Báo cáo Y học: Exploration of the diaphorase activity of neutrophil NADPH oxidase Critical assessment of the interaction of iodonitrotetrazolium with the oxidase redox components doc
ExplorationofthediaphoraseactivityofneutrophilNADPH oxidase
Critical assessmentoftheinteractionof iodonitrotetrazolium
with theoxidaseredox components
Alexandra Poinas
, Jacques Gaillard
, Pierre Vignais
and Jacques Doussiere
Laboratoire de Biochimie et Biophysique des Syste
mes Inte
s, UMR 5092 CEA-CNRS, De
partement de Biologie Mole
et Structurale Grenoble, France;
partement de Recherche Fondamentale sur la Matie
re Condense
CEA-Grenoble, France
In the O
generating flavocyto chrome b, t he membrane-
bound component oftheneutrophilNADPH oxidase,
electrons are transported from NADPH to O
in the fol-
lowing sequence: NADPH fi FAD fi heme b fi O
Although p-iodonitrotetrazolium (INT) has frequently been
used as a probe ofthe d iaphorase a ctivity o f t he neutrophil
flavocytochrome b , the propensity of its radical to interact
reversibly w ith O
led us to question its specificity. This study
was undertaken to reexamin e theinteractionof INT with the
redox componentsof t he neutrophil flavocytochrome b .
Two series of inhibitors were used, n amely the flavin analog
5-deaza FAD and the heme inhibitors bipyridyl and ben-
zylimidazole. The following re sults indicate that INT reacts
preferentially withthe hemes rather than withthe FAD
redox center of flavocytochrome b and is not therefore a
specific probe ofthediaphoraseactivityof flavocyto-
chrome b . First, i n a naerobiosis, reduced he me b in activa-
ted m embranes was reoxidized by INT as efficiently a s by O
even in the presence of concentrations of 5-deaza FAD
which fully inhibited t he NADPHoxidase activity. S econd,
the t itration curve of dithionite-reduced heme b in neutro-
phil membranes obtained by oxidation with increasing
amounts of INT was strictly superimposable on that of
dithionite-reduced hemin. Third, INT competitively inhib-
ited the O
uptake by the activated NADPHoxidase in a
cell-free system. Finally, the heme inhibitor bipyridyl com-
petitively inhibited the reduction of INT in anaerobiosis, a nd
the o xygen uptake in a erobiosis.
Keywords: diaphorase; INT reductase; NADPH oxidase;
neutrophils; fl avocytochrome b.
Upon activation, the n eutrophil NADPHoxidase c omplex
generates the superoxide anion O
from which are derived
microbicidal oxygen species, such as hydrogen peroxide and
hypochloride. The active NADPHoxidase complex consists
of a membrane-bound flavocytochrome b made of two
subunits, gp91phox and p22phox (phox for phagocyte
oxidase), and water-soluble proteins of cytosolic origin
(p67phox, p47phox, p40phox and Rac 1/2) [1]. A defect in
any o f the genes encoding gp91ph ox, p22phox, p47phox or
p67phox results in chronic granulomatous disease (CGD)
[2]. Physiological activation ofNADPHoxidase can be
mimicked byusing a cell-free system with flavocytochrome b,
p47phox, p67phox, Rac, GTP and arachidonic acid as basic
components. The large subunit of flavocytochrome b,
gp91phox, contains all of t he redoxcomponents necessary
for electron transfer from NADPH to O
, namely FAD and
two hemes [3–6]. Like the yeast FRE1 reductase, the b
cytochrome ofthe mitochondrial bc
complex and cyto-
chrome b
of the b
f complex in chloroplasts, gp91phox
contains mu ltiple hydrophobic domains, consistent with
transmembrane a helices, and two pairs of histidine residues
in these h ydrophobic domains, separated by 1 3 intervening
amino acids (quoted from [7]). Based on these considera-
tions, it has been postulated that the two hemes located in
the N-terminal domain of gp91phox are coordinated by two
pairs of histidine residues within two distinct a helices [7].
One of them (heme 1) is close to the c ytosolic face of the
membrane, the other (heme 2 ) is o n the opposite s ide of t he
membrane. The C-terminal region of gp91phox, which
consists of predominantly hydrophilic amino a cid residues,
is extramembranous a nd exposed t o the cytoso l. It co ntains
binding sites for NADPH a nd FAD. The FAD binding site
is thought to be in the close neighborhood of heme 1. The
topographical a ssignment oftheredox centers of gp91phox
in this model indicates that electrons are transported from
across the membrane via a chain of redox
components in the following sequence: NADPH fi
FAD fi heme 1 fi heme 2 fi O
. Consistent with the
presence of two distinct domains in gp91phox are reports
showing that gp91phox may act as a diaphorase in the
presence of appropriate electron acceptors such as dichlo-
rophenol indophenol [8] or p-iodonitrotetrazolium violet
(INT) [9–11]. Not only theoxidase a ctivity, but also the
diaphorase activity required activation for full elicitation
[8,9]. From these s tudies emerged the idea th at th e electron
flux along theredoxcomponentsof flavocytochrome b is
Correspondence to J. Doussiere DBMS/BBSI, CEA-Grenoble,
17 rue des Martyrs, 38054 Grenoble cedex 9, France.
Fax: +33 4 76 88 51 85, Tel.: +33 4 76 8 8 34 76,
E-mail: jdoussiere@cea.fr
Abbreviations: INT, P-iodonitrotetrazolium; NBT, nitroblue
tetrazolium; 5-deaza FAD, 5 deazaflavin adenine dinucleotide; SOD,
superoxide dismutase; CGD, chronic granulomatous disease; phox,
phagocyte oxidase.
(Received 2 4 September 20 01, revised 30 November 2001, a ccepted
3 January 2002)
Eur. J. Biochem. 269, 1243–1252 (2002) Ó FEBS 2002
regulated both at t he level ofthe NA DPH-FAD portion of
the electron transfer chain and at the leve l of he me b [12,13].
