Mechanisms ofobesityandrelatedpathologies:Role of
apolipoprotein Einthedevelopmentof obesity
Kyriakos E. Kypreos
, Iordanes Karagiannides
, Elisavet H. Fotiadou
, Eleni A. Karavia
Maria S. Brinkmeier
, Smaragda M. Giakoumi
and Eirini M. Tsompanidi
1 Department of Medicine, Pharmacology Unit, University of Patras Medical School, Rio, Greece
2 Department of Medicine, David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Apolipoprotein E (ApoE) is a major protein of the
lipid and lipoprotein transport system mainly
involved inthe metabolism of dietary lipids and the
removal of atherogenic lipoproteins, such as chylomi-
cron remnants and very low density lipoproteins
(VLDL), from the circulation [1,2]. In humans,
ApoE is a polymorphic 34.5 kDa glycoprotein
synthesized primarily by the liver, although it is also
synthesized by other tissues, such as brain and
adipose tissue. Human ApoE has three natural
isoforms, ApoE2, ApoE3 and ApoE4 [3]. These
isoforms differ in their amino acid compositions at
positions 112 and 158, where ApoE2 has Cys at
both sites, ApoE4 has Arg at both sites, and ApoE3
has Cys112 and Arg158 [3]. Epidemiological studies
have linked ApoE4 to elevated LDL cholesterol
levels and an increased risk ofthedevelopment of
cardiovascular disease [4,5].
Lipoprotein-bound ApoE is the natural ligand for
the LDL-receptor (LDLr) [6,7], which is the main
receptor involved inthe clearance of ApoE-containing
lipoproteins in vivo [8]. After a lipid-rich meal, dietary
ApoE receptors; ApoE3
mice; ApoE-deficient mice;
apolipoprotein E; glucose intolerance; insulin
resistance; metabolic syndrome; obesity
K. E. Kypreos, Department of Medicine,
University of Patras Medical School,
Pharmacology Unit, Panepistimioupolis, Rio,
TK 26500, Greece
Fax: +30 2610994720
Tel: +30 2610969120
(Received 18 February 2009, revised 1
August 2009, accepted 11 August 2009)
Apolipoprotein E is a polymorphic glycoprotein in humans with a molecu-
lar mass of 34.5 kDa. It is a component of chylomicron remnants, very
low density lipoprotein, low density lipoprotein and high density lipopro-
tein, and is primarily responsible for maintaining plasma lipid homeostasis.
In addition to these well-documented functions, recent studies in experi-
mental mouse models, as well as population studies, show that apolipo-
protein E also plays an important roleinthedevelopmentofobesity and
insulin resistance. It is widely accepted that disruption in homeostasis
between food intake and energy expenditure, andthe subsequent deposition
of excess fatty acids into fat cells inthe form of triglycerides, leads to the
development of obesity. Despite the pivotal roleofobesityand dyslipide-
mia inthedevelopmentofthe metabolic syndrome and heart disease, the
functional interactions between adipose tissue and components ofthe lipo-
protein transport system have not yet been investigated thoroughly. In this
minireview, we focus on the current literature pertinent to the involvement
of apolipoproteinEinthedevelopmentof pathologies associated with the
metabolic syndrome.
ABCA1, ATP-binding cassette A1; ApoE, apolipoprotein E; ApoE
) ⁄ )
, ApoE-deficient; HDL, high density lipoprotein; LCAT, lecithin:cholesterol
acyl transferase; LDLr, low density lipoprotein receptor; LDLr
) ⁄ )
, LDLr-deficient; LpL, lipoprotein lipase; LRP1, LDLr related protein 1; VLDL,
very low density lipoprotein; VLDLr, very low density lipoprotein receptor.
