ThefateofnewlysynthesizedV-ATPaseaccessorysubunit Ac45
in thesecretory pathway
Vincent Th. G. Schoonderwoert, Eric J. R. Jansen and Gerard J. M. Martens
Department of Animal Physiology, Nijmegen Center for Molecular Life Sciences, University of Nijmegen, the Netherlands
The vacuolar H
-ATPase (V-ATPase) is a multimeric
enzyme complex that acidifies organelles ofthe vacuolar
system in eukaryotic cells. Proteins t hat interact with t he
V-ATPase may play a n i mportant role in controlling the
intracellular localization and activity ofthe proton pump.
The neuroendocrine-enriched V-ATPase a ccessory subunit
Ac45 may represent such a protein as it has been shown to
interact with the membrane sector oftheV-ATPasein only a
subset of organelles. Here, we examined thefateof newly
synthesized Ac45inthesecretorypathwayof a neuroendo-
crine cell. A major portion of intact 46 -kDa Ac45 was
found to be N-linked glycosylated to 62 kDa and a minor
fraction t o 64 kDa. Trimm ing ofthe N-linked glycans
gave rise to glycosylated Ac45-forms of 61 and 63 kDa
that are cleaved to a C-terminal f ragment of 42–44 kDa (t he
deglycosylated form is 23 kDa), and a previously not
detected 22-kDa N-terminal cleavage fragment (the
deglycosylated form is 20 kDa). Degradation of the
N-terminal fragment is rapid, does not occur in lysosomes
and is inhibited by b refeldin A. Both the N - and C-terminal
fragment pass the medial Golgi, as t hey become partially
endoglycosidase H resistant. TheAc45 cleavage event is a
relatively slow process (half-life of i ntact Ac45 is 4 –6 h) and
takes place inthe e arly secreto ry pathway, as it is not affected
by brefeldin A and monensin. Tunicamycin inhibited
N-linked g lycosylation ofAc45 and interfered w ith t he
cleavage process, suggesting t hat Ac45 need s proper folding
for the cleavage to occur. Together, our results i ndicate that
Ac45 folding and cleavage occur slowly and early in the
secretory pathway, and that the cleavage event may be linked
to V-ATPase activation.
Keywords: acidification; regulated secretory pathway; post-
translational modification; vacuolar proton ATPase;
Acidification of organelles in eukaryotic cells is required for
a variety of cellular processes, such as the release of ligands
from receptors during endocytosis and the hydrolysis of
macromolecules in lysosomes [1–3]. Inthesecretory path-
way, the lumen gradually acidifies from endoplasmic
reticulum (ER) to Golgi to secretory granules (reviewed in
[4]). The pH ofthe lumen ofthe ER, Golgi, and trans-Golgi
Network ( TGN) is 7.3, 6.4, and 6.0, re spectively, and
is similar in regulated and nonregulated secretory cells
[5–10]. The significance ofthe pH inthe ER remains to be
established, although it seems likely that ER processes such
as protein glycosylation and f olding depend on it. The low
pH inthe Golgi has been shown to be important for the
regulation of protein–protein interactions [11,12] and the
activity ofthe N-glycan processing enzyme sialyltransferase
[13]. Inthe TGN, an acidic pH is necessary for the proper
processing of proproteins [14] and for the condensation of
regulated secretory proteins, which is important for their
targeting to immature secretory granules [15–17]. Immature
secretory granules mature and become progressively more
acidic (pH o f 5.5 [18–20]). Granular acidification further
concentrates regulated proteins [21], while nonregulated
proteins are sorted away into clathrin-coated vesicles that
pinch off from the maturing granule [22–24]. Furthermore,
the acidic granular pH is necessary for the processing
enzymes to efficiently cleave the prohormones [25].
Acidification of intracellular compartments is established
and maintained by the vacuolar H
-ATPase (V-ATPase).
This multimeric enzyme complex consists of at least 13
different subunits that have been classified into a membrane
integral sector (V
) and a peripheral sector (V
) [26,27]. The
V-ATPase V
sector contains the c atalytic site which
hydrolyses ATP to translocate protons across the mem-
brane by the proton-pore f orming V
sector. Inthe ER, the
assembly ofthe V -ATPase starts with the V
-sector and m ay
be completed in t his c ompartment by the build-up ofthe V
onto the V
[28,29]. Given the pH inthe ER, the V-ATPase
should be considered as being essentially inactive in this part
of thesecretory pathway. An active V-ATPase is required
further downstream inthesecretorypathway but it is not
known in which compartment theV-ATPase becomes
active and which mechanism is involved inthe targeting of
the V-ATPase to the various secretorypathway compart-
ments. V-ATPase interacting proteins, such as the accessory
subunit Ac45, may play an important role in this targeting
process, as Ac45 has been shown to interact with the
Correspondence to G. J. M. Martens, Department of Animal Physi-
ology, Nijmegen Center for Molecular Life Sciences, University of
Nijmegen, Geert Grooteplein Zuid 28, 193RT, 6525 GA Nijmegen,
the Netherlands. F ax: + 31 24 3615317, Te l.: + 31 24 3610564,
Abbreviations: Baf, bafilomycin A 1; BFA , brefe ldin A ; E ndoH,
endoglycosidase H; ER, endoplasmic reticulum; NDGA, nordi-
hydroguaiaretic acid; NIL, neurointermediate lobe; PC2, prohormone
convertase 2; POMC, proopiomelanocortin; TGN, trans-Golgi net-
work; V-ATPase, vacuolar H
Note: a web page is available at
(Received 26 October 2001, revised 6 February 2002, accepted 8
February 2002)
Eur. J. Biochem. 269, 1844–1853 (2002) Ó FEBS 2002 doi:10.1046/j.1432-1033.2002.02831.x
membrane sector oftheV-ATPasein only a s ubset of
organelles [30]. A c45 was initially isolated from bovi ne
chromaffin granules and identified as a type I t ransmem-
brane protein of 45 kDa [30]. However, N-terminal
sequencing ofthe isolated 45-kDa protein and the cloning
of full-length Ac45 cDNA re vealed that the isolated protein
represents a c leaved fragment o f a larg er protein [ 30,31]. In a
differential screening strategy aimed at identifying genes
that are involved inthe biosynthesis and release of peptide
hormones, we isolated a cDNA (X1311) encoding Ac45 of
the amphibian Xenopus laevis [32]. Th e melanotrope cells of
the Xenopus intermediate pituitary were used f or this
screening approach because the activity of these neuroen-
docrine cells can be physiologically stimulated by placing
the animal on a black background. The cellular activation
results inthe production and release of large amounts of the
proopiomelanocortin (POMC)-derived melanophore-stimu-
lating hormone, which causes pigment dispersion in dermal
melanophores, thereby darkening the skin [33]. Approxi-
mately 10 times more Ac45 transcripts have been found in
the melanotrope cells of animals adapted to a b lack
background compared to those of white-adapted animals
[32], suggesting that Ac45 has an important role in the
regulated secretorypathway o f neuroendocrine cells.
