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Speaking tháng 4 2022

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4|ZIM Mục lục IELTS Speaking Part 1 Weekend 7 Concentration 13 Daily routine 8 Colours 14 Dreams 9 Public gardens and Parks 15 Websites 10 10 App 16 Handwriting 11 11 Weather , .17 Headphones and Microphones 12 12 Math 18 13 New place 19 IELTS Speaking Part 2, Describe a story someone told you that you remember 21 Describe a thing you cannot live without except cell phone or computer 24 Describe a time when you received something without having to pay for it 27 Describe a time when you waited for something special that would happen 30 Describe a time when you moved to a new home or school 33 Describe an athlete that you admire 36 Describe an activity you usually that wastes your time 39 Describe a foreign person who you have heard or known that you think is interesting 42 Describe some good service you received (company or store/shop) 45 10 Describe an expensive item that you bought and regretted 48 11 Describe a person who impressed you most when you were in primary school 51 12 Describe something you think would be interesting to learn more about 54 5|ZIM 6|ZIM IELTS Speaking Part 7|ZIM Weekend What people in your hometown usually on weekends? 1.1 → I was born and raised in HCMC which is a large metropolis in SE Asia, and there are plenty of things to here HCMC has a wide range of entertainment centers, from movie theaters to game centers, you name it I guess the most popular thing is to go to the cinema What will you next weekend? → I haven’t planned anything yet but I’ve had my eyes on(1) a recently-opened restaurant near my workplace, in District If I don’t have to work overtime next weekend, I’ll ask my friends out and try (1) have my eyes on (idiom) /hæv maɪ aɪz ɒn/: Suy nghĩ việc mua thứ Ví dụ: Finally I got this bag, I’ve had my eye on it for months now some new dishes there Did you anything special last weekend? → Nothing much I was just cleaning and redecorating the house to prepare for Tet holiday I had to vacuum the entire house myself and did the laundry for everyone It was exhausting but seeing the final result was so rewarding What you usually on weekends? (2) dine out (phr.v) /daɪnaʊt/: ăn tối nhà hàng → Work mostly I work in customer service, so I’m usually busier on weekends When I have a day off, I Ví dụ: Due to my heavy workload, I rarely have time like to treat myself to a day at the bookstore or to dine out with my family and friends library, or dine out(2) with my friends or family It may sound boring but that’s all I want to usually 8|ZIM Daily routine Do you have a study routine? 1.2 (1) spontaneous (adj)/spɑːnˈteɪ.ni.əs/:Tự ý, làm theo → I don’t think so I am spontaneous(1) and only hứng Ví dụ: His working schedule seems study whenever there is a big test coming up Probably because my parents neither forced me to spontaneous, he doesn’t have any fixed timetable study after school nor formed any study routine for me as a kid But I think people with study routines can perform better at school What’s your routine like in your everyday studies? → Like I’ve mentioned, I don’t actually set any specific time to study However, I will get up at the crack of dawn(2) on the day of a test to review, and (2) get up at the crack of dawn (idiom): dậy sớm Ví dụ: My mom is an early bird, so she always gets up at the crack of dawn usually spend about hours on the weekends preparing learning materials for the next week (3) sleep in (phr.v) /sliːp ɪn/: ngủ nướng Would you like to change your daily routine in the future? Ví dụ: I can only sleepˌselfˈdɪsinonSunday.ə.plɪn morning → Of course I must admit that I have an unhealthy (4) self-discipline (n) / /: tính tự kỷ luật lifestyle, staying up all night and sleeping in(3) Ví dụ: Unless you have self-discipline, you will never regularly So I hope I can change my daily routine be able to finish anything and practice a healthier lifestyle, like getting up early and doing morning exercise If I am determined enough, changing will also help me train my selfdiscipline(4) and time management skills 9|ZIM Dreams Do you often remember your dreams? 