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Viclish book level 1 teachers book

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APPENDIX PART PRONUNCIATION UNIT VOWELS .8 A MONOPHTHONGS B DIPHTHONGS 12 UNIT CONSONANTS 14 UNIT ADVANCED PRONUNCIATION 18 A WORD STRESS 18 B ENDING SOUNDS 20 C LINKING SOUNDS 22 D REDUCTION 24 E INTONATION 25 UNIT MY OATH 26 A TEXT .26 B VOCABULARY BANK 27 C USEFUL EXPRESSION .28 D TRAIN YOUR PRONUNCIATION 29 PART EXERCISES .30 UNIT 1: VOWELS 31 LONG VOWEL /iː/ & SHORT VOWEL /ɪ/ 31 SHORT VOWELS /æ/ AND /e/ 32 LONG VOWEL /u:/ AND SHORT VOWEL /ʊ/ 33 LONG VOWEL /ɔ:/ AND SHORT VOWEL /ɒ/ 34 LONG VOWELS /a:/ AND /ʌ/ 35 DIPHTHONG /əʊ/ .36 DIPHTHONG /eɪ/ 37 UNIT 2: CONSONANTS 38 CONSONANTS /s/ AND /z/ .38 CONSONANTS / tʃ/ AND /dʒ/ 39 CONSONANTS /ʃ/ AND /Ʒ/ 40 CONSONANTS /f/ AND /v/ .43 CONSONANTS /θ/ AND /ð/ 45 CONSONANTS /l/, /r/ AND /w/ 47 UNIT 3: ADVANCED PRONUNCIATION 50 WORD ENDINGS .50 Anh ngữ VICLISH Tel: 091 36 37 036 Email: viclishth@gmail.com Page SYLLABLE STRESS 53 INTONATION 54 Anh ngữ VICLISH Tel: 091 36 37 036 Email: viclishth@gmail.com Page MORNING OATH No matter how difficult English is, Cho dù tiếng Anh có khó I will keep on learning! Tôi tiếp tục học No matter how bad my pronunciation is, Cho dù phát âm chưa chuẩn I will keep on improving! Tôi tiếp tục hoàn thiện No matter how terrible my memory is, Cho dù tơi trí nhớ tơi I will keep on repeating! Tôi tiếp tục lặp lặp lại nhiều lần No matter how many people laugh at me, Cho dù có nhiều người cười tơi I will keep on practicing! Tôi tiếp tục thực hành No matter how many mistakes I make, Cho dù tơi có mắc lỗi I will keep on speaking! Tơi tiếp tục nói-nói nói No matter how defeated I feel, Dù có lúc cảm giác thất bại xâm chiếm tâm hồn I will keep on trying! Tôi tiếp tục cố gắng No matter how many obstacles along the way, Dù có nhiều chướng ngại vật cản đường tôi, I will keep on striving until I reach my goal! Tôi tiếp tục đấu tranh đạt mục tiêu Anh ngữ VICLISH Tel: 091 36 37 036 Email: viclishth@gmail.com Page ENGLISH ALPHABET Anh ngữ VICLISH Tel: 091 36 37 036 Email: viclishth@gmail.com Page NUMBERS IN ENGLISH Cardinal numbers Ordinal numbers Oh, zero, nil, love, nought One 1st First Two 2nd Second Three 3rd Third Four 4th Fourth Five 5th Fifth Six 6th Sixth Seven 7th Seventh Eight 8th Eighth Nine 9th Ninth 10 Ten 10th Tenth 11 Eleven 11th Eleventh 12 Twelve 12th Twelfth 13 Thirteen 13th Thirteenth 14 Fourteen 14th Fourteenth 15 Fifteen 15th Fifteenth 16 Sixteen 16th Sixteenth 17 Seventeen 17th Seventeenth 18 Eighteen 18th Eighteenth 19 Nineteen 19th Nineteenth Anh ngữ VICLISH Tel: 091 36 37 036 Email: viclishth@gmail.com Page 20 Twenty 20th Twentieth 30 Thirty 30th Thirtieth 40 Forty 40th 50 Fifty 50th 60 Sixty 60th 70 Seventy 70th 80 Eighty 80th 90 Ninety 90th 100 A/One hundred 100th 1,000 A/One thousand 1000th 10,000 Ten thousand 100,000 A/One hundred thousand 1,000,000 A/One million 1,000,000,000 A/One billion/ 1,000,000,000,000 A/one trillion Anh ngữ VICLISH Tel: 091 36 37 036 Email: viclishth@gmail.com Page PART PRONUNCIATION Anh ngữ VICLISH Tel: 091 36 37 036 Email: viclishth@gmail.com Page UNIT VOWELS A MONOPHTHONGS Anh ngữ VICLISH Tel: 091 36 37 036 Email: viclishth@gmail.com Page Compare the sounds /i:/ and /ɪ/ ♫ Track 0.1 – 0.2 Sound /i:/ Sound /ɪ/ Sheep Ship Look out for that Look out for that sheep ship Leak Lick Stop it leaking! Stop it licking! Cheeks Chicks What lovely What lovely cheeks chicks Peel Pill This peel’s got This pill’s got vitamin C in it vitamin C in it Bean Bin Throw out that Throw out that bean bin Leave Live He’s going to leave He’s going to live Anh ngữ VICLISH Tel: 091 36 37 036 Email: viclishth@gmail.com Page Compare the sounds /e/ /æ/ ♫ Track 1.1 - 1.2 1.1 - Sound Sound /e/ /æ/ X Axe Put the “X” here Put the axe here Pen Pan Can I borrow a Can I borrow a pen? pan? Men Man Look at the men! Look at the man! Send Sand I’m sending the I’m sanding the table table Gem Jam It’s a lovely gem It’s a lovely jam Bread Brad We have bread We had Brad for for lunch lunch Anh ngữ VICLISH Tel: 091 36 37 036 Email: viclishth@gmail.com Page 10 CONSONANTS /ʃ/ AND /Ʒ/ ♫Track 24 Listen and circle the word in each group that is not pronounced with the consonant /ʃ/ crush cash catch crash chef chief chute chiffon machine parachute mustache kitchen China Russia Chicago Michigan facial conscience science conscious pressure pressed assure permission division subtraction addition multiplication position action patio motion Charlotte Cheryl Sharon Charles 10 tension resign pension mention ♫Track 25 Listen Two of the words in each series will be the same; one will be different Circle the number of the word that is different 1 2 3 10 ♫Track 26 Listen and circle the word used to complete each sentence 10 I didn’t see the (dish/ditch) He hurt his (chin/shin) Did you hear that (shatter/chatter)? It’s a silly (wish/witch) It was an endless (marsh/March) She brought me the (wash/watch) You have a large (share/chair) We must fix the (ship/chip) Does she have a new (crush/crutch)? You completed the (shore/chore) Anh ngữ VICLISH Tel: 091 36 37 036 Email: viclishth@gmail.com Page 40 Circle the words containing the consonant/ʃ/ and underline the words containing the consonant /tʃ/ Richard: Do you have any change for washing machine? My wife, Sharon, is visiting her parents in Michigan I’m watching the children and doing the chores Marshall: Watch out! Don’t put the bleach on those shirts You’ll wash out the color Richard: Will you teach me how to wash clothes? Marshall: Be sure to wash white shirts separately Don’t use too much soap Richard: I wish Sharon would return It’s more natural for a woman to wash and shop Marshall: You sound like a chauvinist! I don’t mind doing chores I’m great in the kitchen, too Richard: Would you like to take charge? I’ll cheerfully pay you cash Marshal: Listen, old chap, I’m a bachelor and too old to chase after children I’m in a rush It’s been nice chatting with you, Richard! Richard: Sure, nice chatting with you, too, Marshall ♫Track 27 Listen to the following sentences and repeat them after the speaker /dʒ/ /ʃ/ /dʒ/ /ʃ/ chin shin cheek chic cheese she’s which wish choose shoes watch wash cheap sheep watches washes chair share matching mashing chop shop matched mashed chip ship crutch crush ♫Track 28 Listen to the following sentences and circle the ones that you hear Charles hurt his chin Charles hurt his shin This is your chair This is your share His witches are evil His wishes are evil Will you watch the baby? Will you wash the baby? Anh ngữ VICLISH Tel: 091 36 37 036 Email: viclishth@gmail.com Page 41 ♫Track 29 Listen and circle the word in each group that does not contain /ʒ/ leisure pleasure sure measure Asia Asian Parisian Paris huge beige rouge prestige passion collision occasion decision massage mirage message corsage confusion conclusive contusion conclusion lesion profession explosion aversion vision version television visible seizure seize azure division treasurer treason treasure 10 treasury ♫Track 30 Listen and write the phonetic symbol /ʒ/or /ʃ/ to represent the consonant sound of the boldfaced letters The commission made a decision - /ʃ/ - /ʒ/ The class learned division and addition - /ʒ/ - /ʃ/ Measure the garage - /ʒ/ - /ʒ/ Your profession has prestige - /ʃ/ - /ʒ/ That’s an unusual shade of rouge - /ʒ/ - /ʃ/ - /ʒ/ Anh ngữ VICLISH Tel: 091 36 37 036 Email: viclishth@gmail.com Page 42 CONSONANTS /f/ AND /v/ Read the words in the box Then read the numbered