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phonegap beginner''s guide(bookos.org)

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Cấu trúc

  • Cover

  • Copyright

  • Credits

  • About the Author

  • About the Reviewers

  • www.PacktPub.com

  • Table of Contents

  • Preface

  • Chapter 1: Installing PhoneGap

    • Operating systems

    • Dependencies

    • Getting started with iOS

    • Time for action – Getting an app running on the simulator

    • Installing PhoneGap-iPhone

    • Time for action – Hello World with PhoneGap-iPhone

    • Getting started with Android

      • A note on development environments

    • Time for action – Getting the SDK running

      • PhoneGap Android

    • Time for action – Hello World on PhoneGap Android

      • What's in a PhoneGap Android application, anyway?

    • Getting started with BlackBerry web works

    • Time for action – Your first PhoneGap BlackBerry app

      • Code signing for BlackBerry

    • Summary

  • Chapter 2: Building and Debugging on Multiple Platforms

    • Designing with desktop browsers

      • WebKit

    • Developing our first application: You Are The Best

    • Time for action – Initial design and functionality

      • Our workflow

      • Our styles

        • Unobtrusiveness

        • Width and height

        • -webkit-border-radius

      • Our scripts

        • Unobtrusiveness

        • addEventListener

        • DOMContentLoaded

    • Using the web inspector

      • Accessing web inspector

    • Time for action – Simple logging and error checking

    • Moving to native platforms

    • Time for action – You Are The Best for iPhone

      • <meta name="viewport">

      • phonegap.js

      • deviceready

    • Summary

  • Chapter 3: Mobile Web to Mobile Applications

    • Implementing web server roles

    • Time for action – Implementing LocalStorage

      • Other storage options

        • Web SQL

        • Indexed DB

    • View templating

    • Time for action – Food detail view

      • Accessing remote resources

        • Cross-origin policy

    • Time for action – Talking about food

      • Accessing remote resources

        • Parsing remote data

        • Event delegation

        • Sleight: The PhoneGap development server

    • Summary

  • Chapter 4: Managing a Cross-Platform Codebase

    • Inherent differences between platforms

      • Using a single codebase

    • Time for action - Detection and fallbacks

      • User agent sniffing

      • Feature detection

      • Media queries

      • Preprocessing code

    • Summary

  • Chapter 5: HTML5 APIs and Mobile JavaScript

    • Mobile JavaScript

      • XUI

    • Time for action – Downloading, building, and using XUI

      • Why not jQuery?

    • HTML5

      • Media elements

    • Time for action – My dinner with PhoneGap

      • Media events and attributes

        • The audio element

      • The canvas element

    • Time for action: Dinner dashboard

      • The canvas API

      • A note on performance

      • What else is in HTML5?

    • Summary

  • Chapter 6: CSS3: Transitions, Transforms, and Animation

    • Translate with transitions

    • Time for action – The modal tweet view

      • Timing functions

      • Other transformations

    • Scrolling

      • Viewports: Visual and otherwise

      • iScroll

    • Time for action – Scrolling list of food

      • Other approaches

    • Explicit animations

    • Time for action – Animating our headline

      • Animations: CSS3 or HTML5?

    • Summary

  • Chapter 7: Accessing Device Sensors with PhoneGap

    • What are device sensors?

    • Time for action – A postcard writer

      • PhoneGap versus HTML5

      • Other geolocation data

    • Accelerometer data

    • Time for action – Detecting shakes

      • Device orientation and device motion events

    • Orientation media queries

    • Time for action – Landscape postcards

      • Other media queries

      • Magnetometer: The missing API

    • Summary

  • Chapter 8: Accessing Camera Data and Files

    • Time for action – Hello World with the Camera API

      • Browsers are not emulators or devices

        • Image sources

        • Other options

    • What about when we finally get an image?

    • Time for action – Getting a file path to display

      • Where is this image, anyway?

      • Raw image data

    • Time for action – Saving pictures

      • Ensure quality is set

      • Editing or accessing live data

    • Summary

  • Chapter 9: Reading and Writing to Contacts

    • Time for action – navigator.service.contacts.find

      • ContactFields

      • Writing contact data

    • Time for action – Making friends

      • What if I encounter a new problem?

        • ContactFields, ContactName, and similar objects

        • Be responsible

    • Summary

  • Chapter 10: PhoneGap Plugins

    • Getting PhoneGap plugins

    • Time for action – Integrating ChildBrowser

      • Differences between platforms

        • Plugin discovery

      • Writing a PhoneGap plugin

    • Time for action – Battery view

      • Noteworthy information about the PhoneGap plugin with iOS

    • Porting your plugin

    • Time for action – Android and BlackBerry

      • Do you need cross-platform plugins?

