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ENGLISH PRACTICE 5 PART B GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY (5 0 points) Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions 1 Now, don’t tell anyone else what I’ve[.]

ENGLISH PRACTICE PART B GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY (5.0 points) Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions Now, don’t tell anyone else what I’ve just told you Remember, it is A confidence B confident C confidential D confidentially Linda: "Could you turn down the radio, please?" Henry: " ." A Yes, I can B I am, of course C I feel sorry D Yes, with pleasure Either John or his friends in the class now A is B are C were D have been Everyone here has been to London, ? A hasn’t he B haven’t they C have they D has he Dinner will be ready soon Can you please the table? A settle B put C lay D make She described the outer space she had flown into it A like B as C as if D as for The of houses has increased dramatically in recent years A cost B pay C payment D price You will have to your holiday if you are too ill to travel A call off B cut down C back out D put aside Peter: “Why did you ride your bike?” John: “Because it’s more than driving my car.” A economically B economic C economy D economical 10 The unemployment rate of the area every year until 2003 and then started to fall A raised B rose C dropped D decreased 11 the fact that many companies are going bankrupt, ours has made a good profit A Although B Even though C Despite D Because of 12 Some vegetables are grown without soil and under light A artificial B false C fake D unreal 13 My dog as well as my cats twice a day A eat B has eaten C have eaten D eats 14 All volcanoes smoke, ash, and lava A blow B emit C erupt D release 15 Laura: “What a lovely house you have!” Maria: “ _.” A Of course not, it’s not costly B Thank you Hope you will drop in C I think so D No problem 16 As I can earn money by myself I am independent my parents financially A on B of C upon D from 17 Napoleon the West Indian island of Santo Domingo in 1801 A attacked B has attacked C was attacked D attacking 18 of my family, I would like to thank you very much for your help A On behalf B On account C In person D Instead 19 The accident was the mistake of the driver A causing many people to die B caused great human loss C to cause many people die D which causes many people to die 20 It was clear that the young couple were of taking charge of the new restaurant A responsible B reliable C capable D able 21 She was guilty cheating in the examination A to B with C of D for 22 during the storm A They were collapsed the fence B the fence was collapsed C They collapsed the fence D The fence collapsed 23 The family could not because they had forgotten their passports A check up B check out C check through D check in 24 You’d better drive I’m too for such traffic A experienced B experiencing C inexperienced D inexperiencing 25 John: “Do you think that we should use public transportation to protect our environment?” Mary: “ ” A Of course not You bet! B Well, that’s very surprising C There’s no doubt about it D Yes, it’s an absurd idea 26 In water polo, a shot is successful if the ball completely passes between the goal posts and underneath the A net B crossbar C ball D goalie 27 No water polo player except the goalie can hold the ball with both hands A a B an C the D Ø 28 The reviewer Mathew's new novel as a new style of modern science fiction A chewed B digested C described D drew 29 If it’s raining tomorrow afternoon, we’ll have to the match till next Sunday A put out B put off C put up D put away 30 It was so foggy that the climbers couldn’t the nearest shelter A make out B break out C take out D run out 31 Due to ever more spreading poaching, there a dramatic decline in the number of elephants over the last decade A was B is C has been D had been 32 Anna is holding her shopping bag with one hand and turning the door handle with A others B another C the other D other 33 It was the worst winter anyone could remember A when B that C where D why 34 She is wearing a/an ring A expensive nice gold B nice gold expensive C gold nice expensive D nice expensive gold 35 The longer he waited, impatient he got A the better B better C more D the more Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to show the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions 36 During pioneer times, the Allegheny Mountains were a barrier major to transportation A B C D 37 In Philadelphia’s Franklin Institute, there is a working model of a human heart enough large for A B C D visitors to walk through 38 Before the late eighteenth century, most textiles were done at home A B C D 39 Louisa May Alcott, she is best known for her books for children, served as a nurse during the A B C D Civil War 40 Many places of history, scientific, cultural, or scenic importance have been designated national A B C D monuments Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions 41 When you see your teacher approaching you, a slight wave to attract his attention is appropriate A coming nearer to B catching sight of C pointing at D looking up to 42 When being interviewed, you should concentrate on what the interviewer is saying or asking you A be related to B be interested in C pay all attention to D express interest to 43 In the future many large corporations will be wiped out and millions of jobs will be lost