5720 FEBS Journal 276 (2009) 5720–5728 ª 2009 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2009 FEBS
lipids are packaged into chylomicrons, which, subse-
quent to partial lipolysis by lipoprotein lipase (LpL),
are converted into chylomicron remnants and acquire
ApoE [2] (Fig. 1A). Then, lipid bound ApoE interacts
with the LDLr, which mediates the removal of ApoE-
containing atherogenic lipoproteins from the circula-
tion (Fig. 1A). Mutations in ApoE or LDLr that
prevent their physical interactions are associated with
high plasma cholesterol levels and predispose to pre-
mature atherosclerosis in humans and experimental
animals [9,10].
In addition, ApoE also promotes cholesterol efflux
[11] andthe de novo biogenesis of spherical ApoE-con-
taining high density lipoprotein (HDL)-like particles
with the participation ofthe lipid transporter ATP bind-
ing cassette A1 (ABCA1) andthe plasma enzyme leci-
thin:cholesterol acyl transferase (LCAT) (Fig. 1B) [12].
Thus, ApoE may also contribute to the maintenance of
plasma and tissue cholesterol homeostasis andthe pro-
tection from atherosclerosis [13–20] via mechanisms that
are independent of its interactions with the LDLr [18].
It is widely accepted that disruption inthe homeo-
stasis between food intake and energy expenditure,
and the subsequent deposition of excess fatty acids
into fat cells inthe form of triglycerides, leads to the
development ofobesity [21]. A lipid-rich diet and sed-
entary lifestyle, physical inactivity and an imbalance
in caloric load are the most common contributors to
the developmentof central obesityandthe metabolic
syndrome [22,23]. Aging, hormonal imbalance and
genetic predisposition may also contribute to obesity
Epidemiological and population studies have
established a direct correlation between obesity and
the developmentof cardiovascular disease [36,37].
Despite the pivotal roleofobesityand dyslipidemia in
the developmentofthe metabolic syndrome and heart
disease, the functional interactions between adipose tis-
sue andthe lipid and lipoprotein transport system have
only recently started to be investigated.
ApoE in adipocyte differentiation and
lipid loading
In vitro experiments using cultures of primary prea-
dipocytes, adipocytes, adipose tissue explants or
Peripheral tissues
or liver
Interactions of
remnant-bound apoE
with LDLr
of lipid-rich
in the
Clearance of dietary
lipids from
the circulation
Fig. 1. (A) Summary oftheroleof ApoE inthe clearance of chylomicron remnants and VLDL from the circulation. Dietary lipids are packaged
into chylomicrons, which are then partially lipolyzed by plasma lipoprotein lipase on the surface of vascular endothelial cells. Subsequent to
lipolysis, chylomicrons acquire ApoE and are converted into chylomicron remnants. ApoE-containing chylomicron remnants are then taken up
by the liver and other peripheral tissues mainly via the LDLr, which appears to be the major physiological receptor for remnant clearance. (B)
Depicting the pathway of de novo biogenesis of ApoE-containing HDL with the participation ofthe lipid transporter ABCA1 and plasma
enzyme LCAT. Minimally lipidated ApoE in plasma interacts with ABCA1 (step 1) that is present inthe liver or other peripheral tissues. This
interaction promotes the lipidation of ApoE (step 2), which is then converted into a discoidal HDL-like particle through a sequence of steps
that are not yet well understood (step 3). Then, ApoE containing discoidal HDL-like particles are converted into spherical HDL by the action
of the plasma enzyme LCAT (step 4).
K. E. Kypreos et al. ApoE and obesity
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3T3-L1 cells provide some information on therole of
ApoE in preadipocyte differentiation and on ApoE
expression from mature adipocytes.
