function A general graphical representation of the relationship between the respective tolerance classes and their deviations is given in Annex A © ISO 2010 – All rights reserved v INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 286-2:2010(E) Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — ISO code system for tolerances on linear sizes — Part 2: Tables of standard tolerance classes and limit deviations for holes and shafts Scope This part of ISO 286 gives values of the limit deviations for commonly used tolerance classes for holes and shafts calculated from the tables given in ISO 286-1 This part of ISO 286 covers values for the upper limit deviations ES (for holes) and es (for shafts), and the lower limit deviations EI (for holes) and ei (for shafts) (see Figures and 2) NOTE In the tables of limit deviations, the values of the upper limit deviation ES or es are shown above the values of the lower limit deviation EI or ei except for tolerance classes JS and js which are symmetrical about the zero line The ISO system for tolerances on linear size provides a system of tolerances and deviations suitable for features of the following types: a) cylinders; b) two parallel opposite surfaces For simplicity, and also because of the importance of cylindrical workpieces of circular section, only these are referred to explicitly It should be clearly understood, however, that the tolerances and deviations given in this part of ISO 286 equally apply to workpieces of other than circular sections In particular, the term “hole” or “shaft” is used to designate features of the cylinder type (e.g for the tolerancing of the diameter of a hole or shaft) and, for simplicity, these terms are also used for two parallel opposite surfaces (e.g for the tolerancing of the thickness of a key or the width of a slot) For further information on terminology, symbols, the basis of the system, etc., see ISO 286-1 © ISO 2010 – All rights reserved ISO 286-2:2010(E) Limit deviations A to G H JS J K N M ES ES EI IT + P to ZC _ ES = EI + IT ES = ES = + IT + IT/2 EI > EI = EI = - IT/2 J7 J8 ES > M7 M8 EI J6 EI ES ES < ES EI = ES - IT IT see Table Key K1 to K3, and also K4 to K8 for sizes for which — < nominal size u mm (for the significance of the dash, see e.g footnote “b” to Table 2) K4 to K8 for sizes for which mm < nominal size u 500 mm K9 to K18 M1 to M6 M9 to M18 N1 to N8 N9 to N18 Figure — Upper and lower limit deviations for holes (internal features) © ISO 2010 – All rights reserved ISO 286-2:2010(E) Limit deviations a to g h js j k m to zc + ei es es ei es j7 ei j8 _ es < es = es = + IT/2 es = ei + IT es = ei + IT es = ei + IT ei = es - IT ei = - IT ei = - IT/2 ei < ei = or > ei = > IT see Table Key j5, j6 k1 to k3, and k4 to k7 for sizes for which — < nominal size u mm (for the significance of the dash, see e.g footnote “b” to Table 2) k4 to k7 for sizes for which mm < nominal size u 500 mm k8 to k18 Figure — Upper and lower limit deviations for shafts (external features) Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document For dated references, only