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wiley javascript bible 5th (2004)

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Cấu trúc

  • JavaScript Bible , 5th Edition

    • Cover

  • Foreword

  • Preface

  • Acknowledgments

  • Contents

  • Part I: Getting Started with JavaScript

    • Chapter 1: JavaScript's Role in the World Wide Web and Beyond

      • Competing for Web Traffic

      • Other Web Technologies

      • JavaScript: A Language for All

      • JavaScript: The Right Tool for the Right Job

    • Chapter 2: Authoring Challenges Amid the Browser Wars

      • Leapfrog

      • Duck and Cover

      • Compatibility Issues Today

      • Developing a Scripting Strategy

    • Chapter 3: Your First JavaScript Script

      • The Software Tools

      • Setting Up Your Authoring Environment

      • What Your First Script Will Do

      • Entering Your First Script

      • Examining the Script

      • Have Some Fun

  • Part II: JavaScript Tutorial

    • Chapter 4: Browser and Document Objects

      • Scripts Run the Show

      • JavaScript in Action

      • The Document Object Model

      • When a Document Loads

      • Object References

      • Node Terminology

      • What Defines an Object?

      • Exercises

    • Chapter 5: Scripts and HTML Documents

      • Where Scripts Go in Documents

      • JavaScript Statements

      • When Script Statements Execute

      • Viewing Script Errors

      • Scripting versus Programming

      • Exercises

    • Chapter 6: Programming Fundamentals, Part I

      • What Language Is This?

      • Working with Information

      • Variables

      • Expressions and Evaluation

      • Data Type Conversions

      • Operators

      • Exercises

    • Chapter 7: Programming Fundamentals, Part II

      • Decisions and Loops

      • Control Structures

      • About Repeat Loops

      • Functions

      • About Curly Braces

      • Arrays

      • Exercises

    • Chapter 8: Window and Document Objects

      • Top-Level Objects

      • The window Object

      • Window Properties and Methods

      • The location Object

      • The navigator Object

      • The document Object

      • Exercises

    • Chapter 9: Forms and Form Elements

      • The form Object

      • Form Controls as Objects

      • The Button Object

      • The Checkbox Object

      • The Radio Object

      • The select Object

      • Passing Form Data and Elements to Functions

      • Submitting and Prevalidating Forms

      • Exercises

    • Chapter 10: Strings, Math, and Dates

      • Core Language Objects

      • String Objects

      • The Math Object

      • The Date Object

      • Date Calculations

      • Exercises

    • Chapter 11: Scripting Frames and Multiple Windows

      • Frames: Parents and Children

      • References among Family Members

      • Frame Scripting Tips

      • About iframe Elements

      • Controlling Multiple Frames-Navigation Bars

      • References for Multiple Windows

      • Exercises

    • Chapter 12: Images and Dynamic HTML

      • The Image Object

      • The javascript: Pseudo-URL

      • Popular Dynamic HTML Techniques

      • Exercises

  • Part III: Document Objects Reference

    • Chapter 13: JavaScript Essentials

      • JavaScript Versions

      • Core Language Standard-ECMAScript

      • Embedding Scripts in HTML Documents

      • Browser Version Detection

      • Designing for Compatibility

      • Language Essentials for Experienced Programmers

      • Onward to Object Models

    • Chapter 14: Document Object Model Essentials

      • The Object Model Hierarchy

      • How Document Objects Are Born

      • Object Properties

      • Object Methods

      • Object Event Handlers

      • Object Model Smorgasbord

      • Basic Object Model

      • Basic Object Model Plus Images

      • Navigator 4–Only Extensions

      • Internet Explorer 4+ Extensions

      • Internet Explorer 5+ Extensions

      • The W3C DOM

      • Mixing Object Models

      • Standards Compatibility Modes (DOCTYPE Switching)