A study by Chiba et al. [38] provided the first direct
evidence that lipid-bound ApoE promotes preadipo-
cyte differentiation in a dose-dependent manner. Using
bone marrow stromal cells from ApoE-deficient
) ⁄ )
) mice and 3T3-L1 cells, these investigators
showed that ApoE-deficient VLDL failed to induce
adipogenesis, whereas normal VLDL promoted differ-
entiation of these cells into fat cells. Incubation of
ApoE-deficient VLDL with recombinant human ApoE
partially restored its ability to stimulate adipogenesis,
whereas the selective removal of ApoE from VLDL by
trypsin abolished the adipogenic activity of human
VLDL. When tetrahydrolipstatin, a potent lipoprotein
lipase inhibitor, was used in these experiments, it did
not alter the ability of ApoE-containing VLDL to pro-
mote adipogenesis, suggesting that hydrolysis of
VLDL triglycerides does not play a major rolein the
adipogenic effects of ApoE-containing VLDL. Simi-
larly, individual lipid components ofthe VLDL or free
fatty acids alone induced the expression of adipocyte-
specific genes but failed to generate adipocytes filled
with large lipid droplets, and this finding was inter-
preted as partial adipogenesis compared to the effects
of ApoE-containing VLDL.
Along the same lines, a study by Huang et al. [39]
suggested that the endogenous expression of ApoE
promotes lipid accumulation and adipocyte differentia-
tion in cell cultures. Specifically, adipocytes isolated
from ApoE-deficient mice contained lower levels of tri-
glyceride and free fatty acids compared to adipocytes
isolated from wild-type mice, and these differences
were also maintained in cultured adipocytes derived
from preadipocytes. During incubation with ApoE-
containing triglyceride-rich lipoproteins, ApoE-defi-
cient adipose tissue accumulated less triglycerides than
adipose tissue isolated from wild-type mice. Similarly,
a lack of ApoE expression in primary cultured adipo-
cytes led to changes inthe expression of genes involved
in the metabolism ⁄ turnover of fatty acids andthe tri-
glyceride droplet, whereas peroxisome proliferator-acti-
vated receptor gamma-mediated changes in lipid
content and gene expression were markedly altered in
cultured ApoE-deficient adipocytes. Interestingly, when
human ApoE3 was expressed by adenovirus-mediated
gene transfer in cultured adipocytes from ApoE-defi-
cient mice, it promoted the accumulation of triglyce-
rides and fatty acids inthe infected cells. This finding
is in agreement with a study by Zechner et al. [40] who
showed that ApoE expression in differentiating 3T3-L1
cells increases linearly with time in differentiation,
whereas the inhibition of lipid accumulation in differ-
entiated cells by biotin deprivation decreased ApoE
Interestingly, another set of experiments conducted
by Huang et al. [41] suggested that ApoE expression in
adipocytes was affected by the feeding state of the
mice that the tissue was derived from. ApoE expres-
sion was induced by fasting, whereas diet-induced
obesity or hyperphagia was associated with the
reduced expression of ApoE inthe adipose tissue.
Because other studies showed that ApoE-expression in
the adipose tissue promoted lipid accumulation and
adipocyte differentiation [39], one interpretation of the
results obtained by Huang et al. [41] is that intrinsic
defense mechanismsin adipose tissue limit adipogene-
sis by reducing the expression of ApoE inthe fed state.
Certainly, additional studies are required to determine
the roleof adipocyte-synthesized ApoE, and to distin-
guish between the functions of peripherally expressed
ApoE versus adipocyte expressed ApoE.
Studies in experimental mouse models
Despite the differences in anatomy, pathology, physiol-
ogy and metabolism between mice and humans, studies
in mice during the last few decades have provided
important leads with respect to the pathogenesis and
genetics of human metabolic diseases, including obes-
ity. A number of studies in experimental mouse models
have provided a definitive link between ApoE and
Work by Chiba et al. [38] demonstrated that leptin
deficient (ob ⁄ ob) mice that are also deficient in apoE
(ob ⁄ ob · ApoE
) ⁄ )
) did not show an increased body
weight or an increased amount of adipose tissue when
fed a high-fat ⁄ high-cholesterol diet, despite an increase
in their plasma VLDL levels. By contrast, control
ob ⁄ ob mice fed a high-fat ⁄ high-cholesterol diet for the
same period of time showed an increased body weight
and amount of adipose tissue, suggesting that ApoE is
a key modulator of adipogenesis in vivo.
