THE BOOK of ™ JAVASCRIPT 2ND EDITION A P R A C T I C A L G U I D E T O INTERACTIVE WEB PAGES by thau! ® San Francisco THE BOOK OF JAVASCRIPT, 2ND EDITION Copyright © 2007 by Dave Thau First edition © 2000 by Dave Thau All rights reserved No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner and the publisher Printed on recycled paper in the United States of America 10 09 08 07 06 123456789 ISBN-10: 1-59327-106-9 ISBN-13: 978-1-59327-106-0 Publisher: William Pollock Associate Production Editor: Christina Samuell Cover and Interior Design: Octopod Studios Developmental Editors: Jim Compton, William Pollock, and Riley Hoffman Technical Reviewer: Luke Knowland Copyeditor: Publication Services, Inc Compositors: Riley Hoffman and Megan Dunchak Proofreader: Stephanie Provines Indexer: Nancy Guenther For information on book distributors or translations, please contact No Starch Press, Inc directly: No Starch Press, Inc 555 De Haro Street, Suite 250, San Francisco, CA 94107 phone: 415.863.9900; fax: 415.863.9950;; Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Thau The book of JavaScript : a practical guide to interactive Web pages / Thau! 2nd ed p cm Includes index ISBN-13: 978-1-59327-106-0 ISBN-10: 1-59327-106-9 JavaScript (Computer program language) I Title QA76.73.J39T37 2006 005.13'3 dc22 2006011786 No Starch Press and the No Starch Press logo are registered trademarks of No Starch Press, Inc Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners Rather than use a trademark symbol with every occurrence of a trademarked name, we are using the names only in an editorial fashion and to the benefit of the trademark owner, with no intention of infringement of the trademark The information in this book is distributed on an “As Is” basis, without warranty While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this work, neither the author nor No Starch Press, Inc shall have any liability to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the information contained in it I dedicate this revised edition of The Book of JavaScript to my wonderful wife Kirsten Menger-Anderson, who never failed to keep a straight face when I said, “It’s almost done.” BRIEF CONTENTS Foreword by Luke Knowland xxi Foreword to the First Edition by Nadav Savio xxiii Acknowledgments xxv Introduction xxvii Chapter 1: Welcome to JavaScript! Chapter 2: Using Variables and Built-in Functions to Update Your Web Pages Automatically 15 Chapter 3: Giving the Browsers What They Want 33 Chapter 4: Working with Rollovers 51 Chapter 5: Opening and Manipulating Windows 67 Chapter 6: Writing Your Own JavaScript Functions 83 Chapter 7: Providing and Receiving Information with Forms 99 Chapter 8: Keeping Track of Information with Arrays and Loops 123 Chapter 9: Timing Events 147 Chapter 10: Using Frames and Image Maps 169 Chapter 11: Validating Forms, Massaging Strings, and Working with Server-Side Programs 191 Chapter 12: Saving Visitor Information with Cookies 215 Chapter 13: Dynamic HTML 233 Chapter 14: Ajax Basics 261 Chapter 15: XML in JavaScript and Ajax 279 Chapter 16: Server-Side Ajax 299 Chapter 17: Putting It All Together in a Shared To Do List 331 Chapter 18: Debugging JavaScript and Ajax 363 Appendix A: Answers to Assignments 381 Appendix B: Resources 405 Appendix C: Reference to JavaScript Objects and Functions 411 Appendix D: Chapter 15’s Italian Translator and Chapter 17’s To Do List Application 455 Index 469 viii Brief Contents CONTENTS IN DETAIL FOREWORD by Luke Knowland FOREWORD TO THE FIRST EDITION by Nadav Savio ACKNOWLEDGMENTS INTRODUCTION xxi xxiii xxv xxvii How This Book Is Organized xxvii Companion Website .xxx WELCOME TO JAVASCRIPT! Is JavaScript for You? Is This Book