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Cd10 exercise 2 2 key

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Moon vn Học để khẳng định mình! TỔNG ÔN NGỮ PHÁP TIẾNG ANH Chuyên đề 10 – Câu tường thuật Exercise 2 2 Change these following sentences into reported speech Question 1 “I’m sorry I’m late”, said Mr Th[.]

TỔNG ÔN NGỮ PHÁP TIẾNG ANH Chuyên đề 10 – Câu tường thuật Exercise 2.2: Change these following sentences into reported speech Question 1: “I’m sorry I’m late”, said Mr Thanh → Mr Thanh apologised _ ↳ Mr Thanh apologized for being late => Cấu trúc: “apologize (to sb) for doing sth”: xin lỗi (ai) làm => Dịch: Ơng Thanh xin lỗi đến muộn Question 2: “Me? No, I didn’t take Sue’s calculator”, said Bob → Bob denied _ ↳ Bob denied taking/having taken Sue’s calculator => Cấu trúc: deny doing sth: phủ nhận làm => Dịch: Bob phủ nhận việc lấy máy tính Sue Question 3: “You were cheating”, said David to Henry → David accused ↳ David accused Henry of cheating => Cấu trúc: accuse sb of doing sth: buộc tội làm => Dịch: David buộc tội Henry việc gian lận Question 4: “I must see the manager”, he cried → He insisted _ ↳ He insisted on seeing the manager => Cấu trúc: insist on doing sth: khăng khăng làm => Dịch: Anh ta khăng khăng đòi gặp giám đốc Question 5: “If you wanted to take my bike, you should have asked me first” said Mike to his brother → Mike criticised Đáp án: Mike criticised his brother for taking/having taken his bike without asking him first => Cấu trúc: criticise sb for sth/doing st: phê bình việc gì/vì làm => Dịch: Mike phê bình em trai anh lấy xe đạp anh mà không hỏi anh trước Question 6: “You won the scholarship Congratulations!”, Mary told me → Mary congratulated _ ↳ Mary congratulated me on winning the scholarship => Cấu trúc: congratulate sb on Ving: chúc mừng làm => Dịch: Mary chúc mừng tơi đạt học bổng Question 7: “It was kind of you to help me with my homework”, Lan said to Hoa → Lan thanked _ ↳ Lan thanked Hoa for helping/having helped her with her homework => Cấu trúc: thank sb for Ving: cảm ơn làm => Dịch: Lan cảm ơn Hoa giúp với tập nhà Question 8: “It’s true I broke your favorite glass”, said Peter → Peter admitted _ ↳ Peter admitted breaking/having broken my favorite glass => Cấu trúc: admit Ving: thừa nhận làm => Dịch: Peter thừa nhận làm vỡ bình thủy tinh u thích tơi Question 9: “You stole the jewels”, the inspector said to him → The inspector blamed _ ↳ The inspector blamed him for stealing/having stolen the jewels => Cấu trúc: “blame sb for doing st”: đổ lỗi, buộc tội cho làm => Dịch: Thanh tra viên cáo buộc ăn trộm đồ nữ trang Question 10: “I only borrowed your car for some hours”, the man said → The man said _ ↳ Đáp án: The man said that he had only borrowed my car for some hours => Vì: câu tường thuật, lùi động từ, => Dịch: Người đàn ơng nói ơng mượn tô vài Question 11: Alfred said to John: " I didn’t use your cassette player! Someone else did, not me" → Alfred denied ↳ Alfred denied using John’s cassette player => Cấu trúc: "deny doing sth": phủ nhận làm => Dịch: Alfred phủ nhận sử dụng máy catset John Question 12: “If you don’t pay the ransom, we’ll kill the boy”, said the kidnapper → The kidnapper threatened _ ↳ Đáp án: The kidnapper threatened to kill the boy if they didn’t pay the ransom => Vì: threaten to sth: đe dọa làm => Dịch: Kẻ bắt cóc đe dọa giết thằng bé họ không đưa tiền chuộc Question 13: Father said: “I was the superintendent while this school was being built.” → Father said Father said (that) he was the superintendent while that school was being built => Vì: động từ câu trực tiếp có thì: q