      • Where to Go from Here

    • Chapter 15: Generic HTML Element Objects

      • Generic Objects

    • Chapter 16: Window and Frame Objects

      • Window Terminology

      • Frames

      • window Object

      • frame Element Object

      • frameset Element Object

      • iframe Element Object

      • popup Object

    • Chapter 17: Location and History Objects

      • location Object

      • history Object

    • Chapter 18: The Document and Body Objects

      • document Object

      • body Element Object

      • TreeWalker Object

    • Chapter 19: Link and Anchor Objects

      • Anchor, Link, and a Element Objects

    • Chapter 20: Image, Area, and Map Objects

      • Image and img Element Objects

      • area Element Object

      • map Element Object

    • Chapter 21: The Form and Related Objects

      • The Form in the Object Hierarchy

      • form Object

      • fieldset and legend Element Objects

      • label Element Object

    • Chapter 22: Button Objects

      • The button Element Object, and the Button, Submit, and Reset Input Objects

      • checkbox Input Object

      • radio Input Object

      • image Input Object

    • Chapter 23: Text-Related Form Objects

      • Text Input Object

      • password Input Object

      • hidden Input Object

      • textarea Element Object

    • Chapter 24: Select, Option, and FileUpload Objects

      • select Element Object

      • option Element Object

      • optgroup Element Object

      • file Input Element Object

    • Chapter 25: Event Objects

      • Why "Events"?

      • Event Propagation

      • Referencing the event object

      • event Object Compatibility

      • Dueling Event Models

      • Event Types

      • NN4 event Object

      • IE4+ event Object

      • NN6+/Moz/Safari event Object

    • Chapter 26: Style Sheet and Style Objects

      • Making Sense of the Object Names

      • Imported Stylesheets

      • Reading Style Properties

      • style Element Object

      • styleSheet Object

      • cssRule and rule Objects

      • currentStyle , runtimeStyle , and style Objects

      • filter Object

  • Part IV: JavaScript Core Language Reference

    • Chapter 27: The String Object

      • String and Number Data Types

      • String Object

      • String Utility Functions

      • URL String Encoding and Decoding

    • Chapter 28: The Math, Number, and Boolean Objects

      • Numbers in JavaScript

      • Math Object

      • Number Object

      • Boolean Object

    • Chapter 29: The Date Object

      • Time Zones and GMT

      • The Date Object

      • Validating Date Entries in Forms

    • Chapter 30: The Array Object

      • Structured Data

      • Creating an Empty Array

      • Populating an Array

      • JavaScript Array Creation Enhancements

      • Deleting Array Entries

      • Parallel Arrays

      • Multidimensional Arrays

      • Simulating a Hash Table

      • Array Object Properties

      • Array Object Methods

    • Chapter 31: Control Structures and Exception Handling

      • If and If .Else Decisions

      • Conditional Expressions

      • Repeat (for) Loops

      • The while Loop

      • The do-while Loop

      • Looping through Properties (for-in)