for You? The Goals of This Book What Can JavaScript Do? What Are the Alternatives to JavaScript? CGI Scripting VBScript Java Flash JavaScript’s Limitations JavaScript Can’t Talk to Servers JavaScript Can’t Create Graphics JavaScript Works Differently in Different Browsers Getting Started Where JavaScript Goes on Your Web Pages Dealing with Older Browsers 10 Your First JavaScript 12 Summary 12 Assignment 13 USING VARIABLES AND BUILT-IN FUNCTIONS TO UPDATE YOUR WEB PAGES AUTOMATICALLY 15 Variables Store Information 16 Syntax of Variables 16 Naming Variables 17 Arithmetic with Variables 18 Write Here Right Now: Displaying Results 19 Line-by-Line Analysis of Figure 2-4 20 Strings 20 Line-by-Line Analysis of Figure 2-6 21 More About Functions 21 alert() 22 Line-by-Line Analysis of Figure 2-9 23 prompt() 24 Parameters 25 Writing the Date to Your Web Page 26 Built-in Date Functions 26 Date and Time Methods 26 Code for Writing the Date and Time 27 Line-by-Line Analysis of Figure 2-12 29 How the European Space Agency Writes the Date to Its Page 30 Summary 31 Assignment 31 GIVING THE BROWSERS WHAT THEY WANT 33 A Real-World Example of Browser Detection 34 Browser Detection Methods 35 Quick-but-Rough Browser Detection 35 More Accurate Browser Detection 36 Redirecting Visitors to Other Pages 37 if-then Statements 38 Boolean Expressions 38 Nesting 40 if-then-else Statements 40 if-then-else-if Statements 41 When and Where to Place Curly Brackets 41 OR and AND 42 OR 43 AND 44 Putting It All Together 45 A Few More Details About Boolean Expressions 47 How Netscape Provides Browser-Specific Content 48 Summary 50 Assignment 50 W O R K I N G W IT H R O L L O V E R S 51 A Real-World Example of Rollovers 52 Triggering Events 53 Event Types 53 Quotes in JavaScript 55 Clicking the Link to Nowhere 56 More Interesting Actions 57 Swapping Images 58 Working with Multiple Images 59 x Contents in D e ta i l What’s with All the Dots? 60 The document Object 60 Object Properties 61 Finally, Rollovers! 62 Image Preloading 62 How the Tin House Rollovers Work 64 Summary 65 Assignment 65 OPENING AND MANIPULATING WINDOWS 67 Real-World Examples of Opening Windows to Further Information 68 Working with Windows as Objects 69 Opening Windows 69 Manipulating the Appearance of New Windows 70 Some Browsers and Computers Open Windows Differently 72 Closing Windows 72 Using the Right Name: How Windows See Themselves and Each Other 73 Moving Windows to the Front or Back of the Screen 74 Window Properties 74 The status Property 74 The opener Property 75 More Window Methods 77 Resizing Windows 77 Moving Windows 77 Summary 80 Assignment 80 WRITING YOUR OWN JAVASCRIPT FUNCTIONS 83 Functions as Shortcuts 84 Basic Structure of JavaScript Functions 84 Naming Your Functions 85 Parentheses and Curly Brackets 85 An Example of a Simple Function 85 Writing Flexible Functions 86 Using Parameters 87 Line-by-Line Analysis of Figure 6-4 88 Using More Than One Parameter 90 Getting Information from Functions 91 Line-by-Line Analysis of Figure 6-9 92 Dealing with Y2K 93 Line-by-Line Analysis of Figure 6-12 94 Defining Variables Properly 94 Summary 96 Assignment 97 Contents in D etai l xi forms, continued example, 100–101 and JavaScript, 107–109 and POST method, 315 sending to server-side program, 195–196 forms array, of document object, 421 form validation, 191 check for mandatory information, 192–196, 207–213 example, 192 Fortune magazine website, 259 forward() method of history element, 427 of window object, 453 frameborder, 183 frames, 169 basics, 170–172 busting, 179–180 changing contents of two at once, 176–177 example, 170 and image swapping, 174–175 and JavaScript, 172–173 nesting, 177–178, 188 referring to, 173 in