Environmental Management Plan GMS Ben Luc Long Thanh Expressway Project Package A5 Civil Works Km 32+450 to Km 35+900 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN CONTENT I INTRODUCTION II ORGANIZATION FOR ENVIRONME[.]
GMS Ben Luc - Long Thanh Expressway Project Package A5 Civil Works Km 32+450 to Km 35+900 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN GMS Ben Luc - Long Thanh Expressway Project Package A5 Civil Works Km 32+450 to Km 35+900 CONTENT: I INTRODUCTION II ORGANIZATION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL III THE COMMUNICATION LINE CHART, INTERACTION AND COMMUNICATION IV ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT APPROACH V ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM AND RECORDS/ACTIVITIES PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN GMS Ben Luc - Long Thanh Expressway Project Package A5 Civil Works Km 32+450 to Km 35+900 R I INTRODUCTION General All works must be in accordance with section “Environmental Obligations” of the Specifications This Environmental Management Planwillpresent the Contractor’s measures to minimize environmental impact of the construction works on local and public residents This Environmental Management Plan will also be a part of the site quality management Those objects to be monitored and considered are air, water, noise, vibration level This Environmental Control and Protection Plan issubmitted for approval of the Engineer and Employer.This Environmental Control and Protection Plan will be reviewed or revised whenever any related law is changed or any need is arisen The Contractor shall assist the Engineer and Environmental Officer to discharge his duties as required in the EMP implementation by maintaining up to date records on actions taken by the Contractor with regard to the implementation of EMP recommendations - Timely submission of reports, information and data, - Participating in the meetings conveyed by the Engineer, and - Any other assistance requested by the Engineer The Contractor will provide monthly reports to the Engineer on the implementation of the requirements contained in this EMP and the results of the environmental performance monitoring Contractor’s Camps will be located in areas that minimize disturbance to surrounding land uses; suitable solid and liquid waste disposal systems will be implemented by Contractor to minimize impacts to the surrounding environment The hierarchy for formulating mitigation measures can be summarized as follows: 1) avoid the impact; 2) minimize the impact; 3) rectify the impact; and 4) compensate for the impact Definition of Works Environment Staffs: Contractor Staffs, who are in charge of environmental matters The Engineer: The Consultant of the Contract Package Environmental Management PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN GMS Ben Luc - Long Thanh Expressway Project Package A5 Civil Works Km 32+450 to Km 35+900 The Contractor ensure that will carry out the work in full compliance with Vietnamese Standards (TCVN), law, ordinance, other regulations on environment, Total Environment Management Plan, the approved Environmental Management Plan, and Engineer’s instructions Also, the Contractor will execute Environmental Monitoring with nominated Sub-Contractors The provisions of the standards and existing applications with new publications will be applied to specific tasks within this plan 3.1 Vietnamese legal documents: Legal foundation for execute the Environmental impacting report is official decision of Government, Ministry of Environment and Resources: - “National Law of Environmental Protection” (NLEP) issued in 2005 based on the document issued by the National Assembly on November 29 th, 2005, amended in July 1st, 2006 replacing the NLEP-1993 - “Construction Law” No 16/2003/QH issued by the National Assembly in 26/11/2003 - “Water resource Law” No 08/1998/QH10 issued by the National Assembly in 20/05/1998 - Decree No 29/2011/ND-CP dated 18/04/2011 specified list of 146 project groupmust be reported on strategic environmental assessment, environmental impact assessment, environmental commitment of 19 field - “Degree No 21/2008/NDCP: amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Government’s Decree No 80/2006/ND-CP of August 2006 detailing and guiding the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on Environmental Protection - “Decree No 80/2006/ND-CP” providing guidance for implementation of the NLEP 2005 - Decree No 59/2007/ND-CP dated 09/04/2007 of Government on the management of solid waste - Decree 209/2004/ND-CP dated 16/12/2004 of the Government on management of construction quality - Decision No.16/2008/QD-BTNMT date 31/12/2008 of Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment on the issuance of national technical regulations on environmental - Decision No.04/2008/QD-BTNMT date 18/07/2008 of Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment about issued National technical regulations on environmental PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN GMS Ben Luc - Long Thanh Expressway Project Package A5 Civil Works Km 32+450 to Km 35+900 - Decision No.23/2006/QD-BTNMT date 26/12/2006 of Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment about issued the list of hazardous waste - Decision 22/2006/QD-BTNMT on 18/12/2006 of the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment about the mandatory of Vietnam standards on the environment - Decision of the Ministry of Health 3733/2002/QD-BYT dated 10/10/2002 about the application of 21 occupational health standards 05 rules and 07 principles of occupational health information - Circular No 43/2010/TT-BTNMT dated 29/12/2010 of the Ministry of Natural Resources about issuedNational technical regulations on environmental - Circular No 42/2010/TT-BTNMT dated 29/12/2010 of the Ministry of Natural Resources about issuedNational technical regulations on environmental - Circular No 41/2010/TT-BTNMT dated 28/12/2010 of the Ministry of Natural Resources about issuedNational technical regulation on the environment - Circular No 39/2010/TT-BTNMT dated 16/12/2010 of the Ministry of Natural Resources about issuedNational technical regulations on environmental - Circular No 16/2009/TT-BTNMT date 10/7/2009 of the Ministry of Natural Resources about issued Regulation of national technical regulations on environmental - Circular 08/2009/TT-BTNMT July 15, 2009 of Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment about provide for the management and protecting the environment in economic zones, high-tech zones, industrial zones and industry area group - Circular 02/2009/TT-BTNMT March 19, 2009 of Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment about Regulation assess the capacity to receive wastewater - Circulars No: 05/2008/TT-BTNMT date 08/12/2008 of Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment about Guidance on environmental assessment strategies, assessment of environmental impact and a commitment to protect environment - Circular 04/2008/TT-BTNMT date 18/9/2008 of Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment about guiding of the establishment, approval or certification of environmental protection projects and supervise the implementation of insurance schemes environment - Circular No 59/2007/ND-CP dated 09/04/2007 of Government on Waste Management - Circular No 12/2006/TT- BTNMT December 26, 2006 of Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment about guiding the practice conditions and procedures PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN GMS Ben Luc - Long Thanh Expressway Project Package A5 Civil Works Km 32+450 to Km 35+900 for making records, registration and licensing of practice and codes of management hazardous waste 3.2 Standards and specifications: Standards for Water Quality: - TCVN 6773:2000 Water quality for irrigation; - TCVN 6774:2000 Freshwater quality for aquatic life protection; - TCVN 8184-1:2009 Water quality Term Part 1; - TCVN 8184-2:2009 Water quality Term Part 2; - TCVN 8184-5:2009 Water quality Term Part 5; - TCVN 8184-6:2009 Water quality Term Section 6; - TCVN 8184-7:2009 Water quality Term Section 7; - TCVN 8184-8:2009 Water quality Term Section 8; - QCVN 08:2008/BTNMT-National technical regulation for surface water quality; - QCVN 09:2008/BTNMT-National technical regulation for groundwater quality; - QCVN 10:2008/BTNMT-National technical regulation for coastal water quality; - QCVN 14:2008/BTNMT-National technical regulation for water; - QCVN 24:2009/BTNMT-National technical regulation for industrial wastewater; - QCVN 01:2009/BYT: National technical regulation on drinking water quality - QCVN 02: 2009/BYT: National technical regulation on water quality Standards for Air Quality: - TCVN 5508:2009 Workspace Air Requirements of microclimate conditions and methods of measurement; - TCVN 5509:2009 Workspace Air Silicadioxit in dust inhalation Maximum exposure limit; - QCVN 05:2009 / BTNMT - National technical regulation for ambient air quality; - QCVN 06:2009 / BTNMT - National technical regulation for certain hazardous substances in ambient air - QCVN 19: 2009/BTNMT - National technical regulation for industrial emissions for dust and inorganic substances; - QCVN 20: 2009/BTNMT - National technical regulation for industrial emissions of some organic matter; Standards for pollution limit levels in the soil: PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN GMS Ben Luc - Long Thanh Expressway Project Package A5 Civil Works Km 32+450 to Km 35+900 - QCVN 03:2008 / BTNMT: National technical regulations on limits of heavy metals in soil - QCVN 15:2008 / BTNMT: National technical regulations on plant protection chemical residues in soil - Standards for solid waste management - TCVN 6705:2009 Ordinary solid waste Classification; Standards for The criteria of hazardous waste - TCVN 6706:2009 Hazardous waste Classification; - TCVN 6707:2009 Hazardous waste Warning signs; - QCVN 07: 2009/BTNMT - QCKT National technical regulation for limit of hazardous waste; Standards for Noise and Vibration Quality: - TCVN 7880:2008: Road Transportation Noise emitted from automobiles - TCVN 7881:2008: Road Transportation The noise