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Bài Tập Về Liên Từ.docx

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BÀI TẬP VỀ LIÊN TỪ 1 Tom doesn''''t lie to his friends Paul doesn''''t either (neither nor) Neither Tom nor Paul lies to his friends 2 He''''s betrayed your trust He''''s betrayed your love for him (not only but[.]

BÀI TẬP VỀ LIÊN TỪ Tom doesn't lie to his friends Paul doesn't either (neither nor) Neither Tom nor Paul lies to his friends He's betrayed your trust He's betrayed your love for him (not only but also) He’s betrayed not only your trust but also your love for him He felt disappointed He felt misunderstood (both and) She will have to study hard She will have to concentrate to well on the exam (not only but also) We could fly We could go by train (both and) The speaker will not confirm the story The speaker will not deny the story (neither nor) Pneumonia is a dangerous disease Small pox is a dangerous illness (not only but also) The teacher gave Nam a good book Nam’s parents gave him a good book (both and) Fred loves traveling Jane wants to go around the world (either or) 10 It might rain tomorrow It might snow tomorrow (both and) 11 Smoking isn't good for your heart Drinking isn't good for your health (neither nor) 12 Young people normally like only music but also sports (both and) 13 The chickens haven’t been fed The pigs haven’t been fed, either (neither nor) 14 Dan came from Thailand and Chow came from Thailand (both and) 15 She carried me in her arms and she lulled me to sleep (not only but also) 16 Mary went to London and Kate did, too (both and) 17 You were mad You were drunk (either or) 18 My mother likes tea And my father does, too (both and) 19 Richard and John didn't keep her secret (neither nor) 20 The underground is quick It is also cheap (not only but also) 21 You can find this book in the library or in a second-hand book shop (either or) → you can find this book either in the library or in a second-hand book 22 The boy is intelligent He is hardworking, too (both and) → the boy is both intelligent and hardworking 23 He didn’t want coffee He didn’t want tea, either (neither nor) → he wanted neither coffee nor tea 24 Mary has both toothache and headache (not only but also) → Mary has not only toothache but also headache 25 Helen likes cats Mary like cats (Both…and) → both helen and mary like cats 26 You can take these tablets You can also seek a doctor’s advice (either or) → you can either take these tablets or seek a doctor's advice 27 The thief stole my money He also tore up my identify card (not only but also) → the thief not only stole my money but also tore up my identitycard 28 He spoke French He spoke German (both and) → he spoke both French and German 29 She should get a scholarship or she should work her way through medical school (either or) → she should either get a scholarship or work her way through medical school 30 I’m not happy and you aren’t either (neither nor) → Neither me nor you are happy 31 Jane owns a shop She owns a restaurant, too (both and) → Jane owns both a shop and a restaurant 32 She’s at the office She’s at the airport (either or) → She is either at the office or at the airport 33 It was a very boring film and it was very long too (both and) → 34 He doesn’t have pen And he doesn’t have paper (neither nor) 35 Tom is my older brother and Peter is, too (both and) 36 Chris didn’t have time to take a holiday Sheila didn’t have time to take a holiday (neither nor) 37 Nam’s handsome Nam’s intelligent (not only but also ) 38 Peter was a football player and his brother was, too (both and) 39 David doesn’t play tennis David doesn’t play table tennis (neither nor) 40 Mai plays the guitar well Mai dances beautifully (not only but also) 41 You can have fish for dinner You can have chicken for dinner (both and) 42 They came late They left early (not only but also) 43 Goats provide milk for cheese Goats provide wool for clothing (both and) 44 Mr Brown has read a novel by Charles Dickens and he has seen the film made from it (not only but also) 45 She’s French She’s Swiss (either or) 46 She can enjoy a good meal and she can go fishing on the lake (not only but also) 47 David can’t play tennis David can’t play football (neither nor) 48 Ali has studied not only in the United States but also in Europe (both and) 49 She’s tired She’s hungry (not only but also) 50 We can see the film tonight We can see the film tomorrow night (either or) 51 They won’t come here tomorrow They won’t stay at home (either or) 52 Mary hasn’t studied Spanish Her friend hasn’t studied Spanish.