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VERBFORM 1 Why didn’t you tell me the money? I(not borrow) it from the bank 2 He is walking (hurry) to the place where ex wife, a famous naturalist now (lie) (bury) among the animals she loved so much[.]

VERBFORM Why didn’t you tell me the money? I(not borrow) _ it from the bank.2 He is walking (hurry) _ to the place where ex- wife, a famous naturalist now (lie) _(bury) _ among the animals she loved so much We will see Alice at the corner, she (wait) _ for us when we (arrive) _ He resents (tell) what (do) _ Her mother (go) _ abroad last month, so it (not be) _ her you saw at the theater last Sunday My father (work) in Canada for the last year, so by the time he (return) _ the month after next, I(not see) _ him for fourteen months We looked out of the window and saw it (rain) , so we stayed in TV chat shows (increase) _ in number all the time The camera (disappear) when we came in 10 The woman (accuse) of the killing said that she was at the cinema at the time 11 Not until we (arrive) _ at this house we (discover ) _ that he was on holiday 12 After (take) _ to the hospital , the injured victim felt much better yesterday 13 After days of rain, I’m glad that the sun (shine) again 14 I (make) cakes That’s why my hands are covered with flour 15 When you (get) married? – Next Sunday 16 He (break) _ his leg yesterday as he (repair) _ his roof 17 My sister (lose) _ her hat and she (look) for it until now 18 Faternah looked down to discover a snake at her feet When she saw it ,she (scream) _ 19 By the time Peter finally graduated from school, he (attend) _different schools because his parents moved frequently 20 Until you learn to relax more, you (not improve) your ability to speak English 21 Bi Rain, together with 58 members of the South Korean National Military Symphony Orchestra and 17 traditional musicians, (come) to Viet Nam since yesterday 22 He suggested that his son (be) on time for the interview.23 Tom will come as soon as he (finish) _ his test 24 ASEAN (found) in 197 in Bangkok, Thailand 25.In times of War, the Red Cross (dedicate) _ to reducing the sufferings of wounded soldiers, civilians, and prisoners of war 26 Hardly our teacher (enter) _the classroom when it started to rain 27 In a few minutes’ time, when the clock strikes sick , I (wait) _ for you here 28 Living in a fast-faced and mobile society (create) family stresses that (not imagine) by our great grandparents 29 At last you here! I (wait) here for more than half an hour 30 My father (work) in Canada for the last year, so by the time he (return) _ the month after next I won’t have seen him for fourteen months 31 The manager (talk) _ to an important customer at the moment but he will be free (see) _ you presently 32 I was terribly disappointed (discover) that he (lie) to me 33 I really (not expect) (introduce) to the president at the meeting last week 35 He (try) _( save) $500 every year By the time he (retire) , he (save) $20,000 36 As our new furniture (deliver) _ next Monday morning so I’ll have (stay) _ at home (check) _ that it (not damage) during transit 37 Mr Brown often (have) difficulty(get) _ along with his friends due to his (irritate) _ manner 38 She (look) for a job for ages but she still (not able) _(find) one 39 Don’t bother (make) _ out a receipt I always (throw) it away 40 I shared a flat with him when we were students He always (complain) _ about my untidiness 41 By the time we get there, I’m afraid that the meeting (end) => will have ended 42 Hello! You (be) Helen I’m Peter’s brother, Geogre 43 We (help) _ but you didn’t tell us what you were in trouble 44 Only yesterday I (realize) _what was going on 45 I (come) here before a.m I would have met the doctor 46 As soon as the teacher (come) _, the students stopped talking 47 It is advisable that Mary (go) to the gym everyday to get over her depression 48 We couldn’t risk (leave) him alone 49 From the clink of dishes, one can tell that supper (prepare) 50 He was the only student (award) the special prize in reciting poetry competition 51 You must tell me the truth I insist on (tell) _ the truth 52 Thompson (catch) the ball, we would have won the game 53 Don’t worry We (finish) the report by 11 o’clock 54 Fred was pleased (admit) to the college 55 There were some people (row) _ on the river 56 Alex has a test tomorrow that he needs to study for He (not watch) _ TV right now 57 I (know) the answer, I would tell you right away 58 By the end of last year he (read) _ four Shakespeare plays and by next year he (read) _ two more 59 Don’t be surprised when you see how thin Olaf is He (be) _ extremely ill 60 When Ann said that she (come) _ to see me the next day, I wondered what flowers she (bring) _ 61 The police are stopping all the cars They (look for) the escaped prison 62 - Where are you off to with that ladder? - I (have) _ a look at the roof: it (leak) _ and I think a tile (slip) _ 63 You (not buy) your umbrella for we are going to buy car 64 Friend: His teacher (keep) _ him in a punishment Mother: He (not keep) him for a whole hour 65 - Where you think Peter is today? - I have no idea, he (sleep) _ late 66 When she (know) _ me for a year, she invited me to tea 67 “What explosion? I didn’t hear any.” – “You (hear) it The whole town heard it.” 68 If she wins the prize, it (be) _ because she (write) very well 69 Ask your friends (sit) on the same bench (exchange) _ the papers you and they (write) _, (correct) _ the grammatical mistakes you can find n your friends’ paper and ten discuss with them the strength and weakness of each one’s paper 70 I wish I (know) you needed the book I (buy) _ it for you in London 71 On the first of next of next month, he (be) _ in prison for five years 72 The sunlight (come) through the window (wake) _ me up early every morning 73 His personal problems seem (distract) him from his work lately 74 He suggested that a final decision (make) _ 75 It is necessary that the train (be) on time 76 What a shame! I’d rather you (not dismiss) like that 77 When I noticed the blank stare he (give) me, I (realize) _ that he didn’t understand me 78 Would you be so kind as (switch) _ off the lights when leaving? 79 Just inside the outer later of the earth’s atmosphere (be) the elements necessary to protect it from ultraviolet rays, extreme temperatures, and threatening foreign substances 80 The Swedish scientist Alfred B Nobel, left money (award) to people who have done something important to help humankind 81 I didn’t see anyone but I (watch) 82 It’s imperative that the wildlife program (broadcast) _ tomorrow 83 The President (deliver) _ a speech, but in the end he (change) _ his mind 84 He has five outstanding students, each (deserve) _ (give) a scholarship 85 I can’t understand why he (be) so selfish He isn’t usually like that 86 I hope you don’t mind my mentioning this but some rumors (circulate) _about your engagement to a banker 87 I’m sorry I wasn’t in when you came round I would like (see) _ 88 Sam (not receive) _ the parcel the last time I (speak) to him 89 I (consider) _ buying a house nut now I (change) my mind 90 I (find) _ it difficult to convince the ticket inspector that I (lose) _ my ticket 91 Since I (pay) for our lunch, I (try) to attract the waiter’s attention 92 I (hope) to meet you ever since I (read) your first novel 93 Sorry I (not take) _ the plan on Friday I hope it didn’t mess you around too much I know you (already book) me a hotel room, but presumably you were able to cancel it Unfortunately, my father (not be) _ very well recently, and on Friday morning, while he (clean) _ the car, he fainted and was rushed into hospital Luckily, the doctor say he’s likely (be) _ home in a few days 94 I got a job in Scotland about ten years ago, and I (be) there ever since Recently, I (meet) _ this really nice guy and we (get) _ married on 27 th of next month Of course, mother’s scandalized because buy the time we tie the knot, we (know) _ each other for two months! When you (get) _ some time off, why not come and see us? If you do, I’m going to organize a get-together with some old friends 95 Oh! There is much remains (do) _! 