Here, we examined in detail thefateoftheAc45 protein
in the melanotrope cells of Xenopus intermediate pituitary.
We found that in these cells, the folding and proteolytic
cleavage of intact Ac45 is slow, and occurs inthe early
secretory pathway where activation of V-ATPases is
South-African clawed toads, Xenopus laevis,werebredand
reared inthe aquarium facility o f the Department of Animal
Physiology ofthe University of Nijmegen. Animals were
adapted to a black background by keeping them in black
buckets under constant illumination fo r at least three w eeks
at 22 °C. All experiments were carried out under the
guidelines ofthe D utch law concerning animal welfare.
Biochemicals and antibodies
Rabbit polyclonal antisera 1311C and 1311N, directed
against a synthetic peptide comprising the 12 C-terminal
amino-acid residues of Xenopus Ac45 and against a
recombinant fragment of Xenopus Ac45 (comprising ami-
no-acid residues Gly68 to Pro388 with a hexahistidine tail at
its N-terminus; numbering according to [34]), respectively,
have been described previously [34] (Fig. 1). Rabbit poly-
clonal antiserum 1311NC was raised against a recombinant
polypeptide corresponding to amino-acid residues P ro208–
Ser381 (numbering according t o [34]) of Xenopus Ac4 5
expressed in E. coli as a fusion protein with a hexahistidine
tag at its C-terminus (Cogon, Hilden, Germany) (Fig. 1).
Brefeldin A (BFA), monensin, nordihydroguaiaretic acid
(NDGA), chloroquine, and tunicamycin were purchased
from Sigma (St Louis, MO, USA). Leupeptin was from
Roche Diagnostics (Mannheim, Germany) and bafilomycin
A1 (Baf) from Wako Pure Chemical Industries (Osaka,
Metabolic labeling of
neurointermediate lobes
and immunoprecipitation analysis
Neurointermediate lobes (NILs) from black-adapted Xen-
opus laevis were dissected and preincubated in methionine-
and cysteine-free c ulture medium [ 6.7 mL L15 medium
(Gibco-BRL, Gaithersburg, MD, USA), 3 mL milli-Q
water, 10 lgÆmL
kanamycin, 1% antibiotic-antimycotic
solution (Gibco-BRL), 8 mg CaCl
, 3 mg bovine serum
albumin and 2 mg glucose] for 30 min at 22 °C. P ulse
labeling ofnewlysynthesized proteins was performed by
incubating the lobes in methionine/cysteine-free culture
medium containing 5 mCiÆmL
S]Met/Cys (Promix,
Amersham, Buckinghamshire, UK) for 1 h at 22 °C.
Subsequent chase incubations were in culture medium
supplemented with 5 m
-methionine, 2.5 m
and 10% fetal bovine serum. BFA (2.5 lgÆmL
present during the pre-, pulse and chase incubations, unless
stated otherwise. NDGA (30 l
) was present only during
the chase incubation. In some experiments, lobes were first
incubated overnight inthe absence or presence of
10 lgÆmL
tunicamycin in culture medium containing
10% fetal bovine s erum (Gibco-BRL). For immunoprecipi-
tation analysis, lobes w ere homogenized on ic e in lysis b uffer
(50 m
Hepes pH 7.2, 140 m
NaCl, 10 m
1% Tween-20, 0.1% Triton X-100, 0.1% deoxycholate)
containing 1 m
phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride and
0.1 m gÆmL
soybean trypsin inhibitor. Homogenates were
cleared by centrifugation (10 000 g,7minat4°C), and
used for protein deglycosylation (see below), or directly
supplemented with 0.1 volume of 10% SDS and diluted
10-fold in lysis buffer before addition of anti-Ac45 antise-
rum (1 : 500 d ilution). Immune complexes w ere precipitated
with protein-A–Sepharose (Pharmacia Biotech, Uppsala,
Sweden) and subjected to SDS/PAGE [35]. Gels were
processed for fluorography and radiolabeled proteins were
detected by autoradiography.
