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10 hebrew for dummies booklet

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Hebrew for dummies Audio Recordings from Conversations and transliteration (The original transliterations have been modified in some cases as they do not coincide with the audio recordings) Track 1 Introduction and Basic Hebrew Sounds Track 2 Talking the Talk Michal and Kobi are old friends. They’ve just run into each other downtown, and they’re both busy on Friday before Shabbat starts. They quickly say hello and then dash off to complete their shopping. Kobi: Michal! Shalom! Mah Shlomech? Michal! Hello! How are you? Michal: Shalom Kobi! Mah Ha’Inyanim? Hello, Kobi! How are things? Kobi: Ani Mamash Beseder I am very well. Michal: Aizeh Yofi. Az, Ani Chayevet LaRutz. Terrific. Well, I’ve got to run. Kobi: Gam Ani.Le’hitraot! Me too. See you soon! Michal: Shabbat Shalom. Kol Tuv. A peaceful Sabbath. All the best. Kobi: Shabbath Shalom. A peaceful Sabbath. Track 3 Asking for Names and introducing yourself Gadi and Tzipi have just met each other at a party thrown by some friends. As they stand near the munchies, they chat briefly and get acquainted. Gadi: Shalom. Hello. Tzipi: Shalom. Hello. Gadi: Eich Kor’im Lach? What do they call you? Tzipi: Kor’im Li Tzipi. They call me Tzipi. Gadi: Zeh Shem Yafeh. A nice name. Tzipi: Todah. Mah Shim’cha? Thanks.What’s your name? Gadi: Sh’mi Gadi My name is Gadi. Gadi: Ok ! Mamash Nekhmad Le’hakir Otach. Ok! It’s a real pleasure meeting you. Tzipi: Gam Li. For me as well. Track 4 Making Introductions Ya’ara and Natan are both mutual friends of Shulamit. They are all at a party on Motze’ei Shabbat. As everyone is mingling together, Shulamit decides to introduce her two friends to each other. Shulamit: Bo Natan. Ani Rotza L’hakir L’cha Mishehi. Come, Natan . I want to introduce to you somebody. Natan: Tov. Todah. Okay, thank you. Shulamit: Bo’i Ya’arah. Yesh Li Mishehu Lehakirir Lach. Come Ya’arah. I have someone to introduce to you. Ya’ara: Yofi. Ani Ba’ah. Fine .I am coming. Shulamit: Natan, Na L’hakir Et Ya’ara. Natan, please get to know Ya’ara . Natan: Na’im Me’od. Very pleasant . Shulamit: Y’ara, Zeh Natan. Ya’ara, this s Natan. Ya’ara: Na’im L’hakir Otcha. Nice to meet you . Natan: Ha’Oneg Kulo Sheli. It’s all my pleasure. Track 5 Asking about family members. Shira and Maya are sitting next to each other on a flight to Israel. The two women strike up a conversation to pass the time. Shira: Shalom. Ani Shira. Eich Korim Lach? Hello. I’m Shira. How do they call you? Maya: Naim L’hakir Otach, Shira. Korim Li Maya. Nice to meet you, Shira. They call me Maya. Shira: Naim Me’od Maya. Lama At Nosa’at l’Ysrael? Yesh Lach Mishpacha Sham? Very Nice (to meet you) Maya. Why are you traveling to Israel? Do you have family there? Maya: Ken. Ha’Horim Sheli Garim Sham. V’At? Me’Eifo At Ba’a? Yes. My parents live there. And you? Where are you from? Shira: Ani Mi’Ysrael. Aval HaBen Sheli Gar B’Artzot Ha’Brit. Yesh lach yeladim? I’m from Israel. But my son lives in the United States.Do you have children? Maya: Ken, Yesh Li Shtei Banot. Yes, I have two daughters. Shira: Yafe Me’od! Yesh Li Shnei Banim, HaGadol Gar B’Artzot Ha’Brit ,Aval Hakatan Gar