96 He was so angry that nobody dared (come) 97 He left us hours ago By now he (be) at home 98 Don’t worry! We (give) you fifteen pounds now 99 If only I (listen) to my parents 100 The speed limit is 30 miles an hour but Tom is driving at 50 He shouldn’t (drive) so fast 101 It is highly desirable that every effort (be) _ made to reduce expenditure 102 Suppose every word of this (be) _ true, what action would the committee wish to take? 103 We have already decide that this meeting (be) _ adjourned until tomorrow 104 Mustn’t there (be) _ another reason for his behavior 105 My seventy year old grandfather, who owns his own business, (continue probably) _ to work as long as he (live) 106 I don’t know why the food service has to be so slow We (stand) _ here in the cafeteria line for over half an hour and there (be) still a lot of people in front of us 107 By this time next summer, you (complete) _ our studies and (find) a job I, on the other hand, (not accomplish) anything I (still study) _ and you (work) in some new high paying job 108 When I (arrive) _home last night, I discovered that Jane (prepare) _ a beautiful candle lit dinner 109 As our new furniture (deliver) on Monday morning, I’ll have to stay at home to check that it (not damage) _ during transit 110 French is essential in this job All the telephonists speak it If they (not know) _ French, they (not understand) _ half the callers 111 If it (not be) _ for you yesterday, I (still be) in prison today 112 I’m sick of rain and bad weather! Hopefully, when we (wake) _ up tomorrow morning, the sun (shine) _ 113 Jack: After you (leave) _ work, will you please drop by the grocery store and pick up some milk and bread? Jane: No problem I (pick) _ up the groceries and be home by o’clock 114 Samatha (live) _ in Berlin for more than two years In fact, she (live) there when the Berlin Wall came down 115 The little girl accompanied by her cats and dogs (wander) in the back yard at midnight the other night 116 Not only the Smith but also Mr Brown ( not receive) any support of date 117 Neither my colleagues nor I(be) particularly interested in the training course next month 118 you ( not go) _ there as she was not expecting you 119 It is desirable that the systems was develop in- house(be) compatible with those in use elsewhere 120 I’ll try phoning him but he (go) out by now 121 The weather (be) bad, they couldn’t but (cancel) the camping trip 122 The huge damage ( now report) _(cause) by the recent violent earthquake 123 scientists (discover) that, all over the world, millions of frogs and toads are dying 124.” you’re looking well” “ I(play) _ a lot of squash to loose weight” 125 We (look) _ at the painting for about ten minutes before we realized who the artist was 126 The plane (travel) at twice the speed of sound when it passes overhead 127 Although people are now angry about what he did, I’m sure that his behavior soon (forget) _ 128 Next year (work) _ in the company for 30 years 129 Our computer was broken and we hoped the new one (arrive) _ soon 130 During the winter I decided that I (grow) tomatoes and carrots when the summer came 131 I (help) _ with the performance, but I got flu the day before 132 The results were completely wrong As a scientist, she (plan) _ the experiment more carefully 133 She (try) to prevent the dog from running into the road 134 She enjoy(invite) _ to parties 135 “ when can I have my car back?” “ I think It’ll (finish) _ late this afternoon.” 136 After(carry) those books up the stairs, An panted heavily 137 If you want to develop inner tranquility, you have to stop (bother) _ by every little thing that happens 138 Have you ever met the man (stand) _ over there? 139 Neither industries nor the garbage disposal (account) for the pollution in this city 140 If I weren’t working for an accounting firm, I(work) in a bank 141 It was very kind of you to get me something for my birthday, but you (buy) me such an expensive present 142 The machine made me feel dizzy I felt as though the room (spin) around and around 143 It is necessary that he (take) _an examination 144 It was our fault to keep Jane (wait) _ so long We (inform) _ her in advance 145 He greeted her She really (look) better than when he (see) her last - yes, she (change) _ 147 It’s no use (ask) children (keep) _ quiet - They can’t help (make) a noise 148 He (always enter) the room without knocking the door first, which is annoying 149 No sooner he (arrive) _ than he had to leave again 150 I’ve got a terrible headache If olny I (not drink ) that wine 151 He told her not to eat the meat, (explain) _ that there was a risk of fooding poisoning 152 I disapprove of people (smoke) _ in public places 153 She stopped talking about her illnesses and went on (tell) us about her other problem 154 You can’t blame Tom for (tempt) to eat that dessert It looked delicious 155 Do you mind (disturb) _when you are working? 156 if you don’t mind, I’d sooner you (practice) your violin somewhere else 157 That was a lucky escape! We (kill) 157 might/could have been killed 158 I’m sure you (forget) _me by the time I (be) _back in five years 159 I don’t remember (tell) of the decision to change the company policy on vacations 160 They were fortune (rescue) from the fire before the building collapsed 162 Everyone’s future depends on the whole world (concern) _ about the ozone layer 163 The uneaten breakfast was still on the table She (must/call) _ in a hurry 164 He is decorating his house with a view to (sell) it 165 She regretted (not learn) _ how to ride a bike when she was young 166.(make) _ the same mistake twice is unforgettable 167 His (take) ill was quite unexpected 168 I feel as if my head (be) on fire now, doctor 169 Her car hit another car If she (wear) _ her seatbelt, she (not hurt) so badly 170 She left the room without anyone (see) _ 171 She was breathing fast and deep, as if she (run) 172 (lose) the last time , she doesn’t want to ask them 173 she can’t bear(criticize) about her work 174 Not until later they (discover) that the picture (steal) 175 Before 2000, he (be) a teacher at the University, as his father (be) _ before him 176 You (be) _ more careful You (avoid) (have) this accident 177 (I/ not do) _ the test for the time being, I (play) football with you 178 My brother (work) in Australia for the last year , so by the time he (return) the month after next, I(not see) him for 14 months 179 The US postal service policy for check approval includes a requirement that two pieces of identification (present) 180 We would like (invite) to the president’s reception, but we weren’t 181 Father (pay) _ a deposit on the car, but then he (tell) that It (promise/ already) to someone else 182 All the best things (go) if we don’t get to the sale soon 183 He’s planning (complete) _ all his course work be next week 184 It’s six o’clock: imagine they (head) for _ the airport by now 185 John really ought to lose some weight - you’re right, he (breathe) very heavily during the walk yesterday 186 – Tina is looking for a decent flat - How long she (look) _? 