the edition cited applies For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies ISO 286-1:2010, Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — ISO code system for tolerances of linear sizes — Part 1: Basis of tolerances, deviations and fits Standard tolerances The values of standard tolerance grades IT01 to IT18, inclusive, are given in Table © ISO 2010 – All rights reserved ISO 286-2:2010(E) Limit deviations for holes A synoptic representation of the tolerance classes for holes, as given in this part of ISO 286, is shown in Figures and Attention is drawn to the fact that the tolerance classes shown in Figures and 4, and their limit deviations given in Tables to 16, are not intended to give detailed directives on the selection of tolerance classes for any purpose Recommendations for the selection of tolerance classes are given in ISO 286-1:2010, Subclause 4.4 and Clause NOTE Some tolerance classes are only provided for a restricted number of nominal size ranges For further information, see 6.1 Limit deviations for shafts A synoptic representation of the tolerance classes for shafts, as given in this part of ISO 286, is shown in Figures and Attention is drawn to the fact that the tolerance classes shown in Figures and 6, and their limit deviations given in Tables 17 to 32, are not intended to give detailed directives on the selection of tolerance classes for any purpose Recommendations for the selection of tolerance classes are given in ISO 286-1:2010, Subclause 4.4 and Clause NOTE Some tolerance classes are only provided for a restricted number of nominal size ranges For further information, see 6.1 Presentation of Tables to 32 6.1 Values may be calculated, from the tables given in ISO 286-1, for fundamental deviations used for tolerance classes for which there is no entry in the tables but for which the space has been left blank 6.2 A small horizontal separation has been inserted in the tables, where appropriate, to distinguish between values for nominal sizes less than or equal to 500 mm and those greater than 500 mm © ISO 2010 – All rights reserved ISO 286-2:2010(E) Table 29 — Limit deviations for shafts (fundamental deviations t and u) Upper limit deviation = es Lower limit deviation = ei Deviations in micrometres Nominal size ta mm Above 40 Up to and including u 8 — +22 +18 +24 +18 +28 +18 +32 +18 +43 +18 +28 +23 +31 +23 +35 +23 +41 +23 +53 +23 10 +34 +28 +37 +28 +43 +28 +50 +28 +64 +28 10 18 +41 +33 +44 +33 +51 +33 +60 +33 +76 +33 18 24 +50 +41 +54 +41 +62 +41 +74 +41 +93 +41 24 30 +50 +41 +54 +41 +62 +41 +74 +41 +57 +48 +61 +48 +69 +48 +81 +48 +100 +48 30 40 +59 +48 +64 +48 +73 +48 +87 +48 +71 +60 +76 +60 +85 +60 +99 +60 +122 +60 40 50 +65 +54 +70 +54 +79 +54 +93 +54 +81 +70 +86 +70 +95 +70 +109 +70 +132 +70 50 65 +66 +79 +85 +66 +96 +66 +112 +66 +100 +87 +106 +87 +117 +87 +133 +87 +161 +87 65 80 +75 +88 +94 +75 +105 +75 +121 +75 +115 +102 +121 +102 +132 +102 +148 +102 +176 +102 80 100 +91 +106 +113 +91 +126 +91 +145 +91 +139 +124 +146 +124 +159 +124 +178 +124 +211 +124 100 120 +119 +104 +126 +104 +139 +104 +158 +104 +159 +144 +166 +144 +179 +144 +198 +144 +231 +144 120 140 +140 +122 +147 +122 +162 +122 +185 +122 +188 +170 +195 +170 +210 +170 +233 +170 +270 +170 140 160 +152 +134 +159 +134 +174 +134 +197 +134 +208 +190 +215 +190 +230 +190 +253 +190 +290 +190 160 180 +146 +164 +171 +146 +186 +146 +209 +146 +228 +210 +235 +210 +250 +210 +273 +210 +310 +210 180 200 +166 +186 +195 +166 +212 +166 +238 +166 +256 +236 +265 +236 +282 +236 +308 +236 +351 +236 200 225 +180 +200 +209 +180 +226 +180 +252 +180 +278 +258 +287 +258 +304 +258 +330 +258 +373 +258 225 250 +216 +196 +225 +196 +242 +196 +268 +196 +304 +284 +313 +284 +330 +284 +356 +284 +399 +284 250 280 +241 +218 +250 +218 +270 +218 +299 +218 +338 +315 +347 +315 +367 +315 +396 +315 +445 +315 280 315 +263 +240 +272 +240 +292 +240 +321 +240 +373 +350 +382 +350 +402 +350 +431 +350 +480 +350 315 355 +268 +293 +304 +268 +325 +268 +357 +268 +415 +390 +426 +390 +447 +390 +479 +390 +530 +390 355 400 +294 +319 +330 +294 +351 +294 +383 +294 +460 +435 +471 +435 +492 +435 +524 +435 +575 +435 400 450 +330 +357 +370 +330 +393 +330 +427 +330 +517 +490 +530 +490 +553 +490 +587 +490 +645 +490 450 500 +387 +360 +400 +360 +423 +360 +457 +360 +567 +540 +580 +540 +603 +540 +637 +540 +695 +540 © ISO 2010 – All rights reserved ISO 286-2:2010(E) Table 29 (continued) Deviations in micrometres Nominal size ta mm Above Up to and including u 8 500 560 +444 +400 +470 +400 +644 +600 +670 +600 +710 +600 560 630 +494 +450 +520 +450 +704 +660 +730 +660 +770 +660 630 710 +550 +500 +580 +500 +790 +740 +820 +740 +865 +740 710 800 +610 +560 +640 +560 +890 +840 +920 +840 +965 +840 800 900 +676 +620 +710 +620 +996 +940 +1 030 +940 +1 080 +940 900 000 +736 +680 +770 +680 +1 106 +1 050 +1 140 +1 050 +1 190 +1 050 000 120 +846 +780 +885 +780 +1 216 +1 150 +1 255 +1 150 +1 315 +1 150 120 250 +906 +840 +945 +840 +1 366 +1 300 +1 405 +1 300 +1 465 +1 300 250 400 +1 038 +960 +1 085 +960 +1 528 +1 450 +1 575 +1 450 +1 645 +1 450 400 600 +1 128 +1 050 +1 175 +1 050 +1 678 +1 600 +1 725 +1 600 +1 795 +1 600 600 800 +1 292 +1 200 +1 350 +1 200 +1 942 +1 850 +2 000 +1 850 +2 080 +1 850 800 000 +1 442 +1 350 +1 500 +1 350 +2 092 +2 000 +2 150 +2 000 +2 230 +2 000 000 240 +1 610 +1 500 +1 675 +1 500 +2 410 +2 300 +2 475 +2 300 +2 580 +2 300 240 500 +1 760 +1 650 +1 825 +1 650 +2 610 +2 500 +2 675 +2 500 +2 780 +2 500 500 800 +2 035 +1 900 +2 110 +1 900 +3 035 +2 900 +3 110 +2 900 +3 230 +2 900 800 150 +2 235 +2 100 +2 310 +2 100 +3 335 +3 200 +3 410 +3 200 +3 530 +3 200 a Tolerance classes t5 to t8 (incl.) have not been tabulated for nominal sizes less than or equal to 24 mm It is recommended that tolerance classes u5 to u8 (incl.) be used instead © ISO 2010 – All rights reserved 41 ISO 286-2:2010(E) Table 30 — Limit deviations for shafts (fundamental deviations v, x and y)a Upper limit deviation = es Lower limit deviation = ei Deviations in micrometres Nominal size vb mm Above Up to and including — a yc x 8 10 10 +24 +20 +26 +20 +30 +20 +34 +20 +45 +20 +60 +20 +33 +28 +36 +28 +40 +28 +46 +28 +58 +28 +76 +28 10 +40 +34 +43 +34 +49 +34 +56 +34 +70 +34 +92 +34 10 14 +48 +40 +51 +40 +58 +40 +67 +40 +83 +40 +110 +40 14 18 +47 +39 +50 +39 +57 +39 +66 +39 +53 +45 +56 +45 +63 +45 +72 +45 +88 +45 +115 +45 18 24 +56 +47 +60 +47 +68 +47 +80 +47 +63 +54 +67 +54 +75 +54 +87 +54 +106 +54 +138 +54 +76 +63 +84 +63 +96 +63 +115 +63 +147 +63 24 30 +64 +55 +68 +55 +76 +55 +88 +55 +73 +64 +77 +64 +85 +64 +97 +64 +116 +64 +148 +64 +88 +75 +96 +75 +108 +75 +127 +75 +159 +75 30 40 +79 +68 +84 +68 +93 +68 +107 +68 +91 +80 +96 +80 +105 +80 +119 +80 +142 +80 +180 +80 +110 +94 +119 +94 +133 +94 +156 +94 +194 +94 40 50 +92 +81 +97 +81 +106 +81 +120 +81 +108 +97 +113 +97 +122 +97 +136 +97 +159 +97 +197 +97 +130 +114 +139 +114 +153 +114 +176 +114 +214 +114 50 65 +115 +102 +121 +102 +132 +102 +148 +102 +135 +122 +141 +122 +152 +122 +168 +122 +196 +122 +242 +122 +163 +144 +174 +144 +190 +144 65 80 +133 +120 +139 +120 +150 +120 +166 +120 +159 +146 +165 +146 +176 +146 +192 +146 +220 +146 +266 +146 +193 +174 +204 +174 +220 +174 80 100 +161 +146 +168 +146 +181 +146 +200 +146 +193 +178 +200 +178 +213 +178 +232 +178 +265 +178 +318 +178 +236 +214 +249 +214 +268 +214 100 120 +187 +172 +194 +172 +207 +172 +226 +172 +225 +210 +232 +210 +245 +210 +264 +210 +297 +210 +350 +210 +276 +254 +289 +254 +308 +254 120 140 +220 +202 +227 +202 +242 +202 +265 +202 +266 +248 +273 +248 +288 +248 +311 +248 +348 +248 +408 +248 +325 +300 +340 +300 +363 +300 140 160 +246 +228 +253 +228 +268 +228 +291 +228 +298 +280 +305 +280 +320 +280 +343 +280 +380 +280 +440 +280 +365 +340 +380 +340 +403 +340 160 180 +270 +252 +277 +252 +292 +252 +315 +252 +328 +310 +335 +310 +350 +310 +373 +310 +410 +310 +470 +310 +405 +380 +420 +380 +443 +380 180 200 +304 +284 +313 +284 +330 +284 +356 +284 +370 +350 +379 +350 +396 +350 +422 +350 +465 +350 +535 +350 +454 +425 +471 +425 +497 +425 200 225 +330 +310 +339 +310 +356 +310 +382 +310 +405 +385 +414 +385 +431 +385 +457 +385 +500 +385 +570 +385 +499 +470 +516 +470 +542 +470 225 250 +360 +340 +369 +340 +386 +340 +412 +340 +445 +425 +454 +425 +471 +425 +497 +425 +540 +425 +610 +425 +549 +520 +566 +520 +592 +520 250 280 +408 +385 +417 +385 +437 +385 +466 +385 +498 +475 +507 +475 +527 +475 +556 +475 +650 +475 +685 +475 +612 +580 +632 +580 +661 +580 280 315 +448 +425 +457 +425 +477 +425 +506 +425 +548 +525 +557 +525 +577 +525 +606 +525 +655 +525 +735 +525 +682 +650 +702 +650 +731 +650 315 355 +500 +475 +511 +475 +532 +475 +564 +475 +615 +590 +626 +590 +647 +590 +679 +590 +730 +590 +820 +590 +766 +730 +787 +730 +819 +730 355 400 +555 +530 +566 +530 +587 +530 +619 +530 +685 +660 +696 +660 +717 +660 +749 +660 +800 +660 +890 +660 +856 +820 +877 +820 +909 +820 400 450 +622 +595 +635 +595 +658 +595 +692 +595 +767 +740 +780 +740 +803 +740 +837 +740 +895 +740 +990 +740 +960 +920 +983 +920 +1 017 +920 450 500 +687 +660 +700 +660 +723 +660 +757 +660 +847 +820 +860 +820 +883 +820 +917 +820 +975 +820 +1 070 +1 040 +820 +1 000 +1 063 +1 000 +1 097 +1 000 Fundamental deviations v, x and y are not provided for nominal sizes greater than 500 mm b Tolerance classes v5 to v8 (incl.) have not been tabulated for nominal sizes less than or