B’Ysrael. Great! I have two sons, the elder lives in the United States and the younger in Israel. *Maya: Me’Ayin At B’Aretz? Where are you from in Israel? *Shira: Ani MeZichron Ya’akov. I’m from Zichron Ya’akov (*Lines of speech which appear in the book but were not recorded in the Audio Disc) Track 6 Chatting about the Weather It’s a hot day in the middle of an Israeli summer. Sivan and Tal are sitting at the beach discussing the weather. Sivan: Norah Cham Hayom,Nachon? It’s quite hot today, isn’t it? Tal: Ken. Mamash Cham Li. Lefachot Ayn Lachut B’Chof HaYam Yes, It’s quite hot. At least there’s no humidity at the beach. Sivan: Ken, Ani Lo Nehenet MiLachut. Norah Lach Ba’Ir. Yes. I don’t enjoy humidity. It’s very humid in town. Tal: Ken, Ani Yode’a. Yesh Lanu Sharav Achshav. Yes, I know. There’s a heat wave now. Sivan: Nachon. Atah Yode’a Matai Zeh Yipasek That’s true. Do you know when will it end? Tal: L’fee Tachazeet Mezeg Ha’Avir, Zeh Yitkarer B’Od Yomaim. According to the weather forecast , it will get colder in two more days. Sivan: Yofi! Great! Track 7 Talking about Professions. Nadav and Aviva have just met and struk up a conversation at a party. Because he wants to keep the conversation going, Nadav asks Aviva what she does for a living. Nadav: Mah ha’Miktzoah Shelach? What’s your profession? Aviva: Ani Itona’it. B’Mah atah Oved? I’m a journalist. What do you do for work? Nadav: Ani Mehandes. I’m an engineer. Aviva: Yafeh Me’od. Atah Neheneh Mi Zeh? Very Nice . Do you enjoy it? Nadav: Ken. Zeh Me’od Me’anyen Oti. Eich Ha’avodah Shelach? Yes. It’s very interesting. How’s your work? Aviva: Ani Me’Od Ohevet Et Zeh. Ani Mamash Ohevet Lichtov. I like it very much. I really like to write. Nadav: Kol HaKavod! Good for you! Track 8 Welcoming a friend to dinner and talking about the food. Yaniv and Maya are a married couple. They’ve invited their friend, Hilah, over for Friday night Shabbat dinner. She has just arrived. Hilah: Shabbat Shalom! Good Sabbath! Yaniv & Maya: Shabbat Shalom! Good Sabbath! Maya: Bo’oo, Neshev. Come, let us sit down. Hilah: HaMapah Halevanah Kol-Kach Yafah. The white tablecloth is so pretty. Maya: Todah Rabbah! Efshar La’Tet Lach Mashehu, Hilah? Thank you very much! Can I give you something, Hilah? Hilah: Ken, Tni Li Dag, Of, Orez, V’Tered. Yes, give me fish, chicken, rice, and spinach Maya: At Rotza Yayin Adom, Hilah? Would you like some red wine,Yaniv? Hilah: Kehn, Todah Rabbah. Yes, thanks very much. Maya: Bete’avon L’chulam! Good appetite everyone! Yaniv & Hilah: Bete’avon! Good Appetite! Track 9 Shopping for vegetables The following conversation takes place in a bustling Shuk (open air market) on Yom Shishi (Friday) as everyone is busy buying food for Shabbat. Sivan is shopping for vegetables for her Shabbat dinner and approaches a Mocher(seller) Sivan: Shalom. Ani Rotzah Li’Knot Kamah Yerakot. Haim HaYerakot Tri’im? Hello. I want to buy some vegetables. Are the vegetables fresh? Mocher: Bevakasha, Giveret. HaYerakot Me’od Tri’im. Rak Higi’u HaYom Min HaKibbutz! Mah At Rotzah? Please, miss. The vegetables are very fresh. They just arrived today from the Kibbutz! What would you like? Sivan: Ani Rotza Shnei Kilo Agvaniot, Shnei Kilo Gezer, U’Shlosha Kilo Melafefonim. I want