NILs dissected from black-adapted Xenop us laevis were
incubated overnight at 22 °C in culture medium with 10%
fetal bovine serum inthe absence or presence of drugs, or
directly homogenized in lysis buffer containing 1 m
phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride and 0.1 mgÆmL
trypsin inhibitor. Lysates were cleared by centrifugation
(10 000 g,7min,4 °C) and u sed for protein deglycosylation
(see below) or immediately denatured in sample buffer at
Fig. 1. Antigenic epitopes used t o produce Ac45 re gion-specific antisera.
Recombinant proteins comprising residues Gly68 to Pro388 and
Pro208-Ser381, and a synthetic peptide corresponding to the 1 2
C-terminal amino-acid residues of Xenopus Ac45 were used to produc e
rabbit polyclonal antisera 1311N, 1311C, and 1311NC, respectively.
Ó FEBS 2002 ThefateofAc45inthesecretorypathway (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) 1845
95 °C for 5 min Proteins were separated by SDS/PAGE
and electrotransferred to nitrocellulose (Schleicher &
Schuell, Dassel, Germany). Membranes were blocked and
washed with blocking buffer (100 m
NaCl; 100 m
; 1% Tween-20) containing 5% low-fat dry milk.
Blocking buffer with 2% low-fat dry milk was used for
further washing steps and incubations with primary and
secondary antibodies. The secondary antibody used was an
peroxidase-conjugated anti-(rabbit IgG) Ig (Sigma, St
Louis, MO, USA) at a dillution of 1 : 3000. Peroxidase
activity was detected using the Lumilight system (Roche
Diagnostics, Mannheim, Germany).
Deglycosylation of proteins
Proteins were treated with endoglycosidase H ( EndoH)
(Roche Diagnos tics, Mannheim, Germany) to r emove high-
mannose N-glycans from glycoproteins. Lysates were boiled
for 10 min in 50 m
Na-citrate buffer (pH 5.5) containing
0.1% SDS, gradually cooled to RT, and incubated
overnight inthe absence or presence of 40 m UÆmL
EndoH at 37 °C. Proteins were deglycosylated by
N-glycosidase F (Roch e Diagnostics, Mannheim, Germany)
to remove both high-mannose and complex oligosacchar-
ides. For this purpose, protein lysates were boiled for
10 min in 10 m
Hepes (pH 7.4) containing 0.1% SDS,
cooled down t o RT, supplemented with 0.5% Nonidet P-40,
100 l
phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride and 100 lgÆmL
soybean trypsin inhibitor, and incubated o vernight at 37 °C
with or without 5 U N-glycosidase F p er mL.
Intact newlysynthesizedAc45 is N-linked glycosylated
To study the biosynthesis of Ac45, we raised, in addition to
the previously produced antisera 1311N and 1311C (Fig. 1;
[34]), a third anti-Ac45 antiserum (1311NC; against a
recombinant protein comprising Xenopus Ac45 residues
208–388; Fig. 1). Following a 1-h pulse labeling of neuro-
intermediate lobes (NILs) from black-adapted Xenopus,the
1311N and 1311C antisera detected a newly synthesized
protein of 62 kDa and a less abundant protein of
64 kDa (Fig. 2, lanes 1 and 10). Both proteins represent
intact forms o f Ac45 a nd vary only inthe degree of N-linked
glycosylation, as deglycosylation of these radiolabeled
proteins by N-glycosidase F led to an 46-kDa protein
(Fig. 2 , lanes 4 and 13). The mobility ofthe two intact forms
increased slightly during subsequent chase incubations of
4 h and 8 h, giving rise to products of 61 and 63 kDa
(Fig. 2 , c ompare lane 1 with 2 and 10 with 11). This minor
shift in mobility is likely due to a change inthe N-linked
sugars (possibly oligosaccharide trimming), as deglycosyla-
tion of these proteins again yielded a product of 46 kDa
Fig. 2. Deglycosylation allows detection oftheAc45 processing products
by region-specific polyclonal antisera. NILs from black-adapted
Xenopus were pulsed for 1 h with [
S]Met/Cys and then chased f or
the indicated time periods. Total lobe extracts were directly subjected
to immunoprecipitation with antisera 1311N, 1311C or 1311NC, or
deglycosylated by N-glycosidase F or EndoH prior to immunopre-
cipitation. Precipitated proteins were resolved by SDS/PAGE and
visualized by fluorography. Migration positions of intact and
processed form s o f Ac 45 are indicated. Lane 18 with increase d co ntrast
is depicted in lane 18¢. Note that some ofthe immunoprecipitates
contain 37- kDa glycosylated or 3 5-kDa deglycosylated POMC t hat
bound nonspecific ally (aster isk).
1846 V. Th. G. Schoonderwoert et al. (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) Ó FEBS 2002
(Fig. 2, lanes 5, 6, 14 and 15). The amount of 61- and 63-
kDa Ac45 decreased during the 8-h chase (half-life 4–6 h) as
a r esult o f a cleavage e vent ( see b elow). Both the 61- and 63-
kDa forms are not immunoprecipitated by the 1311NC
antiserum (Fig. 2, lanes 19–21). Presumably, the N-linked
glycans prevent det ection of these forms as t heir removal by
N-glycosidase F results inthe immunoprecipitation of the
deglycosylated 46-kDa intact form by this antiserum
(Fig. 2; lanes 22–24). These results show that newly
synthesized Ac45 is N-linked glycosylated to a major
product of 62 kDa and a minor product of 64 kDa
that are subsequently processed to 61- and 63-kDa
Newly synthesizedAc45 is cleaved
In the melanotrope cells ofthe Xenopus NIL, intact
N-linked glycosylated Ac45 is intracellularly cleaved to a
C-terminal fragment of 40 kDa. Although the 40-kDa
product could be detected by Western blotting with the
C-terminally directed anti-Ac45 serum 1311C, this antise-
rum did not immunoprecipitate thenewlysynthesized form
of this fragment [32]. However, after optimization of the
immunoprecipitation conditions, we detected the newly
synthesized C-terminal product with antiserum 1311C as a
diffuse band of 42–44 kDa (Fig. 2, lanes 11 and 12). With
antisera 1311N and 1311NC, we could not precipitate this
product (Fig. 2, lanes 2 and 3, and 20 an 21), possibly
because ofthe presence of numerous N-linked glycans in
this region ofthe protein (Fig. 1). Indeed, after removal of
the N-linked glycans by N-glycosidase F, all three antisera
(1311N, 1311NC and 1311C) immunoprecipitated this
fragment in its deglycosylated forms, namely as proteins of
23 and 24 kDa (Fig. 2, lanes 5, 14 and 23, and 6, 15
and 24, respectively). During the chase i ncubation, the
mobility of t he deglycosylated C-terminal fragment shifted
from 23 kDa to 24 kDa (Fig. 2, lane 14 and 15),
probably as the result of a post-translational m odification.
