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CrystalstructureofthesecondPDZdomainof SAP97
in complexwithaGluR-AC-terminal peptide
Ingemar von Ossowski
, Esko Oksanen
, Lotta von Ossowski
, Chunlin Cai
, Maria Sundberg
Adrian Goldman
and Kari Keina
1 Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences (Division of Biochemistry), University of Helsinki, Finland
2 Institute of Biotechnology, University of Helsinki, Finland
3 Neuroscience Center, University of Helsinki, Finland
Selective insertion ⁄ removal ofGluR-A (GluR1) sub-
unit, containing a-amino-5-methyl-3-hydroxy-4-isoxa-
zole propionic acid (AMPA) receptors to⁄ from the
postsynaptic membrane, is a key early event in some
experimental models of activity-dependent regulation
of synaptic strength [1–5]. Rapid insertion of GluR-A
to synaptic membrane is dependent on its cytoplasmic
C-terminal domainof 80 amino acid residues [6].
crystal structure; GluR1; GluR-A; PDZ
domain; SAP97
K. Keina
nen, Department of Biological and
Environmental Sciences (Division of
Biochemistry), Viikinkaari 5, P.O.Box56,
FI-00014 University of Helsinki, Helsinki,
Fax: +358 9191 59068
Tel: +358 9191 59606
E-mail: kari.keinanen@helsinki.fi
(Received 25 August 2006, revised 28
September 2006, accepted 2 October 2006)
Synaptic targeting ofGluR-A subunit-containing glutamate receptors
involves an interaction with synapse-associated protein 97 (SAP97). The
C-terminus of GluR-A, which contains a class I PDZ ligand motif
(-x-Ser ⁄ Thr-x-/-COOH where / is an aliphatic amino acid) associates
preferentially withthesecondPDZdomainofSAP97 (SAP97
). To
understand the structural basis of this interaction, we have determined the
crystal structures of wild-type and a SAP97
variant incomplex with
an 18-mer C-terminalpeptide (residues 890–907) ofGluR-A and of two
variant PDZ2 domains in unliganded state at 1.8–2.44 A
folds to a compact globular domain comprising six b-strands
and two a-helices, a typical architecture for PDZ domains. Inthe structure
of thepeptide complex, only the last four C-terminal residues ofthe GluR-
A are visible, and align as an antiparallel b-strand inthe binding groove of
. The free carboxylate group and the aliphatic side chain of the
C-terminal leucine (Leu907), and the hydroxyl group of Thr905 of the
GluR-A peptide are engaged in essential class I PDZ interactions. Compar-
ison between the free and complexed structures reveals conformational
changes which take place upon peptide binding. The bA)bB loop moves
away from theC-terminal end of aB leading to a slight opening of the
binding groove, which may better accommodate thepeptide ligand. The
two conformational states are stabilized by alternative hydrogen bond and
coulombic interactions of Lys324 in bA)bB loop with Asp396 or Thr394
in bB. Results ofin vitro binding and immunoprecipitation experiments
using aPDZ motif-destroying L907A mutation as well as the insertion of
an extra alanine residue between theC-terminal Leu907 and the stop codon
are also consistent witha ‘classical’ type I PDZ interaction between SAP97
and GluR-A C-terminus.
AMPA, a-amino-5-methyl-3-hydroxy-4-isoxazole propionic acid; GluR-A, ionotropic glutamate receptor subunit A; GST, glutathione
S-transferase; Maguk, membrane-associated guanylate kinase homolog; PDZ, postsynaptic density )95 ⁄ Discs large ⁄ zona occludens-1;
PSD-93, postsynaptic density )93; PSD-95, postsynaptic density )95; SAP97, synapse-associated protein 97; SAP102, synapse-associated
protein 102.
FEBS Journal 273 (2006) 5219–5229 ª 2006 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2006 FEBS 5219
The GluR-A C-terminus contains a class I PDZ ligand
motif which is necessary for the stimulated synaptic
incorporation ofGluR-A subunit in an acute fashion
[7–9]. Interestingly, it was recently reported that trans-
genic mice expressing GluR-A variant lacking seven
C-terminal residues display apparently normal synaptic
plasticity and basal GluR-A localization [10], suggest-
ing developmental plasticity and ⁄ or existence of multi-
ple parallel pathways inGluR-A transport. To date,
four PDZ domain-containing proteins have been
reported to associate withGluR-A via its C-terminus:
SAP97 [11], mLin-10 [12], Shank3 [13], and RIL [14],
although the binding of RIL to GluR-A is not PDZ
domain-mediated. From these candidates, the multi-
domain scaffolding protein SAP97 emerges as a strong
candidate to subserve synaptic delivery of GluR-A
AMPA receptors. Overexpression ofSAP97 drives
GluR-A to synapses and increases AMPA receptor
mediated synaptic currents [15,16], and concomitantly
occludes long-term potentiation [16]. Ina converse
manner, RNAi block ofSAP97 expression in cultured
neurons inhibits expression of surface GluR-A and
AMPA receptor mediated synaptic currents [16].