This idea was supported by the finding that neutrophils of a
CGD (91X
) patient with a point mutation (Arg54Ser) in
the g p91phox subunit of flavocyto chrome b , a lthough
unable to reduce O
into O
despite the presence of heme b
in gp91p hox, retained the capacity to reduce INT [14]. It was
also shown th at electron tran sfer from NADPH to INT and
from NADPH to O
could be activated independently of
each other, depending on the presence of p67phox and
p47phox [10,12]. From these data it appeared that measu-
rement of INT r eductase could b e t aken as an index of the
diaphorase activity o f flavocytochrome b. However, a recent
paper [15] called a ttention to the possibility ofthe nonen-
zymatic univalent reduction of te trazolium salts, particularly
INT by O
with concomitant production ofthe tetrazolium
radical. In addition, t he INT r adical in an a erated medium
can reduce O
to O
[16,17]. These observations suggested
that under certain circumstanc es INT did n ot probe the
diaphorase activityoftheNADPH oxidase. The present
paper describes experiments in which INT and O
compared for their ability to acce pt electrons from activated
flavocytochrome b , u sing neutrophil membranes pretreated
with 5-deaza FAD, an FAD analog inefficien t in electron
transfer in flavocytochrome b , and with benzylimidazole
and bipyridyl as heme inhibitors. The results show that INT
is able to directly o xidize reduced heme b.
NADPH, ATP, GTPcS were f rom Boehringer; horse heart
cytochrome c type III, arachidonic a cid, dimethanesulfox-
ide, diisopropyl fluorophosphate, benzylimidazole and
hemin were f rom Sigma. I NT was from Amresco. 5 -Deaza
FAD was a gift from V. Massey, Medical School Ann
Harbor Michigan (USA).
Biological preparations
Neutrophil membranes and cytosol were prepared from
bovine neutrophils in saline p hosphate buffer (NaCl/P
composed of 2.7 m
KCl, 136.7 m
NaCl, 1 .5 m
and 8.1 m
, pH 7 .4 supplemented
with 1 m
diisopropyl fluorophosphate and 1 m
[13]. Protein concentration was assayed withthe BCA
reagent u sing BSA as standard. P urified flavocytochrome b
in detergent was obtained as reported p reviously [18].
Preparation of INT radical
INT (60 mg) was solubilized in 1 mL of a mixture of
dimethyl sulfoxide/H
O (2 : 1, v /v). The oxid iz ed INT was
reduced by a few grains of sodium dithionite. The pale
yellow s olution became rapidly orange, w hich is typical of
the INT radical. This was immediately followed by four
sequential extractions of INT by 2 mL chloroform. After
each extraction, the mixture was centrifuged at 1000 g for
2 m in. The chloroform solutions co ntaining INT were
collected and poole d. After evaporation under a flow of
nitrogen, t he dry residue (57 mg) was taken up in 2 m L
dimethyl sulfoxide and kept at )20 °C under a rgon.
Assay ofoxidase and INT diaphorase activities
NADPH oxidaseactivity was a ssayed in a cell-free system
[13], either by m easurement ofthe rate of p roduction of O
or the rate of O
uptake. INT d iaphorase activity was
assayed by the rate of reduction of INT into fo rmazan in the
presence of superoxide dismutase ( SOD) or under anaero-
biosis. In all cases, the assay ofoxidaseactivity was preceded
by an activation step at room temperature. Briefly, mem-
branes obtained from resting neutrophils were mixed with
and an optim al amount of arachidonic acid.
After 5 min, cytosol from resting cells (an amount corres-
ponding to 10 · that of membrane protein), 20 l
500 l
ATP and 2 m
were added, and incubation
was continued for another 5 min. In the case of O
measurement, 10–20 lg aliquots of m embrane protein were
used in a final volume of 20–50 lLofNaCl/P
. Following
activation, the suspension was transferred to a photometric
cuvette containing 200 l
NADPH and either 100 l
cytochrome c or 100 l
chrome c reduction was r ecorded at 550 nm ( e ¼
21.1 m
) [19], and INT reduction at 500 nm
(e ¼ 11 m
) [20]. After 2–3 m in, 50 lgofSOD
was added to quench O
. In all preparations, cytochrome c
reduction was inhibited to > 95% b y t he addition of SOD,
indicating that O
was the main product of reduction of O
In contrast to the reduction of cytochrome c which is
monoelectronic, reduction of INT to formazan requires two
electrons. For normalization of t he data, the activitie s were
calculated as lmol e
Æmg membrane pro-
When r eduction of INT was conducted under
anaerobiosis, t he cuvette c ontaining the m edium was sealed
with gas-tight rubber stoppers, into which two needles were
inserted. One ofthe needles was u sed f or flushing nitrogen,
the other for gas evacuation.
When theoxidaseactivity was assayed by the rate of O
uptake, the suspension of activated particles was transferred
to an oxygraphic cuvette containing 1.5 mL NaCl/P
supplemented with 250 l
NADPH and, when indicated,
INT or heme inhibitors at different concentrations. The
quantity ofneutrophil membranes used in the oxygraphic
assays was 10 · that used in the photometric assay. For
measurement ofthe K
of activated oxidas e f or O
concentration ofthe medium was d ecreased to 30–40% of
the initial value by controlled N
bubbling prior to NADPH
addition. Below 40–50 l
, the oxygraphic traces curved
inward. The rates of o xygen u ptake were deduced from the
slopes ofthe tangents to the oxygraphic traces, and the
contact points of t he tangents with th e c urves were used t o
determine the O
concentrations at which O
proceeds [18]. All experiments were repeated two or three
times, and t he reported results are representative o f at least
two experiments.
