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Key flyer speaking chapter 1 (1)

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FLYERS | SPEAKING PROVISIONAL EDITION Flyers Speaking 7–9 minutes/4 parts The Speaking test is a face-to-face test with one candidate and one examiner It lasts approximately minutes The examiner’s language is scripted to ensure fairness to all candidates The script gives examiners scope to offer help and encouragement Each child is taken into the test by an usher This is someone who speaks the candidate’s first language and may be known to the child The usher explains the test format in the child’s first language, before taking the child into the exam room and introducing them to the examiner The mark for the Speaking test is based on a rating for Vocabulary and Grammar, Pronunciation and Interaction Part Part The examiner greets the candidate and asks for name, surname and age The examiner shows the candidate a sequence of five pictures which show a story The examiner tells the candidate the name of the story and describes the first picture in the story They then ask the candidate to describe the other four pictures The title of the story and the name(s) of the main character(s) are shown on the story The examiner demonstrates what is required and shows the candidate two pictures which are similar but have some differences The examiner reads statements about the examiner’s picture The candidate must look at the candidate’s picture, identify six differences and say how the picture is different Part The examiner asks the candidate some personal questions on topics such as school, holidays, birthdays, family and hobbies Part The examiner asks the candidate questions about a person, place or object, based on a set of question cues The candidate responds, using a set of information cues The candidate then asks the examiner questions based on a set of different question cues Summary of Flyers Speaking test Parts Main skill focus Input Expected response Understanding statements and responding with differences Two similar pictures (one is the examiner’s) Oral statements about examiner’s picture Identify six differences in candidate’s picture from statements about examiner’s picture One set of facts and one set of question cues Answer and ask questions about two people, objects or situations Responding to questions with short answers Forming questions to elicit information Understanding the beginning of a story and then continuing it based on a series of pictures Picture sequence Describe each picture in turn Understanding and responding to personal questions Open-ended questions about candidate Answer personal questions CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: YOUNG LEARNERS HANDBOOK FOR TEACHERS 41 FLYERS | SPEAKING PROVISIONAL EDITION Advice for teachers • The aim of the Flyers Speaking test is to make the experience an enjoyable and motivating one for young children Candidates are required to follow simple instructions and to answer simple questions about a picture and about themselves These are standard tasks in most English classes for young learners Candidates should be able to ask ‘question-word questions’ using Who, What, When, Where, How old, How many, etc For example: What are the children studying? • They should also be able to ask ‘Yes/No questions’, for example: Has Harry’s teacher got a car? • One way of making the test as stress-free as possible is that the child is first met by an usher who explains the format of the test in the child’s first language before taking him or her into the test room to meet the examiner Additionally, they need to be comfortable asking questions with two options For example: Is the lesson interesting or boring? Part • The Part task involves candidates telling a simple story based on five pictures, and candidates will benefit from practice in telling similar simple picture stories However, examiners are not looking for evidence of storytelling skills Candidates are only expected to say a few words about each picture in the sequence, without necessarily developing these comments into a narrative • Before asking candidates to tell the story, the examiner says, ‘Just look at the pictures first’ Advise candidates to look at each picture in turn to get a general idea of the story before they start to speak However, they should not worry if they cannot follow the narrative of the picture story It is perfectly acceptable just to say a few words about each picture in the sequence without developing these comments into a story The examiner will prompt by asking a question if a candidate needs help • Parents can get more information in the parents’ section on the Cambridge English website This includes tips on how to support and extend their children’s learning The structures candidates will need most frequently are there is/ are, the present tense of the verbs be and have (got), the modals can/can’t and must/mustn’t and the present continuous tense of some action verbs (for example, come, go, buy, put on, carry, open, laugh) They may also need to use the present perfect tense or going to They should be able to say things like: There is a big present for David He’s playing the drums very loudly • Candidates should also be able to describe simple feelings, for example: David’s excited Teachers can find lesson plans on the Cambridge English website as well as examples of the kind of pictures, instructions and questions children will be asked to respond to Part The standard format for the Speaking test is one child and one examiner The pictures and questions used in the test are all based on the vocabulary and structures in the Cambridge English: Young Learners lists This means that children who have been taught using the lists will be familiar with all the language they need in order to well in the test The format of the test always follows the same pattern so that children who are well prepared will not receive any surprises in the test room Use English to give everyday classroom instructions so that children become very familiar with instructions like Look at … ,
Listen to … , Give … , Put … , Find …  Children create a good impression when they use greetings and other social formulae confidently Make sure they are happy using Hello, Goodbye and Thank you, and that they have plenty
of practice at using Sorry, or I don’t understand whenever this is appropriate • Tips for preparing learners for the Flyers Speaking component Part • • For Part 1, candidates should practise listening to the teacher make a statement about a picture (for example, In my picture, the clock is black), relating that to a picture in front of them, and commenting on the difference: In my picture, the clock is red In the test, differences between the examiner’s statements and the candidate’s picture will relate to things like number, colour, position, appearance, activity, shape, and relative size, etc For example: In my picture there are two/three drinks on the table.
