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barcharts quickstudy biochemistry

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  • Biochemical Periodic Table

  • Glucose

  • DNA

  • Triglyceride

  • Broader Chemical Principles

  • Bonds & Structure in Organic Compounds

  • Reactions, Energy & Equilibrium

  • Kinetics: Rates of Reactions

  • Organic Acids & Bases

  • Types of Organic Compunds

  • Major Types of Biochemical Reactions

  • Biochemical Compounds

    • Nucleic Acid Components

    • Six Classes of Enzymes (Enzyme Commissions)

    • Common Protein

    • Common Fatty Acids

    • Fischer Projection

    • Common Sugars

  • Common Amino Acids

  • Amino Acid RNA Codons

  • Abbreviations Used in Biology & Biochemistry

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B arCharts,Inc. ® W ORLD’S #1 A CADEMIC OUTLINE A.Intermolecular Forces 1. Electrostatic: Strong interaction between ions; for char ges q 1 and q 2 ; separated b y r 12 , and solvent dielectric constant, ε ε ; water has large ε ε ; stabilizes zwitterion formation 2. Polarizability, α α : Measures distortion of electron cloud by other nuclei and electrons 3. Dipole moment, µ µ : Asymmetric electron distrib ution gives partial char ge to atoms 4. London forces (dispersion): Attraction due to induced dipole moments; force increases with µ µ 5. Dipole-dipole interaction: The positive end of one dipole is attracted to the ne g ati v e end of another dipole; strength increases with µ µ 6. Hydrogen bonding: Enhanced dipole interaction between bonded H and the lone-pair of neighboring O, N or S; gives “structure” to liquid water; solubilizes alcohols, f atty acids, amines, sug ars, and amino acids B. Types of Chemical Groups 1. Hydr ophobic = Lipophilic: Repelled b y polar g roup; insolub le in w ater; af finity for non-polar Examples: alkane, arene, alkene 2. Hydrophilic = Lipophobic: Affinity for polar group; soluble in water, repelled by nonpolar Examples: alcohol, amine, carboxylic acid 3. Amphipatic: Polar and nonpolar functionality; common for most biochemical molecules: fatty acids, amino acids and nucleotides C. Behavior of Solutions 1. Miscible: 2 or more substances form 1 phase; occurs for polar + polar or non-polar + non-polar 2. Immiscible: 2 liquids form aqueous and organic layers; compounds are partitioned between the la y ers based on chemical proper ties (acid/base, polar, nonpolar, ionic) 3. Physical principles: a.Colligative properties depend on solvent identity and concentration of solute; a solution has a higher boiling point, lower freezing point and lower vapor pressure than the pure solv ent b. Biochemical example: Osmotic pressure - Water diffuses through a semi-permeable membrane from a hypotonic to a hypertonic region; the flow produces a force, the osmotic pressure, on the hypertonic side 4. Solutions of g ases a.Henry’s Law: The amount of gas dissolved in a liquid is propor tional to the par tial pressure of the g as b. Carbon dioxide dissolves in water to form carbonic acid c. Oxygen is carried by hemoglobin in the blood d.Pollutants and toxins dissolve in bodily fluids; react with tissue and interfere with reactions Examples: Sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides yield acids; ozone oxidizes lung tissue; hydrogen cyanide disab les the oxidation of glucose BROADER CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES Alcohol Amine Water Ammonia δ - O H δ+ H δ+ H δ+ O δ - H δ+ R δ - N RR R δ - N H H C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C O O C C H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H HHH H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H C H H O C O O C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C O C C C C C C C H O H H C O δ - C R R H δ- N R R R R-O δ- stable +- + - less stable + - - + Osmotic Pressure Π Π = = i i M M R R T T Π Π : Osmotic pressure (in atm) i: Van’t Hoff factor = # of ions per solute molecule M: Solution molarity (moles/L) R: Gas constant = 0.082 L atm mol –1 K –1 T: Absolute temperature (in Kelvin) 1. Hydrogen 3. Lithium 6. Carbon 7. Nitrogen 8. Oxygen 9. Fluorine 11. Sodium 12. Magnesium 13. Aluminum 14. Silicon 15. Phosphorus 16. Sulphur 17. Chlorine 19. Potassium 20. Calcium 22. Titanium 25. Manganese 26. Iron 27. Cobalt 28. Nickel 29. Copper 30. Zinc 32. Germanium 33. Arsenic 34. Selenium 35. Bromine 50. Tin 53. Iodine