UNIVERSITY OF PERADENIYA Peradeniya Sri Lanka REGISTRATION OF SUPPLIERS FOR THE YEAR 2013 UNIVERSITY OF PERADENIYA Applications are invited from suppliers who wish to register themselves
UNIVERSITY OF PERADENIYA Applications are invited from suppliers who wish to register themselves with the University of Peradeniya for the supply of under mentioned Goods / Services for the year 2013
If registration is sought for more than one category, separate applications should be sent for each category and all the applications to be sent in one envelope A non-refundable fee of Rs 1,000/= should be paid for the registration for each category by a Bank draft with the validity of 90 days, drawn in favour of “Bursar, University
of Peradeniya” The Bank draft should be accompanied with applications Cheques and Money Orders will not
be accepted Applications on the contrary will not be considered The University reserves the right to accept or reject any applications
Suppliers who have not responded to letters calling for quotations or defaulted or dishonored the orders awarded to them during the previous year will not be considered for registration for the year 2013 However, the decision of the University Procurement Committee regarding the suppliers’ registration will be the final Quotations will normally be called from the Registered Suppliers but, the University reserves the right to call quotations from other sources as well to obtain the competitive offers
Suppliers, those who wish to register themselves for the year 2013, should agree to offer credit facility at least for a period of 30 days The application should be prepared according to the specimen given below The envelope containing application marked “Application for Registration of Suppliers 2013” should be addressed
to the Registrar, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, be sent by Registered Post to reach to the Registrar on
A photocopy of the relevant Business Registration Certificate should be sent along with the applications
Categories of Goods and Services :
01 Stationery and Office Requisition :
(Ink, Ink Pads, Pins, Paper Clips, Staplers, Ball Point Pens, Pencils, Calculators,
Toner, Photocopying Papers, Duplicating Papers, Computer Papers, Typing
Sheets, Printing Papers and Thermal Papers etc.)
Item No
02 Office Equipment:
(Fax Machines, Photocopy Machines, Duplicating Machines, Laminating
machines, Typewriters and Overhead Projectors)
03 IT Equipment:
(Computers, Printers and UPSs, Multimedia Projectors,
Networking Accessories and other related Computer Peripherals etc.)
04 Steel Furniture:
(Filing Cabinets, Cupboards, Tables, Chairs, Racks etc.)
Trang 205 Wooden Furniture
06 Electrical Equipment:
(Fans, Ovens, Vacuum Cleaners, Floor Polishers, Air-conditioners,
Deep-Freezers, Hot Cupboards, Refrigerators and Water Cooler etc.)
07 Electronic Equipment:
(Television, Video recorders, Audio Equipment, Communication Sets,
CCTV, PABX and Intercom System etc.)
08 Electrical Goods and Accessories:
(Bulbs, Wires, Electricity Meters, Cables, Switches, Plug Bases, Plug tops,
Holders, Conduit Pipes etc.)
09 Engineering and Carpentry Tools, Agricultural Tools and Machinery, Water and
Drainage Equipment and Spares etc
16 Hardware Items:
(Steel, G.I Pipes, G.I Sheets, Wire Nails, Barbed Wires, G.I Dust Bins, Cement,
Asbestos Sheets, Glass Sheets etc.)
20 Laboratory Equipment
(Microscopes, Hematology/Chemistry analyzer etc.)
24 Cleaning material :
(Disinfectants, Soap, Industrial Soap and Air Fresheners etc.)
25 Safety Equipment :
(Fire protection equipment, Boots, Gloves etc.)
Trang 326 Tyres, Tubes and Batteries etc H-4
29 Bedding ( Bed Sheets, Bed covers, Pillow Cases etc.), Cloth for Uniforms,
Raincoats, Belts, Caps, Umbrellas etc
33 Repairs, Services and Maintenance of Laboratory Equipment (Medical,
Dental, Science, Agriculture and Engineering Lab equipment)
34 Repairs, Services and Maintenance of Refrigerators, Deep-freezers,
Air-conditioners, Auto Air-conditioners and other Electrical appliances
35 Repairs, Services and Maintenance of Computers, Printers, Scanners and other
computer peripherals etc
36 Repairs, Services and Maintenance of Equipment (Typewriters, Calculators,
Photocopiers and other Office Machinery etc.)