equal to 14 mm It is recommended that tolerance classes x5 to x8 (incl.) be used instead c Tolerance classes y6 to y10 (incl.) have not been tabulated for nominal sizes less than or equal to 18 mm It is recommended that tolerance classes z6 to z10 (incl.) be used instead 42 © ISO 2010 – All rights reserved ISO 286-2:2010(E) Table 31 — Limit deviations for shafts (fundamental deviations z and za)a Upper limit deviation = es Lower limit deviation = ei Deviations in micrometres Nominal size z mm Above — a Up to and including za 10 11 10 11 +32 +26 +36 +26 +40 +26 +51 +26 +66 +26 +86 +26 +38 +32 +42 +32 +46 +32 +57 +32 +72 +32 +92 +32 +43 +47 +35 +53 +35 +65 +35 +83 +35 +110 +35 +50 +42 +54 +42 +60 +42 +72 +42 +90 +42 +117 +42 +51 +57 +42 +64 +42 +78 +42 +100 +42 +132 +42 +61 +52 +67 +52 +74 +52 +88 +52 +110 +52 +142 +52 +61 +68 +50 +77 +50 +93 +50 +120 +50 +160 +50 +75 +64 +82 +64 +91 +64 +107 +64 +134 +64 +174 +64 +71 +78 +60 +87 +60 +103 +60 +130 +60 +170 +60 +88 +77 +95 +77 +104 +77 +120 +77 +147 +77 +187 +77 +86 +94 +73 +106 +73 +125 +73 +157 +73 +203 +73 +111 +98 +119 +98 +131 +98 +150 +98 +182 +98 +228 +98 +101 +109 +88 +121 +88 +140 +88 +172 +88 +218 +88 +131 +118 +139 +118 +151 +118 +170 +118 +202 +118 +248 +118 +128 +137 +112 +151 +112 +174 +112 +212 +112 +272 +112 +164 +148 +173 +148 +187 +148 +210 +148 +248 +148 +308 +148 +152 +161 +136 +175 +136 +198 +136 +236 +136 +296 +136 +196 +180 +205 +180 +219 +180 +242 +180 +280 +180 +340 +180 +191 +202 +172 +218 +172 +246 +172 +292 +172 +362 +172 +245 +226 +256 +226 +272 +226 +300 +226 +346 +226 +416 +226 +229 +240 +210 +256 +210 +284 +210 +330 +210 +400 +210 +293 +274 +304 +274 +320 +274 +348 +274 +394 +274 +464 +274 +280 +293 +258 +312 +258 +345 +258 +398 +258 +478 +258 +357 +335 +370 +335 +389 +335 +422 +335 +475 +335 +555 +335 +332 +345 +310 +364 +310 +397 +310 +450 +310 +530 +310 +422 +400 +435 +400 +454 +400 +487 +400 +540 +400 +620 +400 +390 +405 +365 +428 +365 +465 +365 +525 +365 +615 +365 +495 +470 +510 +470 +533 +470 +570 +470 +630 +470 +720 +470 +440 +455 +415 +478 +415 +515 +415 +575 +415 +665 +415 +560 +535 +575 +535 +598 +535 +635 +535 +695 +535 +785 +535 +490 +505 +465 +528 +465 +565 +465 +625 +465 +715 +465 +625 +600 +640 +600 +663 +600 +700 +600 +760 +600 +850 +600 +549 +566 +520 +592 +520 +635 +520 +705 +520 +810 +520 +699 +670 +716 +670 +742 +670 +785 +670 +855 +670 +960 +670 +604 +621 +575 +647 +575 +690 +575 +760 +575 +865 +575 +769 +740 +786 +740 +812 +740 +855 +740 +925 +740 +1 030 +740 +669 +686 +640 +712 +640 +755 +640 +825 +640 +930 +640 +849 +820 +866 +820 +892 +820 +935 +820 +1 005 +820 +1 100 +820 +742 +762 +710 +791 +710 +840 +710 +920 +710 +1 030 +710 +952 +920 +972 +920 +1 001 +920 +1 050 +920 +1 130 +920 +1 240 +920 +822 +842 +790 +871 +790 +920 +790 +1 000 +790 +1 110 +790 +1 032 +1 000 +1 052 +1 000 +1 081 +1 000 +1 130 +1 000 +1 210 +1 000 +1 320 +1 000 +936 +957 +900 +989 +900 +1 040 +900 +1 130 +900 +1 260 +900 +1 186 +1 150 +1 207 +1 150 +1 239 +1 150 +1 290 +1 150 +1 380 +1 150 +1 510 +1 150 +1 036 +1 057 +1 000 +1 089 +1 000 +1 140 +1 000 +1 230 +1 