GLUCOSE TRIGL YCERIDE Key Elements in the Body DNA C 6 6 Carbon N 7 7 Nitrogen O 8 8 Oxygen F 9 9 Fluorine H 1 1 Hydrogen Sn 5 5 0 0 Tin K 1 1 9 9 Potassium Ca 2 2 0 0 Calcium Ti 2 2 2 2 Titanium Mn 2 2 5 5 Manganese Fe 2 2 6 6 Iron Co 2 2 7 7 Cobalt Ni 2 2 8 8 Nickel Cu 2 2 9 9 Copper Zn 3 3 0 0 Zinc Ge 3 3 2 2 Germanium As 3 3 3 3 Arsenic Se 3 3 4 4 Selenium 3 3 5 5 Bromine Li 3 3 Lithium Na 1 1 1 1 Sodium Mg 1 1 2 2 Magnesium Al 1 1 3 3 Aluminum Si 1 1 4 4 Silicon P 1 1 5 5 Phosphorus S 1 1 6 6 Sulfur Cl 1 1 7 7 Chlorine 5 5 3 3 Iodine Br I BIOCHEMICAL PERIODIC TABLE Energy = Polarizability Dipole Interaction Hydrogen Bonding q 1 . q 2 r 12 1 ε A.Bonding Principles 1.Most bonds are polar covalent; the more electronegative atom is the “–” end of the bond Example: For >C=O, O is negative, C is positive 2. Simplest Model: Lewis Structure: Assign valence electrons as bonding electrons and non- bonding lone-pairs; more accurate bonding models include valence- b onds , m olecular orbitals a nd m olecular modeling 3. Resonance: The average of several Lewis structures describes the bonding Example: The peptide bond has some >C=N< character B. Molecular Structure 1. Geometries of v alence electron hybrids: sp 2 - planar, sp 3 - tetrahedral, sp - linear 2. Isomers and structure a.Isomers: same formula, different bonds b.Stereoisomers: same formula and bonds, different spatial arrangement c.Chiral = optically active: Produces + or – rotation of plane-polarized light d.D: Denotes dextrorotary based on clockwise rotation for glyceraldehyde e.L: Denotes levorotary based on counter-clockwise rotation for glyceraldehyde; insert (–) or (+) to denote actual polarimeter results f. D/L denotes structural similarity with D or L glyceraldehyde g.Chiral: Not identical with mirror image h.Achiral: Has a plane of symmetry i. Racemic: 50/50 mixture of stereoisomers is optically inactive; + and – effects cancel j. R/S notation: The four groups attached to the chiral atom are ranked a,b,c,d by molar mass •The lowest ( d) is directed away from the viewer and the sequence of a-b-c produces clockwise (R) or counter- clockwise (S) configurations •This notation is less ambiguous than D/L; w orks for molecules with >1 chiral centers k. Nomenclatur e: Use D/L (or R/S) and +/– in the compound name: Example: D (–) lactic acid l. Fisher-projection: Diagram for chiral compound m. Molecular conformation: All molecules exhibit structural variation due to free rotation about C-C single bond; depict using a Ne wman - diagr am n.Alk ene: cis and tr ans isomer s ; >C=C< does not rotate; common in fatty acid side chains C. Common Organic Terminology 1. Saturated: Maximum # of Hs (all C-C) 2. Unsaturated: At least one >C=C< 3. Nucleophile: Lewis base; attracted to the + charge of a nucleus or cation 4. Electrophile: Lewis acid; attracted to the electrons in a bond or lone pair BONDS & STRUCTURE IN ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Typical Behavior of C, N & O Atom sp 3 sp 2 sp C 4 e – 4 bonds -C-C- >C=C< -C ≡C - N 5 e – 3 bonds, 1 lone pair >N- R=N- -C≡N O 6 e – 2 bonds, 2 lone pairs -O- >R=O O C N O - C N + < => H O C H C C OH H OH H D( +) - Glyceraldehyde H O C H C C OH H H HO L(–) - Glyceraldehyde Three- dimensional Fischer projection CH 3 CH 3 Br Br H H = CH 3 CH 3 Br Br H H C C C H Me H Me C Cis H Me H Me Trans C C 1 meth- 2 eth- 3 prop- 4 but- 5 pent- 6 hex- 7 hept- 8 oct- 9 non- 10 dec- 11 undec- 12 dodec- 13 tridec- 14 tetradec- 15 pentadec- 16 hexadec- 17 heptadec- 18 octadec- 19 nonadec- 20 eicos- 22 docos- 24 tetracos- 26 he xacos- 28 octacos- C C C C CC C δ γ β α R β γ δ Chain Positions Alkene Carbon-chain Prefixes A.Mechanisms 1.Biochemical reactions involve a number of simple steps that together form a mechanism 2. Some steps may establish equilibria, since reactions can go forward, as well as backward; the slowest step in the mechanism, the rate-determining step , limits the overall reaction rate and product formation 3 . Each step passes through an energy barrier, the free energy of activation ( E a ), characterized by an unstable configuration termed the transition s tate (TS) ; E a h as an e nthalpy and entropy component B. Key Thermodynamic Variables 1.Standard conditions: 25ºC, 1 atm, solutions = 1 M 2. Enthalpy (H): ∆H = heat-absorbed or produced ∆H < 0 exothermic ∆H > 0 endothermic C. Standard Enthalpy of Formation, ∆ ∆ H f 0 1. ∆ ∆ H = Σ prod ∆H f 0 – Σ react ∆H f 0 2. Entropy (S): ∆S = change in disorder 3. Standard Entropy, S 0 : ∆S = Σ prod S 0 – Σ react S 0 4. Gibbs-Free Energy (G): ∆G = ∆H – T∆S; the capacity to complete a reaction ∆G = 0 at equilibrium steady state K eq = 1 ∆G < 0 e x er gonic spontaneous lar ge K eq ∆G > 0 endergonic not spontaneous small K eq ∆G = –RT ln(K eq ) – connection with equilibrium D. Standard-Free Energy of Formation, ∆ ∆ G f 0 : 1. ∆ ∆ G = Σ prod ∆G f 0 – Σ react ∆G f 0 2. For coupled reactions: Hess’s Law: 3. Combine reactions, add ∆G, ∆H, ∆S 4. An exergonic step can overcome an endergonic step Example: ATP/ADT/AMP reactions are exothermic and exergonic; these provide the energy and driving force to complete less spontaneous biochemical reactions; Example: ATP + H 2 O => ADP + energy E. Equilibrium 1. LeChatlier’s Principle a.Equilibrium shifts to relieve the stress due to changes in reaction conditions b. K eq increases: Shift equilibrium to the product side c.K eq decreases: Shift equilibrium to the reactant side 2. Equilibrium and temperature changes a.For an exothermic process, heat is a product; a decrease in temperature increases K e q b.For an endothermic process, heat is a reactant; an increase in temperature increases K eq 3. Entropy and Enthalpy factors ∆G = ∆H – T∆S a.∆H < 0 promotes spontaneity b.∆S > 0 promotes spontaneity c.If ∆S > 0, increasing T promotes spontaneity d.If ∆S < 0, decreasing T lessens spontaneity Note: T is always in Kelvin; K = ºC + 273.15 REACTIONS, ENERGY & EQUILIBRIUM Endothermic Reaction progress E a ∆H P P P R R R Exothermic Potential energy Transition state E a ∆H Reactants Products A.Determination of Rate For a generic reaction, A + B => C: 1. Reaction rate: The rate of producing C (or consuming A or B) 2. Rate-law: The mathematical dependence of the rate on [A], [B] and [C] 3. Multiple-step r eaction: F ocus on rate-determining step - the slowest step in the mechanism controls the overall rate B. Simple Kinetics 1. F irst-order: Rate = k 1 [A] Examples: SN1, E1, aldose rear rangements 2.Second order: Rate = k 2 [A] 2 or k 2 [A][B] Examples: SN2, E2, acid-base, h ydrol ysis, condensation C. Enzyme Kinetics 1. An enzyme catalyzes the reaction of a substrate to a product by forming a stabilized complex; the enzyme reaction ma y be 10 3 -10 15 times f aster than the uncatalyzed process 2. Mechanism: Step 1. E + S = k 1 => ES Step 2. ES = k 2 => E + S Step 3. ES = k 3 => products + E [E] = total enzyme concentration, [S] = total substrate concentration, [ES] = enzyme-substrate complex concentration, k 1 - rate ES formation, k 2 - reverse of step 1, k 3 - rate of product formation 3. Data anal ysis: Examine steady state of [ES]; rate of ES for mation equal rate of disappearance K m = (k 2 + k 3 )/k 1 (Michaelis constant) v – reaction speed = k 3 [ES] V max = k 3 [E] KINETICS: RATES OF REACTIONS Resonance 2 v = V max [S] K m + [S] Michaelis-Menten Equation: 4. Practical solution: Lineweaver-Burk approach: 1/v=K m /V m ax (1/[S])+1/V m ax The plot “1/v vs. 1/[S]” is l inear Slope = K m /V max , y - intercept = 1/V m ax x - intercept = –1/K m Calculate K m from the data D. Changing Rate Constant (k) 1. Temperature increases the rate constant: Arrhenius Law: k = Ae – Ea/RT • Determining E a : Graph “ln(k) vs. 1/T”; calculate E a from the slope 2. Catalyst: Lowers the activation energy; reaction o ccurs at a lower temperature 3. Enzymes a.Natural protein catalysts; form substrate-enzyme complex that creates a lower energy path to the product b. In addition, the enzyme decreases the Free Energy of Activation, allowing the product to more easily form c.Enzyme mechanism is very specific and selective; the ES complex is viewed as an “induced fit” lock-key model since the formation of the complex modifies each component E. Energetic Features of Cellular Processes 1. Metabolism: The cellular processes that use nutrients to produce energy and chemicals needed by the organism a. Catabolism: Reactions which break molecules apart; these processes tend to be exergonic and oxidative b.Anabolism: Reactions which assemble larger molecules; biosynthesis; these processes tend to be endergonic and reductive 2. Anabolism is coupled with catabolism by ATP, NADPH and related high-energy chemicals 3. Limitations on biochemical reactions a. All required chemicals must either be in the diet or be made by the body from chemicals