In my picture, there’s a helicopter in the sky/on the ground Part • 42 As well as having practice in answering questions, children should also practise asking them For example, in Part 2, they should be able to form simple questions to ask for information about people, things and situations This will include information about time, place, age, appearance, etc CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: YOUNG LEARNERS HANDBOOK FOR TEACHERS Make sure candidates feel confident answering questions about themselves, their families and friends, their homes, their school and free time activities, their likes and dislikes and other topics related to their everyday lives They should be able to answer questions such as: What time you get up on Saturday? What you on Saturday afternoon? • Simple answers of a phrase or one or two short sentences are all that is required • Questions will normally be in the present tense but candidates should also be prepared to use the past and present perfect tenses and
going to, and to answer questions about, for example, what they did yesterday or are going to at the weekend TEST TEST FLYERS | SPEAKING PROVISIONAL EDITION Flyers Speaking 7–9 minutes/4 parts The Speaking test is a face-to-face test with one candidate and one examiner It lasts approximately minutes The examiner’s language is scripted to ensure fairness to all candidates The script gives examiners scope to offer help and encouragement Each child is taken into the test by an usher This is someone who speaks the candidate’s first language and may be known to the child The usher explains the test format in the child’s first language, before taking the child into the exam room and introducing them to the examiner The mark for the Speaking test is based on a rating for Vocabulary and Grammar, Pronunciation and Interaction Part Part The examiner greets the candidate and asks for name, surname and age The examiner shows the candidate a sequence of five pictures which show a story The examiner tells the candidate the name of the story and describes the first picture in the story They then ask the candidate to describe the other four pictures The title of the story and the name(s) of the main character(s) are shown on the story The examiner demonstrates what is required and shows the candidate two pictures which are similar but have some differences The examiner reads statements about the examiner’s picture The candidate must look at the candidate’s picture, identify six differences and say how the picture is different Part The examiner asks the candidate some personal questions on topics such as school, holidays, birthdays, family and hobbies Part The examiner asks the candidate questions about a person, place or object, based on a set of question cues The candidate responds, using a set of information cues The candidate then asks the examiner questions based on a set of different question cues Summary of Flyers Speaking test Parts Main skill focus Input Expected response Understanding statements and responding with differences Two similar pictures (one is the examiner’s) Oral statements about examiner’s picture Identify six differences in candidate’s picture from statements about examiner’s picture One set of facts and one set of question cues Answer and ask questions about two people, objects or situations Responding to questions with short answers Forming questions to elicit information Understanding the beginning of a story and then continuing it based on a series of pictures Picture sequence Describe each picture in turn Understanding and responding to personal questions Open-ended questions about candidate Answer personal questions CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: YOUNG LEARNERS HANDBOOK FOR TEACHERS 41 FLYERS | SPEAKING PROVISIONAL EDITION Advice for teachers • The aim of the Flyers Speaking test is to make the experience an enjoyable and motivating one for young children Candidates are required to follow simple instructions and to answer simple questions about a picture and about themselves These are standard tasks in most English classes for young learners Candidates should be able to ask ‘question-word questions’ using Who, What, When, Where, How old, How many, etc For example: What are the children studying? • They should also be able to ask ‘Yes/No questions’, for example: Has Harry’s teacher got a car? • One way of making the test as stress-free as possible is that the child is first met by an usher who explains the format of the test in the child’s first language before taking him or her into the test room to meet the examiner Additionally, they need to be comfortable asking questions with two options For example: Is the lesson interesting or boring? Part • The Part task involves candidates telling a simple story based on five pictures, and candidates will benefit from practice in telling similar simple picture stories However, examiners are not looking for evidence of storytelling skills Candidates are only expected to say a few words about each picture in the sequence, without necessarily developing