Optical spectra
Absorption spectra of clear solutions were recorded at room
temperature with an Uvikon 930 spectrophotometer. In the
case of turbid suspensions, a double beam PerkinElmer 5 57
spectrophotometer was used. R eduction was a chieved with
a few grains of sodium dithionite. The amount of heme b in
neutrophil membranes was determined from difference
spectra (dithionite-reduced vs. o xidized). The molar extinc-
1244 A. Poinas et al. (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) Ó FEBS 2002
tion coefficients (De)were106m
at 425 nm (Soret
Peak) and 21.6 m
at 558 nm [21]. The amount of
heme b in neutrophil membranes varies from 0.35 to
0.65 nmolÆmg protein
depending on preparations. In
experiments where reduced heme b was reoxidized by
sequential additions of INT (cf. Fig. 8), the difference
spectra relative to the Soret band were recorded and t he
extent of reoxidation was assessed by the decrease of the
peak of absorbancy by reference to a base-line (see Fig. 8).
EPR spectra
EPR spectra were recorded with a X -band Bruker EMX
spectrometer equipped with an Oxford Instruments ESR-
900 continuous flow helium cryostat.
Effect ofNADPHoxidase activation and oxygen
on the rates of INT reductase and O
The experiment illustrated in Fig. 1 shows the effects of
arachidonic acid and O
on the rates of electron transfer
from NADPH to cytochrome c and INT. Arachidonic acid,
an efficient amphiphile commonly u sed to elic it the
production of O
in a cell-free system ofNADPH o xidase
activation, was added at increasing concentrations to
neutrophil membranes which were further supplemented
with neutrophil cytosol, GTPcS and ATP. After completion
of activation, the rates of cytochrome c reduction and INT
reduction were measured either in a n a erated medium or in
saturated m edium. The data were expressed in terms
of lmol e
transferred min
Æmg membrane protein
recting for the fact t hat c ytochrome c is reduced by one
electron and INT by two electrons. In t he aerated medium
(Fig. 1 A), the cytochrome c reductase activity, referred as
oxidase activity, and the INT reductase activity both peak ed
at a concentration of 1.2–1.3 lmol arachidonic acidÆmg
membrane protein
, the rates of electron transfer being
1.00 lmol and 0.78 lmol e
Æmg membrane pro-
, respectively. Both activities differed in their sensitiv-
ity to SOD. The INT reductase was i nhibited % 50% by
SOD, whereas reduction of cytochrome c was inhibited by
> 95%, indicating that reduction of cytochrome c was
essentially due to the superoxide anion O
generated by the
NADPH oxidase.
In the oxygen-free medium (Fig. 1B) INT was reduced,
but not cytochrome c . Thus, in contrast to INT, cyto-
chrome c does not capture e lectrons from a redox center of
flavocytochrome b . The rate of reduction of INT was even
higher in anaerobiosis than in aerobiosis (0.94 lmol vs.
0.78 lmol e
transferred min
Æmg membrane protein
and nearly the same as the rate of O
production in
aerobiosis. This result m eans that the electron t ransfer s tep
from NADPH to theredox center from w hich electrons are
captured by INT controls the rate ofthe overall electron
transfer from NADPH to O
The SOD-sensitive reduction of INT by the activated
NADPH oxidase in an aerated medium previously des-
cribed and ascribed to the reduction of INT by O
generated by theoxidaseactivityof flavocytochrome b
[9,11] deserves some comments. An alternative explanation
is that INT radicals generated b y direct c apture of electrons
from reduced flavocytochrome b interact with O
to gen-
erate oxidized INT (INT
[15,17] according to
reaction 1: INT
. Eliminating O
with SOD displaces the reaction to the right, with formation
of INT
. In this mechanism, the superoxide O
is no
longer considered as the product of reduction of O
at the
heme level of fl avocytochrome b, but rather as the product
of reduction of O
by INT, and the SOD-dependent
inhibition of INT reduction appears to b e an indirect effect.
On the other hand, the INT radical may generate by
dismutation the fully reduced INT
according to reaction
2: INT
fi INT
At low concentrations of INT, reaction 1 predominates,
whereas a t high c oncentrations of INT reaction 2 (which is
second order with respect to the INT concentration) is
favored. Thus, the balance of I NT depends not only on the
presence of O
, but also on the concentration of I NT. This
may explain why the SOD-dependent sensitivity of INT
reduction fluctuates depending on experimental conditions.
For example, in a recent report, the extent o f inhibition of
INT reduction by SOD was limited to 10% [9] compared
with 50% in the present paper (Fig. 1).
Characterization ofthe INT radical
The reduction of tetrazolium salts into formazan, which
involves the overall transfer of two electrons per molecule,
proceeds by stepwise addition of individual electrons [22].
