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mechanical engineering handbook

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  • Cover

  • Contents

  • 1. Mechanics of Solids

    • 1.1 Introduction

    • 1.2 Statics

      • Vectors. Equilibrium of Particles. Free-Body Diagr...

        • Vector Components and Resultants. Parallelogram La...

        • Unit Vectors

        • Vector Determination from Scalar Information

        • Scalar Product of Two Vectors. Angles and Projecti...

        • Equilibrium of a Particle

        • Free-Body Diagrams

        • Example 1

          • Solution.

      • Forces on Rigid Bodies

        • Moment of a Force

        • Equivalent Forces

        • Vector Product of Two Vectors

        • Moment of a Force about a Point

        • Triple Products of Three Vectors

        • Moment of a Force about a Line

        • Special Cases

        • Moment of a Couple

        • Force-Couple Transformations

        • Simplification of Force Systems

        • Common Cases

        • Example 2

          • Solution. Using MO = r ¥ F with r = Li + dj and F ...

        • Judgment of the Result

      • Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies

        • Conditions of Equilibrium

        • Maximum Number of Independent Equations for One Bo...

        • Calculation of Unknown Forces and Moments

        • Notes on Three-Dimensional Forces and Supports

        • Related Free-Body Diagrams

        • Schematic Example in Two Dimensions (Figure 1.2.13...

        • Equilibrium Equations

        • Related Free-Body Diagrams (Figure 1.2.14)

        • New Set of Equilibrium Equations

        • Example 3

          • Solution. The free-body diagram is drawn in Figure...

        • Example 4

          • Solution. The scalar method is best here.

      • Forces and Moments in Beams

        • Classification of Supports

        • Internal Forces and Moments

          • Sign Conventions. Consistent sign conventions shou...

        • Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams

        • Example 5

          • Solution. From the free-body diagram of the entire...

      • Simple Structures and Machines

        • Trusses

        • Method of Joints

        • Example 6

          • Solution. First the reactions at the supports are ...

        • Method of Sections

        • Space Trusses

        • Frames and Machines

      • Distributed Forces

        • Center of Gravity

        • Centroids

          • Surfaces of Revolution. The surface areas and volu...

        • Distributed Loads on Beams

          • External Reactions. Replace the whole distributed ...

          • Internal Reactions. For a beam under a distributed...

        • Example 7 (Figure 1.2.26)

        • Distributed Loads on Flexible Cables

          • Parabolic Cables. The cable supports a load w whic...

          • Catenary Cables. When the load w is uniformly dist...

      • Friction

        • Angle of Repose

        • Classifications and Procedures for Solving Frictio...

        • Wedges and Screws

        • Disk Friction

        • Axle Friction

        • Rolling Resistance

        • Belt Friction

      • Work and Potential Energy

        • Work of a Force

        • Work of a Couple

        • Virtual Work

        • Mechanical Efficiency of Real Systems

        • Gravitational Work and Potential Energy

        • Elastic Potential Energy

        • Notation for Potential Energy

        • Potential Energy at Equilibrium

      • Moments of Inertia

        • Moments of Inertia of a Mass

          • Radius of Gyration. The radius of gyration rg is d...

        • Moment of Inertia of an Area

        • Polar Moment of Inertia of an Area

        • Parallel-Axis Transformations of Moments of Inerti...

        • Products of Inertia

    • 1.3 Dynamics

      • Kinematics of Particles

        • Scalar Method

        • Average and Instantaneous Velocity

        • Average and Instantaneous Acceleration

        • Example 8

          • Solution.

        • Useful Expressions Based on Acceleration

        • Scalar Relative Motion Equations

        • Vector Method

        • Vector Notation in Rectangular (Cartesian) Coordin...

        • Tangential and Normal Components

        • Motion of a Particle in Polar Coordinates

        • Motion of a Particle in Cylindrical Coordinates

        • Motion of a Particle in Spherical Coordinates

        • Relative Motion of Particles in Two and Three Dime...

      • Kinetics of Particles

        • Newton’s Second Law

        • Equations of Motion

        • Procedure for Solving Problems

        • Work and Energy Methods

        • Work of a Force

        • Potential and Kinetic Energies

        • Power

        • Advantages and Disadvantages of the Energy Method

        • Conservative Systems and Potential Functions

        • Conservation of Mechanical Energy

        • Linear and Angular Momentum Methods

        • Time Rate of Change of Angular Momentum

        • Impulse and Momentum

        • Conservation of Total Momentum of Particles

      • Kinetics of Systems of Particles

        • Newton’s Second Law Applied to a System of Particl...

        • Motion of the Center of Mass

        • Work and Energy Methods for a System of Particles

          • Gravitational Potential Energy. The gravitational ...

          • Kinetic Energy. The kinetic energy of a system of ...

        • Work and Energy

        • Momentum Methods for a System of Particles

          • Moments of Forces on a System of Particles. The mo...

          • Linear and Angular Momenta of a System of Particle...

        • Angular Momentum about the Center of Mass

        • Conservation of Momentum

        • Impulse and Momentum of a System of Particles

      • Kinematics of Rigid Bodies

        • Translation

        • Rotation about a Fixed Axis

        • Kinematics Equations for Rigid Bodies Rotating in ...

        • Velocities in General Plane Motion

        • Instantaneous Center of Rotation

        • Acceleration in General Plane Motion

        • General Motion of a Rigid Body

        • Example 9

          • Solution. There are two components of a. One is th...

        • Time Derivative of a Vector Using a Rotating Frame...

        • Analysis of Velocities and Accelerations Using Rot...

      • Kinetics of Rigid Bodies in Plane Motion

        • Equation of Translational Motion

        • Equation of Rotational Motion

        • Applications of Equations of Motion

        • Rotation about a Fixed Axis Not Through the Center...

        • General Plane Motion

      • Energy and Momentum Methods for Rigid Bodies in Pl...

        • Work of a Force on a Rigid Body

        • Work of a Moment

        • Kinetic Energy of a Rigid Body

        • Principle of Work and Energy

        • Conservation of Energy

        • Power

        • Impulse and Momentum of a Rigid Body

        • Impulse and Momentum of a System of Rigid Bodies

        • Conservation of Momentum

      • Kinetics of Rigid Bodies in Three Dimensions

        • Angular Momentum in Three Dimensions

        • Impulse and Momentum of a Rigid Body in Three-Dime...

        • Kinetic Energy of a Rigid Body in Three-Dimensiona...

        • Equations of Motion in Three Dimensions

        • Euler’s Equations of Motion

        • Solution of Problems in Three-Dimensional Motion

    • 1.4 Vibrations

      • Undamped Free and Forced Vibrations

        • Resonance. The amplitude of the oscillations in fo...

      • Damped Free and Forced Vibrations

      • Vibration Control

        • Vibration Isolation

        • Vibration Absorption

        • Balancing of Rotating Components

        • Critical Speed of Rotating Shafts

      • Random Vibrations. Shock Excitation

      • Multiple-Degree-of-Freedom Systems. Modal Analysis...

      • Vibration-Measuring Instruments

    • 1.5 Mechanics of Materials

      • Stress

        • Plane Stress

        • Three-Dimensional State of Stress

        • Stress Transformation

        • Principal Stresses

        • Mohr’s Circle for Plane Stress

        • Special Cases of Mohr’s Circles for Plane Stress

        • Absolute Maximum Shear Stress

      • Strain

        • Normal Strain

        • True Strain

        • Shear Strain

        • Strain Transformation

        • Principal Strains

        • Mohr’s Circle for Plane Strain

      • Mechanical Behaviors and Properties of Materials

        • Stress-Strain Diagrams

        • Generalized Stress-Strain Expressions. Hooke’s Law...

      • Uniaxial Elastic Deformations

        • Thermally Induced Deformations

      • Stresses in Beams

        • Flexure Formula

        • Inelastic Bending

        • Neutral Axis of Semisymmetric Area

        • Unsymmetric Bending

        • Composite Beams

        • Curved Beams

        • Shear Stresses in Beams

        • Shear Flow

        • Shear Flow in Thin-Walled Beams

      • Deflections of Beams

        • Moment vs. Curvature

        • Integration Method for Slope and Displacement

        • Deflection Caused by Shear

      • Torsion

        • Power Transmission

        • Angle of Twist

        • Inelastic Torsion

        • Noncircular Shafts

      • Statically Indeterminate Members

        • Statically Indeterminate Axially Loaded Members

        • Statically Indeterminate Beams

        • Statically Indeterminate Torsion Members

      • Buckling

        • Critical Load. Euler’s Equation

        • Secant Formula

        • Inelastic Buckling

      • Impact Loading

      • Combined Stresses

      • Pressure Vessels

        • Cylindrical Shells

        • Spherical Shells

        • Example 10

          • Solution. From Equation 1.5.54, the required thick...

        • Conical Shells

        • Example 11

          • Solution. From Equation 1.5.54, the thickness of t...

        • Nozzle Reinforcement

        • Creep-Fatigue of Boilers and Pressure Vessels

        • Composite Materials for Pressure Vessels

        • Example 12

          • Solution.

      • Experimental Stress Analysis and Mechanical Testin...

        • Properties of Strain-Measuring Systems

        • Extensometers

        • Electrical-Resistance Strain Gages

        • Electrical-Resistance Strain Gage Mounting Methods...

        • Gage Sensitivities and Gage Factor

        • Strain Analysis Methods

        • Optical Methods of Strain Analysis

          • Photoelasticity. The method of photoelasticity is ...

          • Thermoelastic Stress Analysis. Modern thermoelasti...

          • Brittle Coatings. If a coating is applied to a spe...

        • Mechanical Testing

          • Open-Loop Testing Machines. In an open-loop mechan...

          • Closed-Loop Testing Machines. In a closed-loop, mo...

          • Impact Testing. The most common impact testing mac...

          • Hardness Testing. The major hardness tests are the...

    • 1.6 Structural Integrity and Durability

      • Finite Element Analysis. Stress Concentrations

        • Finite Element Analysis

        • Stress Concentrations

      • Fracture Mechanics

        • Brittle and Ductile Behaviors. Embrittlements

        • Linear-Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM)

          • Modes of Deformation. Three basic modes of deforma...

          • Stress Intensity Factors. The stresses on an infin...

        • Fracture Toughness of Notched Members

          • Fracture Toughness Data. Certain criteria about cr...

          • Yield Strength. High yield strength results in a l...

          • Temperature. Two kinds of temperature effect on to...

          • Loading Rate. The higher the rate of loading, the ...

          • Microstructural Aspects. In some cases apparently ...

          • Overview of Toughness Degradations. There is a mul...

