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ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA TP HCM ĐỀ THI TUYỂN SINH LỚP 10 TRƯỜNG PHỔ THÔNG NĂNG KHIẾU Năm học 2018 – 2019 HỘI ĐỒNG TUYỂN SINH Môn thi TIẾNG ANH (chuyên) Đề thi được tổng hợp bởi admin của Luyện Thi Vào Lớp 10.

ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA TP.HCM TRƯỜNG PHỔ THÔNG NĂNG KHIẾU HỘI ĐỒNG TUYỂN SINH (chuyên) ĐỀ THI TUYỂN SINH LỚP 10 Năm học 2018 – 2019 Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH Đề thi tổng hợp admin Luyện Thi Vào Lớp 10 Chuyên Anh (https://www.facebook.com/LT10CA) MÃ ĐỀ: 375 Read the text about homeword and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word that best fits each of the numberred blanks from to 10 A study of the impact of homework in different countries claims that the pressure of homework causes (1) between children and parents According to the study, this pressure is most evident in families where parents are (2) for their children to succeed at school The recently released study is a review of research over 75 years, which (3) the impact of homework in the United Kingdom, the United States, Europe, Australia and the Middle East It claims (4) homework can become a source of tension, particularly when parents try to (5) too much control The study states that prents have the most positive influence when they offer moral support, make appropriate resources available and discuss general issues, adding that prents should only offer their help when their children (6) ask them to The report also backs the effectiveness of homework clubs, which have recently (7) popular in many schools These provide a quiet (8) where children can study after formal lessons finish, with a teacher (9) available to help them Children feel that these clubs (10) homeword enjoyable and give them a better chance of passing exams Question 1: Question 2: Question 3: Question 4: Question 5: Question 6: Question 7: Question 8: Question 9: Question 10: A disaster A interested A proves A how A hold A certainly A become A point A is A give B friction B intense B revises B what B bear B specially B seemed B time B whose B make C interest C encouraging C examines C when C take C critically C been C period C often C have D impact D keen D suggests D that D give D specifically D deemed D place D seemingly D Read the four texts on the next page There are 10 questions about the texts Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate which text tells you the answer to the question The same text may be used more than twice In which text does the writer Question 11: answer questions? Question 12: promote a book? Question 13: define something? Question 14: address students? Question 15: claim that time management is good for people who procastinate? Which text is saying the following? Question 16: They can accurately track how you use your time Question 17: Certain insights can improve your effectiveness Question 18: Time cannot be managed Question 19: You need to know your priorities Question 20: It’s easy to tell when you are not working on the computer Paragraph A Advantages of Time Management: gains time, motivates and initiates, reduces avoidance, poromotes review of work, eliminates cramming for exams, reduces anxiety Keys to Successful Tme Management: - Self-knowledge and goals: in order to manage your time successfully, having an awareness of what your goals are will assist you in prioritising - Developing and maintaining a personal, flexible schedule, Time management provides you with the opportunity to create a schedule that works for you, not for others This personal attention gives you the flexibility to include the things that are most important to you Paragraph B What is RescueTime? RescueTIme is a web-based time-management tool that allows you to easily understand how you spend your time You install a program on your computer and we magically track al of your time usage I always have a lot of different applications and sites open at any given time How does RescueTime handle that? RescueTime doesn’t really care which applications you have open, but rather pays attention to which application or site is currently “in focus” In other words, we’re measuring what’s what you are paying attention to, not what you have open What about when I get up from my computer? How are you going to measure that? Why would you ever want to that? Seriously, though – RescueTime has an idle timeout that will stop the data collection process if there hasn’t been mouse or keyboard activity for a certain period of time How accurate is RescueTime? We like to say that RescueTime is about 95% accurate Because of idle detection, RescueTime can sometimes onver-report by a few seconds here and there We’re constantly working to improve accuracy Paragraph C Have you been trying to improve your time management skills or overall personal effectiveness? Do you feel like you are still missing some key