Fig. 1. Reduction of O
and INT by neutrophil membranes activated in a
cell-free system. Effect o f increasing concentrations of arachidonic
acid. Neutrophil membranes (2 0 lg protein) w ere i ncubated at room
temperature with increasing concentrations of arachidonic acid, up to
3 lmolÆmg protein
. After 5 min, cytosol (200 lg
protein) was added, together w ith 0.5 m
ATP and 10 l
The final volume was adjusted to 50 lL with NaCl/P
and incuba tion
was continued for a further 5 min The who le sample was transferred to
a photometric cuvette in 2 mL N aCl/P
supplemented with 200 l
NADPH and either 100 l
cytochrome c (d) or 100 l
INT ( j),
depending on the m easurement oftheoxidase a ctivity (O
tion) or the INT reductase activity. The assays were carried out in
aerobiosis (A) a nd in anaerobiosis (B) as described in Experim ental
procedures. Production of O
as a r educing agen t was quenched by
addition of 50 lg of superoxide dismutase to the medium of the
photometric cuvette containing eit her cytochrome c ( s)orINT(h)
Ó FEBS 2002 INT reductase activityofneutrophiloxidase (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) 1245
This process involves the formation of a tetrazolinyl free
radical which was found by EPR spectroscopy to be
relatively stable at 25 °C in hydrophobic media, e ven i n the
presence of O
. The tetrazolinyl radical c an also accumulate
by oxidation of formazan or by disproportionation of a
mixture of formazan and the tetrazolium salt. The optical
spectra illustrated in Fig. 2 A were recorded before and after
addition of a small amount of sodium dithionite to a
solution of INT in a mixture of dimethyl formamide and
water 1 : 1, v/v). The recorded spectrum of oxidized INT
above 4 00 nm was flat (Fig. 2A, trace a ). Following
addition of sodium dithionite, an orange color rapidly
developed, with a maximal optical absorbance at 449 nm
(Fig. 2 A, trace b). In a few minutes, the color changed to red
(Fig. 2 A, trace c), corresponding to a new spectrum with
two maxima at 500 nm and 550 nm, which was character-
istic o f t he monoformazan, i.e. the fully reduced product o f
INT [15,17]. In t he following aeration ofthe medium, the
absorbance ofthe spectral bands decreased, but the shape of
the spectrum r emained t he same (Fig. 2A, trace d), which
means that the fully reduced INT became reoxidized. I t was
concluded that the transient absorbance at 449 nm corres-
ponded to a partially reduced state of INT, most likely to
the INT radical.
The rate of transition from the oxidized state to the fully
reduced state upon addition of sodium dithionite depended
on the medium. When the solvent was water, the red-
colored formazan accumulated in a few seconds. I n
contrast, in a mixture o f d imethyl formamide and water
of 2 : 1 ( v/v), t he INT radical was stable for more than
10 min (Fig. 2B), the stability of t he INT radical increasing
with the increase in dimethyl formamide concentration.
Detergents such as Triton X-100 or SDS at a final
concentration o f 1% (w/v) also stabilize the INT radical
(data not shown). This observation corroborates data
showing that t he nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) radical
obtained by reduction of oxidized NBT by silver amalgam
was stabilized in dimethoxyethane [23]. The stabilizing effect
of SDS was not encountered with arachidonic acid which
we routinely used as an activator oftheNADPH o xidase.
The first derivative EPR spectrum at 293 K of INT
reduced by sodium dithionite in dimethyl formamide
shows a radical structure centered at g ¼ 2.00 (Fig. 2C,
upper trace). The spectrum was characterized by a 10-line
pattern, nine of which resemble those o f t he EPR spectrum
of the 2,3,5 triphenyltetrazolium chloride radical [23]. The
10-line pattern ofthe EPR spectrum ofthe I NT radical
could b e simulated by assuming a structure containing four
equivalent nitrogen a toms and a supernumerary atom with
a spin of 1/2, namely a proton (Fig. 2C, bottom t race),
with isotrop ic hyperfine splitting constants o f 0.5 mT
between nitrogen atoms and 0.75 mT for the sup ernumer-
ary proton.
The specific chemical p roperties of INT and more
particularly the stability of its radical in hydrophobic
media may e xplain differences in the efficiency of elec tron
capture by INT depending on experimental conditions of
the assay ofNADPH oxidase, for example the nature of
the detergent used in the cell-free assay or the membrane
Compared effects ofthe two heme inhibitors,
benzylimidazole and bipyridyl on the optical
and EPR spectra of hemin and flavocytochrome
In a preliminary experiment, we found that benzylimidazole
and bipyridyl inhibited not only the production of O
assayed by the SOD-sensitive reduction of cytochrome c ,
but also the r eduction of INT w ith the same efficiency. H alf
inhibition was obtained with 2–3 m
bipyridyl and 5–7 m
benzylimidazole. Inhibition was largely reversed by d ilution,
indicating that it was not due to denaturation of flavocyt-
ochrome b . Complementary experiments u sing optical and
EPR s pectra were carried out to assess the specificity o f the
effects of bipyridyl and benzylimidazole on the heme(s) of
flavocytochrome b .
Hemin was chosen as a model to test by spectral
modifications the ability of benzylimidazole and bipyridyl
to react with heme iron. Because hemin solutions in
detergent are not turbid, absolute spectra of oxidized and
reduced hemin in the absence and presence of inhibitors
were recorded directly (Fig. 3A, trace a, control, and trace
b, presence of benzylimidazole). The difference spectra of
dithionite-reduced hemin plus benzylimidazole and dithi-
onite-reduced hemin plus bipyridyl minus reduced hemin
exemplify typical changes in the s pectra consisting of the
appearance of well defined peaks at 428 n m, 530 nm and
560 n m in the case of benzylimidazole (Fig. 3A, trace c) and
at 437 nm in t hat o f b ipyrid yl (Fig. 3A, trace d). When t he
same heme inhibitors were added t o neutrophil membranes
Fig. 2. Evidence for accumulation of a stable INT radical during
reduction of INT by sodium dithionite. The INT radical was prepared as
described in Exp erimental procedures. ( A) Optical spectra show ing the
progressive red uction of INT by so dium dithionite, in a m ixture of
dimethyl formamide and H
O ( 1 : 1, v/v), from a fully oxidized state
(a) to a fully reduced state (c) (after 5 min) via a semireduced state
corresponding to the INT radical (b) (after 2 min). The spectrum taken
15 min after aeration (d) has a shape similar to that ofthe fully reduced
INT, but its size was significantly decreased. ( B) Spectra o f the purified
INT radical in a mixt ure of dimethyl formamide a nd H
O (2 : 1, v/v),
before (solid line) and after addition of sodium dithionite (dotted line).
(C) Upper trace: first derivative EPR spectrum ofthe INT radical
recorded at r oom temperature. Microwave power 2 mW; modulation
frequency 100 kHz, modulation amplitude 0.5 mT, microwave fre-
quency 9.660 GHz. Bottom trace: simulation ofthe EPR spectrum
shown in the upp er trace was obtained by a ssuming f our equivalen t
nitrogen atoms coupled at 0.5 mT and one proton coupled at 0.75 mT.