        • Crack Propagation

        • Design and Failure Analysis Using Stress Intensity...

        • Special Methods

        • Nondestructive Evaluation

      • Creep and Stress Relaxation

        • Mechanical Models of Viscoelastic Behaviors

        • Time-Temperature Parameters. Life Estimation

        • Sherby-Dorn Parameter (PSD)

        • Larson-Miller Parameter (PLM)

        • Manson-Haferd Parameter (PMH)

          • Overview. The greater the extrapolation using any ...

      • Fatigue

        • Definitions

        • Material Properties in Cyclic Loading

        • Stress vs. Life (S-N) Curves

        • Trends in S-N Curves

          • Ultimate Strength. It is widely believed that, at ...

          • Mean Stress, Residual Stress. Several main points ...

          • Notch Effects. Stress raisers can be extremely det...

          • Microstructure. Large grain size (annealed metals)...

          • Surface Effects. The condition of a material’s sur...

          • Environment. Hostile chemical environments can sev...

          • Statistical Scatter. There is always statistical s...

        • Variable Amplitude Loading

          • Cycle Counting. Highly irregular loading requires ...

        • Multiaxial Fatigue

        • Strain vs. Life (e-N) Curves

        • Notch Effects

          • Residual Stresses at Notches. An extremely importa...

        • Creep-Fatigue Interactions

        • Fracture Mechanics Method in Fatigue

        • Abridged Example of a Modern Fatigue Analysis

    • 1.7 Comprehensive Example of Using Mechanics of So...

      • The Project

      • Concepts and Methods

        • Statics

        • Dynamics

        • Vibrations

        • Mechanics of Materials

        • Durability

        • Illustrations

  • 2. Engineering Thermodynamics

    • 2.1 Fundamentals

      • Basic Concepts and Definitions

        • System

        • State, Property

        • Process, Cycle

        • Phase and Pure Substance

        • Equilibrium

        • Temperature

      • The First Law of Thermodynamics, Energy

        • Work

        • Energy

        • Heat

        • Power Cycles

      • The Second Law of Thermodynamics, Entropy

        • Kelvin-Planck Statement

        • Irreversibilities

        • Carnot Corollaries

        • Kelvin Temperature Scale

        • Carnot Efficiency

        • The Clausius Inequality

      • Entropy and Entropy Generation

        • Entropy

        • Entropy Balance

    • 2.2 Control Volume Applications

      • Conservation of Mass

      • Control Volume Energy Balance

      • Control Volume Entropy Balance

      • Control Volumes at Steady State

        • Example 1

          • Solution. With the indicated idealizations, Equati...

        • Example 2

          • Solution. The nozle exit area can be evaluated usi...

        • Example 3

          • Solution. For this case Equations 2.26a and 2.26b ...

        • Internally Reversible Heat Transfer and Work

    • 2.3 Property Relations and Data

      • Basic Relations for Pure Substances

        • Maxwell Relations

        • Example 4

          • Solution. The differential of the function u = u(s...

        • Specific Heats and Other Properties

        • Example 5

          • Solution. Identifying x, y, z with s, T, and v, re...

      • P-v-T Relations

        • P-v-T Surface

        • Graphical Representations

        • Compressibility Charts

        • Equations of State

        • Gas Mixtures

      • Evaluating Dh, Du, and Ds

        • Example 6

          • Solution. With Equation 2.33 and the Maxwell relat...

      • Fundamental Thermodynamic Functions

      • Thermodynamic Data Retrieval

      • Ideal Gas Model

        • Example 7

          • Solution. The exit velocity is given by Equation 2...

        • Polytropic Processes

        • Example 8

          • Solution. Using Equation 5¢ of Table 2.8 together ...

        • Ideal Gas Mixtures

        • Moist Air

      • Generalized Charts for Enthalpy, Entropy, and Fuga...

      • Multicomponent Systems

        • Chemical Potential

        • Ideal Solution

    • 2.4 Combustion

      • Reaction Equations

        • Example 9

          • Solution.

      • Property Data for Reactive Systems

        • Enthalpy of Formation

        • Absolute Entropy

        • Example 10

          • Solution. For combustion of liquid octane with the...

        • Gibbs Function of Formation

        • Example 11

          • Solution. The overall cell reaction is H2 + 1/2 O2...

      • Reaction Equilibrium

        • Example 12

          • Solution. The reaction of CO with the theoretical ...

    • 2.5 Exergy Analysis

      • Defining Exergy

        • Environment

        • Dead States

        • Exergy Balances

      • Control Volume Exergy Rate Balance

        • Chemical Exergy

        • Example 13

          • Solution. Equation 2.88 reduces to read

      • Exergetic Efficiency

        • Example 14

          • Solution. The exergetic efficiency from Table 2.13...

      • Exergy Costing

        • Example 15

          • Solution. Substituting values into Equation 2.93,

    • 2.6 Vapor and Gas Power Cycles

      • Rankine and Brayton Cycles

      • Otto, Diesel, and Dual Cycles

      • Carnot, Ericsson, and Stirling Cycles

    • 2.7 Guidelines for Improving Thermodynamic Effecti...

  • 3. Fluid Mechanics

    • 3.1 Fluid Statics

      • Hydrostatic Pressure

      • Buoyancy

    • 3.2 Equations of Motion

      • Navier-Stokes Eqns

      • Boundary Conditions

    • 3.3 Dimensional Analysis

    • 3.4 Hydraulics of Pipes

      • Pump Selection

    • 3.5 Open Channel Flow

    • 3.6 Incompressible Flow

      • Boundary Layers

    • 3.7 Compressible Flow

      • Normal Shock Wave

      • Nozzle Flow

    • 3.8 Multiphase Flow

      • Gas-Liquid 2-Phase Flow

    • 3.9 Non-Newtonian Flows

    • 3.10 Tribology and Bearings

      • Lubricant Properties

      • Rolling Bearings

    • 3.11 Pumps and Fans

      • Pumps

      • Fans

    • 3.12 Liquid Atomization

      • Spray Characterization

      • Atomizer Design

    • 3.13 Flow Measurement

      • Venturi Meters

    • 3.14 Nanotribology

      • Adhesion and Friction

      • Scratching and Wear

  • 4. Heat & Mass Transfer

    • 4.1 Conduction Heat Transfer

      • Fourier's Law

      • Fins

      • Finite-Difference Analysis

    • 4.2 Convection Heat Transfer

    • 4.3 Radiation

      • Blackbody Radiation

    • 4.4 Phase-Change

      • Boiling

      • Condensation

      • Melting and Freezing

    • 4.5 Heat Exchangers

    • 4.6 Measuring Heat Transfer

    • 4.7 Mass Transfer

    • 4.8 Applications

      • Cooling Towers

    • 4.9 Non-Newtonian Heat Transfer

  • 5. Electrical Engineering

  • 6. Mechanical System Controls

    • 6.1 Human-Machine Interaction

      • Direct Manual Control

      • Supervisory Control

      • Advanced Control of Commercial Aircraft

        • Flight Management Systems

        • Air Traffic Control

      • Intelligent Highway Vehicles

        • Vehicle Guidance and Navigation Systems

        • Smart Cruise Control

        • Advanced Traffic Management Systems

      • High-Speed Train Control

      • Telerobots for Space, Undersea, and Medicine

      • Common Criteria for Human Interface Design

      • Human Workload and Human Error

        • Mental Workload

        • Human Error

      • Trust, Alienation, and How Far to Go with Automati...

        • Trust

        • Alienation

        • How Far to Go with Automation

    • 6.2 The Need for Control of Mechanical Systems

      • The Classical Control System Representation

        • Sensor. A sensor is a pneumatic, fluidic, or elect...

        • Set Point. The set point is the desired value for ...

        • Controller. A controller sends signals to an actua...

        • Actuator. An actuator is a pneumatic, fluidic, ele...

        • External Disturbances. An external disturbance is ...

        • Time Constants. The time constant of a sensor or p...

        • Dead Time. The dead time or lag time of a process ...

        • Hysteresis. Hysteresis is a characteristic respons...

        • Dead Band. The dead band of a process is that rang...

        • Control Point. The control point is the actual, me...

        • Direct/Reverse Action. A direct-acting process wil...

        • Stability. The stability of a feedback control loo...

        • Electric Control. Electric control is a method of ...

        • Electronic Control. Electronic controls use solid-...

        • Pneumatic Control. Pneumatic controls use compress...

        • Open-Loop Systems. An open-loop system is one in w...

      • Examples

        • Cascaded (Master-Slave) Control Loops. If a proces...

        • Sequential Control Loops. Sometimes control action...

        • Combined Feed-Forward/Feedback Loops. As pointed o...

        • Predictive Control. Predictive control uses a mode...

        • Adaptive Control. Adaptive controllers modify thei...

        • Supervisory Controllers. Supervisory controllers a...

    • 6.3 Control System Analysis

      • The Linear Process Approximation

        • Steady-State Operation

        • Dynamic Response

      • Representation of Processes in t, s, and z Domains...

        • Continuous-Time-Domain Representation of a Process...

        • Frequency-Domain Representation of a Process — Lap...

          • z-Transform Details. Because z-transforms are impo...

          • Example of Using z-Transfer Functions. Suppose we ...

    • 6.4 Control System Design and Application

      • Controllers

        • Steady-State Effects of Controller Gain

        • Dynamic Effects of Controller Gain

        • Controller Bias

      • PID Controllers

        • Proportional Control

        • Integral Control

        • Derivative Control

        • PID Controller in Time Domain

        • PID Controller in the s Domain

        • PID Controller in the z Domain

      • Controller Performance Criteria and Stability

        • Performance Indexes

        • Stability

          • Roots of the Characteristic Equation. The roots of...

          • Routh-Hurwitz Stability Criteria. The Routh-Hurwit...

      • Field Commissioning — Installation, Calibration, M...

        • Tuning of Feedback Loops

          • Reaction Curve Techniques. Often it is advisable t...

          • Ultimate Frequency. The ultimate frequency test in...

    • 6.5 Advanced Control Topics

      • Neural Network-Based Predictive/Adaptive Controlle...

        • Overview of Neural Networks

        • Training Neural Networks

        • Using Networks for Controlling Feedback Loop Proce...

        • Architecture of the Network

          • Estimating the Size of the Prediction Time Window....

        • Example of PID vs. Network Controller

        • Using Networks as Supervisory Controllers

      • Fuzzy Logic Controllers

      • Fuzzy Logic Controllers for Mechanical Systems

        • Introduction

        • The Basic Aspects of an FLC

          • Rule Refinement. An FLC is characterized by a set ...

          • Completeness and Interaction of Rules and Selectio...

