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English 8_Unit 7:Pollution+ Midterm tests

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English 8_Unit 7:Pollution; In this file, it concluded New words, grammar, and some midterm tests. It was collected and corrected by the author. Hope that it will help students review their knowledge.

UNIT 7: POLLUTION (SỰ Ô NHIỄM) *New words: Waste (n) Die (v) /weɪst/ Chất thải /daɪ/ Chết → Dead (adj) Almost (adv) Pollute (v) /ded/ /ˈɔːl.məʊst/ Hầu /pəˈluːt/ Gây ô nhiễm →Pollution (n) /pəˈluː.ʃən/ Sự ô nhiễm = pollutant (n) /pəˈluː.tənt/ Continue (v) /kənˈtɪn.juː/ Tiếp tục Dump (v) /dʌmp/ Đổ, vứt bỏ, xả Poison (n) /ˈpɔɪzn/ Chất độc →Poisonous (adj) /ˈpɔɪ.zən.əs/ Có độc, nhiễm độc Aquatic (adj) /əˈkwỉtɪk/ Sống nước Dirty (adj) /ˈdɜː.ti/ Dơ/bẩn Sneeze (v) /sniːz/ Hắt xì/ hắt /kʌm/ /ʌp/ /wɪð/ Nảy ra/ nghĩ Come up with (v) Environmental (adj) Give presentation (v) /ɪnˌvaɪ.rənˈmen.təl/ Thuộc mơi trường /ɡɪv/ /ˌprez.ənˈteɪ.ʃən/ Thuyết trình Illustrate (v) /ˈɪləstreɪt/ Minh họa Surprise (v, n) /səˈpraɪz/ Gây ngạc nhiên, ngạc nhiên *Some types of pollution: Water pollution (Noun phrase) Ô nhiễm nước Noise pollution (np) Ô nhiễm tiếng ồn - Radiation (n) /ˌreɪ.diˈeɪ.ʃən/ Phóng xạ [C1] Radioactive pollution (np) /ˌreɪdɪəʊˈỉktɪv/ /pəˈluːʃən/ Ơ nhiễm phóng xạ Ex: When radiation goes into the land, air or water, it is called radioactive pollution (Khi phóng xạ vào đất, khơng khí nước gọi nhiễm phóng xạ.) Land/soil pollution (np) Ơ nhiễm đất Thermal pollution /ˈθɜːməl/ /pəˈluːʃən/ Ô nhiễm nhiệt (np) Air pollution (np) Ơ nhiễm khơng khí Light pollution (np) Visual pollution (np) Atmosphere (n) Contain (v) Ô nhiễm ánh sáng /ˈvɪzjʊəl/ /pəˈluːʃən/ /ˈỉt.mə.sfɪər/ /kənˈteɪn/ Ơ nhiễm thị giác- tầm nhìn Bầu khơng khí Chứa đựng, bao gồm (=include) Dust (n) /dʌst/ Bụi Fume (n) /fjuːm/ Khói thải Harmful (adj) Contaminate (v) /ˈhɑːm.fəl/ /kənˈtỉmɪneɪt/ Có hại làm nhiễm ➔ Contaminant (n) /kənˈtỉm.ɪ.nənt/ Chất gây nhiễm ➔ Contamination (n) /kənˌtỉmɪˈneɪʃn/ Sự nhiễm Ground water (n) /ˈɡraʊnd ˌwɔː.tər/ Nước ngầm Earth’s surface (n) /ɜːθ/ /ˈsɜː.fɪs/ Occur (v) =happen(v) /əˈkɜːr/ Bề mặt trái đất Xảy /ˈtel.ɪ.fəʊn ˌpəʊl/ Cột điện thoại Advertising billboard (n) /ˈæd.və.taɪ.zɪŋ/ /ˈbɪl.bɔːd/ Biển quảng cáo Overhead (adj)/(adv) /ˈəʊ.və.hed/ Telephone pole (n) Float (v) Breathing problem (n) Throw (v) /fləʊt/ /ˈbriː.ðɪŋ/ /ˈprɒb.ləm/ /θrəʊ/ đầu Nổi Vấn đề hô hấp Ném vứt Litter (v) (v)Xả xác (n) =rubbish(n) (n) rác spill (v) Làm tràn, làm đổ Lead to (v) Dẫn tới Household (n, adj) Hộ gia đình, thuộc gia đình Birth defect (n) Khuyết tật bẩm sinh Expose to (v) Tiếp xúc với Tiny species (n) Sinh vật nhỏ Disease (n) Bệnh tật Reduction (n) Sự rút gọn, giảm giá Recycle (v) Tái chế Issue (n) Vấn đề = problem(n) Behaviour/behavior (n) Hành vi Pattern (n) Kiểu mẫu, gương mẫu Renewable (adj) Có thể làm mới, tái sinh Decrease (v) Làm giảm Resident (n) Cư dân Complain (v) Phàn nàn affect (v) Gây ảnh hưởng Blood pressure (n) Huyết áp Hearing loss (n) Sự khả nghe Industrial (adj) Thuộc công nghiệp Herbicide (n) Weed (n) /ˈhɜː.bɪ.saɪd/ Thuốc diệt cỏ Cỏ dại Source pollutant (n) Nguồn gây ô nhiễm Discharge (v, n) Xả, thải Result in (v) Dẫn tới, gây Vehicle (n) Phương tiện giao thông Serious (adj) Nghiêm trọng Global warming (n) Sự nóng lên tồn cầu untidy (adj)=messy Lôi thôi, lếch GRAMMAR CONDITIONAL SENTENCES (câu điều kiện) I Type 1: - Dùng để giả định việc xảy tương lai If + S + V/V(s/es), S + will/may/can + Vo Ex: If you pull the dog’s tail, it will bite you II Type - Dùng để giả định việc xảy tương lai If + S + V2/V-ed, S + would/might/could + Vo Ex:- If Dung had a lot of money now, he would buy a new smartphone Practice III Đề I Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently Write the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet A school B church C children D watch A spoon B spy C raspberry D speech