1246 A. Poinas et al. (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) Ó FEBS 2002
in the absence of arachidonic acid, the heme spectrum of
flavocytochrome b was not modified (Fig. 3B, t race a).
Neither was it in the presence of arachidonic acid a lone in
the a bsence of inhibitors (Fig. 3B, trace b). However, when
the heme inhibitors were added to theneutrophil mem-
branes in the presence of arachidonic acid used at a
concentration that elicited maximal oxidase activity, signi-
ficant spectral modifications were recorded. These modifi-
cations consisted in a decrease ofthe Soret peak
accompanied by a slight blue shift and in a decrease of the
a peak (Fig. 3B, trace c, benzylimidazole, and t race d,
bipyridyl). Moreover, addition of benzylimidazole and
bipyridyl resulted in opposite modifications ofthe sizes of
the a and c peaks of heme b. Benzylimidazole d ecreased the
a/c peak ratio f rom 4.5 to 3.4 whereas bipyridyl increased it
from 4.5 to 6.1, suggesting different types of constraint
applied to the hemes by the two inhibitors.
Binding of benzylimidazole to t he heme iron of hemin
and to the heme iron of purified flavocytochrome b was
assessed by EPR spectroscopy (Fig. 4). Addition of benzy-
limidazole to h e min resulted in the decre ase ofthe high spin
signal at g ¼ 6.0 (Fig. 4, trace d), characteristic of the
pentacoordinated form ofthe iron atom ofthe heme, and i n
the concomitant emergence of a low spin signal with
components at g
¼ 2.97 and g
¼ 2.25 (trace e). Purified
flavocytochrome b in detergent displayed a mixture of
penta- and h exacoordinated forms of heme b (Fig. 4, trace
a). The high spin sig nal at g ¼ 6.0 s imilar to t hat of h emin
accounted for the pentacoordinated form of t he heme iron.
The hexacoordinated form was represented by two low spin
signals at g ¼ 3.28 and g ¼ 2.85. The g
components are
probably associated a t g ¼ 2.20. The s ignal at g ¼ 4.3 w as
due to adventitious ferric specie s [24]. Thus, even in the
absence of a rachidonic a cid, a f raction o f purified flavocyt-
ochrome b is pentacoordinated and capable of reacting with
or with heme ligands. The high spin fraction was
significantly increased b y addition of 100 l
acid, whereas the low spin sign als were totally erase d (data
not shown) in accordance with previous results [18]. The
high spin signal of purified flavocytochrome b (see control
trace a ) w as decreased by addition of 25 m
ole (trace b), and nearly abolished at 50 m
ole (trace c), a concentration which also fully inhibited the
NADPH oxidase activity. Concomitantly withthe disap-
pearance ofthe high spin signal a t g ¼ 6.0, a low spin signal
with components g
and g
at g ¼ 2.97 and g ¼ 2.2 5
emerged at positions similar to t hose observed in the case of
the hemin/benzylimidazo le c omplex (trace e), probably d ue
to the binding of benzylimidazole as an axial ligand to the
heme iron in hemin or in flavocytochrome b. The two low
spin signals g
at g ¼ 3.28 and g ¼ 2.85 initially present in
purified flavocytochrome b were not altered upon addition
of 50 m
benzylimidazole. This behavior is reminiscent o f
the absence of effect of benzylimidazole on the optical
spectrum of resting neutrophil membranes in the absence of
arachidonic acid. Thus, the fraction of purified flavocyto-
chrome b characterized by low spin signals contains a
hexacoordinated heme i ron unable to r eact with benzylim-
idazole; this fraction, calculated by integration, represents
roughly half ofthe total amount of flavocytochrome b.
Fig. 4. Effect of benzylimidazole on the EPR s pectra of isolated flavo-
cytochrome b and hemin. Traces a–c are EPR sp ectra of purified fl avo-
cytochrome b (45 l
, 20% glycerol, 0 .5
NaCl and 0.1% Triton X-100, pH 7.4. Trace a corresponds to control
flavocytochrome b,tracebtoflavocytochromebtreated with 2 5 m
benzylimidazole and trace c to flavocytochrome b treated with 50 m
benzylimidazole. Traces d and e correspond to hemin (1 m
untreated and treated with 50 m
benzylimidazole, respectively.
(A) and (B) show the high spin and low spin regions ofthe EPR
spectra, respectively.
Fig. 3. Effects of benzylimidazole and bipyridyl on optical spectra of
hemin and membrane bound fl avocytochrome b . (A ) Traces a1 and a2:
absolute spectra of oxidized and dithionite-reduced hemin (10 l
respectively. Traces b1 and b2: absolute spectra of oxidized and
dithionite-reduced hemin in the presence of 5 m
imidazole. Trace c:
difference spectrum of reduced hemin plus 5 m
against reduced hemin (10 l
). Trace d: Difference spectrum of
reduced hemin p lus 10 m
bipyridyl a gainst reduced hemin (20 l
(B) Traces a –d: difference spectra (dithionite-reduced minus oxidized)
at room temperature ofneutrophil membranes in NaCl/P
(1 m g protein ÆmL
equivalent to 0.65 nmol heme b). Trace a,
control; trace b, membranes supplemented by arachidonic acid
(1.3 lmolÆmg protein
); trace c, reduced membranes plus arachidonic
acid treated for 5 min with 40 m
bipyridyl; trace d, reduced
membranes plus arachidonic acid treated for 5 min with 25 m
Ó FEBS 2002 INT reductase activityofneutrophiloxidase (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) 1247
Dependence ofNADPHoxidase inhibition by 5-deaza FAD
on the activation state of flavocytochrome
The e ffect of 5-deaza F AD, a flavin a nalog and an obligate
two-electron donor [25–27] was tested on the NADPH
oxidase activity and the INT reductase activityof flavocyto-
chrome b in the c ell-free system (Fig. 5). Its inhibitory effect
depended on t he step at which it was added t o the medium.
