Trang 2Publisher's Foreword
This book is intended to provide the student of modern Mandarin Chinese (Putonghua) with access 19 lary, idioms and slang that have never been
ght in the classroom and would rarely be seen in respectable literature, but have high usage in every- day informal speech Books such as this exist in all ‘other major languages — we hope this fills the gap for Chinese We hope not to put off those readers who are offended by vulgarities or obscenities in Chinese or in English, but feel itis important to recognize these terms when hearing them spoken in China We
‘would caution against using them except in situations: where appropriate
Similarly, those discussions on sex, drugs, bribery, and other risky ventures is in no way intended to fencourage such activities Indeed, recognition terms involved in these activities may be protection of against misunderstandings and subsequent un involvement For example, ifa woman on the street offers to fix a man’s pants (see Chapter 6), she may rot be a seamstress! ä
We have chosen to use many English in translating the Chinese terms in order to strate their shock value Students are adi consider appropriate usage for these they would in Western society best not fo try using quest
Trang 3* shouted Mr Bad Pro- dents there laughing,
account of his difficulty with ounced the word for “pen” it correctly in the third tone, he ‘Pronounced in the first tone, bis a vagina, the equivalent of the ‘ “cunt” So his sentence ng ø wrong with my pussy May Ï
m the United States She had been two years in Taiwan and two tute before she was
Dangerous Chinese ——— —ˆ
ona piece of paper “No,” I said at once “believe in religion” ( {i xin jdo) with “sexual She confused intercourse” (2% xing jit) Pay attention to the two different tone marks of jido ®t and jto 36.)
There area lot of similar stories involving the misuse ofthe four tones Once an American mission= ary was praying in a church in China, He meant to
‘Oh Lord, we love yout!” EI! BRT
Zina, women i nil
The people praying along with him could hardly refrain from laughing, because he pronounced the ‘word for God (-E 2 in the wrong tone, making it “pig” (hi
Trang 4nations of characters he habit of ending their ith ba (FE) For instance,
usage ofthe character ba is very (Chinese But you must be very ds preceded by characters with or ting
Mos of the time when they chicken ing the guest to help him or table especialy tothe is served Also Chi
Dangerous Chinese
teriously or starts laughing, because jrba (i Yas the same pronunciation as iba (t E), which is the slang word for “penis” in Chinese, the equivalent “cock” or “dick” in English If the guest is a fn per= of
son who likes to crack jokes, he would say, 1 don’t eat cock | only eat chicken” TANGEE BRING 1 bi cht, WO 2h cj
When you need to say something about a TV set (LWRREL difnshi jp, transistor radio (HEFL show yin jo, tape recorder (SEF UL li yin jD, or anything with
the sound of jrat the end, try to avoid using ba after it
When the Chinese get a phone call they ket guess who the receivers I the receiver happens 11 be surnamed Wing CE), they would often ask, ỷ
You are Xiao (Lao) Wang, aren't you? edi CER? 4 Nish ito io wing la?
Trang 5
lmỗ)ar so confuingn Teen ative Chinese speakers mem: i Mastery ofthe dflerence ca uations especially when you
Both ook very much ake and ation, but wih diferent tones itingishing mi tom mài dd t Fy Chinese teacher gave me | xơncdficece và) lepttolbe CC |
aid was you don't have anything onthe op, yÌb mỏi (8) ell because you have some: you cane
‘meat in the Chinese free not bargain using the follow- 1used by Chinese them-
It in a quarrel
_—— Dangerous Chinese
human flesh The above statements sound very offen sive to some meat vendors If they happen to have
very bad sales that day and are in a bad mood, they might retort, “itis your damned mother’s flesh that is expen= LAG Ae Nita mi de r0u cd “It is your damned mother's flesh that is cheap!" An A ECO ia de rou ci pi
Ifthe buyer fights back in stronger words, a quar= rel or even a fist fight may result If this happens to you, the bes strategy is to say sorry to the vendor and then tell him or her that what you really meant to say is “the meat you are selling (YSSEQUIN nữ mãi de ru cheap.”
American diplomat was taking a language test and wanted to compliment the female Chinese examiner ox het pretty handbag He sai “Your foreskin is elly prety” re
seh AIOE (Mid Mopfsiên Me km
Trang 6
name, itis best to consult a the Chinese language names they themselves hate to ple, a lot of Chinese whose sur- tamed Yáng Hi [ ) Asfar
literally hundreds of thousands of parents give that they want their children to “great” in Chinese) But
Ying Wei {is just hom al impotence (M28) in Chinese joke Every time a teacher
names called, both the and try their best to alter marrage, the wife husband's name, and say,
What's ina Name?