1.3 (1) Sleep like a log (idiom) /sliːp laɪk ə lɒg/: ngủ chết → I don’t think so I always sleep like a log(1) and wake up remembering nothing Sometimes, I can recall if Ví dụ: She sleeps like a log, no one can wake her up it was a happy dream or a nightmare but I definitely couldn’t describe precisely what had happened Do you want to make your dreams come true? (2) desire (n) /dɪˈzaɪə/: khao khát, ham muốn → Yes, everyone does Even though I’m aware that some dreams are impossible, there is always a part of me that wishes for them to come true If you want your Ví dụ: At the moment, they have no desire to have more children dreams to happen, you have to be specific about your dreams and goals, and turn them into desires(2) that strongly motivate you →3 Do you share your dreams with others? Or are you interested in others’ dreams? I never share mine with anyone because I can never recall what actually happened in any of my dreams But it’d be interesting to listen to others share their dreams because some are just funny to listen to and some can reflect people’s true desires in their daily life (3) decipher (v) /dɪˈsaɪ.fər/: giải mã Do you think dreams have special meanings? → I do, to some extent I think dreams can reveal what is bothering you the most when you are awake, but in a twisted and unexpected way, speaking from my experience I’m not into “deciphering(3)” dreams but you can always look for an expert to interpret(4) them Ví dụ: This is such a difficult game It took me hours to decipher the/ɪnˈtɜːclue prɪt/: (4) interpret (v) diễn giải Ví dụ: It is impossible for you to interpret this coding because you don’t know anything about programming languages 10 | ZIM Service IELTS Speaking Part Describe some good service you received (company or store/shop) You should say: • What the service was • When you received it • Who you were with • And how you felt about it Idea • Dịch vụ tốt Context (Bối cảnh) • Quán cà phê gần nhà • Thực phẩm bổ dưỡng với giá phải • Nhân viên chuyên nghiệp Content (Nội dung) • Đến cần phải giải cơng việc • Thư giãn với âm nhạc Conclusion (Kết luận) Trở nên suất làm việc Take note Good service Context Near my house Healthy options, verified ingredients, affordable A café Professionalism, greet warmly Content Hectic schedule, meet deadlines Background music Conclusion More productive 46 | ZIM CONTEX T Answer Nowadays, it has become rare to get good service from a company solely /ˈsəʊlli/ (tương tự với only) or store, at least where I live Luckily, I accidentally got some good service from a coffee shop near my house Today, I will tell you how great this service was Her success depends solely on her luck as she didn’t try to complete any tasks in the project/ɪnˈɡriːdiənt/ Unlike other cafes, this one focuses solely(1) on providing healthy food options to customers The origins of all ingredients(2) for food and drinks are strictly verified But this doesn’t make the price ingredient nguyên liệu A lemon is a necessary ingredient for giá cao in my neighborhood exorbitant CONT ENT exorbitant(3) like in other places, it is still affordable for most people this dish However, what impressed me most was the professionalism(4) of all the waiters They always behave in a good manner on every occasion /ɪɡˈzɔːbɪtənt/ có mức Why should we stay in this exorbitant hotel while there are thousands of professionalism For example, every customer is greeted quite warmly when they enter the building As well as that, the waiters always say thank you /prəˈfeʃənəlɪzəm/ chuyên nghiệp whenever they bring food to the table I received that exact service when I came here last week, which made me feel very comfortable to spend my time there I often pay a visit to this place whenever I’m I was really impressed by his cheaperones? professionalism though he had never hectic schedule /ˈhektɪk ˈʃedjuːl/ stressed with deadlines and a hectic schedule(5) This is because this place gives me a sense of relaxation and a peaceful state of mind lịch trình dày đặc You know, sometimes you have to slow down a bit to recharge your battery And a hot cup of coffee, together with some harmonious(6) CONCLU SION background music, can help you to calm down and relax I feel that I always become more productive after having coffee there and meeting these polite and courteous employees His incredibly hectic schedule came triedthetaskbefore as no surprise to me, as he was a very successful businessman/hɑːˈməʊniəs/ 6, harmonious bình yên, thoải mái After splitting, she still maintains a harmonious relationship with her exhusband 47 | ZIM IELTS Speaking Part What you think of the relationship