41 Hiring of Construction Equipment (i.e JCB, Excavator, Compressor etc )
(from Kandy area)
42 Hiring of Vehicles (Busses/Lorries,/Vans/ Cars, Gully Vehicles etc.,)
(from Kandy area)
Further details, if necessary, could be obtained from the Asst Bursar/Local Supplies on Telephone Number 081-2392415
Trang 4Specimen Application for Registration as a Supplier University of Peradeniya – 2013
1) Name of Organization :- ………
2) Address of Organization :- ………
3) Contact Number :- Telephone No/s : ………
Fax Number No/s : ………
E-mail : ………
4) Nature of Business Organization (Whether a Government Owned Venture, Corporation, Institution, Sole Proprietor, Partnership or Limited Company, People’s Company or a Business Firm) :- ………
5) Name of the Owner :- ………
6) Whether Manufacturer, Sole Importer, Sole Agent, Sole Distributor or Stockists etc., :- ………
7) Nature of Business :- ………
8) Business Registration Number and Registered Business :- ………
9) Name of Bankers and Account Numbers (Suppliers who don’t have Bank Account will not be registered) :- ………
10) Turnover Tax Number :- ………
11) VAT Number :- ………
12) Item Number/s for which registration is sought :- ………
13) Whether, agreeable to give 30 days’ credit facility :- ………
14) Other available facilities, transportation, storage etc., :- ………
15) Quotations will normally be called from the Registered Suppliers but the University reserves the right to call quotations from other sources as well to obtain the competitive offers A copy of the Business Registration Certificate and a Bank Draft No
for the value of Rs are annexed ………
Signature of Applicant Date: ………
Trang 5fmardfoKsh jsYajjsoHd,h fmardfoKsh jsYajjsoHd,h 2013
2013 jrAIh i|yd iemhquzlrejka ,shdmosxps lsrSujrAIh i|yd iemhquzlrejka ,shdmosxps lsrSujrAIh i|yd iemhquzlrejka ,shdmosxps lsrSu fmardfoKsh jsYajjsoHd,hg 2013 jrAIh ;=< my; ioZyka NdKav yd fiajdjka iemhSu i|yd fj<| wdh;k mqoa.,hska yd fldka;%d;a lrejkaf.ka wh\quzm;a le|jkq ,efnz’
tla tla LdKavh fjkqfjka ,shdmosxps jSu ioZyd fjk fjku whoquzm;a bosrsm;a l, hq;= w;r iEu whoquzm;la ioZydu re’ 1000$-l kej; fkdf.jk ;ekam;=jla ;ensh hq;=h’ fuu ;ekam;a uqo,
jsYajjsoHd,h” kuska ,nd.;a osk 90 la j,x.= nexl= wKlrhla u.Zska muKla f.jsh hq;=h’ nexl=
wKlrh whoquzm;a iu.Z tjsh hq;= w;r ish,qu whoquzm;a tlu ,sms ljrhl nyd tjsh hq;=h’ ;ekam;= i|yd fplam;a” uqo,a weKjquz Ndr.kq fkd,efnz’fplam;a” uqo,a weKjquz Ndr.kq fkd,efnz’fplam;a” uqo,a weKjquz Ndr.kq fkd,efnz’ fuu fldkafoAish W,a,x>kh lrk iemhquzlrejkaf.a whoquzm;a i,ld fkdnef,a’ TzkEu whoquzm;la ms<s.ekSfuz fyda m%;slafIam lsrSfuz mQrAK whs;sh jsYajjsoHd,h i;=h’