        • Scale Factors and Output Gain

        • Conclusion

      • Table of Transforms

      • Special FLC Mathematical Operations

      • An Example of Numeric Calculation for Influence of...

  • 7. Energy Resouces

    • 7.1 Introduction

    • 7.2 Types of Derived Energy

    • 7.3 Fossil Fuels

      • Coal

        • Coal Composition and Classification

        • Coal Analysis

        • Coal Properties

        • Coal Reserves

        • Environmental Aspects

        • Transportation

      • Oil

        • Overview

        • Crude Oil Classification and World Reserves

        • Standard Fuels

          • World Refining Capacity. Refining capacity grew fr...

      • Natural Gas

        • Natural Gas Production Measurement

        • World Production and Reserves of Dry Natural Gas

        • Compressed Natural Gas

        • Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)

        • Physical Properties of Hydrocarbons

    • 7.4 Biomass Energy

      • Photosynthesis

      • Biomass Production, Yield, and Potential

        • Forest Land

        • Cropland and Grassland

        • Biomass Residues

      • Terrestrial Limitations

      • Environmental Impact

      • Biomass Conversion Technologies

        • Biomass Composition

        • Direct Combustion, Combined Heat, and Power and St...

        • Gasification

        • Biological Gasification or Anaerobic Digestion

        • Liquefaction to Produce a Biofuel Oil

      • Biomass Liquefaction

        • Ethanol

        • Methanol from Biomass

        • Biodiesel

      • Municipal Solid Waste

        • Quantities, Characteristics, and Fuel Value

        • Refuse-Derived Fuels

        • MSW-to-Energy Conversion Technologies

          • Combustion. Direct combustion is the most prevalen...

          • Anaerobic Digestion. Anaerobic digestion is the bi...

    • 7.5 Nuclear Resources

      • The Nuclear Fuel Cycle

        • Sources of Nuclear Fuels and World Reserves

      • Processing of Nuclear Fuel

    • 7.6 Solar Energy Resources

      • Solar Energy Availability

      • Earth-Sun Relationships

      • Solar Time

      • Solar Radiation on a Surface

      • Solar Radiation on a Horizontal Surface

      • Solar Radiation on a Tilted Surface

      • Solar Radiation Measurements

      • Solar Radiation Data

    • 7.7 Wind Energy Resources

      • Wind Characteristics

        • Wind Speed and Shear

        • Wind Energy Resource

      • Site Analysis and Selection

        • Biological Indicators

        • Effects of Topography

        • Wind Speed Measurements

        • Wind Energy Capture Potential

        • Environmental Impacts

    • 7.8 Geothermal Energy

      • Heat Flow

      • Types of Geothermal Systems

      • Geothermal Energy Potential 

      • Geothermal Applications

      • Environmental Constraints

      • Operating Conditions

      • Acknowledgments

  • 8. Energy Conversion

    • 8.1 Steam Power Plant

      • Introduction

      • Rankine Cycle Analysis

      • Topping and Bottoming Cycles

      • Steam Boilers

        • Drum-Type Boilers

          • Natural Circulation. Natural circulation boilers u...

          • Controlled Circulation. Controlled circulation boi...

        • Once-Through Boilers

        • Major Boiler Components

          • Economizer. The economizer is the section of the b...

          • Steam Drum (Drum Units Only). The steam drum separ...

          • Superheaters. Superheaters are bundles of boiler t...

          • Reheaters. Reheaters are bundles of boiler tubes t...

          • Spray Attemperators. Attemperators, also known as ...

      • Steam Turbines

        • General

        • Blading

        • Rotors

        • Choosing the Turbine Arrangement

        • Materials

        • Cylinders and Bolting

        • Valves

      • Heat Exchangers, Pumps, and Other Cycle Components...

        • Heater Exchangers

          • Heaters. There are two classifications of condensa...

          • Condenser. The steam turbines employ surface-type ...

        • Pumps

          • Condensate Pump. Condensate is removed from the ho...

          • Feedwater Booster Pump. The DA outlet supplies the...

          • Boiler Feed Pump. These pumps are multiple-stage c...

      • Generators

        • Generator Ventilation

        • Generator Auxiliaries

        • Excitation

      • Modern Steam Power Plant — An Example

        • Major Steam Plant Components

          • Condenser. The condenser (also discussed earlier) ...

          • Fuels. Coal, oil, and gas are used to fuel fossil ...

        • Power Plant System

          • Fuel-Handling System. The fuel-handling system con...

          • Air/Gas-Handling Systems. Steam plants are classif...

          • Main Steam System. The main steam system controls ...

          • Reheat Steam System. The reheat steam system impro...

          • Auxiliary Steam System. The auxiliary steam system...

          • Extraction Steam System. The extraction steam syst...

          • Condensate System. The condensate system consists ...

          • Feedwater System. The feedwater system consists of...

          • Circulating Water System. The circulating water sy...

          • Air Evacuation System. The air evacuation system r...

    • 8.2 Gas Turbines

      • Overview

      • History

      • Fuels and Firing

      • Efficiency

      • Gas Turbine Cycles

      • Cycle Configurations

      • Components Used in Complex Cycles

      • Upper Temperature Limit

      • Materials

      • Combustion

      • Mechanical Product Features

      • Appendix

    • 8.3 Internal Combustion Engines

      • Introduction

      • Engine Types and Basic Operation

        • Four-Stroke SI Engine

        • Two-Stroke SI Engine

        • Compression Ignition Engine

      • Air Standard Power Cycles

        • Constant-Volume Heat Addition — Ideal Otto Cycle

        • Constant-Pressure Heat Addition — Ideal Diesel Cyc...

      • Actual Cycles

      • Combustion in IC Engines

        • Combustion in Spark Ignition Engines

          • Background. In SI engines, combustion of the fuel-...

          • Normal Combustion Process. The combustion processe...

          • Abnormal Combustion. Abnormal combustion may occur...

        • Combustion in Compression Ignition Engines

          • Knock in CI Engines. As the combustion process in ...

      • Exhaust Emissions

        • Harmful Constituents

          • Carbon Monoxide. CO is a colorless, odorless, and ...

          • Unburned Hydrocarbons. When UHCs combine with NOx ...

          • Oxides of Nitrogen. Nitric oxide (NO) is formed fr...

          • Particulates. Particulates are a troublesome const...

        • Control of Emissions from IC Engines

      • Fuels for SI and CI Engines

        • Background

        • Gasoline

        • Diesel Fuels

      • Intake Pressurization — Supercharging and Turbocha...

        • Backround

        • Supercharging

        • Turbocharging

    • 8.4 Hydraulic Turbines

      • Introduction

      • General Description

        • Typical Hydropower Installation

        • Turbine Classification

          • Impulse Turbines. Modern impulse units are general...

          • Reaction Turbines. Reaction turbines are classifie...

      • Principles of Operation

        • Power Available, Efficiency

        • Similitude and Scaling Formulae

      • Factors Involved in Selecting a Turbine

        • Performance Characteristics

          • Impulse Turbines. Of the head available at the noz...

          • Reaction Turbines. The main difference between imp...

          • Performance Comparison. The physical characteristi...

        • Speed Regulation

        • Cavitation and Turbine Setting

    • 8.5 Stirling Engines

      • Introduction

      • Thermodynamic Implementation of the Stirling Cycle...

        • Working Gases

        • Heat Exchange

        • Power Control

      • Mechanical Implementation of the Stirling Cycle

        • Piston/Displacer Configurations

        • Piston/Displacer Drives

          • Free-Piston Engine/Converters. An innovative way o...

        • Seals and Bearings

        • Materials

      • Future of the Stirling Engine

        • Books

        • Periodicals

        • Stirling Engine Developers

    • 8.6 Advanced Fossil Fuel Power Systems

      • Introduction

      • Clean Coal Technology Development

        • Coal Cleaning

        • Cleaning of Low-Rank Coal

      • Pulverized Coal Plants

      • Emissions Controls for Pulverized Coal Plants

        • Conventional Lime/Limestone Wet Scrubber

        • Spray Drying

        • Control of Nitrogen Oxides

      • Fluidized Bed Plants

        • Atmospheric Fluidized Bed Combustion

        • Pressurized Fluidized Bed Combustion

        • Advanced PFBCs

      • Gasification Plants

        • Pinon Pine IGCC

        • Polk County IGCC

        • Buggenum IGCC

      • Combustion Turbine Plants

        • Humidified Air Power Plants (Cohn, 1994)

        • Other Combustion Turbine Cycle Enhancements

      • Capital and Operating Costs of Power Plants

      • Summary

    • 8.7 Energy Storage

      • Introduction

      • Thermal Energy Storage (TES)

        • Applications and Examples

      • Mechanical Energy Storage

        • Kinetic Energy

        • Potential Energy

        • Pumped Hydro

        • Compressed Air Storage

      • Electrical Energy Storage

        • Applications

          • Electric Vehicles. For electric vehicles, the spec...

          • Power Plants. Recent start-up of a commercial unit...

    • 8.8 Nuclear Power

      • The Fission Process

      • Cross Sections

      • Categories of Nuclear Reactors

      • Nuclear Fuel

        • Conversion and Breeding

        • LWR Fuel

      • Light-Water Reactors

        • Pressurized Water Reactors

        • Boiling Water Reactors

    • 8.9 Nuclear Fusion

      • Introduction

      • Fusion Fuel

      • Confinement Concepts

      • Tokamak Reactor Development

      • Fusion Energy Conversion and Transport

    • 8.10 Solar Thermal Energy Conversion

      • Introduction

        • Solar Thermal Collectors

        • Flat Plate Collectors

          • Evacuated Tube Collectors. Evacuated tube collecto...

          • Concentrating Collectors. Concentrating collectors...

          • Nontracking Concentrators. The simplest concentrat...

          • Tracking Concentrators. For temperatures up to 350...

      • Collector Thermal Performance

      • Solar Ponds

      • Solar Water-Heating Systems

        • Natural Circulation

        • Forced Circulation

      • Industrial Process Heat Systems

      • Space-Heating Systems

      • Solar Thermal Power

        • Parabolic Trough Systems

        • Central Receiver System

        • Parabolic Dish Systems

    • 8.11 Wind Energy Conversion

      • Introduction

      • Wind Turbine Aerodynamics

        • Aerodynamic Models

        • Momentum Models

        • Vortex Models

        • Local Circulation Method

        • Common Model Limitations

      • Wind Turbine Loads

      • Wind Turbine Dynamics

        • Horizontal-Axis Turbines

        • Vertical-Axis Turbines

        • Aerodynamic Loads/Blade Motion Coupling

        • Stochastic Wind Effects

      • Wind Turbine Controls

        • Brakes

        • Yaw Systems

        • Peak Power Regulation

        • Controller

      • Wind Turbine Electrical Generators

      • Wind-Diesel Systems

      • Water-Pumping Applications

    • 8.12 Energy Conversion of the Geothermal Resource

      • Geothermal Resource Characteristics Applicable to ...

