"Speed" Methylamphetamine
Andy Dittrich
English 102 Since I have started school at U.N.R, I have been expose to
a more variety of drugs than high school. Speed (Methylamphtamine) is
a drug that I totally despise. I was in shock because I did not realize how
many students were addicts to this drug. I have always known what this
drug does to people because I know someone that is addict to speed.
The drug is one of the most addicting drugs out there and I hope the
information I have researched on can make you never think twice about
trying this addicting drug. Speed is a stimulant, a drug that can make
one feel cheerful and wide awake for days after days. Students use the
drug for intensive study habits or during depressing moments of school.
On Speed, users never want to eat because the drug shrivels up their
stomach that causes massive weight loss. One of the reasons' women
use the drug is to lose weight, which is an extremely unhealthy way of
doing it. What Speed does is it effects the middle nervous system, and
stimulates the brain. The drug causes insomnia, restlessness, and a fake
sense of acting normal. People either snort the drug up the nose or
smoke it through the mouth. After staying up for days on Speed the drug
where's off and a person will sleep for days, there is a larger fatigue and
one will be so damn depressed. I stopped talking to a friend because he
was so addicted to this horrible drug called Speed. One thing I noticed is
he was a totally different person when he was using speed. Whenever
he was high on the drug he was a great guy with all this incredible
energy, nothing would ever possibly make him upset. Though when the
drug wore off he was so grouchy that no one could stand a single bit of
being around him. Every little thing you did when he was coming down
on Speed annoyed him and it made me wonder if I was wrong at times. I
remember a group of us walking through the mall one day and we were
teasing him about some girl he was courting at the time. He had not
been on the drug at the time and was upset he couldn't find any because
he was so addicted. The next thing you know he was trying to fight me in
the middle of the whole mall. My other friends had to hold him down on
the ground because he was so out of control. Till that day I have always
thought that people exaggerated on how addicting and nerve wrecking
the drug could be. Apparently for me to realize how addicting the drug
could be was I had to witness it first hand by someone I knew. I
never knew till this research that using Speed can cause heart failure,
increases blood-pressure, disorientation and even cause one to
hallucinate. I have noticed first hand that when a person is in denial
about being addicted to the drug is when they are addicted. My friend
used the drug for so long that he even knew how to disguise his addiction
so good. Every time I explained him that the drug controlled him, he
would just deny it. He would always say, "There are users and there are
abusers and all I am is a user." It is a horrible fact that students at this
school often use Speed before and during exams. I can understand that
one needs to stay alert and ready during exam time, but the only reason
students use the drug is because of their bad study habits. When
studying, the drug will keep you so wired and you will study more in one
hour than you ever could before. This drug will sure enough change
one's personality to the extreme. People use the drug for all sorts of
reasons. Often times when people can not keep up with their work, need
to lose weight, depressed, insecure, loneliness and insecure about
themselves. Over all I feel sad about this whole issue and I wish the drug
would be demolished off the face of this world. After all the trauma
people in this society go through some people let a yellowish powder
substance control their lives. I feel drugs in our society is a big issue and
people need to pull together to stay drug free. In my opinion the war on
drugs is the war on people. Drugs have always been in our society
forever and I feel the best thing we as people can do is just educate our
youth of the dangers of drugs. I just feel that people will always be
exposed to drugs as a metaphor to there are good choices and there are
bad choices. What made me write this paper is that students on this
campus use this drug and it is a problem we as people can not ignore. I
hope some of my personnel experiences and facts I have mentioned
about this drug can be a learning experience for you and keep you from
trying it.
. " ;Speed& quot; Methylamphetamine Andy Dittrich English 102 Since I have started school at U.N.R, I have been expose to a more variety of drugs than high school. Speed (Methylamphtamine). addict to speed. The drug is one of the most addicting drugs out there and I hope the information I have researched on can make you never think twice about trying this addicting drug. Speed is. because he was so addicted to this horrible drug called Speed. One thing I noticed is he was a totally different person when he was using speed. Whenever he was high on the drug he was a great