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ENGLISH PRACTICE 9 Part A PHONETICS ( 5pts ) I Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in the same line ( 2pts ) 1 A lose B chose C close D rose 2 A breath B spre[.]

ENGLISH PRACTICE Part A : PHONETICS ( 5pts ) I Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in the same line ( 2pts ) A lose B chose C close D rose A breath B spread C break D headline II Identify the word whose stressed pattern is different from that of the others (3pts) A advocate B nonsense C neglect D rubbish A discriminate B intellectual C hesitation D universal A impression B remember C character D attention Part B : LEXICAL AND GRAMMAR ( 45 pts ) I.Choose the option A, B, C or D to indicate the word or phrase which best completes each sentence.(15pts) You find it hard to your temper if you think someone is making a fool out of you A cool B lose C recover D keep Anna has a job as a personal assistant, her main role is to her boss A take charge of B keep an eye on C look after D take care of , the examinees knew it was time to stop A Hearing the bell B When heard the bell C To hear the bell D To have been heard the bell Out of the water A jumped the penguins B the penguins jumped C did the penguins jump D the penguins jump 10 “Why didn’t you pull at the red traffic light?”, asked the policeman A over B along C down D up 11 My classmate, father has been in hospital for a month, looked depressed this morning A which B who C of whom D whose 12 Some people were hurt in the accident but only one _ to hospital A has taken B has been taking C was taken D was taking 13 What happened _ their car broke down on the motorway so they didn’t get to Jo’s wedding on time A to be that B being that C was that D to that 14 The selling price of the house and is 24,000 USD A many furnitures B some furniture C a lot of furnitures D some furnitures 15 Nobody is ready to go, ? A are they B isn’t he C is he D aren’t they 16 George: “In my opinion, action films are exciting.” Frankie: “ _” A There’s no doubt about it B You shouldn’t have said that C What an opinion! D Yes Congratulations! 17 At the 22nd SEA Games, athletes from 11 participating countries competed 32 sports A up B in C into D on 18 The survey was to find out the young people’s attitudes love A towards B above C beneath D with 19 My brother didn’t feel well , he didn’t go to work yesterday A However B Therefore C Though D So 20 Should you study hard, you _ the exam into university A pass B will pass C would pass D would have II The following passage contains 10 errors Find and correct them (10pts) Most of the joggers who are overweigh are reasonable for talking 21 about, worrying with, and being obsessed with their weight Since 22 many people start jogging to lose weight, it is not surprised that body size is important More and more people are on the diet 50% of the 23 women and approximetely 25% of the men in the US are watching 24 what they eat Body weight is the second most talk between joggers- 25 heart disease and high bleeding pressure are the first! There are many 26 factors that effect your weight They include: body type, diet, exercise level, sex and age What may be an “ideal” weight for you in the age 27 of 27 may not be ideal while you’re 54 And your ideal weight will 28 probably be different during racing season when you were in a specific 29 training phase 30 III Put each verb in brackets into an appropriate form ( 10pts ) 31 I shared a flat with him when we were students He always (complain) about my untidiness 32 By the time we get there, I’m afraid the meeting (end) 33 Hello! You (be) Helen I’m Peter’s brother, George 34 We (help) but you didn’t tell us that you were in trouble 35 Only yesterday I (realise) what was going on 36 _I (come) here before a.m, I would have met the doctor 37 As soon as the teacher _ (come), the students stopped talking 38 It is advisable that Mary _ (go) to the gym everyday to get over her depression 39 We couldn’t risk _ (leave) him alone 40 From the clink of dishes, one can tell that supper _ (prepare) IV Put each word in brackets into an appropriate form ( 10pts ) 41 Friend’s family has suffered from his EXPEND 42 The water from the stream should be before you drink it PURE 43 John told everyone that he worked for a large company, but the company is EXIST 44 Jim is very disorganized and not very _ BUSINESS 45 The principal said some _ words to the pupils before the exam COURAGE 46 Although we were in danger, Ann seemed quite CONCERN 47 Some parents feel dismayed because of their children’s _ BEHAVE 48 My sister has good _ skills She can relate to teenagers very well PERSON 49 These young people are supporters of the new plan of our city ENTHUSIASM 50.My uncle is in his forties He is a well-built man AGE Part C : READING ( 30 pts ) I Read the following passage and then choose the most suitable word or phrase for each space (10 pts ) What you know about Bill Gates? Bill Gates is a very important person in the computer industry He has been 51 executive officer of Microsoft corporation for several years He is also the richest person in the United States How did he it? He learned a lot from his parents While Bill was going to school, his father went to college, got a 52 and became a successful lawyer From this , Bill learned that you have to work hard if you want something His mother was a very busy teacher, but she also enjoyed going to parties From this, he learned something 53 : If you want to work hard and play hard, you have to make a schedule When Bill was young, he spent a lot of time - 54 - While most of his friends were playing, Bill read all of the World Book Encyclopedia and finished it when he was years old Bill’s childhood was not 55 work, however He used to play a lot of sports such as swimming, water-skiing, tennis He was very serious 56 sports He loved winning and he hated losing When Bill got older, he spent more and more time working or playing on a computer Before he was 20, Bill - 57 the world’s first computer language for the personal computer When he was thinking _58 the future, he realized something important He thought that every home was going to have a computer, and every computer would need software, his software He said, “I’m going to 59 my first million dollars on software 60 the time I’m 25.” And he did 51 A main B chief C principle D top 52 A certificate B license C degree D notice 53 A different B else C other D otherwise 54 A lone B lonely C alone D singly 55 A all B altogether C entirely D wholly 56 A with B to C on D about 57 A evolved B originated C set up D developed 58 A on B at C about D