khứ tiếp diễn kết hợp với q khứ đơn khơng lùi chuyển sang gián tiếp => Dịch: Bố nói ơng giám sát ngơi trường xây dựng Question 14: “These old buildings might have already disappeared by the time I am back next year.”, he said → He said _ ↳ He said those old buildings might have already disappered by the time he was back the following year => Vì: lùi chuyển trạng từ thời gian “next year” => the following year => Dịch: Ông nói tịa nhà cũ biến ông quay trở lại vào năm sau Question 15: Rose said: “I was just leaving the office when I came face to face with a stranger.” → Rose said _ Rose said (that) she was just leaving the office when she came face to face with a stranger => Vì: động từ câu trực tiếp có thì: q khứ tiếp diễn kết hợp với q khứ đơn khơng lùi chuyển sang gián tiếp => Dịch: Rose nói vừa rời văn phịng giáp mặt với người lạ Question 16: The inspector said to the woman: “What were you doing at o’clock yesterday evening?” → The inspector asked _ ↳ The inspector asked the woman what she had been doing at o’clock the previous evening => Vì: câu gián tiếp loại câu hỏi Wh- question nên chuyển sang gián tiếp đưa dạng khẳng định lùi => Dịch: Thanh tra cảnh sát hỏi người phụ nữ cô làm vào lúc tối qua Question 17: The passenger said to the taxi-driver: “Hurry up!” and he added “I must be at the station on time.” → The passenger urged _ Đáp án: The passenger urged the taxi-driver to hurry up and added that he had to be at the station on time Giải thích: “urge sb to sth”: thúc giục làm Dịch nghĩa: Hành khách thúc giục lái xe taxi nhanh lên nói thêm anh phải có mặt nhà ga Question 18: Father said: “The taxi is coming now Is everyone ready?” → Father said ↳ Đáp án: Father said the taxi was coming then and asked if everyone was ready => Vì: chuyển sang câu gián tiếp lùi so với câu gốc, dùng “if/ whether” câu hỏi “yes/ no question”, “now -> then” => Dịch: Bố nói taxi đến hỏi người xong chưa Question 19: Helen said: “I think I’ll have to find a better job I can’t make both ends meet.” → Helen said ↳ Helen said she thought she would have to find a better job because she couldn’t make both ends meet => Vì: lùi so với câu gốc, đổi đại từ nhân xưng (I -> she) => Dịch: Helen nói nghĩ phải tìm cơng việc tốt khơng kiếm đủ để sống Question 20: He said to her: “Why are you so late? I’ve been waiting for half an hour already.” → He asked _ ↳ He asked her why she was so late and told that he had been waiting for half an hour already => Vì: lùi so với câu gốc, đổi đại từ nhân xưng “you -> she, I -> he” => Dịch: Anh hỏi ta ta lại muộn vậy, anh đợi nửa tiếng Question 21: She said to him: “Don’t let them down I’ll be very embarrassed if you go back on your words.” → She asked ↳ Đáp án: She asked him not to let them down because she would be very embarrassed if he went back on his words => Vì: chuyển sang câu gián tiếp phải lùi so với câu gốc đổi => Dịch: Cô yêu cầu khơng làm họ thất vọng cảm thấy ngượng không giữ lời hứa Question 22: She said to her husband, “You’d better not drink too much You may lose control of the car and have a bad accident.” → She advised _ ↳ Đáp án: She advised her husband not to drink too much because he might lose control of the car and have a bad accident => Vì: advise sb not to sth: khun khơng nên làm => Dịch: cô khuyên chồng cô không nên uống q nhiều rượu anh kiểm soát tay lái gặp tai nạn nghiệm trọng Question 23: The boy said to his mother: “When shall we have lunch? I’m very hungry.” → The boy asked _ ↳ The boy asked his mother when they would have lunch and said (that) he was very hungry => Vì: câu gián tiếp loại câu hỏi wh-question nên chuyển gián