details? If so, we’ve got something for you This personal time management guide and the accompanying newsletter are dedicated to building a stronger foundation for your success One skill at a time Each section of the guide is an important building block you can put into your foundation right now Take one of the pages and read it: you will gain the key insights and practical tips for one of the core areas of higher personal effectiveness Take another page and the same Each article will move you one step forward in something that could be limiting your success level today Paragraph D Time management is commonly defined as the various means by which people effectively use their time and other closely related resources in order to make the most out of it It refers to principles and systems that individuals use to make conscious decisions about the activities that occupy their time However it has been said that you can’t manage time, time just is So “time management” is a mislabelled problem What you reallly manage is your activity during time Read the text about oil spill and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word that best fits each of the numberred blanks from 21 to 30 On an ecologist’s list of nightmares, this (21) looked like an easy member of the Top Five An Ecuadorian fuel tanker, the Jessica, ran aground in the Galapagos archipelago and slowly spilled its (22) of 240,000 gallons of oil into the surrounding ocean The disaster threatened to choke a unique and delicate (23) ; the islands whose giant tortoises and 15 realated species of finch inspired Charles Darwin’s ‘The Origin of Species’ in 1859 The emergency began when the captain of the Jessica, a 30-year-old boat, (24) a buoy for a lighthouse and ran Đề thi tổng hợp admin Luyện Thi Vào Lớp 10 Chuyên Anh around off the shore of San Cristobal Island The ship’s cargo was 65% diesel oil (25) for Baltra Island and 35% bunker fuel, a heavier form of oild used by tour boats Rescue teams from the Ecuadorian navy and the state-owned fuel company began (26) fuel from the damaged vessel, but after three days of battering by waves up to meters in (27) , the Jessica began leaking oil into the sea and would (28) pour out over 180,000 gallons One week later, the government declared a state of (29) in the Galapagos archipelago, setting (30) an initial 52 million for cleanup operations Question 21: Question 22: Question 23: Question 24: Question 25: Question 26: Question 27: Question 28: Question 29: Question 30: A one A load A widlife A mistook A headed A eliminating A length A eventually A alarm A down B only B cargo B habitat B noticed B directed B removing B range B explicitly B disaster B up C was C produce C nature C confused C aimed C subtracting C height C totally C emergency C off D had D transport D vicinity D observed D sent D exporting D strength D barely D tragedy D aside Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on the answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 31 to 45 Question 31: The English spoken in Canada is similar A to these in B with that of C with that in Question 32: After the eruption, lava A has spewed B was spewed the United States D to that of out of the volcano and poured down the mountainside C spewing D spewed Question 33: This prestigious university just over $2 million to nanotechnology research recently A says to allocate B said to have allocated C is said to have allocated D is said that they allocated Question 34: According to the investigation, he died not from a blow to the head A but of a heart attack B but his heart failed him C only of a heart attack D instead of his heart attack Question 35: “Did Celine ever graduate from university?” – “No, to find work.” A she had been B after having been C while being D since she was at university for 18 months, she dropped out Question 36: Keith made in his attempt to catch the dog that he strained his back A Such a great effort B Such was the effort C So was the effort that D So great effort Question 37: The examinee couldn’t understand the question, so he asked from the supervisor A for clarification B to clarify C for clarifying D to be clarified Question 38: With the increase in international crime, it is logical to A assuming that you are B assume to be C assume you will be D assume being searched at customs nowadays Question 39: Democrats would have done better in the midterms they run as the peace party A had B if C unless D were Đề thi tổng hợp admin Luyện Thi Vào Lớp 10 Chuyên Anh Question 40: Human Rights Watch documented that thousands of orphans and abandoned children A are vanished in B vanish C have been vanished D get vanished each year Question 41: “He needs to go on a strict diet.” – “I agree He does eat much.” A too much B that C much too D too very Question 42: “Didn’t you hear the door bell?” – “No, I A had to be B must be D must have been fast asleep.” C should have been Question 43: There seemed to be a