When 5 -deaza FAD was added to the activated cell-free
system, theNADPHoxidase and the INT reductase were
hardly inhibited. On the other hand, when 5-deaza FAD
was preincubated with n eutrophil membranes together with
arachidonic acid 5 min prior to addition ofthe other
components of t he activation system, namely cytosol,
GTPcS and ATP, both the elicited NADPHoxidase and
INT reductase activities were inhibited efficiently
¼ 25 l
), and the extent of inhibition was the same
for the two activities. The inhibition caused by 5-deaza
FAD was prevented by addition of a 10 · excess of FAD
(data not shown). Together these results suggest that
arachidonic a cid induces by itself some structural modifica-
tions in flavocytochrome b which result in the release of the
bound FAD and its replacement by 5-deaza FAD. When
the oxidase is fully activated, these modifications do n ot
occur any more. It is noteworthy that, in contrast to the
flavin analogs, the heme inhibitors benzylimidazole and
bipyridyl were e qually effective w hen added either t o the
activated cell-free system or to the membranes before
NADPH oxidase activation.
Effect of 5-deaza FAD and heme inhibitors
on the reduced state of flavocytochrome
in activated neutrophil membranes
In the experiment o f Fig. 6 conducted in anaerobiosis,
5-deaza FAD was preincubated withneutrophil membranes
and arachidonic acid 5 min before the addition of cytosol,
GTPcS and ATP, a condition required for the optimal
inhibitory effect ofthe flavin analog on the o xidase activity.
In the c ontrol assay ( Fig. 6, trace a), addition of NADPH
resulted in an abrupt rise of heme b r eduction, followed by a
plateau which corresponded to 40–50% ofthe full reduction
obtained with sodium dithionite. After the reduction
plateau had been reached, 10 nmol O
(dissolved in buffer)
were added, which resulted in an abrupt, but limited,
reoxidation of h eme b, rapidly counteracted by the electron
flux issued from NADPH. Afte r a new redox equilibrium
had been a ttained, two o ther redox cycles were initiated b y
addition of 5 and 10 nmol of INT. Reoxidation of reduced
heme b with 10 nmol INT was twice that with 5 nmol INT,
indicating proportionality over this range of INT concen-
tration. Moreover, 5 nmol INT ( a mediator which is
reduced by a pair of electro ns) a re able to oxidize the s ame
amount of reduced heme b a s 10 nmol O
, w hich speaks in
favor ofthe idea that reduced heme b is the source of
electrons for both INT and O
. If the major source of
electrons for INT we re reduced FAD, assuming a back flow
of electrons from reduced heme b t o FAD, the above
stoichiometry would be different. The experiment was
completed by addition of sodium dithionite in limiting
amounts just sufficient to reduce % 95% ofthe heme
components of flavocytochrome b. Addition of 10 nmol O
(dissolved in buffer) followed by 10 nmol INT resulted in
oxidation cycles of heme b similar to those obtained in the
presence ofNADPH alone as reducing agent.
Trace b (Fig. 6) r efers to the effect of 5-deaza FAD used
at a concentration that inhibited % 80% ofthe NADPH-
oxidase activity. The rate and the extent ofthe NADPH-
dependent reduction of heme b were both largely decreased.
This explains w hy theredox cycles initiated by addition of
and I NT were smaller in size, compared t o the control
(trace a); yet the dithionite-redu ced heme b was reoxidized
by O
and INT to virtually the same rate and extent as in the
control, despite the block imposed by 5-deaza FAD at the
level ofthe fl avin redox center of flavocytochrome b.Witha
higher concentration of 5-deaza FAD, which inhibited
> 95% ofthe N ADPH-dependent reduction of h eme b,
INT and O
were still able to reoxidize the d ithionite reduced
heme b (trace c, Fig. 6). The two later traces (d and e, Fig. 6)
refer to the action ofthe heme inhibitors, benzylimidazole
and bipyridyl. Both inhibitors strongly interfered with the
rate and extent of reoxidation ofthe heme b reduced in the
presence of NADPH. Following addition of sodium dithi-
onite, the cycles of reoxidation of heme b initiated by O
Fig. 5. Dose-dependent inhibition oftheNADPHoxidase a nd INT
reductase activities ofneutrophil membranes by the flavin analog 5-deaza
FAD. Oxidase activation was performed as described in Experimental
procedures and in the legend of Fig. 1. 5-deaza F AD was added with
arachidonic ac id and M gSO
to t he membrane s uspension (20 lg
protein). After 5 min at room temperature, oxidase activation was
elicited by addition of cytosol and GTPcS. After an additional 5 min
incubation, the o x idase activity was measured as O
production (d)
and the INT reductase activity by th e rate o f r eduction o f INT (j).
A parallel experiment was carried out in which 5-deaza FAD was
incubated for 5 min withthe m embrane suspension after the cell-free
activation oftheNADPH oxidase; O
production (s), INT r eductase
activity (h).
1248 A. Poinas et al. (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) Ó FEBS 2002
INT were a lso significantly diminished, compared to t he
control (trace a). In summary, using the fl avin analog
5-deaza FAD and the heme inhibitors, bipyridyl and
benzylimidazole, to limit or to block the flux of electrons
along theredox centers of flavocyto chrome b, it is possible
to demonstrate that INT is able to capture electrons from
the heme c omponents of fl avocytochrome b.