The amount ofthe deglycosylated C-terminal Ac45
cleavage fragment, with a size of 23 kDa after 4 h of
chase and 24 kDa after 8 h of chase, increased during
the chase incubation (Fig. 2, lane 14 and 15), as was
expected because ofthe progressive cleavage of intact 61/
63-kDa Ac45. Thus, from these data, we conclude that
newly synthesized 61/63-kDaAc45iscleavedto
C-terminal products of 42–44 kDa (with deglycosylated
forms of 23 and 24 kDa).
Identification ofthe N-terminal Ac45 cleavage product
In contrast to what holds for the C-terminal cleavage
fragment ofAc45 [30,34], the N-terminal cleavage fragment
has not been identified y et. However, after optimization o f
the immunoprecipitation conditions, from newly synthe-
sized Xenopus NIL proteins we precipitated with antiserum
1311N a low-abundant product of 22 kDa (Fig. 2, lanes
1–3). Because ofthe following we conclude that this 22-
kDa product is the glycosylated form ofthe N-terminal
Ac45 cleavage fragment. First, the size of this product is in
line with the predicted size ofthe N-terminal fragment that
remains following cleavage of intact 61/63-kDa Ac45 to the
42–44-kDa C-terminal product. Furthermore, both the
22-kDa fragment and its deglycosylated 20-kDa form
(see below) are not immunoprecipitated with the two
antisera raised against more C-terminally located regions of
Ac45 (1311C and 1311NC, Figs 1 and 2, lanes 10–15 and
19–24). Finally, t he N-terminal Ac45 fragment contains o ne
potential N-linked glycosylation site (Asn128; numbering
according to [34]), and this s ite appears to b e used, as
N-glycosidase F t reatment ofthe NIL lysate prior to immu-
noprecipitation causes a shift inthe mo bility ofthe 22-kDa
product to 20 kDa (Fig. 2, lanes 4–6). The amount of the
N-terminal fragment would be expected to increase during
the chase period because of t he progressive cleavage of
intact Ac45. However, during the chase incubation a
decrease inthe level ofthe N-terminal fragment was found,
suggesting that this cleavage p roduct may be subjected to an
intracellular degradation process. This circumstance may
also explain why the N-terminal Ac45 fragment has not
been detectable by Western b lotting [34].
Transport ofnewlysynthesizedAc45 to the Golgi
In the medial Golgi, N-linked oligosaccharides can be
modified to two broad classes, namely complex oligosac-
charides and high-mannose oligosaccharides. Both types
of oligosaccharides can be removed completely from
proteins by treating them with N-glycosidase F. In contrast,
endoglycosidase H (EndoH) removes only high-mannose
oligosaccharides. The acquisition of resistance of an
N-glycosylated protein to EndoH, which requires t he action
of glycosylation enzymes localized inthe medial Golgi, can
thus be used to determine whether a glycosylated protein
has entered the medial compartment [36]. We determined
whether the intact or the cleavage products ofAc45 acquire
resistance to digestion with EndoH. Extracts of pulse-
chased NILs were subjected to EndoH before immunopre-
cipitation with antisera 1311N, 1311C or 1311NC. All
three anti-Ac45 antisera immunoprecipitated from the
EndoH-treated NIL lysate a newlysynthesized product of
46 kDa. This product corresponds with the intact newly
synthesized deglycosylated Ac45 protein that was immuno-
precipitated from NIL lysates that were treated with
N-glycosidase F, in dicating that intact Ac45 is sensitive to
EndoH. This finding implies that i ntact Ac45 is cleaved in a
compartment before the medial Golgi. Antisera 1311N and
1311C immunoprecipitated from the EndoH-treated and
the N-glycosidase F-treated lysates similar amounts of the
46-kDa product (Fig. 2, lanes 7–9 and 16–18). In
contrast, the 1311NC antiserum precipitated a considerably
lower amount of t his product from the EndoH-treated than
from the N-glycosidase F-treated lysates (Fig. 2, compare
lanes 22–24 with 25–27). Probably, the presence of the
N-acetylglucosamine residues remaining after EndoH
digestion [37], but removed by N-glycosidase F [38], lowers
the affinity oftheAc45 product for the 1311NC antiserum.
This possibility may also explain why this antiserum was
not able to detect significant amounts ofthe 23-kDa
C-terminal cleavage product in EndoH-treated lysates
(Fig. 2 , lanes 17 and 18).