Dangerous Chinese
Foreigners who choose to have surnames like Zi (Gp), Niu), or Ma (3) should be careful in selecting personal names
Peri has the same pronunciation as “pig” () in Chinese So don’t name yourself Zhii Wei G48) oF Zhii Xin (es) because Zhi WE is homonymous with “pig's tail”, and Zhit Xin, “pig’s heart” Don't name yourself Nii Wei (4%) or Nii Fen 4), because nit’ means ox in Chinese; Nii WEI is homonymous So the best way to get a good Chinese name is to with ox tail and Nii Fen , ox excretions
ask a literate Chinese friend to choose one for you
1 An American by the nme of Sliver was ayientaly
Laren ct hs cea hee i meaning" pee a fed” 2.An Amerian bythe name of Valenzuela amed an Sle Thi sounds ike fst, meaning as
toying" si
Trang 7hairstyle
a haircut or a new hairstyle,
Vis your head? Where di you get it?
B sho qin? Zai mtr IF de? Li de bi cud preity What's the price?”
itoliang Dudshio gin?
realize that this is not the mton a hairstyle, because a lot 1 Even 50, some people stil
tthe price oftheir head ~
————— Dangerous Chinese ` mm
Itis a nice haircut How much did it cost? MAMIE ET SR? Téufa Ide hin ho, Hu le đuõshão qián?
You look better after a haircut SIR SIM hou xiăn đe hến jingshen
Your hair looks lke it has been bitten by a dog ‘Your hair is very badly cut.) iP 3 2 gt ft i de tuft Ide xidng gu ken
0 shi de,
6 Importance of correct pronunciation
numbers 7, 8 correctly in a telephone number, A lot of people have difficulty pronouncing the Pronounce 7, 8 not qi but jt, which is the slang
word for “penis” 4
Once an American friend of mine lefta message ` ` on the answering machine when Twas in China,
Please call me back My phone number is 778 7878
Qing géi 05 lui diànhuà Wð de điànhuà hi Ji ba jt ba jt ba (778-7878)
Trang 8
pageant in Hong Kong, je contestants what kind of ‘answered in Shanghai- great confidence, above-board, without any pubic i : “ Ö- ie tari wasn
hat shell them down What the contes- _ - ĐH BÌlf mấyữu ymmáu) Bụt
{China often pronounce yin méu BIA (pubic hair) in their " - " - pe spntaneculy comes 9 Chapter 2 n ¬ WHAT DO 1 CALL You?
1 What do I call you?
Americans, men and women, old and young, like toe called by their first name With the Chinese, the form of address is much more complicated It will definitely be deemed disrespectful ifa young person calls an old person by his or her first name So the following points are worthy of notice
(1) Men and women more or less the same age call ‘each other either by their full name, nickname, OF surname preceded by “old” (2 Ido) or “little” Gs rio J according to their age They seldom call each other by their first name The first names used by family members, relatives or sometimes friends, If you call somebody by his or her firstname, are usually by whom you don’t know very well, people will think you are trying to be intimate ‘
(2) Chinese names consist of either three charac- ters or two characters When you need to call some body who has a two-character name, you all
should call them by their full name or sur ceded by “old” (# lio) or “tle” (4s xido) T should never be called by their first
by their closest friends Their first by their lovers For
Trang 9US CHINESE ————— ———— What Do T Cal Your) 2 Greetings
the old by their surnames
Del GL shisha or 313 bobo), aunt pa C4 yéye) or grandmother often exchange “Hellos!” ((s#F! NT ho! ) In most ‘When people who know each other meet, they cess occasions, or surnames parts of China people are not used to greeting each ˆ 1" (2 ldo) oF followed by “Mr.” fon formal or business occasions For ther good morning, good afternoon or good evening They seem to use nf ho all the time In many places [ld person is named Wang Zheng, and people greet each other “morning” (I 2fo in the ageof your parents, BCERMA wing bobo or EAL you should call morning, meaning exactly the same as “good morn= ing” in English It is okay if you say good afternoon
CFP xitou nfo) to an acquaintance, but it doesn’t Dor Mr Wang (EI! wing sound like authentic Chinese
ese Never call the old ‘The exchange of “nt hilo" is usually followed by Have you had your meal?” id TH? (ND ch gue le ma?
Often in Chinese history people struggled for ‘enough food to eat, and they had to spend most of their time thinking about how and where they could) find food for the next meal This is probably how this kind of greeting came into being If you happen to Be asked if you've had your meal, don’t take it as an invitation to dinner Just regard itas a casual: es highly respected old people are
surname followed by “old” (% Ifo ) to ch as His chén ldo, ie., Venerable IMlevels usually call each other by er first names are some-
Teachers are not sup- by their first name, and
Trang 10What Do 1 Call You?
A: Take it easy Don't work too hard, or
health wil be ruined, 9414UU, ĐĐET ST, =a You zhe dit Bi i hud Te shin
B: That would never happen Thank you for your Ý A att) « Mim HN A
Bứ huì de Xiềxie nĩ đe guãnxin following dialog which takes place ‘very useful to you All the sen-
very colloquial and idiomatic
Hime no see How are you doing? BT MAE AI? 3 Asking about age
bi itm le, Him de 22nme ying? People in China, except for some of the women in out You've got a rosy com their 30s, don’t feel offended or unhappy when asked outa litle bit fatter? Hh ERIM AULT? about their age Usually they will tell you how old they are There are some tactful ways to find outa
woman's age even if she doesn’t want to tll the ruth Just guess her age by deducting five to ten years from the age that you realy think she is and she will be very, very happy Before she realizes it, she would respond by saying something like š
Do I really look so young?