between companies and customers? A company’s relationship with its customers is the determining determining factor /dɪˈtɜːmɪnɪŋ ˈfæktə(r)/ yếu tố định factor(1) that directly affects the company’s revenue(2) Companies cannot rely solely on products that they manufacture, they must provide the required quality of the relationship with their customers This is how they turn a first-time customer into a loyal one Without the support of customers, no business can sustain itself Perseverance is the determining factor to succeed in/ˈrevənjuː/thiscompetition Revenue lợi nhuận (của công ty) The company’s annual revenues rose by 30% As a customer, what kinds of services would you expect to re-ceive from a company? In my opinion, a company should ensure that its customers are served in the most appropriate way Therefore, I would love to be (1) These well-trained supportive taken care of during the entire purchasing process After entering the store, I want to meet with a well-trained(1) sales assistant who is knowledgeable about the company’s products so that I could choose the most suitable product for me After-sales service(2) is also important They have to provide me support if I have any Well-trained /wel treɪnd/: đào tạo tốt (2) assistants are really /ˈɑːftə(r) seɪls ˈsɜːvɪs/ After-sales service dịch vụ hậu After-sales service at this shop is surprisingly disappointing difficulty using the product What kinds of jobs involve coping with the public? Representative /ˌreprɪˈzentətɪv/ đại diện I think every part of society is connected so you have to interact with other people in some ways But I guess the sales representatives of a company have to deal with the public a lot as they represent the image of that company Not only selling, but The actor’s legal representatives have strongly denied the allegations they also have to maintain the relations and understanding between the firm and the public Why should companies react quickly when customers (1) commensurate /kəˈmenʃərət/: tương ứng, have difficulties? Isn’t it obvious? Customers use their money to purchase products phù hợp or services from a company, they deserve to receive things that Salary will /ˈblemɪʃ/becommensurate with experience are commensurate(1) with their money Even a small blemish(2) could drive customers crazy So, whenever there is a complaint, a slow response can lead to anger and frustration If there are too (2) blemish : khuyết điểm His reputation is without a blemish many unhappy customers, the reputation of the brand will be tarnished in a day or two 48 | ZIM Spending money IELTS Speaking Part Describe an expensive item that you bought and regretted You should say: • What it was • How much you spent on it • Why you bought it • And explain why you think you spent more than expected Idea • Điện thoại cũ lỗi thời • Cần điện thoại Context (Bối cảnh) • Đến cửa hàng với bạn để mua iphone • Điện thoại đắt tiền • Chức bình thường, mua khác với giá rẻ Content (Nội dung) Conclusion (Kết luận) Lãng phí tiền mua Take note Frugal Context Penny-wise but pound-foolish Old phone → outdated New phone → lifesaver Went to a store to buy new phone Freddie Mercury Exorbitant Content Ordinary → can buy another with half price Conclusion 49 | ZIM Throw money out of window Answer frugal /ˈfruːɡl/ tiết kiệm (tiền) Everybody says that I’m a hard-working and frugal(1) person, who always spends money wisely However, I guess I am only penny-wise but pound-foolish(3) because last year, I made a very bad decision CONTEXT when buying an overpriced mobile phone penny-wise but pound-foolish: cẩn thận dùng tiền bất using it for more than years And it was also quite outdated(3) It is an cẩn với nhiều tiền The plans to cut funding are penny/ˌaʊtˈdeɪtɪd/ and I couldn’t contact my family and friends with it anymore So, a wise and pound-foolish outdated cũ kỹ, lỗi thời new mobile phone would be a lifesaver(4) for me at that time So, The new browse the store only Then I came across a brand-new iPhone, with various features and a stylish design You know, Apple are famous for selling good phones, although at CONTENT and frugal valid reason to so My old phone was broken because I had been I don’t really like to purchase expensive items unless I have a very my friends and I went to a phone store, with the main intention to CO NCL USIO N He has always been hard-working an exorbitant(5) price After thoroughly(6) talking