tiếp đưa dạng khẳng định lùi Vế sau câu tường thuật nên ta chèn thêm động từ tường thuật said/told => Dịch: Cậu bé hỏi mẹ họ ăn trưa nói cậu đói Question 24: He said: “I don’t understand why she has refused to join us on the trip She has promised to join with us.” → He said _ ↳ Đáp án: He said he didn’t understand why she had refused to join them on the trip because she had promised to join with them => Vì: chuyển sang câu gián tiếp phải lùi so với câu gốc => Dịch: Anh ta nói khơng hiểu cô lại từ chối tham gia với họ chuyến hứa tham gia với họ mà Question 25: She said to him: “I’m glad you’ve come Sit down, please.” → She said _ ↳ Đáp án: She said to him she was glad he had come and told him to sit down => Vì: lùi so với câu gốc, cấu trúc: “tell sb to V”: bảo làm => Dịch: Cơ nói với anh vui anh tới cô bảo anh ngồi xuống Question 26: Mr Brown said to his wife: “I don’t feel like going out this evening Let’s ask the Browns to come over for a chat.” → Mr Brown said ↳ Mr Brown said to his wife he didn’t feel like going out that evening and suggested asking the Brown to come over for a chat => Căn vào cấu trúc: “suggest + Ving”: gợi ý làm & lùi động từ => Dịch: Ơng Brown nói với vợ ơng ơng khơng thích ngồi vào tối hơm gợi ý hỏi gia đình Browns ghé chơi nói chuyện Question 27: “It’s raining too hard to go out We’d better stay home tonight and watch TV instead”, John said → John suggested ↳ John suggested staying home that night and watching TV instead of going out owing to the heavy rain => Cấu trúc: “suggest + Ving”: gợi ý làm => Dịch: John gợi ý nhà tối xem TV thay ngồi trời mưa to Question 28: “Could you ring up the station and find out when the train comes in?” said Tom to me → Tom asked _ ↳ Tom asked me to ring up the station and find out when the train came in => Vì: ask sb to sth: yêu cầu/đề nghị làm => Dịch: Tom yêu cầu gọi cho nhà ga hỏi xem tàu đến Question 29: “Be careful Don’t go too near the edge of the cliff,” she said to the boys → She warned ↳ She warned the boys not to go too near the edge of the cliff Hoặc: She waned the boys against going too near the edge of the cliff * Giải thích: - warn sb not to sth: cảnh báo khơng làm ( = warn sb against doing sth) * Dịch: Cô gái cảnh báo thằng bé không gần mép vách đá Question 30: “Please, please come to help me with the assignment I can’t it by myself”, my friend said to me → My friend begged _ My friend begged me to come to help her with the assignment because/as/since she couldn’t it by herself => Vì: beg sb to sth: van xin, nài nỉ làm => Dịch: Bạn tơi nài nỉ tơi đến giúp làm tập khơng thể tự làm Question 31: “I wouldn’t buy that sort of raincoat if I were you”, my friend said to me → My friend advised _ ↳ My friend advised me not to buy that sort of raincoat => Vì: advise sb not to sth: khun khơng nên làm => Dịch: Bạn tơi khun tơi khơng nên mua loại áo mưa Question 32: “Would you mind moving your bicycle?” said the janitor “It’s in the way.” → The janitor asked ↳ The janitor asked me to move my bicycle because it was in the way => Vì: ask sb to sth: u cầu làm => Dịch: Người trơng nhà yêu cầu chuyển xe đạp ngáng đường Question 33: “I have finished reading this book Could I take out another book? ,” she said to the librarian → She told _ She told the librarian (that) she had finished reading that book and asked if she could take out another book => Vì: lùi động từ, cấu trúc: S1 + V(tường thuật) + (sb) + if/ whether + S2 + V2 (dùng với “Yes/No question”) => Dịch nghĩa: Cơ nói với thủ thư cô đọc xong sách hỏi liệu mượn sách khác không Question 34: “Remember to leave the window open when you’re using