SRILA LAVISHED? W6 zhen de xidin de name nidnging ma? “This answer gives her away —she must bes the age you guessed!
For different aged people, the
Trang 11‘What Do I Coll Taam
Never use nf jf sui? (HfJLY 2) to ask about an old person's age, because “JL,” (jis used when asking, about numbers under 10,
Yours or mine?
Be careful always to get your pronunciation straight you are asked a question with "you" (Ép
tion should be put like | rit be with "1" Cw, not ith “you
table age? = presided, the female Chinese examiner asked the pregnant During a Chinese language examination over which Tones Female American examinee about her baby
toask a person any age is
‘When the examine didn’t understand mi ni the examiner rephrased her question: ‘Do you want to feed her your milk or cows milk?™ HAR 9 RE 9 iyo tt dei hl ht i em?
To which the examines responded without missing a bent
Trang 12in di de) in the salutation, the addressee very uneasy think you are weird and strange, {ntimate Just use the surname
(or “old” (2 lio) followed by the
addressee is older than you and
the addressee is younger
‘who you think is highly ddadd “Respectable” (24 tt)
ge, “Dear” (3FAEM qin aide)
What Do I Call You?
_ihena man need to pen about is wie he ould ele her in the following ways:
My iti BEF (Used on all occasions) opo ‘8M (Used on formal occasions.)
siren 8X (Mostly wed in Mainland China onal oan taitai 3K (Used on all occasions.)
xffur 955, (Mostly used in North China, Colloquia) ời ren BLA (Mostly used by older generation China Sounds old-fashioned.) in North! xiấn ni shủ SEB (Complimentary way to call one’s wife) jia Und wei #NRE (Colloquial)
‘ii td BEARS (Chile's or cide’ mothe) (Coloquial Mostly used in northern rural areas) | | nilren 3A (Mostly used in the countryside)
‘A.woman calls her husband my
hàng $2 (Used on all occasions)
Trang 13_ Chapter 3 “a LOVE AND SEX 1 Inexpressible love
One of my best American friends once told me that when he was studying Chinese, he was taught to” say “Thotly love you" (Ris WS ré ai nf) to exe press hot love for someone Actually the Chinese never use “hotly love” (2 + ai) to show personal
love Instead, they say,
Hove you very much RB N5 feich My love for you is burning hot REBUM WO ai nt di de ft tang
AMZ réai (literally meaning “to hotly love") is only used on an idolized object You can say “hotly love motherland” (A818) 2 ai zilgud) or “hotly love one’s career” (AEN ré ai shiyé) During the
Cultural Revolution, the personality cult was all the rage, and all the people had to say “hotly love Cl man Mao” (KBE EN rédi mdo zhi)
Trang 14
ole lifetime together As far as 1 say “Tlove you” when they fesremely passionate iso at ‘an orgasm But when they rpresent a totally different 'words of love and other endearments
“love you", there are many other N -.- : nga meaningful gift, etc There are also ‘ways to express loving feelings Here
Idreamed of being with sme and I said I love
Love and Sex
Everything of mine belongs to you Te — BABA, Wo de yigie dou shi nt de,
My heart has been given to you RUMEN TH, Wo de xin yf jito gi le nf
2 Sexual terminology
There are a hundred and one ways to say “have sex" in Chinese But it proves very hard for non native Chinese speakers, even for some native
ers, to say it to the right person at the right timein the
right place
‘Suppose you go to a hospital and the doctor needs to know about your sex life for some reason, He should ask very indirectly,
Were you with your wife (husband) last night? DER AR RIOR eee E08 2
Zu6 tuần nĩ hể nĩ tàiai (iinshễng) zãi vì qF 4P He might be more specific,
Did the thing happen between you
DEM OTT AT HA? Zud win nimen you shi ma? Did you do the house thing
Trang 15xing jito le ma?
‘very out of place and embarrass you ists are given to show when, yto say “sexual intercourse.”
ted below are mostly used in written, use: #228 xngjito fio gou sexes: Xft jito hé Love and Sex
(2) The following four terms may be used both in ` written and spoken Chinese:
house thing (thing done inside the house) BIN fing shi 0 toed (with): LAE shing chudng
sleep (with) EM shuijido
make love: Wd or if: 2ud ai or zio ai Examples
When I pushed the door open, they were caught making love,
WO tui kai mén shi, tamen zheng zai zud at
Women shouldn't have sex when they are having their period LRM, CATE, Niên lấi lì jià shí; bù ying you fing shi (3) Gin (FF) is a colloquial word for “make love” oF “do it” in Chinese For example, you could ask a person, “Have you ever mad@ love?” (FLO?
Nimen gin gud ma?