with my friends, I decided to buy myself a present, which was that latest electronic /ˈlaɪfseɪvə(r)/ outdated and inefficient system lifesaver cứu tinh /ɪɡˈzɔːbɪtənt/ cao drug is a potential lifesaver exorbitant giá It’s a good hotel but the prices are exorbitant /ˈθʌrəli/ device However, I soon realized that the phone was quite ordinary(7) thoroughly đối and I could buy a phone with all of the same functions for half the We thoroughly/ˈɔːdnri/ejoyed ourselves price Ordinary bình thường They So, I think that I’ve thrown my money out the window purchasing that nhiều, tuyệt are just ordinary working folk mobile phone 50 | ZIM IELTS Speaking Part (1) detailed shopping list /ˈdiːteɪld ˈʃɒpɪŋ lɪst/: Do you often buy more than you expected? No, I make a detailed shopping list(1) before going to the store danh sách mua sắm chi tiết So I only buy the exact things that I have listed to save time and My mother gave me a very detailed shopping money For expensive items, I only buy them when I’m in list before going to the market to prepare for desperate need(2) of them and of course, I only buy the adequate our Christmas celebration/ɪn ˈdespərət niːd/ amount for my needs (2) in desperate need cần They were in desperate need of assistance, but there was no one around for hundreds of miles (1) electronic gadget /ɪˌlekˈtrɒnɪk ˈɡædʒɪt/ thiết What you think young people spend most of their money on? Different people have different interests So some might want to buy clothes as they want to be as fashionable as possible but bị điện tử We live in a world/ˌʌp təfilledˈdeɪt/with high-tech gadgets others might love to follow new electronic gadgets(1) to be up-to(2) date(2) with the tech world As they grow older, I guess they would spend more money on socializing or going out, you know, to maintain their friendships with others up-to-date đại, hợp thời This software is not up to date, and it’s causing problems for you computer (1) frugality /fruːˈɡỉləti/ : tính tiết kiệm He Do you think it is important to save money? Why? Yeah, frugalit (1) is common and in many cases vital in Vietnamese culture I was taught that money is extremely important, something taught me simplicity/swet blʌd/andfrugality (2) to sweat blood làm việc chăm that my parents had to sweat blood(2) to get So, in my opinion, managing money, as well as saving money, is undeniably important, We had to sweat blood to get everything ready not only for me or my parents, but also for our next generation in time Do people buy things they don’t need? Obviously, there are people who don’t understand how valuable (1) Spoon-feed /ˈspuːn fiːd/ chiều chuộng (con cái) tới mức (chúng) tự chăm sóc money is For example, lots of young people, who are spoon-fed(1) with a lot of money by their parents, might squander(2) money on cho thân unnecessary things But I believe that when they understand how hard The students here not expect to it is to earn money, they can control their buying habits be spoon-fed /ˈskwɒndə(r)/ (2) squander lãng phí The company squandered millions on two dead-end projects 51 | ZIM Childhood IELTS Speaking Part Describe a person who impressed you most when you were in primary school You should say: • Who he/she is • How you knew him/her • Why he/she impressed you most • And how you feel about him/her Idea • Thầy Bình, giáo viên tiểu học Context (Bối cảnh) • Là hình mẫu tơi • Ấn tượng với cách hành xử thầy • Là người ăn mặc gọn gàng vui tính, dễ gần • Phương pháp giảng dạy tuyệt vời, làm thứ trở nên Content (Nội dung) đơn giản • Học nhiều từ thầy Conclusion (Kết luận) • Phát triển niềm đam mê với mơn Tốn • Giúp tơi suy nghĩ logic Take note Exceptionally lucky Context Extraordinary teacher Behave nicely Mr Bình Content Tidy appearance but down-to-earth and approachable Exceptional teaching methods complex topic → understandable Passion for math Conclusion Critical and logical thinking 52 | ZIM Answer /ɪkˈsepʃənəli may mắn ˈlʌki/: exceptionally lucky I think I am an exceptionally lucky(1) person because I have been taught CONTEXT by so many excellent teachers throughout my academic life One of them is Mr Binh, an extraordinary teacher He has always been my role model ever since I met him He was our math teacher when I was in 2nd grade In terms of my career I feel /ˌdaʊn tu ˈɜːθ/ tế (không mơ exceptionally lucky Down-to-earth My first impression of him is that he was a strict teacher so we had