instructions, and write the appropriate word from the box in each line Graph photograph phone phonetics philosopher Pharmacy nephew phonograph physician prophet Find another name for drugstore _ Pharmacy _ Find another name for a doctor _ physician _ Find another name for a snapshot _ photograph _ Find the name for a person who studies philosophy _ philosopher _ Find the short form of the world telephone phone Find another name for a record player _ phonograph _ Find another name for a person who predicts the future _ prophet Find the name for the study of sounds _phonetics_ Find the term that refers to your sister’s son _nephew_ 10 Find the name for a chart showing figure _ Graph _ ♫Track 31 Listen to the following words and repeat them after the speaker /p/ /f/ /p/ /f/ pin fin pile file peel feel pour four pine fine pray fray paid fade pride fried pale/pail fail pieced feast pare/pair/pear fare/fair pup puff peer fear sipped sift pork fork ripped rift Anh ngữ VICLISH Tel: 091 36 37 036 Email: viclishth@gmail.com Page 43 ♫Track 32 Listen to the following sentences and circle the ones that you hear Please peel this fruit Please feel this fruit It’s a pine floor It’s a fine floor She needs the pork to make the pie She needs the fork to make the pie How much is the pair? How much is the fair? ♫Track 33 Listen and indicate whether you hear the /v/ sound at the beginning (B), Middle (M), or end of the word (E) B M E B M E B M E B M E B M E B M E B M E B M E B M E 10 B M E ♫Track 34 Listen to the following words and repeat them after the speaker /b/ /v/ /b/ /v/ bet vet ballet valet base vase bent vent berry/bury very best vest buys vise marble marvel bail/bale veil/vale Serbs serves ♫Track 35 Listen to the following sentences and circle the ones you hear She’s a good bet She’s a good vet We want to see the ballet We want to see the valet I only want the best I only want the vest Bev’s bail was stiff Bev’s veil was stiff Anh ngữ VICLISH Tel: 091 36 37 036 Email: viclishth@gmail.com Page 44 CONSONANTS /θ/ AND /ð/ ♫Track 36 Listen Eleven of the following words contain the consonant /θ/ Circle the words containing the consonant /θ/ Thomas clothes teeth feather Ruth further moth father although thick other faith throw clothing breathe breath rather method cloth thorough ♫Track 37 Listen and compare the consonant /s/ with /θ/ /s/ /θ/ /s/ /θ/ sin thin miss myth sing thing mass math sink think pass path sought thought mouse mouth sank thank force forth/fourth sum thumb truce truth seem seam/theme ♫Track 38 Listen and circle the sentences that you hear The truce is important I sought it out He can’t find the pass Show the teacher your seam The truth is important I thought it out He can’t find the path Show the teacher your theme ♫Track 39 Listen and circle the word in each group that is not pronounced with /ð/ cloth though then feather bathing thank soothe dare clothing although them father bath than sues there clothes thought themselves faith bathe that soothing their clothe those den further breathe then smooth theirs Anh ngữ VICLISH Tel: 091 36 37 036 Email: viclishth@gmail.com Page 45 Read the dialogue with a partner and circle the words containing the consonant /ð/ Daughter: Mother, I like these old pictures Who’s this? Mother: That’s your great-grandmother Daughter: The feathered hat is funny! Who’s that man? Mother: that’s your grandfather He was from the Netherlands Daughter: I know these people! Aren’t they uncle Tom and uncle Bob? Mother: That’s right! Those are my brothers They always bothered me! Daughter: This must be either Father or his brother Mother: Neither! That’s your father’s uncle Daughter: Why are there other in this photo? Mother: This was a family gathering We have got together all the time