(4) Cio (4) is the slang word for “have: Chinese, the equivalent of “screw” English It sounds very vulgar
‘you want to curse somebody
Trang 16
BALE HI) Bhai xg lly hu (i)
ris really formidable, as hard as
Ht fie yf ying
iprowess and to show off ‘with love making,
Love and Sex ¬
142:#t7[ DỊ RỆ'Ƒ — 2 JL (RABAT
Qf shi ww kéyl zai gin yi hur, din wd pa nf show bit Tito,
If the man comes too fast or ejaculates prema-
turely, in most cases his partner just keeps quiet ‘Sometimes she may say comforting words like,
“That's all right.” Mx£ But some women do show their dissatisfaction They might say, “How come you do it so fast? Really boring!” BARAT TSH
Zénme hime kuai? Zhen méi inl
‘When they are having their period, women i say “bad luck” (O48 dio md) or “regular vaca (ja) instead of “menstruation” (ES ample they would say,
“Lam having bad hick” RAT Lam having - Wade mde,
Trang 17Love and Sex ——— 9
vagina: BAL yindao encounters are as follows: clitoris: BL yindi
bi yin tao love button (the slang word for “clitoris” in Chie onddom I don’t want to be knocked up „ J2MHBAL-7 #E2- pubic hair: 1% yinmio nese): 40 ai ku
hỉyùnlào N kế bù xing bã đùzi nòng mi
xin dai shang bi yiin tao P ae oo pate ` ) NHA:
N2 là en IUD „giãng (AII are the siang words for “penis”
WO shang huán le
mer ee litte brother: 438 xito didi (the slang
for “penis” in Chinese, it seems to be used by women)
ptus: (RIES ai she jing
testicles: MEAL, gown (medical
Trang 18FEE yongbio
[AMD gin zul, gin wen, jié wen
<d women are sexy TBLUAELE, denn dub jd xing gn
big: 2 da hard: #8 ying soft: # rutin
sexual impotence, impotent: 3S ying toi
fail to lift it up: 243% 4 bil Idi (the slang term for “impotence” in Chinese)
foreplay: ÏW3Ä qián xì make love: Hi 2u0 ai
love-making positions: M2059 2ud ai ashi
Tam tired Would you please get on top? BURT WE LO AFI? WO eile, nf zai shang min hão ma? Isitall in? ai TG? Dou jim gi le ma?
Have you reached the spot? BiB TG?
Ding do tu le ma? faster: $AUL hua đnr softer: $24UL ging dtr climax, ecstasy: 251M gãocháo
come at the same time: [3I8‡#N)X/Mj «da gochio
premature ejaculation: SUG 20
Trang 19afle (This slang word often in sex: 3E (íng shỉ giò dã si suse your fingers first? em ig oh dng yd Ho mo?
truments: FEAL FEZ yang ju,
chitn yi (it,“Spring Medicine”) ‘powerfull Itooks like you have
bs FHL, FH shou yin, show
-HŠE kớuvún,kõu jáo
— Lawmase ST ¬
hot and horny: (48: (8 2 mf mide
sex life, love life: HEAERE, ZHNAETE xing shénghud, ai ging shénghué
extramarital affairs, extramarital love: MSM: te wi itn
sadist, satis: fs (1}5E milé di kung
‘masochist, masochism: 2/845 shu ml ung
In colloquial Mandarin Chinese (both in Talwan ad iain Jani China) the erect penis is sometimes described as “a twelve lock” (+= ft sh dfn (asthe hands ofa clock ae when they are pointing up straight at 1200), while the Naceld penis referred lo a8 “half pas six" CAE fi din Bin
4 Birth Control
China is the most populous country in the world, ‘with a population of over 1.2 billion Family planning: {s the country’s state policy Each couple is allowed t0 have only one child, although some couples in the countryside may have two So contraception is widely practiced, especially by couples who already have children, Usually after giving birth toa child,
Trang 20repay ony accompany expense atau atores They eslange med salen femccf tc Chinese run hat size hey wan, hey nen a 00
abigeled condo IbeszeofaUS quarts) onthe they rte a
‘The Chinese have fan with dating expressions breakup, they usually say
We broke wp aT
Wi mn chute (chu = to blow)
1kidked im Ghee off (broke up with hm oF hee him or her) at GoM,
Trang 21sE—————— Chapter 4 ¬ PLETIVES UNDELETED 1 Cao
If you go to China and mingle with young Chi- nese, you will often hear them spicing their sentences with “fuck” (i cio) here and there Cio is used the same way as “fuck” in English When itis used as an intransitive verb, itis just the speaker's pet phrase, But this way of speech often gets them in trouble, because cio is an offensive word So if you area man, don’t say it when women are around Ifa man uses cio in his language to a woman, she would, more often than not, respond: Keep your mouth clean HF SUL, Zul fang ganjing didn or
Have you brushed your teeth (rinsed your mouth) ‘with lavatory water?