SAP97 may also play a role inthe endocytosis of
GluR-A AMPA receptors, based on identification of a
ternary complex between SAP97, GluR-A and myosin
VI, a minus-end directed actin motor [17,18].
Detailed information on the molecular mechanism of
SAP97–GluR-A interaction would help us to under-
stand its physiological roles and regulation. In glu-
tathione S-transferase (GST) pulldown assay, GluR-A
C-terminus binds to thesecondPDZdomainof SAP97
). The binding is dependent on the PDZ
binding motif, but is also strongly affected by sequences
upstream ofthe C-terminus ofGluR-A [19,20], includ-
ing formation ofa disulfide-linked complex between
synthetic GluR-AC-terminalpeptide and SAP97
[19]. In an attempt to understand the structural basis of
GluR-A–SAP97 interaction, we have determined the
crystal structureof SAP97
in the presence and
absence ofaGluR-AC-terminal 18-mer peptide ligand.
The structure reveals an archetypical class I PDZ inter-
action that involves the last four residues of GluR-A
with no apparent contribution by other residues.
Binding ofGluR-AC-terminaldomain to SAP97
in cultured cells
To complement and extend our earlier GST pulldown
analysis of GluR-A–SAP97 PDZ interaction, we first
examined the interaction oftheC-terminal domain
(CTD; residues 827–907) ofGluR-AwithSAP97 under
cellular conditions. We created three different GFP-
tagged GluR-A CTDs: the wild-type withthe C-term-
inal residues Ala904-Thr905-Gly906-Leu907 and two
point-mutated versions, a L907A substitution which
eliminates the class I PDZ binding motif, and ‘XA908’
in which an extra alanine residue was inserted between
the C-terminal Leu907 and the stop codon. These were
cotransfected with myc-tagged SAP97in HEK293 cells.
All proteins were expressed at roughly equal levels as
indicated by the intensities of anti-GFP and anti-myc
immunoblots, but only the wild-type CTD associated
with myc-tagged SAP97 (Fig. 1A). This result is in
agreement with our earlier in vitro binding analysis [20],
which confirms the importance ofthe canonical class I
PDZ binding motif. As SAP97 is endogenously present
in HEK293 cells, we also analyzed anti-SAP97 immuno-
precipitates of cells transfected only with GFP-GluR-
expression plasmids. Consistent withthe above
results, only the wild-type CTD associated with the
native SAP97 (Fig. 1B).
In vitro binding ofGluR-A C-terminus to SAP97
PDZ domains
To further examine the canonical class I PDZ binding
motif oftheGluR-A C-terminus, we used a microplate
Blot: anti-GFP
Blot: anti-myc
IP: anti-GFP
Blot: anti-myc
wt L907A XA908
myc-SAP97 + GFP-GluRA
wt L907A XA908
IP: Anti-SAP97
Blot: anti-GFP
Fig. 1. Coimmunoprecipitation ofGluR-A CTD with SAP97. HEK293
cells were transfected for expression of wild-type (‘wt’) GFP-GluR-
A CTD, and mutated CTDs L907A and ‘XA908’ with (A) or without
(B) N-terminally myc-tagged SAP97. The cells were subjected to
immunoprecipitation and immunoblotting by using anti-myc or anti-
GFP as indicated. Molecular size markers are indicated on the left.
IP, immunoprecipitation.
SAP97 PDZ2–GluR-A peptidecomplex I. von Ossowski et al.
5220 FEBS Journal 273 (2006) 5219–5229 ª 2006 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2006 FEBS
binding assay to analyze the interaction between puri-
fied SAP97PDZ proteins. Purified His-tagged PDZ1,
PDZ2, and PDZ3 domains ofSAP97 were adsorbed on
microwells, followed by blocking of nonspecific protein
adsorption sites by an excess of BSA. The binding of
wild-type or mutated GluR-AC-terminal 11-mer pep-
tides (GST-A
) produced as GST fusions was deter-
mined by using anti-GST-horseradish peroxidase
conjugate as an enzymatic marker (Fig. 2A). Short
C-terminal peptides were used instead of ‘full-length’
CTDs because ofthe higher stability ofthe former in
bacterial expression. GST-A
bound consistently stron-
gest to the PDZ2 domain, whereas the L907A mutation
led to significantly decreased binding (Fig. 2B). More-
over, GST-A
showed somewhat weaker, but detect-
able PDZ motif-dependent binding to the first but not
to the third PDZdomainofSAP97 (Fig. 2B). PDZ
motif-independent binding of GST fusions was consis-
tently higher to PDZ2 coated wells than to PDZ1 and
PDZ3 wells. Control experiments indicate that both ele-
vated background adsorption ofthe anti-GST-peroxi-
dase conjugate to SAP97
and nonspecific formation
of disulfide links between GST proteins and SAP97 con-
tribute to the higher background (results not shown).