emitted by motorcycles - TCVN 7882:2008: Road Transportation The noise emitted by motorbicycles - QCVN 26:2010 / BTNMT: National technical regulation on noise - QCVN 27:2010 / BTNMT: National technical regulation on vibration Standards for labor health: - Decision 3733/2002/QD-BYT dated 10/10/2002 of the Ministry of Health about the application of 21 labor health standards Standardization of microclimate Noise standards Standard vibration Chemical - The limit in the worked atmosphere Environmental Management Plan The Contractorwill be responsible for the remedy or mitigation measure(s) required by the environment-related effects of the works In case of an environmental problem, the Contractorwill immediately notify the Engineer who will instruct the Contractor as to the next course of action to take Among the situations which may require such steps, are complaints or legal actions by third parties on matters such as environmental damage to property and natural resources, ground subsidence, interruption of groundwater flow, and surface and groundwater contamination PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN GMS Ben Luc - Long Thanh Expressway Project Package A5 Civil Works Km 32+450 to Km 35+900 This Environmental Control and Protection Plan will be submitted, however, it will be revised as Vietnamese law changes or for making it suitable for the situation at site Although a guide for whole view and some detail measures for environmental management are mentioned in this Environmental Control and Protection Plan, more concrete measures will be discussed in Method Statement for each construction work II ORGANIZATION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL Organization Chart of the Contractor Figure 2.1 shows the organization of Environmental Control and Protection Plan and environmental monitoring Project manager Figure 2.1 Deputy project manager Environment expert Assistant of environment expert Leader of Construction Team Site engineer Worker Worker PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN GMS Ben Luc - Long Thanh Expressway Project Package A5 Civil Works Km 32+450 to Km 35+900 Note: Key personnel of each other position will be decided and submitted as addendum of this plan separately Project manager will decide the guide for environmental measures, Environmental expert/assistant of Environmental expert will make the detail plan Environmental expert will supervise and implement the environmental management measures during construction The environment report to engineer was also implement and take responsibility by the Environmental expert Environmental safety assistants are regularly present at site, information and reporting to environmental expert (or Project Manager as needed) to gather for periodic reporting The construction group leader, representing of the subcontractor that supervisethe construction activities, if find out any environmental problems will be reported to environmental expert, project manager to be provided reasonable solutions PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN GMS Ben Luc - Long Thanh Expressway Project Package A5 Civil Works Km 32+450 to Km 35+900 III THE COMMUNICATION LINE CHART, INTERACTION AND COMMUNICATION PROCEDURE: All the problem happened at site will be informed to Site Engineer and Environmental Engineer from workers, staffs or Sub-Contractor, and the report will be made to Project Director through Engineer or Sub-Contractors, and the report will be made to Project Director through Safety/Environmental Manager Every problem will be reported to the Engineer as well Control Plan The Communication Chart for the implementation of Environment Control Plan will be as follows: PROJECT DIRECTOR CONSTRUCTION MANAGER RELATED AUTHORITIES SITE MANAGER ENVIRONMENTM ANAGER SITE ENGINEER THE EMPLOYER - MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCE AND ENVIRONMENT THE ENGINEER THE EMPLOYER DONG NAI PROVINCE NATURAL RESOURCE AND ENVIRONMENT OFFICE ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY COMMUNE COMMITTEE IMPLEMENTING ENVIRONMENTAL STAFF Related Authorities The related authorities for the Environment Control and Protection control are as follows: The Employer - Ministry of Natural Resource and Environment The Dong Nai Province Natural Resource and Environment Office Highway Maintenance Board: Ministry of transport, Dong Nai province of transport PHUONG THANH TRANCONSIN 10 ... A5 Civil Works Km 32+ 450 to Km 35+ 900 Environmental Management Authority: Ministry of Environment, Dong Nai province of Environment IV ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT APPROACH Method of Promoting Environmental. .. TCVN 55 08:2009 Workspace Air Requirements of microclimate conditions and methods of measurement; - TCVN 55 09:2009 Workspace Air Silicadioxit in dust inhalation Maximum exposure limit; - QCVN 05: 2009... Project Package A5 Civil Works Km 32+ 450 to Km 35+ 900 CONTENT: I INTRODUCTION II ORGANIZATION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL III THE COMMUNICATION LINE CHART, INTERACTION AND COMMUNICATION IV ENVIRONMENTAL