In addition to the 23-kDa product, the 1311C anti-
serum detected also a low-abundant product of 26-kDa in
the EndoH-treated lysate (Fig. 2, lanes 17 and 18/18¢ ). This
product was not detected inthe N-glycosidase F-treated
lysate (Fig. 2, lane 15), indicating that it represents a
C-terminal Ac45 cleavage form of which most, but not all,
Ó FEBS 2002 ThefateofAc45inthesecretorypathway (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) 1847
N-glycans are sensitive t o EndoH. The amount of the
23-kDa product inthe EndoH-treated lysates remained
constant during the chase, whereas the analysis of the
N-glycosidase F-treated samples clearly indicated an
increase inthe total amount of this fragment (Fig. 2,
compare lanes 14 and 15 with 17 and 18). These findings
suggest that at first, all the N-linked sugars on the
C-terminal cleavage product are sensitive to EndoH
(EndoH treatment gives an 23-kDa product), and that
during the chase some of t he N-glycans on the C-terminal
cleavage product become resistant to EndoH (resulting in
an 26-kDa product). The N-linked sugar on the
N-terminal cleavage product also acquired resistance t o
EndoH, as w e found a f aint band of 22 kDa i n the
EndoH-treated extracts that is absent inthe total lysates
of these samples (Fig. 2, lanes 8 and 9, and data not
shown) .
Western blot analysis was employed to study the steady
state levels of E ndoH-sensitive and EndoH-resistant forms
of Ac45. In line with the results of biosynthetic studies,
EndoH treatment ofthe NIL lysate prior to Western blot
analysis with the 1311C antibody again resulted i n t he
detection of an 23-kDa and an 26-kDa product
(Fig.3,lane2).Theintensityofthe 23-kDa band is
higher than that ofthe 26-kDa band, indicating that in
the steady state situation the 23-kDa product is the
major form inthe EndoH-treated lysate. As expected,
deglycosylation by N-glycosidase F resulted inthe detec-
tion ofthe 23-kDa C-terminal cleavage product (Fig. 3,
lane 3). As this product is more abundant inthe EndoH-
treated NIL lysate than the 26-kDa product, we
conclude that at steady state, most ofthe g lycosylated
42–44-kDa C-terminal cleavage products contain N-linked
glycans that are sensitive to EndoH.
Together, these results demonstrate t hat the cleavage of
intact 61/63-kDa Ac45 occurs before the medial G olgi,
and that in this compartment the N-glycan on the
N-terminal and some ofthe N-glycans on the C-terminal
cleavage product are converted to complex oligosaccha-
BFA inhibits the degradation ofthe N-terminal Ac45
As the N-terminal fragment was not detected by immu-
noblotting, we hypothesized that it may be degraded
intracellularly. We examined this possibility by affecting
Ac45 transport through thesecretorypathway via drugs
that interfere with intracellular prote in transport, namely
the fungal metabolite brefeldin A ( BFA) and the s odium
ionophore monensin. BFA causes fusion of Golgi mem-
branes with the ER and the retention ofnewly synthesized
proteins in a l umenal milieu c haracteristic o f the early
compartments ofthesecretorypathway [39]. In addition,
BFA blocks the exit of proteins from the TGN [40] as we
have recently shown for several regulated secretory proteins
in Xenopus melanotrope cells [41]. Monensin interferes with
protein transport between Golgi compartments [42]. Fur-
thermore, to examine if t he N-terminal cleavage product i s
degraded in lysosomes, a number of compounds that
interfere with lysosomal function were used. Leupeptin is a
thiol protease i nhibitor that i nhibits d egradation of proteins
in lysosomes [43]. T he weak base chloroquine and the
V-ATPase-specific inhibitor bafilomycin A1 (Baf) are
known to inhibit lysosomal and endosomal enzymes by
disturbing the intralumenal p H [1]. Baf may also affect the
transport of intact Ac45 or its cleavage products in a post-
TGN compartment, e.g. in Xenopus melanotrope cells [41].
To examine the effects ofthe above-mentioned drugs,
Xenopus NILs were incubated overnight inthe absence or
presence of a drug, and the lobes w ere lysed and subjected to
Western blotting with the 1311N or 1311C antiserum. The
N-terminal cleavage fragment o f Ac45 did not accumulate
when NILs were incubated inthe presence of monensin or
the lysosomal inhibitors leupeptin, chloroquine and Baf.
However, in NILs incubated inthe presence of BFA, an
22-kDa product had clearly accumulated (Fig. 4A). This
product could b e deglycosylated with N-glycosidase F to
20 kDa and was not detected with the 1311C antibody
(data not shown), indicating that this product represents
the N-terminal fragment of Ac45. The drugs used did
not significantly change the amount ofthe 42–44-kDa
Fig. 4. Effect of inhibitors of intracellular transport and lysosomal
function on the degradation ofthe N-terminal 22-kDa Ac45 cleavage
fragment. NILs dissected from black-adapted Xenopus were incubated
overnight in medium w ith no d rugs, bref eldin A ( BFA, 2.5 lgÆmL
chloroquine (Chl, 100 l
), bafilomycin A1 (Baf, 1 l
), leupeptin
(Leu, 100 lgÆmL
), or mo nensin (Mon, 100 n
). Proteins we re
extracted from these NILs, separated by SD S/PAGE, transferred to
nitrocellulose and probed with the anti-Ac45 serum 1311N to detect
the 22-kDa N-terminal fragment (A) or 1311C to detect the 42 to
44-kDa C-terminal fragment (B).
Fig. 3. Steady-state levels of EndoH-sensitive and -resistant forms of the
C-terminal Ac45 cleavage fragment. To tal NIL extracts from black-
adapted Xenopus were incubated overn ight with no enzyme (lane 1),
EndoH (lane 2), or N-glycosidase F (lane 3). Reactions were stopped
by adding SDS sample buffer, and th e samples were subjected to SDS/
PAGE and immunoblotting, using 1311C.
