SOCI 140FinalChapter 10 Homosexuality is an erotic attraction, sexual
behavior, emotional attachment, and a definition of the self. Over 7 1/2
million people in the United States are homosexual. These people are
those who are interested in the same sex as lovers. They are often
thought of gays for men and lesbians for the females. A persons sexual
orientation is what sex one is attracted to, the types are: bisexuality ( both
sexes), homosexuality (same sex), and heterosexuality (opposite sex).
Most religious views of homosexuality are very negative and it is
regarded as a sinful act. Last year in my church there was a huge conflict
over what defined homosexuality. There were a few gay individuals in
our congregation and some of the other members did not like this. They
really did not get it totally settled, they just ended up dropping the issue.
Homophobia is said to be the irrational fears of homosexuality, or the fear
of the homosexual feeling within ones self. These feelings are the main
problem now rather than homosexuality itself. Coming out is the term
used when a homosexual person tells the world that they are gay or
lesbian. They no longer have to try to hide their feeling and do not worry
if people accept them or not. There was a gay person on my floor this
year and I had no idea of this until he announced it. His sexual
orientation is just different than most of the people on our floor. He has
been getting harassed by some individuals, and I believe that the problem
has been taken care of.Chapter 11 Contraception is a very broad
topic that requires a little research by the individual to find the appropriate
forms. It is sometimes refereed to as birth control, contraception is the
various methods used to prevent pregnancy from occurring. It is dated
back to the 19th century. The barrier methods are the devices that block
sperm from entering the uterus. Condoms, female condoms,
diaphragms, and the contraceptive sponge used along with spermicidal
jellies are the basic barrier methods. Intrauterine devices are the tiny
metal or plastic loops that are placed in the uterus, they work by
interfering with the implantation of the egg into the uterus. Chemical
methods are the uses of different chemicals to prevent pregnancy. The
most common are the pill, Norplant, and Depo-Provera. Surgical
sterilization and natural family planning are the two other types. Surgical
sterilization is very popular for older men and women. Operations occur
to tie off the tubes (fallopian) in women and (vas deferens) in men.
Family planning is the art of perfect timing. I know many people who
have not chosen to use these simple forms of birth control. They have
paid very much so in the long run and probably will regret it for the rest of
their lives. Some of my friends got different STD's from not using the
appropriate forms of birth control. I think that birth control should be
made more easily available to those in overpopulated countries. It is
sometimes difficult for people in these countries to get the proper forms of
birth control. It is a big issues and needs to be treated as one by
all.Chapter 12 Conceiving children is a very complicated process
and a very beautiful choice that people are given. Prontalism is the word
used to describe policies and attitudes that encourage parenthood for all
couples. I really have not thought about having children yet, I hope I do
not have to for some time. Most people are given the necessary means
to have children, but there are some that are less fortunate. Infertility is
when a couple cannot conceive a child because of a problem with the
reproductive organs of either the male or female. In female infertility the
main problems are from STD's that the female had at one time in her life.
In males the problems usually comes from a low sperm count and
sometimes STD's. There are ways that these couple can still have a
normal infant with out much problem. Artificial insemination is when the
women is inserted with the man's sperm. This is the most widely used
method to solve the infertility problems. I have not known any couples
with this problem, that shows how little of a number of people that are
effected by infertility. Various genetic, medical, or hormonal
problems may cause spontaneous abortion, or a miscarriage. This
terminates the pregnancy, it occurs in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy.
Elective abortions are decisions to terminate a pregnancy by medical
procedures. 1.6 million American women terminate a pregnancy each
year. It is thought by many to be unkind and even murder. There have
been many controversies over abortion. I have known some people that
have had abortions. I did not think that it changed their lives to much. It
seemed as if it was the only choice that they had. The experience of
pregnancy is a long and hard process for the female. Children are
produced in a 9 month period. When the time comes the woman goes
into labor, which consists of 3 stages. When we watched the videos of
childbirth I was kind of grossed out by the whole idea. I thought it would
appear a bit more pleasant than it did. Following child birth there are
many physical, emotional, and family adjustments to be made. Chapter
13 Sexuality during childhood is something that all kids go through.
Masturbation is common among younger children and usually starts in
the 5-7 age range. The physical changes of adolescents are refereed to
as puberty. Puberty is the increase in the hormonal levels in kids.