In agreement with that study, Huang et al. [39]
reported that ApoE
) ⁄ )
mice have less body fat content
and smaller adipocytes compared to wild-type
C57BL ⁄ 6 controls. A study by Hofmann et al. [42] fur-
ther extended this observation by showing that
) ⁄ )
mice fed a high-fat-high-sucrose diabetogenic
diet for 24 weeks were resistant to diet-induced obesity
and exhibited improved glucose tolerance and uptake
by muscle and brown adipose tissue, whereas their
plasma insulin levels were lower compared to control
wild-type C57BL ⁄ 6 mice. The reduced body weight
and improved glycemic control ofthe ApoE
) ⁄ )
ApoE andobesity K. E. Kypreos et al.
5722 FEBS Journal 276 (2009) 5720–5728 ª 2009 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2009 FEBS
was accompanied by impaired plasma triglyceride
clearance and lipid uptake by adipose tissue. Direct
calorimetry studies did not reveal any significant differ-
ences in energy expenditure and respiratory quotient
between ApoE
) ⁄ )
and wild-type C57BL ⁄ 6 mice fed a
high-fat, high-sucrose diet for 24 weeks, suggesting
that, inthe absence of ApoE, decreased plasma lipid
delivery to insulin sensitive tissues improves insulin
sensitivity and prevents thedevelopmentof diet
induced obesity.
Using an approach similar to Chiba et al. [38], Gao
et al. [43] established that ApoE deficiency in Ay
⁄ +
mice prevented thedevelopmentof obesity, with
decreased fat accumulation inthe liver and adipose tis-
sues. Ay (also known as lethal yellow) is a mutation at
the mouse agouti locus in chromosome 2 that results
in a number of dominant pleiotropic effects, including
a yellow coat color, obesity, an insulin-resistant type II
diabetic condition, and an increased propensity to
develop a variety of spontaneous and induced tumors
[44]. The Ay mutation is the result of a 170 bp deletion
that removes all but the promoter and noncoding first
exon ofthe Raly gene, which lies inthe same transcrip-
tional orientation as agouti and maps 280 kb proximal
to the 3¢ end ofthe agouti gene [44]. Gao et al. [43]
generated ApoE-deficient Ay (ApoE
) ⁄ )
· Ay
⁄ +
) mice
and found that ApoE
) ⁄ )
· Ay
⁄ +
mice exhibited better
glucose tolerance than ApoE
+ ⁄ +
· Ay
⁄ +
whereas insulin tolerance testing and hyperinsulinemic-
euglycemic clamp analysis revealed a marked improve-
ment of insulin sensitivity in ApoE
) ⁄ )
· Ay
⁄ +
compared to ApoE
+ ⁄ +
· Ay
⁄ +
mice, despite an
increase in their plasma free fatty acid levels. When
these investigators used adenovirus-mediated gene
expression of ApoE in ApoE
) ⁄ )
· Ay
⁄ +
mice, ApoE
protein expression inthe plasma of these mice wors-
ened the glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity of the
) ⁄ )
· Ay
⁄ +
mice, and triggered obesity, indicat-
ing that circulating ApoE is involved in increased
adiposity and obesity-related metabolic disorders. Of
note, the uptake of ApoE-lacking VLDL into the liver
and adipocytes was markedly inhibited, although
adipocytes in ApoE
) ⁄ )
· Ay
⁄ +
mice exhibited normal
In a recent study from our laboratory [45], we
established that ApoE3
mice fed the standard
Western-type diet for 24 weeks were more sensitive
to diet-induced obesityandrelated metabolic dys-
functions than wild-type C57BL ⁄ 6 mice, whereas
) ⁄ )
mice were resistant to thedevelopment of
these conditions. Furthermore, deficiency in the
LDLr resulted in reduced sensitivity towards obesity
in response to a Western-type diet (Harlan-Teklad,
catalogue number TD 88137, Indianapolis, IN,
USA), raising the possibility that the effects of ApoE
may be mediated, at least in part, via its interactions
with the LDLr. Of note, ApoE3
mice had
lower steady-state plasma ApoE levels than C57BL ⁄ 6
mice, establishing that the difference inthe ability of
