DrugAbuseDrugAbuse is generally defined as the use of a drug with
such frequency that the user has physical or mental harm or it impairs
social abilities. The substances that are discussed in this report are called
psychoactive drugs; those drugs that influence or alter the workings of the
mind, affect moods, emotions, feelings, and thinking processes.Drug
Dependence/Addiction There are three basic characteristics that
indicate that the user is dependent on a drug. First, the user continues to
use the drug for an extended period of time. Second, the user finds it
difficult to stop using the drug. They may drop out of school, steal, go to
jail, lose their jobs, or leave their families in order to keep using. Finally,
the user has withdrawal symptoms when drug use is stopped. They may
undergo physical pain or mental distress. The drug mimics a
natural process in the brain called neurotransmission. This is when a
brain cell releases a signal to another brain cell. The signal then returns
to the first brain cell. The signal is called a neurotransmitter. One major
neurotransmitter is called dopamine, which is involved in feelings of
pleasure. When the drug is released into the brain, it blocks the
dopamine from returning to the first brain cell. Repeated use changes the
brain cells so that normal messages can't be sent between brain cells.
The drug must always be present in order for neurotransmissions to take
place. The user is only able to feel pleasure from the cocaine rather than
the things he/she used to find pleasurable. This is called drug addiction or
dependence.Drug ClassificationDrugs are generally categorized into two
groups, stimulants and depressants. Stimulants are drugs that speed up
signals through the nervous system. They produce alertness, arousal
and excitability. They also inhibit fatigue and sleep. They include the
amphetamines, such as cocaine, caffeine, and nicotine. Depressants
slow down the signals through the nervous system. They produce
relaxation, lowering of anxiety, drowsiness, and sleep. They include
sedatives (such as barbiturates, alcohol, and tranquilizers) and narcotics
(heroin, morphine, opium, codeine), which dull the mind's perception of
pain. Some drugs are not included in the stimulant/depressant
categories. An example is the hallucinogens, such as PCP and LSD,
which produce unusual mental states such as psychedelic visions. Also,
marijuana is not generally regarded as belonging to any one of these
categories.Effects of Drugs There are four basic stages that the
drug user goes through. In stage one, there are no outward behavioral
changes caused by the use of drugs. The drug use is considered normal.
In stage two, the user actively seeks the euphoric effects of the drug by
using it more frequently. A reliable source of the drug is established. The
user may add mid-week use rather than only on weekends or at parties.
In younger users, a general lack of motivation is noticed, along with
changes in friends and lower grades. In stage three, the user is extremely
preoccupied with the desire to experience the effects of the drug. The
drug is used daily. There may be thoughts of suicide and/or depression.
There may be family problems or trouble with the law. In the fourth and
final stage, the user has become addicted. They are dependent on the
drug just to feel normal. Physical signs are frequent sore throats,
coughing, fatigue, and weight loss. They may be experiencing overdosing
and blackouts more frequently. The user may be engaging in criminal
activities in order to obtain money for the drug. Alcohol One major
drug that physically effects the user is alcohol. It causes damage to the
brain, pancreas, and kidney. It also causes high blood pressure and may
heighten the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Other consequences of
alcohol abuse are possible alcoholic hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver,
stomach and duodenal ulcers, colitis, irritable colon, impotence and
infertility, birth defects and Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (retardation, low birth
weight, small head size, limb abnormalities), and premature aging. The
user may also experience diminished immunity to disease, sleep
disturbances, muscle cramps, and edema.Marijuana Another harmful
drug is marijuana, especially since the potency of marijuana available has
over the last decade increased by 275 percent. Some marijuana users
have chronic lung disease. Marijuana can be more dangerous than
cigarettes because there are more known cancer causing agents in
marijuana smoke than cigarette smoke. Also, one marijuana cigarette is
as damaging to the lungs as four tobacco cigarettes. Small doses of
marijuana diminish motor skills, hamper judgement, distort perception,
and impair memory function. Chronic marijuana may cause brain
damage, accelerated heartbeat, and increased blood pressure. Mood
changes occur. There is a decline in school work, difficulty in
concentrating, diminished ability to carry out long-term plans, loss of
effectiveness, loss of ambition, and increased apathy. Cocaine One
of the most powerfully addictive and deadly drugs is cocaine. It can be
injected, snorted, or smoked. It carries the risk of HIV if it is injected.
