The Psychology DepartmentThe Final Paper"Female Genital
Mutilation"'Long TermPsychological Effects'Dr. F. CramerPresented
By:Tim AbbasID # 92-1356 FemaleGenital Mutilation, or Female
Circumcision as sometimes called, is the partial or complete removal of
the female clitoris immediately after birth, few years after birth (early
childhood), or several years after birth (adolescence). Originally, female
genital mutilation was practiced to ensure female virginity until marriage;
as it was discovered that by the partial or complete removal of the clitoris,
a female's sexual urge is minimized and, therefore, a girl could have more
control over her sexual desires. Because virginity was and remains a very
crucial factor in almost every society, circumcision was invented way in
the past before any of the Heavenly Religions appeared. In fact, the most
traditional and conservative type of circumcision is the Pharoanic type
(Infibulation), where the complete removal of the clitoris occurs and the
vulva walls are stitched together leaving a small opening for urination and
menstrual discharge. Nowadays, however, it continues to be practiced in
Africa and the Middle East mostly due to social forces. New reasoning
developed through the years to keep the ritual going on. The many
reasons given for the practice are bewildering and unfounded in any
scientific or medical fact. They fall into four main categories:
psycho-sexual, religious, sociological and hygienic. Among the
psycho-sexual reasons is a belief that the clitoris is an aggressive organ
that threatens the male organ and even endangers babies during
delivery. It is believed that if a baby's head touches the mother's clitoris
during birth, the child will be born with a low IQ. Hence, a girl who is not
circumcised, is considered 'unclean' by local villagers and thus
unmarriageable. A girl who does not have here clitoris removed is
considered a great danger and ultimately fatal to a man if her clitoris
touches his penis. Also, the circumcision issue is seen as a form of
beauty. It is seen as aesthetically beautiful, as genitals are disfiguring and
ugly in their natural state (Real Net, 2). In short, nowadays the practice
isn't done to explicitly mean that girls are untrustable, but because,
presently, the woman's clitoris is considered to be an ugly part in a
woman's body and perceived to be harmful in many ways. And not long
ago, Sigmund Freud wrote 'The elimination of clitorial sexuality is a
necessary precondition for the development of femininity." According to
psychologists, the practice is known to be done in order to suppress
women. A patriarchal society is what defines most of those African and
Middle Eastern countries. It is argued that a man keeps his superiority
over women by controlling every aspect in her life. And since sexuality is
such a major part in a human's life, a close control over this specific
aspect in a woman meant to keep here under a tight male control.
Circumcision ensures that a woman will not have had any sexual
intercourse before marriage and thus is subject to what she is told to do
by her husband. That is, due to past inexperience and low internal sexual
drive, she is totally ignorant of what she is supposed to do regarding this
matter. According to an article in the Real Net Access, "Women have
been persuaded to see their sexual impulses in terms that suit men
man's pleasure is paramount and women are merely vehicles for
procuring this enjoyment."(Real Net, 2). Thus, the husband entails what
should be done and what shouldn't, according to his preferences. So, it is
only when and how the husband needs; the wife here is reduced to
nothing but an object of pleasure. Psychologists, thus, argue that to deny
a woman the basic right to her sexuality, is to deny her the rights to
having strength, power and identity. The inability of a women to regulate
their lives inhabilitates them; "they remain under the heels of patriarchal
structures."(Real Net, 1). Thus circumcised women, unable to have sex
for pleasure's sake, are reduced to baby-makers. Without the driving
force to desire, they lost much of the power of self-initiative and, as a
result, are more dependent on male authority to define their lives.As a
result, a woman's integrity, worth and need in society is based on if she
fits the sexual criteria. Many fear that an uncircumcised girl would be a
social outcast whom no one will marry. In some societies, non-mutilated
girls are "ridiculed and forced to leave their communities and fend for
themselves."(Real Net, 2). Usually, these girls turn to prostitution in order
to survive, because they cannot otherwise survive within the context of
their societies. The women have utter conviction that mutilation is an
essential part of a fulfilling woman's life. This notion was deep routed in
their minds to the extent that when some women were asked why they
have infibulated their daughters when they know themselves how much
pain it causes them, their answers were: " it is because we love
them."(Real Net, 1). Women have been brainwashed by the dominating
thought of the males in their societies to believe that pain and torture is
their lot in life. These women have built and created their whole lives and
identities, both as individuals and as part of a society, around the only
image of reality they know. Ultimately, pain to these women is a better
choice than to be alienated. Even though Femalegenitalmutilation is
practiced mostly in Islamic countries, it is not an exclusively Islamic
practice. Circumcision is a cross-cultural and cross-religious ritual. In
Africa and The Middle East, it is performed by Muslims, Coptics
Christians, members of various indigenous groups, Protestants and
Catholics. However, Muslims try to justify continuing the habit by relating
it to "Sunnah"; That is, following the steps and customs of the Prophet
"Mohammed". It is argued that The Sunnah version of circumcision
(where the foreskin protecting the clitoris is removed) is the
recommended one by the Prophet. It is supposedly confirmed that
"Mohammed said: "Circumcision is a sunnah for the men and a
makrumah for the women."(Abu-Salih, 6). The term makruma is far from
clear but we can translate it into an honorable deed. So, both Sunnies
and Shiites follow this tradition as the latter say that Imam Al-Sadiq also
stated that it is a makruma, and is there anything better than a
makrumah?(Abu-Salih, 6). On the other hand, attackers argue that the
practice is not a religious one in any way. It was never mentioned in the
Quran or the Bible; moreover, it is not an act of God, "God does not
mutilate."(Abu-Salih, 7). Says Doctor Nawal El-Saadawi:"If religion comes
from God, how can it order man to cut off an organ created by him as