      • Electrical Energy Generation from Geothermal Resou...

        • Direct Steam Systems — Vapor-Dominated Resources

        • Flash Steam Systems — Liquid Dominated Resources

        • Binary Systems — Liquid-Dominated Resources

        • Design Considerations

      • Direct Use of the Geothermal Resource

    • 8.13 Direct Energy Conversion

      • Solar Photovoltaic Cells

        • Introduction

        • Introduction to Semiconductors

        • The p-n Junction Diode

        • Cell Operation and Efficiency

          • Cell Operation. Photovoltaic energy conversion in ...

          • Cell Efficiency. In order to derive the solar conv...

        • Cell Material vs. Efficiency

        • Manufacture of Cells and Panels

          • Single-Crystal Cells. The p-n photovoltaic cells m...

          • Polycrystalline Cells. In the case of polycrystall...

          • Thin Film Cells. Thin films cells provide an even ...

          • Concentrator Cells. Photovoltaic modules are typic...

          • Multijunction Cells. Another approach to increase ...

        • Design of a Photovoltaic Generating System

      • Fuel Cells

        • Introduction

        • Thermodynamic Performance

        • Types of Fuel Cells

          • Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cell. PAFC uses concentrated ...

          • Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells. MCFCs use as electrol...

          • Solid Oxide Fuel Cell. SOFCs offer a number of adv...

          • Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell. The basic cell cons...

          • Alkaline Fuel Cell. Alkaline electrolytes have fas...

        • Fuel Cell Performance

          • Current Density. Current density has a major impac...

          • Temperature and Pressure. Increase in pressure gen...

        • Fuel Cell Power Systems

          • Fuel Processors. If pure hydrogen is available, no...

          • Natural Gas Processing. Natural gas is mostly meth...

          • Liquid Fuel Processing. Liquid fuels such as disti...

      • Thermionic Energy Conversion

        • Introduction

        • Principles of Thermionic Energy Conversion

          • Surface Work Function. In a simple form, the energ...

          • Electron Saturation Current. In the absence of a s...

        • Types of Thermionic Converters

        • Converter Output Characteristics

        • Thermodynamic Analysis

        • Design Transition to Space Reactors — Concluding R...

      • Thermoelectric Power Conversion

        • Introduction

        • Thermoelectric Effects

        • Thermoelectric Applications

          • Power Generation. When a temperature gradient is a...

          • Refrigeration. When a current source is used to de...

        • Additional Considerations

      • Magnetohydrodynamic Power Generation

        • Introduction

        • Electrical Conductivity Considerations

        • Generator Configurations and Loading

        • Components

        • Systems

        • Heat Sources, Applications, and Environmental Cons...

        • Technology Status

        • Future Prospects

    • 8.14 Ocean Energy Technology

      • Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion

      • Tidal Power

      • Wave Power

      • Concluding Remarks

    • 8.15 Combined Cycle Power Plants

    • 8.16 EMERGY Evaluation and Transformity

      • An Example of EMERGY Evaluation, Lignite

  • 9. Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration

    • 9.1 Introduction

      • Air-Conditioning

      • Air-Conditioning Systems

        • Types of Air-Conditioning Systems

          • Individual Room or Individual Systems

          • Space-Conditioning Systems or Space Systems

          • Unitary Packaged Systems or Packaged Systems

          • Central Hydronic or Central Systems

          • Air Systems

          • Water Systems

          • Central Plant Refrigeration and Heating Systems

          • Control Systems

      • Air-Conditioning Project Development and System De...

        • Mechanical Engineer’s Responsibilities

        • Design Documents

        • Computer-Aided Design and Drafting

        • Codes and Standards

    • 9.2 Psychrometrics

      • Moist Air

      • Humidity and Enthalpy

      • Moist Volume, Density, Specific Heat, and Dew Poin...

      • Thermodynamic Wet Bulb Temperature and Wet Bulb Te...

      • Psychrometric Charts

        • Example 9.2.1

    • 9.3 Air-Conditioning Processes and Cycles

      • Air-Conditioning Processes

      • Space Conditioning, Sensible Cooling, and Sensible...

      • Humidifying and Cooling and Dehumidifying Processe...

        • Cooling and Dehumidifying Process

        • Two-Stream Mixing Process and Bypass Mixing Proces...

      • Air-Conditioning Cycle and Operating Modes

        • Basic Air-Conditioning Cycle — Summer Mode

        • Design Supply Volume Flow Rate

        • Rated Supply Volume Flow Rate

        • Effect of the Altitude

        • Off-Coil and Supply Air Temperature

        • Outside Surface Condensation

        • Example 9.3.1

        • Basic Air-Conditioning Cycle — Winter Mode

          • Cold Air Supply without Space Humidity Control

        • Example 9.3.2

        • Warm Air Supply without Space Humidity Control

        • Warm Air Supply with Space Humidity Control

        • Cold Air Supply with Space Humidity Control

        • Air Economizer Mode

        • Cool-Down and Warm-Up Modes

    • 9.4 Refrigerants and Refrigeration Cycles

      • Refrigeration and Refrigeration Systems

      • Refrigerants, Cooling Mediums, and Absorbents

      • Classification of Refrigerants

        • Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)

        • HFC’s Azeotropic Blends or Simply HFC’s Azeotropic...

        • HFC’s Near Azeotropic

        • Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) and Their Zeotrop...

        • Inorganic Compounds

        • Chlorofluorocarbons, Halons, and Their Azeotropic

        • Phaseout of CFCs, BFCs, HCFCs, and Their Blends

      • Required Properties of Refrigerants

      • Ideal Single-Stage Vapor Compression Cycle

        • Refrigeration Process

        • Refrigeration Cycles

        • Refrigeration Processes in an Ideal Single-Stage C...

      • Coefficient of Performance of Refrigeration Cycle

      • Subcooling and Superheating

      • Refrigeration Cycle of Two-Stage Compound Systems ...

      • Cascade System Characteristics

    • 9.5 Outdoor Design Conditions and Indoor Design Cr...

      • Outdoor Design Conditions

      • Indoor Design Criteria and Thermal Comfort

      • Indoor Temperature, Relative Humidity, and Air Vel...

      • Indoor Air Quality and Outdoor Ventilation Air Req...

        • Clean Rooms

        • Space Pressure Differential

        • Sound Levels

    • 9.6 Load Calculations

      • Space Loads

        • Space, Room, and Zone

        • Convective Heat and Radiative Heat

        • Load Profile, Peak Load, and Block Load

      • Moisture Transfer in Building Envelope

      • Cooling Load Calculation Methodology

        • The Rigorous Approach

        • Transfer Function Method (TFM)

        • Cooling Load Temperature Difference/Solar Cooling ...

        • Finite Difference Method

        • Total Equivalent Temperature Differential/Time Ave...

      • Conduction Heat Gains

        • Surface Heat Transfer Coefficients

        • External Wall and Roof

        • Ceiling, Floor, and Partition Wall

        • Heat Gain through Window Glass

          • Shading Devices

          • Shading Coefficient (SC)

          • Solar Heat Gain Factors (SHGFs)

          • Heat Gain through Window Glass

      • Internal Heat Gains

        • People

        • Lights

        • Machines and Appliances

        • Infiltration

      • Conversion of Heat Gains into Cooling Load by TFM

        • Space Air Temperature and Heat Extraction Rate

        • Cooling Coil Load

      • Heating Load

    • 9.7 Air Handling Units and Packaged Units

      • Terminals and Air Handling Units

        • Horizontal or Vertical Units

        • Draw-Through or Blow-Through Units

        • Factory-Fabricated and Field Built-Up Units

        • Rooftop and Indoor Units

        • Make-Up Air and Recirculating Units

      • Packaged Units

        • Rooftop Packaged Units

        • Indoor Packaged Units

        • Split Packaged Units

        • Rating Conditions and Minimum Performance

      • Coils

        • Coils, Fins, and Water Circuits

        • Direct Expansion (DX) Coil

        • Water Cooling Coils — Dry–Wet Coils

        • Water Cooling Coil–Dry Coil

        • Water Heating Coil

        • Steam Heating Coil

        • Coil Accessories and Servicing

        • Coil Freeze-Up Protection

      • Air Filters

        • Air Cleaning and Filtration

        • Test Methods

        • Low-Efficiency Air Filters

        • Medium-Efficiency Air Filters

        • High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) Filters and...

        • Activated Carbon Filters

      • Humidifiers

        • Selection of AHUs and PUs

    • 9.8 Refrigeration Components and Evaporative Coole...

      • Refrigeration Compressors

        • Performance Indices

        • Reciprocating Compressors

        • Scroll Compressors

        • Rotary Compressors

        • Screw Compressors

        • Centrifugal Compressors

      • Refrigeration Condensers

        • Air-Cooled Condensers

        • Water-Cooled Condensers

        • Evaporative Condenser

        • Comparison of Air-Cooled, Water-Cooled, and Evapor...

      • Evaporators and Refrigerant Flow Control Devices

      • Evaporative Coolers

        • Direct Evaporative Cooler

        • Indirect Evaporative Coolers

          • Direct–Indirect Evaporative Cooler

          • Operating Characteristics

    • 9.9 Water Systems

      • Types of Water Systems

        • Closed System

        • Open System

        • Once-Through System

      • Basics

        • Volume Flow and Temperature Difference

        • Pressure Drop

      • Water Piping

        • Corrosion, Impurities, and Water Treatments

        • Piping Arrangements

          • Main and Branch Pipes

          • Constant Flow and Variable Flow

          • Direct Return and Reverse Return

          • Two-Pipe or Four-Pipe

      • Plant-Building Loop

        • System Description

          • Plant Loop

          • Building Loop

        • Operating Characteristics

        • Comparison of a Single-Loop and a Plant-Building L...

      • Plant-Distribution-Building Loop

    • 9.10 Heating Systems

      • Types of Heating Systems

        • Warm Air Furnaces

          • Natural Vent Combustion Systems

          • Power Vent Combustion Systems

          • Furnace Performance Indices

          • Operation and Control

          • Low NOx Emissions

        • Hot Water Boilers

          • Types of Hot Water Boilers

          • Scotch Marine Boiler

          • Operation and Safety Controls

        • Low-Pressure Warm Air Heating Systems

          • System Characteristics

          • Part-Load Operation and Control

        • Low-Temperature Hot Water Heating System Using Fin...