Crystal structureof SAP97
In order to obtain detailed structural information on
the binding, we set up crystallization screens for
purified PDZ1 and PDZ2 domains and PDZ1-3 segment
of SAP97. Attempts to crystallize SAP97
were unsuccessful, but crystals were
obtained from SAP97
both alone and complexed
with GluR-AC-terminal 18-mer peptide (A
). During
initial purification of SAP97
, we noticed the occa-
sional formation of disulfide-linked dimers due to the
presence ofa single cysteine residue at position 378. The
corresponding residue inthe homologous PDZ2 domain
of PSD-95 is Gly219 (Fig. 3), which is located on the
protein surface 15 A
from the binding pocket in the
solution NMR structureof PSD-95
[21]. To avoid
problems arising from the potential heterogeneity of
dimeric and monomeric PDZ domains and from disul-
fide-linked PDZ domain–peptide ligand complexes
observed previously inin vitro peptide binding studies
[19], we expressed and purified two variants in which
Cys378 was replaced either by glycine (C378G) or
the isosteric serine residue (C378S). While crystals of
wild-type SAP97
never diffracted inthe absence
of the GluR-A
peptide, well-diffracting crystals,
belonging to space group P2
, were obtained from the
C378S (resolution 1.8 A
) and C378G (2.44 A
) variants
Fig. 2. Binding ofGluR-A wild-type and mutated GluR-A C-termini to
SAP97 PDZ domain-coated microwells. (A) Schematic outline of the
assay. The immobilized PDZ domains and GST fusion protein con-
taining 11-residue C-terminal segment from GluR-A are illustrated.
(B) Binding of wild-type and L907A variant GST-GluR-A fusion pep-
tides to immobilized PDZ1, PDZ2, and PDZ3 domains of SAP97.
Fig. 3. Amino acid sequence similarities ofPDZdomain proteins. Multiple sequence alignment ofPDZ domains from SAP97, PSD-95,
PSD93, SAP102, Shank3, and mLin-10 proteins. The secondary structural elements ofSAP97 PDZ2 are included at the top ofthe sequence
alignment. The residues (Gly328-Leu329-Gly330-Phe331) ofthe carboxylate binding loop and the critical histidine residue (His384) in aB are
highlighted by green and blue, respectively. The single cysteine residue (Cys378) inSAP97 is indicated by red color. The numbers refer to
amino acid sequence ofthe corresponding full-length proteins. Identity and similarity ofthe aligned residues are indicated by asterisks, semi-
colons (high similarity), and dots (low similarity), respectively.
I. von Ossowski et al. SAP97 PDZ2–GluR-A peptide complex
FEBS Journal 273 (2006) 5219–5229 ª 2006 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2006 FEBS 5221
(Tables 1 and 2). The structures were solved by molecu-
lar replacement (see Experimental procedures). There
are two PDZ domains inthe asymmetric unit, each with
a typical PDZdomain folding topology with six
b-strands (bAtobF) and two a-helices (aA and aB)
(Fig. 4). Thestructureofthe C378G variant of
was practically identical to that of C378S
variant, except for the mutated residue, and because of
its better resolution, only thestructureofthe C378S var-
iant will be discussed below. The first two N-terminal
residues are not visible in either ofthe two chains, and
11 (chain A) or 13 (chain B) C-terminal residues includ-
ing the hexahistidinyl tags also appear unstructured.
The binding site region of chain B contains additional
electron density, modeled tentatively as two histidines,
packed into the binding groove between bB and aB,
which may arise from binding ofthe C-terminus of a
neighboring PDZdomaininthe crystal. We therefore
used chain A, which does not contain anything in the
ligand binding site, to compare withthe peptide-bound
structure. The serine and glycine residues, used to
replace Cys378 inthe native PDZdomaininthe C378S
and C378G variants are located on the outer surface
and the serine side chain pointing outwardly into solu-
tion (Fig. 4).
Comparison to closely related PDZ domain
The solution structureofthesecondPDZdomain of
PSD-95 has been determined by NMR [21], and, quite
recently, coordinates ofthe PDZ2 domainof SAP102
crystallized inthe absence of ligand have been depos-
ited inthe PDB (access code: 2FE5). As these domains
Table 1. Data collection and processing statistics.