187 Did you know that Oscar Wildle (live) _ in Paris during his final years? 188 I loved Christmas as a child - So did I Every Christmas all the family (decorate) the tree together 189 Sue (recover) _ from a serve bound of flu at the time 190 Why didn’t Madeline show up at the party last night? - When I called her at 11.00 she (study) _ 191 Her clothes was soaked because she (walk) in the rain 192 There was no sign indicating that the cottage (break) into 193 Without their valuable assistance we (never gather ) _ enough money 194 you can say Geogre and Stacy I remember, It (be) love at first sight 195 It’s been expected that the government (receive) _a definite answer to their request for financial support from the European union 196 Things (begin) _ to improve now that we have received the aid 197 We don’t have any exact date, but on average, we (serve) hundred customers a day 198 I( not say) these two statues (make) _ by the same sculptor In fact, there is little resemblance between them 199 It has been decided that the two boys (expel) from school for playing nasty trick son the teachers and the other pupils 201 Where you think Mai is today? - I don’t know She (sleep) late 202 Her (get) sick was not expected 203 Her (get) sick was not expected 204 She took a risk investing money with them I’d rather she (not do) _ it 205 The boy’s eyes were red because he (cry) _ 206 It’s obligatory that the voyage (cancel) 207 On the first of next month, he (be) _ prison for five years 208 Tom was pleased (admit) to the college 209 It’s important that he (try) to get some sleep 210 He (go) _ to the last meeting, but he didn’t 211 If there aren’t any tickets left when we reach the front of the queue, we (wait) all the time for nothing 212 Father (pay) a deposit on the car, but then he (tell) that already (promise) to someone else 213 It (not be) _ for the helmet, more motorcyclists (kill) 214 (tell) _ about the dangers of mountain- climbing, the boys prepared themselves for the worst 215 He complained of (order) to stay behind 216 It was clever of you (think) up such a plan 217 She (know) , she (not provoke) _ them 212 had paid/ was told/ had already been promised 218 I proposed that the project (complete) within a year 219 She dedicated her life to (work) for peace 220 They wrote _ us for the present (thank) 221 The woodwork (recently give) a fresh coat of paint 222 within minutes of (introduce) _ they were chatting away like old friends 223 He (be) _ on the computer all morning, chatting with his friends 224 Everyone is being very secretive- there’s something (cook) 225 It was an opportunity (not miss) _ 226 Her head felt as if it (burst) _ 227 I (panic) _ when I saw smoke coming out of the engine 218 be completed/ should be completed 228 Scarcely they (move) _ into the new house when their friends cane in 229 I feel as if my head (be) _ on fire now, doctor 230 I wish I (see) more of him before the war 231 It’s high time you (get) _ down to more serious work 232 Only by operating immediately we (save) _ our eyesight 233 The police caught him (climb) over the garden wall 234 This is the first time that his authority ( challenge) 235 I object to people (criticize) me unfairly 236 But for my father’s money, we (not get) _ over that problem 237 Henry has studied very hard He (know) all the answer 238 Don’t worry that Linda is late She (miss) the bus 239 Why didn’t you drink it? - I didn’t like (drink) because I didn’t know what it was 240 No decision (make) about any future appointment until all suitable candidates (interview) 241 I can’t get my car (start) on cold morning - Have you tried (fill) _ the radiator with hot water? That sometimes helps 242 Peter was found (work) _at great attention in the library 243 when some money was everyone in the bank was under suspicion 244 It’s a pity you didn’t ask because I(go) with you to the hospital 245 “ It’s been snowing all night” “ I hope our flight (not cancel) 246 Mrs Brown always (forget) _her pupils’names, which embarrasses her 247 “ has the plane landed?” “ No, It (ought to/ arrive) _by now 248 Paul (annoy) _ us because he wouldn’t the washing up although he had time 249 We opened the door and and out jumped two big frogs who (swim) in through the open window 250 (eat) _ a lot of junk food is definitely bad for your health 251 Having defeated the champion in the opening match, she went on (win) _ the tournament 252 There was no point in promising to help if you don’t like (get) _your hands dirty 253 The shark (attack) in the shallows swam away losing a lot of blood 254 The dog ran madly along the pavement, (cause) panic among the pedestrians 255 There was a problem with the cell phone, but I(fix) _ it now 256 There’s nothing I like more than _ for a brisk walk along the seashore (go) 257 She ran, otherwise she (miss) _ the train 258 I’d rather (not invite) to the party with my parents because there’s nothing interesting there 259 If only It( conclude) differently! I had hoped to be acquitted 260 He wasn’t responsible He wasn’t _ (blame) 261 By the time Bernard daughter graduates, he (retire) 262 I didn’t answer the phone immediately, because I(try) to finish some work 263 He (always/ spill) _ coffee on his shirt It makes me furious 264 Police are reported (find) _illegal drugs in a secret hiding place in the star home 265 I’ll return the book to Jim the next time I(see) him 267 By the time I go to bed tonight ,I(write) _ more than ten pages of the novel 268 But for their support, we (not overcome ) _ the problem 269 The issue is going to (decide) by the voters 270 I(know) the truth, I’ve told you 271 She ‘d rather she (not phone) the plane 272 It (recommend) _ that all luggage (bear) a personal label 273 I saw Lan (enter) _ the hall at that time , she seemed (be) nervous 274.This time next month the snow (smelt) _ and skiing will be over 275 Where are you off to with that ladder? -I(have) a look at the roof ; It’s leaking and I think a tile has slipped 276 Nobody has been in this house for a month Nonsense! Here is last Monday’s paper in the wastepaper basket; somebody (be) _ here quite recently 277 He set off alone a month ago and hasn’t been hear of since He (fall) _ into the river and been eaten by crocodiles 278 It’s just struck midnight It’s high time we (leave) 279 Can I take your best umbrella? - I’d rather you (take) the other one 280 If I continue with my diet (lose) 10 kilos by the end of the month 281 The last time I went sailing with my friend the boat (sink) _ in a gale Luckily I (not invite ) _ since then again 282 According to yesterday’s newspapers, astronomers in Australia (discover) a planet in a galaxy close to our town 283 When we came in, a meal (already prepare) for us 284.It’s essential that everyone (have) _ some experience 285 I (think) _ about you a lot lately and I (come) to the conclusion that I (not be) able to live without you 286.The grass looks as if It (not cut) _ for years 287 Jack (promote) last