Kinetics of inhibition oftheoxidaseactivity by INT
and bipyridyl
As INT appeared to capture electrons from the hemes of
flavocytochrome b , we asked whether INT could compete
with O
. Activated neutrophil membranes in a cell-free
system in the presence of cytosol, GTPcS and arachidonic
acid were placed in an oxygraphic cuvette co ntaining the
medium whose O
concentration had been pre vi-
ously lowered to % 80 l
by controlled bubbling of N
Then, O
uptake was initiated by addition of a saturating
concentration ofNADPH (250 l
). Below 80 l
oxygraphic traces curved inwards. In the portion of the
traces correspond ing t o O
concentrations ranging between
80 l
and 20 l
uptake were deduced from
the slopes o f tangents at different concentrations of O
. The
assay was repeated with INT added to the medium at
increasing concentrations. In the absence of INT, the
reciprocal plots corresponded to a straight line from w hich a
value of 25 l
for O
could b e deduced (Fig. 7A). At
increasing concentrations of INT, the plots corresponded
also to straight lines that intersected the 1/v axis at a
common intercept, wh ich was the same as that of the
control c urve, and the apparent K
for o xygen increased in
proportion to the increase in INT concentration. These
features are typical of a competitive inhibition. The K
for INT was % 30 l
, a value which is ofthe same order as
the K
found for O
Assuming that capture of electrons from reduced heme b
by INT was responsible for the competitive effect of INT o n
the oxidaseactivityof flavocytochrome b , it w as inferred
that a heme b inhibitor should competitively inhibit in
anaerobiosis the reduction of INT by membranes of
neutrophils activated in a cell-free system. This w as in fact
the case with bipyridyl as shown in Fig. 7 B. A similar
competitive inhibition of O
uptake b y bipyridyl was found
when activated neutrophil membranes were incubated with
NADPH in an aerated medium (Fig. 7C). In both cases
(Fig. 7 B,C) the calculated K
for bipyridyl were the same,
namely 2 m
. Twice higher values for K
obtained with benzylimidazole (data not shown).
INT-dependent reoxidation of dithionite-reduced heme b
in flavocytochrome
and dithionite-reduced hemin
In this experiment, we followed the stepwise oxidation of
reduced flavocytochrome b and r educed hemin by sequen-
tial additions of small amounts of INT. Neutrophil
membranes pretreated by arachidonic acid were placed in
photometric cuvettes under a flow of nitrogen. I t is known
that pretreatment of m embranes by arachidonic a cid
modifies the spin state of heme b [18], but is not sufficient
per se to elicit theoxidaseactivityof flabocytochrome b.
A parallel spectrophotometric assay was carried out with
hemin. Hemin and flavocytochrome b were reduced to
% 95% by the addition of a limited amount of sodium
dithionite. To r eoxidize hemin and the h eme c omponent of
flavocytochrome b , INT was a dded b y small increments to
the anaerobic cuvettes. Absorbance was recorded using a
double wavelength spectrophotometer, between 380 nm
and 480 nm for hemin and between 400 nm and 465 nm
for flavocytochrome b, corresponding to the Soret peak of
the t wo pigments. Reoxidation of hemin or the heme of
Fig. 6. Effect of 5-deaza FAD, bipyridyl and b enzylimidazole on the O
and INT-dependent reoxidation of re duced h eme b in a ctivated neutro-
phil membranes. Activated membranes (2 mg protein in 1.7 mL,
equivalent to 0 .70 n mol heme b) in the cell-free system (arachidonic
acid, c ytosol and GTPcS) were placed in a photo metric c uvette. The
medium (1.7 mL) was made anaerobic as described in Experimental
procedures. The following c ompounds were injected i nto the medium
in minimal volumes in the f ollowing sequence: NADPH, 1 lmol; O
10 nm ol (dissolved in b uffer); INT, 5 and 10 nmol; sodium dithionite,
1 lmol. Trace a, control membranes; trace b, membranes preincu-
5-deaza F AD and arachidonic ac id fol-
lowedbyadditionofcytosolandGTPcS; trace c, same conditions as in
trace b except that 5-deaza FAD was used at 80 l
conditions as i n trace a with 10 m
benzylimidazole (BI) a dded t o the
cuvette after reduction of heme b by NADPH; trace e, same conditions
as in trace a with 10 m
bipyridyl (Bipy) added to the c uvette after
reduction of heme b by NADPH. After full reduction of heme b with
sodium dithio nite, f urther cycles of oxidation were i nitiated by addi-
tion of O
and INT (respectively 10 and 5 nmol).
Ó FEBS 2002 INT reductase activityofneutrophiloxidase (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) 1249
flavocytochrome b was assessed by the decrease of the
absorbance (Fig. 8, insert). U p to 80% heme reoxidation, a
linear relationship between the amount of added INT and
the absorbance d ecrease was observed (Fig. 8). A bove 80%
heme reoxidation, the curves departed from linearity. The
two dose–response curves for hemin and flavocytochrome b
were virtually superimposable. By extrapolation of the
linear portions ofthe curves to t he abscissa, it could b e
calculated that 0.45–0.48 mol INT w as nee ded to reoxidize
1 mol hemin or 1 mol heme of flavocytochrome b , which is
consistent withthe stoichiometry of 2 e
captured per INT
molecule in both cases. Thus, like reduced hemin, the
reduced heme of flavocytochrome b is able to donate
electrons to INT. A b ack transfer of electrons from reduced
heme b to F AD should not be significant because, as noted
above, theoxidaseactivityofneutrophil membranes treated
with arachidonic acid is dormant in the absence of cytosolic
factors [18] and, consequently, electron transfer b etween the
redox centers of fl avocytochrome b is maintained at a very
low level. In summary, the value ofthe stoichiometric ratio
of reduced INT to oxidized heme suggests that under our
experimental conditions elec trons are e ssentially transferred
from the heme componentsof flavocytochrome b to INT.
The postulate that the flavocytochrome b component of the
neutrophil NADPHoxidase has the potential to display a
diaphorase activity s tems from two different observations.