‘7S FB 7k i MRL)?
in English, a lot of curse t
Trang 22‘or Bullshit!) s pussy
|are only used when people get hurl these curse words at each \quarrel escalates into a braw/
for Damm it” {485 (19) hen used on It can be used either as “fuck” (cio )in
rson or a thing In
Expletives Undelete’ ————
beautiful, you can say:
“Oh, what a damn beauty!” ("She's really damn beautifull”)
I8 (0)
to show admiration for her beauty Or if you see a real muscle man, you could say:
eat build he has!” (“He gota
to indicate admiration and jealousy hen you wi
-nt on a sports team that as lost a match badly, you could say:
‘What a damned losst” STH TINS (IB ! Sha de zhen 18 ma (de) cn!
When you happen upon an ugly person, you could say “What a damned ugly face!” F
tN (8) HL
Zh ta mi (de) chou
to show the person is extremely ugly Actually, ‘ma (de) can be used before anything The
points, however, should be noted when
phrase i
(1) Don’t use it to compliment or
Trang 23
de can be used independently in ‘way hin rather than as the phrase “damn it” in de can be omitted
hard drive gets screwed up when fon your computer, you could say
Jn which 2hén td ma (de) is used: jcome across something that is really es you very sick, you could say: !
mi (de) & xin! ) (8 xin: sick, disgusting)
upon ‘written, you could say: a book that is very (clo: rough, crude)
‘something that sounds or eli
TT Expletives Unđeleted “
When you encounter a situation which is very ‘urgent, risky, or dangerous, you could say: TNS (08) Br |
Zhen ti ma yao ming! (yao ming literally means “want one’s life” Here it can be interpreted as life-threatening”) When someone else take
and you fe
“Zhẽn tä mã bú vào liễm (bí one's face; shameless)
s credit that you deserve 1 cheated, you could say:
vio litn: throw away Note: When you are not sure whether oF not to use this phrase You might embarrass yourself in a certain situation, don’t take the risk
3 Jiba
Like other languages, Chinese contains a huge umber of dirty words related to private parts, Flue ‘mans are really imaginative They give private parts so many names you'll never figure out the exact ‘number The usage of these names is so flexible varied, it seems they could almost be used in the language — in a sentence, before a
Trang 24
‘wonderful usage of is GABE A hề bi én) OER, hen ja sh)
bones (ESE AE «jin jt gi tou)
flesh (ASEAN «mei ba rồi) a fa for this way of speaking Some alk this way, jst to show their casual:
and more intellectuals, especially of tion, are starting to take a fancy to street language because they want to be masculine
used but no one knows why When ody is talking nonsense, you can say or “pulling genitals” (AE 052 people are impervious to reason, ‘up, you could say that talk- on or sorting er of pubic hairs surrounding 3 out that thing i as hard
‘mdo.) When you find some-
ben teehee
In colloquial Chinese, ja is often used before a word to describe something really bad that has hap-
pened or someone who you think is mean, 3 For example, ‘Thats really shitty! HOGER ! Zhe ja shil ‘That jerkt EA! Zhe tba rén!
‘There area lot of riddles about ain Chinese Here ep
just for fa lšu
‘Whats a tree whose bark is peeled aide doy pear dangling on each side? el —HRBIHE — TA, Yi oh to bp, bite yg 4 Niu bi
“Ox vagina” (4X ii bis often used by the Chinese, old and young, man and woman, to denote that somebody is blowing the trumpet b
Trang 25S0 eone talking about something in ology, for which you have a strong ld say,
the ox vagina so hard Isn’t he explode? X ORR GEDT | nid brut po (zhi) tet Expletives Undeleted 5 Taking an oath ‘The most widely and commonly used oath before the 1980s was I guarantee or swear in the name of Chairman Mao I6:ÈWEftiE,
Xiằng máo shixí băoshờng,
Chairman Mao Zedong was regarded as a person who always meant what he said and what he said was always deemed correct After Chairman Mao died in 1976, people gradually discontinued the usage They began to use other swear words like: Tswear,
WA, W fash
swear to the sky RURRG, W dui tian fash
If go back on my word, I'll die a lousy deatht AT BRA ZfMSE, Rul yu (ăn lul, bù để hão sĩ
Trang 26wersation, people also use the following to.emphasize the truttulness of something
BE UH.,U/U1/109, de qu Szhn de pin n shi xo gu!
Expletives Undeleted
‘educational level of Beijingers is China’s highest They act nicer to each other than people in other parts of the country Even when they are in a quarrel, they seldom use strong violent words; instead, they Fesort to indirect put-downs or insinuations to embarrass each other or cause each other to be laughed at But still there are some young people who really fight Beijing is an over-populated city Transportation is not easy Buses are, more often than not, crowded Getting on a bus is an ordeal Only when the people are literally packed like sardines does the bus begin to’ move This gets even worse in summertime when people are scantily dressed and the weather is very hot Inside the bus the air is a mixture of sweat, per= fume, body odor, gas The passengers are like pot stickers being fried Under this circumstance itis next to impossible for people to be in good humor It is especially bad at rush hour When you want to get a seat on the bus, you have to elbow your way in really hard, Needless to say, body contact is unavoidable, Quarrels often break out
‘The following is a conversation between two frus trated and angry commuters ‘A: "What are you pushing with your:
you born in the year ofthe pig?” MI-41Rt SAE Gong shénme ging! Shi zhi de yal
B: “What's the point of yo ‘You must have
Trang 27
je! it le gbu yn shi bi shi?