human ApoE3 and murine ApoE to promote obesity
in response to a high-fat diet may be the result of
intrinsic differences between these two peptides. Inter-
estingly, in our experiments, we did not observe sig-
nificant differences in plasma free fatty-acid levels
among mouse groups (ApoE3
versus C57BL ⁄ 6
versus LDLr
) ⁄ )
versus ApoE
) ⁄ )
), although previous
studies suggested that increased plasma levels of free
fatty acids are closely associated with obesity-induced
insulin resistance [46,47]. Daily food consumption of
the ApoE3
, C57BL ⁄ 6 and ApoE
) ⁄ )
mice was
similar among groups, suggesting that different
responses to a Western type diet could not be attrib-
uted to differences in appetite. It is quite interesting
that, in all our experiments, plasma cholesterol levels
correlated inversely with body weight gain and body
fat accumulation. Inthe ApoE
) ⁄ )
mice, failure to
clear chylomicron remnants because of a deficiency
in ApoE resulted in a steady increase in plasma cho-
lesterol levels and rendered these mice resistant to
diet-induced obesity. By contrast, inthe ApoE3
mice, the efficient catabolism of chylomicron rem-
nants resulted in only slightly elevated plasma choles-
terol levels, but promoted obesity, insulin resistance
and glucose intolerance. Similar to the ApoE3
mice, C57BL ⁄ 6 mice, which express the mouse ApoE,
developed only mild hypercholesterolemia, but
became obese and insulin resistant after consuming a
Western-type diet for 24 weeks. Direct measurements
of dietary lipid delivery to hepatic and adipose tissue
raised the possibility that chylomicron and VLDL
remnants containing the human ApoE3 isoform are
taken up more avidly by adipose tissue than the lipo-
proteins containing mouse ApoE.
There has been much discussion inthe medical com-
munity concerning theroleof inflammation in obesity.
In particular, although some studies suggest that
inflammation causes obesity, others present data
supporting the idea that inflammation is simply a
metabolic side-effect ofthe obese state. ApoE is long-
known to be an anti-inflammatory molecule [48], and
a deficiency in ApoE is considered to induce general
inflammation that leads to spontaneous atherosclerosis
in the ApoE
) ⁄ )
mice [49]. Thus, the resistance of
) ⁄ )
mice to developing diet-induced obesity may
support the theory that inflammation does not trigger
obesity, but rather it is the result of it.
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In our studies, we also found that LDLr
) ⁄ )
became more obese than ApoE
) ⁄ )
mice, yet less obese
than C57BL ⁄ 6 mice, raising the possibility that, in
addition to the LDLr, other ApoE-recognizing recep-
tors may also promote the deposition of postprandial
lipids to adipose tissue, thus contributing to diet-
induced obesityandrelated metabolic dysfunctions.
Thus, inthe absence of LDLr, other ApoE-recognizing
‘scavenger’ receptors, such as LDLr-related protein
(LRP1) and very low density lipoprotein receptor
(VLDLr) may promote, to some extent, delivery of
ApoE-containing chylomicron remnants to adipose tis-
sue. However, inthe case ofthe ApoE
) ⁄ )
mice that
lack the endogenous ApoE, all these ApoE-mediated
receptor processes may be blocked, and ApoE
) ⁄ )
become more resistant to body fat gaining compared
to LDLr
) ⁄ )
mice. Indeed, Hofmann et al. [50] showed
that adipocyte-specific inactivation ofthe multifunc-
tional receptor LRP1 in mice resulted in delayed post-
prandial lipid clearance, reduced body weight, smaller
fat stores, lipid-depleted brown adipocytes, improved
glucose tolerance and elevated energy expenditure as a
result of enhanced muscle thermogenesis. Furthermore,
inactivation of adipocyte LRP1 resulted in resistance
to dietary fat-induced obesityand glucose intolerance.