A brave B Buddha C tale D fable II Choose the word whose main stress syllable is different from the rest Write the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet A procession B production C attention D competition A cattle B collect C grassland D paddy III Choose the best option A, B, C or D to complete the sentence Write your answer on the sheet I am interested in learning more about the customs of other countries A attractions B language C traditions D people C garden D gardens They enjoy on Sunday A gardening B gardened “I think the girls in Cham’s dresses are the most beautiful Do you agree me?” A for B to C about D with Everyone was attracted by her grateful A performer B performing C performed D performance 10 You miss any of the meetings They are always very useful A needn’t B shouldn’t C should D can 11 Tam is a beautiful girl; , she is kind-hearted A therefore B however C moreover D otherwise C more higher D highest C nomad D nomads 12 Tom’s house is than Jerry’ A higher B more high 13 They live a life A normally B nomadic 14 This book is more than I think A interesting B interested C good D gooder 15 We don’t have the custom giving present at Christmas A with B in C of D on 16 Children like Tet they can wear new clothes and receive lucky money A so B because C therefore D even though 17 pollution can directly cause hearing loss A Visual B Soil C Thermal D Noise 18 Once upon _, there was a good king and his queen A the time B the year C a time D a year 19 People burn incense to show respect to their during Tet A relatives B ancestors C friends D neighbors 20 The water temperature in streams, rivers, oceans change is the effect of _ A thermal pollution B radioactive pollution C light pollution D visual pollution IV Choose the word or phrase that needs correcting in each sentence Write your answer on the sheet 21 If I were you, I will plant vegetables in the garden A in B will C were D the 22 He is waiting for the bus at o’clock yesterday morning A is waiting B for C at D yesterday 23 In Vietnam, we have the traditional of worshipping our ancestors A ancestors B In C have D traditional 24 The poison chemical waste is dumped into the river A waste B into C poison D dumped 25 What a beautifully shirt you are wearing! A What B wearing C are D beautifully V Choose the best option A, B, C or D to complete the passage Write your answer on the sheet We are all slowly (26) the earth The seas and rivers are too dirty to swim in There is so much smoke in the air that it is unhealthy to live in many of the world’s cities In one well-known city, for example, poisonous gases (27) cars pollute the air so much that traffic policemen have to wear oxygen masks We have cut down (28) trees that there are now vast areas of wasteland all over the world As a result, farmers in parts of Africa cannot grow enough (29) In certain countries in Asia, there is too little rice Moreover, we not take care of the countryside Wild animals are quickly disappearing For instance, tigers are rare in India now because we have killed too many of them However, it isn’t enough simply to talk about the problem We must act now before it is too late to (30) about it Join us now Save the Earth! 26 A destroyed B destroying C destroys D destroy 27 A by B from C of D in 28 so much B so few C so little D so many 29 A eating B to eat C for eat D to be eaten 30 A anything B nothing C everything D something VI Read the following passage and write the best answer option A, B, C or D on your answer sheet Once upon a time, there is a girl called Little Red Riding Hood, because of the red hood she always wears The girl walks through the woods to give her grandmother some food A wolf wants to eat the girl but is afraid to so in public (sometimes there are woodcutters watching) So, he suggests the girl should pick some flowers, which she does After that, he