Cocaine significantly speeds up the neurotransmissions in the nervous
system. It accelerates the heart rate while simultaneously constricting the
blood vessels, which are trying to adjust to the heightened blood flow.
Temperature and blood pressure rise. Pupils dilate. These physical
changes may be accompanied by stroke, respiratory arrest, cardiac
arrest, or seizures. Cocaine may trigger paranoia, anxiety, irritability, and
restlessness. Depression occurs when denied of the drug. Cocaine
requires users to take more and more to reach the same level of
stimulation. It may also cause nasal problems such as congestion and
runny nose. The mucous membrane in the nose may disintegrate with
prolonged usage. The nasal septum may also collapse. Different
kinds of cocaine include freebase and crack. Freebase is smoked. It is
extremely dangerous because the cocaine reaches the brain almost
instantly, causing a sudden and intense high. However, when it
disappears, it leaves the user with an enormous craving, resulting in
increased usage. Crack is a kind of cocaine that is snorted. It comes in
small lumps or shavings. It has become a major problem because it is
very inexpensive and easily transported.Heroin Heroin is an illegal opiate
drug which is extremely addictive. It requires persistent, repeated use
and, if the user attempts to stop, there are painful physical withdrawal
symptoms. Heroin use causes insomnia, panic, nausea, and shallow
breathing. Heroin is generally injected into a vein. Because of this kind of
drug entry, the risk of contracting diseases such as HIV is high.
Contamination of heroin with cutting agents, unsterile equipment,
uncertain dosage levels and the use of heroin in addition to other drugs
can cause cardiac disease, inflammation of the veins, skin abscesses
and serum hepatitis. There is no way to tell the potency of the drug, so
any trip could lead to overdose, coma or possible death. Heroin during
pregnancy is associated with miscarriages and stillbirths. Babies who are
born by addicted mothers must undergo withdrawal symptoms after birth
and usually have development problems. Symptoms include
nausea, respiratory depression (which can progress until breathing
stops), and drowsiness. Symptoms of a heroin overdose include coma,
convulsions, clammy skin, pinpoint pupils, and shallow breathing.PCP
PCP is a hallucinogen. It alters consciousness, mood, and
sensation and distorts visual sensation, taste, smell, touch, or hearing.
The user experiences a profound departure from reality. He/she is
capable of severe disorientation and bizarre behavior. These
PCP-induced effects may lead to injuries or death while under the
influence. When it is used regularly or chronically,judgement,
concentration, perception functions, and memory are affected. It may
lead to permanent changes in thinking, memory, and motor function.
Addicted mothers deliver babies who have motor, auditory, and visual
problems. They may also have reactions similar to that of someone who
is under the influence of PCP.Withdrawal Withdrawal is defined as
the discontinuance of administration or use of a drug. When this
happens, there are certain physical symptoms that occur when the user is
dependent on the drug. They may include nausea, diarrhea, and pain, but
they vary between drugs. Cocaine users report depression when denied
the drug. Since heroin is a very addictive drug, it has many withdrawal
symptoms. For example, insomnia, muscle cramps, nausea, sweating,
chills, panic, tremors, loss of appetite, yawning, runny nose, and watery
eyes.Drug Treatment A drug addict generally goes through denial
before he/she accepts his/her drug addiction. When they are confronted
by a family member or friend, they refuse to accept that they are
addicted. This is sometimes called a mental block. The user isn't ready or
able to deal with thier addiction. The time period of denial varies from
person to person. When the person has come to accepting their
problem, they may go to therapy for treatment. Group therapy has had
excellent results. They learn to come to terms with their problem with the
support of other people who are going through the same thing that they
are. They also learn tools that they can use to help them through the
recovery period, such as prayer, excercise, and meditation. Drugabuse is
a serious problem, but through treatment and therapy, it can be
. Drug Abuse Drug Abuse is generally defined as the use of a drug with such frequency that the user has physical or mental harm. pleasurable. This is called drug addiction or dependence .Drug ClassificationDrugs are generally categorized into two groups, stimulants and depressants. Stimulants are drugs that speed up signals. these categories.Effects of Drugs There are four basic stages that the drug user goes through. In stage one, there are no outward behavioral changes caused by the use of drugs. The drug use is considered