MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING NATIONAL ECONOMICS UNIVERSITY BUSINESS SCHOOL NGUYEN TUAN ANH MARKETING EXECUTIVES RECRUITMENT AT BAOVIET LIFE CORPORATION MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION THESIS HANOI – 2011 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING NATIONAL ECONOMICS UNIVERSITY BUSINESS SCHOOL NGUYEN TUAN ANH MARKETING EXECUTIVES RECRUITMENT AT BAOVIET LIFE CORPORATION MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION THESIS SUPERVISOR: DR PHAM KHAC DUNG HANOI – 2011 ACKNOWLEDGMENT This thesis, from the beginning to end, has received valuable assistance and support from many people, to whom I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude I am deeply grateful to my supervisor, Dr Pham Khac Dung, for his comprehensive, valuable advice, instructions, suggestions, and comments I would like to give my thanks to all the lecturers, assistants, and staff members of the Business School for having assisted me during the time of studying and finishing my thesis I am grateful to my Manager, my colleagues in Baoviet Life Corporation for their great support during the time I carried out the project Finally, my profound gratitude is expressed to my family and my friends for their understanding and care, as well as their spiritual supports at my times of difficulties ABBREVIATION LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES EXCECUTIVE SUMMARY INTRODUCTION .11 Rationale 11 Research objectives 12 Research questions 12 Research methodology 12 4.1 Research process 12 4.3 Data analyzing method 14 Research scope 15 Research structure .15 CHAPTER 1: LITERATURE REVIEW AND THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK 16 1.1 Recruitment, selection, and socialization .16 1.1.1 Perceptions 16 1.1.2 The purpose and importance of recruitment 17 1.1.3 Marketing executive recruitment 18 1.2 Factors affecting the recruitment practices 19 1.2.1 Organizational factors (Internal factors) 19 1.2.2 Environmental factors (External factors) .20 1.3 Literature review and theoretical framework 21 1.3.1 Literature review 21 1.3.2 Theoretical framework 22 Recruitment process 22 Selection process .27 Socialization process .35 CHAPTER 2: CURRENT SITUATION OF RECRUITMENT FOR MARKETING EXECUTIVES AT THE HEAD OFFICE OF BAOVIET LIFE 38 2.1 Introduction to Baoviet Life 38 2.1.1 Background of Baoviet Life 38 2.1.2 Organization structure 40 2.1.3 Labor structure 44 2.1.4 Some characteristics of marketing executives of Baoviet Life 45 2.2 Requirements for marketing executives recruitment at Baoviet Life 47 2.2.1 The role of marketing executives at Baoviet Life 47 2.2.2 Requirements for marketing executives at Baoviet Life 48 2.2.3 Requirements for marketing executives recruitment at Baoviet Life 51 2.3 Recruitment and recruitment-related practices for marketing executives at Baoviet Life 52 2.3.1 Current situation of marketing executives recruitment at Baoviet Life 52 2.3.2 Recruitment practices 53 2.3.3 Selection practices 56 2.3.4 Socialization practices 58 2.4 Assessing the efficiency of recruitment for marketing executives at Baoviet Life 59 2.4.1 Selection ratio .59 2.4.2 Turnover rate 60 2.4.3 Job performance 61 2.4.4 Recruitment and selection cost .62 CHAPTER 3: SOLUTIONS FOR A BETTER OUTCOME OF RECRUITMENT FOR MARKETING EXECUTIVES AT BAOVIET LIFE CORPORATION 64 3.1 Improve HR planning .64 3.2 Improve in job descriptions practices .65 3.3 Diversify the recruitment sources for marketing executives 68 3.4 Improve the recruitment process for marketing executives 70 3.5 Enhance the effectiveness of interviews 72 3.6 Improve the socialization .75 CONCLUSION 77 REFERENCES 78 APPENDICES .79 ABBREVIATION Baoviet Life Baoviet Life Corporation HR Human Resources CV Curriculum Vitae LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1: Labor structure of Baoviet Life .44 Table 2.2: Education level of marketing executives at Baoviet Life .46 Table 2.3: Age groups of marketing executives of Baoviet Life 46 Table 2.4: Average salary/income of marketing executives of Baoviet Life from 2008 to 2010 47 Table 2.5: Requirements for marketing executives at Baoviet Life .49 Table 2.6: Recruitment plan for Marketing Department 55 Table 2.7: Cost for advertising vacant positons via some common channels 56 Table 2.8: Marketing recruitment results in 2008 - 2010 60 Table 2.9: Recruitment ratio from 2008 to 20010 60 Table 2.10: Turnover figures from 2008 – 2010 – Marketing Department 61 Table 2.11: Performance appraisals of Marketing Department .62 Table 2.12: Recruitment cost for Marketing Department .63 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Research process 13 Figure 2: The result of survey 14 Figure 1.1: Hiring process 17 Figure 1.2: Recruitment process 23 Figure 1.3: Selection process 28 Figure 2.1: Oraganization chart of Baoviet Life 41 Figure 2.2: Recruitment process of Baoviet Life 52 Figure 2.3: Human request form .54 Figure 3.1: HR requisition form 64 Figure 3.2: New selection process 71 Figure 3.3 Evaluation form .73 10 EXCECUTIVE SUMMARY Enterprises all over the world are being swept away by the trend of globalization and integration Vietnamese enterprises, together with those from other countries, are spontaneously contributing to the integration and globalization of the world That Vietnam joins WTO even generates this process more actively As a result of this, competitiveness has been greater than ever Under the pressure of competitiveness, Baoviet Life, a life insurer in Vietnam has also been striving to accomplish its goals and missions, meeting the requirements for an enterprise of the new era From the view of top managers of Baoviet Life, humans are the key element to the success of the enterprise Being aware of upcoming changes, Baoviet Lìfe has paid quite a lot attention to developing technologies, enhancing service quality, as well as attracting, maintaining and developing a strong labor force in both terms of quantity and quality Recruitment, along with other human resources management activities, plays an important role in getting suitably talented staff for Baoviet Life in particular and contributing to the development of Baoviet Life in general Together with staff from other departments, marketing executives have been effectively taking part in bettering up the image of Baoviet Life in the mind of customers From that point of view, I decide to choose the subject “Marketing executives recruitment at Baoviet Life Corporation” for my graduation thesis with two main objectives as follows: - Studying the current situation of recruitment for marketing executives at Baoviet Life; - Proposing solutions for a better outcome of recruitment for marketing executives at Baoviet Life Both primary data and secondary data are used in this thesis The primary data were collected from a surveys and in-depth interviews In order ... characteristics of marketing executives of Baoviet Life 45 2.2 Requirements for marketing executives recruitment at Baoviet Life 47 2.2.1 The role of marketing executives at Baoviet Life 47 2.2.2... for marketing executives at Baoviet Life 48 2.2.3 Requirements for marketing executives recruitment at Baoviet Life 51 2.3 Recruitment and recruitment- related practices for marketing. .. current situation of recruitment for marketing executives at Baoviet Life; - Proposing solutions for a better outcome of recruitment for marketing executives at Baoviet Life Both primary data and