scar of your mother’s! Who are you FAN? zi! NI ma shut? ‘words: lam cursing you!” 7 Talking nonsense
When you hear somebody talking nonsense, there are many ways to show your feeling of disdain
(1) Fart! (HOE! fg pid
“Fart” (AUR fing pi) is used in two ways It indicates either passing gas or someone's nonsensical talking,
When you smell something weird, you may ask, “Anybody fart?
IEMUE T ? ‘Shut fing pile?
When you want to make a confession, you could say, “farted,
BHT — TR, W6 fang le yi g¢ pi You may also say ,
“He laid a stinking fart.” sik T —4 SE
Ta fing le yi ge chou ph ‘
Trang 28Expletives Undeleted “nonsense”, fing pi is (4) Ché dn or Chế jiba dân
‘emotions Both curse
‘inserted in between to you can use either “pulling balls” or “pulling gel" tals” Citi or L348 ché dn or che jtba dn), For To describe what someone says as sheer nonsense, example,
He said that the rooster could lay eggs That is simply playing the fiddle inside his pants, ie., pulling genitals! eis 298 TF A, SA ~ HIG EAE!
Ta shud gongjt kéyl x Iigin - che jba dn!
a din Na jidmchi shi kidding 118
6) “Unreasonable talk” or “bullshit” (M2 unt jt
2Öf lần)
8 Disgusting!
Déxing ({847) is very widely used in Mandarin , Chinese When itis used as an adjective, it means “disgusting” or “shameful” For example,
‘That guy is really disgusting! WAR MAT |
[Neige jihuo zhen dé xing! or ‘A: "Sorry, farted.”
Trang 29
Chapter 5 7
1 Animal penises and kidneys la noun, ‘qualities, such as a disgusting for the most part it means
For thousands of years the Chinese have used ting personality prove vilty They strongly believe that each anima animal penises to cure sexual dysfunction and Ien- _- — » ‘organ is good for the corresponding par ofthe i man body For instance, people with chronic gastle
disorders are advised to eat animal innards ona i ing dng jing afortunejuston thestrengih ‘Kdeys and penises, frequent basis; sexually weak men should eat animal : a : Conventionally, most Chinese regarded sex only sting nature of your company TH i eng ps asa way tocary onthe family ine as they were raised in a puritanical environment; they dida’t know : mai HD
4 and had no way to know how to enjoy sexual plea Sure In present-day China, as more and more people sa are exposed to Western ideas, they've begun togive = heed tothe quality of their ex lf Men in particular
Trang 30find it very easy to answer Actually, there area
other cities, dishes prepared a in many different styles _animals Chinese don’t eat For example, Chinese don’t eat wolves, because wolves eat human beings |)
chng nhí in WW3R RE), So eating wolf meat is no different from eating human Ỷ
HE), stewed in brovn sauce flesh Chinese never eat small goldfish; when the fish
[hiăm 41864 ¥E ), etc But as long as you die, they just throw them away: Chinese don’t eat Say “ox penis” in Chinese, the servers ‘mosquitoes or flies, because they are germ-carriers
actly what you want, They will show If you go to China, however, you will find that
SRewaysof cooking it Don't fel bashful if forlaugh, because it means nothing restaurants serve alot of dishes you might have heard never seen before Snakes, reptiles, dogs, ie restaurants you are allowed to create fof penis dishes Don’t be shy to ask If ms, and silk cocoons are cooked in different here Among these, sakes
spicy ith chil pepper (ni bit cho lj food, just go ahead and ask for an tastes serumptious and makes played in cages Just go in and tell the server you In front of many restaurants live snakes are dis- ‘want to order a snake dish, and he will take you to penises, different styles of dishes Kidneys are also available in most the cage and ask you which snake you'd like After you make the decision, the server will ake the snake
“Kidney” (EF) is pronounced out, put it on the scales to see how much it weighs
{to an animal organ; it is called (because it is sold by the pound), and kill it either in
*‹ 'beings Don’t confuse front of you or in the kitchen, which is up to you: In
most cases the snake will be cooked in three: snake skin (#¢ 4 , shé pf) sautéed with chili snake meat ($€/§], shé rdu) brewed in brown:
and snake bone soup (#38, shé tang), So if you
Trang 31
Don’t stand on ceremony!