          • Fin-Tube Heaters

          • Two-Pipe Individual-Loop Systems

          • Part Load and Control

        • Infrared Heating

          • Gas Infrared Heaters

          • Electric Infrared Heaters

          • Design Considerations

    • 9.11 Refrigeration Systems

      • Classifications of Refrigeration Systems

        • Direct Expansion Refrigeration Systems

          • Components and Accessories

          • Capacity Controls

          • Safety Controls

          • Full- and Part-Load Operations

          • Main Problems in DX Systems

        • Heat Pumps

          • Air-Source Heat Pump

          • Cooling and Heating Mode Operation

          • System Performance

          • Minimum Performance

        • Centrifugal Chillers

          • Refrigerants

          • System Components

          • Performance Ratings

          • Capacity Control

          • Centrifugal Compressor Performance Map

          • Part-Load Operation

          • Specific Controls

          • Centrifugal Chillers Incorporating Heat Recovery

        • Screw Chillers

          • Variable Volume Ratio

          • Economizer

          • Oil Separation, Oil Cooling, and Oil Injection

    • 9.12 Thermal Storage Systems

      • Thermal Storage Systems and Off-Peak Air-Condition...

        • Full Storage and Partial Storage

      • Ice-Storage Systems

        • System Characteristics

          • Brine-Coil Ice-Storage Systems

          • Case Study of a Brine-Coil Ice-Storage System

          • Ice-Harvester Ice-Storage Systems

          • Ice-on-Coil Ice-Storage Systems

          • Ice-in-Containers Ice-Storage Systems

      • Chilled-Water Storage Systems

        • Basics

          • Stratified Tanks

    • 9.13 Air System Basics

      • Fan-Duct Systems

        • Flow Resistance

        • Fan-Duct System

        • Primary, Secondary, and Transfer Air

        • System-Operating Point

        • Fan-Laws

      • System Effect

      • Modulation of Air Systems

        • Example 9.13.1

      • Fan Combinations in Air-Handling Units and Package...

        • Supply and Exhaust Fan/Barometric Damper Combinati...

        • Supply and Relief Fan Combination

        • Supply Fan and Return Fan Combination

        • Comparison of These Three Fan Combination Systems

      • Year-Round Operation and Economizers

      • Fan Energy Use

      • Outdoor Ventilation Air Supply

        • Basics

          • Types of Minimum Outdoor Ventilation Air Control

    • 9.14 Absorption System

      • Double-Effect Direct-Fired Absorption Chillers

      • Absorption Cycles, Parallel-, Series-, and Reverse...

        • Solution and Refrigerant Flow

        • Part-Load Operation and Capacity Control

        • Coefficient of Performance (COP)

        • Safety Controls

        • Absorption Chiller/Heater

    • 9.15 Air-Conditioning Systems and Selection

      • Basics in Classification

      • Individual Systems

        • Room Air-Conditioner Systems

        • Packaged Terminal Air-Conditioner (PTAC) Systems

      • Space (Space-Conditioning) Systems

      • Four-Pipe Fan-Coil Systems

        • Water-Source Heat Pump Systems

      • Packaged Systems

        • Single-Zone Constant-Volume (CV) Packaged Systems

        • Constant-Volume Zone-Reheat Packaged Systems

        • Variable-Air-Volume Packaged Systems

        • VAV Reheat Packaged Systems

        • Fan-Powered VAV Packaged Systems

      • Central Systems

        • Single-Zone Constant-Volume Central Systems

        • Single-Zone CV Clean Room Systems

        • CV Zone-Reheat Central Systems

        • VAV Central Systems

        • VAV Reheat Central Systems

        • Fan-Powered VAV Central Systems

        • Dual-Duct VAV Central Systems

        • Dual-Duct CV Central System

      • Air-Conditioning System Selection

      • Comparison of Various Systems

      • Subsystems

        • Air Systems

        • Refrigeration Systems

        • Heating Systems

        • Control Systems

      • Energy Conservation Recommendations

    • 9.16 Desiccant Dehumidification and Air-Conditioni...

      • Introduction

      • Sorbents and Desiccants

      • Dehumidification

        • Desirable Characteristics for High-Performance Liq...

        • Additional Requirements for Liquid Desiccant Dehum...

        • Additional Requirements for Solid Desiccant Dehumi...

      • Liquid Spray Tower

        • Advantages

        • Disadvantages

      • Solid Packed Tower

        • Advantages

        • Disadvantages

      • Rotary Desiccant Dehumidifiers

        • Desiccant Material

        • The Desiccant Wheel

      • Hybrid Cycles

      • Solid Desiccant Air-Conditioning

        • Ventilation Mode

          • Performance

      • Conclusions

  • 10A. Electronic Packaging Technologies

    • 10A.1.1 Packaging the Die

      • Plastic Die Package

      • Hermetic (Metal and Ceramic) Packages

      • Interconnection Technologies at the First Level of Packaging

        • Wirebond Interconnects

        • Flip Chip Bonding

        • Tape-Automated Bonding (TAB)

      • Three-Dimensional Die Packaging

    • 10A.1.2 Printed Wiring Board Technology

      • Conventional Printed Circuit Board Technology

      • High-Density Interconnect Technology

        • Microvia HDI

        • Thin-Film HDI

      • Ceramic Substrate Technology

    • 10A.1.3 Printed Circuit Assembly Processes

      • Through-Hole Assembly

      • SMT Assembly

      • Connectors

    • 10A.1.4 Electronic Packaging Future

    • References

      • Supplemental References

  • 11. Engineering Design

    • 11.1 Introduction

    • 11.2 Elements of the Design Process

    • 11.3 Concept of Domains

    • 11.4 The Axiomatic Approach to Design

      • The First Axiom: The Independence Axiom

        • Example 1: Shaping of Hydraulic Tubes

      • Decomposition, Zigzagging, and Hierarchy

        • Example 2: Refrigerator Design

      • Concurrent Design and Manufacturing Considerations...

      • The Second Axiom: The Information Axiom

        • Example 3: Cutting a Rod to a Length

    • 11.5 Algorithmic Approaches to Design

      • Systematic Design

      • The Taguchi Method

      • Design for Assembly

    • 11.6 Strategies for Product Design

      • Requirements

      • The Life Cycle Usage Environment

      • Characterization of Materials, Products, and the M...

      • Design Guidelines and Techniques

        • Preferred Products

        • Redundancy

        • Protective Architectures

        • Stress Margins

        • Derating

        • Size and Weight Control

        • Potential Failure Sites and Failure Mechanisms

      • Designing for the Application Environment

        • Temperature Control

        • Shock and Vibration Control

        • Chemical Action Control

        • Biological Growth Control

        • Moisture Control

        • Sand and Dust Protection

        • Explosion Control

        • Electromagnetic Radiation Control

        • High Vacuum Control

        • Human Factors and Operability

      • Designing for Operability

      • Designing for Maintainability

      • The Design Team

      • Summary

    • 11.7 Design of Manufacturing Systems and Processes...

      • Design of Manufacturing Systems

      • Manufacturing Process Design

        • Metals Processing

        • Polymer Processing

    • 11.8 Precision Machine Design

      • Analysis of Errors in a Precision Machine

        • Accuracy, Repeatability, and Resolution

        • Amplification of Angular Errors

        • Sensitive Directions

        • The Reversal Principle

        • Modeling the Errors in a Machine

        • Determination of the Relative Errors Between the T...

        • Linear Motion System Errors

        • Estimating Position Errors from Modular Bearing Ca...

        • Axis of Rotation Errors

        • Error Budgets

        • Combinational Rules for Errors

        • Type of Errors

          • Straightness

          • Kinematic Errors

          • External Load-Induced Errors

          • Load-Induced Errors from Machine Assembly

          • Thermal Expansion Errors

      • Structures

        • Dynamic System Requirements

          • System Bandwidth Requirements

          • Effects of Changing the System’s Mass

          • Effects of Changing the System’s Stiffness

          • Effects of Changing the System’s Damping

        • Methods of Achieving Damping

          • Tuned Mass Dampers

          • Constrained Layer Dampers

        • Experimental Modal Analysis of a Machine’s Dynamic...

        • Identification, Control, and Isolation of Heat Sou...

      • Material Considerations

        • Cast Iron Structures

        • Granite Structures

        • Welded Structures

        • Ceramic Structures

        • Polymer Concrete Castings

      • Structural Configurations

        • Open-Section (C or G) Frames

        • Closed-Section (Bridge or Portal) Frames

        • Tetrahedral Frames

        • Counterweights and Counterbalances

        • Compensating Curvatures

        • Structural Connectivity

        • Bolted Joints

      • Bearings

        • Surface Roughness

        • Bearing Preload

        • Replicated Bearings

        • Sliding Contact Bearings

        • Rolling Element Bearings

        • Rolling Element Linear Motion Bearings

        • Flexural Bearings

        • Hydrostatic Bearings

    • 11.9 Robotics

    • 11.10 Computer-Based Tools for Design Optimization...

      • Design Optimization with Genetic Algorithms

        • Introduction

        • Genetic Algorithm Tutorial

        • Examples

          • Truss Parameter Selection

          • Topology Optimization

          • Hierarchial Shape Packing

      • Optimization in Multidisciplinary Design

        • Introduction

        • Classification of MDO Formulations

        • Example

          • Single-SAND-SAND

          • Single-SAND-NAND

          • Single-NAND-NAND

        • Modeling Design Decisions: The Mathematical Progra...

          • Compromise DSP

          • Deviation Variables and Goals

          • The Lexicographic Minimum and the Deviation Functi...

        • The Use of Coupled DSPs in Modeling and Solving Sy...

  • 12. Materials

    • 12.1 Metals

      • Introduction — Nature and Properties of Pure Metal...

      • Casting

      • Strength and Deformation, Fracture Toughness

      • Mechanical Forming

      • Solute, Dispersion, and Precipitation Strengthenin...

      • Strengthening of Steels and Steel Heat Treatment

      • Fatigue

      • High-Temperature Effects — Creep and Stress Ruptur...