goes to the grandmother’s house He eats the grandmother, and waits for the girl, disguised as the grandmother When the girl arrives, he eats her too A woodcutter, however, comes to the house and cuts the wolf open Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother come out unharmed 31 Why is the girl called Little Red Riding Hood? A Because she likes red C Because she is little B Because she always wears a red hood D no information 32 What does the phrase “in public” in line mean? A in the wood B soon C immediately D when other people are there 33 What does the word “he” in line refer to? A the woodcutter B the wolf C the girl’s mother D no information 34 Little Red Riding Hood A walks through the wood C picks some flowers B wants to give her grandmother some food D all are correct 35 Which of the following is NOT true? A The wolf gives Little Red Riding Hood some flowers B Sometimes, there are woodcutters in the wood C A woodcutter saves the girl and her grandmother D The girl and her grandmother are not dead VII From the given words/ phrases or sentence, choose the best answer A, B, C or D 36 how / can / you / reduce / waste / home? A How can you reduce waste in your home? B How you can reduce waste in your home? C How can you reduce waste by your home? D How can you reduced waste in your home? 37 A horse can run 80km/hr while a camel can only run 12km/hr A A horse can run many fast than a camel B A horse can run faster than a camel C A horse can run more fast than a camel D A horse can run more faster than a camel 38 We /go / school late / because / rain / heavily A We are going to school late because it rained heavily B We go to school late because it rained heavily C We went for school late because it rained heavily D We went to school late because it rained heavily 39 Knights / ride horses/ to the castle A Knights was riding their horses to the castle B Knights were rideing their horses to the castle C Knights were riding their horses to the castle D Knights were riding their horses for to the castle 40 this / time / at / yesterday, I / homework / my / doing / was A At this time yesterday, I was doing my homework B At this time, I was doing my homework yesterday C Yesterday, I was doing my homework at this time D Yesterday, at this time I was doing my homework Đề I Choose the word that has different pronunciation from others A drought B ought C brought D bought A hobbies B bags C organizations D groups A mash B scatter C package D metal A happened B helped C burned D bored II Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences below Would you mind opening the door? A Yes, I would B No, I wouldn't C No, thanks D Not at all A is a trip you take by plane A journey B traveling C cruise D flight She prefers walking to a bike A ride B riding C to ride D rides The woman to the headmaster will make a speech about protecting the environment A talks B will talk C talking D talked Do you mind if I the front seat of the taxi? A sit B sat C sitting D to sit It is a drive from here to the city center A twenty - minutes B twenty minutes C twenty-minute D twenty minute The child should because of his bad behavior A be punished B punish C punished D punishes We're to hear that you pass the driving test A pleasing B pleased C please D to please III Give the correct form of the verb in blankets Your dog ever (bite) anyone? - Yes, he (bite) a policeman last week Would you mind if I (take) a photo of you? It is not difficult (remember) 3R Millions of old car tires (throw) away every year IV Read the following passage and choose the item (a, b, c, or d) that best answers each of the questions about it I’m in the hospital! I’ve broken my leg! But don’t worry I’ll be all right I’ve been here since last Sunday I had an accident at a football match I tried to kick the ball but I kicked the goal post! The pain was quite bad, so