fmr jir i|yd ,shdmosxps iemhquzlrejka 2013 jir i|yd ,shdmosxpsh whoquz lsrSfuzoS 2012 jifrA jsYajjsoHd,fhka ksl=;a l< weKjquz $ us< leoZjSuz iuznkaOfhka iemhquzlrejka meyer yer fyda lr we;akuz 2013 jrAIh ioZyd ,shdmosxps lrkq fkd,efnz’ flfia kuq;a iemhquzlrejka ,shdmosxps lsrSu iuznkaOfhka jsYajjsoHd, m%iuzmdok lusgqj jsiska kq ,nk ;SrKh wjika ;SrKh jkq we;’ NdKav
iy fiajd i|yd us< le|jSuz idudkHfhka ,shdmosxps jQ iemhquzlrejkaf.ka lrkq ,enqjo ;r.ZldrS us<la ,nd ekSug wjYH jQ jsg fjk;a iemhquzlrejkaf.ka o us< Kka ,nd ekSfuz whs;sh fmardfoKsh jsYajjsoHd,h i;=h’
2013 jir i|yd ,shdmosxps jk iemhquzlrejka wju jYfhka osk 30 l ld,hla i|yd Kh myiqluz imhd oSug tl.Z jshhq;=h’ fuys my;ska oelafjk wdlD;sh wkqj ilia l< whoquzm;a iuzmQrAK lr ,sms
ljrhl nyd “f,aLldOsldrSf,aLldOsldrSf,aLldOsldrS”””” fmardfoKsh jsYajjsoHd,h” fmardfoKshfmardfoKsh jsYajjsoHd,h” fmardfoKshfmardfoKsh jsYajjsoHd,h” fmardfoKsh” hk ,smskhg 2012 fkdjeuznrA 15
fjks oskg fyda Bg m%:u ,efnk fia ,shdmosxps ;emEf,ka f,aLldOsldrS fj; tjsh hq;=h’ ,sms ljrfha juz
mi by< fl,jfrA “2012012013333 jir ioZyd iemhquzlrejka ,shdmoxszps lsrSujir ioZyd iemhquzlrejka ,shdmoxszps lsrSujir ioZyd iemhquzlrejka ,shdmoxszps lsrSu” hkqfjka ioZyka l, hq;=h’
;jo jHdmdrfha ,shdmosxps iy;slfha msgm;la whoquzm;g wuqKd tjsh hq;=h’
Trang 6iemhquz yd fiajdjka LdKav (uz yd fiajdjka LdKav (uz yd fiajdjka LdKav (
01’ ,sms o%jH yd wfkl=;a ldrAhd,Sh o%jH(
;Ska;” ;Ska; mEvz” w,afmfk;a;s” weuqKquz lgq” iafgzma,rA” fnda,afmdhskagz
mEka iy mekai,a” >Kl hka;%” fgdakrA jrA.” Pdhd msgm;a lvodis” wkq
msgm;a lvodis” mrs>Kl lvodis” h;=re,shk lvodis” uqo%K lvodis iy
;rAu,a lvodis hkdosh&
whs;u wxlh wxlh A-1
02’ ldrAhd,Sh WmlrK (
^*elaia hka;%” Pdhd msgm;a hka;%” frdaksfhda hka;%” ,eusfkagska hka;%”
idudkH h;=re,shk yd Overhead Projectors hkdosh)
^mrs>Kl hka;%” mrs>Kl uqo%K hka;%” U.P.S, Multimedia
Projectors, mrs>Kl Wmdx we;=,qj mrs>Kl uDoqldx.&
05’ ,S nvq
06’ jsoHq;a WmlrK (
^jsoq,s mxld” jsoq,s Woqka” jel=uz la,Skr”A fmd,sIrA” jdhq iuSlrK” wOsYS;lrK”
fydgz lngz” YS;lrK” fjdagrA l+,rA hkdosh&
07’ bf,lafg%dksla WmlrK (
^rEmjdyskS hka;%” jSvsfhda frfldavrAia” Y%jH hka;%” ixksfjzok hka;%”
CCTV, PABX and Intercom System)
08’ jsoq,s NdKav yd Wmdx
^jsoq,s nqnq,q” jsoq,s /yeka” jsoq,s uSgrA jrA.” flan,a” iajspz jrA.” ma,.a fnziiaa”
ma,.a fgdmaia” fyda,avrA” lkavshqgz mhsmam hkdosh&
16’ f.dvke.s,s o%jH (Hardware items)
^hlv” cS’ whs’ mhsmam” cS’ whs’ ISgz” weK” lgqluzns” cS’ whs’ li, noqka”
isfuka;s” weianeiagia ISgzia” jSoqre ISgz hkdosh&
Trang 717’ oej iy brk ,o ,S” ksIamdokh lrk ,o fodrj,a hkdosh’ E-5
24’ msrsisoq lrk o%jH (