Data set
+ GluR-A
+ GluR-A
C378G SAP97
Space group P2
Unit cell parameters
a 34.8 A
34.4 A
32.2 A
32.3 A
b 54.4 A
54.3 A
52.1 A
52.4 A
c 55.1 A
54.6 A
52.6 A
52.9 A
a 90° 90° 90° 90°
b 94.0° 84.0° 102.7° 102.7°
c 90° 90° 90° 90°
Wavelength (A
) 0.934 0.934 1.519 0.931
Resolution (A
20–2.35 (2.41–2.35) 34.1–2.2 (2.33–2.2) 20–2.44 (2.59–2.44) 20–1.8 (1.91–1.8)
Completeness (%)
97.5 (96.6) 99.7 (99.3) 96.6 (90.8) 97.7 (97.3)
7.5 (7.6) 5.0 (5.0) 7.4 (7.2) 2.5 (2.5)
0.081 (0.517) 0.054 (0.40) 0.025 (0.08) 0.055 (0.40)
I ⁄ r
16.8 (4.1) 16.6 (3.5) 37.2 (17.8) 14.1 (2.8)
Values for the highest resolution shell are given in parentheses.
¼ S
|I(hkl) – <I(hkl)>| ⁄S
I(hkl) where <I(hkl)> is the mean of the
symmetry equivalent reflections of I(hkl).
Table 2. Refinement statistics.
Data set
+ GluR-A
+ GluR-A
C378G SAP97
Total unique reflections ⁄ test set
(% size ofthe test set) 8005 ⁄ 422
9658 ⁄ 509
5908 ⁄ 311
14964 ⁄ 788
⁄ R
0.218 ⁄ 0.295
(0.319 ⁄ 0.350)
0.242 ⁄ 0.326
(0.350 ⁄ 0.443)
0.180 ⁄ 0.295
(0.209 ⁄ 0.380)
0.188 ⁄ 0.254
(0.245 ⁄ 0.374)
Bond rmsd from ideality (A
) 0.017 0.017 0.015 0.012
Angle rmsd from ideality (°) 1.78 1.75 1.56 1.97
Residues in favored Ramachandran plot regions (%) 91.0 92.8 94.5 97.2
Residues in allowed Ramachandran plot regions (%) 98.9 98.3 98.9 100
Values for the highest resolution shell are given in parentheses.
¼ S
(hkl)| - |F
(hkl)|) ⁄S
(hkl)| for F(hkl) not belonging to the
test set; R
¼ S
(hkl)| ) |F
(hkl)|) ⁄S
(hkl)| for F(hkl) inthe test set.
SAP97 PDZ2–GluR-A peptidecomplex I. von Ossowski et al.
5222 FEBS Journal 273 (2006) 5219–5229 ª 2006 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2006 FEBS
show 90% sequence similarity (80–89% identity) to
, it was interesting to compare the three
unliganded PDZdomain structures. Figure 5 shows a
superposition of SAP97
C378S structurewith the
NMR structureof PSD-95
and thecrystal struc-
ture of SAP102. The backbone structures are highly
similar, except for some ofthe surface loops. The loop
bA-bB is packed closer to the C-terminus of aBin
SAP97 than in PSD-95 or SAP102. In addition, bB-bC
loop is extended outwards to the solution in SAP97
and SAP102, whereas it bends towards the C-terminus
in PSD-95.
Ligand binding interactions of SAP97
Well-diffracting crystals belonging to the same space
group as the free PDZ domains were obtained for the
wild-type and C378G variant of SAP97
lized witha synthetic peptide representing the 18
C-terminal residues ofGluR-A (A
). The two struc-
tures were solved and turned out to be highly similar
to each other (Table 3). Only the last four C-terminal
residues of A
peptide are visible inthecomplex as an
extended b-strand sandwiched between aB and bB
and antiparallel to the b-strand (Fig. 6A). The term-
inal carboxylate group of Leu907 forms hydrogen
bonds with main chain amide nitrogens of Leu329,
Gly330, and Phe331. The aliphatic side chain of the
C-terminal leucine is accommodated ina hydrophobic
pocket formed by the apolar side chains of Phe331,
Ile333, and Leu391 (Fig. 6B). The threonine at posi-
tion P
forms an essential hydrogen bond with the
His384 at the N-terminal end of aB. These results are
in agreement with our previous mutagenesis study
which indicated that the ability of point-mutated
GluR-A C-terminal domains to bind to PDZ1-3 seg-
ment ofSAP97 is not sensitive to residue changes at
positions P
and P
, while P
and theC-terminal P
are critical [20]. The side chain of Cys378 points out
into solution inthecomplexof wild-type SAP97 and
Fig. 4. Ribbon diagram oftheSAP97 PDZ2 C378S variant structure.
Helices and strands are named according to Doyle et al. [22].
Ser378 is shown in sticks.