Daughter: Mother, who’s this “smooth-looking” man? Mother: Shhhhhhhhhh! I’d rather not say Your father will hear Daughter: Is that your old boyfriend? Mothers: Well, even mother had fun in those days! ♫Track 40 Listen and repeat the following words /d/ /ð/ /d/ /ð/ dare there/their/they’re fodder father dough though mutter mother den then writing/riding writhing ladder lather breed breathe wetter weather/whether sued soothe letter leather seed seethe utter/udder other skating scathing ♫Track 41 Listen and circle the sentences that you hear Did you see the letter? He made a big ladder Yes, they sued him It was his mutter that bothered her Did you see the leather? He made a big lather Yes, they soothe him It was his mother that bothered her Anh ngữ VICLISH Tel: 091 36 37 036 Email: viclishth@gmail.com Page 46 CONSONANTS /l/, /r/ AND /w/ ♫Track 42 Listen to ten pairs of words One word in each pair contains /l/ circle the number of the word with the consonant /l/ 1 2 10 Read the telegram aloud Underline all words pronounced with /l/ July, 11th Linda, Leon and I had bad luck Luggage was lost while traveling from La Paz, Bolivia, to Honululu Airline personnel were all very helpful They told Leon they will certainly locate all, eventually, if we’re lucky It looks like the luggage landed in Lima At least we met lots of lovely people Also, we could leave on a later flight I’ll telephone with new flight schedule We should be home for lunch with the family at twelve o’clock Hopefully, our arrival won’t be delayed Talk to you later Love you a whole lot Lou, Read the paragraph about Robin Hood Underline all the words pronounced with the consonant /r/ The story of Robin Hood has been retold many times Robin Hood was an outlaw who lived in Sherwood Forest He lived there with Maid Marion, Friar Tuck, and others Robin was really a hero rather than a criminal He robbed the rich and gave to the poor He was a remarkable marksman with his bow and arrow The story of Robin Hood has been written about and dramatized since the eleventh century Robin truly represents a righteous figure opposing cruelty and greed ♫Track 43 Listen to the following words and repeat them after the speaker /l/ /r/ /l/ /r/ led/lead red/read belly berry lift rift plays prays/praise liver river climb crime Anh ngữ VICLISH Tel: 091 36 37 036 Email: viclishth@gmail.com Page 47 laughed raft clam cram light right/write flight fright low row label labor alive arrive pale/pail believe bereave pare/pair/pear ♫Track 44 Listen and circle the words that you hear Alive led climb laughed light arrive red crime raft right 10 flight plays pail liver belly fright prays pair river berry ♫Track 45 Listen and circle the sentences that you hear Laura prays all day Please get me a pear Is it right yet? Can you read them? The teacher corrected the tests Laura plays all day Please get me a pail Is it light yet? Can you lead them? The teacher collected the tests ♫Track 46 You will hear the sentences using the only one of the choices Listen and circle the word used 10 Don’t step on the (glass/grass) Please put this on your (list/wrist) The entire family is (pleasant/present) It was a terrible (climb/crime) Look at the bright red (flame/frame) He likes black (clothes/crows) She has the (blues/bruise) That’s a new (bloom/broom) I lost the (lock/rock) We need new (tiles/tires) ♫Track 47 Listen carefully to five sentences One word in each sentence will be said incorrectly Write the correct word read bloom lake lock correct Anh ngữ VICLISH Tel: 091 36 37 036 Email: viclishth@gmail.com Page 48 ♫Track 48 Listen and circle the words that are pronounced with /w/ Week While Whose Guilt West someone who waiter unwilling lawyer queen wrong reward saw anywhere write worry square worthy low Read