long as that organ is not deformed? God does not create the organs of
the body haphazardly without a plan. It is not possible that He should
have created the clitoris in a woman's body only in order that it be cut off
at an early stage in life."(Abu-Salih, 7).Nowadays, circumcision is under a
huge debate to whether accept it or ban it. In Western countries Female
Genital Mutilation is regarded as a form of child abuse.(J. A. Black, 3). In
African and Middle Eastern countries, on the other hand, it is seen as a
protection for the child. One African American woman, however, says that
"it has nothing to do with religion, and it damages women's health and
socio-economic life."(Mansavage, 1). This woman continues to remember
the pain she suffered during her excision; she even remembers the sound
of her flesh being cut, bleeding and being sick for weeks. She considers
circumcision an act of child abuse. However, when broadly discussed,
circumcision differed from other forms of child abuse in that it is done with
the best intentions for the future welfare of the child, there is no possibility
of its repetition during childhood, and it is approved by sections of the
communities in which it is practiced.(JA Black, 3). "Harm that is done to
women is seen as personal, private or cultural matter. Genital Mutilation
has not been seen as a type of harm."(Cole & Snell, 1). The problem with
those people who are with circumcision for females is that the belief and
traditions of the ancestors is deeply grounded in them. Whether there is a
strong reason for continuing the practice or not, an African woman who
comes from a community where all females are unquestionably mutilated,
will always approve of it for her children, because simply she doesn't
perceive of them being uncircumcised. The psychological routings of
such a custom are very effective and are not subject to any kind of
persuasion of the opposite. Most African and Middle Eastern people now
only know that girls should be mutilated, but exactly why this should be
the case isn't even discussed. Walker sees it as a "heinous form of
patriarchal oppression, characterized by 'the feeling of being
overpowered and thoroughly dominated by those you are duty bound to
respect.'"(Cole & Snell, 1).Efforts are being made to try and make people
of those countries understand the disastrous effects of mutilation on
women and their children in the future. The problem is that you create a
social problem within those communities because you make their women
stand up for their rights as being abused. One organization for Human
rights stated: "Until now you could burn, torture, or mutilate a woman, and
it was never counted. We finally made them see that abuse of women is
a human-rights issue, not a cultural issue."(Cole & Snell, 2). However,
some organizations went the wrong way dealing with the issue. The
Colorado Democrat favors economic sanctions against countries that
undergo female mutilation. But this idea was opposed by many people,
including African born doctors living in the States, claiming that economic
sanctioning is not the right way to deal with such a subject. Says Dr. Asha
Mohammed: "The practice is not being done intentionally to harm anyone.
Mothers do it in good faith for their children. If you cut funding to theses
countries, you are hurting the people you want to protect."(Cole & Snell,
2). The problem is that people usually do not conform under threatening
or dictation, especially on such a subject. This problem should be dealt
with smoothly, it is not going to stop overnight.Recently, programs are
being made to educate village women of Africa and the Middle East in an
effort to make them grasp the idea very well and assess and compare
between the harms and benefits, if any, of circumcision. Programs are
done in such a way to convey the message in the least offending, but yet
the most effective, possible manner. Chosen women of the native tribes
and villages are educated abroad and persuaded to return back home
and start teaching and convincing the women of those villages and tribes
of the longterm psychological, mental and health problems. Although,
some of those missions returned successful results, some other were a
complete failure. While some people could have a more subtle grasp of
the subject when they learn about it in an academic way, some others are
just resistible and would not conform easy. Perhaps, overcoming the
problem would need a little bit of psychological training as well as
scientific education.Finally, I would like to present a debate conversation
on the issue to clarify that it doesn't just take scientific education to refuse
the female circumcision practice. In an article by George Geib (on the
internet), he posted a picture of a young girl and wrote the following:
"Take a good look at the girl in the above picture and tell me if you think
she would be better off later in her life 'circumcised.' If your answer is
'yes,' you are just another sicky like those found in the understandably
screwed up countries of northern and western Africa. And if you come to
the west and do this, they'll throw your ass in jail (hopefully) forever." In
defense for such an offensive article came out an article from an Arabic
Doctor, who refused to reveal his identity, saying that of course he
approved of that girl being circumcised. And here are some of the things
that he wrote where the girl gains from being circumcised: "* It raises her
status in her community, both because of the added purity that
circumcision brings and the bravery that initiates are called upon to show.
* It confers maturity and inculates positive character traits, including the
ability to endure pain and a submissive nature. * The circumcision ritual is
an enjoyable one, in which the girl is the center of attention and receives
presents and moral instructions from her elders. * All impure tissue is
removed and the girl is sewn up until her wedding night." This is how
significant the psychological part of it is. No matter how much descent
education people get, if they have routed traditions they will always find
ways to approve of them even if they are clear disasters.
. DepartmentThe Final Paper" ;Female Genital Mutilation& quot;&apos ;Long Term Psychological Effects& apos;Dr. F. CramerPresented By:Tim AbbasID # 92-1356 Female Genital Mutilation, or Female Circumcision. of the female clitoris immediately after birth, few years after birth (early childhood), or several years after birth (adolescence). Originally, female genital mutilation was practiced to ensure female. know. Ultimately, pain to these women is a better choice than to be alienated. Even though Female genital mutilation is practiced mostly in Islamic countries, it is not an exclusively Islamic practice.