α A
βA βA
Loop βA-βB Loop βA-βB
Loop βB-βC
Loop βB-βC
Fig. 5. Stereoscopic representation of
superposed backbone structures for
C378S (blue), SAP102
(orange; 2FE5), and PSD-95
1QLC) [21]. Secondary structural elements
and loops are labeled accordingly.
I. von Ossowski et al. SAP97 PDZ2–GluR-A peptide complex
FEBS Journal 273 (2006) 5219–5229 ª 2006 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2006 FEBS 5223
peptide, consistent witha potential reactivity in
disulfide bond formation.
Conformational differences between the free
and peptide bound SAP97
Superposition ofthe a-carbon traces ofthe complex
structure and apo PDZdomain (C378S) reveals differ-
ences that may arise from ligand-induced conforma-
tional changes inthePDZdomain (Fig. 7A). The
major differences can be seen in areas which are close
to the C-terminus ofthe bound peptide: inthe unli-
ganded PDZ domain, the bA-bB loop is closer to the
C-terminal end ofthe aB than inthecomplex struc-
ture, suggesting that peptide binding is accompanied
by slight opening ofthe structure, also including slight
alterations inthe aB-bF loop. Thepeptide binding
cavity inthe uncomplexed PDZdomain is partially
filled by five water molecules that occupy similar posi-
tions to each ofthe polar atoms, both main chain and
side chain, inthe bound peptide. In addition, there is a
water molecule occupying the hydrophobic pocket for
the terminal leucine. Moreover, there is an intriguing
switch involving Lys324 inthe bA-bB loop. In the
unliganded structure, it forms a tight ion-pair (2.6 A
with Asp396 between aB and bF, while inthe liganded
structure, Asp396 moves to the outside and Lys324
forms hydrogen-bonds to Thr394 Oc2, Thr394 O and
Ser395 O (Fig. 7B). Unlike the interactions already
described in Doyle et al. [22] (see Discussion), such
Table 3. Superpositions ofPDZ domains.
No. of aligned residues ⁄ Ca rmsd (A
) ⁄
Sequence identity (%) Stationary Stationary II
Moving SAP97
C378S (chain A) SAP97
+ GluR-A
(chain A)
C378G + GluR-A
(chain A) 90 ⁄ 0.69 ⁄ 98 90 ⁄ 0.33 ⁄ 98
(2FE5) 89 ⁄ 0.73 ⁄ 80 90 ⁄ 0.71 ⁄ 80
(1BFE) 83 ⁄ 0.99 ⁄ 37 83 ⁄ 1.03 ⁄ 37
+ CRIPT peptide (1BE9) 83 ⁄ 1.14 ⁄ 37 83 ⁄ 1.03 ⁄ 37
Fig. 6. Ligand binding interactions between GluR-AC-terminal (A
) peptide and SAP97
. (A) A Fo-Fc omit electron density map of the
last four C-terminal residues ofthe GluR-A
peptide contoured at 3.0 r and the residues Gly328-Leu329-Gly330-Phe331-Ser332-Ile333 of
the carboxylate binding loop. Thepeptide backbone is shown in green and the carboxylate binding loop in grey. Hydrogen bonds between
GluR-A C-terminus and the carboxylate binding loop are indicated as dotted lines. (B) Schematic presentation produced by
LIGPLOT of the
polar and hydrophobic interactions between theC-terminal Leu907 of GluR-A
peptide and thePDZ domain. Carbon, nitrogen and oxygen
atoms are shown as black, blue and red spheres, respectively. Hydrogen bond are indicated as dotted lines (including distances in A
) and
hydrophobic interactions as arcs with radial spokes.
SAP97 PDZ2–GluR-A peptidecomplex I. von Ossowski et al.
5224 FEBS Journal 273 (2006) 5219–5229 ª 2006 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2006 FEBS
bond movements could be the switch between the two
conformations for facilitating better accommodation of
the peptideinthePDZ binding groove. Recently, it
was reported [23] that residues within the bB-bC loop
of ZO1-PDZ1 rearrange inthe liganded structure to
produce a deep pocket not present inthe unliganded
form, for binding ofthe residue at P
. However, in
our study, no conformational change inthe extended
bB-bC loop was observed (Fig. 7A), and consequently
this region is less likely to contribute to ligand recogni-
tion in SAP97–GluR-A interaction.