1848 V. Th. G. Schoonderwoert et al. (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) Ó FEBS 2002
C-terminal Ac45 product (Fig. 4B), suggesting that cleavage
of intact Ac45 was not affected.
Next, w e sought to determine whether not only the steady
state levels but also th e amount ofthenewlysynthesized N -
terminal cleavage fragment is affected by BFA. For this
purpose, we pulse-chased NILs inthe absence or presence of
BFA, and performed immunoprecipitation analyses with
antibodies 1311N and 1311C. In line with t he Western
blotting results, the presence of BFA did not affect the
cleavage of intact Ac45. However, inthe presence of BFA,
intact Ac45 does not migrate as a 61/63-kDa product, but
rather as a single product of 61 kDa (Fig. 5, lanes 2 and
3). Apparently, the redistribution of Golgi enzymes to the
ER induced by BFA [44] results inthe premature trimming
of the N -linked sugars. BFA-treatm ent also led to the
accumulation ofthe 22-kDa N-terminal cleavage frag-
ment during the first 4 h of chase (Fig. 5, lane 2). However,
in the next 4-h chase period with BFA, the amount of the
cleaved N-terminal product did not increase, presumably
because this fragment was degraded (Fig. 5, lane 3). Thus,
BFA leads to an accumulation ofthe N-terminal f ragment,
but does not prevent the degradation process. These data
indicate that the BFA-indu ced transport block of proteins
out ofthe ER still allows cleavage of intact Ac45, and
support our notion that cleavage ofAc45 occurs i n t he early
secretory pathway. We also conclude that degradation of
the N-terminal 22-kDa cleavage fragment is inhibited by
BFA, and seems to occur after the N-linked sugar acquires
EndoH resistance and not inthe endosomal-lysosomal
BFA leads to the accumulation ofthenewly synthesized
C-terminal Ac45 cleavage fragment
At steady state, the C-terminal Ac45 cleavage fragment is
the predominant form ofAc45 present inthe melanotrope
cells ofthe NIL (Fig. 3 , lane 2). However, inthe biosyn-
thetic studies the amount ofnewlysynthesized C-terminal
cleavage product was lower than one would expect on the
basis ofthe amount of intact glycosylated Ac45 that is
cleaved to the C-terminal product. Surprisingly, immuno-
precipitates from extracts of BFA-incubated NILs (Fig. 5)
show, in addition to thenewlysynthesized N-terminal
fragment, a high amount ofnewlysynthesized C-terminal
Ac45 cleavage product, much higher than detected in NILs
that were incubated inthe absence of BFA (Fig. 2, lane 1 –3,
10–12). Possibly, the region ofthe C-terminal cleavage
fragment to which the 1311C antibody was directed (the
cytoplasmic tail of Ac45) is more accessible to t he antibody
in the presen ce of BFA. A binding candidate may b e COPI,
as BFA is known to dissociate COPI from Golgi mem-
branes [45,46]. Alternatively, and more likely, BFA led to
the accumulation ofthe C-terminal cleavage fragment of
Ac45 inthe ER-Golgi, thereby preventing the C-terminal
fragment from obtaining its normal conformation or from
associating with i ts normal p artner (e.g. t he V-ATPase
enzyme complex). In case ofthe possibility of epitope
unmasking, one would expect to find equal amounts of the
C-terminal cleavage product to be immunoprecipitable
from radiolabeled NILs when BFA is either present
constantly or added at a later stage ofthe chase period.
However, from NILs pulse-chased inthe continuous
presence of BFA (Fig. 6, lane 1) or chased first in the
presence and then in t he absence of BFA (Fig. 6, lane 2 ), the
amount of immunoprecipitated C-terminal cleavage prod-
uct is much higher than from NILs chased fi rst in the
absence and then inthe presence of BFA (Fig. 6, lane 3).
Therefore, we conclude that the more efficient detection of
the C-terminal cleavage product ofAc45 i n the presence of
BFA can not be attributed to an unmasking ofthe 1311C
epitope by, e.g. COPI-dissociation. To further support
this notion, we used the lipoxygenase inhibitor
nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA), a drug acting similar
to BFA but preventing dissociation of COPI from Golgi
membranes [47]. As for BFA, the presence of NDGA
during the chase incubation a llowed the efficient detection
of thenewlysynthesized C-terminal product (Fig. 7, lane 1
and 2) and thus COPI dissociation is not involved.
Together, we conclude that inhibition of ER to Golgi
transport prevents the C-terminal Ac45 cleavage product
Fig. 5. BFA a llows immunoprecipitation ofthe N- and C-terminal Ac45
cleavage fragments. NILs from black-adapted Xenopus were pulsed for
S]Met/Cys and su bsequently chased for the ind icated t ime
periods inthe presence of BFA. Ac45 products were immunoprecipi-
tated with both t he 1311N and 1311C antibody. Precipitated proteins
were resolved by SDS/PAGE and visualized by fluorography.
Migration positions of intact and processed forms ofAc45 are
indicated. Note that some o f the immunoprecipitates contain 37-kD a
POMC and 70 kDa p rohormone convertase PC2 that bound
nonspecifically (asterisk).
Ó FEBS 2002 ThefateofAc45inthesecretorypathway (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) 1849
from adopting its normal conformation or from interacting
with its binding partner.