      • The with Statement

      • Labeled Statements

      • The switch Statement

      • Exception Handling

      • Using try-catch-finally Constructions

      • Throwing Exceptions

      • Error Object

    • Chapter 32: JavaScript Operators

      • Operator Categories

      • Comparison Operators

      • Equality of Disparate Data Types

      • Connubial Operators

      • Assignment Operators

      • Boolean Operators

      • Bitwise Operators

      • Object Operators

      • Miscellaneous Operators

      • Operator Precedence

    • Chapter 33: Functions and Custom Objects

      • Function Object

      • Function Application Notes

      • Custom Objects

      • Object-Oriented Concepts

      • Object Object

    • Chapter 34: Global Functions and Statements

      • Functions

      • Statements

    • Chapter 35: Body Text Objects

      • blockquote and q Element Objects

      • br Element Object

      • font Element Object

      • h1...h6 Element Objects

      • hr Element Object

      • label Element Object

      • marquee Element Object

      • Methods

      • Event Handlers

      • Range Object

      • selection Object

      • Text and TextNode Objects

      • TextRange Object

      • TextRectangle Object

  • Part V: Appendixes

    • Appendix A: JavaScript and Browser Object Quick Reference

    • Appendix B: JavaScript Reserved Words

    • Appendix C: Answers to Tutorial Exercises

    • Appendix D: JavaScript and DOM Internet Resources

    • Appendix E: What's on the CD-ROM

  • Index

  • End-User License Agreement

  • Team DDU

Nội dung

[...]... desk throughout the development of JavaScript in 1995 His energy, compassion, and clear prose helped me keep the goal of “a language for all” in mind It is enormously gratifying to write the foreword to the fourth edition of this book, which has earned so many “satisfied reader miles.” I highly recommend Danny Goodman’s JavaScript Bible to anyone who wants to learn JavaScript, and especially to those... information for the core JavaScript language fills Part IV As with reference chapters of Part III, the JavaScript chapters display browser compatibility charts for every JavaScript language term Guide words near the tops of pages help you find a particular term quickly Part V Several appendixes at the end of the book provide helpful reference information These resources include a JavaScript and Browser... contents of this fifth edition of the JavaScript Bible This version includes not only the unprinted advanced material from Parts III and IV, but also 23 bonus chapters covering: ✦ Advanced DOM, XML, and JavaScript objects ✦ Dynamic HTML, data validation, plug-ins, and security ✦ Techniques for developing and debugging professional Web-based applications ✦ Nine full-fledged JavaScript real-world applications... from C and C++), JavaScript shares many syntactical characteristics with C Programmers familiar with C will feel right at home Operator symbols, conditional structures, and repeat loops follow very much in the C tradition You will be less concerned about data types in JavaScript than you are in C In JavaScript, a variable is not restricted to any particular data type With so much of JavaScript s syntax... message passing These aspects are simply non-issues when scripting At the same time, however, JavaScript s designers knew that you’d have some hard-to-break habits For example, although JavaScript does not require a semicolon at the end of each statement line, if you type one in your JavaScript source code, the JavaScript interpreter won’t balk If you’ve written scripts (or macros) before Experience with... xvii PART I: Getting Started with JavaScript 1 Chapter 1: JavaScript s Role in the World Wide Web and Beyond 3 Chapter 2: Authoring Challenges Amid the Browser Wars 9 Chapter 3: Your First JavaScript Script 17 PART II: JavaScript Tutorial 25 Chapter 4: Browser... ix Acknowledgments xvii Part I: Getting Started with JavaScript 1 Chapter 1: JavaScript s Role in the World Wide Web and Beyond 3 Competing for Web Traffic Other Web Technologies JavaScript: A Language for All JavaScript: The Right Tool for the Right Job ... Cross-Browser DHTML Map Puzzle Chapter 57: Application: Transforming XML Data P A R T I Getting Started with JavaScript ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ In This Part Chapter 1 JavaScript s Role in the World Wide Web and Beyond Chapter 2 Authoring Challenges Amid the Browser Wars Chapter 3 Your First JavaScript Script ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ 1 C H A P T E R JavaScript s Role in the World Wide Web and Beyond M any of the technologies that make the World... daunting JavaScript may not be the easiest language in the world to learn, but believe me, it’s a far cry from having to learn a full programming language, such as Java or C Unlike developing a full-fledged monolithic application (such as the productivity programs you buy in the stores), JavaScript lets you experiment by writing small snippets of program code to accomplish big things The JavaScript. .. of a new authoring or programming environment, feel the growing pains, and share with readers the solutions to my struggles This fifth edition of the JavaScript Bible represents knowledge and experience accumulated over eight years of daily work in JavaScript and a constant monitoring of newsgroups for questions, problems, and challenges facing scripters at all levels My goal is to help you avoid . alt="" JavaScript ™ Bible 5th Edition Danny Goodman with Michael Morrison With a foreword by Brendan Eich, JavaScript s creator Praise for Danny Goodman’s JavaScript Bible JavaScript Bible. Productions JavaScript ™ Bible is by far the best JavaScript resource I’ve ever seen (and I’ve seen quite a few).” — Robert J. Mirro, Independent Consultant, RJM Consulting JavaScript ™ Bible 5th Edition Danny. INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR OTHER DAMAGES. JavaScript Bible, 5th Edition Published by: Wiley Publishing, Inc. 10475 Crosspoint Blvd. Indianapolis, Indiana 46256 www .wiley. com Copyright © 2004 Danny Goodman.

Ngày đăng: 28/04/2014, 17:06