consensus that the new proposal at the meeting A has rejected B be rejected C should reject D was rejected Question 44: Christine has never A lain to anybody about anything in her life B laid C lied D lay Question 45: Medical researchers have recently discovered what to be a new strain of the killer virus A appears B is appearing C was appeared D appears as if Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the primary stress in each of the questions from 46 to 50 Question 46: A compulsory B federation C parabolic D mausoleum Question 47: A meteorite B consequently C preferable D certificate Question 48: A carol B garnish C simmer D promote Question 49: A nominate B compromise C ultimate D embroider Question 50: A minimize B applicant C satellite D bilingual Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the questions from 51 to 55 Question 51: A chain B chapter C charteau D charm Question 52: A cretaceous B gorgeous C gaseous D courageous Question 53: A tough B cough C rough D hiccough Question 54: A genre B together C genitive D generation Question 55: A dolphin B shepherd C asphalt D orphan Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the questions from 56 to 65 Question 56: Nowadays, despite their parents’ efforts to keep them innocent, children are growing up much more A B quickly than they did a generation ago C D Đề thi tổng hợp admin Luyện Thi Vào Lớp 10 Chuyên Anh Question 57: In those countries where public health care is available, less unnecessary medical procedures occur and A B C lawyers are rarely involved in settling disputes D Question 58: The existence of the Mozart sonatas, unlike his operas, was wholly unsuspected until about the early A B C D twentieth century Question 59: Julia has discovered that she can express her opinions more freely through her diary and not in her A B C D letters Question 60: In the 18th century, careers in medicine and law were prestigious, but it did not require practitioners to A B C D hold college degrees Question 61: The director’s second movie is quite different from his first and, in continuity at least, is more superior A B C to it D Question 62: Human population, far from being randomly scattered across the continents, appear to be distributed A B C D in circular patterns Question 63: Edward Graves was one of a handful of people who committed his life to preserve the pristine A B C D wilderness of the Sierra Nevada mountains Question 64: When rumors of a secret wedding began to spread, neither of the movie stars were available for A B C D comments Question 65: The main rule of the stables is clearly posted and reads as follows: anyone who has not rode a horse A B C before must be accopanied on the trail by an experienced guide D Mark the letter A, B, C or D on the answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 66 to 85 Question 66: Renewable forms of energy are now quite cost A productive B ignorant C successful Question 67: Don’t panic; your key will probably when you least expect it A put down B come across C turn up D effective D run up against Question 68: “Have you taken everything into account?” – “Yes, I think I’ve made for just about everything.” A deficits B allowances C acknowledgements D remedies Đề thi tổng hợp admin Luyện Thi Vào Lớp 10 Chuyên Anh Question 69: Thus you convince them that this piece is it A invaluable B valueless , so no one will attack us outside in an attempt to steal C unworthy D priceless Question 70: The retiring firemen received a commemorative gift a set of pens and pencils A involving B consisting C comprising D composing Question 71: Economists claim that restricting the free flow of goods will cause global economic and decline A capitalization B boom C stagnation D regimen Question 72: John’s never happy He’s always about one thing or another A grumbling B considering C finding fault D criticizing Question 73: Sports journalists are saying that the home side is to win the championship match tomorrow A resolute B feasible C probable D bound Question 74: Rising temperatures are said to be A shifting B altering the habitats and feeding patterns of penguins C dotting D marring Question 75: Experts have discovererd a fossil that has been so exceptionally well preserved that even its tissue is intact A inaudible B intact C indiscreet D inflated Question 76: The President had to A curtail her vacation after hearing about the natural disaster B restrict C restrain D desert Question 77: Recently Tawfiq Al-Sudairi, the deputy minister of Islamic Affaits in Saudi Arabia, his disapproval of the political interpretation of Islam A said B voiced C told D spoke Question 78: Stop shouting! You’re A accumulating attention to yourself B drawing C paying D accepting Question 79: Many children in state schools have expressed frustration at having to share A comprise B conceive C comply with values they don’t D corroborate Question 80: Sally A took aback D put off when she heard that her