Tunicamycin inhibits N-linked glycosylation and cleavage
of intact Ac45
As N-linked glycosylation of intact Ac45 precedes its
cleavage, we wondered whether inhibition of N-glycosyla-
tion by tunicamycin would affect the cleavage event. In the
absence of tunicamycin, newlysynthesizedAc45 was
detected with the 1 311N antiserum a s the intact glycosylated
62–64-kDa form, with the mobility s hifting to 61–
63 kDa during the subsequent chase period. The cleavage
process caused the amount ofthe intact glycosylated form
of Ac45 to decrease during the chase p eriod (Fig. 8, lane 1–
3). Inthe presence of tunicamycin, Ac45 is immunoprecip -
itated as a product of 46 kDa (Fig. 8, lane 4–6). The size
of this 46-kDa unglycosylated product is similar to the
size of intact Ac45 deglycosylated with N-glycosidase F
(Fig. 2 , lane 4–6), indicating that tunicamycin prevents
N-linked glycosylation of intact Ac45. Interestingly, the
processing ofthe 46-kDa unglycosylated intact form of
Ac45 was clearly affected (Fig. 8, lanes 4–6). Even after 8 h
of chase a high amount ofthe 46-kDa unglycosylated
intact form ofAc45 is still present. These findings demon-
strate that tunicamycin not only inhibits N-linked glycosy-
lation but also cleavage of Ac45, suggesting that N-linked
glycosylation of intact Ac45 is necessary to allow its
Acidification of organelles is important fo r numerous
intracellular processes. Inthe regulated secretory pathway,
acidification is mainly required for the sorting of proteins
and processing of prohormones [1]. The lumen of the
organelles o f t he regulated secretorypathway gradually
Fig. 6. BFA leads to the accumulation ofthe C-terminal cleavage
product of Ac45. NILs from black-adapted Xenopus were pulsed for
S]Met/Cys inthe presence of BFA, and chased for two
subsequent periods of 4 h inthe absence or p resence BFA. Ac45
products were immunoprecipitated with antibody 1311C, separated by
SDS/PAGE and visualized by fluorography. The migration positions
of intact and processed forms ofAc45 are indicated. No te that some of
the immunoprecipitates contain 37-kDa POMC and 70 kDa PC2
that bound nonspecifically (aste risks).
Fig. 7. NDGA allows immunoprecipitation ofthe C-terminal fragment
of Ac45. NILs from b lack-ad apted Xenopus were pulsed for 1 h with
S]Met/Cys and subseq uently chased for the indicated time period s in
the presence of NDGA or BFA. Ac45 products were immun oprecip-
itated with antibody 1311C. Precipitated proteins were resolved by
SDS/PAGE and visualized by fluorography. Migration positions o f
intact and processed forms ofAc45 are indicated. Note t hat some of
the immunoprecipitates contain nonspecifically bound 37-kDa POMC
and 70 kDa PC2 (asterisks).
1850 V. Th. G. Schoonderwoert et al. (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) Ó FEBS 2002
acidifies from the ER to Golgi to secretory granules.
Responsible for the acidification is the activity of the
multimeric V-ATPase enzyme complex that translocates
protons across membranes at the expense of ATP [26,48].
Several mechanisms have been proposed that may explain
how the lumen of an organelle acquires its specific pH. The
membranes ofthe organelles may differ in their permeability
for protons, the composition or assembly state of the
V-ATPase e nzyme itself may vary between the different
organelles, or organelle-specific proteins/factors may regu-
late the V-ATPase. Evidence has been presented for all of
these mechanisms (reviewed in [4,27,49]), suggesting that
they may work simultaneously or in a cell type-specific
manner. Inthe chromaffin cells ofthe bovine adrenal
medulla, secretory granules have been found to contain a
V-ATPase that is associated with theaccessory subunit
Ac45 [30]. This n euroendocrine-enriched subunit of
45 kDa may play a role in targeting or contro lling the
activity oftheV-ATPaseinthe reg ulated secretory pathway
[30,32]. Deglycosylation experiments and N-terminal
sequencing of bovine Ac45 s howed that the isolated protein
is a proteolytically cleaved fragment [30,31]. We have
recently shown t hat Xenopus Ac45 is synthesized as an
N-glycosylated intact protein which is subsequently
processed to a C-terminal cleavage product of 40 kDa
[34]. The results obtained inthe present study allow us to
propose the following more detailed model for the s ynthesis,
processing and transport ofAc45in Xenopus intermediate
pituitary cells. Ac45 is synthesized as an intact protein of
46 kDa that is N-linked glycosylated to 62- and
64-kDa products. Trimming ofthe N -glycans inthe E R
gives rise to products of 61 and 63 kDa. As most
oligomeric complexes are assembled inthe ER [50], the
association ofAc45 with theV-ATPase V
sector may well
be established already in this compartment. The intact
glycosylated 61/63-kDa Ac45 protein was found to be
cleaved to an 22-kDa N-terminal and a 42 to 44-kDa
C-terminal product. The cleavage takes place inthe ER or
cis-Golgi, as i t is not inhibited by BFA, and occurs before
the cleavage products acquire EndoH resistance in the
medial Golgi. When N-linked glycosylation was prevented
by tunicamyin, the cleavage ofAc45 was inhibited,
suggesting that the protein needs proper folding or associ-
ation with the pump before cleavage can occur. However,
we can not exclude the possibility that tunicamycin inter-
fered with the activity ofthe elusive Ac45 cleavage enzyme.
