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Secret of the ages (1926)

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  • Secret of the Ages




  • I

    • In the Beginning

  • II

    • The Conscious Mind


  • III

    • The Philosopher’s Charm

  • IV

    • The Magic Secret


  • V

    • Aladdin & Company

      • See Yourself Doing It

        • “As a Man Thinketh”

    • The World Belongs to You

    • “Wanted”


    • A Blank Check

      • The Three Requisites

    • He Whom a Dream Hath Possessed


    • Your Needs Are Met

      • The Secret of Power


    • The Master Mind

      • What Do You Lack?

        • The Sculptor and the Clay

          • Why Grow Old?


    • The Medicine Delusion

      • The Gift of the Magi

    • Foreword

      • The Secret of the Ages

        • VOLUME One

  • I

  • The World’s Greatest Discovery

    • In the Beginning

    • The Purpose of Existence

    • The “Open, Sesame!” of Life

  • II

  • The Genie-of-Your-Mind

    • The Conscious Mind

    • The Subconscious Mind

    • The Universal Mind

      • The Secret of the Ages

        • In Seven Volumes

  • III

  • The Primal Cause

    • MATTER—Dream or Reality?

    • The Philosopher’s Charm

    • The Kingdom of Heaven

    • “To Him That Hath”—

    • “To the Manner Born”

  • IV

  • Desire—The First Law of Gain

    • The Magic Secret

    • The Soul’s Sincere Desire”

      • The Secret of the Ages

        • In Seven Volumes

          • V

            • Aladdin & Company

              • VI

              • See Yourself Doing It

      • VII

      • “As A Man Thinketh”

        • VIII

          • The Law of Supply

    • The World Belongs to You

    • “Wanted”

      • The Secret of the Ages

        • In Seven Volumes

  • IX

  • The Formula of Success

    • The Talisman of Napoleon

    • “It Couldn’t Be Done”

  • X

  • “This Freedom”

    • The Only Power

  • XI

  • The Law of Attraction

    • A Blank Check

  • XII

  • The Three Requisites

  • XIII

  • That Old Witch—Bad Luck

    • He Whom a Dream Hath Possessed

    • The Bars of Fate

    • Exercise

      • The Secret of the Ages

        • In Seven Volumes

  • XIV

  • Your Needs Are Met

    • The Ark of the Covenant

    • The Science of Thought

  • XV

  • The Master of Your Fate

    • The Acre of Diamonds

  • XVI

  • Unappropriated Millions

  • XVII

  • The Secret of Power


  • This One Thing I Do

    • The Secret of the Ages

      • In Seven Volumes

  • XIX

  • The Master Mind

  • XX

  • What Do You Lack?

  • XX

  • The Sculptor and the Clay

  • XXII

  • Why Grow Old?

    • The Fountain of Youth

      • The Secret of the Ages

        • In Seven Volumes


  • The Medicine Delusion

  • XXIV

  • The Gift of the Magi

    • “Suffer Little Children to Come Unto Me”