in the diet; harmful waste products must be detoxified or excreted b. Cyclic processes are common, since all reagents must be made from chemicals in the body c.Temperature is fixed; activation energy and enthalpy changes cannot be too large; enzyme catalysts play key roles 1 v 1 [s] 1 K m 1 V max K m V max s lope = Enzyme + Substrate E + S E + PE/S complex Enzyme Active s ite E nzyme Enzyme Enzyme/Substrate c omplex E nzyme + Product Lineweaver-Burke Addition Add to a >C=C< Hydrogenate Nucleophilic: Nucleophile attacks Hydrate Electrophilic: >C=O Hydroxylate Substitution Replace a group Amination Nucleophilic: on alkane (OH, NH 2 ) of R-OH SN1 or SN2 deamination Elimination: Reverse of addition, Dehydrogenate E1 and E2 produce >C=C< Deh ydrate Isomerization Change in bond aldose => connectivity pyranose Oxidation- Biochemical: Oxidize: ROH to >C=O loss of e- Add O or remove H Reduction- Reduce: Re v erse of Hydro genate g ain of e- o xidize fatty acid Coupled Metals: Change Processes v alence Water breaks a bond, Hydrolyze Hydrolysis add -H and -OH to peptide, sucrose form new molecules triglyceride Condensation R-NH or R-OH Form peptide combine via bridging or am ylose O or N MAJOR TYPES OF BIOCHEMICAL REACTIONS A.Amphoteric 1. A substance that can react as an acid or a base 2.The molecule has acid and base functional groups; Example: amino acids 3.This characteristic also allows amphoteric compounds to function as single-component buffers for biological studies B. Acids 1. K a = [A – ][H + ]/[HA] p K a = –log 10 ( K a ) 2. Strong acid: Full dissociation: HCl, H 2 SO 4 and HNO 3 : Phosphoric acid 3. Weak acid: K a << 1, large pK a 4. Key organic acid: RCOOH Examples: Fatty acid: R group is a long hydrocarbon chain; Vitamin C is abscorbic acid; nucleic acids contain acid phosphate groups C. Organic Bases 1. K b =[OH – ][B + ]/[BOH] pK b = –log 1 0 (K b ) 2. Strong base: Full dissociation: NaOH, KOH 3. Weak base: K b << 1, large pK b 4. Organic: Amines & derivatives Examples: NH 3 (pK b = 4.74), hydroxylamine (pK b =7.97) and pyridine (pK b = 5.25) 5. Purine: Nucleic acid component: adenine (6-aminopurine) & guanine (2-amino-6-hydroxypurine) 6. Pyrimidine: Nucleic acid component: cytosine (4-amino- 2-hydroxypyrimidine), uracil (2,4-dihydroxypyrimidine) & thymine (5-methyluracil) D. Buffers 1. A combination of a weak acid and salt of a weak acid; equilibrium between an acid and a base that can shift to consume excess acid or base 2. Buffer can also be made from a weak base and salt of weak base 3. The pH of a buffer is roughly equal to the pK a of the acid, or pK b of the base, for comparable amounts of acid/salt or base/salt 4. Buffer pH is approximated by the Henderson Hasselbalch equation Note: This is for an acid/salt buffer E. Amino Acids 1. Amino acids have amine (base) and carboxylic acid functionality; the varied chemistry arises from the chemical nature of the R- group • Essential amino acids: Must be provided to mammals in the diet 2. Polymers of amino acids form proteins and peptides • Natural amino acids adopt the L configuration 3. Zwitterion; self-ionization; the “acid” donates a proton to the “base” • Isoelectric point, pI: pH that produces balanced charges in the Zwitterion ORGANIC ACIDS & BASES Acid Base Arrhenius aqueous H 3 O + aqueous OH – Brønsted-Lowry proton donor proton acceptor Lewis electron-pr acceptor electron-pr donor e lectrophile nucleophile P OH O OH OH Phosphoric acid Common Acids & pK a Acid pK a Acid pK a Acetic 4.75 Formic 3.75 Carbonic 6.35 Bicarbonate 10.33 H 2 PO 4 – 7.21 HPO 4 2– 12.32 H 3 PO 4 2.16 NH 4 + 9.25 H C N C C N N N H HC CH 1 2 5 7 8 9 4 3 6 Purine C ommon Buffers Buffer composition approx. pH acetic acid + acetate salt 4.8 ammonia + ammonium salt 9.3 carbonate + bicarbonate 6.3 diacid phosphate + monoacid phosphate 7.2 C R H 2 N H C OOH L Amino acid C R H 3 N + H COO - Zwitterion Henderson Hasselbalch Equation: pH = pK a + log (salt/acid) H C N CH C H N H C 3 2 5 6 1 4 Pyrimidine Cyclic Ethers: TYPES OF ORGANIC COMPOUNDS O O Pyran Furan C C 3 Type of Compound Examples Alkane ethane C 2 H 6, meth yl (Me) -CH 3, eth yl (Et) -C 2 H 5 Alkene >C=C< ethene C 2 H 4, unsaturated fatty acids Aromatic ring -C 6 H 5 benzene - C6H6, phenylalanine Alcohol R-OH methanol Me-OH, diol = glycol (2 -OH), glycerol ( 3 -OH) Ether R”-O-R’ ethoxyethane Et-O-Et, or diethyl ether Aldeh yde O methanal H 2 CO