^jsInSc kdYl” inka” lrAudka; Yd,d ioZyd Ndjs;d lrk inka”
thrA fm%IAkia hkdosh&
ks< we|quz i|yd fros’ jeys lnd” bfka n|sk mgs” lema f;dmams”
l=v hkdosh’
H -7
Trang 838’ jdyk w:Z;ajevshd lsrSu - ldrA” f,drs” nia” h;=remeos hkdosh ^fmgzr,a” vSi,a& I -8
jevsoqr jsia;r ioZyd fmardfoKsh jsYajjsoHd,fha foaYSh iemhSuz wxYfha iyldr uQ,HdOsldrS wu;kak’ oqrl:k wxlh ( 081-2392415’
fmardfoKsh jsYajjsoHd,h
fmardfoKsh jsYajjsoHd,h
Trang 9fmardfoKsh jsYajjsoHd,fha 2013 fmardfoKsh jsYajjsoHd,fha 2013 jirg iemhquzlrefjl= f,ijirg iemhquzlrefjl= f,ijirg iemhquzlrefjl= f,i
,shdmosxps jSug wdorAY whoquz m;%h ,shdmosxps jSug wdorAY whoquz m;%h
01’ jHdmdr wdh;kfha ku (- ‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ 02’ jHdmdr wdh;kfha ,smskh (-‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ ‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ 03’ weu;=uz wxl (- oqrl:k wxl ( ‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’
*elaia wxl ( ‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’
Bfuz,a wxl ( ‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’
iud.ula o” ck;d iud.ula o hk nj & (- ‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ 05’ whs;slref.a ku (- ‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’
o hkdoS jsia;r (- ‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’
07’ jHdmdr fCIa;%h (- ‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’
08’ jHdmdrfha ,shdmosxps wxlh yd ,shdmosxps jHdmdrfha iajNdj (- ‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’
^iemhquzlref.a$jHdmdr wdh;kfha m%Odk jHdmdr fCI;%h i|yka l< hq;=h&’
09’ sKquz mj;ajdf.k hkq ,nk nexl=j$nexl= yd sKquz wxl ( ‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’
^nexl= sKqula fkdue;s iemhquz lrejka ,shdmosxps lrkq fkd,efnz&
10’ msrsjegquz noq ,smsf.dkq wxlh (- ‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’
11’ tl;= l< w.h u; noq wxlh ^VAT& (-‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’
12’ ,shdmosxps jSug wfmaCId lrk NdKav$iemhquz$wxlh$wxl (- ‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’
hk j (- ‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’
14’ fjk;a myiqluz” m%jdykh” nvd myiqluz wdosh (- ‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’
;r.ZldrS us<la ,nd ekSug wjYH jQ jsg fjk;a iemhquzlrejkaf.ka o us< Kka ,nd ekSfuz whs;sh fmardfoKsh jsYajjsoHd,h i;=h’
jHdmdrh ,shdmosxps lsrSfuz iy;slfha msgm;la yd re’ ‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ ioZyd jk wxl ‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ orK nexl= wKlrh wuqKd we;’
oskh ( ‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’