sister was on the hijacked plane B fell out C broke down Question 81: Children were taught at home long before public schools were even A in principle B on the whole C at liberty Question 82: The horrific plane crash was pilot error A attributed to B admonished by Question 83: Then I lay there wide A awake C resulted in D in existence D inflicted by until after midnight, thinking about nothing else B woken C awoke D waking Question 84: I’ll be back one of these days, and we’ll have a A slap-bang B slap-up meal together C slapdash D slap down Question 85: Don’t forget to plug in the cable before turning the printer on A connection B inspection C retention D detection Đề thi tổng hợp admin Luyện Thi Vào Lớp 10 Chuyên Anh While searching for information on road safety for a school assignment, you find this post on a weblog Read the post carefully and answer the questions that follow JAYWALKING The origins of jaywalking, the illegal crossing of a roadway by a pedestrian, lie in a propaganda campaign by the motor industry in the early 1900s The word ‘jaywalker’ was first used to describe someone from the countryside who wasn’t accustomed to the rules of the road for pedestrians in the city, so sould attempt to cross the streets anywhere In 1913, a department store in New York hired a Santa Claus, who stood on the sidewalk bellowing at people who didn’t cross the street properly and calling them jaywalkers The idea of being fined for crossing the road at undesignated areas or without regard for traffic regulations can confuse forreign visitors to the US The UK, Norway and France are among the many developed countries where jaywalking is not an offence, but their rates of pedestrian injuries are lower than those of the US However, a handful of countries have followed the lead of the US and imposed anti-jaywalking measures Police in China, for example, began fining jaywalkers in 2013, and in Singapore, jaywalking can lead to a $1,000 fine or a three-month jeail term In the US, jaywalking can result in a fine ranging from $190 to $250 As in most countries with anti-jaywalking legislation, enforcement of the law here is sporadic, often only triggered by repeated complaints from drivers in certain areas But jaywalking has been illegal in the US for many decades According to Jacob Rath, a history professor at the University of Virginia, a key moment was in 1929 when a petition was signed by the citizens of Cincinnati to limit the top speed of cars to 25 mph Though the petition failed, car makers scrambled to shift the blame for pedestrian casualties from motorists to pedesetrians Sood, he adds, they also started influencing school safety education by stressing that “streets are for cars, not for children.” As a result, anti-jaywalking laws were adopted in many cities and had become the norm by the end of the 1930s In the decades that followed, the overriding goal of city planners and engineers was to allow traffic to circulate unhindered “For years, pedestrians were essentially written out of the equation when it came to designing streets,” says Tom Vanderbilt, author of Traffic – Why We Drive the Way We Do “They didn’t even appear in early computer models, and when they did, it was largely for their role in blocking vehicle traffic This has made US cities unusually hostile to pedestrians,” says Vanderbilt Jaywalking has become an “often misundertood umbrella term”, covering many situations in which the pedestrian should, in effect, have the right of way In the US, resistance to anti-jaywalking legislation is growing When the Los Angeles Polilce Department recently adertised an anti-jaywalking campaign on its Facebook page, respondents accused the police of simply seeking an easy source of revenue And in New York, in its effort to crack down on jaywalking, the mayor’s office has come up against opposition from voters and police officers Advocates of jaywalking say careless drivers, not pedestrians, are most often to blame for motorist-pedestrian accidents, pedestrian deaths and injuries, and that there is no evidence to prove that anti-jaywalking campaigns are effective They believe that there is too little experimentation with projects that aim to make US cities more pedestrian-friendly, such as increasing motorists’ awareness of pedestrians and reducing traffic speeds in urban areas Leave your comments: Very interesting facts about jaywalking, but your post is wrong when it states that “it is not an offence in the “UK” Jaywalking is an offence in Northern Ireland (part of the UK), although, fortunately, traffic officers rarely enforce the law But if and when they do, it can result in either a written warning or a £30 fine - Ian McInnes Đề thi tổng hợp admin Luyện Thi Vào Lớp 10 Chuyên Anh Question 86: Which of the following is closest in meaning to ‘bellowing’ in paragraph 1? A yelling B smiling C staring D waving Question 87: Who would most likely be fined for jaywalking in the United States? A