      • Corrosion and Environmental Effects

      • Metal Surface Treatments

    • 12.2 Polymers

      • Introduction

      • Thermoplastic Polymers

        • Acetal and Polyacetal

        • Acrylics (Methylmethacrylate, PMMA)

        • Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS)

        • Cellulosics

        • Ethylene-Vinyl Acetate (EVA)

        • Fluorocarbons

        • Ionomers

        • Polymethylpentene

        • Polyethylene Terephthalate

        • Polyamides (Nylons)

        • Polyethylene

        • Polyketone, Aliphatic

        • Polyethersulfone

        • Polystyrene

        • Polysulfone

        • Polyvinyl Chloride

        • Polycarbonate

        • Polypropylene

        • Polyphenylene Sulfide

        • Polyphenylene Oxide

      • Thermosetting Polymers

        • Alkyds

        • Amino Resins

        • Epoxies

        • Phenolics (Phenol Formaldehyde, PF)

        • Polyester

        • Polyimides

        • Silicones

      • Laminated Polymer Structures

        • Phenolics

        • Epoxies

        • Tufnol

        • Polyester

        • Melamine

        • Silicone

        • Polyimide

      • Foam and Cellular Polymers

        • Thermoplastics

          • Polyurethane Foams

          • Expanded Polystyrene

          • Cellular Polyvinyl Chlorides

          • Polyethylene Foams

          • Ethylene Vinyl Acetates

          • Other Types

        • Thermosets

          • Phenolics

          • Urea Formaldehyde (UF) Foam

          • Expanded Epoxies

          • Silicon Foams

        • Elastomers

          • Cellular Rubbers

      • Elastomers

        • Natural Rubbers (Polyisoprene, NR)

        • Synthetic Rubbers

    • 12.3 Adhesives

      • Introduction

      • Advantages and Limitations of Use

      • Classes of Adhesives

      • Performance of Adhesives

    • 12.4 Wood

      • Definition

      • Composition

      • Mechanical Properties

      • Decay Resistance

      • Composites

    • 12.5 Portland Cement Concrete

      • Introduction

      • Fresh Concrete Properties

      • Hardened Concrete Properties

        • Strength

        • Density

        • Permeability

        • Abrasion Resistance

        • Volume Change and Crack Control

        • Deformation and Creep

      • Concrete Ingredients

        • Portland Cements

        • Blended Hydraulic Cements

        • Supplementary Cementing Materials (Mineral Admixtu...

        • Mixing Water for Concrete

        • Aggregates for Concrete

        • Chemical Admixtures for Concrete

      • Proportioning Normal Concrete Mixtures

      • Mixing, Transporting, and Placing Concrete

      • Curing

      • Durability

        • Freeze-Thaw and Deicer Scaling Resistance

        • Sulfate-Resistant Concrete

        • Corrosion Protection

        • Alkali–Silica Reaction

      • Related Standards and Specifications

    • 12.6 Composites

      • Introduction

      • Polymer Matrix Composites

        • Introduction

        • Architecture

        • Fiber

          • Introduction

          • Glass Fiber

          • Carbon Fiber

          • Aramid Fibers

          • Boron Fibers

        • Polymer Matrix Materials

          • Introduction

          • Polyester Matrix

          • Epoxy Matrix

        • Processing

        • Mechanical Properties

      • Metal Matrix Composites

        • Introduction

        • Cermets and Cemented Carbides — Particulate-Reinfo...

        • Fiber-Reinforced MMCs

      • Ceramic Matrix Composites

        • Ceramic Matrix Fiber Composites

          • Introduction

          • Mechanical Behavior

          • Continuous and Chopped Fiber Composites

          • Glass Matrix CMFCs

        • Ceramic Matrix Whisker Composites (CMWCs)

      • Carbon–Carbon Composites

        • Introduction

        • High-Temperature Oxidation

        • Fabrication

        • Mechanical Properties

    • 12.7 Ceramics and Glass

      • Traditional Ceramics

        • Whitewares

          • Vitreous

          • Earthenware

          • Stoneware

          • China and Porcelain

        • Refractories

          • Introduction

          • Temperature Tolerance

          • Dimensional Stability and Spalling

          • Porosity

          • Fireclay Refractories

          • Alumina Refractories

          • Silica

          • Basic Refractories

        • Glazes and Enamels

        • Structural Clay Products

      • Advanced Ceramics

        • Classes of Advanced Ceramics

        • Structural Ceramics

          • Required Properties

          • Applications

        • Electronic and Magnetic Ceramics

        • Optical Ceramics

        • Effect of Finishing and Machining on Properties

      • Traditional Glasses

        • Definition and Introduction

        • Composition/Properties

          • Pure Silica Glass

          • High-Silica Glass

          • Soda Silica

          • Soda–Lime–Silica

          • Aluminosilicate Glass

          • Borosilicate Glass

          • Lead Silicates

        • Strength of Glass

          • Theoretical Strength

          • Nominal and Design Strength

          • Strengthening and Tempering

        • Behavior at Elevated Temperatures

        • Chemical Durability

        • Optical Properties

      • Specialty Glasses

        • Non-Silica-Oxide Glasses

        • Chalcogenide Glasses

        • Heavy Metal Fluoride Glasses

        • Amorphous Metals

        • Amorphous Semiconductors

      • Glass Ceramics

  • 13. Manufacturing

    • 13.1 Introduction

      • Modern Manufacturing

    • 13.2 Unit Manufacturing and Assembly Processes

      • Unit Process Selection

      • Control and Automation of Unit Processes

      • Unit Processes

      • Material Removal Processes

        • Process Selection


          • Process Kinematics in Traditional Machining

          • Dynamic Stability and Chatter

          • Basic Machine Tool Components

          • Cutting Tool Materials

          • Wear of Cutting Tool Materials

          • Single-Point Cutting Tool Geometry

          • Machinability

        • Drilling and Reaming

          • Description and Applications

          • Key System Components

          • Machining Parameters

          • Capabilities and Process Limitations

        • Turning and Boring

          • Description and Applications

          • Key System Components

          • Machine Tool and Machining Parameters

          • Capabilities and Limitations

        • Planing and Shaping

          • Principle of Operation

          • Machine Tool and Machining Parameters

          • Key System Components

          • Capabilities and Process Limitations

        • Milling

          • Description and Applications

          • Principle of Operation

          • Key System Components

          • Machine Tool and Machining Parameters

          • Process Limitations

        • Broaching

          • Principle of Operation

          • Key System Components

          • Machine Tool and Machining Parameters

          • Capabilities and Process Limitations

        • Grinding

          • Description and Applications

          • Mechanics of Grinding

          • Types of Grinding

          • Key System Components

          • Capabilities and Process Limitations


        • Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM)

          • Principle of Operation

          • EDM Power System

          • Key System Components

          • Machining Parameters

          • Capabilities and Process Limitations

        • Electrical Chemical Machining (ECM)

          • Principle of Operation

          • Key System Components

          • Machining Parameters

          • Capabilities and Process Limitations

        • Water and Abrasive Jet Machining

          • Principle of Operation and Machine Structures

          • Process Parameters and Limitations

        • Ultrasonic Machining

          • Principle of Operation

          • Key System Components

          • Process Parameters and Limitations

      • Phase-Change Processes

        • Advantages and Applications of Metal Casting

        • Casting Defects and Design Considerations

        • Green Sand Casting Processes

          • Key System Components

          • Influence of Process on Part Design

          • Process Limitations

        • Investment Casting

          • Description and Applications

          • Key System Components

          • Capabilities and Process Limitations

      • Structure-Change Processes

        • Normalizing Steel

          • Description and Applications

          • Principle of Operation

          • Key System Components

          • Process Limitations

        • Laser Surface Hardening

          • Description and Applications

          • Principle of Operation

          • Key System Components

          • Process Parameters

          • Process Limitations

      • Deformation Processes

        • Die Forging

          • Description and Applications

          • Types of Forging Processes

          • Key System Components

          • Design Considerations

        • Press-Brake Forming

          • Description and Applications

          • Principle of Operation

          • Key System Components

          • Process Parameters

          • Capabilities

          • Design Factors

      • Consolidation Processes

        • Polymer Composite Consolidation

          • Description and Applications

          • Principle of Operation

          • Fabrication Methods

          • Process Parameters

        • Shielded-Metal Arc Welding

          • Description and Applications

          • Principle of Operation

          • Key System Components

          • Capabilities

          • Design Considerations

          • Process Limitations

      • Mechanical Assembly

        • Assembly Methods and Systems

        • Selection of Assembly Systems

        • Assembly Line

        • Design for Assembly

      • Material Handling

        • Logistics

        • Basic Elements

      • Case Study: Manufacturing and Inspection of Precis...

        • Overview of Ballscrew Design and Manufacturing Con...

        • Initial Machining Operations

        • Surface Treatments

        • Grinding and Finishing Operations

        • Assembly and Inspection

    • 13.3 Essential Elements in Manufacturing Processe...

      • Sensors for Manufacturing

        • Introduction

        • Classification of Sensors

        • Use of Sensors in Supervisory and Intelligent Cont...

      • Computer Control and Motion Control in Manufacturi...

        • Computerized Numerical Control Architecture

        • CNC Part Programs

        • Point-to-Point and Contouring Axes of Motion

          • Point-to-Point Systems

          • Contouring Systems

          • Interpolators

        • Motion Control Systems

          • Control Loops

          • Control Loops for Point-to-Point Systems

          • Control Loops for Contouring Systems

        • Error Sources in CNC Systems

      • Metrology and Precision Engineering

        • Introduction

        • Factors in Precision Engineering

        • Instrumentation and Inspection in Precision Engine...

        • CNC Machining Performance Evaluation

        • Instrumentation and Metrology

          • Telescopic Ballbar

          • Laser Interferometer

          • Spindle Analyzer

          • Other Metrology Instruments

        • Inspection System and Metrology

          • Laser Tracking Interferometer System

          • On-Machine Gauging

          • Other Inspection Systems

      • Mechatronics in Manufacturing

        • Introduction

        • Elements of Mechatronic Systems Engineering

    • 13.4 Design and Analysis Tools in Manufacturing

      • Computer-Aided Design Tools for Manufacturing

        • Introduction

        • CAD System and Manufacturing

        • Solid Models and Manufacturing

        • Product Data Standards and Manufacturing

        • Design for “X” Tools

      • Tools for Manufacturing Process Planning

        • Introduction

        • Manual Process Planning

        • Tolerance Charting

        • Computer-Aided Process Planning

        • Variant Process Planning

        • Generative Approach

        • Conclusions

      • Simulation Tools for Manufacturing

        • Introduction

        • Types of Simulation Models

          • Discrete Event

          • Continuous

          • Combined Discrete Event/Continuous

        • Modeling Languages

          • GPSS/H

          • GPSS World

          • SIMSCRIPT II.5

          • SIMAN V

          • SLAMSYSTEM

        • Conclusion

      • Tools for Intelligent Manufacturing Processes and ...