First, artificial disruption ofthe electron transfer chain of
flavocytochrome b by detergents allows capture of electrons
upstream of heme b [8]. Second, a mutated flavocyto-
chrome b from a CGD (91X
) patient, that was unable to
reduce O
into O
, was still able to carry electrons from
NADPH to INT. This latter observation led to the belief
that INT is a suitable electron acceptor from the reduced
FAD component of flavocytochrome b and thereby a
suitable probe ofthediaphoraseactivityof flavocyto-
chrome b [9]. There were, however, in the mean time, reports
that pointed to the r ather complex behavior of INT [15,17].
We therefore decided to determine b y classical techniques,
using spec ific inhibitors ofthe electron flux in flavocyto-
chrome b , which redoxcomponents interacted w ith INT.
The flavin analog, 5-deaza FAD was used to i nhibit the flux
of electrons at the FAD level. On the other hand, two
efficient heme inhibitors, bipyridyl and benzylimidazole,
were selected after validation by optical and EPR spectro-
metric tests.
The experiments described here led us to conclude that
INT is able to capture electrons from the heme b
components oftheneutrophil flavocytochrome: (a) in
activated membranes maintained in anaerob iosis, heme b
reduced by NADPH was reoxidized by INT as efficiently
as by O
(Fig. 6 ). Reoxidation of h eme b was insensitive
to 5-deaza FAD, which contrasted withthe inhibitory
effect of this compound on the reduction of heme b by
NADPH (Fig. 6). This result, which agrees withthe well
recognized function of 5-deaza FAD as a flavin inactive
analog, rules out the possibility of a back reaction from
heme to flavin and then from flavin t o INT; (b) INT was
able to reoxidize hemin reduced by sodium dithionite
(Fig. 7 ). As FAD was absent in this experiment, electrons
were directly transferred from hemin to INT. The
comparative titrations by INT of dithionite-reduced hemin
and d ithionite-reduced heme b o f flavocytochrome b
ended withthe same stoichiometry of roughly 0.5 mol
INT reduced by 1 mol hemin or by 1 mol heme b in
flavocytochrome b ; (c) INT was able to compete with O
in an aerobic medium, and also withthe heme inhibitor,
bipyridyl, in anaerobiosis (Fig. 7). These results led us to
conclude that the heme c omponents of flavocytochrome b
interact directly with INT.
Fig. 7. Kinetics o f inhibition o f the elicited NADPHoxidase a ctivity in a cell-free s ystem. (A) and (C), aliq uots of n eutrophil membranes (150 lg
protein in A) activated in the cell-free system were placed in the oxygraphic cuvette containing 1.5 mL NaCl/P
supplemented with different fixed
concentrations of INT i n A ( d,zero;s,30l
) and bipyridyl in C (j,zero;d,3m
). The
initial concent ration of O
(230 l
) was decreased b y about two-third s by controlled bubbling of nitrogen prior to th e assay of O
uptake initiated
by addition of 250 l
NADPH. The r ate of O
uptake was c alculated f rom the s lopes ofthe tangents to the ox ygraphic t races. (B) Activated
membranes ( 40 lg protein per a ssay) were placed in a closed photometric cuvette containing 1 m L of a medium previously made an aerobic by N
bubbling. The medium consisted of NaCl/P
supplemented with 250 l
NADPH and different concentrations of INT ranging from 20 to 200 l
The rate of INT r eductio n re corded at 500 nm was calculated using a molar e xtinct ion c oe fficient o f 11 m
. Bipyridyl was used at t he
following concentrations: j,zero;d,3m
1250 A. Poinas et al. (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) Ó FEBS 2002
Theoritically, INT might accept electrons from reduced
FAD in activated flavocytochrome b inasmuch as the F AD
binding site is believed to be located in the relatively
hydrophilic C-terminal half ofthe g p91phox subunit of the
flavocytochrome. Experimental data show that this is not
the case, which raises the question ofthe capacity of I NT to
probe specifically thediaphoraseactivityof neutrophil
NADPH oxidase. It is however, not excluded t hat under
specific conditions, for example t he presence of a d etergent
or of a mutation such as Arg54Ser [14], the structural
arrangement ofthe FAD binding domain of flavocyto-
chrome b is modified, resulting in a loss ofinteraction of
FAD with heme 1 and in a facilitated access o f INT to
FAD. Along this line, one may recall that a peculiar
behavior of FAD i n flavocytochrome b was recognized in
the p ast [ 28], a nd explained in terms of a kinetic barrier
between flavin and heme b. A peculiar structural arrange-
ment ofthe peptide chain in t he FAD region of flavocyto-
chrome b , possibly related to the oligomerization of the
protein, might be responsible for its very unusual properties.
Finally, we would like to point out that some ofthe unusual
properties of INT might be due to the stabilization of its
radical in hydrophobic media, for example the lipid phase of
We thank V. Massey for the gift of 5-deaza FAD, J. Willison for careful
reading ofthe manuscript a nd J. Bourne t-Cauci for excellent secretarial
assistance. This work was supported by funds fro m the Centre National
de la Recherche Scientifique, t he Commissariat a
l’Energie At om ique,
the Universite
Joseph Fourier–Grenoble I, and the A ssociation p our la
Recherche sur le Cancer (9996).
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. Exploration of the diaphorase activity of neutrophil NADPH oxidase Critical assessment of the interaction of iodonitrotetrazolium with the oxidase redox components Alexandra. reduction of INT by the activated NADPH oxidase in an aerated medium previously des- cribed and ascribed to the reduction of INT by O 2 – generated by the oxidase activity of flavocytochrome b [9,11]. L dimethyl sulfoxide and kept at )20 °C under a rgon. Assay of oxidase and INT diaphorase activities NADPH oxidase activity was a ssayed in a cell-free system [13], either by m easurement of the