- tag, 28–31 onchange attribute, 112 222 onclick event handler, 113 one-to-one principle, 148 onfocus attribute, 115 onfocus event handler, 114 onkeypress event handler, 113 onmouseclick events, 81 onreset event handler, 113 onselect event handler, 113 onsubmit event handler, 113 ontology, 146 opening tags, Opera, 35, 40 element, 99–100 tag, 97–98 ordered lists, 28–31 element, 189 overflow property, 209–211 OWL (Web Ontology Language), 146 P
- , 29 , 32 lowercase, 10 , 51–53 , 118–121 , 190 , 187 , 207 , 55–56
- , 28–31 opening, , 99–100 , 97–98 , 189
, 22 , 23, 43–47 , 190 7656Index.qxp 11/16/06 11:35 AM Page 225 INDEX , 27–28 , 189 , 201 , 200 , 200 , 201 , 43 , 47–48 , 159, 186 , 97–100, 112 , 43 , 6, 168–174 , 43 , 42, 46 , 43–45 , 43–45 , 190 , 61 , 64–65 , 61 , 96 , 64–65, 80 , 62 , 64–65, 80 , 120 , 61 , 42 , 43
- , 28–31 , 47–48 tags property, 143 target attribute, 37–38 :target pseudo-class, 79 tag, 64–65 tag, 61 Technorati, 36–37, 135 tel property, 126 teletype, 42 terminology, 4–9 text abbreviated, 49–50 bold, 42 coding, 47–48 emphasis, 42, 46, 170–171, 176 font changes, 42–43 introductory, 175–176 italic, 42, 47 element, 96 text value, 91 text-decoration property, 43 tag, 64–65, 80 tag, 62 tag, 64–65, 80 time tag, 190 title attribute, 39–40, 120, 143 tag, 120 TOC (table of contents), 24 tag, 61 Transitional doctype, 71 triple expressions, 119 element, 42 type attribute, 90–91 type property, 142 types, 126–127 U element, 43
- tag, 28–31 underlined text, 43 unordered lists, 28–31 usemap attribute, 52 V valid markup, 181–183 validation, 181–183 value attribute, 29, 91 element, 47–48 vcalendar class, 130 vCards, 123, 127–128 version property, 141 visual thinking, 159 VoteLinks microformat, 135–136 W Web 2.0, 152–154 Web Applications 1.0, 186, 190–191 Web Forms 2.0, 186, 191 Web Hypertext Application Technology Workgroup (WHATWG), 190 Web Ontology Language (OWL), 146 well-formed markup, for XML, 196–197 white-space property, 44 whitespace, 44–45 width attribute, 73 WYSIWYG software, for table markup, 72 X XFN (XHTML Friends Network) microformat, 122, 138 XForms, 188–189 XFrames, 212–214 225 7656Index.qxp 11/16/06 11:35 AM Page 226 INDEX XHTML future technologies, 186–191 as HTML, 199, 202 vs HTML, 9–13 robustness of, 11 rules for, terminology, 4–9 valid, 181–183 as XML, 194–197 XHTML 1.1, 197–201 XHTML 2.0, 186–190, 199 XHTML Basic, 15, 198 XHTML documents, anatomy of, 14–17 XHTML Family document type, 198 XHTML Mobile Profile, 198 XHTML–Print, 199 XML (eXtensible Markup Language), XHTML as, 194–197 XML declaration, 17 XML Events, 199 xml:id attribute, 213 xmlns attribute, 10 XOXO (eXtensible Open XHTML) microformat, 136–138 226 Y YouTube, 135 Z zebra striping, 78–80, 83 zoom layouts, 35 ...7656FM.qxp 11/16/06 11:33 AM Page i HTML Mastery: Semantics, Standards, and Styling Paul Haine 7656FM.qxp 11/16/06 11:33 AM Page ii HTML Mastery: Semantics, Standards, and Styling Copyright © 2006 by... 15 7656Ch01.qxp 11/16/06 11:08 AM Page 16 HTML MASTERY: SEMANTICS, STANDARDS, AND STYLING. .. "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