or for maldehyde, aldose sugars R-C-H Ketone O Me-CO-Me 2-propanone or acetone ketose sugars R-C-R’ Carbo xylic acid O Me-COOH ethanoic acid or acetic acid RC-OH Me-COO - Acetate ion Ester O Me-CO-OEth, eth yl acetate, Lactone: c yclic ester , Triglycerides RC-OR’ Amine N-RR’R” H 3 C-NH 2 , meth yl amine, R-NH 2 (1 º ) - primar y , RR'NH (2 º ) - secondar y , RR'R"N (3 º ) - tertiary Amide O H 3 C-CO-NH 2 , acetamide Peptide bonds R-C-NRR' A . C arbohydrates: Polymers of Monosaccharides 1. Carbohydrates have the general formula (CH 2 O) n 2 . M onosaccharides : Simple sugars; building blocks for polysaccharides a.Aldose: Aldehyde type structure: H-CO-R b. Ketose: Ketone type structure: R-CO-R c.Ribose and deoxyribose: Key component in nucleic acids and AT P d.Monosaccharides cyclize to ring structures in water •5-member ring: Furanose (ala furan) •6-member ring: Pyranose (ala pyran) •The ring closing creates two possible structures: α and β forms •The carbonyl carbon becomes another chiral center (termed anomeric) •α: -OH on #1 below the ring; β: OH on #1 above the ring • Haworth figures and Fischer projections are used to depict these str uctures (see f igure for glucose below) 2.Polysaccharides a.Glucose and fructose form polysaccharides b.Monosaccharides in the pyranose and furanose forms are linked to from polysaccharides; dehydration reaction creates a bridging oxygen c.Free anomeric carbon reacts with -OH on opposite side of the ring d. Notation specif ies for m of monosaccharide and the location of the linkage; termed a glycosidic bond e. Disaccharides •2 units •Lactose (β-galactose + β-glucose) β (1,4) link • Sucrose (α-glucose + β-fructose) α, β (1,2) link •Maltose (α-glucose + α-glucose) α (1,4) link f. Oligosaccharides •2-10 units •May be linked to proteins (glycoproteins) or fats (glycolipids) •Examples of functions: cellular structure, enzymes, hormones g. Polysaccharides •>10 units Examples: - Starch: Produced by plans for storage - Amylose: Unbranched polymer of α (1,4) linked glucose; forms compact helices - Amylpectin: Branched amylose using α (1,6) linkage - Glycogen: Used by animals for storage; highly branched polymer of α (1,4) linked glucose; branches use α (1,6) linkage - Cellulose: Structural role in plant cell wall; polymer of β (1,4) linked glucose - Chitin: Structural role in animals; polymer of β (1,4) linked N-acetylglucoamine 3. Carbohydrate Reactions a.Form polysaccharide via condensation b.Form glycoside: Pyranose or furanose + alcohol c.Hydrolysis of polysaccharide d. Linear for ms are reducing agents; the aldeh yde can be oxidized e.Terminal -CH 2 -OH can be oxidized to carboxylic acid (uronic acid) f. Cyclize acidic sug ar to a lactone (c yclic ester) g.Phosphorylation: Phosphate ester of ribose in nucleotides h.Amination: Amino replaces hydroxyl to form amino sugars i. Replace hydroxyl with hydrogen to form deoxy sugars (deoxyribose) B. Fats and Lipids 1. Lipid: Non-polar compound, insoluble in water Examples: steroids, fatty acids, triglycerides 2. Fatty acid: R-COOH Essential fatty acids cannot be synthesized by the body: linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic 3. Pr operties and structure of fatty acids: a.Saturated: Side chain is an alkane b.Unsaturated: Side chain has at least one >C=C<; the name must include the position # and denote cis or trans isomer c. Solubility in water: <6 C soluble, >7 insoluble; for m micelles d.Melting points: Saturated f ats ha v e higher melting points; cis- unsaturated have lower melting points 4. Common fatty acid compounds a.Triglyceride or triacylglycerol: Three fatty acids bond via ester linkage to glycerol b. Phospholipids: A phosphate group bonds to one of three positions of fatty acid/glycerol; R-PO 4 - or HPO 4 - group 5. Examples of other lipids a.Steroids: Cholesterol and hormones Examples: testosterone, estrogen b. Fat-soluble vitamins: • Vitamin A: polyunsaturated hydrocarbon, all trans •Vitamins D, E, K 6. Lipid r eactions a.Triglyceride: Three - step process: deh ydration reaction of fatty acid and glycerol b.The reverse of this reaction is hydrolysis of the trigl yceride c.Phosphorylation: Fatty acid + acid phosphate produces phospholipid d.Lipase (enzyme) breaks the ester linkage of triglyceride 4 O O C H 2 O H H H H O H O H O H H H H H OH O C H 2 O H H O H H H OH M altose - Linked α α D Glucopyronose C ommon Fatty Acids Common