Leonard et al. [11] originally identified an interaction
between GluR-A and SAP97, and showed that the
extreme C-terminus ofGluR-A binds to the PDZ1-3
segment ofSAP97in vitro. This PDZ interaction is
probably solely responsible for the association, because
GluR-A subunit lacking seven C-terminal residues
expressed in transgenic mice did not form an immuno-
precipitable complexwithSAP97 unlike its wild-type
counterpart [10]. In vitro binding of SAP97
GluR-A C-terminaldomain showed an absolute
requirement for a large hydrophobic side chain at the
C-terminus and a side chain hydroxyl group at the P
position, in agreement witha typical class I PDZ inter-
action [20]. Ofthe three PDZ domains in SAP97, only
PDZ2 bound to theGluR-A C-terminus in our earlier
GST pulldown assay [20]. However, in our present
study, the use of microplate assay with immobilized
PDZ domains to analyze the interaction revealed that
the PDZ1 domain is also active, albeit less so than
PDZ2. The ability of SAP97
to bind to GluR-A is
in agreement with some earlier findings [24,25] and
with reports indicating that the PDZ1 and PDZ2
domains of PSD-95 family membrane-associated gua-
nylate kinase homologs (Maguks) display similar pre-
ferences for their peptide ligands, and differ in this
respect from PDZ3 [26].
The crystalstructureof SAP97
with bound
GluR-A peptide, determined inthe present study, is
consistent withthe archetypical features of class I PDZ
domains. The interaction with bound peptide occurs at
positions P
(C-terminus) and P
, but not at P
other than through main chain hydrogen bonds
with bB. In most class I PDZ domain-ligand pairs,
additional interactions engaging the amino acid residues
at P
and P
of thepeptidein multiple polar and non-
polar contacts withthePDZdomain impart increased
affinity and sequence specificity, important for physio-
logical interactions. The absence of such supplementary
interactions from the GluR-A–SAP97
may not be surprising considering that in GluR-A, ala-
nine and glycine residues occupy at P
and P
, which
is unusual for a class I PDZ ligand. These two residues
do not show any unusual structural features inthe pep-
tide complex, and can be mutated to glycine ⁄ alanine
without affecting binding in GST pulldown assay [20].
Therefore, it seems probable that additional interac-
tions or mechanisms are required to provide further
specificity and affinity.
Previously, we had demonstrated with both in vitro
peptide binding assays and NMR spectroscopy that
under nonreducing conditions a disulfide bond may
form between the Cys893 ofa GluR-A
peptide and
the Cys378 of SAP97
domain, and consequently
we suggested this covalent coupling could be the
basis for a redox-regulated binding mechanism [19].
Formation ofa disulfide bond would be consistent
with the finding that in GST pulldown experiments,
Fig. 7. Structural changes inPDZdomain upon peptide binding. (A)
Superposition ofthe wild-type SAP97
(green) inthe peptide
complex withthe unliganded structureofthe C378S variant (blue),
highlighting the potential movements ofthe bA-bB loop and aB
upon peptide binding. (B) Conformational switch inthe bA-bB car-
boxylate binding loop between apo (blue) and liganded (green)
structures. Relevant amino acids and secondary structural elements
are labeled.
I. von Ossowski et al. SAP97 PDZ2–GluR-A peptide complex
FEBS Journal 273 (2006) 5219–5229 ª 2006 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2006 FEBS 5225
replacement ofa tripeptide sequence Ser897-Ser898-
Gly899 inGluR-AC-terminaldomain by three alanine
residues leads to loss of binding, possibly due to
decreased flexibility ofthe C-terminus [20]. However,
in our crystalstructureof wild-type SAP97
tallized withthe GluR-A
peptide, there was no dis-
cernible electron density for bound peptide beyond the
last four residues ofthe PDZ-motif and therefore
the structure does not provide an explanation for the
above-mentioned contributions by upstream sequence
elements. Whether this is due to insufficient length of
the peptide can definitely be answered only through
determination ofthe larger structures including the
entire C-terminal domain. Our attempts to form crys-
tals of SAP97
in complexwiththe GluR-A
have so far remained unsuccessful due to the poor
solubility and stability of purified full-length GluR-
Notwithstanding the remaining questions concerning
the structural basis for the exquisite specificity of the
interaction between SAP97 and GluR-A, the present
crystal structures provide interesting new findings. Of
the PSD-95 family Maguk proteins, only the structure
of PSD-95
has been solved inthe presence of a
peptide ligand [22]. In addition, nonliganded structures
have been solved for the third PDZdomainof human
SAP97 [27], and for thesecondPDZdomain of
SAP102 (2FE5; Structural Genomics Consortium,
unpublished results). Inthe PSD)95
peptide com-
plex structure, peptide binding was accompanied by
only minor conformational changes limited to a few
amino acid side chains [22]. In their structure, the
authors also saw a small shift between liganded and
nonliganded forms, but ascribed it to crystal contacts, a
viewpoint we do not entirely share. While it is true that
there are some crystal contacts at the bottom of the
ligand-binding pocket, there is a correlation between
binding of ligand, changes in cell dimensions, and the
opening and closing ofthe pocket; whenever the ligand
is bound, the b-angle, for instance, is 84–93°, and
whenever it is not, the b-angle is 103° (Table 1). It
seems clear that the rearrangement ofthe interactions
around Lys324 provides two different but stable con-
formations that correlate with ligand being bound or
not. In contrast, inthestructureof PSD-95 PDZ3 pep-
tide ligand complex, the residue equivalent to Lys324,
Arg318, binds the terminal carboxylate through a water
molecule. As described above, the interactions we see
are quite different and may help explain some of the
differences in binding properties between PSD-95
and SAP97
. Furthermore, although it may be a
coincidence, we find it interesting that both the PSD-95
and our structure make crystal contacts inthe same
region (at the bottom ofthe peptide-binding groove)
even though the space group is different and the
sequence identity is low in this region. We wonder if
this may indicate some ofthe regions of allosteric speci-
ficity, and the possibility that other proteins interact
with this region as well. Direct structural evidence exists
for an analogous situation for non-PDZ protein inter-
action domains in PSD-95: an intramolecular interac-
tion between a ‘hook’ domain and guanylate kinase
domain keeps the molecule ina closed state [28,29].