inker (He can drink a lot)
erages Only soft drinks
Lam full (Iam all set.) RUEAOT
WS chit bio le
Well known beers in China:
Qingdao Beer: HAMA qingdo pit (Also spelled Tsing Tao) 'Wuxing Beer: EAL witxing pit
(wiixing means five stars.) Beijing Beer: JLSKm IN béijing pj Yanjing Beer: BOKMAL yinjing pit Zhujiang Beer: FILA zhajiang pit Well known liquors in China Mao Tei 3: Fen Jit OR Wil Lidng Ye Fim Tid Nán Chũn: XE ị Dang Jit HE
Lui Zhou Lo Jit PSH
Trang 32
have a chat But you really
ay wild flowers are eo tbe pal, you wil ace Feecsbiant frets inpion jin south China), the receptionist ‘with a smile,
rods iyi jd rit ma? heavily painted and strongly nan will knock at your door at night women traveling alone often get calls, sometimes inthe wee
‘of them are sex invita- any long distance cals, situation is to take the
Crime ¬
painted woman: JfUlÿýc yănshi nữ Indy of the evening: jEJAÑ về đã niếng bitch: MF bidosi chick, whore: 1 j commercial girl, prostitute: [4 shăng nữ male hustler: JE nn j john: BE pido ke go-between, pimp: EMM, SACS yin méi, pt tido ke madam: § 4 brothel: te green bowers, brothel: BH ing lw chicken-nest, cat-house: 158% jw white-house, brothel: 3} bi fing zi
red light district: (1948 CATER A605 ua Jie it xidng, héngdéng git, yin hud ie Prostitution, whoring: 3&i2 mai yin
80 into prostitution: LAH cing ching g0 whoring: i pifo
Bit! selling spring (youth): 3bšE%c mài chăn, Bir selling smiles: 3838-4 mai xido nil
Trang 33have always been severely dealt imment, Rapists are, more
kế lo capital punishment instead E This contributes tothe decrease
after year
inal have been sentenced by a court in is required to put up posters wher- d tobe posted, making the crim ocities known to the public Usually a very detalled account ofthe
be sentenced that way, ete People are ig this kind of poster because they the crimes
In China rapists are usually sentenced 218 AFA aE to death Zii zhonggus, gidngyian fan tOngchdng bel pan sf xing
sexually assault, take liberties with: 9S weiie
He was sentenced to life imprisonment for sexual assault BR set ea,
Ta yin weixié fini ér bei pin zhong shen jidnjin Philander, dally with (women): rng (fii) (Ets) wa ravish, rape, deflower: 3 A HE ging bio, ota, shi bio
She was deflowered at the age of 14 fe IRE aN Ta sh si sui mei nin bt ota le sodomy: #8F jfjian
sodomite: M730 jjiãn fan ằ
seduce: WHF you jt fornication: ‡Ƒ tOng jam
sexual harassment: EEE xing sordo He has been sexually harassing me đù— FERRE,
Trang 34form is outlawed everywhere toget an X-rated video tape 30 alot of deals are made under tapes keep coming into China through illegal channels and are
‘among a myriad of Chinese, ‘and men and women Some of sake erotic movies themselves, photographic equipment Of
caught, they will be jailed
jig market for pornographic tapes ising) Hiangs? literally means | means obscene or porno- the equivalent of “blue” in adult videos available in the
4 Bribery
Offical corruption has been rampant throughout Chinese history In present-day China, corruption is s0 far and wide that even the corrupt Chinese govern- ment can’t bear it The government has taken alot of tough steps, including capital punishment, to eur its
spread tis well known that Chinese corruption is beyond cure Nobody can stop it In China today, to get what you want, you must give first No bribery, no gain Itseems that bribery isa must to get anything done To get a bank loan, a promotion in a company, even permission for marriage, you've got to makea bribe first There are many ways to bribe someone Because raking and accepting bribes are both illegal in China, people are very careful The following isa true story about the process of bribing an oficial to get the right tomass-producea product Prior to its 45th anniversary, a big bankin China „
decided to give each of its employees a free gift Since
there were more than 200,000 employees, whoever
won the contract to prodiice the gift would make fortune Hearing the news, swarms of individ business people scrambled forthe p
Trang 35ICHINESE——
een operating acommerci Teco waned omake iscased many ways 0 seat baying Mheecmmecnsin he Dank, he Pret
pat the director's birthday was com- made yah thirty thousand yan
'$3,800) and presented the doll to inpeson ees eed Thy fd him twas a metho lla
tment with him right Be desl vasimade and they pro- gifts
y-making and taking People should be very tactful targeted feel he deserves it, is tant thing is that you must
—_————— oe
offer (make) a bribe, resort to bribery: 78 xing hui buy over: WE, JEM shou mdi, ma tng
very demanding, insatiably greedy: WOME, ARIE weikdu hén da, tan xin bi (cei literally means “appetite”
tis hard to buy him off He is insatiably de- manding,
Xidng mai tng #8 bi réngyi Ta wei tid illicit money: Wf kuẩn
stolen goods, bribes: RE 22ng wit
share the booty, share the bribes: 4E /En zăng spend money: 7E8 hud gidn (spending money ‘implies “to bribe”)
In China today nothing can be done without spending money (resorting to bribery) _
The deal is off ‘use the wor "ello ( ‘That deal ie of
Trang 36in big cities like Beying, {Guangzhot Foreigners look
rom the Chinese and are always tar-
When you have to take an us don't put your wallet inthe ur trousers ome in groups and they have Be alert because pick
‘yout efore they make their ‘yout valuables wherever you
‘The train or bus attendant might be able to help you The bus driver may drive al the passengers directly toa police station The policemen will do what they can to find out who the thief is
If you happen to catch a pickpocket, it is best fo stay quiet for the sake of your safety You don’t know if the thie is alone or has company, so be careful When you travel in China, keep this in mind, “don't trouble troubles until troubles trouble you."