Name Systematic Formula Acetic acid ethanoic CH 3 COOH Butyric butanoic C 3 H 7 COOH Valeric pentanoic C 4 H 9 COOH Myristic tetradecanoic C 13 H 27 COOH P almitic hexadecanoic C 15 H 31 C OOH Stearic octadecanoic C 17 H 35 COOH Oleic cis-9-octadecenoic C 17 H 33 COOH Linoleic cis, cis-9, 12 C 1 7 H 3 1 COOH octadecadienoic Linolenic 9, 12, 15- C 17 H 29 COOH octadecatrienoic (all cis) A rachidonic 5, 8, 11, 14- C 19 H 31 C OOH eicosatetranoic (all trans) OC HO R CO CH2R1 O CO CH R2 O CO CH2 R3 O Triglyceride R R R = Nearly always methyl R' = Usually methyl R'' = Various groups R'' H H H H 19 2108 3 4 5 6 7 12 11 13 14 17 16 15 CO CH2R1 OH CO CH R2 OH CO CH2R3 OH HO HO HO 3 Fatty Acids + Glycerol C O OH Saturated Stearic Acid C O OH Unsaturated Oleic Acid Common Sugars Triose 3 carbon glyceraldehyde Pentose 5 carbon ribose, deoxyribose Hexose 6 carbon glucose, galactose, fructose CH 2 OH HH H H O H OH OH O Ribose C H 2 O H HH H O H O H H OH CHO CH 2 OH C C H H O OH H C O H H C O H H Aldose D Glucose CH 2 OH CH 2 OH C C H H O O C OH H C OH H Ketose D Fructose Deoxyribose CH 2 OH CH 2 OH O OH HO C OH H C C OH H C H C OH H H OH H H HO OH H H OH 6 4 5 1 2 3 α α -D-Glucopyronose Haworth Figure Fischer Projection Disaccharide M-OH + M-OH → M-O-M Generic Steroid BIOCHEMICAL COMPOUNDS Fatty Acid C. Proteins and Peptides - Amino Acid Polymers 1.Peptides are formed by linking amino acids; al l natural peptides contain L-amino acids a.Dipeptide: Two linked amino acids b.Polypeptide: Numerous linked amino acids c.The peptide bond is the linkage that connects a pair of amino acids using a dehydration reaction; the N-H of one amino acid reacting with the - OH of another => -N- bridge d.The dehydration reaction links the two units; each amino acid retains a reactive site 2 . The nature of the peptide varies with amino acids since each R- group has a distinct chemical character a.R- groups end up on alternating sides of the polymer chain b.Of the 20 common amino acids: 15 have neutral side chains (7 polar, 8 hydrophobic), 2 acidic and 3 basic; the variation in R- explains the diversity of peptide chemistry (see table, pg. 6) 3. Proteins are polypeptides made up of hundreds of amino acids a.Each serves a specific function in the organism b.The structure is determined by the interactions of various amino acids with water, other molecules in the cell and other amino acids in the protein 4. Types of proteins: a.Fibrous: Composed of regular, repeating helices or sheets; typically serve a structural function Examples: keratin, collagen, silk b. Globular: Tend to be compact, roughly spherical; par ticipates in a specif ic process: Examples: enzyme, globin c.Oligomer: Protein containing several subunit proteins 5. P eptide Structur e: a.Primary str ucture: The linear sequence of amino acids connected b y peptide bonds • Ala-Ala-Cys-Leu or A-A-C-L denotes a peptide for med from 2 alanines, a c ysteine and 1 leucine •The order is important since this denotes the connecti vity of the amino acids in the protein b . Secondary structur e: Describes ho w the pol ymer takes shape Example: Helix or pleated sheet • F actor s: H-bonding, h ydrophobic interactions, disulf ide bridges (c ysteine), ionic interactions c. Tertiary structure: The overall 3-dimensional confor mation d. Quaternary structure: The conformation of protein subunits in an oligomer 6. Chemical reactions of proteins: a.Synthesis of proteins by DNA and RNA b.Peptides are dismantled by a hydrolysis reaction breaking the peptide bond c. Denaturation: The protein structure is disrupted, destroying the unique chemical features of the material d.Agents of denaturation: Temperature, acid, base, chemical reaction, physical disturbance 7. Enzymes a.Enzymes are proteins that function as biological catalysts b.Nomenclature: Substrate + - ase Example: The enzyme that acts on phosphoryl groups (R-PO 4 ) is called phosphatase 8.Enzymes are highly selective for specific reactions and substrates 9. An enzyme ma y require a cofactor Examples: Metal cations (Mg 2+ , Zn 2+ or Cu 2+ ); vitamins (called coenzymes) 10. Inhibition: An interference with the enzyme structure or ES formation will inhibit or block the reaction 11. Holoenzyme: Full y functional enzyme plus the cofactors 12. Apoenzyme: The polypeptide component D. Nucleic Acids: Polymers of Nucleotides 1. Nucleotide: A phosphate group and organic base (pyrimidine