In conclusion, our crystallographic analysis shows a
canonical class I interaction between SAP97
peptide. The discrepancy between the
relative scarcity of interactions inthecomplex struc-
ture and the high affinity and specificity evident from
in vitro binding experiments [19,20] suggests the
existence of additional, but as yet unclear, mechanisms
in this interaction. An unexpected and novel feature of
structure is the conformational shift in
bA-bB loop between the free and liganded structures.
Experimental procedures
Bacterial expression and protein purification
C-terminally His-tagged SAP97
(residues 315–410 in
SwissProt Q911D0) was expressed in Escherichia coli
BL21(DE3)pLysS and purified by immobilized metal chela-
tion affinity chromatography on Ni
-charged NTA-Agar-
ose (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) as described previously
[19,20]. SAP97
C378S and C378G mutations were gen-
erated by PCR, and the mutated proteins were expressed
and purified as the wild-type domain. His-tagged PDZ1
(residues 213–313), PDZ3 (residues 459–450) and PDZ1-3
(213–450) segment were expressed and purified as above. All
PDZ constructs contained an eight amino acid residue seg-
ment SRHHHHHH at their C-termini. GST fusion proteins
of wild-type GluR-AC-terminal 11-mer peptide (GST-A
has been described previously [20]. GST fusion of C-term-
inal 11-mer containing a L907A mutation was produced by
PCR mutagenesis. GST fusion proteins were expressed in
E. coli BL21 and purified by GSH-Sepharose chromatogra-
phy (Amersham Biotech, Uppsala, Sweden) [20].
Mammalian cell expression
Expression plasmids encoding GFP-tagged GluR-A
dues 827–907 in rat GluR-A; M36418) and GluR-A
iants L907A and ‘XA908’ (carrying an extra alanine residue
after C-terminal Leu907) were generated by subcloning
appropriate PCR fragments between EcoRI and HindIII sites
of a derivative of pEGFP-C1 (Clontech, Palo Alto, CA,
USA), which harbored a hexahistidinyl tag linker
(HHHHHHEF) between GFP and theC-terminal insert.
SAP97 PDZ2–GluR-A peptidecomplex I. von Ossowski et al.
5226 FEBS Journal 273 (2006) 5219–5229 ª 2006 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2006 FEBS
HEK293 cells were grown in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s
medium supplemented with 2 mm glutamine, 10% (v ⁄ v) fetal
calf serum, penicillin (50 units ⁄ mL), and streptomycin (50
units ⁄ mL) at 37 °C under 5% CO
. Cells were transfected
with wild-type and point-mutated GFP-GluR-A
plasmids either alone or together with expression plasmid
encoding myc-tagged SAP97 [30] by using calcium phosphate
coprecipitation, and harvested 36–48 h after the transfection
and used for immunoprecipitations as described below.
Detergent extracts were prepared from transfected HEK293
cells by homogenizing the cells in 10 volumes of 50 mm
Tris ⁄ HCl, pH 8.0, 140 mm NaCl, 1 mm EDTA, 1 mm
,1mm NaF, and 1 mm phenylmethylsulfonyl fluor-
ide (TNE buffer). Triton X-100 was added to a final con-
centration of 1% (w ⁄ v), and the suspension was mixed at
4 °C for 2 h, followed by centrifugation at 20 000 g for
15 min. Aliquots (1-mL) of supernatant were incubated
with anti-GFP IgG (2 lg; Abcam, Cambridge, UK) or
antiserum (2 lL) [20] overnight at 4 °C. Immuno-
complexes were bound to GammaBind G-Sepharose
(Amersham Biosciences; 20 lL) for 2 h under gentle rota-
tion. Sepharose beads were collected by brief centrifugation,
washed three times with TNE, and twice with NaCl ⁄ P
, and
finally suspended in 20 lL of SDS sample buffer, heated at
95 °C for 5 min and analyzed by SDS ⁄ PAGE and immuno-
blotting with anti-GFP or anti-myc antibodies [30].