        • Introduction

        • Neural Networks

          • Applications of Neural Networks

        • Fuzzy Logic

          • Applications of Fuzzy Logic

        • Expert Systems

          • Applications of Expert Systems

        • Conclusion

      • Tools for Manufacturing Facilities Planning

        • Introduction

        • Decision Factors for Facilities Planning

          • Group Technology

          • Facility Layout

          • Material Handling

        • Conclusion

    • 13.5 Rapid Prototyping

      • Manufacturing Processes in Parts Production

      • Rapid Prototyping by Laser Stereolithography

      • Other Rapid-Prototyping Methods

      • Application of Rapid Prototyping

      • General Rapid Prototyping in Production

        • Use of Three-Dimentional CAD Data

    • 13.6 Underlying Paradigms in Manufacturing Systems...

      • Quality Systems

        • Introduction

        • Requirements Flow

        • Task Objectives

        • Parts Flow

        • Task Management

        • Fundamental and Bottom-Line Metrics

      • Collaborative Manufacturing

        • Introduction

        • What Is Collaborative Manufacturing (CM)?

        • Who Is Doing CM?

      • Electronic Data Interchange

        • Introduction

        • EDI Elements

        • EDI in Manufacturing

        • EDI Standards

        • EDI Implementation

        • Summary

  • 14. Robotics

    • 14.1 Introduction

    • 14.2 Commercial Robot Manipulators

      • Commercial Robot Manipulators

        • Manipulator Performance Characteristics

        • Common Kinematic Configurations

          • Articulated Arms.

          • Type I SCARA

          • Type II SCARA

          • Cartesian Coordinate Robots

          • Spherical and Cylindrical Coordinate Robots

          • Basic Performance Specifications

        • Drive Types of Commerical Robots

      • Commercial Robot Controllers

        • Motion Generation

        • Motion/Process Integration

        • Human Integration

        • Information Integration

    • 14.3 Robot Configurations

      • Fundamentals and Design Issues

      • Manipulator Kinematics

        • Example 14.3.1

        • Forward (Direct) Kinematics

        • Example 14.3.2

        • Inverse Kinematics

        • Example 14.3.3

        • Velocity Kinematics: The Manipulator Jacobian

        • Example 14.3.4

        • Singularities

        • Example 14.3.5

        • Redundant Manipulator Kinematics

        • Example 14.3.6

      • Summary

    • 14.4 End Effectors and Tooling

      • A Taxonomy of Common End Effectors

        • Passive End Effectors

        • Active End Effectors and Hands

        • Wrists and Other End-of-Arm Tooling

      • End Effector Design Issues

        • Sensing

        • Actuation

        • Versatility

          • Interchangeable End Effectors

          • Compound End Effectors

          • Redesigned Parts and Fixtures

      • Summary

    • 14.5 Sensors and Actuators

      • Tactile and Proximity Sensors

        • Resistive and Conductive Transduction

        • Capacitive Transduction

        • Magnetoelastic Transduction

        • Fiber Optics Proximity and Tactile Sensors

        • Piezoelectric/Pyroelectric Effect

        • Thermal Tactile Sensors

      • Force Sensors

        • Strain Gauge-Based Force Sensor

        • Other Force Sensors

      • Vision

        • Flexible Integrated Vision System

          • Flexible Integrated Vision System Hardware

          • Flexible Integrated Vision System Imbedded Softwar...

        • Illumination Considerations

          • Spectral Responsivity of Sensor

          • Spectral Characteristic of Typical Ambient Lightin...

          • Illumination Source

          • Object and Background Reflectance

        • Vision Algorithms for Robotic Applications

          • System Calibration

          • Image Segmentation and Feature Extraction

          • Communication Protocol

      • Actuators

        • Direct-Drive Joint Motor

        • Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) Wire

        • Spherical Induction Motor

        • Spherical DC Servo Motor

        • Variable-Reluctance (VR) Spherical Motor

        • Multi-DOF Microactuators

    • 14.6 Robot Programming Languages

      • Robot Control

      • System Control

      • Structures and Logic

      • Special Functions

      • Program Execution

      • Example Program

      • Off-Line Programming and Simulation

    • 14.7 Robot Dynamics and Control

      • Robot Dynamics and Properties

        • Properties of Robot Arm Dynamics

      • State Variable Representations and Computer Simula...

      • Cartesian Dynamics and Actuator Dynamics

        • Cartesian Dynamics

        • Actuator Dynamics

      • Computed-Torque (CT) Control and Feedback Lineariz...

        • Example 14.7.1 (Performance of PD and PID Computed...

          • Ideal PD CT Control

          • PD CT Control with Constant Unknown Disturbance

          • PID CT Control

        • Example 14.7.2 (Performance of PD-Gravity and Clas...

          • PD-Gravity Controller

          • Classical PD Controller

        • Example 14.7.3 (Performance of Digital CT Controll...

          • Digital CT Controller

          • Limit Cycle of Digital Robot Controller

      • Adaptive and Robust Control

        • Adaptive Controller

        • Robust Saturation Controller

        • Variable Structure Robust Controller

        • Example 14.7.4 (Performance of Adaptive and Robust...

          • Adaptive Control

          • Robust Control

      • Learning Control

      • Control of Flexible-Link and Flexible-Joint Robots...

        • Flexible-Link Robots

        • Flexible-Joint Robots

      • Force Control

      • Teleoperation

    • 14.8 Planning and Intelligent Control

      • Path Planning

        • Road Map Approach Based on Visibility Graph

        • Road Map Approach Based on Voronoi Diagram

        • Cell Decomposition Approach

        • Potential Field Approach

      • Error Detection and Recovery

      • Two-Arm Coordination

      • Workcell Control

      • Planning and Artificial Intelligence

      • Man-Machine Interface

    • 14.9 Design of Robotic Systems

      • Workcell Design and Layout

        • Design Considerations

          • Number of Part Types

          • End-of-Arm Tooling Exchange

          • Product Design

        • Workcell Layout

          • Electronic Product Assembly

          • Subassembly of Electrical and Mechanical Component...

          • Kitting Cell for Large-Scale Manufacturing

      • Part-Feeding and Transfers

        • Mechanical Feeders

          • Vibratory Bowl Feeders

          • Vibratory Belt Feeders

        • Dimensionally Specific Pallets

        • Vision-Based Flexible Part-Feeding

    • 14.10Robot Manufacturing Applications

      • Product Design for Robot Automation

      • Economic Analysis

        • Cost Justification for Robots

      • Assembly

        • Part Feeding and Presentation

        • Combining Process

    • 14.11Industrial Material Handling and Process App...

      • Implementation of Manufacturing Process Robots

        • Manipulation as a Process Requirement

        • Manipulation Capability of Process Robots

        • Integration of Manipulation Control and Process Co...

      • Industrial Applications of Process Robots

        • Palletizing and Depalletizing

        • Packaging

        • Machine Tending: Loading and Unloading

        • Sorting

        • Part Dipping

          • Investment Casting

          • Solder Pretinning

          • Conformal Protective Coating

          • Quenching

        • Resistance Spot Welding

        • Drilling

        • Fastening

        • Inspection

        • Paint and Compound Spraying

        • Compound Dispensing

        • Cutting

          • Laser

          • Waterjet

          • Abrasivejet

          • Plasma Arc

          • Router

          • Knife

        • Arc Welding

        • Finish Machining

    • 14.12Mobile, Flexible-Link, and Parallel-Link Rob...

      • Mobile Robots

        • Classifications of Mobile Robots

          • Wheeled Mobile Robots

          • Legged Mobile Robots

          • Treaded Mobile Robots

        • Sensors and Measurements

        • Navigation

      • Flexible-Link Robot Manipulators

        • Modeling of Flexible-Link Robots

        • Control of Flexible-Link Robots

      • Parallel-Link Robots

        • The Stewart Platform

        • Advantages and Problems of the Stewart Platform

        • Manufacturing Applications of the Stewart Platform...

    • Defining Terms

    • References

    • Additional Reading

  • 16. Environmental Engineering

    • 16.1 Introduction

    • 16.2 Reference Conditions

      • Soils and Water Basins

      • Acceptable Pollutant Levels

      • Carbon Monoxide Levels

      • Ozone Levels

    • 16.3 Sources of Pollution

      • Groundwater Pollution

      • Pollutant Monitoring

    • 16.4 Emission Standards

      • Water

      • Air

    • 16.5 Mitigating Pollution

    • 16.6 Environmental Modeling

      • Secondary Pollutants

    • 16.7 Global Climate Change

      • Mitigating Global Warming

    • References

  • 19. Mathematics

    • 19.1 Tables

      • Greek Alphabet

      • International System of Units (SI)

        • Definitions of SI Base Units

        • Names and Symbols for the SI Base Units

        • SI Derived Units with Special Names and Symbols

        • Units in Use Together with the SI

      • Conversion Constants and Multipliers

        • Recommended Decimal Multiples and Submultiples

        • Conversion Factors — Metric to English

        • Conversion Factors — English to Metric

        • Conversion Factors — General

        • Temperature Factors

        • Conversion of Temperatures

      • Physical Constants

        • General

        • p Constants

        • Constants Involving e

        • Numerical Constants

      • Symbols and Terminology for Physical and Chemical ...

      • Elementary Algebra and Geometry

        • Fundamental Properties (Real Numbers)

        • Exponents

        • Fractional Exponents

        • Irrational Exponents

        • Operations with Zero

        • Logarithms

        • Change of Base (a ¹ 1)

        • Factorials

        • Stirling’s Approximation

        • Binomial Theorem

        • Factors and Expansion

        • Progression

        • Complex Numbers

          • Polar Form

        • Permutations

        • Combinations

        • Algebraic Equations

          • Quadratic

          • Cubic

          • Geometry

      • Table of Derivatives

        • Additional Relations with Derivatives

      • Integrals

        • Elementary Forms (Add an arbitrary constant to eac...

        • Forms Containing (a + bx)

      • The Fourier Transforms

        • Fourier Transforms

        • Finite Sine Transforms

        • Finite Cosine Transforms

        • Fourier Sine Transforms

        • Fourier Cosine Transforms

        • Fourier Transforms

      • Bessel Functions

        • Bessel Functions of the First Kind, Jn(x) (Also Ca...

        • Bessel Functions of the Second Kind, Yn(x) (Also C...

      • Legendre Functions

        • Associated Legendre Functions of the First Kind, (...

