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Unit 14 the world cup language focus

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UNIT 14 THE WORLD CUP E LANGUAGE FOCUS Class 10A4 Time 45 minutes I Objectives By the end of the lesson,sts will be able to Distinguist and pronounce the sound /g/ and /k/ correctly Distinguist and us[.]

Class: 10A4 Time : 45 minutes UNIT 14: THE WORLD CUP E: LANGUAGE FOCUS I Objectives: By the end of the lesson,sts will be able to: - Distinguist and pronounce the sound /g/ and /k/ correctly -Distinguist and use the structure: “will and going to” to exercises -Use two types of “will”:+making predictions +making offers II Teaching aids: board, textbook, chalk, laptop, projector III.Problems: - Sts may have difficulty in pronouncing two sounds /g/ & /k/ - Sts may confuse the use of will & going to - Sts may fell uninterested in the lesson IV Solutions - T should let sts practice sounds many times and asks sts to repeat them - T should explain the use of will & going to clearly and asks sts to many exercises - T encourages sts to learn the lesson V Procedures: T Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 5’ Warm-up: Slap the board - Teacher divides whole class into - Pay attention the T’s rule groups and write the word on the board - Play the game Group, goal, club, because,complete, together,again,margaret,weak,kick,gam e -Then,each group give member and make lines in front of the class -When the T reads any word, members of groups go quickly and slap the broad -Which group slaps more correct words will be the winner Pronunciation Listen and repeat: /g/ - group: /gru:p/ -game: /geim/ -together:/ tə'geð / -again: /ə'gen/ /k/ goal:/ goul dog: /dɔg/ Uruguay margaret 10’ kick:/ kik / club:/ klʌb/ school: /sku:l / because: /bi'kɔz/ cup: /kʌp/ compete:/ kəm'pi:t/ ticket:/ 'tikit/ weak:/ wi:k/ - T read all the words times and asks sts to repeat times - Calls on 2-3 sts to read loudly in front of the class -T listens and checks pronounciation - Asks sts to write down the words on their notebooks Practise these sentence: 1.Our group hasn’t scored a goal Uruguay will lose another game again Margaret took the dog and the cat for a walk 4.Can your school club compete in the next tournament He can’t kick the ball because hes too weak He has got a ticket for the next world cup in germany -T asks sts to listen and underline the words with the sounds and write /g/ & /k/ under them - Asks sts to practice these sentences in pairs - Asks some sts to read the sentences loudly - Corrects if they pronounce incorrectly -Listen and underline the sounds -Practice in pairs GRAMMAR: 1.Will & going to -Stand up and read loudly these sentence in front of the class Example: Comparation A: Ann is in hospital B: Oh, really? I didn’t know that I’ll go and visit her A: Today is Nguyen’s birthday B: Oh, really? I didn’t know that I’ll buy a nice present for him → Used for making decision at the time -Listen and repeat after the T - Stand up and read loudly the words - Write down the words on their notebooks A: Ann is in hospital B: Yes, I know I’m going to visit her tomorrow A: Today is Nguyen’s birthday B: Yes, I know I’m going to gift him a cool T-shirt → Used when we have decided to of speaking something already Form: S+ will+V(inf) +O ®“ will”: Diễn tả hành động tương lai định thời điểm nói (ý định phát sinh, theo tình xảy ra, chưa có dự định trước) Form: S+ am/is/are+going to+ V(inf) ®“be going to”:Diễn tả dự định tương lai định trước lúc nói (sắp xảy ra, theo kế hoạch / dự định trước) 15’ -T asks sts to look at Comparison table to point out the difference between the use of going to and will -Look at the comparison table and take note the use -Gives sts the use of will and going to and take note -Asks sts to look at the examples in textbook and asks them to give some another examples -Look at the examples in textbook and give some another examples -Asks sts to work individually to exercise in minutes - Work individually and exercise - Calls on sts to write their answer on the board -Checks the correct answers -Sts give the answers Answer Keys: 1.will get 2.am going to wash 3.are you going to paint 4.i am going to buy 5.i will show 6.i will have 7.i wii -Write down the correct answers 2.WILL: MAKING PREDICTIONS Example: a Lan studies hard I’m sure she will pass the next exam b Long is too lazy I know he won’t pass the next exam ® Will / won’t + V(inf)  will+ not= won’t 10’ Diễn tả dự đoán cho hành động diễn tương lai mang tính chủ quan người nói suy đốn ,thường với: -I hope… -I am sure… -I know… -Gives situations and asks sts to make a prediction for each one and asks them -Listen the T and look at the example in to look at an example in textbook textbook - Asks sts to give some another examples and take note the use -Give another examples and take note -Asks sts to exercise in minutes -Do exercise in mins - Calls on sts to go the board and -go the board and write the answers write their answers Answer keys: -Checks the correct answers he'll help                 won't lend me any money - Listens and checks correct answers it'll rain today                   will have to wear glasses will have a headache     won't like it won’t pass it - Write down the correct answer their notebooks 3.WILL:MAKING OFFERS Example: -“ It’s so hot in this room.” ®I’ll open the window ®I’ll turn on the electric fan ®I’ll make a cool drink for you 10’ -Asks sts look at the example and explain -Gives an example: “This exercise is too difficult!” -asks sts to give offer as much as possible -Help sts use english to make their offers - Asks sts to give another examples -Asks sts to exercies 3:Make offers with I’ll for the following situations in mins - Calls on some sts to give their answers -Checks the answers -Look at the example and listen the explaination -Give offers of the example: “would you help me with solving this exercise,please?” -give another examples and exercise -Go to the board and write the answers Answer keys: I'll make you a cup of hot tea I'll answer it I'll lend you some I'll give you I'll carry it for you -Write down the correct answers Homework: - Do more exercises about “Will and Going to” - Prepare the new lesson -Listen and take note ... compete in the next tournament He can’t kick the ball because hes too weak He has got a ticket for the next world cup in germany -T asks sts to listen and underline the words with the sounds... Asks sts to write down the words on their notebooks Practise these sentence: 1.Our group hasn’t scored a goal Uruguay will lose another game again Margaret took the dog and the cat for a walk 4.Can... point out the difference between the use of going to and will -Look at the comparison table and take note the use -Gives sts the use of will and going to and take note -Asks sts to look at the examples

Ngày đăng: 15/03/2023, 23:29
