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turbulence in fluids, 4th edition

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[...]... provided their great expertise in the domains of e transition, coherent vortices, compressible, stratified or rotating turbulence, and numerical methods I am also indebted to all the sponsoring agencies and companies who showed a continuous interest during all these years in the development of fundamental and numerical research on Turbulence in Grenoble Rosanne Alessandrini, Patrick B´gou, Eric Lamballais... real-world turbulence In Chapter 1, the book introduces clear definitions of turbulence in fluids and of coherent vortices It provides several industrial and environmental examples, with numerous illustrations Chapter 2 develops at lenght equations of fluid dynamics (velocity and energy) for flows of arbitrary density (incompressible and compressible), including Boussinesq equations (with a study of internal-gravity... analysis of turbulence, with informations on rapid-distorsion theory Chapter 6 is devoted to three-dimensional isotropic turbulence, looked at phenomenologically and from a coherent-vortex point of view Passive-scalar diffusion, important for combustion studies, is included in the chapter It contains also new results concerning noise in turbulence, associated with pressure spectrum Chapter 7 contains the... University during a visit to the Center for Turbulence Research The support and extra time offered through my appointment to the “Institut Universitaire de France” made the third edition possible The fourth edition was written thanks to a CNRS delegation and a sabbatical semester offered by Grenoble Institute of Technology (INPG) The organization into 13 chapters of the third edition has been kept: 1 Introduction... Turbulence in Fluids xxxiii Plate 15: Vorticity components in the DNS a temporal wake, showing the formation of hairpins between the Karman billows (courtesy M.A Gonze) Plate 16: Same simulation as in Plate 15, showing a passive-scalar field at a later time, and the longitudinal stretching of hairpins Plate 17: LES of an inviscid incompressible mixing layer forced upstream by a quasi two-dimensional random... less clear In fact a third point of view pushed by people from the physics community has emerged, with the concepts of renormalization group theory, multifractality, mixing, and Lagrangian approaches My personal experience in turbulence was acquired in the first group since I spent several years studying the stochastic models (or two-point closures) applied to various situations such as helical turbulence, ... equations (with a study of internal-gravity waves) It reviews the main theorems of vorticity dynamics and scalar transport for non-rotating or rotating flows It looks also in details at Barr´ de Saint-Venant equations for shallow layers Chapter 3 studies e linear-instability theory of parallel shear flows (free and wall-bounded) in two Turbulence in Fluids xix and three dimensions (with effects of rotation),... abstract studies of turbulence This monograph is in fact an attempt to reconcile the statistical point of view and the basic concepts of fluid mechanics which determine the evolution of flows arising in the various fields envisaged above These basic principles, accompanied by the instability-theory predictions and the results of numerical simulations, give valuable information on the behaviour of turbulence and... 502 Turbulence in Fluids xv References 509 Index 545 Preface Turbulence is a dangerous topic which is often at the origin of serious fights in the scientific meetings devoted to it since it represents extremely different points of view, all of which have in common their complexity,... Introduction to turbulence in fluid mechanics; 2 Basic fluid dynamics; 3 Transition to turbulence; 4 Shear-flow turbulence; 5 Fourier analysis for homogeneous turbulence; 6 Isotropic turbulence: phenomenology and simulations; 7 Analytical theories and stochastic models; 8 Two-dimensional turbulence; 9 Beyond two-dimensional turbulence in geophysical fluid dynamics; 10 Statistical thermodynamics of turbulence; . Book’sconclusions 502 Turbulence in Fluids xv References 509 Index 545 Preface Turbulence is a dangerous topic which is often at the origin of serious fights in the scientific meetings devoted to it since it. combustion studies, is included in the chapter. It contains also new results concerning noise in turbulence, associated with pressure spectrum. Chapter 7 contains the two-point clos- ure approaches. theory, multifractality, mixing, and Lagrangian approaches. My personal experience in turbulence was acquired in the first group since I spent several years studying the stochastic models (or two-point closures) applied

Ngày đăng: 02/04/2014, 14:56