(neither nor) 53 You can turn in your homework today You can turn in your homework tomorrow (either or) 54 Jane doesn’t go to school today Mary doesn’t go to school today (neither nor) 55 Victoria needs a new coat Victoria needs new tennis shoes (both and) 56 He isn’t a doctor I’m not a doctor (neither nor) 57 We may go to The Fish House for lunch We may go to Bahama Breeze for lunch (either or) 58 She can’t ski and I can’t either (neither nor) 59 Yesterday, it was cold Yesterday, it was windy (not only but also) 60 I don’t know how to sail I don’t know how to ice-skate (neither nor) 61 If I read a book, it must be interesting If I read a book, it must be short (either or) 62 I would like to eat Pizza for lunch I would like to eat salad for lunch (either or) 63 Barbara doesn’t cook Barbara doesn’t sew (neither nor) 64 We may go to the movies this evening We may go to the store this evening (either or) 65 They didn’t like music They didn’t like sports (neither nor) 66 Bob is angry with his neighbors Bob is angry with their dog (both and) 67 John’s sons enjoy playing soccer John’s sons enjoy swimming (not only but also) 68 I can’t speak English Nor can my sister (neither nor) 69 Cuban food is tasty Cuban food is nutritious (both and) 70 The leopard faces extinction The tiger also faces extinction (either or) 71 The boy didn’t his homework He didn’t learn his lesson either (neither nor) Multiple Choices I don’t like this book It is A both – and _ interesting B either – or cheap C neither – nor D not only – but also Neither Linda nor I A liking classical music B liked C like The baby is only two months old He can speak A neither/ nor He B either/ or D likes walk C both/ and D not/ nor C is either D either is a teacher or a doctor A is neither She is B neither is friendly intelligent so I can’t help admiring her A not only/ but also B either/ or John is very poor He has A both – and C both/ and house money B either – or Linh C neither – nor B Either – or Neither my friend nor I A don’t like C Neither – nor D Not only – but also C doesn’t like D like that movie B likes Who wrote you this love letter? - I'm not sure I think it was A both – and Linda B either – or Ryan B Either – or B Either – or her feelings A both – and 13 loyalty A Both – and 14 You should A both – and 15 I will take you A both – and 17 I felt A both D not only – but also C Neither – nor D Not only – but also C Neither – nor D Not only – but also her dignity This is unforgivable B either – or C neither – nor D not only – but also honesty are essential in a friendship B Either – or disrespect C Neither – nor D Not only – but also deceive your friends B either – or to the cinema B either – or 16 Neither my brother A both Paul Susie have disappointed me They didn't come to my birthday party A Both – and 12 He hurt C neither – nor Michael Helen called to say sorry I'm very sad and frustrated A Both – and 11 D not only – but also her sister like listening to pop music A.Both – and 10 D A&C are correct C neither – nor D not only – but also to the theatre That's a promise C neither – nor D not only – but also my mother knows about this B either C and D nor happy and sad at the same time B neither C either D not only 18 of the girls know how to dance (= Both girls are bad dancers) A too B either 19 He C neither D nor has a cat or a dog I can't remember A too B either C neither D nor 20 Not only Lee but also his sons _ chess very well A plays B has played C is playing 21 I'm thinking of traveling to either Argentina A or B either 22 I left it on the table A either – nor 23 could not come C either – or C Either – nor D Not – nor C either – nor D not only – but also did she refuse to speak to him, but she also vowed never to see him again B only 26 He neither drank A nor C at all B or A or D always smoked, so he had good health C but 27 Now women work both before D also after having their children B also C nor D and hard but also gets on well with her classmates A doesn’t only study B studies not only 29 Either you leave now C not only studies B but I will call the police C or will I call the police D or I will call the police 30 Not only John but also his two brothers A play B plays Julia A Both - and D not studies only ! A I will also call the police 31 D not only – but also did not want to B neither – or A even 28 She D nor in the drawer B Neither – or A either – or 25 Not C neither the television works properly A Neither – nor 24 He Brazil B neither – or the radio D play football as their recreation every weekend C were playing D has played her sister are going to the party B Neither - nor 32 She feels very lonely because she has C Either - or husband children D Not only – but also A both - and 33 I love B neither - nor D not only – but also C neither D nor C Neither D Or of my sisters equally! A both 34 C either - or B either me nor my brother like mushrooms A Both B Either 35 I'm so lucky! I went to A both Spain and Tenerife this year! B either 36 Both his parents and he A are D or C was D were here now B is 37 Either John or you A is C neither responsible for the things that happened B was C were 38 I hate that song, and my sister hates it A too B either C neither 39 I'm not a big fan of that writer, and A too D has been D nor is my father B either C neither D nor 40 I’m going to bed early tonight I’m too tired; I can’t watch movie on TV - can I A Either 41 I don’t speak A neither/ nor B Not French B.either/ or B have come 43 Neither Jane nor her parents A see B sees D Neither C neither/ or D either/ nor C hasn’t come D haven’t come German 42 Neither Tom nor his friends A has come C So yet this film before C has seen D have seen

Ngày đăng: 17/03/2023, 15:34