two kilos of tomatoes, two kilos of carrots, and three kilos of cucumbers. Mocher: Hineh HaYerakot Shelach Geveret. Zeh Tish’a VaChetzi Shekalim. Here are your vegetables, miss. That is nine and one half shekels. Sivan: Yofi! Todah ! Shabbat Shalom. Great! Thanks! Good Sabbath. Mocher: Todah Lach, Kol Tuv. Thank you. All the best. Track 10 Asking the waiter for the check Dor and Yael have met for coffee at a popular café. They’re finishing their coffee and dessert, and they ask the Meltzar(waiter) for their Heshbon(bill) Yael: Ha’Ochel Haya Ta’im L’cha? Did your food taste good? Dor: Ken,Ze Haya Mamash Ta’im Li. Nehenet M’Ha’Glidah Shelach? Yes, it was delicious. Did you enjoy your ice cream? Yael:Ken, HaGlidah Hayitah Mamash Tovah. Yes, the icecream was quite good. Dor: Tov! Meltzar! HaCheshbon B’vakashah ! Good! Waiter! The bill please! Meltzar: Hene Hacheshbon, Adoni. Hereis the bill, sir. Dor: Todah. Yael, Ani Mazmin. Thanks. Yael, my treat. Yael: Todah Rabbah L’cha. Thank you very much. Meltzar: Atah Tzarich Odef? Do you need change? Dor: Lo, Ze Bishveilcha. No, that’s for you. Meltzar: Todah, Adoni. Thanks, sir. Track 11 Making sure you’re dressed for the snow Dani nad Orit are about to play in the Sheleg(snow) Before they go, they make sure they have everything they need. Dani: O.K. Anachnu Holchim Le’Yom Sheleg. At Muchanah? Are you ready for a day in the snow? Orit: Ken. Ani Muchanah. Ani Gorevet Garbayim MiTzemer, Ani Noelet Magafayim, Ani Loveshet Me’il Cham. Yes, I am wearing wool socks, boots, and a warm coat. Dani: Yofi. Yesh Li Tza’if Ve’Kfa’fot. Al Tishkachi Et Ha Kovah Shelach! Great. I have a scarf and gloves. Don’t forget your hat! Orit: Tov SheHizkarta Li! Good that you reminded me! Track 12 Going to the beach Dani and Orit are getting ready to go to the beach on a hot summer day. Before they go, they make sure they have everything. Dani: Norah Cham HaYom! Tov She’Ani Lovesh Michnasyim K’tzarim. It’s hot today! I’m glad I’m wearing shorts. Orit: Ken. HaSimlah Sheli B’li HaSharvulim ,V’haSandalim Sheli Tovim Li BaShemesh. Yeah. My sleeveless dress and sandals feel good in the hot sun. Dani: Yesh Lach Et Mishkafei HaShemesh Shelanu? Do you have our sunglasses? Orit: Ken. Yesh L’cha Et HaMagavot Ve’Ha’Krem Neged Shizuf? Yes. Do you have the towels and the sunblock? Dani: Ken. Yesh Li. Ve’Gam Yesh Li Et Bigdei HaYam. Ani Gam Chovesh Kovah. Yes. I have them. I have the swimsuits, too. And I’m also wearing a hat. Orit: Tov SheHizkarta Li! Ani Gam Rotzah Lachavosh Kovah. It’s good that you reminded me again! I also want to wear a hat! [...]...Track 13 Asking for the Time Natan is waiting for the bus on a Sunday morning He forgot to wear his watch today, so he asks the man standing next to him for the time Natan: Slicha, Adoni Mah Ha’Sha’ah? Excuse me, sir, what’s the time? Man: Ha’Sha’ah Shmoneh VaChetzi The time is eight-thirty... Basa! Mah Ta’asee? Bummer! What are you going to do? Nurit: Ha’Emet, Ani B’Chipus Atah yode’ah Mashehu She’Mat’im Li? Truth, I’m looking Do you know of something suitable for me? Track 21 Looking for an apartment Rina is looking for an apartment She and her Realtor are discussing what type of apartment she wants Realtor: Kamah Chadarim At Rotzah? How many rooms do