year if he (be) able to communicate well in German 288 We asked the librarian for the book the professor (recommend) while he (give) his lectures on the history of the War II 289 By next October , my parents (marry) for thirty years 290 My father (work) _for the same oil company for 40 years before he retires last year 291 you (pass) the test Don’t worry 292 Dave (expel) _from school for his repeated misbehaviors 293 He resented (be) _unjustly accused and implored the judge (reconsider) _ the trial 294 Two people (report) _ to (injure) in an explosion at a factory in Birmingham early this morning 296 It’s essential that he (arrive) _before six 297 This lovely beach won’t exist forever Eventually , it (probably erode) _away by the sea, and there will be nothing left but bedrock 298 On the first of next month, he (be) _ in prison for five years 299 After I decided (have) a garage (build) _ next to the house, I hired carpenter (do) the work 300 Fred was pleased (admit) to the college 301 I’d rather you (not be) absent from class yesterday 302 John admitted (surprise) by the unexpected birthday party last night 303 Thomas (catch) _ the ball, we would have won the games 304 This building (be) finished by the end of 1999 305 I distinctly remember (pay) him I gave him two dollars 306 The statue (break) while It (move) _to another room in the museum 307.If only he (know) _then that the disease was curable 308 The teller was made (lie) _ down on the floor 309 You risk (lose) your money when you put it into that business 310 yesterday I (walk) _ along the street when I realized that a man with a black , whom I (see) _ three times already, (follow) _ me 311.He insisted that the new baby (name) _ after his grandfather 312 There (be) no further business, I declare the meeting closed 313 The uneaten breakfast was still on the table She (call) _ away in a hurry 314 I (write) _ photographs every week, I promise, and I (try) _ to make them legible 315 Were I (know) _the answer, I would tell you right away 316 I’s no use crying over (spill) milk 317 I would rather ( not be ) _ absent from class yesterday 318 An eyewitness described how ten people (kill) in the fire 319 Scarcely they (move) into the house when their friends (come) _ in 320 Trade has gone from bad to worse and staff (lay) off now 321 He became addicted to (smoke) _ He really regretted (not take) _his father’s advice 322 It’s crucial that Dido (stop) _ using Quang Ha 323 She (not allow) anybody (read) her diary but yesterday she (find) her Mom (read) _it; she couldn’t but (ignore) _ the incident 324 On the first next month, he (be) _ in prison for five years 325 I(look) through my old photograph album It’s full of photos of people whose names I completely (forget) _ I wonder what (happen) _ all them 326 He died of lung cancer He (smoke) _ a lot 327 The last time he (see) in the public, he (wear) a gray suit 328 On their next anniversary, Doris and Fred (be) married for forty years 329 Sorry, I didn’t mean(step) _ on your foot 330 His greatest ambition is (choose/ take) part in the Olympics 331 If Linda (stay) up late last night, she (not be) tired now 332 How about your holiday? -It was all right, but I’d rather (go) to Da Lat 333 He always talks as though he (address) _ a public meeting 334 Hardly he (pick) up the book when the phone (ring) 335 Do you feel like (walk) _ or shall we take a taxi? 336 It’s essential that she (arrive) _ before six o’clock 337 (write) the letter, she put it in an envelop 338 A man answered the phone I suppose it was her husband - It(not be) _ her husband He has been dead for ages 339 He will go to Ho Chi Minh city with a view to (give) a chance of promotion 340 I’m likely to pass the exam, (be) _I ? 341 This time tomorrow, we (lie) _on a beach 342 I think your garden needs (weed) _, and you’d better have it (do) 343 My boss is very angry with me I didn’t all the work that I(do) _ last week 344 It looks as if the light (burn) all night I (forget)( switch) it off before I went to bed last night 345 I visit my new country every year By the time I(be) sixty, I (visit) all the most interesting countries in the world 346 Congress has decreed that gasoline tax (abolish) 347 If I had taken his advice, I (still/ not do) the same job 348 I didn’t see anyone but I felt as though I (watch) _ 349 My boss isn’t here- but she (not /take) the car because there’s no petrol in it 350 Hardly they (move) _ into the new house when their friends came 351 Would they not rather you (seek) _ new sponsors? 352 By the time you get there now I’m afraid the meeting (end) 353 Jean, I’m so glad you’ve got here at last I (expect) you all day 354 None of the people (invite) _ to the party can come 355 His demand was that his son (acquit) at once 356 Had they not invented satellites, we (not watch) _ live programmes on TV 357 What a pity! If only I(listen) to my parents 359 you must tell me the truth I insist on (tell) the truth 360 Don’t worry We (finish) the report by 11 o’clock 361 Fred was pleased (admit) _to the college 362 There were some people (row) _ on the river 363 Alex has a test tomorrow that he needs to study for He (not watch) TV right now 364 Were I (know) the answer, I(tell) _ you right away 365 By the end of last year he (read) _ four Shakespeare plays and by next year he (read) two more 367 What a shame ! I’d rather you (not dismiss) _ like that 368.When I (notice) _ the blank stare he (give) _me I (realize) that he didn’t understand me 369 Would you be so kind as (switch) _ off the lights when leaving? 370 The Swedish scientists, Alfred B Nobel, left money (award) _ to people who have done something important to help humankind 371 I didn’t see anyone but I(watch) _ 372 It’s imperative that wildlife program (broadcast) _ tomorrow 373 The President (deliver) the speech, but in the end he (change) _ his mind 374 He has five outstanding students, each (deserve) (give) a scholarship 375 I hope you don’t mind my mentioning this but some rumors (circulate) _about your engagement to a banker 376 I’m sorry, I wasn’t in when you came round, I’d like (see) you 379 He (go) to the last meeting, but he didn’t 380 By the time you come here again, this palace (build) _ 381 The yesterday accident is thought (cause) _ by human error 382 We (cook) _ all day for the party that evening and by o’clock we still weren’t ready 383 It’s highly desirable that every effort (make) to reduce expenditure 384 There (be) _ any errors , let me know 385 His (take) ill was quite unexpected 386 In 20 hour’s time, I (relax) _ on my yatch 387 It was a boring show I would rather ( not go) there 388 It was a close call We (kill) _ 389 If there aren’t any ticket left when we reach the front of the queue, we (wait) _ all the time for nothing 390 I haven’t decided yet about whether to buy a new car or a second hand one But I (think) _ about it 391 We have just got to the top in time The sun (rise) in a few minutes 392 By midnight he (be) unconscious for forty- eight hours 393 It (not be) _ Anna who cooked that food She was out all day yesterday 394 It’s highly desirable that every product in regular production, samples (withdraw) _periodically 395 The portrait is widely known (paint) _ by an Italian 396 Can you keep calm for a moment? You always (make) _ noise in the class 397 you (visit) Anna while you were in Paris 398 Tom together with Peter (just vote) as