Menstruation and ejaculation mark the physical developments of puberty.
Sexual behavior during adolescence is when the kids are known to make
choices about themselves. Petting is a common behavior among
adolescents. Adolescent pregnancy is associated with social,
medical, educational, and financial difficulties. 1 in 11 active adolescent
females become pregnant each year. Sex education is the answer to
these problems. The more that young people are educated on these
topics the lesser that these problems will occur. I had a very good sexual
education course in high school health class. That taught me some of
the problems and consequences that occur if you are not careful.Chapter
14 Single living is often seen as a transition period before, in between,
or after marriage, many people choose it as a permanent lifestyle.
Cohabition is when people live together without marriage, it is happening
much more than in the past. Marriage is when 2 people join together to
love each other for a lifetime. Some marriages end in divorce. That is
when they break off their relationships legally. Divorces are beginning to
decline in the last few years. I have seen many couples end up in
divorce. It is sad and unfortunate to see this happen to people. I t is said
to ruin a persons life for a long time after it happens. Chapter 15Sexuality
in the later years becomes much more difficult for many. The sexual
double standard continues into old age. Marriages of older women to
younger men have increased in recent years. Older females experience
menopause, the cessation of menstruation, that drop their hormonal
levels. They still remain sexually active after menopause. In older men
testosterone levels decrease until around age 60, this drops the hormonal
levels in males. Sexual expression may decline in both males and
females following these changes. Sexual relationships may improve after
these changes occur because couples often focus more on intimacy. I
can see that this is true from observing my grandparents. They have
become much closer and are able to spend much more time with each
other. Chapter 16 Sexual problems in the general population
appear to very common. 1 in every 7 people experience sexual
problems. Sexual problems may cause some embarrassment and should
not make a person feel uncomfortable. Desire phase difficulties occur in
many couples. This is the lack of sexual interest and can be caused by
other problems in peoples lives. Sexual aversion is an extreme fear of
sexual activity. Excitement phase difficulties are usually caused by
physiological and psychological factors. These difficulties are lack of
vaginal lubrication and erectile inhibition. Orgasm phase difficulties or
anorgasmia occur mostly in women. This is the inability to achieve an
orgasm, it can be lifelong or just temporary. I have not ever heard of
anyone with this problem, probably because it would be very
embarrassing to the person. Premature ejaculation is a problem in many
men. This occurs from a low threshold to sexual activity. Pain during
coitus is very disruptive to sexual interest and arousal in both women and
men. Numerous physical problems can lead to painful intercourse.
Chapter 17 Sex therapy is begun by self awareness in mostly all cases.
Exploring one's body and masturbation increase one's knowledge and
comfort and may make it easier to explore one's partners body. The
PLISSIT model outlines 4 progressive levels of sex therapy: permission,
limited information, specific suggestions, and intensive therapy.
Communication is a very needed element in a relationship. Suggestions
for both men and women are to try a variety of different things while
making love. Many different trials may result in a solution to the problem.
Medical operations may be needed to cure some of the tougher problems
as physical defections may be solved. One of my uncles had a very
tough problem with erection inhibition which was solved by a penile
prosthesis.Chapter 18 Stereotypes about the chronically ill and
disabled are often based on incorrect assumptions about the sexual
limitations that certain medical problems present. Chronic illnesses and
the way that they are treated can have a great impact on sexuality.
Disabilities force individuals with disabilities to get special attention and
education about sexuality and sexual enhancement. They much learn
new ways to have sexual encounters. My cousin Casey is confined to a
wheel chair. He had a girl friend once but I am not sure if he had any
sexual encounters with her. He really does not talk about that to much,
even though I am pretty close with him. The best ways for him to cope
with his problems are to accept the limitations and developing the
possible options remaining to him. He must see himself with a positive
body image and as a sexually attractive male. Good communication is
very important for people who are ill or physically disabled.Chapter 19
Venereal Diseases, also called sexually transmitted diseases, or
STDs, are infectious diseases that can be spread by sexual contact.