Microplate binding assay
In vitro binding of wild-type and mutated GluR-A C-ter-
mini to SAP97PDZ domains was analyzed by using a plate
binding assay. Briefly, microtiter plates were coated with
purified PDZ1, PDZ2, and PDZ3 domains (0.5 lm in
NaCl ⁄ P
; overnight at 4 °C), blocked with bovine serum
albumin, and incubated with GST fusion proteins
(5 lgÆmL
in NaCl ⁄ P
) for 5–10 min at room temperature,
conditions determined to yield the highest signal-to-back-
ground ratio. The wells were washed three times with
NaCl ⁄ P
⁄ 0.5% Tween 20 and incubated with anti-GST-
IgG–horseradish peroxidase conjugate for 1 h at room tem-
perature. After further washes, peroxidase substrate was
added, and the absorbance values at 450 nm were recorded
after 30–60 min from substrate addition. Binding of GST
fusion proteins to bovine serum albumin-coated control
wells, generally representing <15% of total, was subtracted
from the absorbance values as nonspecific binding.
Protein crystallization
SAP97 PDZ2 domain proteins were crystallized at room
temperature using the sitting drop vapor diffusion method
equilibrated against a reservoir solution of 30% polyethy-
lene glycol (PEG 6000), 0.1 m Tris ⁄ HCl, pH 8.8, and 0.2 m
sodium acetate. Crystals ofthe C378G and C378S variant
proteins (1.3 and 0.85 mm in 10 mm Bis-Tris pH 6.5,
respectively) were grown ina mixture of 1 lL protein and
1 lL reservoir solution. Both the wild-type (2.3 mm) and
the C378G variant (1.3 mm) proteins were cocrystallized
with the GluRA
by mixing 1 lL of protein and 1 lL ofpeptide (5 mm in
10 mm Bis-Tris pH 6.5) with 2 lL ofthe reservoir solution.
All crystals grew as rod clusters within 1–3 days.
Crystallographic structure determination
The data were collected at the ESRF (European Synchro-
tron Radiation Facility) beamlines ID29 for a 1.3 A
lution data set of C378G, ID14-1 for wild-type and
C378G withpeptide and ID14-3 for C378S. The data for
C378G variant were collected at EMBL ⁄ DESY beamline
BW7A. All data were collected at 100 K and processed
with the program xds [31] (Table 1). Attempts to use the
NMR structures ofthe PDZ1 [32] and PDZ2 [21]
domains of PSD-95 with 53% and 89% sequence iden-
tity, respectively, to SAP97
as search models yielded
no useful solutions for molecular replacement, probably
due to the rather high rmsd ⁄ Ca (Table 3). A molecular
replacement solution could be obtained for the high reso-
lution data set ofthe C378G variant using the crystal
structure of PDZ3 domainofSAP97 ⁄ hDlg, PDB-ID
1PDR [27] as a model. The molecular replacement was
performed withthe program molrep [33] inthe CCP4
suite [34]. Automatic model building and refinement was
carried out withthe program arp ⁄ warp [35]. The model
thus obtained could not be refined satisfactorily by man-
ual model building and refinement, but using one mole-
cule from partly refined structure as a molecular
replacement model, the other data sets could be phased
by molecular replacement, although no solution was
obtained with 1PDR as a model. The program refmac5
was used for refinement and the programs o [36] and
coot [37] for manual model building. Structure validation
was done withthe molprobity web server [38]. The
superpositions were carried out using the SSM algorithm
[39]. Figures were prepared with pymol [40] and ligplot
Protein data bank accession numbers
X-ray structural data and the derived atomic coordinates
have been deposited withthe Protein Data Bank (http://
www.rcsb.org/pdb) under the accession codes: 2G2L (wild-
type SAP97 PDZ2 with GluR-A
peptide), 2AWX (C378S
variant), 2AWW (C378G variant with GluR-A
and 2AWU (C378G variant).
I. von Ossowski et al. SAP97 PDZ2–GluR-A peptide complex
FEBS Journal 273 (2006) 5219–5229 ª 2006 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2006 FEBS 5227
We acknowledge the European Synchrotron Radiation
Facility MX beamlines and The EMBL BW7A beam-
line at the DORIS storage ring, DESY, Hamburg for
provision of synchrotron radiation facilities and we
would like to thank the beamline personnel for assis-
tance in data collection. We thank D. Bansfield for
technical assistance. This work was supported by
grants from the Academy of Finland to AG (1105157),
and to KK (202892). AG is a member of
Biocentrum Helsinki and gratefully acknowledges its
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