Dad brought me to the hospital the same day I had a small operation three days ago The nurses and doctors have been really nice, but the food’s disgusting I prefer Mum’s cooking! Where is the writer? a He’s going on a vacation b He’s at home c He’s in the hospital d He’s at school What has happened to him? a He has had a cold b He has broken his leg c He has had an accident d b & c are correct He felt _pain a no b not much c a lot of d a&b are correct What does the word ‘disgusting’ in line mean? a delicious b good c healthy d awful V Re-oder the words to make meaningful sentences enjoy / here / going / you / or / / move / you / to / staying / are? → different / thought / would/ the journey / quite / I / was / from / what / be / it → because / semester / parents / studies / Tom’s / very sad / badly / every / are / he / very → left / not / father / Ha Long / since / I / for / your / met / he / have → Đề I Circle the word of which the underlined sound is pronounced differently from the others A drought B ought C brought D bought A hobbies B bags C organizations D groups A mash B scatter C package D metal A happened B helped C burned D bored II Choose the best answer for each sentence (2pts) Would you mind opening the door? A Yes, I would all B No, I wouldn't C No, thanks D Not at A is a trip you take by plane A journey B traveling C cruise D flight C to ride D rides She prefers walking to a bike A ride B riding The woman to the headmaster will make a speech about protecting the environment A talks B will talk C talking D talked C sitting D to sit Do you mind if I .the front seat of the taxi? A sit B sat It is a drive from here to the city center A twenty - minutes B twenty minutes C twenty-minute D twenty minute The child should because of his bad behavior A be punished B punish C punished D punishes We're to hear that you pass the driving test A pleasing B pleased C please D to please III Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets Your dog ever (bite) anyone? - Yes, he (bite) a policeman last week Would you mind if I (take) a photo of you? It is not difficult (remember) 3R Millions of old car tires (throw) away every year I promise I (study) harder IV Give the correct form of these words Farmers collect and garden waste to make compost HOUSE We should protect the environment and save resources NATURE His parents are very of him PRIDE Our teacher always us to study hard COURAGE V Read the text then answer the questions The Prime Minister has inked a decision to recognize Bac Giang of the northern province of Bac Giang as a second-tier city Bac Giang city is a political, economic and culture hub of the province Located 50km to the North of Ha Noi and connecting Ha Noi with Lang Son city and Dong Dang border gate, Bac Giang city has become an industrial and service centre of Bac Giang province Earlier, the city was recognized as a third-grade city in 2003 In 2013, average income per capital of the city was 1.45 times higher than the national average figure Economic growth rate has increased constantly by 17.1% over the last three years Poverty rate was 1.5% How far is it from Bac Giang to Hanoi? Is Bac Giang city in the south of Bac Giang province? When was Bac Giang city recognized as third-grade city? What was the poverty rate in 2013? Does Bac Giang become first-tier city? VI Rewrite these sentences I would like you to help me to put the chairs away ⇒ Would you mind ………………………………… People recycle old car tires to make shoes and sandals ⇒ Old car tires ………………………………………… The boy is playing chess with you He is my uncle ⇒ The boy ……………………………………………… Keeping the environment clean is very important ⇒ It’s …………………………………………………… VII Write a thank-you note letter to a friend (40-60 words) Invite your friend to go on a picnic with you

Ngày đăng: 01/03/2023, 22:08


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