group leader 399 He can’t stand (tell) _what to Therefore, he never stops (make) _ effort to be the best 400 That was a lucky escape We (kill) _ 401 It’s imperative that the assignment (hand) in tomorrow 402 His demand was that he (be) the first to speak 403 The government has decreed that traffic regulations (introduce) to school 404 It was your fault to keep Tim (wait) for you so long You (not come) so late 405 He used to be the boss, but now he is (reduce) to (work) _ for his one- time employee 406 On the second of next month, he (work) in this laboratory for two years 407 I’d sooner you (not injure) those poor animals to evaluate the effects of pain- killing drugs because most of them died after experiments 408 They were pleased (admit) to university 409 I can’t bear the thought of someone (allow) _ their pets (foul) _ the children’s playground 410 You (work) non- stop on your favorite experiments for the last three weeks It’s time you (stop) _ for a break 411 Tuan Quynh came very close to (choose) to take part in the Olympics Athens 412 There (seem) _ (be) a fight here Everything is smashed to bits 413 My sister disliked her math teacher because he always (pick) on her 414 Since the new service (introduce) _, more people (talk) to travel by bus instead of on their private motorcycles 415 I think that people (become) tired of the poor quality of the the poor quality television programs, though they (improve) _ lately 416 I (consider) _buying a house but now I (change) _ my mind 417 They admitted to (be) _ members of the gang 418 We regret (inform) _ that your application (turn) _ down 419 It is essential that he (arrive) _ before six 420 I’d rather (live) in Ancient Greece than Ancient Rome, 421 It’s bound (rain) _tomorrow 422 I can’t bear the thought of you (go) home without someone (accompany) you 423 It’s essential that your wife (take) _ care of the child better 424 He (die) _ of lung cancer He (smoke) a lot 425 The news about the earthquake in the Philippines (already/ broadcast) on radio several times so far 426 He looked as if he (see) a ghost 427 (convince) that they (try) ; to poison him , he refused to eat anything 428 you (not go) there as he was not expecting you 429 He admitted (buy) _ the gun from that shop 430 I (put) the five pound note into one of my books; but the next day it (take) me ages (find) it because I (forget) which the book I (put) it into 431 It’s high time you (do) the gardening You are better off (cut) _ the grass first 432 she is accustomed to (train) 432 It’s essential that he (arrive) before seven o’clock 433 He resented (ask) _(wait) _ He expected the minister to see him at once 434 We (wait) for Nancy for over three hours before she finally arrived yesterday 435 This building (finish) _by the end of 2010 436 It’s very cold , MR Taylor, who has been ill recently , is walking along the road with a coat He (wear) a warm coat 437 He (play) the part now if he (not attend) the producer at the last rehearsal 438 too big and too heavy(pull) behind a passenger cars, these mobile homes (move) _by tow trucks 439 It looked as if this light (burn) all night, I must(forget) to switch it off before I went to bed last night 440 There (be) no further business, I declare the meeting (close) _ 441 We had better wait till the end of the month He (have) his exam by then and he (be) able to enjoy himself 442 I really don’t know why she (not enter) the contest She (win) the first prize easily 445 He is intelligent and he (work) hard so far He (pass) _ the exam, I think 446 He became addicted to (smoke) _ He really regretted(not take) _ his father’s advice 447 It’s crucial that Dido (stop) using Quang Ha 448 you ever (be) to Hue? - Yes, I (be) there twice 449 The kids are interested (go) _ on a picnic, but they say they dread (travel) _ by motorbike because of the weather 450 Why not (try) _( put) an ad in the local paper if you want to sell your car 451 You should prevent children from (watch) those bad stuff of motion pictures 452 I (consider) _(take) part in the next contest although I am not busy (work) _ with a new group of students 451 I suggest her (stop) 452 This time next week , we (walk) about in London 453 By the age of twenty, he (achieve) _ his ambition of becoming a pianist 454 I don’t think It is worth (spend) money on it It (be) _ there in the shop for ages 455 When I was there two years ago, the building (build) _ , but now it (not finish) yet 456 if only I (see) you earlier It’s vital that no one else (know) about the secret government operation 457 I’d rather my house (paint) _ yellow 459 A new model computer (design) _ and suppose (invade) _ foreign markets at the present 460 she doesn’t allow (read) her diary but yesterday she found her mother (read) _; she couldn’t but (ignore) the incident 461 A lot of information we need (store) _ in a minute chip in the computer 462 The car broken But for that we (be) _ in time 463 it is important that he (try) _ to get some sleep 464 If there aren’t any tickets left when we reach the front of the queue, we (wait) all the time for nothing 465 Not until I (live) _ with him I (realize) _ that he (cheat) me and it was my terrible mistake (marry) _ him 466 He (go) to the last meeting, but he didn’t 467 I don’t mind you (borrow) my things But I’d sooner you (ask) _ then 468 I could hear my bike (rattle) _ There (be) _ something wrong, but I didn’t realize what 469 My brother as well as I still clearly (remember) (take) good care of when you were young 470 Tom is pleased (admit) to the college 471 It’s a pity you didn’t ask, for I (help) you 472 If only he (know) then that disease (be) _ curable 473 That’s definitely the last time that I ( lend) you any money! 474 I didn’t see anyone, but I felt as though I(watch) 475 you (not go) there as she was not expecting you 476 Neither you, nor I , nor anyone else (be) _ correct 477 I don’t remember (promise) (lend) me money when you need it ? Do you lend me some now? 478 you realize that if the workmen are still there on Monday, they (dig) up the road for a whole month? 479 Why didn’t you tell me that you could lend me the money? - I (not borrow) _ it from the bank 480.Where’s Sarah? She must be here by now -I don’t know what (happen) _ to her She (miss) the last bus 481 I (think) _ that this is what he (say) , but I can’t swear to (hear) him correctly 482 But for my parents’ attention to my study in the early childhood, I(not pass) _ all the examinations (become) a teacher of English as I am today 483 She can’t bear (live) _ alone 484 She has made up her mind (have) a garage (build) next to the house 485 The high way patrol advised (take) _ the old route through the city 486 The bell is ringing I must stop(do) _ my homework(answer) _ the phone 487 Why you all (laugh) _? Roger (tell) you his funny stories? 