these comments into a narrative • Before asking candidates to tell the story, the examiner says, ‘Just look at the pictures first’ Advise candidates to look at each picture in turn to get a general idea of the story before they start to speak However, they should not worry if they cannot follow the narrative of the picture story It is perfectly acceptable just to say a few words about each picture in the sequence without developing these comments into a story The examiner will prompt by asking a question if a candidate needs help • Parents can get more information in the parents’ section on the Cambridge English website This includes tips on how to support and extend their children’s learning The structures candidates will need most frequently are there is/ are, the present tense of the verbs be and have (got), the modals can/can’t and must/mustn’t and the present continuous tense of some action verbs (for example, come, go, buy, put on, carry, open, laugh) They may also need to use the present perfect tense or going to They should be able to say things like: There is a big present for David He’s playing the drums very loudly • Candidates should also be able to describe simple feelings, for example: David’s excited Teachers can find lesson plans on the Cambridge English website as well as examples of the kind of pictures, instructions and questions children will be asked to respond to Part The standard format for the Speaking test is one child and one examiner The pictures and questions used in the test are all based on the vocabulary and structures in the Cambridge English: Young Learners lists This means that children who have been taught using the lists will be familiar with all the language they need in order to well in the test The format of the test always follows the same pattern so that children who are well prepared will not receive any surprises in the test room Use English to give everyday classroom instructions so that children become very familiar with instructions like Look at … ,
Listen to … , Give … , Put … , Find …  Children create a good impression when they use greetings and other social formulae confidently Make sure they are happy using Hello, Goodbye and Thank you, and that they have plenty
of practice at using Sorry, or I don’t understand whenever this is appropriate • Tips for preparing learners for the Flyers Speaking component Part • • For Part 1, candidates should practise listening to the teacher make a statement about a picture (for example, In my picture, the clock is black), relating that to a picture in front of them, and commenting on the difference: In my picture, the clock is red In the test, differences between the examiner’s statements and the candidate’s picture will relate to things like number, colour, position, appearance, activity, shape, and relative size, etc For example: In my picture there are two/three drinks on the table.
In my picture, there’s a helicopter in the sky/on the ground Part • 42 As well as having practice in answering questions, children should also practise asking them For example, in Part 2, they should be able to form simple questions to ask for information about people, things and situations This will include information about time, place, age, appearance, etc CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: YOUNG LEARNERS HANDBOOK FOR TEACHERS Make sure candidates feel confident answering questions about themselves, their families and friends, their homes, their school and free time activities, their likes and dislikes and other topics related to their everyday lives They should be able to answer questions such as: What time you get up on Saturday? What you on Saturday afternoon? • Simple answers of a phrase or one or two short sentences are all that is required • Questions will normally be in the present tense but candidates should also be prepared to use the past and present perfect tenses and
going to, and to answer questions about, for example, what they did yesterday or are going to at the weekend TEST Test Answers Part Examiner does this: Examiner says this: Minimum response Back-up questions: What was PmuI's favuurtte Point at information cues if necessary expected from child: Points to boy or^ candidate's information Now you don't know any-thlng about Paul's pa*, so you ask me soma questions Responds using information on examiner's informatian a computer game present? in the park pizza Wednesday Were w s the p%rfy? What did they earl? INhwhlch e"ay was Paul's party' How many friends dId he inbrfte? 