In another study by Gourdiaan et al. [51] VLDLr-defi-
cient mice were found to be resistant to diet-induced
obesity when fed a high-fat, high-calorie diet. Thus, it
is possible that, inthe absence of LDLr, remnant-
bound ApoE interacts with VLDLr or LRP1 present
on the surface of adipocytes [52,53] to facilitate the
lipolysis of VLDL-triglycerides by LpL [53] and possi-
bly the subsequent uptake of remnant particles by
ApoE-recognizing receptors [50].
In humans, ApoE has three natural isoforms: ApoE2,
ApoE3 and ApoE4 [3]. In vitro receptor binding studies
have established that lipid bound ApoE3 and ApoE4
have a similar affinity for the LDLr, whereas lipid
bound ApoE2 has a much lower affinity [54]. If the
effects of ApoE3 on obesity are mediated solely by its
lipid lowering potential via the LDLr and possibly other
ApoE recognizing receptors, it would be expected that
both ApoE3 and ApoE4 will predispose to a similar
extent to diet-induced obesityand insulin resistance in
mice, whereas ApoE2 may have a much lower potential
to promote these conditions. One study [55] investigated
the contribution ofthe natural human ApoE3 and
ApoE4 phenotypes inthedevelopmentofobesity and
other metabolic abnormalities in mice. ApoE3
and ApoE4
mice were fed Western-type diet for
8 weeks and, during this time, the sensitivity of these
mice towards thedevelopmentofobesityand glucose
tolerance was assessed. Analysis of total fat content
showed that ApoE3
mice had more total and
subcutaneous fat than ApoE4
mice at the end of
the 8-week period. However, although ApoE4
mice gained 30% less weight during the period on high-
fat diet compared to ApoE3 mice, they showed
impaired insulin-stimulated glucose uptake. Further-
more, epididymal adipocytes derived from ApoE4
mice were larger in size than those derived from
mice. When ApoE3 and ApoE4 were
expressed by adenovirus-mediated gene transfer in cul-
tures of ApoE-deficient adipocytes, only ApoE3 expres-
sion was able to significantly induce adiponectin
mRNA expression, and mobilize the glucose transporter
GLUT4, suggesting that ApoE3 but not ApoE4 expres-
sion interferes with insulin sensing pathways. On the
basis of these findings, it was concluded that, even
though ApoE3 expression leads to higher adipose tissue
mass in mice compared to ApoE4, qualitative differ-
ences inthe epididymal adipose tissue between the
and ApoE4
mice contribute to
the accelerated impairment of glucose tolerance in the
mice fed a Western-type diet for 8 weeks.
Although this study did not address the question of
how differences in receptor-mediated clearance of
ApoE-containing lipoproteins and possibly holoparticle
uptake may contribute to an ApoE isoform-dependent
sensitivity towards obesity, it raised the interesting pos-
sibility that metabolic dysfunctions such as impaired
glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity may be the
result of qualitative differences in fat depots present in
mice expressing different ApoE isoforms. Of course,
obesity and its related complications are chronic dys-
functions that develop over long periods of time. It is
possible that 8 weeks on a high-fat diet was too short a
period for ApoE3
and ApoE4
mice to
develop obesityand its related metabolic dysfunctions.
Thus, in future studies, it would be interesting to inves-
tigate whether the more obesity-prone ApoE3
mouse develops as severe or even more severe metabolic
dysfunctions compared to ApoE4
mice, when fed
a Western-type diet for 24 weeks or longer.