aloud the paragraph about Woodrow Wilson Circle all words that should be pronounced with /w/ Woodrow Wilson Woodrow Wilson was the twenty-fifth president of the United States He will always be remembered for his work to establish world peace Wilson was born in 1865 and went to Princeton University He became president in 1913 and stayed in the White House for two terms His first wife died while he was in office, and he later married a Washington widow When the United States entered World War I in 1917, Wilson quickly provided the needed wisdom After the war, Wilson made a nationwide tour to win support for the League of Nations Wilson was awarded the Nobel Prize for his worthwhile work for peace He died in 1924 Everywhere in the world, Wilson was thought of as awise and wonderful leader ♫Track 49 Listen and repeat /v/ /w/ /v/ /w/ vine wine vow wow very/vary wary vile while veal wheel/we’ll veer we’re vent went vest west vase ways/weighs ♫Track 50 Listen and circle the sentences that you hear He took the veal It’s in the vest What’s the vine like? Veer to the left He took the wheel It’s in the west What’s the wine like? We’re to the left Anh ngữ VICLISH Tel: 091 36 37 036 Email: viclishth@gmail.com Page 49 UNIT 3: ADVANCED PRONUNCIATION WORD ENDINGS ♫Track 52 Listen to the 10 three-word series Write the number 1, 2, or on the line next to each word in order you hear it Listen carefully for the final consonant sound in each word hot hog hop wrote rope robe save safe same right ride ripe mad mat map fade fate fake wipe white wife peg pen pet prize prime pride 10 bit big bid ♫ Track 53 Listen to the sentences Circle the one word in parentheses that is used Listen carefully for the final consonant sound I can’t find the (belt/bell) My son is (five/fine) I think he’s (dead/deaf) Tim bought another (car/card) The (guild/guilt) is ours The (pack/pact) was sealed There’s a (lake/lane) near the house I (can/can’t) go The (den/dent) is very small 10 The (coal/colt) is black Read the dialogue with a partner Fill in the blanks with the final consonant sound that completes the word Ann: Hi, Pam! How was your da t e last nigh t with Pat? Pam: Nothing went righ t last nigh t Pa t Ann: How was the foo d at the Ol d Inn? Pam: It was ba d The soup was col d My stea k was tough They n out of chocola t e ca k e Ann: What about dinner? Pam: His duc k Ann: Did it cos t a lot of money? was overdo n e His garli c had a flat tire and came la t e! brea d was sta l e! Anh ngữ VICLISH Tel: 091 36 37 036 Email: viclishth@gmail.com Page 50 Pam: Yes, And Pat didn’t v e enough money to pay the bi ll Ann: I guess you won’ t Pam: why you say tha t ? We’re going for a b i ke ri d e this afternoon He’s so handso m e! go out with him agai n ♫Track 54 Listen to five sentences Some of the –ed verb endings will be said in correctly Circle C for correct or I for incorrect to indicate whether the past tense verb in each sentence is pronounce properly C I C I C I C I C I ♫Track 55 Listen and repeat each three word series Circle the one word in each group that has a different –ed sound than the others 10 stopped finished loved tasted cooked packed ironed whispered skipped pushed started followed looked traded cleaned pasted sewed shouted hopped pulled stated phoned liked taped baked passed mended screamed lifted raised Read the following dialogue with a partner In the brackets above each past tense verb, write the phonetic symbol representing the sound of the –ed ending Roberta: Karl, have you started your diet? I hope you haven’t gained any weight Karl: I boiled eggs and sliced celery for lunch Roberta: Have you exercised at all? Karl: I walked five miles and jogged in the park Roberta: Have you cleaned the house? Calories can be worked off that