The extensive time between glycosylation and cleavage
of Ac45 may indicate that its folding and assembly with
the V-ATPase is a complex process. Following cleavage
of intact glycosylated Ac45, both cleavage products pass
the medial Golgi, as the single N-linked glycan on the
N-terminal fragment and some ofthe N-glycans on the
C-terminal fragment acquire resistance to EndoH. Subse-
quently, the N-terminal cleavage fragment is degraded by a
mechanism that is i ndependent ofthe endosomal-lysosomal
system, as the degradation process is not affected by drugs
that disturb the acidification of these compartments or that
inhibit hydrolytic lysosomal enzymes. The C-terminal
cleavage fragment increases 1 kDa in size by an unknown
type of modification and is likely transported to secretory
granules, as in bovine Ac45 has been found to be associated
with the chromaffin granular V-ATPase [30]. The bovine
Ac45 C-terminal fragment (222 amino-acid residues) starts
with Val209, suggesting that the intact molecule is proteo-
lytically cleaved between Val208 and Val209 (numbering
according to [34]) [31]. Remarkably, this presumptive
cleavage site is not conserved inAc45of Xenopus and other
species [34]. Therefore, we hypothesize that the site of
cleavage inAc45 is located in a more conserved region
N-terminally of Val2 08/Val209, and t hat f ollowing cleavage
the N-terminal portion ofthe C-produ ct is subjected to
exoproteolytic processing. Exoproteolytic trimming would
explain why in Xenopus the size ofthe (deglycosylated)
C-terminal cleavage fragment ( 23 kDa) is smaller than
expected on the basis ofthe sizes of intact (deglycosylated)
Ac45 ( 46 kDa) and the (deglycosylated) N-terminal
cleavage product ( 20 kDa). Exoproteolytic processing is
not unusual, as it has also been described for several
cathepsins and the light chain of myeloperoxidase [51], a nd
for lactase-phlorizin hydrolase (LPH) [52].
Thus far, the only indication of a possible involvement
of a cleavage enzyme inthe regulation of V-ATPase
activity comes from yeast mutant studies. A yeast mutant
for the endoprotease Kex2p shows phenotypic character-
istics similar to those o f V -ATPase m utants, in dicating
that the Kex2p endoprotease is necessary for V -ATPase
activity in vivo. A model has been proposed in which
Fig. 8. Tunicamycin inhibits the glycosylation and cleavage of intact
Ac45. Lobes dissected from black-adapted Xenopus were preincubated
overnight, pu lsed for 1 h with [
S]Met/Cys and chased for the indi-
cated time periods. The incubations were performed either in the
absence or presence of 10 lgÆmL
tunicamycin. Radiolabeled protein s
were immunoprecipitated from lobe extrac ts using antibody 1311N.
Immunoprecipitates were resolved by SDS/PAGE and visualized by
fluorography. Migration positions of glycosylated (61–64 kDa) and
unglycosylated (46-kDa) intact Ac45, as well as the 22-kDa N-terminal
Ac45 cleavage product are indicated.
Ó FEBS 2002 ThefateofAc45inthesecretorypathway (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) 1851
Kex2p would cleave a negative regulator of the
V-ATPase, thereby activating the pump. Ac45 has been
suggested to be this negative regulator [53] and, in a
region just N-terminal ofthe N-terminus ofthe bovine
C-terminal cleavage product, Ac45 contains a conserved
sequence (Arg183-Pro-Ser-Arg186; numbers refer to
Xenopus [34]); that could act as a recognition site for
furin (consensus of furin cleavage site is RX(K/R)R [54]);
[55], the vertebrate Kex2p ortholog [56,57]. However, it is
unlikely t hat Ac45 r epresents the negative regulator, a s
yeast does not seem to contain an Ac45 ortholog [26].
Furthermore, Kex2p cleaves proproteins inthe late Golgi,
whereas we found that Xenopus Ac45 is cleaved inthe ER
or cis-Golgi.
The question arises concerning the possib le role of the
Ac45 cleavage event. Recently, a model for acidifi cation in
the regulated secretorypathway has been proposed [10]. In
this model, the gradual decrease inthe pH value of the
organelles ofthesecretorypathway is attributed to a
decrease inthe proton permeability from the ER to the
mature secretory granules, concomitant with a gradual
increase inthe number of active V-ATPases from the ER to
the Golgi. How the number of active H
-pumps increases
from the ER to the Golgi is not clear from this model. Ac45
could be a key player in this process. Intact glycosylated
Ac45 may interact with theV-ATPase and thereby keeping
the pump inactive i n the ER. Following Ac45 cleavage, the
V-ATPase would become active, whereby the cleavage may
have allowed the dissociation ofthe (inhibiting) N-terminal
cleavage fragment.
Altogether, w e conclude that N-linked glycosylated intact
Ac45 is cleaved to an 22-kDa N-terminal and a 42–44-
kDa C-terminal cleavage fragment inthe ER or cis-Golgi,
where activation oftheV-ATPase is necessary. Following
passage through the Golgi, the N -terminal fragment is
degraded and, together with the V-ATPase, the C-terminal
fragment is targeted to secretory granules.
We would like to thank Ron Engels for ta king care of Xenopus,and
Peter C ruijsen f or technical assistance. This work was suppo rted by
grant 805-33-212 from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific
Research-Earth and Life Sciences (NWO-ALW), and by European
Union-Training and Mobility Researchers network ERBFMR-
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Ó FEBS 2002 ThefateofAc45inthesecretorypathway (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) 1853
. protein as it has been shown to interact with the membrane sector of the V-ATPase in only a subset of organelles. Here, we examined the fate of newly synthesized Ac45 in the secretory pathway of. suggesting that Ac45 has an important role in the regulated secretory pathway o f neuroendocrine cells. Here, we examined in detail the fate of the Ac45 protein in the melanotrope cells of Xenopus intermediate. downstream in the secretory pathway but it is not known in which compartment the V-ATPase becomes active and which mechanism is involved in the targeting of the V-ATPase to the various secretory pathway