ATOMIC PHYSICS Tran Thi Ngoc Dung – Huynh Quang Linh – Physics A2 HCMUT 2016 CONTENTS Atomic Physics Particles in 3D Potentials and the Hydrogen Atom Spectral lines of Hydrogen Atom Spectral lines of[.]
ATOMIC PHYSICS Tran Thi Ngoc Dung – Huynh Quang Linh – Physics A2 HCMUT 2016 CONTENTS Atomic Physics - Particles in 3D Potentials and the Hydrogen Atom - Spectral lines of Hydrogen Atom - Spectral lines of the alkali metal atoms - Angular Momentum, Electron Spin, Atomic States - Pauli Principle Building Atoms and Molecules THE SCHRÖDINGER EQUATION IN THREE DIMENSIONS E 2m (E U) 2 U m Potential KineticEnergy Energy ANS : (ii) must be negative Particle in a Three-Dimensional Box In the box U(x, y, z) ( x , y, z, t ) ( x , y, z)e iEt / By Variable Separation Technique : ( x , y , z ) X ( x ) Y ( y ) Z( z ) Schrodinger equation ( x , y, z ) ( x , y, z ) ( x , y, z ) ( ) E ( x , y, z) 2 2m x y z 2 2 X Y Z (YZ XZ XY ) EXYZ 2m x y z 2 2 X Y Z ( )E 2m Xx Yy Zz 2X 2Y Z 2m E0 2 Xx Yy Zz X 2m Ex 2 nx nY nz sin( ( x , y, z) x ) sin( y) sin( z) Xx L L L L nx n 2x X 2m E x X X sin( x) Ex (n 2z n 2y n 2z ) 2 L L E x mL 2mL2 n 2y nY Y 2m E y Y Y sin( y) Ey L L x 2mL2 nz n 2z Z 2m E z Z Z sin( z) Ez L L x 2mL2 Energy – level diagram for a particle in a dimensional cubic box Having two or more distinct quantum states with the same energy is called degeneracy, and states with the same energy are said to be degenerate HYDROGEN ATOM I Electron in moving in the electric field caused by the nucleus, and having the potential energy: e2 U(r ) z è 4 o r r Schrodinger equation for the electron : + x y 2m ( r ) (E U(r )) ( r ) 2m e2 ( r ) (E ) ( r ) 4 o r In the spherical coordinate system, and by the variable separation technique, the wave function has the form: ( r ) (r, , ) R n, (r)Y,m (, ) Wave function of electron The wave function describing the state of the electron depends on quantum numbers n, ℓ ,m ( r ) (r, , ) R n, (r)Y,m (, ) n = 1, 2, 3, … ℓ = 0,1, 2…, n-1 m = 0, 1, 2, 3, ,ℓ Principal quantum number Orbital quantum number Magnetic quantum number Rnℓ(r): Laguerre functions R 1,0 R 2, Yℓm(,): Spherical harmonics / Zr ao Z 2 ao Z ao R 2,1 Y0,0 e 3/ Z 24 a o Zr e ao 3/ Zr e ao Zr 2a o Zr 2a o Y1,1 Y1,0 4 3 sin ei ; Y1, 1 sin e i 8 8 cos 8 4 o 10 ao 53 10 m mee ...CONTENTS Atomic Physics - Particles in 3D Potentials and the Hydrogen Atom - Spectral lines of Hydrogen Atom - Spectral lines of the alkali metal atoms - Angular Momentum, Electron Spin, Atomic