JavaScript, 179 storing information with, 181–184 frames array, of window object, 449 tag, 178 tag, noresize attribute, 183 fromCharCode() method, of string, 443 functions, 21–25 anonymous, 268, 272, 327, 347 attaching to event handlers, 254–255 basic structure, 84–85 built-in date, 26 called by frame when declared in another frame, 184 declaring variables for time-outs outside, 153–154 determining when to use, 96 example, 85–86 flexibility for, 86–91 getting information from, 91–92 hiding variables inside, 95 for multiple pages, 228 names for, 85, 365 parameters for, 25–26 adding, 87–89 importance of, 348 476 INDEX road map for planning, 339 as shortcuts, 84–86 text file for, 228 fwrite() function (PHP), 321 G Garrett, Jesse James, 263 GedML, 285 Geography Markup Language (GML), 285 GET request (Ajax), creating Google Suggest application with, 308–314 GET request (PHP) reading inputs of, 306–307 to send simple input, 305–307 getAttribute() method, of HTMLElement object, 428 getAttributeNode() method, of HTMLElement object, 428 getDate() method, 27, 418 getDay() method, 27, 418 getElementById() method, 119, 238–239 of document object, 422 getElementsByName() method, of document object, 422 getElementsByTagName() method, 243, 244, 246, 289, 343, 348, 422, 428 getFullYear() method, 418 getHours() method, 27, 31, 155, 418 getMinutes() method, 27, 155, 418 getMonth() method, 27, 29, 419 getResponseHeader() method, 319 getSeconds() method, 27, 155, 419 getTime() method, 27, 156–157, 159, 273, 419 getUTCDate() method, 419 getUTCDay() method, 419 getUTCFullYear() method, 419 getUTCHours() method, 419 getUTCMinutes() method, 419 getUTCMonth() method, 419 getUTCSeconds() method, 419 getYear() method, 26, 27, 93, 419 GIF, using invisible, 259 global match, for regular expression, 206 global variables, 160–161 risks from, 163 gmdate() function (PHP), 329 GML (Geography Markup Language), 285 GoLive, go() method, of history element, 427 Goodman, Danny (The Javascript Bible), 412 Google Maps, 261, 262, 274 in-context data manipulation, 276 Suggest, 281–282 with Ajax GET request, 308–314 creating application JavaScript for homemade application, 309–313 processing results, 312 for translation, 292–296 URL to return set of search terms, 305–306 graphics JavaScript limitations, preloading, 62–64 referring to by number, 126 src property, 61 swapping, 58–59 and frames, 174–175 between windows, 81 working with multiple, 59–60 Greasemonkey, 374, 375 greater than (>) symbol, 39 grouping characters, in regular expressions, 205–206 H hasChildNodes() method, of HTMLElement object, 428 hash mark (#), in href tag, 56 hash property of tag, 413 of location object, 431 HEAD element, in W3C DOM, 245 header() function (PHP), 319 head of HTML page declaring functions in, 86 JavaScript tags in, 10 height of screen, determining, 78 height property, 451 of applet element, 413 of browser window, 72 of HTMLElement object, 427 of image object, 430 of tag, 64 of screen object, 439 help windows, 68, 73 hidden form element, 426 hiding JavaScript from browsers without capability, 11 variables inside functions, 95 history element, 426–427 history property, of window object, 449 home() method, of window object, 453 HomeSite, hostname property of tag, 413 of location object, 431 host property of tag, 413 of location object, 431 hotkeys, for window, 452 href property of tag, 413 hash mark (#) in, 56 of location object, 431 hspace property of applet element, 413 of image object, 430 htm file extension, saving documents with, HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) for comments, 11 and JavaScript, 30 name parameter, for open() method, 70 tags, case of, 244 for To Do list application, 337–338 