Shen et al. [56] suggested that brain apoE expression
reduces food intake in rats. Specifically, the intrecere-
broventricular injection of ApoE in rats decreased
their food intake, whereas intrecerebroventricular infu-
sion of ApoE anti-serum stimulated feeding. However,
in previous studies [38,43,45,55] that compared ApoE-
deficient with ApoE-expressing mice, there were no
significant changes in daily food intake between these
mouse groups. One possibility is that the peripheral
effects of ApoE predisposing to obesityin those
studies offset the brain-specific effects that reduced
food-intake inthe study by Shen et al. [56].
ApoE andobesity K. E. Kypreos et al.
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ApoE expression andobesity in
epidemiological studies
To date, there is no established link between ApoE-
deficiency andobesityin humans. Specifically, there
are no epidemiological studies comparing the sensi-
tivity towards obesityof ApoE-expressing versus
ApoE-deficient human subjects because ApoE-defi-
ciency is an extremely rare condition in humans.
However, mutations in ApoE that affect its func-
tions, including the natural ApoE polymorphism
(ApoE4, ApoE3 and ApoE4), appear to modulate
the ability ofthe protein to predispose to obesity.
Few studies have attempted to link different human
ApoE-isoforms to obesityandrelated metabolic
dysfunctions, although they have produced somewhat
conflicting results. Data from the Atherosclerosis
Risk in Communities (ARIC) study, which included
15 000 individuals, showed that ApoE-isoforms in
humans were associated with body mass index in the
order ApoE4 < ApoE3 < ApoE2 [57]. However,
another epidemiological study showed that, in older
women with a family history of diabetes, ApoE4 ⁄ 4
and ApoE3 ⁄ 4 phenotypes were correlated with
increased waist circumference andobesity [58]. Simi-
larly, in a Romanian epidemiological study compar-
ing control healthy individuals with obese patients
suffering from the metabolic syndrome, a higher
frequency ofthe epsilon 4 allele was found in
patients with metabolic syndrome [59].
Table 1. Studies in mouse models.
Study Animal models used Observed phenotype
Chiba et al. [38] ApoE
) ⁄ )
· Ob ⁄ Ob
versus Ob ⁄ Ob
ApoE-deficiency renders genetically predisposed leptin-deficient
(ob ⁄ ob) mice resistant to diet-induced obesity, mainly because
ApoE-containing VLDL promotes adipogenesis
Huang et al. [39]
Hofmann et al. [42]
C57BL ⁄ 6 versus ApoE
) ⁄ )
ApoE-deficient mice are leaner than their wild-type
counterparts, and resistant to diet-induced obesity, after 24 weeks of
being fed a Western-type diet
Gao et al. [43] ApoE
) ⁄ )
· Ay
⁄ +
versus Ay
⁄ +
ApoE-deficiency renders genetically predisposed Ay
⁄ +
mice resistant to
obesity mainly by limiting uptake of VLDL by adipose tissue
Karagiannides et al. [45] ApoE3
C57Bl ⁄ 6 versus LDLr
) ⁄ )
versus ApoE
) ⁄ )
ApoE promotes diet-induced obesityand insulin resistance, at
least in part, through its interactions with the LDLr, after 24 weeks of
being fed a Western-type diet. Human ApoE3 is more potent than
mouse ApoE in promoting diet-induced obesity
Hofmann et al. [50] Adipose tissue-specific LRP1
) ⁄ )
versus wild-type mice
Adipose tissue-specific deletion of LRP1 renders mice resistant to
diet-induced obesity by limiting postprandial lipid clearance
Gourdiaan et al. [51] VLDLr
) ⁄ )
versus wild-type mice Deletion of VLDLr renders mice resistant to diet-induced obesity
possibly by limiting LpL-mediated lipolysis of postprandial triglycerides
Arbones-Mainar et al. [55] ApoE3
ApoE3-expressing mice appear to be more sensitive to diet-induced
obesity but less prone to insulin resistance than ApoE4-expressing
mice, after 8 weeks of being fed a Western-type diet
A. Interactions with
B. Delivery of
dietary lipids
to the adipose tissue