        • No limits

    • Summary

  • Chapter 11: Working Offline: Sync and Caching

    • Ruby and Sinatra

    • Time for action – A news site, with an API

      • Alternatives to Sinatra

      • Caching new stories

    • Time for action – Caching stories in a local database

      • Managing application initialization

    • Summary

  • Appendix A: Deploying to iOS

    • Time for action–deploying to a device

  • Appendix B: Pop Quiz Answers

    • Chapter 1

      • PhoneGap iPhone Basics Answers

    • Chapter 2

      • Initial Design Answers

    • Chapter 3

      • Templating with Mustache Answers

    • Chapter 4

      • Feature Detection vs UA Sniffing Answers

    • Chapter 5

      • XUI Answers

      • Media Elements Pop Quiz Answers

    • Chapter 6

      • Scrolling Answers

    • Chapter 7

      • Geolocation Answers

        • Orientation and Media Queries Answers

    • Chapter 8

      • navigator.camera.getPicture Answers

        • Destination Types Answers

    • Chapter 9

      • Contacts Answers

    • Chapter 10

      • Using PhoneGap Plugins Answers

        • Writing PhoneGap Plugins Answers

    • Chapter 11

      • A Simple Web Service Answers

  • Index

Nội dung

[...]... Answers Chapter 10 Using PhoneGap Plugins Answers Writing PhoneGap Plugins Answers Chapter 11 A Simple Web Service Answers Index 295 295 295 295 296 296 297 297 298 298 298 299 299 299 299 300 300 300 301 301 301 302 302 302 303 303 237 [v] Preface PhoneGap: A Beginner's Guide is an introduction to PhoneGap: an open source, crossplatform framework for developing mobile applications PhoneGap allows developers... implementations for sprucing up the look and feel of your PhoneGap applications Chapter 7, Accessing Device Sensors with PhoneGap, demonstrates the use of PhoneGap' s device sensor capabilities for managing the location and accelerometer readings from your PhoneGap application Chapter 8, Accessing Camera Data and Files, shows how to use the PhoneGap APIs to manage access to the user's photo library... the Git installed and available in your PATH Enter the following command: $ git clone git://github.com /phonegap/ phonegap-iphone.git [ 12 ] Chapter 1 3 Now change into that directory, build the installer, and run it: $ cd phonegap- iphone $ make $ open PhoneGapLibInstaller.pkg 4 You'll see the PhoneGap GUI installer in front of you Follow the instructions onscreen—the installation process takes... Reading and Writing to Contacts, uses the Contacts APIs from PhoneGap to work with the user's native contacts list on their device, for use in your own application Chapter 10, PhoneGap Plugins, shows how the iOS, Android, and BlackBerry implementations of PhoneGap can be easily extended to access any native capabilities not exposed by the PhoneGap core APIs Chapter 11, Working Offline: Sync and Caching,... details Installing PhoneGap- iPhone First things first—yes, it should be called PhoneGap iOS As the old programming saying goes, there are only two hard problems in Computer Science: cache invalidation, off by one error and naming things You'll notice that neither of those problems involved PhoneGap, which is a doddle by comparison Let's get going Time for action – Hello World with PhoneGap- iPhone 1... ContactName, and similar objects Be responsible Summary 230 230 231 232 Chapter 10: PhoneGap Plugins 233 Getting PhoneGap plugins Time for action – Integrating ChildBrowser Differences between platforms Plugin discovery 234 234 241 241 Writing a PhoneGap plugin Time for action – Battery view 242 243 Noteworthy information about the PhoneGap plugin with iOS Porting your plugin Time for action – Android and BlackBerry... encounter any errors 5 Quit and reopen Xcode if you still have it open—it will need to be restarted for the PhoneGap Project Template to be visible [ 13 ] Installing PhoneGap 4 From the newly opened Xcode, select New Project again, and this time choose PhoneGap from the User Templates section, and PhoneGap- based Application from the main pane Call your new project FirstGapApp (or, you know, something... edit away at the PhoneGap library—that's the beauty of open source software But don't do that just yet [ 16 ] Chapter 1 ‹‹ The more eagle eyed among you will have noticed that the www folder contains only index.html, but it requires a file called phonegap. js on line 15 This JavaScript file isn't strictly necessary for PhoneGap development, but it does give you access to all of the PhoneGap APIs By... differences between a PhoneGap- based Xcode application and a regular view-based iOS application, but we'll come to those in due time Let's play around with our iPhone application for a bit, and then move onto the next platform Pop quiz – PhoneGap iPhone basics 1 Where are your PhoneGap assets (HTML, JavaScript, and CSS) located in an Xcode project? a In the project root b In the phonegap folder c In... folder 2 How do you rename a PhoneGap iOS application? a Change the tag in index.html b Rename index.html to SomeThingNew.html c Edit the Application-Info.plist file 3 What function is called by the alert('Hello PhoneGap! ') code? a The standard alert function in the iOS WebView b The alert function defined in phonegap. js c The native Objective-C notification API that PhoneGap links to Getting . 302 Using PhoneGap Plugins Answers 302 Wring PhoneGap Plugins Answers 302 Chapter 11 303 A Simple Web Service Answers 303 Index 237 Preface PhoneGap: A Beginner's Guide is an introducon to PhoneGap: . developer and all-around fall guy for the PhoneGap Build web service, a member of the PhoneGap team, and has over 10 years' experience with PhoneGap and related technologies. He is fond. with PhoneGap- iPhone 12 Geng started with Android 17 A note on development environments 18 Time for acon – Geng the SDK running 18 PhoneGap Android 22 Time for acon – Hello World on PhoneGap

Ngày đăng: 28/04/2014, 15:47