a person from the countryside who crosses the road at a crosswalk B someone who hurriedly crosses the road near a crosswalk C a pedestrian standing on the sidewalk outside a department store D a motorist who is unaware of the rules of the road for pedestrians Question 88: What does the author imply in the second paragraph? A More countries have anty-jaywalking meausres than those that don’t B Anti-jaywalking measures don’t guarantee low pedestrian injury rates C Traffic regulations in the US are confusing for foreign visitors D Jaywalking should not be an offence in any developed country Question 89: Who campaigned for the introduction of anti-jaywalking legislation? A the auto industry B the citizens of Cincinnati C educationalists D motorists Question 90: Which of the following is closest in meaning to ‘written out of the equation’ in paragraph 4? A frustrated B reprimanded C deceived D disregarded Question 91: How did early ity planners view pedestrians? A They thought that they made the roads unsafe for motorists B They regarded them as being vital elements in road design C They considered them to e traffic obstructions D They believed they should have the right of way on the streets Question 92: What can be inferred about traffic officers in the US? A They want to abolish anti-jaywalking legislation B They would like to see a limit on the top speed of cars C They believe hat the fine for jaywalking is too high D They don’t consider fining jaywalkers a top priority Question 93: What people who oppose anti-jaywalking laws believe? A The laws help reduce the number of motorist-pedestrian accidents B Jaywalking fines are a necessary source of income for cities C Motorists are unaware of what jaywalking actually is D Pedestrian-friendly projects should be implemented Question 94: Why has Ian McInnes left a comment on the weblog? A to stress that the fine for jaywalking in his country is avoidable B to point out that Northern Ireland is part of the UK C to correct in formation in Mike Bruberg’s post D to argue for the rights of pedestrians Question 95: What best describes the style of Mike Bruberg’s post? A a public complaint against jaywalking B an informative analysis of jaywalking C a subjective opinion on jaywalking D a sentimental defence of jaywalking Đề thi tổng hợp admin Luyện Thi Vào Lớp 10 Chuyên Anh Choose the sentence A, B, C, or D which is closest in meaning to the first sentence of each of the questions from 96 to 100 Question 96: Cathy had better stop eating so much chocolate A B C D Cathy wishes she could give up eating chocolate Cathy would prefer to stop eating so much chocolate Cathy ought to stop eating so much chocolate Cathy may have given up eating so much chocolate Question 97: “You have spoilt my party,” she told her brother A B C D She accused her brother of spoiling her party She apologized for spoiling her brother’s party She threatened to spoil her brother’s party She has asked her brother to spoil her party Question 98: Bill should have arrived by now A B C D Bill has just arrived I think Bill sould be here very soon I expected Bill to have arrived before Bill is going to arrive any minute Question 99: Without his help, she would not have managed to solve the problem A B C D She managed to solve the problem on her own She’s unable to solve the problem without his help If he hadn’t helped her, she wouldn’t have been able to solve the problem If he helps her, she’ll be able to solve the problem Question 100: She had never been to such a boring party before A B C D Never before had she been so bored at a party She avoids going to boring parties Rarely does she go to boring parties She shouldn’t have been so bored at the party GOOD LUCK! Đề thi tổng hợp admin Luyện Thi Vào Lớp 10 Chuyên Anh ĐÁP ÁN PHẦN TRẮC NGHIỆM B D C D C D A D C 10 B 11 B 12 C 13 D 14 A 15 A 16 B 17 C 18 D 19 A 20 B 21 A 22 B 23 B 24 A 25 A 26 B 27 C 28 A 29 C 30 D 31 D 32 D 33 C 34 A 35 B 36 B 37 A 38 C 39 A 40 B 41 B 42 D 43 B 44 C 45 A 46 A 47 D 48 D 49 D 50 D 51 C 52 C 53 D 54 A 55 B 56 B 57 B 58 A 59 D 60 B 61 C 62 C 63 D 64 D 65 C 66 D 67 C 68 B 69 B 70 C 71 C 72 A 73 D 74 B 75 B 76 A 77 B 78 B 79 C 80 C 81 D 82 A 83 A 84 B 85 A 86 A 87 B 88 B 89 A 90 D 91 C 92 B 93 D 94 C 95 B 96 C 97 A 98 C 99 C 100 A Đề thi tổng hợp admin Luyện Thi Vào Lớp 10 Chuyên Anh ... taken everything into account?” – “Yes, I think I’ve made for just about everything.” A deficits B allowances C acknowledgements D remedies Đề thi tổng hợp admin Luyện Thi Vào Lớp 10 Chuyên Anh Question... inspection C retention D detection Đề thi tổng hợp admin Luyện Thi Vào Lớp 10 Chuyên Anh While searching for information on road safety for a school assignment, you find this post on a weblog Read the... jaywalking Đề thi tổng hợp admin Luyện Thi Vào Lớp 10 Chuyên Anh Choose the sentence A, B, C, or D which is closest in meaning to the first sentence of each of the questions from 96 to 100 Question

Ngày đăng: 28/03/2023, 00:41