The most common ways to say “thief” in Chinese: pickpocket: tt DF xiotou, péshtu thief: three hands: NB it bi, 26 ERE sin hi shu 6 Narcotics
In the 19th century, many Chinese became ad- dicted to opium imported by Britain, They became 30 {dependent on the drug they couldn’t do anything ‘else Today, asin other countries, drug use i ut Inwed in China and the government spares no effort to fight drug trafficking However, it seems that crime can always find its way anywhere Drug traffickers can always to smuggle all kinds of narcotics into China
numberof drug users thee is gradually ‘The following are drug-related
narcotis: Wh dt pint in, goods oF
Trang 37ee Toilets ‘The smelt is so foul, I can’t open my eyes! GU AHEAR ATER,
a0 (chow) de ring rén zhén bit kai yainjing
When kids want to tell their mom they want to def cate or urinate, they usually say, “Lwant to poop RENEE, Wð yao 1a ba ba, I want to pee RURR
IER ct pigu W6 yio niào niào
the toilet 7K HURT ching sha, ‘You may say to your child,
“Don’t forget to wipe your butt after relieving yourself.” MEK GUE BOG TERR,
Tế toấn dã biần hòu bú vào tràng lecã p̧u
“Wiping your ass”
ass" (HREER ct pg) can mean two:
literal act after relieving yourself the other, of lett over by some sloppy person Example:
Trang 38,atleaeton the about sex A traditional education make it tomake love, These sup-
ike a pressure cooker
enough wl explode Dut
fare many channels to relieve fof the most commonly seen ways answering the call indispensable; to of nature
themselves, s0 eating aus pleasure So when sex- people are relieving them-
them Simply associate sexual urges by drawing cartoon-style
vivid sex scenes, or writing goto China, chances are you will inal kinds of restrooms for X3 cềnổ tớmné, was
s at Beijing University in the ‘80s 2M ‘graffiti on the desks, in toilets, The university administration think of any way to stop
think hard for ways to stop the obscenity An idea finally hit them They had all the white-painted walls and doors and desks painted black! China is undergoing an econommic reform anđ is 8
importing all kinds of things from western countries Maybe they should also import western ways to stop the spread of toilet literature In some US universi- ties, the administration places chalk boards on each door of the bathroom Students can use chalk to write ‘or draw whatever is on their minds This is much ‘easier to wipe out If this is adopted by Chinese uni
versities, they can save a lot of money by not repaint= ing But whether the Chinese students like their works to be wiped out so easily, I am not sure!
Trang 39
Chapter 8
1, Dumb as a wooden chicken
The Chinese always think of themselves as the best As a result, they are in the habit of looking down upon each other When a Chinese person is alone, he of she is very hard to defeat; but when many Chinese get together for a task, they usualy fall apart before it {s completed They all think differently, regard them selves as VIPs, and go in different directions
‘This national characteristic might account for the Jarge number of put-downs in the language When they put down somebody or something, they think words like “foolish or stupid” are not enough; they often follow those words with female or male geni- tals They often use “stupid cunt” (18X shi bi) to curse a female and “stupid dick” (HE35E2, sha iba) to cursea male Moreover, they often use “stupid cunt” and “stupid dick” interchangeably, ie, they use “stupid dick” for a woman and “stupid cunt” fora man Now some people prefer shi bõ ï ({EÿEK ) to shã toavoid the offensive sound of the pronunciation 4 Actually they have the same meaning, as the
romanization of bris made up of b (pronounced Pinyin) and To go to ext tl a
Trang 40
SAE 2 bi wi (literally means a itty) {BE yf chin (used on both formal occasions)
dull-witted: A: mit Giterally wood or tee Informa, often used by
ul Edi ‘used in most places in China) or EARN dai tu ai
Muddle-headed: {83.(f fii sha tou
Judging People
person of low intelligence: 389% rud zhi stupid product: 89 chin hud
fook 8% shizi
weak-minded person, a fool: Bit @ d6u (the infant name of Liu Shan, last emperor of Shut
Han (221-263), known for his want of ability and weakness of character)
fool, silly person: {8 ski mao (which has been used in Beijing for many years and is still being used.)
you area white persan, you are called either na (6 ‘or bi hing rén (E186) in Chinese There sno diference between the two I you area bfick person, you are almost
sheaya called én (A), nd edo lle ‘you ae a yellow person, you are always Zhlng x RHA) ad never tr RA) 0