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Chân trời sáng tạo giải tiếng anh 6 unit 2 days clil

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Export HTML To Doc [Chân trời sáng tạo] Giải Tiếng Anh 6 Unit 2 Days CLIL Hướng dẫn Giải Tiếng Anh 6 Unit 2 Days CLIL chi tiết, đầy đủ nhất, bám sát nội dung bộ SGK Chân trời sáng tạo, giúp các em học[.]

[Chân trời sáng tạo] Giải Tiếng Anh Unit 2: Days - CLIL Hướng dẫn Giải Tiếng Anh Unit 2: Days - CLIL chi tiết, đầy đủ nhất, bám sát nội dung SGK Chân trời sáng tạo, giúp em học tốt Mục lục nội dung Check the meanings of the words in the box Read the text and match the words to numbers 1-7 on the map Read and listen to the text and write True por False Correct the false sentences Look at the clock and answer the questions Work in pairs Complete the table Then ask and answer questions about the time in the different cities Check the meanings of the words in the box Read the text and match the words to numbers 1-7 on the map => Answer: - longitude (n): kinh độ - - Prime Meridian (n): Kinh tuyến gốc - - Greenwich Mean Time (n): Giờ GMT - - East (n): phía đơng - - West (n): phía tây - - North (n): phía bắc - - South (n): phía nam - Read and listen to the text and write True por False Correct the false sentences Line of longitude go from east to west The Prime Meridian is the name of a time zone Greenwich is a part of London The time in places west of the Prime Meridian is ahead of GMT => Answer: False ( from north to south) False ( the line on the map at 0* logitude is called the Primr Meridian) True False (behind the GMT) Look at the clock and answer the questions In which countries are cities 1-6? Is New York ahead of or behind GMT? 3: How many hours ahead of GMT is Hà Nội? How many hours behind GMT is Brasilia? If is 12 p.m ¡in London, what time is it in Brisbane? You are in New York at p.m Is ït a good idea to call your friend in London? Why / Why not? => Answer: Britan, America, Spain, Brazil, Australia, Viet Nam It's behind GMT hours hours it's 10p.m I think it's a good idea to call my friend in London because in London it's 12 p.m Work in pairs Complete the table Then ask and answer questions about the time in the different cities => Answer: City GMT +/ - Time London p.m Tokyo + hours 10 p.m Mexico City + hours a.m Sydney + 10 hour 11 p.m Rio - hours 10 a.m Ha Noi + hours p.m ... In which countries are cities 1 -6? Is New York ahead of or behind GMT? 3: How many hours ahead of GMT is Hà Nội? How many hours behind GMT is Brasilia? If is 12 p.m ¡in London, what time is it... hours hours it''s 10p.m I think it''s a good idea to call my friend in London because in London it''s 12 p.m Work in pairs Complete the table Then ask and answer questions about the time in the different

Ngày đăng: 26/02/2023, 14:58

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