you want? Rina: Ani Rotza Shnei Chadarim... Certainly Please fill out this form Tamir: Todah Henei Ani Milehti Et Ha’Tofes Thanks Here it is I filled out the form Clerk: Todah Rabbah Lecha Atah Yachol Letzapot LaHamcha’ot Ve’Kartis Ha’Ashrei B’Od Shlosha Shavuot Thank you very much You can expect your checks and your credit card in the mail in three weeks Tamir: Yofie Todah Rabbah Great Thanks a lot Track 27 Asking for directions Sarah is in the... into a hotel Yaniv has arrived at a hotel for a week’s vacation He goes to the Pakid(receptionist) to check in Yaniv: Erev Tov! HaShem Sheli Yaniv Ani Hizmanti Cheder Good evening! My name’s Yaniv I reserved a room Receptionist: Nachon Cheder Echad Im Mitah Zugit V’Ambatia Na Lemaleh Et HaTofes Correct.One room with a double bed and a bathroom Please fill out the form Yaniv: Ha’im Yesh Lachem Brecha V’Chadar... wait for the bus Ziv: Mah Atah Ohev La’asot BaZman HaPanui Shelcha? What do you like to do in your free time? Hod: Ani Osef Bulim Ve Gam Ani Osek B’Avodat Etz K’Tachbiv I collect stamps And I also do woodworking as a hobby Ziv: Eizeh Ketah! Gam Ani Osef Bulim Tachbivi huBishul Wow! I also collect stamps Cooking’s my hobby Hod: Shiga’on Awesome Track 16 Talking about sports Gal and Sivan are waiting for. .. mail in three weeks Tamir: Yofie Todah Rabbah Great Thanks a lot Track 27 Asking for directions Sarah is in the old City of Jerusalem looking for the Western Wall She is in the Jewish Quarter and knows she is close, but she still can’t find it So she asks a woman for directions Sarah: Slicha Excuse me Woman: Ken? Yes? Sarah: Ani Halachti L’Ibud Eifo Ani Yechola Limtzo Et Ha’Kotel Ha’Ma’aravi? I’m lost... very much, sir Man: B’vakasha You’re welcome Natan: B’aizo Sha’ah ha’otobus Amur L’Hagi’ah? When is the bus supposed to come? Man: Od Chamesh Dakot In five more minutes Track 14 Figuring out what to do for fun Shulie and Nomi are Shutafot (roommates) They’re sitting around their Dirah(apartment) one evening trying to decide what to do Shulie suggests that they go to a Mo’adon(Club) to hear a really... Aht Nosa’at? Where are you going? Sivan: Ani No’sa’at La’Migrash Ba’Ir Le’sachek Kadur-Sal I’m going to a court in the city to play basketball Gal: Kol HaKavod! Ani Nosa’at le’sachek Kadur-Regel Good for you! I’m going to play soccer Sivan: Aizeh Tafkid Aht? What position do you play? Gal: Ani Sho’eret I’m a goalie Track 17 Start a basic phone conversation Chaim and Michal are beginning a Sichat Telefone(a... B’Vakasha Open your mouth and breath please Doctor: Yesh Lach Shapa’at Ani Roshemet Lach Mirsham Ve’Gam At Tzricha LaNu’ach LeShavua Yiu have the Flu I’m writing you a prescription And you also need to rest for a week . best. Track 10 Asking the waiter for the check Dor and Yael have met for coffee at a popular café. They’re finishing their coffee and dessert, and they ask the Meltzar(waiter) for their Heshbon(bill). Track 13 Asking for the Time. Natan is waiting for the bus on a Sunday morning. He forgot to wear his watch today, so he asks the man standing next to him for the time. Natan:. Hebrew for dummies Audio Recordings from Conversations and transliteration (The original transliterations

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