way Karl: I washed and waxed the floors, I even painted the bathroom Roberta: Who baked this apple pie? Who cooked this ham? Karl: When I finished cleaning, I was starved I prepared this food for dinner Roberta: Oh, no! I’ll take this food home so you won’t be tempted I really enjoyed being with you Your diet is great Karl: What happened? Somehow, I missed out on all the fun Anh ngữ VICLISH Tel: 091 36 37 036 Email: viclishth@gmail.com Page 51 ♫Track 56 Listen to the sentences Circle the one word in parentheses that you hear The men cut the (tree/trees) He repaired the (watch/watches) The (book/book’s) cover is red Did they finally make (peace/peas)? Did you see the little (cups/cubs)? ♫Track 57 Listen and repeat three word groups Circle the one word in each group of three that has an –s ending sound different from the others talks walks runs dishes gates pages pears apples oranges eyes noses toes saves makes cooks newspapers magazines books dogs birds cats tables chairs couches dentists doctors lawyers 10 lunches beaches chimes Anh ngữ VICLISH Tel: 091 36 37 036 Email: viclishth@gmail.com Page 52 SYLLABLE STRESS ♫Track 58 Listen and repeat the words Circle the one word in each group that has a stress pattern different from the others agent annoy allow agree upon until undo under protect program pronoun protein token toaste today total supper sunken suffer support explain extra excite exam deepen deny devote degree repair reason recent reader invite invent inform instant 10 open oppose over only ♫Track 59 Listen and repeat the sentences Circle the italicized words with the stress on the first syllable and underline the italicized words with the stress on the second syllable Keep a record of your expenses The police don’t suspect anyone The student will present a speech The present was not wrapped The invalid was in the hospital Please print your address clearly I will send a survey to all students Be sure to record your speech The letter is in the envelope 10 I want to envelope the baby in my arms Anh ngữ VICLISH Tel: 091 36 37 036 Email: viclishth@gmail.com Page 53 INTONATION Underline the words that you think should be stressed then practice saying the sentences Sam sees Bill 11 He sees him She wants one 12 Mary wants a car Betty likes English 13 She likes it They play with them 14 They eat some Children play with toys 15 Len and Joe eat some pizza Bob and I call you and Bill 16 We call you You and Bill read the news 17 You read it It tells one 18 The news tells a story Bernard works in a restaurant 19 Mark lived in France 10 He works in one 20 He lived there Indicate whether the statements and questions have a falling or rising intonation by marking an X in the appropriate column Falling Rising When’s your birthday? … x… ……… Did you see my friend? …… ……x… How are you? ….x… ……… I’m fine Thank you ….x… ……… Why were you absent? ….x… ……… Can you have dinner? ….… ……x… How you know? ….x… ……… I don’t like beets ….x… ……… Where is my pencil? ….x… ……… 10 Will you drive me home? ….… ……x… Anh ngữ VICLISH Tel: 091 36 37 036 Email: viclishth@gmail.com Page 54 ... Twelfth 13 Thirteen 13 th Thirteenth 14 Fourteen 14 th Fourteenth 15 Fifteen 15 th Fifteenth 16 Sixteen 16 th Sixteenth 17 Seventeen 17 th Seventeenth 18 Eighteen 18 th Eighteenth 19 Nineteen 19 th Nineteenth... PHRASE REDUCTION n em im er ya you n I I see em I know im I saw er there Can ya it? 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 gotta gonna hafta hasta wanna wanna doin getcha gotcha betcha doncha... VICLISH Tel: 0 91 36 37 036 Email: viclishth@gmail.com Page 13 UNIT CONSONANTS Anh ngữ VICLISH Tel: 0 91 36 37 036 Email: viclishth@gmail.com Page 14 Anh ngữ VICLISH Tel: 0 91 36 37 036 Email: viclishth@gmail.com

Ngày đăng: 15/03/2023, 23:22