of lipid-rich
in the
Development of :
a) Diet-induced obesit
b) Insulin resistance
c) Glucose intolerance
Fat cells
Fig. 2. Model for theroleof ApoE inthedevelopmentof diet-induced obesityin mice. Dietary lipids are packaged into chylomicrons in the
intestine and then secreted into the circulation (step 1) where they are partially lipolysed by plasma lipoprotein lipase and acquire ApoE (step
2). ApoE-containing chylomicron remnants then interact with receptors, such as LDLr, LRP1 and VLDLr, present on the surface of a number
of cells, including hepatocytes and adipocytes (step 3). This interaction promotes the delivery of dietary lipids to adipose tissue and leads to
diet-induced obesityandrelated metabolic dysfunctions (step 4). Inthe absence ofthe expression of ApoE or ApoE-recognizing receptors,
the delivery of dietary lipids to the adipose tissue is blocked (steps 3 and 4), resulting in resistance to diet-induced obesity.
K. E. Kypreos et al. ApoE and obesity
FEBS Journal 276 (2009) 5720–5728 ª 2009 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2009 FEBS 5725
In addition to its direct relation to body mass index
and obesity, the ApoE4 phenotype also appears to be
the link between obesityand abnormalities related to
glucose metabolism and diabetes. In obese men, the
expression ofthe ApoE4 isoform was correlated with
higher plasma insulin and glucose levels than in obese
men expressing the other ApoE phenotypes [60,61].
However, no such association between ApoE pheno-
type and insulin or glucose levels was observed in non-
obese men [60], whereas the association between
ApoE4 phenotype and insulin and glucose levels
became stronger with increasing body mass index
[60,61]. These findings again raise the interesting possi-
bility that, although hyperplastic types ofobesity may
be more extreme in individuals expressing other ApoE-
phenotypes, it is the hypertrophic adipocytes in indi-
viduals expressing ApoE4 that may lead to metabolic
dysfunctions, in terms of responses to insulin.
ApoE and obesity
ApoE has long been known to be atheroprotective,
mainly because of its ability to promote the removal
of atherogenic lipoproteins from the circulation and
the formation of ApoE-containing HDL particles
(Fig. 1). However, recent data on ApoE and obesity
(Table 1) show that, if excess dietary lipids are pres-
ent inthe circulation, this atheroprotective property
of ApoE may be counter-acted by the enhanced depo-
sition of dietary lipids to adipose tissue (Fig. 2),
which may be the result, at least in part, ofthe pres-
ence of ApoE-recognizing receptors on the surface of
adipocytes. In summary, the recently acquired kno-
wledge reported inthe literature identifies ApoE
expression as a key peripheral contributor to the
development ofobesityandrelated metabolic dysfunc-
This work was supported by the European Commu-
nity’s Seventh Framework Programme [FP7⁄ 2007-
2013] grant agreement PIRG02-GA-2007-219129 and
The University of Patras Karatheodoris research grant,
both awarded to K. E. Kypreos. We would like to
thank our statistician Mr E. E. Kypreos for his assis-
tance inthe preparation ofthe manuscript.
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. studies have established a direct correlation between obesity and the development of cardiovascular disease [36,37]. Despite the pivotal role of obesity and dyslipidemia in the development of the. lipo- protein transport system have not yet been investigated thoroughly. In this minireview, we focus on the current literature pertinent to the involvement of apolipoprotein E in the development of. abnormalities related to glucose metabolism and diabetes. In obese men, the expression of the ApoE4 isoform was correlated with higher plasma insulin and glucose levels than in obese men expressing the