element, 22 padding, 158 paragraphs, 22 password input, 91 permalink property, 143 PHP server-side includes, 210 phrase elements, 46–50 Piggy Bank, 152 position property, 211 post value, 89 element, 23, 43–47 presentational attributes, for tables, 73–74 presentational elements, 41–45 prev value, 35 prevfocus attribute, 187 profiles, 119 programmatic drawing, 191 properties See specific properties tag, 190 Public Text Class (PTC), 15 Public Text Description (PTD), 15 Q tag, 27–28 qualified set, 147 qualifiers, 148 quirks mode, 16, 71 quotes, 24–28 block, 24–27 double, 10 inline, 27–28 single, 10 7656Index.qxp 11/16/06 11:35 AM Page 223 INDEX R radio buttons, 92–93, 103, 108 range input, 94–96 element, 189 rating property, 143 element, 201 RDF, 148 read more link, 169 redirections, 120 ref attribute, 188 regular expressions, 111 rel attribute, 34–38, 138 rel- microformats, 133–135 rel-license microformat, 133 rel-nofollow format, 133 rel-tag microformat, 134 rel=“tag”, 37 remote rollovers technique, 174 replaced elements, require function, 210 reset buttons, 93 Resource Description Framework (RDF), 119, 146 response message headers, 119 rev attribute, 34, 135 reviews, standardization of with hReview format, 141–144 rich media, hCards and, 127–128 role attribute, 187 rollovers, 174 rounded corners, 173–174 rounded-corner menus, 165–167 rows adding to tables, 66–67 zebra striping, 78–80, 83 rows attribute, 208 rowspan attribute, 66–67 element, 200 element, 200 element, 201 Ruby base container, 201 Ruby markup complex, 201 simple, 200 Ruby text, 199–201 Ruby text container, 201 rules attribute, 73 S element, 43 element, 47–48 SB (Structured Blogging), 149–151 scheme attribute, 119 scope attribute, 69–70 element, scripts form, 111–115 hover effect, 82–83 table, 81–84 scrolling attribute, 209 search engines, spamming, 120 search input, 94–96 element, 159, 186 section value, 35 element, 97–100, 112 self-closing elements, semantic class names, 118 Semantic Web, 145–152 semantics avoiding div tags, 158–170 avoiding overuse of , 170–174 navigation, 177–181 overuse of class attribute, 175–177 validity and, 181–183 separated borders model, 74 separators, 44 server side includes (SSIs), 210 single quotes, 10 single-pixel borders, 108 size attribute, 96–97 skip links, 33–37 element, 43 source attribute, 213 spacing, adding, 23 tag, 6, 168–169 avoiding overuse of, 170–174 determining when to use, 173–174 speak-header property, 63 spectators, 153 src attribute, 128, 187, 208 SSIs (server side includes), 210 standards mode, 16, 71 start attribute, 29 start value, 35 element, 43 strikethrough text, 43 tag, 42, 46, 170–171 structural elements body, 160–167 footers, 169–170 news headlines, 167–169 overuse of div tags for, 158–170 rounded-corner menus, 165–167 structural failures, 182 Structured Blogging (SB), 149–151 stylesheet value, 34 element, 43–45 223 7656Index.qxp 11/16/06 11:35 AM Page 224 INDEX submit buttons, 94 subscript, 45 subsection value, 35 summary attribute, 64 summary property, 142 element, 43–45 superscript, 45 T tag, 190 tabindex attribute, 39–40, 102 table captions, 63–64 table headers, 62–64 abbreviating, 71 associating data with, 68–71 table markup, 60, 72 table of contents (TOC), 24 tag, 61 tables adding columns to, 66–67 almost-standards mode and, 71–72 basics, 61–64 borders, 74–75 cell spacing, 74–75 column styles, 76–77 vs divs, 169 footers, 64–65, 80 hover effect in, 82–83 presentational attributes, 73–74 row striping, 78–80 scripting, 81–84 scrollable, 80–81 sorting, 83–84 structuring, 64–68 styling, 72–81 tabular data, 60 tag-based navigation, 135 tagging content, with rel-tag microformat, 134–135 tags , 32–40 , 49–50 , 49–50 , 24, 120 , 42 , 42 , 171–172 , 43 , 187 , 24–27 , 17, 160–167 , 23 , 96–97 224 , 191 , 63–64 , 161 , 46 closing, , 47–48 67–68, 76–77 , 67–68, 76–77 , 31 , 40–41 defined, , 47 , 6, 23, 158–170 , 28, 31–32 , 42, 46, 170, 176 , 100–101, 107 , 42 , 88–90 , 207 , 212–213 , 212–214 , 24, 159 , 16 heading, 23–24 , 43–44 , 165 , 42, 171 , 209 , 50–53 , 90–96 , 40–41 , 97 , 188 , 47–48 , 101–102 , 110