or purine) attached to a sugar (ribose or deoxyribose) •Name derived from the base name •Example: Adenylic acid = adenosine-5’- monophosphate = 5’ AMP or AMP 2. Nucleoside: The base attached to the sugar • Nomenclature: Base name + idine (p yrimidine) or + osine (purine) • Example: adenine riboside = adenosine; adenine deoxyriboside = deoxyadenosine 3. Cyclic nucleotides: The p hosphate group attached to the 3’ position bonds to the 5’ carbon 3’, 5’ cyclic AMP = cAMP and cGMP 4. Additional Phosphates a.A nucleotide can bond to 1 or 2 additional phosphate groups b.AMP + P => ADP - Adenosine diphosphate ADP + P => ATP - Adenosine triphosphate c.ADP and ATP function as key biochemical energy-storage compounds 5 . G lycosidic bond : Linkage between the sugar and base involve the anomeric carbon (carbon #1) >C-OH (sugar) + >NH (base) => linked sugar - base 6. Linking Nucleotides: The p olymer forms as each phosphate links two sugars; #5 position of f irst sugar and #3 position of neighboring sugar 7. Types of nucleic acids: Double - stranded DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and single - stranded RNA (ribonucleic acid) 8. Components of a nucleotide: sugar, base and phosphate a.Sugar: ribose (RNA) or deoxyribose (DNA) b.Bases: purine (adenine and guanine) and pyrimidine (cytosine, uracil (RNA) and thymine (DNA)) 9. In DNA, the polymer strands pair to form a double helix; this process is tied to base pairing 10. Chargaff’s Rule for DNA: a.Adenine pairs with thymine (A: T) and guanine pairs with cytosine (C: G) b.Hydrogen bonds connect the base pairs and supports the helix c.The sequence of base pairs along the DN A strands ser v es as genetic information for reproduction and cellular control 11. DNA vs RNA: DNA uses deoxyribose, RNA uses ribose; DN A uses the p yrimidine th ymine, RNA uses uracil 12. Role of DNA & RNA in protein synthesis a.DNA remains in the nucleus b . Messeng er-RNA (m-RN A): Enters the nucleus and copies a three-base sequence from DNA, termed a codon. m-RNA then passes from the nucleus into the cell and directs the synthesis of a required protein on a ribosome c.Transfer-RNA (t-RNA): Carries a specific amino acid to the ribosomal-RNA (r-RNA) and aligns with the m-RNA codon d.Each codon specifies an amino acid, STOP or START; a protein is synthesized as different amino-acids are deli v ered to the ribosome b y t- RNA, oriented by m-RNA and r-RNA, then chemicall y connected by enzymes 5 C R 1 H 2 N H C O OH C C OOH N + H R 2 H H 2 Amino acids S S S B B B P P Linking N ucleotides Six Classes of Enzymes ( Enzyme Commission) Type Reaction 1. Oxidoreductase Oxidation-reduction Examples: oxidize CH-OH, >C=O or CH-CH; Oxygen acceptors: NAD, NADP 2. Tranferase Functional group transfer Examples: transfer methyl, acyl- or amine group 3. Hydr olase Hydrol ysis reaction Examples: cleave carboxylic or phosphoric ester 4. Lysase Addition reaction Examples: add to >C=C<, >C=O, aldehyde 5. Isomerase Isomerization Example: modify carbohydrate, cis-trans fat 6. Ligase Bond formation, via ATP Examples: form C-O, C-S or C-C BIOCHEMICAL COMPOUNDS continued Common Protein Examples Mol Wt Function f ibrino gen 450,000 Ph ysical str uctures hemo globin 68,000 Binds O 2 insulin 5,500 Glucose metabolism ribonuclease 13,700 Hydrolysis of RNA trypsin 23,800 Protein digestion Primary Structure Ala-Ala-Cys-Leu Nucleic Acid Components Base Nucleoside Nucleotide adenine Adenosine Adenylic acid, AMP Deoxyadenosine dAMP guanine Guanasine Guanylic acid, GMP Deo xyguanisine dGMP cytosine Cytidine Cytidylic acid, CMP Deo xycytidine dCMP uracil Uridine Uridylic acid, UMP thymine Thymidine Thymidylic acid, dTMP P P S-T A-S PP S-C G-S PP S-G C-S PP Chargaff’s Rule Phosphate S ugar B ase Nucleotide C R1 H 2 NH C O C COOH N H R2 H D ipeptide C OMMON AMINO ACIDS ISBN-13: 978-142320390-2 ISBN-10: 142320390-9 ABBREVIATIONS USED IN BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY 6 U.S. $5.95 CAN. $8.95 Author: Mark Jackson, PhD. Note: Due to the condensed nature of this char t, use as a quick reference guide, not as a replacement for assigned course w ork. All rights reser v ed. No par t of this pub lication ma y be reproduced or transmitted in an y form, or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the publisher. ©2004 BarCharts, Inc. 0607 H S C H 2 HOOC CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 N CH 2 CH 2 O NNH CH 