000 +1 360 +1 000 +1 336 +1 300 +1 357 +1 300 +1 389 +1 300 +1 440 +1 300 +1 530 +1 300 +1 660 +1 300 +1 140 +1 163 +1 100 +1 197 +1 100 +1 255 +1 100 +1 350 +1 100 +1 500 +1 100 +1 490 +1 450 +1 513 +1 450 +1 547 +1 450 +1 605 +1 450 +1 700 +1 450 +1 850 +1 450 +1 290 +1 313 +1 250 +1 347 +1 250 +1 405 +1 250 +1 500 +1 250 +1 650 +1 250 +1 640 +1 600 +1 663 +1 600 +1 697 +1 600 +1 755 +1 600 +1 850 +1 600 +2 000 +1 600 +35 10 +42 10 14 +50 14 18 +60 18 24 +73 24 30 +88 30 40 +112 40 50 +136 50 65 +172 65 80 +210 80 100 +258 100 120 +310 120 140 +365 140 160 +415 160 180 +465 180 200 +520 200 225 +575 225 250 +640 250 280 +710 280 315 +790 315 355 +900 355 400 +1 000 400 450 +1 100 450 500 +1 250 Fundamental deviations z and za are not provided for nominal sizes greater than 500 mm © ISO 2010 – All rights reserved 43 ISO 286-2:2010(E) Table 32 — Limit deviations for shafts (fundamental deviations zb and zc)a Upper limit deviation = es Lower limit deviation = ei Deviations in micrometres Nominal size zb mm Up to and including Above a 44 zc 10 11 10 11 — +50 +40 +54 +40 +65 +40 +80 +40 +100 +40 +70 +60 +74 +60 +85 +60 +100 +60 +120 +60 +62 +50 +68 +50 +80 +50 +98 +50 +125 +50 +92 +80 +98 +80 +110 +80 +128 +80 +155 +80 10 +82 +67 +89 +67 +103 +67 +125 +67 +157 +67 +112 +97 +119 +97 +133 +97 +155 +97 +187 +97 10 14 +108 +90 +117 +90 +133 +90 +160 +90 +200 +90 +148 +130 +157 +130 +173 +130 +200 +130 +240 +130 14 18 +126 +108 +135 +108 +151 +108 +178 +108 +218 +108 +168 +150 +177 +150 +193 +150 +220 +150 +260 +150 18 24 +157 +136 +169 +136 +188 +136 +220 +136 +266 +136 +209 +188 +221 +188 +240 +188 +272 +188 +318 +188 24 30 +181 +160 +193 +160 +212 +160 +244 +160 +290 +160 +239 +218 +251 +218 +270 +218 +302 +218 +348 +218 30 40 +225 +200 +239 +200 +262 +200 +300 +200 +360 +200 +299 +274 +313 +274 +336 +274 +374 +274 +434 +274 40 50 +267 +242 +281 +242 +304 +242 +342 +242 +402 +242 +350 +325 +364 +325 +387 +325 +425 +325 +485 +325 50 65 +330 +300 +346 +300 +374 +300 +420 +300 +490 +300 +435 +405 +451 +405 +479 +405 +525 +405 +595 +405 65 80 +390 +360 +406 +360 +434 +360 +480 +360 +550 +360 +510 +480 +526 +480 +554 +480 +600 +480 +670 +480 80 100 +480 +445 +499 +445 +532 +445 +585 +445 +665 +445 +620 +585 +639 +585 +672 +585 +725 +585 +805 +585 100 120 +560 +525 +579 +525 +612 +525 +665 +525 +745 +525 +725 +690 +744 +690 +777 +690 +830 +690 +910 +690 120 140 +660 +620 +683 +620 +720 +620 +780 +620 +870 +620 +840 +800 +863 +800 +900 +800 +960 +800 +1 050 +800 140 160 +740 +700 +763 +700 +800 +700 +860 +700 +950 +700 +940 +900 +963 +900 +1 000 +900 +1 060 +900 +1 150 +900 160 180 +820 +780 +843 +780 +880 +780 +940 +780 +1 030 +780 +1 040 +1 000 +1 063 +1 000 +1 100 +1 000 +1 160 +1 000 +1 250 +1 000 180 200 +926 +880 +952 +880 +995 +880 +1 065 +880 +1 170 +880 +1 196 +1 150 +1 222 +1 150 +1 265 +1 150 +1 335 +1 150 +1 440 +1 150 200 225 +1 006 +960 +1 032 +960 +1 075 +960 +1 145 +960 +1 250 +960 +1 296 +1 250 +1 322 +1 250 +1 365 +1 250 +1 435 +1 250 +1 540 +1 250 225 250 +1 096 +1 050 +1 122 +1 050 +1 165 +1 050 +1 235 +1 050 +1 340 +1 050 +1 396 +1 350 +1 422 +1 350 +1 465 +1 350 +1 535 +1 350 +1 640 +1 350 250 280 +1 252 +1 200 +1 281 +1 200 +1 330 +1 200 +1 410 +1 200 +1 520 +1 200 +1 602 +1 550 +1 631 +1 550 +1 680 +1 550 +1 760 +1 550 +1 870 +1 550 280 315 +1 352 +1 300 +1 381 +1 300 +1 430 +1 300 +1 510 +1 300 +1 620 +1 300 +1 752 +1 700 +1 781 +1 700 +1 830 +1 700 +1 910 +1 700 +2 020 +1 700 315 355 +1 557 +1 500 +1 589 +1 500 +1 640 +1 500 +1 730 +1 500 +1 860 +1 500 +1 957 +1 900 +1 989 +1 900 +2 040 +1 900 +2 130 +1 900 +2 260 +1 900 355 400 +1 707 +1 650 +1 739 +1 650 +1 790 +1 650 +1 880 +1 650 +2 010 +1 650 +2 157 +2 100 +2 189 +2 100 +2 240 +2 100 +2 330 +2 100 +2 460 +2 100 400 450 +1 913 +1 850 +1 947 +1 850 +2 005 +1 850 +2 100 +1 850 +2 250 +1 850 +2 463 +2 400 +2 497 +2 400 +2 555 +2 400 +2 650 +2 400 +2 800 +2 400 450 500 +2 163 +2 100 +2 197 +2 100 +2 255 +2 100 +2 350 +2 100 +2 500 +2 100 +2 663 +2 600 +2 697 +2 600 +2 755 +2 600 +2 850 +2 600 +3 000 +2 600 Fundamental deviations zb and zc are not provided for nominal sizes greater than 500 mm © ISO 2010 – All rights reserved ISO 286-2:2010(E) Annex A (informative) Graphical review of tolerance intervals for holes and shafts A.1 Representation of tolerance intervals for holes A graphical review of a broad selection of tolerance classes for holes is given in Figures A.1 and A.2 Figure A.1 shows the tolerance classes in terms of the fundamental deviation (A to ZC), whereas Figure A.2 gives the same information in terms of the standard tolerance grade (IT5 to IT11) Figures A.1 and A.2 not include all the tolerance classes given in this part of ISO 286 and reference should be made to the tables for specific details For comparative purposes, the tolerance classes given in Figures A.1 and A.2 illustrate the values for ES, EI and IT given for the nominal size range above mm up to and including 10 mm Where there are no tabulated values for this nominal size range, i.e those tolerance classes involving fundamental deviations T, V and Y, the values have been given, again for comparative purposes, for the nominal size range above 24 mm up to and including 30 mm, characterized by unfilled rectangles A.2 Representation of tolerance intervals for shafts A graphical review of a broad selection of tolerance classes for shafts is given in Figures A.3 and A.4 Figure A.3 shows the tolerance classes in terms of the fundamental deviation (a to zc), whereas Figure A.4 gives the same information in terms of the standard tolerance grade (IT5 to IT11) Figures A.3 and A.4 not include all the tolerance classes given in this part of ISO 286 and reference should be made to the tables for specific details For comparative purposes, the tolerance classes given in Figures A.3 and A.4 illustrate the values for es, ei and IT given for the nominal size range above mm up to and including 10 mm Where there are no tabulated values for this nominal size range, i.e those tolerance classes involving fundamental deviations t, v and y, the values have been given, again for comparative purposes, for the nominal size range above 24 mm up to and including 