22 Shows candidate Picture Story card.Allows time to look at the pictures These plePurss tell a story It's catled 'Katfs new footbal! clothes' Just look at the pictures BFd Katy's brother is p l a m football Katy can't play with h l ~ s c a u s e -he hesnl go9 any footbsll 1 I Point at the pictures 2.Ask questions about the p~ctures dothes She's sad Haw you tell the story Where's U t y now? M a t ' s she dolng In her dream? bCs?y% ssle@pIn bed In her dream, she" p h y h g j I fmfbbllr p(atyYsmother is makhg what Is My's mother dolng? What has Katy's mother made? Is Kla8y surprised3 M a r can Katy d o new? e shirt b&rs mother has made some footbail/ clothes Kafy's veqf sarrprised Maw Katy can play :'croPbau wAh her brother .?he's brerry happy, How's she Mllng? Puts the pictures away Now, let's talk about and lurns to the candidate, meals and food In your house What's your favourfee Imd? What f d don'p you like swtlnag? \JL.rhocmks i I r ~your hwuse? Wsa? you e& for your Bunch en Sunday**? Beel mo about breakfast In your house ' chlpsflfles Oa you like chlpslfrles? onlons Do you Ilks onlons? OW) mum Dw*r your mother cook the meals? Do you eat chlckan tor chicken lunch on Sundsy*'? We have br~kfastat e'elack We eat / A the &Itchen We @st b r e d end fmB What t h e you have , breakfast7 Wheac you eat? What you h a w fm breakfast? OK, thank you, * Good$ye Goodbye Remember to use the child's name throughout the test * * Or substrtwte another day that is appropriate to your country Test Answers MAW: And can you write something here, too? I'd like this road to have a name GIRL: OK I c:an see tb~eword 'STREET' on the little low wall nemxt to the shop Shall I write it there? MCW: Yes W r ~ r erne word 'HILL' a b v e that GIRL: All right I can spell that word MAN; Good.Well done! ,-.A - A L - Part (7 marks) dark silver unhappyfsad schooYclass (lovely) (red) (spotted) butterfly (the) birds the (small) leafla leaf Part (10 marks) I ago all that moves Since sing - can't No of 10 m Part l.5 marks) GIRL: MAN: GIRL: MAN: L m k at that man b he a pilot? Perhaps don't know Well, can I colour his uniform? NO,but YOU can colour his suitcase if you like It 1ooks very heavy GIRL: It does You're right! Shall I make it brown? MAN: Yes That looks great now Thank you - [pause] Now listen to Part again [The recording is repeated.] That 13 the end of the Flyers Pra~ttce Listening Test Reading and Writing Part (10 marks) an umbrella a farmer cookies soap a comb an octopus a flashlight bats doctors $0 plates Part (7 marks) I no no yes no no no yes Part (5 marks) I F B G H C Part (6 marks) afraid tens My very best three days top gald forget fef I/rrippedlsljpptd socks fromlar on/acrtlsdover werdfeldgot Test Answers TEST 24 Part Examiner does this: Usher brings candidate in Examiner says this: Mini1mum re5 expf3cted fro Back-up questions: : Usher to examiner: Hello Thb is (child's nameu) Examiner: Hello, * My name's JaneiMs $Smith / Hello WhM*s your surname7 ~ l k r Wafs your family name? How old are you, *? ten Am you ten? I Shows candidate both Find Mow, here are two p1ctures.l the Differences pictures My plcture Is nearly the same as yours, but some thlngs ere dlflemnt Points to the sky in each picture Fox example, In my picture It's e sunny day, but In your plcture It's cloudy, OK? Describes Zhfngs without pointing I i I" ggdng ad say m about my picture You tell me haw your pleturs is $Werent In my picture, there's bicycle under a tree al, In my picture, the flags srs green and yellow In my plcbrq there's a woman with brown halr She's holding a fan Bnrnypic%ure,Icansee a rucksack nexl to the man's chalr In my picture, a girl has won the race In my picture, a bay has fallen over He's weadng I Pointat relevant differenceis 2.Repeat statement Ask back-up question tn my plcfufe, them's a motoM!te Cn my picture, ffte flags are green and pink In my pleture, the woman's holding s hat Is there a bicycle under a tm? W a l colour ate the flags? What's the woman holfrng? I n m y p ~ c f u r e ~ ~ e a a Y s eCanyouseeerucksack s a rvckssek next to the man's chair? In my plcferm, s boy hns Who h ~ won s the race? won the race Is the boy wearlng shorts? In rnyprchre, the boy's wearJng trousers, sRoeQs Shows candidate both school , infornat~onpages Then ( polnls to cand!date's I information page Polnts to boy on candidate's information Page- Asks the questions Bony and Vleky are ceualns They go to different schsols don't "AQW anything aboJoltP Tony's sekool, but you So I'm going ta ask you some ques!lons Is f any's s c h f new or old? How many children are there In the school? new 441 le there a swirnrnlng poop yes !!There is the schcxrl? th) Castle Rosd What Stme cfasses felt) okloch stat?? Points to girl on cand~date'sinformation Page P b w you don't know awhlng abowl VIc'Ery's schml, so you ask ma some querrtlons * Remember to use the child's name throughout the zest Point at the information if necessary TEST 25 TEST 26 TEST 27 TEST 28 TEST 29 TEST 30 ... weekend TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST 10 TEST 11 TEST 12 TEST 13 TEST 14 TEST 15 TEST 16 TEST 17 TEST 18 TEST 19 TEST 20 TEST 21 Test Answers TEST 22 Speaking Part Examiner does this: Examiner... CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: YOUNG LEARNERS HANDBOOK FOR TEACHERS 41 FLYERS | SPEAKING PROVISIONAL EDITION Advice for teachers • The aim of the Flyers Speaking test is to make the experience an enjoyable... did yesterday or are going to at the weekend TEST TEST FLYERS | SPEAKING PROVISIONAL EDITION Flyers Speaking 7–9 minutes/4 parts The Speaking test is a face-to-face test with one candidate

Ngày đăng: 24/02/2023, 17:34