tutorials, 406 vs XML, 284 HTML elements returning array of, 243 vs tags, 254 in W3C DOM, 245 html file extension, saving documents with, HTMLElement object, 427–429 HTTPS protocol, 360 Hypertext Markup Language See HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) I IDP (Internet Dictionary Project), 285 id property assigning to HTML block, 235 for elements in DOM, 245 for form elements, 119 for HTMLElement object, 427 INDEX 477 IE See Internet Explorer (IE) if-then statements, 38–42 for checked property, 112 with else, 40–41 with else-if, 41 nesting, 40 OR and AND operators, 42–45 vs switch, 212 image_array, declaring, 166 image maps, 169, 184–186 basics, 185 example, 170 and JavaScript, 186 image objects, 429–430 array for, 125 images See graphics images array, 125 of document object, 421 tag alt attribute of, 64 height attribute of, 64 id attribute of, 119 onMouseOver or onMouseOut inside, 62 width attribute of, 64 in-caps notation, 85 incrementing in loop, 132, 138 shortcuts for, 131 incubation, 378 indexOf() method, 48–49, 196–198 of string, 443 substring() method used with, 200–201 infinite loops, 131 information extracting from XML elements, 289–290 frames for storing, 181–184 initializing loops, 132 innerHeight property, of window object, 449 innerHTML property of div element, 241, 244–245, 246 of HTMLElement object, 427 innerWidth property, of window object, 449 tag for Ajax form, 316 for button to close window, 73 insertBefore() method, 247, 248 of HTMLElement object, 429 interactivity options, 191 on website, 478 INDEX Internet, as bottleneck, 359 Internet Dictionary Project (IDP), 285 Internet Explorer (IE) case of HTML tags, 244 dates in, 93 debugger for, 374 ECMA standard compliance by, error icon, 370 mouse button clicks, 253 moveTo() method in, 80 navigator.appVersion variable for, 35 problems updating web page, 320–321 request object, 265 size of images for swapping, 59 srcElement property, 257 users, 411 variables for storing event, 255 VBScript for, viewing Cookies directory for, 217 webserver for sending XML to, 291 years in, 27 invisible frames, storing information with, 181–184 invisible GIFs, 259 isMap element, 185 isMap property, of image object, 430 isNaN() function, 153, 211, 430 italics() method, of string, 443 item() method, of HTMLElement object, 429 J Java, for Ajax applications, 409 javaEnabled method, of navigator object, 434 JavaScript in Ajax, 265 alternatives, 5–7 basics, 3–5 browser-specific methods and properties, 412 browser variations in, code examples, 407 debugging, 370–374 deciding to use, 1–2 first example, 12 and forms, 107–109 and frames, 172–173 hiding from browsers without capability, 11 and HTML, 30 and image maps, 186 limitations, 7–8 links for browsers with JavaScript turned off, 57 permissions, vs CGI, and PHP, 305 read-only vs read-write properties, 412 slashes (/), for comments, 10 tutorials, 406 widgets and libraries, 408–409 The JavaScript Bible (Goodman), 412 JavaScript: The Definitive Guide (Flanagan), 3, 379 join() method, of array element, 415 Justice, Chris, 293 K keyboard, event handlers, 250–252 keyCode property for event object, 423 for keyboard event, 251 key-value pairs for GET, 306 for POST, 316 L lang property, of HTMLElement object, 427 language property, of navigator object, 434 lastChild property of HTMLElement object, 427 of nodes, 249 lastIndexOf() method, 196, 443 Last-Modified header, 319 lastModified property, of document object, 421 layering tags, 237–238 left component, 236 property of browser window, 72 of div element, 239 length property of array element, 126, 414 of form object, 425 of history element, 427 of radio element, 439 of select element, 440 of string, 441 less than (