30 mm, characterized by unfilled rectangles © ISO 2010 – All rights reserved 45 ISO 286-2:2010(E) Figure A.1 — Graphical review of tolerance classes for holes in terms of fundamental deviations 46 © ISO 2010 – All rights reserved ISO 286-2:2010(E) Figure A.2 — Graphical review of tolerance classes for holes in terms of standard tolerance grades © ISO 2010 – All rights reserved 47 ISO 286-2:2010(E) Figure A.3 — Graphical review of tolerance classes for shafts in terms of fundamental deviations 48 © ISO 2010 – All rights reserved ISO 286-2:2010(E) Figure A.4 — Graphical review of tolerance classes for shafts in terms of standard tolerance grades © ISO 2010 – All rights reserved 49 ISO 286-2:2010(E) Annex B (informative) Relationship to the GPS matrix model B.1 General For full details about the GPS matrix model, see ISO/TR 14638 B.2 Information about this International Standard and its use This part of ISO 286 gives values of the limit deviations for commonly used tolerance classes for holes and shafts calculated from the tables given in ISO 286-1 B.3 Position in the GPS matrix model This part of ISO 286 is a GPS standard and is to be regarded as a general GPS standard (see ISO/TR 14638) It influences chain links and of the chains of standards on size in the general GPS matrix, as graphically illustrated in Figure B.1 Global GPS standards General GPS standards Chain link number Size Distance Radius Angle Form of a line independent of datum Form of a line dependent on datum Fundamental GPS standards Form of a surface independent of datum Form of a surface dependent on datum Orientation Location Circular run-out Total run-out Datums Roughness profile Waviness profile Primary profile Surface imperfections Edges Figure B.1 — Position in the GPS matrix model 50 © ISO 2010 – All rights reserved ISO 286-2:2010(E) B.4 Related International Standards The related International Standards are those of the chains of standards indicated in Figure B.1 © ISO 2010 – All rights reserved 51 ISO 286-2:2010(E) Bibliography [1] ISO 1101, Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) — Geometrical tolerancing — Tolerances of form, orientation, location and run-out [2] ISO 1302, Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) — Indication of surface texture in technical product documentation [3] ISO/R 1938, ISO system of limits and fits — Part II: Inspection of plain workpieces [4] ISO 2692, Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Geometrical tolerancing — Maximum material requirement (MMR), least material requirement (LMR) and reciprocity requirement (RPR) [5] ISO 2768-1, General tolerances — Part 1: Tolerances for linear and angular dimensions without individual tolerance indications [6] ISO 14405-1, Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Dimensional tolerancing — Part 1: Linear sizes [7] ISO/TR 14638, Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Masterplan 52 © ISO 2010 – All rights reserved ISO 286-2:2010(E) ICS 17.040.10 Price based on 52 pages © ISO 2010 – All rights reserved

Ngày đăng: 05/04/2023, 08:56