A companies B services C supermarkets D farms 44 A nuclear station may take risk going off due to unexpected incidents A demolishing B exploding C developing D running 45 These were the people who advocated using force to stop school violence A openly criticised B strongly condemned C publicly supported D publicly said Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions 46 But for television, people in rural areas A wouldn’t have had anything for entertainment at night B wouldn’t have anything for entertainment at night C would have had anything for entertainment at night D won’t have anything for entertainment at night 47 Finishing his lecture, A the students asked him many questions B the students asked many questions C he asked the students to put questions D he was asked the students many questions 48 They were such difficult tests A so I couldn’t finish them B that I couldn’t finish C that I couldn’t finish them D for me to finish 49 A study has been done to determine how the recent change in government policies A has affected the small business sector B have affected the small business sector C the small business sector was affected D affecting the small business sector 50 Mary has trouble A to remember her homework B to remembering her homework C remember her homework D remembering her homework PART C READING (6.0 points) I Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space (2.0 points) An American professor who studied the Mayas has come up with a new theory about the sudden end of their empire (0) to Professor Richard Hansen, an archaeologist at the University of California, the (1) of the Mayan civilization in Central America was (2) about by the Mayas themselves Their object was to display their wealth and power by making their buildings and decoration as beautiful as possible This (3) using large quantities of lime, which they put on the walls to make them smooth Unfortunately, the creation of lime is a process which requires intense heat, and they therefore (4) to cut down huge numbers of trees This affected the quality of the soil, and it became almost impossible to farm Professor Hansen, who has (5) returned from an excavation in the El Mirador region of northern Guatemala, told a meeting of archaeologists in Philadelphia that the Mayas, having (6) this mistake in the 3rd century, repeated it 600 years later, at which time it proved fatal Increasing food (7) among the Mayas created a Central American equivalent of the Peloponnesian War which ravaged ancient Greece However, (8) the Greek civil war, which only (9) for 27 years, the Mayas wars went on for many centuries and left many of their great cities and temples in (10) A Referring A collapse A made A depended A obliged A still A done B Relating B drop B came B needed B forced B just B had C According C crash C turned C involved C must C already C taken D Respecting D stop D brought D requested D had D yet D made 10 A lack A unlike A stayed A injuries B shortages B apart B spent B damages C droughts C without C lasted C spoils D failures D unless D longed D ruins II Read the passage and circle the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions (2.0 points) Sharks have gained an unfair reputation for being fierce predators of large sea animals Humanity's unfounded fear and hatred of these ancient creatures is leading to a worldwide slaughter that may result in the extinction of many coastal shark species The shark is the victim of a warped attitude of wildlife protection; we strive only to protect the beautiful, non5 threatening parts of our environment And, in our efforts to restore only non-threatening parts of our earth, we ignore other important parts A perfect illustration of this attitude is the contrasting attitude toward another large sea animal, the dolphin During the 1980s, environmentalists in the United States protested the use of driftnets for tuna fishing in the Pacific Ocean since these nets also caught dolphins The 10 environmentalists generated enough political and economic pressure to prevent tuna companies from buying tuna that had been caught in driftnets In contrast to this effort on behalf of the dolphins, these same environmentalists have done very little to help save the Pacific Ocean sharks whose population has decreased nearly to the point of extinction Sharks are among the oldest creatures on earth, having survived in the seas for more than 350 million 15 years They are extremely efficient animals, feeding on wounded or dying animals, thus performing an important role in nature of weeding out the weaker animals in a species Just the fact that species such as the Great White Shark have managed to live in the oceans for so many millions of years is enough proof of their efficiency and adaptability to changing environments It is time for us humans, who may not survive another 1,000 years at the rate we 20 are damaging the planet, to cast away our fears and begin considering the protection of sharks as an important part of a program for protection of all our natural environment With which of the following topics is this passage primarily concerned? A Sharks are efficient creatures with bad reputations B Sharks are some of the oldest creatures on earth C Sharks illustrate a problem in wildlife protection D The campaign to save dolphins was not extended to save sharks Which of the following is most similar to the meaning of the word "warped" in line 4? A