to behave nicely in front of him However, despite his serious face and tidy appearance, he was a down-to-earth(2) person, who was very approachable(3) and friendly We didn’t have to be as polite as we had CONTENT expected His teaching methods were exceptional(4) He tried to make everything as simple as possible, and he therefore always explained complex topics(5) in the most understanding way He made learning so easy to the point that it made me interested in learning Everything we learned from him was interesting and that’s why we remember most of the theories(6) and equations he taught us thực mộng) You should be more down-to-earth and stop considering yourself to be a /əˈprəʊtʃəbl/ thân thiện genius approachable dễ gần, being a big star, she’s very Despite At the age /ɪkˈsepʃənəl/ approachable Exceptional of five he complex topic ausician /ˈkɒmpleks ˈtɒpɪk/ chủ đề phức tạp The article covered a wide range of My passion for mathematics has developed since then And thanks to a strong foundation in math, I was able to learn most other subjects quite CONCLUSION easily after that This is because math helped me build great logical and critical thinking(7) I’ve always been good at math and that’s mainly thanks to Mr Binh, who played a vital role in making the subject interesting for me xuất sắc showed complex He topics, /ˈθɪəri/ exceptionaltalentas including forced marriage and abortion Theory định lý, định luật developed a new theory about the phản biện /ˌkrɪtɪkl ˈθɪŋkɪŋ/ cause of stomach ulce s critical thinking tư The book shows you how to apply critical thinking to your studies 53 | ZIM IELTS Speaking Part Why people always miss their childhood? (1) splitting headache /ˈsplɪt.ɪŋ ˈhedeɪk/ Because adulthood feels overwhelming and confusing There are đau đầu dội so many things that adults need to deal with and these things are I have a splitting/ˈkeəfriː/headache complex and very likely to give you a splitting headache(1) That’s why we always remember the carefree(2) period of time in childhood when we did not have to deal with any problems Are kids happier than adults? Why? (2) carefree vô tư vô lo He looked happy and carefree (1) Stagnate /stỉɡˈneɪt/ trì trệ Definitely, as I mentioned before, childhood is more relaxing and enjoyable as there aren’t too many things to worry about By Businesses must adapt to change or they will contrast, adulthood is sometimes really stressful For example, stagnate wages are stagnating(1), your career might not progress(2), (2) We will /ˈprəʊɡres/ Progress phát triển continue to monitor progress over the people’s expectations about you can be unreasonable, and so on next few months Why people still remember many of their friends from primary school? It’s an interesting question To be honest, I would love to know the answer to this I guess people are more comfortable being with someone who they have known for a long time The same cannot responsibility /rɪˌspɒnsəˈbɪləti/ trách nhiệm It’s time for someone to take responsibility and get the job done be said for adult relationships, as we cannot spend much time with school friends anymore due to our responsibilities at work and at home Humorous /ˈhjuːmərəs/ hài hước (1) hước What kinds of primary school teachers will impress students? /hɪˈleəriəs dʒəʊk/: It’s a humorous look at the world of fashion câu đùa hài hilarious joke (2) I guess children enjoy learning with humorous(1) teachers, who make hilarious jokes(2) during class time Children’s attention spans(3) are very short, so funny stories can grab their attention As long as children can stay focused on the lesson, it is likely that They often make hilarious jokes at each other’s gian tập trung /əˈtenʃn spæn/ expense (3) attention span khoảng thời they will love their teachers Young children have quite short attention spans 54 | ZIM Learning IELTS Speaking Part Describe something you think would be interesting to learn more about You should say: • What it is • How you would learn it more • Where you can learn it more • And explain why you want to keep learning it Idea • Chơi ghi-ta • Bố mẹ hay chơi nhà Context (Bối cảnh) • Ấn tượng giai điệu • Không cần phải khỏe mạnh để học chơi ghita • Cần đôi tay khéo léo luyện tập Content (Nội dung) • Vẫn người chơi nghiệp dư Conclusion (Kết luận) Giúp thư giãn, kết bạn gây ấn tượng với gái Take note Musical instrumental → guitar Context Dreamed of playing acoustic songs