488 Don’t worry We (finish) the report by 11 489 The airplane in which the football match (travel) _(crash) soon after (take) _ off 490 She (win) the prize , it will be because she (write) _ very well 491 A student of mine (talk/ forever) in class; many a time she (expel) from class 492 Do you know the first men (set) foot on the moon? 493 It’s essential that each bike (lock) carefully indoors 494 Her mother (go) abroad last month, so it (not be) her you saw at the theater last Sunday 495 His (take) _ ill suddenly last night took me by surprise 496 The student confessed to (steal) _ the gold watch Other, the case (report) _ to the police 497 you (talk) on the phone for a long time last time I (phone) four times and It (engage) _ 498 How was your dental appointment? - Painless I(not worry) 499 How about your job in the new city? - It’s alright, but I’d rather (put) in for the job (advertise) _ in yesterday’s newspaper 501 I don’t think his article deserves (read) _ 502 It was our fault to keep Jane (wait) so long We (inform) her in advance 503 It’s no use (ask) _ the students(keep) quiet They can’t help (make) _ 504 I’d rather you (not be) absent from class yesterday 505 Neither industries nor the garage disposal (account) _ for the pollution city 506 All the lights are on You (forget) (turn) the light off before going to bed last night 507 When we came in, a meal already(prepare) _ for us 508 It’s essential that everyone (have) _ some experience 509 I (think) _ about you lately and I (come) _ to the conclusion that I (not be) _ able to live without you 510 The grass looks as if it (not be) cut for years 511 Jack (promote) last year if he (be) _ able to communicate well in German 512 We asked the librarian for the book the professor(recommend) _ while he (give) _his lectures on the history of world war II 513 Bu next October , my parents (marry) _ for thirty years 514 My father (work) _ for the same oil company for 40 years before he retired last year 515 you (pass) the test Don’t worry 516 Ask your friends (sit) on the same bench (exchange) _ the papers you and they (write) _, (correct) _ the grammatical mistakes you can find in your friends’ paper 517 He resented (be) unjustly accused and implored the judge (reconsider) the trail 518 Two people (report) to (injure) in an explosion at a factory in Birmingham early this morning 520 Teresa ( type) all day and still (not finish) _ the report 521 you must (be) _ very pleased when you (hear) _ you (win) the prize What you (do) _ to celebrate? 522 The murder (arrest) _ last week (admit) _ all his sins 523 The doctor suggested her (stay) in bed for a rest 524 your new pair of jeans (be) really fashionable 528 Oh! There is much remains (do) _ 529 He was so angry that nobody dared (come) 530 He left us three hours ago By now he (be) at home 531.Don’t worry! We (give) _ you thirteen pounds now 532 If only I (listen) to your parents 533 The speed limit is 30 miles an hour but Tom is driving at 50 he (drive) so fast 534 It is highly desirable that every effort (be) _ made to reduce expenditure 535 Suppose every word of this meeting (be) true, what action would the committee wish to take? 536 We have already decided that this meeting (be) _ adjourned until tomorrow 537 mustn’t there (be) _ another reason of his behavior 538 My seventy year old grandfather, who owns his own business, (continue/ probably) _to work as long as he (live) 539 I don’t know why the food service has to be so slow We (stand) here in the cafeteria line for over half an hour and there (be) _ still a lot of people in front of us 540 When I (arrive) home last night, I discovered that Jane (prepare) a beautiful candle lit dinner 541 As our new furniture (deliver) on Monday morning, I’ll have to stay at home to check that it (not damage) during transit 542 French is essential in this job All the telephonists speak it If they (not know) _French, they (not understand) _ half the callers 543 If it (not be) for you yesterday, I (still be) prison today 544 I am sick of the rain and bad weather! Hopefully when we (wake) up tomorrow morning, the sun (shine) 545 Peter (live ) in Berlin for more than two years In fact, she (live) there when the Berlin Wall came down 547 Do you think you (still/ do) the same job in ten years’time 548 Phone me after o’clock We (finish) dinner by then 549.A: The ceiling in this room doesn’t look very safe, does it? B:No, It looks as if It (fall) _ down 550 you look tired You (work) _ hard? 551 I can’t understand why she (be) so selfish He isn’t usually like that 552 I remember (give) _ a toy drum of my fifth birthday 553 She did the opposite what I asked her to She (not understand) _ what I said 554 The jacket you bought is very good quality It (be) _ very expensive 555 A: I wonder why she didn’t say hello Perhaps she didn’t see me B: “ that’s possible She (not see) _ you 556 Brian had no money, so he sold his car A few day later he won some money in a lottry He (not /sell) his car 557 It was urgent that she (leave) at once 558 We proposed that he (take) _ a vacation 559 Mr John would rather (stay) at home last night 560 I wouldn’t recommend (eat) _ in that restaurant The food is awful 561 I don’t like (tell) _ what to 562 He missed class today He (have) an accident 563 Jim hurt his arm (play) _ tennis 564 The train (arrive) _ at 11.30 , but it was an hour late 565 Don’t be surprise when you see how thin Matin is He (be) _ extremely ill 566 The ideas (present) _ in this book are not really interesting 567 Most of the Earth’s surface (cover) by water 568 The first festival (hold) _ nearly eight hundred years ago 569 There’s someone behind us I think we (follow) 570 My mother (not visit) us since she (move) to the new town 571 The bike (use) _ for more than six years 572 He (not finish) his work yet He only (start) an hour ago 573 A lot of people (kill) by AIDS recently, and I wish nobody would die any more 574 George as well as his brothers (not go) to the cinema very often 575 There was a problem with the cellphone, but I (fix) _ it now 576 From the clink of dishes one can tell that supper (prepare) _ 577 You have read this book already What you (think) _ of it? 578 Peter did not get used to (get) up early when he first came to Vietnam 579 By the time your brother (return) here next year, the city (change) _ a lot 580 What tune (play) when we came in? 581 They (learn) English from nine to ten in this room Don’t let anyone disturb them then 582 Five kilometers (be) _ along way for a little boy to walk 583 He (serve) _ in the army in the last world 584 She regret (not buy) _ that house It’s much more expensive now 585 Typhoon Haiyan (make) landfall in Vietnam, days after leaving thousands feared dead and widespread devastation in the Philippines 586 We asked the librarian for the book the professor (recommend) _ 587 When I arrived, Ann (wait) for me She was rather annoyed with me because I was late and she (wait) _for a very long time => was waiting – had been waiting/ had waited 588 She has made up her mind (have) garage (build) _ next to the house 589 He seems (work) _ hard on a solution to the problem So don’t interrupt him 590 To avoid (follow) _, they hot out of the house from the back door 590 She (learn) English in this room from 7o’clock to 10 o’clock tomorrow 591 When Lan (come) _ here tomorrow, she (listen) _ to music 592 She wears glasses to avoid (rescognize) _ by other people 593 He prefers (drive) to (be drive) _ 595 If you bet on that house, you risk (lose) _ every penny you’ve got 596 I’d rather you (not wear) _ jeans to the office 597 None of the people (invite) to the party could come 598 I was terribly disappointed (discover) that he (lie) to me 599 We (tell) not to go out at night recently => have been told 600 There is smoke and I smell something (burn) There must be a fire nearby 601 Coming into the room he saw Mary where he (leave) her 602 Come to see me on Saturday I (wait) _ for you midday 603 The statue broke while it (move) _ to another room in this room 604 I am sure you (forget) me by the time I am back in five years 605 He doesn’t want (take) to parties any more 606 You see, I (do) _ this kind of work for the last 30 years 607 Stay here until the light (turn) green 608 I often have my sister (wash) my clothes 609 We couldn’t risk (let) him play alone at home 610 Just as they (get) _ out of the room, the fire alarm went off 611 Don’t you remember (promise) (keep) your room clean and tidy? You’d better get all the rubbish (take) 612 With this promotion, I feel that I (reach) a turning point in my career 613 I (work) very hard for this exam I hope I well 614 His brother (give) a car for his twentieth birthday next year 615 The house was very quiet when I got home Everybody _ (go) to bed 616 Less than half of cans of paint (use) _ up to now 617 (Write) the letter, she put it carefully in an envelope 618 Can you imagine what I (come) across when I (roll) _ up the carpet yesterday? 