      • Table of Differential Equations

    • 19.2 Linear Algebra and Matrices

      • Basic Definitions

      • Algebra of Matrices

      • Systems of Equations

      • Vector Spaces

      • Rank and Nullity

      • Orthogonality and Length

      • Determinants

      • Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors

    • 19.3 Vector Algebra and Calculus

      • Basic Definitions

      • Coordinate Systems

      • Vector Functions

      • Gradient, Curl, and Divergence

      • Integration

      • Integral Thorems

    • 19.4 Difference Equations

      • First-Order Equations

      • Second-Order Equations

      • Linear Equations with Constant Coefficients

      • Generating Function (z Transform)

    • 19.5 Differential Equations

      • Ordinary Differential Equations

        • First-Order Equations

        • Second-Order Equations

        • Second-Order Inhomogeneous Equations

        • Series Solution

      • Partial Differential Equations

        • Methods of Solution

          • Separation of Variables

          • Operational Methods

          • Similarity (Invariance)

          • Characteristics

          • Green’s Function

          • Equations in Other Spatial Variables

          • Conversion to Other Orthogonal Coordinate Systems

    • 19.6 Integral Equations

      • Classification and Notation

      • Relation to Differential Equations

      • Methods of Solution

        • Convolution Equations

        • Abel Equation

        • Approximate Method (Picard’s Method)

    • 19.7 Approximation Methods

      • Perturbation

        • Regular Perturbation

        • Singular Perturbation

        • Boundary Layer Method

      • Iterative Methods

        • Taylor Series

        • Picard’s Method

    • 19.8 Integral Transforms

      • Laplace Transform

        • Properties of the Laplace Transform

      • Convolution Integral

      • Fourier Transform

        • Properties of the Fourier Transform

      • Fourier Cosine Transform

        • Properties of the Fourier Cosine Transform

    • 19.9 Calculus of Variations

      • The Euler Equation

      • The Variation

      • Constraints

    • 19.10Optimization Methods

      • Linear Programming

      • Unconstrained Nonlinear Programming

      • Constrained Nonlinear Programming

    • 19.11Engineering Statistics

      • Introduction

      • Elementary Probability

        • Random Variables and Probability Distributions

        • Expectations

        • Some Commonly Used Distributions

        • The Normal Distribution

      • Random Sample and Sampling Distributions

        • Random Sample and Related Statistics

          • Theorem 1

          • Theorem 2

      • Normal Distribution-Related Sampling Distributions...

        • One-Sample Case

          • Fact 3

          • Fact 4

          • The distribution of the statistic where is the sam...

          • Fact 5

          • The distribution of the statistic W = (n – 1)S2/s2...

        • Two-Sample Case

          • In certain applications we may be interested in th...

          • Fact 6

          • Under the assumption of normality, has an N(m1 – m...

          • Fact 7

          • Fact 8

          • Fact 9

          • The distribution of is called an F distribution wi...

          • Example 10

          • Example 11

      • Confidence Intervals

        • One-Sample Case

          • 1. Confidence Interval for m When s2 is Known

          • 2. Confidence Interval for m When s2 is Unknown

          • 3. Confidence Interval for s2

        • Two-Sample Case

          • 1. Confidence Intervals for m1 – m2 When are Known...

          • 2. Confidence Interval for m1 – m2 when are Unknow...

          • 3. Confidence Interval for

      • Testing Statistical Hypotheses

        • One-Sample Case

          • 1. Test for Mean

          • 2. Test for Variance

        • Two-Sample Case

          • 1. Test for Difference of Two Means

      • A Numerical Example

        • One-Sample Case

        • Two-Sample Case

      • Concluding Remarks

    • 19.12Numerical Methods

      • Introduction

      • Linear Algebra Equations

        • Direct Methods

          • Gauss Reduction

          • The Tridiagonal Algorithm

          • Algorithm for Pentadiagonal Matrix

          • General Band Algorithm

          • Cholesky Decomposition

        • Iterative Methods

          • Jacobi Method (Iteration by total steps)

          • Gauss-Seidel Method (Iteration by single steps)

          • Gauss-Seidel with Successive Overrelaxation (SOR)

      • Nonlinear Equations in One Variable

        • Special Methods for Polynomials

        • The Graeffe Root-Squaring Technique

      • General Methods for Nonlinear Equations in One Var...

        • Successive Substitutions

      • Numerical Solution of Simultaneous Nonlinear Equat...

        • The Method of Successive Substitutions

        • The Newton-Raphson Procedure

        • Methods of Perturbation

          • The Newton-Raphson Procedure

          • The Method of False Position

        • The Method of Wegstein

        • The Method of Continuity

      • Interpolation and Finite Differences

        • Linear Interpolation

        • Divided Differences of Higher Order and Higher-Ord...

        • Lagrange Interpolation Formulas

        • Other Difference Methods (Equally Spaced Ordinates...

          • Backward Differences

          • Central Differences

        • Inverse Interpolation

      • Numerical Differentiation

        • The Use of Interpolation Formulas

          • Three-point Formulas

          • Five-point Formulas

        • Smoothing Techniques

        • Least Squares Method

          • Parabolic

          • Quartic (Douglas-Avakian)

      • Numerical Integration

        • Newton-Cotes Formulas (Equally Spaced Ordinates)

          • Trapezoidal Rule

          • Parabolic Rule (Simpson’s Rule)

          • Weddle’s Rule

        • Gaussian Integration Formulas (Unequally Spaced Ab...

        • Two-Dimensional Formula

      • Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equati...

        • The Modified Euler Method

          • Predictor Steps

          • Corrector Steps

        • Modified Adam’s Method

          • Predictor Steps

          • Corrector Steps

        • Runge-Kutta Methods

        • Equations of Higher Order and Simultaneous Differe...

      • Numerical Solution of Integral Equations

      • Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equatio...

        • Finite Difference Methods

        • Weighted Residual Methods (WRMs)

        • Finite Elements

        • Method of Lines

      • Discrete and Fast Fourier Transforms

        • DFT Properties

      • Software

        • General Packages

        • Special Packages for Linear Systems

        • Ordinary Differential Equations Packages

        • Partial Differential Equations Packages

        • General

        • Linear Equations

        • Ordinary Differential Equations

        • Partial Differential Equations

    • 19.13Experimental Uncertainty Analysis

      • Introduction

      • Uncertainty of a Measured Variable

      • Uncertainty of a Result

      • Using Uncertainty Analysis in Experimentation

    • 19.14Chaos

      • Introduction

      • Flows, Attractors, and Liapunov Exponents

      • Synchronous Motor

      • Defining Terms

    • 19.15Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic

      • Introduction

      • Fundamental Notions

  • 20. Patent Law and Misc

    • 20.1 Patents and Other Intellectual Property

      • Patents

      • Trade Secrets

      • Copyrights

      • Trademarks

      • Final Observations

    • 20.2 Product Liability and Safety

      • Introduction

      • Legal Concepts

      • Risk Assessment

      • Engineering Analysis

      • Human Error

      • Warnings and Instructions

    • 20.3 Bioengineering

      • Biomechanics

        • Hard Tissue Mechanics

        • Mechanics of Soft Tissue

        • Cartilage

        • Muscle

        • Tendon/Ligaments

        • Factors Affecting Biomechanical Properties

          • Rate of Loading

          • Loading Mode

          • Anatomic Location

          • Age

          • Storage/Preservation

          • Species

        • Impact Biomechanics

        • Computational Biomechanics

      • Biomaterials

        • Material and Host Response

          • The Physiological Environment

        • Current Biomaterials

          • Metallic Biomaterials

          • Polymers

          • Biodegradable Polymers

          • Ceramics

          • Composite Biomaterials

          • Materials of Natural Origin

        • Biomaterial Testing

          • In Vitro Studies

          • In Vivo Studies

    • 20.4 Mechanical Engineering Codes and Standards

      • What Are Codes and Standards?

      • Codes and Standards–Related Accreditation, Certifi...

        • Accreditation

        • Certification

        • Registration

      • How Do I Get Codes and Standards?

        • Role of ASME International in Mechanical Engineeri...

        • Role of ANSI in These and Other Related Standards

      • What Standards Are Available?

        • Listing of Topics Covered by ASME International St...

        • Where Do I Go If the Subject I Want Is Not on This...

    • 20.5 Optics*

      • Geometrical Optics

        • Symmetrical Optical Systems

        • Plane Mirrors and Prisms

      • Nonimaging Optics

        • Edge-Ray Optics

      • Lasers

        • Gaussian Beams

        • Tracing Gaussian Beams

        • Truncation of Gaussian Beams

        • Gaussian Beams and Aberrations

        • Non-Gaussian Beams from Lasers

    • 20.6 Water Desalination

      • Introduction and Overview

      • Distillation Processes

        • Multistage Flash Evaporation (MSF)

        • Multi-Effect Distillation (ME)

        • Vapor Compression Distillation (VC)

        • Solar Distillation

      • Freeze Desalination

      • Membrane Separation Processes

        • Reverse Osmosis (RO)

        • Electrodialysis (ED)

    • 20.7 Noise Control

      • Introduction

      • Sound Propagation

      • Human Hearing

      • Noise Measures

      • Response of People to Noise and Noise Criteria and...

      • Noise Control Approaches

    • 20.8 Lighting Technology

      • Lamps

      • Ballasts

      • Lighting Fixtures

      • Lighting Efficiency

  • Appendices

    • Appendix A. Properties of Gases and Vapors

      • Symbols and Units:

      • Symbols and Units:

        • Part a. Ideal Gas Properties of Nitrogen, N2

      • Symbols and Units:

      • Symbols and Units:

        • Part a. Temperature Table

        • Part b. Pressure Table

      • Symbols and Units:

        • Part a. SI Units

        • Part b. English Units

    • Appendix B. Properties of Liquids

      • Symbols and Units:

        • Part a. SI Units

        • Part b. English Units

    • Appendix C. Properties of Solids

      • Part a. Pure Metals

      • Part b. Commercial Metals and Alloys

    • Appendix D. Gases and Vapors

    • Appendix E. Miscellaneous 

      • Part a. Nominal and Minimum-Dressed Sizes of Lumbe...

      • Part b. Species, Sizes, Allowable Stresses, and Mo...

      • Part a: SAE Grades for Steel Bolts

      • Part b: ASTM Grades for Steel Bolts

      • Part c: Metric Mechanical Property Classes for Ste...

Nội dung

[...]... situation Within the constraints of a single book on mechanical engineering, it provides overviews of topics with modern perspectives, illustrations of typical applications, modeling to solve problems quantitatively with realistic simplifications, equations and procedures, useful hints and reminders of common errors, trends of relevant material and mechanical system behaviors, and references to additional... where the subscripts refer to individual forces or couples and the corresponding displacements, ignoring frictional effects Mechanical Efficiency of Real Systems Real mechanical systems operate with frictional losses, so input work = useful work + work of friction ( output work ) The mechanical efficiency η of a machine is η= output work useful work = input work total work required 0 < η .

Ngày đăng: 08/04/2014, 10:49