2 CH 3 CH 3 CH 2 HC CH 3 CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 HC CH 2 H 2 N CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH OH CH 3 CH 2 N C H 2 O HOOC CH 2 H 3 C- hydrophobic = yellow, basic = blue, acidic = red, polar = green Amino acid pK a pI MW pK b R-pK a essential - e Alanine Ala A 2.33 6.00 hydrophobic 89.09 9.71 Arginine Arg R 2.03 10.76 basic e 174.20 9.00 12.10 A sparagine Asn N 2.16 5.41 polar 132.12 8.73 Aspartate Asp D 1.95 2.77 acidic 133.10 9.66 3.71 Cysteine Cys C 1.91 5.07 polar 121.16 10.28 8.14 Glutamate Glu E 2.16 3.22 acidic 147.13 9.58 4.15 Glutamine Gln Q 2.18 5.65 polar 146.15 9.00 Glycine Gly G 2.34 5.97 polar 75.07 9.58 Histidine His H 1.70 7.59 basic e 155.16 9.09 6.04 Isoleucine Ile I 2.26 6.02 hydrophobic e 131.18 9.60 Leucine Leu L 2.32 5.98 hydrophobic e 131.18 9.58 Lysine Lys K 2.15 9.74 basic e 146.19 9.16 10.67 Methionine Met M 2.16 5.74 hydrophobic e 149.21 9.08 Phen ylalanine Phe F 2.18 5.48 hydrophobic e 165.19 9.09 Proline Pro P 1.95 6.30 hydrophobic 115.13 10.47 Serine Ser S 2.13 5.68 polar 105.09 9.05 Threonine Thr T 2.20 5.60 polar e 119.12 8.96 Tryptophan Trp W 2.38 5.89 hydrophobic e 204.23 9.34 Tyrosine Tyr Y 2.24 5.66 polar 181.19 9.04 10.10 Valine - e Val V 2.27 5.96 hydrophobic 117.15 9.52 CH 2 N NH CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 NH -H SCH 3 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 HCH 2 COOH CH 2 N H C CH 2 HO CH 2 N H C 6 H 6 HO CH 2 CH 3 CH 3 HC -R • Phe UUU UUC • Thr ACU ACC ACA ACG •Lys AAA AAG • Leu UUA UUG CUU CUC CUA CUG • Ala GCU GCC GCA GCG • Asp GAU GAC • Glu GAA GAG • Ile AUU AUC AUA •Tyr UAU UAC • Cys UGU UGC • Met START AUG • STOP UAA UAG UGA • Trp UGG •Val GUU GUC GUA GUG • His CAU CA C • Arg CGU CGC CGA CGG AGA AGG • Ser UCU UCC UCA UCG • Gln CAA CA G • Ser A GU AGC • Pro CCU CCC CCA CCG • Asn AAU AAC • Gly GGU GGC GGA GGG AMINO ACID RNA CODONS aa amino acid A aa alanine adenine - purine base Ala aa alanine ADP adenosine diphosphate AMP adenosine monophosphate Arg aa arginine Asn aa asparagine Asp aa aspartate atm atmosphere (pressure unit) ATP adenosine triphosphate C aa cysteine cytosine - pyrimidine elemental carbon cal calorie Cys aa cysteine D aa aspartate Dalton DNA deoxyribonucleic acid dRib 2-deoxyribose sugar E aa glutamate F aa phenylalanine Fru fructose sugar G aa glycine guanine - purine base Gal galactose sugar Glc glucose sugar Glu aa glutamate H aa histidine h hour Planck’s constant His aa histidine I aa isoleucine inosine elemental iodine Ile aa isoleucine J Joule (energy unit) K aa l ysine Kelvin - absolute T elemental potassium k kilo (10 3 ) L aa leucine liter (volume) Lac lactose sugar Leu aa leucine Lys aa lysine M aa methionine Molar (moles/L) m milli (10 - 3 ) Man mannose sugar Met aa methionine mL milliliter mm millimeter N aa asparagine Avogadro’s number elemental nitrogen n nano (10 - 9 ) O orotidine elemental oxygen P aa proline phosphate group elemental phosphorous p pico (10 -12 ) Phe aa phenylalanine Pro aa proline Q aa glutamine coenzyme Q, ubiquinone R aa arginine gas constant Rib ribose sugar RNA ribonucleic acid S aa serine Svedberg unit s second (unit) Ser aa serine T aa threonine th ymine - p yrimidine absolute temperature Thr aa threonine Trp aa tryptophan T yr aa tyrosine U uracil - p yrimidine V aa v aline v olt (electrical potential) Val aa valine W aa tr yptophan elemental tungsten X xanthine Y aa tyrosine yr year Note: Source - CRC Handbook of Chemistry & Physics free downloads & hundreds of titles at quickstudy.com Customer Hotline # 1.800.230.9522 . C-S PP Chargaff’s Rule Phosphate S ugar B ase Nucleotide C R1 H 2 NH C O C COOH N H R2 H D ipeptide C OMMON AMINO ACIDS ISBN-13: 978-142320390-2 ISBN-10: 142320390-9 ABBREVIATIONS USED IN BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY 6 U.S. $5.95 CAN. $8.95 Author: Mark Jackson, PhD. Note: Due to the condensed nature. information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the publisher. ©2004 BarCharts, Inc. 0607 H S C H 2 HOOC CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 N CH 2 CH 2 O NNH CH 2 CH 3 CH 3 CH 2 HC CH 3 CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 HC CH 2 H 2 N. tyrosine yr year Note: Source - CRC Handbook of Chemistry & Physics free downloads & hundreds of titles at quickstudy. com Customer Hotline # 1.800.230.9522

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