    • L’Envoi

  • Other valuable resources

    • More great resources

Nội dung

Secret of the Ages Robert Collier Secret of the Ages Contents VOLUME ONE I The World’s Greatest Discovery In the Beginning The Purpose of Existence The “Open Sesame!” of Life II The Genie-of-Your-Mind The Conscious Mind The Subconscious Mind The Universal Mind VOLUME TWO III The Primal Cause Matter — Dream or Reality? Secret of the Ages The Philosopher’s Charm The Kingdom of Heaven “To Him That Hath”— “To the Manner Born” IV Desire — The First Law of Gain The Magic Secret “The Soul’s Sincere Desire” VOLUME THREE V Aladdin & Company VI See Yourself Doing It VII “As a Man Thinketh” VIII Secret of the Ages The Law of Supply The World Belongs to You “Wanted” VOLUME FOUR IX The Formula of Success The Talisman of Napoleon “It Couldn’t Be Done” X “This Freedom” The Only Power XI The Law of Attraction A Blank Check Secret of the Ages XII The Three Requisites XIII That Old Witch—Bad Luck He Whom a Dream Hath Possessed The Bars of Fate Exercise VOLUME FIVE XIV Your Needs Are Met The Ark of the Covenant The Science of Thought XV The Master of Your Fate The Acre of Diamonds Secret of the Ages XVI Unappropriated Millions XVII The Secret of Power XVIII This One Thing I Do VOLUME SIX XIX The Master Mind XX What Do You Lack? XXI The Sculptor and the Clay Secret of the Ages XXII Why Grow Old? The Fountain of Youth VOLUME SEVEN XXIII The Medicine Delusion XXIV The Gift of the Magi “Suffer Little Children to Come Unto Me” L’Envoi Secret of the Ages “A fire-mist and a planet, A crystal and a cell, A jellyfish and a saurian, A cave where the cave men dwell; Then a sense of law and order, A face upturned from the clod; Some call it Evolution, And others call it God.” —Reprinted from The New England Journal. Secret of the Ages Foreword If you had more money than time, more millions than you knew how to spend, what would be your pet philanthropy? Libraries? Hospitals? Churches? Homes for the Blind, Crippled or Aged? Mine would be “Homes”—but not for the aged or infirm. For young married couples! I have often thought that, if ever I got into the “Philanthropic Billionaire” class, I’d like to start an Endowment Fund for helping young married couples over the rough spots in those first and second years of married life—especially the second year, when the real troubles come. Take a boy and a girl and a cozy little nest—add a cunning, healthy baby—and there’s nothing happier on God’s green footstool. But instead of a healthy babe, fill in a fretful, sickly baby— a wan, tired, worn-out little mother—a worried, dejected, heartsick father—and, there’s nothing more pitiful. A nurse for a month, a few weeks at the shore or mountains, a “lift” on that heavy doctor’s bill—-any one of these things would spell H-E- A-V-E-N to that tiny family. But do they get it? Not often! And the reason? Because they are not poor enough for charity. They are not rich enough to afford it themselves. They belong to that great “Middle Class” which has to bear the burdens of both the poor and the rich— and take what is left for itself. It is to them that I should like to dedicate this book. If I cannot endow libraries or colleges for them, perhaps I can point the way to get all good gifts for them. For men and women like them do not need “charity” — or even sympathy. What they do need is inspiration—and opportunity—the kind of inspiration that makes a man go out and create his own opportunity. And that, after all, is the greatest good one can do anyone. Few people appreciate free gifts. They are like the man whom admiring townsfolk presented with a watch. He looked it over critically for a minute. Then—”Where’s the chain?” he asked. But a way to win for themselves the full measure of success they’ve dreamed of but almost stopped hoping for—that is something every young couple would welcome with open arms. And it is something that, if I can do it justice, will make the “Eternal Triangle” as rare as it is today common, for it will enable husband and wife to work together—not merely for domestic happiness, but for business success as well. ROBERT COLLIER. www.AsAManThinketh.net 10 Secret of the Ages The Secret of the Ages In Seven Volumes VOLUME One www.AsAManThinketh.net 11 [...]... 29 Secret of the Ages The Secret of the Ages In Seven Volumes VOLUME Two www.AsAManThinketh.net 30 Secret of the Ages “And the earth was Without form and void; And darkness was upon The face of the deep And the Spirit of God moved Upon the face of the waters.” GENESIS 1:2 www.AsAManThinketh.net 31 Secret of the Ages III The Primal Cause This city, with all its houses, palaces, steam engines, cathedrals... but seek the help of this genie -of- your-mind and work with it in the right way www.AsAManThinketh.net 16 Secret of the Ages II The Genie -of- Your-Mind “It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishment the scroll, I am the Master of my Fate; I am the Captain of my Soul.” —HENLEY First came the Stone Age, when life was for the strong of arm or the fleet of foot Then there was the Iron Age—and... www.AsAManThinketh.net 23 Secret of the Ages “Then there is the celebrated case of Zerah Colburn, of whom Dr Schofield writes: “‘Zerah Colburn could instantaneously tell the square root of 106,929 as 327, and the cube root of 268,336,125 as 645 Before the question of the number of minutes in forty-eight years could be written he said 25,228,810 He immediately gave the factors of 247,483 as 941 and 263, which are the only... life is because so many of them are content www.AsAManThinketh.net 18 Secret of the Ages to run on low gear all their lives — on SURFACE ENERGY If these same people would only throw into the fight the resistless force of their subconscious minds they would be amazed at their undreamed of capacity for winning success Conscious and subconscious are, of course, integral parts of the one mind But for convenience... to the beginning of things * From “A Heap o’ Livin’.” The Reilly & Lee Co www.AsAManThinketh.net 12 Secret of the Ages In the Beginning It matters not whether you believe that mankind dates back to the primitive ape-man of 500,000 years ago, or sprang fullgrown from the mind of the creator In either event, there had to be a first cause—a creator Some power had to bring to this earth the first germ of. .. need You have heard of people who had been through great danger tell how, when death stared them in the face and there seemed nothing they could do, things went black before them and, when they came to, the danger was past In the moment of need, their subconscious mind pushed the conscious out of the way, the while it met and overcame the danger Impelled by the subconscious mind, their bodies could... opinion, is the most significant discovery of this modern age? The finding of dinosaur eggs on the plains of Mongolia, laid— so scientists assert—some 10,000,000 years ago? The unearthing of the Tomb of Tutankh-Amen, with its matchless specimens of a bygone civilization? The radioactive time clock by which Professor Lane of Tufts College estimates the age of the earth at 1,250,000,000 years? Wireless? The. .. in mind The secret of all power, all success, all riches, is in first thinking powerful thoughts, successful thoughts, and thoughts of wealth, of supply We must build them in our own www.AsAManThinketh.net 33 Secret of the Ages mind first William James, the famous psychologist, said that the greatest discovery in a hundred years was the discovery of the power of the sub-conscious mind It is the greatest... fact, the character of the outer world, the nature of the environment in which our lives are cast— all these things depend for each one of us simply upon how he happens to be put together, upon his individual mental make-up.” In short, it all comes back to the old fable of the three blind men and the elephant To the one who caught hold of his leg, the elephant was like a tree To the one who felt of his... not a beast of burden, doomed to spend your days in unremitting labor in return for food and housing You are one of the Lords of the Earth, with unlimited potentialities Within you is a power, which, properly grasped and directed, can lift you out of the rut of mediocrity and place you among the Elect of the earth the lawyers, the writers, the statesmen, the big business men the DOERS and the THINKERS . need, the more readily will it respond to your call. Wherever there is an unusual task, wherever there is poverty or hardship or sickness or despair, there is this servant of your mind, ready and. seek the help of this genie -of- your-mind and work with it in the right way. www.AsAManThinketh.net 16 Secret of the Ages II The Genie -of- Your-Mind “It matters not how strait the. Secret of the Ages Robert Collier Secret of the Ages Contents VOLUME ONE I The World’s Greatest Discovery In the Beginning The Purpose of Existence The “Open

Ngày đăng: 02/04/2014, 13:27