distorted B wasteful C extravagant D wanton In the second paragraph, the word "generated" could be best replaced by A consumed B absorbed C designated D produced How did environmentalists manage to protect dolphins? A They prevented fishermen from selling them for meat B They pressured fishermen into protecting dolphins by law C They brought political pressure against tuna companies D They created sanctuaries where dolphin fishing was not allowed About how long have sharks lived on the planet? A 25 million years B 150 million years C 350 million years D 500 million years The author uses the phrase "weeding out" in line 16 to mean A strengthening something that is weak B feeding something that is hungry C encouraging something that is efficient D getting rid of something that is unwanted The phrase "managed to live" in line 17 is used to infer that A surviving was difficult B migration was common C procreation was expanding D roaming was necessary The word "proof" in line 18 could be best replaced by which of the following? A characteristic B evidence C praise D customary The phrase "to cast away" in line 20 means most nearly _ A to throw off B to bring in C to see through D to set apart 10 What is the author's tone in this passage? A explanatory B accusatory C gentle D proud III Read the passage and circle the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions (2.0 points) Situated in the central mountains of Alaska, a peak named Denali rises 20,320 feet above sea level It is the highest peak in North America and the centre of Denali National park One of America’s greatest wilderness areas, the park has had limited access to visitors, but in spite of this, tourism rose from 6000 visitors in 1950 to over 546,000 visitors in 1990 The increasing popularity of this park is prompting serious discussions about the future use of Denali as well as how to preserve wilderness areas in general One important issue of land use arises when parts of the National Parks are owned by individuals In Denali, although most of the land in this vast tract of more than a million acres is owned by the National Park Service, several thousand acres are still privately owned as mining 10 tracts These mining tracts in Denali were once abundant sources of gold, but they also were sources of heavy metals such as arsenic and lead that polluted rivers and streams Environmentalists were successful in getting the government to require mining companies to submit statements showing the potential impact of a mining project before they now are allowed to begin mining Because of this requirement, many individuals closed their mines and some sold their land to the National Park 15 Service Some land owners, however, are wondering if it is better to sell their land to the government or keep it for possible future use Tourism in this previously remote area is bound to rise, as more roads are built to provide easier access to the park This increase in the number of visitors creates a demand for hotels and other real estate development The economic implications of this are of 20 interest to the land owners, but are dismaying to those interested in preserving the wilderness What is the primary focus of this passage? A Controversies over land use in Denali B Miners selling their property in Denali C Alaska building more roads to Denali D Limiting tourist access to Denali The word “wilderness” in line could be best replaced by the word A dangerous B natural C rural D pastoral As used in the first paragraph, which of the following is more similar to the word “preserve”? A protect B enclose C investigate D foster The word “arises” in line could be best replaced by A surrenders B occurs C volunteers D prospers The word “tract” in line refers to which of the following? A trail B resort C frontier D expanse What does the word “they” in line 10 refer to in the passage? A mining tracts B gold C millions of acres D sources According to the passage, which of the following are pollutants in the Denali area? A gold B pesticides C human waste D arsenic Which of the following is closest in meaning to the phrase “potential impact” in line 13 ? A approximate cost B expected value C proposed size D possible effects The author infers that some mine owners might hesitate to sell their land to the Park Service for which the following reasons? A There may be increasing demand for the ore of the mines B They might want to move to the towns C They might receive more money selling their land to developers D They might want to build a house on their property 10 What is the author’s purpose in writing this passage? A To demonstrate the changes in Denali National Park B To use Denali as an example of common park issues C To introduce the wonders of the wilderness are of Denali D To explain the problems occurring in Denali Park ... access to visitors, but in spite of this, tourism rose from 6000 visitors in 195 0 to over 546,000 visitors in 199 0 The increasing popularity of this park is prompting serious discussions about... to walk through 38 Before the late eighteenth century, most textiles were done at home A B C D 39 Louisa May Alcott, she is best known for her books for children, served as a nurse during the... couldn’t finish them B that I couldn’t finish C that I couldn’t finish them D for me to finish 49 A study has been done to determine how the recent change in government policies A has affected

Ngày đăng: 28/03/2023, 20:05