Fastinated by the melody and sound Doesn’t need to be physically Warren Buffet strong Content Skillful hands, constantly change finger’s positions → practicing Still a novice player Conclusion Wonderful Impress the girls 55 | ZIM CONTEX T Answer acoustic songs /əˈkuːstɪk sɒŋ/ hát chơi với nhạc cụ I’m always very interested in learning to play musical instruments And there is one instrument that I have always wanted to master, and that is the guitar I prefer listening to acoustic songs rather than thích thú (với cái/ˈfỉsɪneɪtɪd those with electric instruments I have always dreamed of becoming a guitar player ever since I was a fascinated kid This is because my parents are also into playing music, and played đó) I’ve always been fascinated by his lots of acoustic songs(1) in my house I was fascinated(2) by the sound CONTE NT and melody of guitars However, I didn’t have the chance to learn to play the guitar until I was 20, when one of my friends, a guitarist, taught me to play ideas novice chơi /ˈnɒvɪs/ / người tập sự, người I’m a complete novice at skiing It was not as easy as it first seemed I mean, playing an instrument physically strong doesn’t require you to be very physically strong(3), right? But, you need khỏe mạnh (về mặt thể /ˈfɪzɪkli strɒŋ/ skillful hands, being able to move very quickly and precisely I found it You need to be physically strong in quite difficult to constantly change the position of my fingers and I had to order to join the army spend a lot of time practicing Although I can play a number of songs at brag the moment, I still consider myself a novice(4) guitar player Surely, I will CO NC LU SIO N continue to practice until I can play it skillfully chất) I’m not /bræɡ/ khoe khoang, ba hoa bragging but I think I did very well in the interview I think being able to play the guitar is one of the most wonderful things fallen for me because of my songs that I have ever learned It helps you to relax, make friends, and it’s also a good way to impress the girls! I’m not going to brag(5) but lots of girls have 56 | ZIM IELTS Speaking Part (1) formative /ˈfɔːmətɪv/ có tính tảng Do children learn much faster than adults? Well, yes Everything is possible during children’s formative(1) years định Take languages as an example Children can be bilingual(2) or even A child’s formative years are some of the most multilingual(3) at a very young age without having to spend hours learning vocabulary and grammar structures I guess this is because the brain structures are different between children and adults, which helps them obtain knowledge better ngôn ngữ /ˌbaɪˈlɪŋɡwəl/ important in regards to education (2) có khả nói bilingual a multilingual /ˌmʌltiˈlɪŋɡwəl/ She is bilingual in Eng ish and Punjabi đa ngôn ngữ multilingual (3) classroom Why should we learn something we are interested in? Because that’s how we stay the course It’s very difficult to always motivated /ˈməʊtɪveɪtɪd/ có động stay motivated in something that you don’t have a passion for Meanwhile, if you are learning something that you are interested lực A highly motivated student in, you can think more clearly, understand more deeply, remember more accurately, and eventually, learn it more quickly What are the differences between hard work and smart work? strenuous /ˈstrenjuəs/ đòi hỏi nhiều nỗ lực Hard work can be simply defined as putting strenuous hours into a job or task Hard work is often a result of not being able to finish avoid strenuous exercise immediately after a work on time Smart work is a completely different story I think it refers to finishing the work or task efficiently and effectively, to achieve the highest quality in the shortest amount of time 57 | ZIM meal Nhóm tác giả Anh ngữ ZIM Chủ biên Ngô Phương Thảo Biên tập Samuel Gregory Prior Ghi âm Dominic Joseph Reed Tác giả Bùi Hoàng Phương Uyên Nguyễn Tiến Thành 58 | ZIM 59 | ZIM 60 | ZIM ... 4| ZIM Mục lục IELTS Speaking Part 1 Weekend 7 Concentration 13 Daily routine 8 Colours 14 Dreams 9 Public gardens... is interesting 42 Describe some good service you received (company or store/shop) 45 10 Describe an expensive item that you bought and regretted 48 11 Describe a person... vibrant during the New He /ˈlaɪvli/ Year celebrations (4) lively (adj): sống động showed a lively interest in politics 24 | ZIM Devices IELTS Speaking Part Describe a thing you cannot live without

Ngày đăng: 04/03/2023, 10:56