619 You may feel frightened when you are in a forest (surround) by tall trees 620 You have just missed the bus – All right I (walk) 621 Hello, Peter! I (not see) you for a long time How are you doing? 622 I’m sorry for (not write) to you lately but my house (break) _ into a few weeks ago and I have been feeling rather upset since then 623 He kept (talk) about you last night 624 Look! A man (run) after the rain 625 This exercise (look) difficult You (do) _ one like this before? 626 His greatest ambition is (choose) _ (take) _ part in the Olympics London 2012 627 I can’t bear (sit) at home all day, (do) _ nothing 628 When (ask) about his future plan, he said he was considering (change) his job 629 The teacher asked those who (complete) _ their tests (turn) _ in their papers 630 People always (blame) _ their circumstances for what they (be) _ 631 By the time he (return) next week, we (finish) _ all the work 632 Look! The rain (spoil) our furniture You should have closed the windows last night 633 I suppose when I (come) _ back in two years’ time, they (pull) down all these old buildings 634 I (see) _ a car accident while I (wait) for you on this corner yesterday 635 (cook) _ the meal, she continued (clean) _ the house 636 He became addicted to (play) games He really regretted (not take) _ his father’s advice 637 at this time next time next week I (spend) _ my holiday in Da Lat, (have) _ a good time 638 An eyewitness (describe) _ how the accident (happen) _ 639 What you (think) you (do) in ten years’ time? 640 The money (steal) _ in the robbery was never found 641 This building (finish) by the end of 2019 642 You look tired You (work) _ hard? 643 “Was Carol at the party last night?” – “Yes, she (wear) a really nice dress.” 644 I remember (give) a toy drum on my fifth birthday 645 Jim hurt his arm while (play) tennis 646 The child was made (eat) everything on his plate 647 When he (wash) _ his shirt in the bathroom, the telephone rang 648 He (be) to the theater three times this month 649 I couldn’t resist (laugh) at the way he answered my question 650 He resented (tell) _ what to 651 What a shame! I’d rather you (not/ dismiss) like that 652 When I (notice) the blank stare he (give) me, I (realize) _ that he didn’t understand me 653 Would you be so kind as (switch) off the lights when leaving? 654 I didn’t see anyone but I (watch) _ 655 It’s imperative that the wildlife program(broadcast) _ tomorrow.(should) be broadcast 656 The president(deliver) _ the speech , but in the end he (change) his mind 657 He has five outstanding students, each (deserve) _(give) _ a scholarship 658 I can’t understand why he (be) so selfish He isn’t usually like that 659 I hope you don’t mind my mentioning this but some rumours (circulate) _about your engagement to a banker 660 Sam (not receive) the parcel the last time I(speak) _ to him 661 I (consider) buying a new house but now I(change) _ my mind 662 I (find) it difficult to convince the ticket inspector that I (lose) _ my ticket 663 Since I (pay) _ for our lunch, I (try) to attract the waiter’s attention 664 I hope (meet) you ever since I (read) _ your first novel 665 Oh! There is much remains (do) _ 666 He was so angry that nobody dared ( come) _ 667 He left us three hours ago By now he (be) at home 668 If only I (listen) to my teacher 669 The speed limit is 30 miles an hour but Tom is driving at 50 He shouldn’t (be ) _ driving so fast 670 It’s highly desirable that every effort (be) made to reduce expenditure 671 Suppose every word of this (be) true, what action would the committee wish to take? 672 We have already decided that this meeting (be) adjourned until tomorrow 673 Mustn’t there (be) another reason for his behaviour 674 My seventy year old grandfather , who own his own business(continue/ probably) to work as long as he (live) 675 I don’t know why the food service has to be so slow We (stand) here in the cafeteria line for over half an hour and there (be) _ still a lot of people in front of us 676 When I (arrive) _ home last night, I discovered that Jane (prepare) _ 677 As our new furniture (deliver) _on Monday morning, I’ll have to stay at home to check that it (not damage) _ during the transit 678 French is essential in this job All the telephonists speak it If they (not know) French, they ( not understand) half the callers 679 It (not be) _ for you yesterday, I (still be) _ in prison today 680 I am sick of rain and bad weather! Hopefully , when we (wake) up tomorrow morning, the sun (shine) _ 681 Do you think you (still/ do) the same job in ten year’s time? 682 Phone me after o’clock we (finish) dinner by then 683 A: The ceiling in this room doesn’t look very safe, does it? B: No, it looks as if It (fall) down 684 you look tired You (work) _ hard? 685 I can’t understand why he (be) so selfish He isn’t usually like that 687 What you think of my English? Do you think I (improve) _? 688 I remember (give) a toy drum on my fifth birthday 689 She did the opposite what I asked her to She (not understand) _ what I said 690 The jacket you bought is very good quality It (be) _ very expensive 691 A: “ I wonder why she didn’t say hello Perhaps she didn’t see me B: “ That’s possible She (not see) _ you 692 Brian had no money, so she sold his car A few days later he won some money in a lottery - He (not sell) his car 693 It was urgent that she (leave) at once 694 We proposed that he (take) a vacation 695 Mr John would rather (stay) home last night 696 I wouldn’t recommend (eat) in that restaurant That’s awful 697 I don’t like (tell) _ what to 698 He missed class today He (have) _ an accident 699 He hurt his arm (play) tennis 700 The train ( arrive) at 11 30 , but it was an hour late 701 if he (travel) _ in that car, he would have been killed too 701 It is understood that the escaped prisoner might (hide) _ in a friend’s house for the last month 702 I hope (live) _in my own house in five years’ time 703 The children are looking forward to (film) _ for that television programs 704 I’m sorry I wasn’t in when you came round I would like (see) _ you 705 He was a difficult child, probably due to (look) _ after by a series of different foster parents 706 she (not dance) with Tim last night He’s got a broken leg 707 The government (act) more swiftly, the crisis(avoid) But it inevitably occurred 708 You (always/ ask) _ me for money Ask somebody else for a change 709 I don’t mind your (borrow) _ my bike, but I’d sooner you (ask) me 710 I feel as if my head (be) on fire , now 711 “ you (miss) _ the last bus” “ never mind, I (miss) _”=>have missed/ will walk 712 I’d rather you (not go) _ to the party last night 713 It’s essential that he (be) at the meeting before 714 Jim(convince) _ that there’s gold in these fields but we (search) for one year and (not see ) _ any sign of it 715 Yesterday I (walk) _ along the street when I(realize) that a man with a black beard, whom I (see) _ three time already, (follow) me 716 you mean we (not have) any photographs now? I(not take) _ the pictures 717 No one is opposed to (reduce) taxes 718 Since she (decide) _ to try acupressure, he (notice) _a tremendous improvement in his condition 719 Four miles of the southeastern of Massachusetts the island of Martha’s Vineyard(lie) _, a popular summer resort.lies 720 you might as well take the parcel tomorrow- the post office (close) _ by the time you get there if you go now 721 I have no practice with gossips What I told Bill was a secret He (tell) it to you 722 I don’t know why Jessica wasn’t at the meeting - She (forget) about it - Next time there’s a meeting I’ll be sure to remind her about it 723 you (sew) this button back on right away- before you lose it 724 His greatest ambition is (choose) _to take part in the Asean Games 725 Why didn’t Oscar tell his boss about the problem? - He (get) into a lot of trouble 726 It’s no use (have) a bike if you don’t know how to ride it 727 I have a long trip ahead of me tomorrow, so I think I’d better go to bed But let me say goodbye now because I won’t see you in the morning I(leave/ already) by the time you (get) _ up 728 It was essential that union (moderate) its demand for a shorter working week 729 All the lights are on you (forget) _(turn) _ the lights off before going to bed last night 730 He doesn’t allow (read) his diary but last night he found his father reading , he couldn’t but (ignore) _ the incident 731 The telephone, which(consider) to be one of the most useful scientific achievement of the century, is said (invent) by A Bell 732 it was suggested that Pedro (study) _ the material thoroughly before attempting to pass the exam 733 Why did you walk up six flights of stairs? You (take) _ the lift 734 By threatening to stop working, the employees got the company (raise) the salaries 735 The Queen Elizabeth is the largest ship (build) _ on the Clyde 736 Before he (walk) ten miles , he complained of sore feet 737 Larry drove all night to get here for his sister’s wedding He (be) exhausted be the time he arrived 738 Just inside the outer layer of the earth’s atmosphere (be) _ elements necessary to protect it from ultraviolet rays, extreme temperatures, and threatening of foreign substances 739 I’m sure she’ll all she can (help) 740 I don’t remember (lock) the front door when I left home this morning 741 (not be) it for his assistance in those days, I wouldn’t be so successful now 742 the yesterday accident is thought (cause) by many human error 743 The Swedish Scientist, Alfred B , Nobel, left money (award) to people who have done something important to help humankind 754 Although (found) many centuries earlier, Luxor did not reach preeminence until about 2000 B.C 755 (Declare) _an endangered species in the United States, the ginseng root has been gathered almost to the point of extinction 756 The law (say) _that this is quite legitimate 757 If I had known that he (be) in hospital, I would have visited him 778 (not feel) _ very well , Mary went to the doctor’s 779 The use of paper money is believed (begin) in China about twelve hundred years ago Coal production in this region (halve) _ in the last twenty years ago 780 I think the book will become a best seller when it (publish) _ 781 It looks as if this light (burn) all night I must have forgotten to switch it off before I went to bed last night 782 It’ vitally important that the order (cancel) _ immediately 783 she insisted that the new child (name) _ after his grandfather 784 It was our fault to keep you waiting so long We (inform) _ you in advance 785 He set off alone a month ago and (not hear) from since then 786 Last time the doctor suggested that she (not smoke) _ 787 The roads were very dangerous because it (snow) most of the morning 788 I could tell at a glance that the pile of letters on my desk (disturb) while I was out 789 On the first of next month, he (be) in prison for five months 790 I’d rather you ( not be) absent from class yesterday 791 Tom was pleased (admit) to the college 792 Where you think Ba is today? I have no idea He (sleep) _ late 793 He suggested that a petition (draw) _ up 794 He is walking (hurry) _ to the place where his ex- wife, a famous naturalist now (lie) _(bury) _ among the animals she (love) _ so well 795 Can you translate this note from Stoskholm? I understood Swedish when I was a child, but I (forget) it all 796 Where are my car keys? This is the first time I (lose) _ them today 797 Now I understand what you (try) to say? 798.Molley’s fed up because she injured her ankle when she (jog) _ this morning, so she can not dance 799 The seminars and talks were extremely interesting and it was obvious that all the speakers (prepare) _ their material very thoroughly 800 I (not pay) for my ticket yet How much I (owe) you? 801 The matter (discuss) _ and (look) _ at from angles, I(suggest) we (take) _ a vote on what is to be done 802 Before I(go) to the church I(meet) _and (interview) _ten applicants for the job 803 It’s very cold Mr Taylor , who (be) _ ill recently , is walking along the road without a coat He (wear) _ a coat in fact 804 I know she really (forget) _( lend) me the money ; any way I(return) _ it to her tomorrow 805 Although she (go) to the doctor for three months, he didn’t feel any better 806 Hoa wishes that she (work) harder , but it’s too late now 807 “ Do you like frog’s leg?”- (never, try) them, I don’t really know 808 I (visit) you sooner had someone told me you were in hospital 809 I hope it (not rain) when the bridge and the groom (leave) the church tomorrow 810 I could tell from the (frighten) look on her face that something terrible (happen) _ 811 By the time the war was over, thousands of innocent people (kill) _ 812 I(mean) _to get the brakes (repair) _ for ages, but I’ve just never got round to it 813 It was obvious at once that the house (break) into 814 Do you realize that if the workmen are still there on Monday, they (dig) up the road for a whole month? 815 The town center (change) _ completely over the last 20 years and you would hardly recognize it 816 I hardly (be) _ there five minutes when Mrs Brown ( come) _ in with the coffee 817 He looked frightened as if he (see) _ a ghost 818 Since they had that big argument, he crosses the street whenever he (see) _ her 819 I didn’t see anyone but I felt as though I(watch) _ 820 Since they had that big argument, they crosses the street whenever he (see) her 821 When she (realize) her mistake, she apologized 822 suddenly(feel) hungry, she stopped to buy a bar of chocolate 823 Don’t try to phone me By the time you read this letter, I(leave) _ 824 Tom is a first year student By the end of next year, he (learn) _ English for two years 825 If they had revised the lesson carefully, they (not fail ) _ the exam 825 (write) the letter, she put it in an envelope

Ngày đăng: 23/03/2023, 07:24