of 59 A fetch B obtain C create D make 60 A at B by C until D during II Supply the most suitable word for each blank (10 pts) Man probably could not live without the help of animals The (61) _ of animals in the balance of nature ranks as their most important service to man Animals also (62) _ man by supplying him with many foods and other useful products (63) _ animals, man would have no meat, milk, eggs, or honey, or wool, fur, or silk For thousands of years, man has caused changes in the animal kingdom He has tamed many kinds of animals and used them for food and clothing He has killed and driven (64) _ animals that once attacked him or interfered with his use of land Today, he tries to (65) _ many kinds of animals that are in danger of dying out (66) man, most plants depend on animals for many of their basic needs Without animals, many plants could not (67) reproduce For example, many plants with flowers depend on bees and other insects to (68) _ their pollen from plant to plant Many oak trees grow from acorns that squirrels burry and then forget, or from acorns that deer step on an push deep into the soil Birds often fly from one place to (69) _ with seeds clinging to their feet The seeds may sprout a great (70) _ from the parent plant III Read the following passage, and then choose the best answer from A, B, C or D.(10pts) In the 20th century, magazines have been a major growth area of popular publishing Specialist magazines cater for every imaginable field and activity In the United Kingdom, over 12,000 periodicals, magazines, bulletins, annuals, trade journals, and academic journals are published on a regular basis There are some 40 women’s magazines and over 60 dealing with particular sports, games, hobbies, and pastimes Although some US magazines, such as The Saturday Evening Post, has succumbed to the competition of television, many continue to have enormous international circulations, The Reader’s Digest over 16 million, The National Geographic over 10 million For many people, magazines have been the most available and widely used form of continuing 10 education, providing information about history, geography, literature, science, and the arts, financial management, psychology, even marriage and family life Until the rise of television, magazines were the most available form of cheap, convenient entertainment in the English-speaking world Radio served a similar function, but it was more limited in what it could Magazines and television, however, both address the 15 more powerful visual sense During the third quarter of the 20th century, coincident with a dramatic rise in the popularity of television, many general-interest, especially illustrated magazines went out of business The shift in attention of a mass audience from reading such magazines to watching television has been a major factor in this decline, but it is an implicit tribute from television to the older genre that its programs are generally organized 20 in a single format and content 71 According to the passage, which of the following magazines is no longer printed? A The Saturday Evening Post B The Reader’s Digest C The Nation D The National Geographic 72 In the line 2, the phrase “every imaginable field” is closest in meaning to A all imaginary fields in stories and poems B all images in a camera’s field of vision C all professions that one can think of D all trade journals about farming and psychology 73 In line the word “succumbed” means A set up for B brought up to C taken up by D given in to 74 In the line the word “circulations” is closest in meaning to A the number of blood banks selling magazines B the number of readers of a magazine C the number of international magazines D the number of sold copies of a magazine 75 which of the following does the author describe as limited in what it could do? A radio B magazines C movies D television 76 The passage implies that magazines A are less visual than radio B put television out of business C influence television programs D have a limited range of subjects 77 The word “it” in line 15 refers to A television B publishing C entertainment D radio 78 The passage mainly discusses A the rise and fall of the radio business B the growth and decline of magazines in the 20th century C magazines and continuing education D the decline of international circulation 79 What does the author say about mass audiences? A They have little influence on communications in the 20th century B They have gone out of business C They get information about gardening and psychology from radio D They have shifted their attention from magazines to television 80 From the passage it can be inferred that A movies have replaced magazines B the author is fond of magazines C almost all magazines are printed in English D home decorating magazines are dramatic Part D : WRITING ( 20 pts ) I Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence printed before it.(5pts) 81 We continued waving until the train could not be seen any more (SIGHT) ……………………………………………………………………………………… 82 It took her quite a long time to recover from her illness (OVER) ……………………………………………………………………………………… 83 They say Linda won a special prize (SAID)  ………………………………………………………………………………… 84 I applied for the job but was turned down (APPLICATION)  ………………………………………………………………………………… 85 I’ll the ironing in the end (ROUND)  ………………………………………………………………………………… II Complete each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it ( 5pts ) 86 Alice lost all her hope She decided to stop her business → Such ……………………………………………………………………………… 87 Uncle Timber fell down the stairs a few years ago and hasn’t felt right since → Ever ……………………………………………………………………………… 88 I’m sure she didn’t it on purpose → She can’t 89 If someone understands this book, they are cleverer than I am →Anyone 90 She didn’t shed a tear when the story ended in tragedy →Not III Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? “Grades (marks) encourage students to learn” Write an essay (about 150 to 200 words) to express your personal point of view.(10 pts) _ The End ... sure she didn’t it on purpose → She can’t 89 If someone understands this book, they are cleverer than I am →Anyone 90 She didn’t shed a tear when the story ended in tragedy... talking 38 It is advisable that Mary _ (go) to the gym everyday to get over her depression 39 We couldn’t risk _ (leave) him alone 40 From the clink of dishes, one can tell that supper... children’s _ BEHAVE 48 My sister has good _ skills She can relate to teenagers very well PERSON 49 These young people are supporters of the new plan of our city ENTHUSIASM 50.My uncle is in

Ngày đăng: 28/03/2023, 20:05