the gas stove”, my mother said to me → My mother reminded ↳ Đáp án: My mother reminded me to leave the window open when I was using the gas stove => Vì: remind sb to sth: nhắc nhở làm => Dịch: Mẹ nhắc để cửa sổ mở sử dụng bếp ga Question 35: “Wear your school badge or they won’t let you into the classroom”, my teacher said to me → My teacher asked _ ↳ My teacher asked me to wear my school badge or they wouldn’t let me into the classroom => Vì: ask sb to sth: yêu cầu làm => Dịch: Giáo viên yêu cầu đeo huy hiệu trường họ không cho vào lớp Question 36: “Would you like to come over to my house for a small party? Your presence is my honor”, my friend said to me → My friend invited ↳ Đáp án: My friend invited me to come over to his/her house for a small party and said that my presence was her/his honor => Cấu trúc: invite sb to sth: mời làm => Dịch: Bạn mời đến nhà cô ấy/cậu để dự bữa tiệc nhỏ nói diện niềm vinh hạnh cho cô ấy/cậu Question 37: “You have sped along at over 100 kilometers per hour Show me your driver’s license, will you?” the policeman said to the drunken driver → The policeman ↳ The policeman asked the drunken driver to show his driver’s license because he had sped along at over 100 km per hour => Vì: câu tường thuật phải lùi so với câu gốc => Dịch: Người cảnh sát yêu cầu tài xế say rượu xuất trình giấy phép lái xe vượt tốc độ 100 km/giờ Question 38: “Do come again next weekend”, the hosts said to the visitor, “we will miss you so much.” → The hosts invited ↳ The hosts invited the visitor to come again the following weekend and added that they would miss him/her so much => Vì: invite sb to sth: mời làm => Dịch: Chủ nhà mời vị khách lại đến chơi vào cuối tuần tới nói thêm họ nhớ ấy/anh Question 39: “I’ll live in town till my husband returns from the expedition and when he returns, we’ll go to the seaside together”, she said → She said ↳ She said she would live in town till her husband returned from the expedition and when he returned, they would go to the seaside together => Vì: lùi so với câu gốc => Dịch: Cơ nói sống thị trấn chồng cô trở sau chuyến thám hiểm anh trở về, họ biển Question 40: “This story happened long ago”, he said, “and few people remember anything about it.” → He told us ↳ Đáp án: He told us that story had happened long before and few people remembered anything about it => Vì: chuyển sang câu gián tiếp thì động từ phải lùi so với câu gốc (happened -> had happened; remember -> remembered), trạng từ ago -> before, this -> that => Dịch: Anh nói với chúng tơi câu chuyện xảy từ cách lâu chả nhớ Question 41: “I haven’t read so interesting a book since I was 15.” she said → She said ↳ Đáp án: She said she hadn’t read so interesting a book since she was 15 * Quy tắc chuyển từ câu trực tiếp sang câu gián tiếp - Lùi thì: Hiện hồn thành => Q khứ hồn thành - Khơng lùi câu trực tiếp thuộc mệnh đề thời gian => Vế sau “since” thuộc mệnh đề trạng ngữ thời gian => Khơng lùi => Dịch: Cơ nói khơng đọc sách thú vị từ cô 15 tuổi ... gốc đổi => Dịch: Cô yêu cầu không làm họ thất vọng cảm thấy ngượng không giữ lời hứa Question 22 : She said to her husband, “You’d better not drink too much You may lose control of the car and... take out another book => Vì: lùi động từ, cấu trúc: S1 + V(tường thuật) + (sb) + if/ whether + S2 + V2 (dùng với “Yes/No question”) => Dịch nghĩa: Cơ nói với thủ thư cô đọc xong sách hỏi liệu mượn... nhân xưng “you -> she, I -> he” => Dịch: Anh hỏi ta ta lại muộn vậy, anh đợi nửa tiếng Question 21 : She said to him: “Don’t let them down I’ll be very embarrassed if you go back on your words.”

Ngày đăng: 26/02/2023, 15:15