Some can also be transmitted by nonsexual means, but these make up a
minority of the total number of cases. An estimated 10 to 12 million
Americans have venereal diseases, several kinds of which are epidemic,
including gonorrhea, infections of the urethra not caused by gonorrhea,
genital herpes virus, genital warts, scabies, and urethral and vaginal
infections caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis, the protozoan
Trichomonas, and the yeast monilia. A number of surveys have shown
that venereal diseases in the U.S. affect people of both sexes, of all
races, and of every economic status. I have known many people that
have acquired some of these diseases, I have found that none of them
are very pleasant. They are avoided by taking the proper precautions of
contraception. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, is a disease
that renders the body's immune system unable to resist invasion by
several microorganisms that cause serious infections. It is usually
characterized by severe weight loss and fatigue, and frequently by
neurological complications due to damage of cells of the brain. AIDS is
transmitted by blood, through intimate sexual contact, from infected
mothers to their babies in the uterus, and perhaps through infected
mother's milk. These STD's are prevented by using the proper
contraception. Education is another big part in stopping the spread of
these diseases. I have known many people who have fallen into the trap
of these diseases. The only way that they will be stopped is through the
proper precautions and people starting to care about these
monsters.Chapter 20 Atypical sexual behavior is a variety of sexual
activities that in there fully developed form are very uncommon in the
general public. Exhibitionism refers to a male exposing himself in a
public place. I have never witnessed this in my life time yet. Voyeurism
is the obtaining of sexual pleasure from looking at the exposed bodies or
sexual activities of others, usually strangers. Sadomasochism is defined
as getting sexual arousal by receiving or giving physical or mental pain.
Fetishism is when a person gets aroused by focusing on inanimate
objects or a part of the human body. I have never seen this before but I
really hope to, it would be rather interesting. Transvestism involves
obtaining sexual excitement through cross dressing. Zoophilia,
necrophilia, klismaphilia, coprophilia, urophilia are all related to the
obtaining of pleasure from many gross and unheard of ways. I once
heard of this man from my home town of Aberdeen who would have sex
with his sheep. I did not know if this was true and still do not know if I
believe this. I hope I never come across this type of atypical
behavior.Chapter 21 Sexual victimization is illegal and needs to be
put under control. There are not a huge number of incidents that occur
but the ones that do are usually drastic. Rape is a very controversial
topic since there are many definitions that vary from person to person. I
believe that if a person says "no" there should be no doubt in defining it.
Rape is the violating of a persons sexual space. Rape can occur at all
ages and is gross in all accounts. Prevention is a very tough
thought to think about. You must have a tactic to get out of every
situation, like we talked about in class. It is almost impossible to fight off
someone who is twice your size. Sexual harassment is any unwanted
attention of a sexual nature. This occurs most at the work place usually.
I think that these things could be prevented if the problem was
approached right away and not let to increase. Flirting usually leads to
sexual harassment, I see this all the time on the Augustana campus.
Chapter 22 Pornography is very tough to establish. There has not been
a clear definition established. I think that it is basically anything that has
any sexual content at all involved with it, in the form of pictures, words,
videos, magazines, and any other publications. Prostitution refers to the
exchange of sexual services for money. I do not see to much of this
around Sioux Falls. I have come across many prostitutes in the larger
cities. They usually hang out on street corners and you seek them out if
you wish for their services. I have seen many pornographic things
from living in the dorms and having the basic male young attitude. Most
males think that pornography is a must to develop normally. I think that it
is everywhere and always will be. I have learned many new and
interesting things throughout the semester. I can honestly say that
Introduction toSexuality has been my favorite class that I have taken at
Augustana. It was a great experience and I enjoyed the lectures. It is
nice to go to class and know that you will actually have good discussions
and it will be interesting.
. is what sex one is attracted to, the types are: bisexuality ( both sexes), homosexuality (same sex), and heterosexuality (opposite sex). Most religious views of homosexuality are very negative. very broad topic that requires a little research by the individual to find the appropriate forms. It is sometimes refereed to as birth control, contraception is the various methods used to prevent. Divorces are beginning to decline in the last few years. I have seen many couples end up in divorce. It is sad and unfortunate to see this happen to people. I t is said to ruin a persons life